CalEPPC A quarterly publication of the California News Exotic Pest Plant Council Volume 7 Numbers 3/4 Summer/Fall 1999 IN THIS ISSUE Presidents Message Mike Pitcairn ..................... p. 3 Ecology & Management of Alien Annual Plants in the California Deserts Matt Brooks & Kristin Berry p. 4 Where the Wild Weeds Are Tamara Kan ...................... p. 7 Weed Management Areas Steve Schoenig .................. p. 9 The Role of Herbicies in Preserving Biodiversity Jake Sigg ........................ p. 10 Elizabeth Brooks holding huge Brassica tournefortii, Kramer Hills, San Bernardino. Photo by Matt Brooks CalEPPC News Who We Are 2000 CalEPPC Officers and CalEPPC NEWS is published quarterly Board Members by the California Exotic Pest Plant Council, a non-profit organization. The Officers objects of the organization are to: President Mike Kelly email: <
[email protected]> Vice-president Joe DiTomaso email: <
[email protected]> j provide a focus for issues and Secretary Anne Knox email: <
[email protected]> concerns regarding exotic pest Treasurer Sally Davis email: <
[email protected]> plants in California; Past-president Mike Pitcairn email; <
[email protected]> j facilitate communication and the At-large Board Members exchange of information regarding Joe Balciunas* email: <
[email protected]> all aspects of exotic pest plant Matt Brooks email: <
[email protected]> control and management; Carla Bossard* email: <
[email protected]> Tom Dudley email: <
[email protected]> Jodie Holt email: <
[email protected]> j