Protein structure prediction bioinformatics pdf

Continue Go to the main content In this article lead section to be expanded. Please consider expanding the lead to provide an accessible overview of all important aspects of the article. (February 2017) Composite amino acids can be analyzed to predict the secondary, tertiary and quay structure of the protein. Predicting the structure of a protein is the output of the three-dimensional structure of a protein from its amino acid sequence, i.e. predicting its folding and its secondary and tertiary structure from its primary structure. Predicting structure is fundamentally different from the reverse problem of protein design. Protein structure prediction is one of the most important goals to ride bioinformatics and theoretical chemistry; this is very important in medicine (e.g. drug development) and biotechnology (e.g. in the development of new enzymes). Every two years, the effectiveness of modern methods is assessed in the CASP (Critical Assessment of Protein Structure Forecasting Methods). A continuous assessment of the web servers predicting the structure of the protein is carried out by the community project CAMEO3D. Protein structure and terminology Protein chains of amino acids combined with peptide bonds. Many conformations of this chain are possible because of the rotation of the chain around each atom C. It is these conformal changes responsible for differences in the three-dimensional structure of proteins. Each amino acid in the polar chain, i.e. it separates positive and negative charged regions with a free carbonyl group that can act as a host of hydrogen bonds and the NH group, which can act as a donor to hydrogen bonds. Thus, these groups can interact in the structure of the protein. 20 amino acids can be classified according to lateral chain chemistry, which also plays an important structural role. Glycine occupies a special position, as it has the slightest side chain, only one hydrogen atom, and therefore can increase local flexibility in the structure of the protein. Cysteine, on the other hand, can react with another residue of cysteine and thus form a cross-bond of stabilization of the entire structure. The protein structure can be considered as a sequence of secondary structure elements, such as α helices and β sheets, which together make up the overall three-dimensional configuration of the protein chain. In these secondary structures, regular H-link patterns are formed between neighboring amino acids, and amino acids have similar Φ and Ψ angles. The communication angles for Φ and ψ The formation of these structures neutralizes the polar groups on each amino acid. The secondary structures are tightly packed into the protein core in a hydrophobic environment. Each amino acid lateral group has a limited volume to occupy and a limited number of possible interactions with other nearby side chains, the situation should be taken into account in molecular modeling and alignment. In the α Helix Main: α spiral α spiral is the most common type of secondary protein structure. In α has 3.6 amino acids per turn with H bond formed between every fourth residue; The average length is 10 amino acids (3 turns) or 10, but ranges from 5 to 40 (1.5 to 11 turns). The alignment of H bonds creates a dipole moment for the spiral with a partial positive charge at the amino end of the spiral. Because this region has free NH2 groups, it will interact with negatively charged groups such as phosphates. The most common place α on the surface of protein nuclei where they provide an interface with an aqueous environment. The inside of the spiral tends to have hydrophobic amino acids and external lateral hydrophilic amino acids. Thus, one third of the four amino acids along the chain are usually hydrophobic, a pattern that can be quite easily detected. In the motif of lightning leucine, the repetitive pattern of leucines on the sides of the cladding of two adjacent gels very predicts the motive. In order to show this repetition, you can use a heliko-wheeled plot. Other α found in the protein nucleus or in cell membranes have a higher and regular distribution of hydrophobic amino acids and are highly predictable. The gels on the surface have a lower proportion of hydrophobic amino acids. The amino acid content can predict α area. Regions richer in alanine (A), glutamic acid (E), leucine (L) and methionine (M) and poorer in proline (P), glycine (G), tyrosine (Y) and serina (S) tend to form a spiral α. Proline destabilizes or breaks α spirals, but can be present in longer lycolins, forming a bend. Alpha spiral with hydrogen bonds (yellow dots) β sheet Main article: β sheet β sheets formed H connections between an average of 5-10 consecutive amino acids in one part of the chain with the other 5-10 further down the chain. Interacting regions can be adjacent, with a short cycle between them or far apart, with other structures between them. Each chain can work in one direction to form a parallel sheet, any other chain can work in the opposite chemical direction to form an anti parallel sheet, or the chains can be parallel and anti parallel to form a mixed sheet. The H communication pattern differs in parallel and anti-parallel configurations. Each amino acid in the inner strands of the leaf forms two H-links with neighboring amino acids, while each amino acid on the outer strands forms only one connection with the internal filament. Looking across the sheet at right angles to the strands, the more distant strands rotate a little counterclockwise to form Twist. THE ATOMs alternate above and below the sheet in a pleated pleated and R side groups of amino acids alternate above and below the crease. The angles Φ and Ψ amino acids in the sheets vary considerably in one region of the Ramachandran area. Predicting the location of these sheets is more difficult β than α hedicates. The situation improves somewhat when amino acid changes in multiple alignment sequences are taken into account. Loop loops are regions of the protein chain that are 1) between α helices and β sheets, 2) different lengths and three-dimensional configurations, and 3) on the surface of the structure. The stud loops that represent a complete twist in the polypeptide chain attaching two β strands can be as short as two amino acids in length. Loops interact with the surrounding aqueous environment and other proteins. Since the amino acids in the loops are not limited to space and the environment, like amino acids in the main area, and do not affect the location of secondary structures in the nucleus, there may be more substitutions, inserts and removals. Thus, when the sequence is aligned, the presence of these functions can be a sign of a loop. The positions of the introns in the genomic DNA sometimes correspond to the location of the loops in the encoded protein. Loops also tend to have charged and polar amino acids and are often a component of active sites. A detailed study of cyclical structures has shown that they fall into separate families. The coil area is a secondary structure that is not α a spiral, β sheet, or a recognizable turn commonly referred to as a coil. Protein classification of proteins can be classified according to structural similarity and sequence. For structural classification, the dimensions and spatial mechanisms of the secondary structures described in the above paragraph are compared in known three-dimensional structures. The classification, based on the similarity of the sequence, has historically been the first one to be used. Initially, similarities were performed, based on alignment of whole sequences. Later proteins were classified based on the appearance of preserved amino acid models. Databases are available by classifying proteins by one or more of these schemes. When considering protein classification patterns, it is important to keep in mind several observations. First, two completely different protein sequences from different evolutionary sources can develop into a similar structure. Conversely, the sequence of the ancient gene for this structure may have diverged significantly in different species while maintaining the same basic structural features. Recognizing any remaining similarity of consistency in such cases can be a very difficult task. Second, the two proteins, which have a significant degree of sequence similarity either to each other or to a third sequence, also have an evolutionary origin and should function as well. However, gene duplication and genetic permutations in the evolutionary process can lead to new copies of genes, which can then turn into proteins with a new function and structure. Terms used to classify protein structures and sequences are more commonly used terms for evolutionary and structural relationships between proteins listed below. Many additional terms are used for different types of structural features found in proteins. Descriptions of these terms can be found on the CATH website, on the Structural Protein Classification website (SCOP) and in the Glaxo Wellcome tutorial on The Swiss Bioinformatics website Expasy. Active location is a localized combination of amino acid lateral groups in a tertiary (three-dimensional) or four-dimensional (protein sub-edinice) structure that can interact with a chemically specific substrate and which provides protein biological activity. Proteins of very different amino acid sequences can add up to a structure that produces the same active site. Architecture is the relative orientation of secondary structures in a three-dimensional structure without considering whether they have a similar cycle structure. Fold (topology) a type of architecture that also has a saved cycle structure. Blocks are a preserved amino acid sequence in a family of proteins. The template includes a number of possible overlaps at each position in the sequences presented, but there are no inserted or deleted positions in the pattern or in the sequences. In contrast, sequence profiles are a type of scoring matrix that is a similar set of templates that includes insertion and removal. Class is a term used to classify protein domains according to their secondary structural content and organization. Four classes were originally recognized by Levitt and Chotia (1976), and several others were added to the SCOP database. The CATH database provides three classes, mostly α, mostly β and α-β, with a class of α-β that includes both alternating α/β structures and α-β. The nucleus is part of a folded protein molecule that includes a hydrophobic interior α and β-leaf. The compact structure combines the lateral groups of amino acids in close proximity so that they can interact. When comparing protein structures, as in the SCOP database, the nucleus is a region common to most structures that have a common fold or which are in the same superfacumular. In predicting structure, the nucleus is sometimes defined as the location of secondary structures that are likely to be preserved during evolutionary changes. Domain (context of sequence) is a segment of the polypeptide chain that can fold into a three- dimensional structure regardless of the presence of other segments of the chain. Separate areas protein can actively interact or can only be connected by the length of the length polypeptide chain. A protein with multiple domains can use these domains to interact functionally with different molecules. Family (context sequence) group of proteins of similar biochemical function, which are more than 50% identical at alignment. The same reduction is still used by protein information resource (PIR). The protein family consists of proteins with the same function in different organisms (spelling sequences), but can also include proteins in the same organism (paralogical sequences) derived from gene duplication and permutations. If multiple family protein alignment sequences show a general level of similarity along the entire length of proteins, PIR refers to the family as a homeomorphic family. The aligned region is called a homeomorphic domain, and this region may consist of several small homological domains that are shared with other families. Families can be further divided into sub-familys or grouped into super-familys based on appropriate higher or lower levels of similarity sequences. The SCOP database reports 1,296 families and a CATH database (version 1.7 beta), reports 1846families. When protein sequences with the same function are examined in more detail, some are in a high similarity sequence. It is obvious that, according to the above criteria, they are members of the same family. However, others found to have very little, or even minor, consistency of similarities with other family members. In such cases, family relationships between two distant family members A and C can often be demonstrated by finding an additional family member B, which bears significant similarities to both A and C. So B provides a link between A and C. Another approach is to study remote alignments for highly sneering matches. At the 50% identity level, the proteins probably have the same three-dimensional structure, and identical atoms in the alignment of the sequence are also superimposed within approximately 1 to in the structural model. Thus, if the structure of one family member is known, a reliable prognosis can be made for the second member of the family, and the higher the level of identity, the more reliable the forecast. Protein structural modeling can be performed by studying how well amino acid replacements fit into the nucleus of a three-dimensional structure. Family (structural context) used in the FSSP database (Families structurally similar proteins) and the DALI/FSSP website are two structures that have a significant level of structural similarity, but not necessarily a significant similarity of sequence. The fold is similar to a structural motif, includes a wider combination of secondary structural units in the same configuration. Thus, the proteins that divide the same fold, have the same combination of secondary structures that are connected by similar loops. An example would be Rossman Rossman consists of several α gels and parallel β filaments. In SCOP, CATH and FSSP databases, known protein structures have been classified at hierarchical levels of structural complexity with crease as a baseline classification. Homologous domain (context of sequence) is an extended sequence pattern, usually found by sequence alignment methods, indicating a common evolutionary origin among aligned sequences. Domain homology is usually more than motives. The domain may include all given protein sequences or only part of the sequence. Some areas are complex and consist of several small areas of homology that have combined to form a larger area during evolution. The domain that covers the entire sequence is called the homeomorphic domain PIR (Protein Information Resource). The module of the area of preserved amino acid models, including one or more motifs and is considered a fundamental unit of structure or function. The presence of the module is also used to classify proteins in families. Motive (context of sequence) is a preserved pattern of amino acids, which is contained in two or more proteins. In the Prosite catalog, the motif of the amino acid is a pattern that is found in a group of proteins that have similar biochemical activity, and that is often found near the active protein site. Examples of sequence motive databases include the Prosite catalog and the Stanford Motive Database. Motive (structural context) is a combination of several secondary structural elements produced by folding adjacent polypeptide circuit sites into a specific three-dimensional configuration. An example is the spiral-loop-spiral motif. Structural motifs are also called super-century structures and folds. A scoring matrix with a specific position (a sequence context, also known as a weight or scoring matrix) is a saved area in a repeated alignment of the sequence without gaps. Each matrix column represents a variation found in a single column aligning multiple sequences. The position of the specific scoring matrix-3D (structural context) represents amino acid changes found in the alignment of proteins that fall into the same structural class. Matrix columns represent amino acid variations found in one amino acid position in aligned structures. The primary structure of the linear amino acid sequence of the protein, which is chemically polypeptide chain consisting of amino acids connected by peptide bonds. Profile (context of sequence) scoring matrix, representing several alignment sequences of the protein family. The profile usually comes from a well-preserved region in several sequence alignments. Profile in the form with each column representing the alignment position and each line of one of the amino acids. The values of the matrix make it likely that each amino acid in the appropriate position in the The profile moves through the target sequence to find the best scoring areas on a dynamic programming algorithm. Gaps are allowed during the comparison and the penalty gap is included in this case as a negative score when no amino acid matches. The sequence profile can also be represented by a hidden Markov model called the HMM profile. Profile (structural context) is a scoring matrix that represents which amino acids should fit well and which should fit poorly into consistent positions in the known protein structure. Profile columns represent a consistent position in the structure, and profile lines represent 20 amino acids. As with the sequence profile, the structural profile moves along the target sequence to find the highest possible alignment score by a dynamic programming algorithm. Spaces can be included and get fined. The resulting score gives an idea of whether the target protein can adopt such a structure. The quadrangle structure is a three-dimensional configuration of a protein molecule consisting of several independent polypeptide chains. The secondary structure of interactions that occur between groups C, O and NH on amino acids in the polypeptide chain to form α-helics, β-lists, turns, loops and other forms, and which facilitate folding into a three-dimensional structure. The super-family group of protein families of the same or different lengths, which are associated with a distant but detectable similarity of sequence. Thus, the members of this super-family have a common evolutionary origin. Initially, Dayhoff defined the cutoff for super-family status as a chance that the sequences are not tied 10 6, on the basis of the alignment score (Dayhoff et al. 1978). Proteins with multiple identities in alignment sequences, but with a convincingly total number of structural and functional features are placed in the same super-family. At the level of three-dimensional structure, super-semaic proteins will have common structural features, such as a common fold, but there may also be differences in the number and location of secondary structures. The PIR resource uses the term homeomorphic superfemiks to refer to superfemilia, which consist of sequences that can be aligned from end to end, which are a sharing of a single sequence of domain homology, an area of similarity that extends throughout the alignment. This area may also include smaller areas of homology that are shared with other families of protein and superphemy. Although a given protein sequence may contain domains found in several superfamilies, thus showing a complex evolutionary history, sequences will be assigned to only one homeomorphic superfamily based on presence throughout in multiple sequence alignment. Superfies can also include regions that are not aligned either inside or at the ends of the alignment. Alignment. contrast, sequences in one family are well aligned throughout the alignment. The supersecond structure of the term with a similar meaning to the structural motive. The tertiary structure is a three-dimensional or globular structure formed by packing together or folding secondary structures of the polypeptide chain. Secondary Structure Home article: A list of protein secondary program forecasting structures Secondary forecast structure is a set of techniques in bioinformatics that aim to predict local secondary protein structures based only on knowledge of their amino acid sequence. For proteins, the prognosis consists of assigning regions of amino acid sequence as probable alpha-helics, beta fila (often noted as advanced conformations), or turns out. The success of the forecast is determined by comparing it with the results of the DSSP algorithm (or similar, for example, STRIDE), applied to the crystalline structure of the protein. Specialized algorithms have been developed to detect specific well-defined patterns, such as transmembrane gels and coils in proteins. The best modern methods of secondary forecasting structure in proteins reach about 80% accuracy; This high accuracy allows predictions to be used as a function to improve fold recognition and prediction of the structure of the ab initio protein, classify structural motifs and refine sequence alignments. The accuracy of modern protein secondary structure forecasting techniques is assessed in weekly tests such as LiveBench and EVA. Reference early methods for predicting the secondary structure, introduced in the 1960s and early 1970s, focused on identifying probable alpha-helicates and were based mainly on spiral coil transition models. Significantly more accurate projections, which included beta sheets, were introduced in the 1970s and were based on statistical estimates based on probability parameters derived from known solved structures. These methods applied to a single sequence are usually no more than 60-65% accurate, and are often underpredict beta sheets. Evolutionary preservation of secondary structures can be used by simultaneously assessing many homologous sequences in repeated alignment of the sequence, by calculating the pure secondary structure of the propensity of the aligned column of amino acids. Due to larger databases of known protein structures and modern machine learning techniques such as neural networks and vector support machines, these methods can achieve up to 80% of total accuracy in globous proteins. The theoretical upper accuracy limit is about 90%, partly due to features in the designation of the DSSP near the ends of secondary structures, where local conformations vary in native conditions but may be forced to take on unified conformation in crystals due to packaging restrictions. Restrictions are also imposed by secondary secondary The inability to predict the accounting of the tertiary structure; for example, a sequence predicted as a likely spiral may still be able to accept beta filaforming if it is in the beta-leaf area of the protein, and its side chains are well packed with their neighbors. Dramatic conformal changes associated with protein function or environment can also alter the local secondary structure. The historical perspective to date has developed more than 20 different methods of secondary forecasting of the structure. One of the first algorithms was the Chow Fasman method, which relies primarily on probability parameters determined from the relative frequency of each amino acid in each type of secondary structure. Chow-Fasman's original parameters, based on a small sample of structures decided in the mid-1970s, produce poor results compared to modern methods, although the parameterization has been updated since its first publication. The Chow-Fasman method is about 50-60% accurate in predicting secondary structures. The next notable program was the GOR method, named after the three scientists who developed it - Garnier, Osguthorpe and Robson, a method based on information theory. It uses a more powerful probabilistic technique of Bayesian output. The GOR method takes into account not only the probability that each amino acid has a specific secondary structure, but also the conditional probability that the amino acid will take over each structure, taking into account the contribution of its neighbors (it does not assume that the neighbors have the same structure). This approach is more sensitive and more accurate than that of Chow and Fasman, as amino acid structural tendencies are only strong for a small amount of amino acids such as proline and glycine. A weak contribution from each of the many neighbors can add up to strong effects in general. The original GOR method was about 65% accurate and significantly more successful in predicting alpha-helicates than beta sheets, which it often misread as loops or disorganized regions. Another big step forward was the use of machine learning techniques. The first methods of artificial neural networks were used. As training kits, they use resolved structures to determine the general motives of the sequence related to specific mechanisms of secondary structures. These methods are more than 70% accurate in their predictions, although beta filament is still often under-predicted due to the lack of 3D structural information that would allow the assessment of hydrogen communication models that may contribute to the advanced conformation required for the availability of a full beta sheet. PSIPRED and JPRED are some of the most well-known neural network-based programs for predicting the secondary structure of protein. Next, vector machines have proven to be particularly useful for predicting location location turns that are difficult to equate with statistical methods. Expansions in machine learning techniques try to predict the more fine-grained local properties of proteins such as main-needle angles in an unconcomlished region. Both SVMs and neural networks have been applied to this problem. More recently, the real angles of the Xerzion can be accurately predicted by SPINE-X and successfully used to predict the structure of ab initio. Other improvements are reported that in addition to protein sequences, the secondary formation of the structure depends on other factors. For example, it is reported that secondary structure trends depend also on the local environment, the availability of residue solvent, the 19 type of protein structure, and even the organism from which proteins are derived. Based on such observations, some studies have shown that secondary structure prediction can be improved by adding information about the structural protein class as well as information about contact numbers. The tertiary structure The practical role of predicting the protein structure is now more important than ever. Massive amounts of protein sequence data are produced by modern large-scale DNA sequencing efforts, such as the Human Genome Project. Despite efforts in structural genomics in general at the community level, the release of experimentally defined protein structures, usually due to labor-intensive and relatively expensive X-ray crystallography or JMR spectroscopy, lags far behind the production of protein sequences. Predicting the structure of the protein remains extremely difficult and unresolved. The two main challenges are calculating protein-free energy and finding a global minimum for that energy. The method of predicting the structure of the protein should explore the space of possible protein structures that are astronomically large. These problems can be partially circumvented in comparative or homological modeling and fold recognition techniques, in which the search space is trimmed by the assumption that the protein in question adopts a structure close to the experimentally defined structure of another homologous protein. On the other hand, methods of predicting the structure of the protein de novo or ab initio should clearly solve these problems. Advances and challenges in predicting protein structure were addressed in Chang 2008. Before modeling the most tertiary methods of modeling structures, such as Rosetta, optimized to model the tertiary structure of individual protein regions. A step called domain parsing, or predicting the boundary of a domain, is usually done first to divide the protein into potential structural areas. As is the case with the rest of the tertiary forecasting structure, this can be done relatively from well-known structures or ab initio sequenced (usually through machine learning, assisted by The structures of individual domains dock in a process called domain assembly to form the final tertiary structure. Ab initio protein modelling Home article: De novo protein structure prediction Energy- and fragment-based methods Ab initio- or de novo-protein modelling methods seek to build three-dimensional protein models from scratch, i.e. based on physical principles, rather than (directly) on previously decided structures. There are many possible procedures that either try to simulate protein folding or use some stochastic method to find possible solutions (i.e. global optimization of a suitable energy function). These procedures usually require huge computational resources, and thus have been performed only for tiny proteins. Predicting the structure of the de novo protein for large proteins will require better algorithms and large computational resources, such as powerful supercomputers (such as Blue Gene or MDGRAPE-3), or distributed computing (such as Folding@home, Human Proteome folding project and Rosetta@Home). Although these computational barriers are enormous, the potential benefits of structural genomics (predicted or experimental methods) make ab initio structure forecasting an active area of research. By 2009, a 50-residue of protein could be modeled atom by atom on a supercomputer for 1 millisecond. As of 2012, a comparable sample of stable condition can be performed on a standard desktop with a new graphics card and more complex algorithms. A much larger time frame of modeling can be achieved through coarse-grained modeling. Evolutionary covariation to predict 3D contacts As sequencing became more common in the 1990s, several groups used protein sequence alignment to predict correlated mutations, and it was hoped that these coevolved residues could be used to predict the tertiary structure (using the analogy of limiting distances from experimental procedures such as NMR). The assumption is that when mutations with one residue are slightly harmful, compensatory mutations may occur to restabilize the interaction of residues and residues. This early work used so-called local methods to calculate correlated mutations from protein sequences, but suffered from indirect false correlations that are the result of treating each pair of residues as independent of all other pairs. In 2011, another, and this time a global statistical approach, demonstrated that the predicted residues coevolved were enough to predict 3D times protein, provided that there are enough sequences available (1000 sequences are needed). The method, EVfold, does not use homological modeling, carving or fragments of 3D structure and can work on a standard computer person even for proteins with hundreds of residues. The accuracy of the contacts projected through this and the approaches associated with it, the approaches have been demonstrated on many known structures and contact maps, including the prediction of experimentally unauthorized transmembrane proteins. Comparative protein modeling Comparative Protein Modeling Uses Previously Solved Structures as Starting Points or Patterns. This is effective because it seems that although the amount of actual proteins is huge, there is a limited set of tertiary structural motifs to which most proteins belong. It has been suggested that there are only about 2,000 different protein folds in nature, although there are many millions of different proteins. These methods can also be divided into two groups: homological modeling is based on the reasonable assumption that two homologous proteins will have very similar structures. Because the fold of the protein is more evolutionarily preserved than its amino acid sequence, the target sequence can be modeled with reasonable accuracy on a very remotely bound pattern, provided that the relationship between the target and the pattern can be discerned through sequence alignment. It was suggested that the main bottleneck in comparative modelling was due to alignment difficulties, not errors in structure forecasting with known good coordination. Unsurprisingly, homological modeling is most accurate when the target and pattern have similar sequences. Protein carving scans the amino acid sequence of an unknown structure based on a database of solved structures. In each case, a scoring function is used to assess the compatibility of the sequence with the structure, which gives possible three-dimensional models. This type of method is also known as 3D-1D sash recognition because of its analysis of compatibility between 3D structures and linear protein sequences. This method has also spawned methods of reverse folding search by assessing the compatibility of a given structure with a large sequence database, thereby predicting which sequences have the potential to produce a given fold. Forecasting the geometry of the side chain The exact packaging of amino acid side chains is a separate problem in predicting the structure of the protein. Methods that specifically address the problem of predicting the geometry of the side chain include gridlock and self-sparkling middle field. Low-energy side chain conformations are usually determined on the hard polypeptide spine and using a set of discrete side chain conformations known as rotamers. The methods try to determine a set of rotamers that minimize the overall energy of the model. These methods use rotamer libraries, which are collections of favorable conformations for each type of residue in proteins. Rotamer libraries can information about conformation, its frequency and standard deviations about medium-ranger angles that can be used in sampling. Rotamer Rotamer derived from structural bioinformatics or other statistical analysis of side chain conformations in known experimental protein structures, such as clustering of observed conformations for tetraethral carbon near step (60, 180, -60) values. Rotamer libraries may be independent of the spine, dependent on the secondary structure or dependent on the spine. Spine-independent rotamer libraries do not refer to spinal conformation and are calculated from all available side chains of a certain type (e.g., the first example of a rotamer library made by Ponder and Richards at Yale University in 1987). Secondary-dependent libraries represent different digeder angles and/or rotamer frequencies for α display-alpha spiral, β beta display or coil of secondary structures. Rotamer libraries, which depend on the spine, represent conformations and/or frequencies that depend on the local conformation of the spine, defined by the main digeder angles φ the fi style display and the ψ display psi, regardless of the secondary structure. Modern versions of these libraries, used in most programs, are presented as multidimensional probability distributions or frequencies where peaks correspond to dihegral-corner conformations, which are considered as separate rotamers in the lists. Some versions are based on very carefully curated data and are used mainly to test the structure, while others emphasize relative frequencies in much larger data sets and are a form used mainly to predict structures such as dunbrack rotammer libraries. Side chain packaging methods are most useful for analysing the hydrophobic nucleus of a protein, where the side chains are more densely packed; they have more difficulty removing weaker limitations and more flexibility of surface residues, which often occupy multiple rotamer conformations rather than just one. Statistical methods have been developed to predict the structural classes of proteins based on their amino acid composition, pseudo-acid composition and domain functional composition. The secondary structure also implicitly generates such a forecast for specific domains. Protein-protein interaction forecast In the case of complexes of two or more proteins, where protein structures are known or can be predicted with high accuracy, protein-protein docking techniques can be used to predict the structure of the complex. Information about the effect of mutations on certain areas on the proximity of the complex helps to understand the complex structure and guide the methods of docking. Software Home Article: Protein Structure Prediction Software Large Number tools to predict the structure of protein exist. Approaches include include simulations, protein carvings, ab initio techniques, secondary structure forecasting and transmembrane spiral and signal peptide prediction. Some recent successful methods based on CASP experiments include I-TASSER and HHpred. The full list can be found in the main article. Assessment of automatic server forecasting structure Home article: CASP CASP, which advocates a critical assessment of protein structure prediction techniques, is a community experiment to predict the structure of protein occurring every two years since 1994. CASP provides an opportunity to assess the quality of available human, non-amopt methodology (human category) and automatic servers to predict protein structure (server category presented in CASP7). The continuously automated CAMEO3D EvaluatiOn Server model evaluates automated protein structure prediction servers weekly, using blind predictions for new protein structures. CAMEO publishes the results on its website. See also The Biology Portal Protein Design Protein Function Prediction Protein Structure Prediction Software De novo Protein Structure Molecular Design Software Molecular Simulation Software Simulation of Biological Systems Fragment of the Library of Protein Lattice Protein Protein Circular Diffroism Data Bank MODELLER - Computer Program for Homological Modeling Rosetta@home Links - b d e f h i Mount DM (2004). Bioinformatics: genome sequencing and analysis. 2. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press. ISBN 978-0-87969-712-9. Juan JY, Brutlag DL (January 2001). Emotif database. 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