Chapter 1 2 Chapter 1 ■ MULTIPLE CHOICE QUIZ

Chapter One MULTIPLE CHOICE QUIZ Name: ______In the box write the letter of the choice that is the definition of the term or best answers the question. There is only one correct answer for each question.

1. Gastrectomy:...... 7. Electroencephalogram:...... A. Gastric resection A. Record of electricity in the brain B. Intestinal incision B. Record of electricity in the heart C. Tumor of the stomach C. X-ray of the brain D. Incision of the stomach D. Record of sound waves in the brain E. Resection of the intestine E. X-ray of the heart and brain 2. Osteitis:...... 8. Diagnosis:...... A. Incision of a bone A. Is made after the prognosis B. Removal of a bone B. Is a guess as to a patient’s condition C. Incision of a C. Is a prediction of the course of treatment D. Inflammation of a joint D. Is made on the basis of complete E. Inflammation of a bone knowledge about a patient’s condition E. Is a treatment of a patient 3. Cystoscopy:...... A. Study of cells 9. Cancerous tumor:...... B. Visual examination of cells A. Hematoma C. Removal of a sac of fluid B. Adenoma D. Removal of the C. Carcinoma E. Visual examination of the D. Carcinogenic urinary bladder E. Neurotomy 4. Hepatoma:...... 10. Microscopic examination A. Incision of the kidney of living tissue:...... B. Tumor of the A. Incision C. Blood mass B. Pathology D. Inflammation of the liver C. Biopsy E. Red blood cell D. Autopsy E. Resection 5. Which of the following is not an endocrine gland?...... 11. Pertaining to the largest part of A. Thyroid gland the brain:...... B. A. Cerebral C. Ovary B. Cephalic D. Mammary gland C. Renal E. D. Cardiac E. Neural 6. Iatrogenic:...... A. Pertaining to produced by treatment 12. Removal of a gland:...... B. Produced by the mind A. Gastrotomy C. producing B. Gastric D. Pertaining to producing a tumor C. Hepatic resection E. Cutting into a tumor D. Nephric section E. Adenectomy

Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011, 2007 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. Chapter 1 ■ MULTIPLE CHOICE QUIZ 3

13. Decrease in numbers of red 20. Inflammation of the blood cells or hemoglobin within nose:...... red blood cells:...... A. Arthrosis A. Anemia B. Hepatitis B. Erythrocytosis C. Nephritis C. Thrombocytosis D. Dermatosis D. Leukemia E. Rhinitis E. Leukocytosis 21. Study of cells:...... 14. Pathologist:...... A. Pathology A. One who examines x-rays B. Cytology B. One who operates on the urinary tract C. Cystology C. One who performs autopsies and reads D. Dermatology biopsies E. Gastrology D. One who operates on the kidney 22. Pertaining to through the liver:...... E. One who treats diseases with A. Subrenal chemicals B. Transdermal 15. Pain in a joint:...... C. Transhepatic A. Ostealgia D. Subhepatic B. Arthritis E. Hepatoma C. Osteoarthritis 23. Abnormal condition of the D. Arthroalgia kidney:...... E. Arthralgia A. Neurologic 16. Increase in numbers of malignant B. Neuralgia white blood cells:...... C. Nephrotomy A. Leukocytosis D. Neural B. Leukemia E. Nephrosis C. Erythremia 24. Incision of a bone:...... D. Thrombocytosis A. Sarcoma E. Erythrocytosis B. Pathogenic 17. Instrument to view the eye:...... C. Osteotomy A. Ophthalmoscopy D. Ostectomy B. Opthalmoscope E. Endoscopy C. Opthalmology 25. High level of sugar in the D. Ophthalmoscope blood:...... E. Opthalmoscopy A. Hematoma 18. A platelet:...... B. Hypodermic A. Hematoma C. Hypoglycemia B. Thrombosis D. Hyperglycemia C. Leukocyte E. Hypogastric D. Thrombocyte E. Erythrocyte 19. Abnormal condition of the mind:...... A. Physchosis B. Psychosis C. Psychogenic D. Encephalopathy E. Adenoma

Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011, 2007 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 4 Chapter 1 ■ EXERCISE QUIZ

Chapter One EXERCISE QUIZ Name: ______

A. Give meanings for the following combining forms:

1. arthr/o ______4. aden/o ______

2. cyst/o ______5. cyt/o ______

3. encephal/o ______6. carcin/o ______

B. Give meanings for the following suffixes:

7. -gram ______10. -oma ______

8. -itis ______11. -scopy ______

9. -opsy ______12. -logy ______

C. Using slashes, divide the following terms into parts and give the meaning of the entire term:

13. cerebral ______

14. electrocardiogram ______

15. dermatitis ______

16. cephalic ______

D. Complete the medical term from its meaning given below:

17. red blood cell: ______cyte 19. white blood cell: ______cyte

18. mass of blood: ______oma 20. pain of : neur ______

E. Underline the suffix in each term and give the meaning of the entire term:

21. nephrectomy ______24. renal ______

22. osteotomy ______25. psychosis ______

23. oncology ______26. carcinogenic ______

F. Give the meanings for the following prefixes:

27. hyper-______30. trans-______

28. peri-______31. hypo-______

29. epi-______32. dia-______

Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011, 2007 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. Chapter 1 ■ EXERCISE QUIZ 5

G. Underline the prefix and give the meaning of the entire term:

33. subhepatic ______

34. hyperglycemia ______

35. pericardium ______

36. resection ______

37. prognosis ______

38. hypodermic ______

H. Match the English term in Column I with its combining form in Column II:

Column I Column II English Term Combining Form

39. kidney ______onc/o

40. disease ______ophthalm/o

41. eye ______oste/o

42. nose ______path/o

43. flesh ______psych/o

44. bone ______radi/o

45. mind ______ren/o

46. tumor ______rhin/o

47. clotting ______sarc/o

48. urinary tract ______sect/o

49. x-rays ______thromb/o

50. to cut ______ur/o

Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011, 2007 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 6 Chapter 1 ■ DICTATION AND COMPREHENSION QUIZ


A. Dictation of Terms

1. ______11. ______

2. ______12. ______

3. ______13. ______

4. ______14. ______

5. ______15. ______

6. ______16. ______

7. ______17. ______

8. ______18. ______

9. ______19. ______

10. ______20. ______

B. Comprehension of Terms: Match number of the above term with its meaning below. ______Pain of nerves ______Inflammation of bone ______Prediction about the outcome of treatment ______Microscopic examination of living tissue ______Blood cell that carries oxygen ______Physician who specializes in drug treatment of cancerous tumors ______Disease of a gland ______Resection of a kidney ______A platelet ______Process of visual examination of the urinary bladder ______Pertaining to an abnormal condition produced by a treatment ______Incision of the stomach ______Pertaining to producing cancer ______An instrument to visually examine the eye ______High blood sugar: diabetes mellitus ______A physician who examines dead bodies to determine the cause of death ______Pain of a joint ______Mass or collection of blood ______Slight increase in numbers of white blood cells as response to infection ______Increase in abnormal, immature white blood cells; a malignant condition

Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011, 2007 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. Chapter 1 ■ SPELLING QUIZ 7

Chapter One SPELLING QUIZ Name: ______

A. Circle the term that is spelled correctly and write its meaning in the space provided:

1. luekocyte leukocyte ______

2. neuralgia nueralgia ______

3. biospy biopsy ______

4. gynocology gynecology ______

5. erythrocyte erthyrocyte ______

6. opthalmoscopy ophthalmoscopy ______

7. pathogenic pathojenic ______

8. thrombocyte thrombocyt ______

9. sacroma sarcoma ______

10. psychology physcology ______

B. Circle the term that is spelled correctly. The meaning of each term is given.

11. resection of a ...... neruotomy neurectomy neurotomy

12. pertaining to produced by treatment...... iatrogenic iatragenic itarogenic

13. pertaining to the brain...... cerebrol serebral cerebral

14. cancerous tumor...... carcinoma carsinoma karsinoma

15. collection of blood...... hepatoma hematoma hepitoma

16. high blood sugar...... hypoglycemia hyperglicemia hyperglycemia

17. membrane surrounding the heart...... perycardium pericardium pericardum

18. instrument to examine within...... endoscope endoskope endoscopy

19. disease of the intestines...... entrapathy interopathy enteropathy

20. inflammation of the urinary bladder...... cytitis cystitis sistitis

Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011, 2007 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 8 Chapter 1 ■ PRONUNCIATION QUIZ

Chapter One PRONUNCIATION QUIZ Name: ______

A. Underline the accented syllable in the following terms (for example: anemia, diagnosis, endocrine):

1. arthrotomy 4. endocrinology 7.0 ophthalmoscope 10. cytology 2. cystoscopy 5. neuralgia 8.0 hepatoma 3. gastrectomy 6. pericarditis 9.0 retrogastric

B. Match the term in Column I with its meaning in Column II: Column I Column II

1. encephalopathy ______A. Low levels of blood sugar 2. carcinogenic ______B. Treatment of the mind 3. oncology ______C. Study of tumors 4. dermatosis ______D. Excision of the stomach 5. psychiatry ______E. Pertaining to producing cancer 6. leukemia ______F. Abnormal condition (slight increase) of white blood cells 7. hypoglycemia ______G. Brain disease 8. iatrogenic ______H. Abnormal condition of the skin 9. gastric resection ______I. Cancerous condition of white blood cells 10. leukocytosis ______J. Pertaining to produced by treatment

C. Complete the following medical terms:

1. pro ______Prediction about the outcome of a disease; “before knowledge.”

2. ______itis Inflammation of the kidney.

3. patho ______Pertaining to producing disease.

4. ______ology Study of women and diseases.

5. electro ______Record of electricity in the brain.

6. thrombocyt ______Abnormal condition of clotting cells.

7. bi ______Examination of living tissue under a microscope.

8. ______al Pertaining to the largest part of the brain.

9. ______oma Tumor of a gland (benign).

10. ______arthritis Inflammation of bone and joint.

Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011, 2007 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. Chapter 1 ■ REVIEW SHEET QUIZ 9

Chapter One REVIEW SHEET QUIZ Name: ______

A. Give meanings for the following combining forms:

1. cephal/o ______6. hepat/o ______

2. cerebr/o ______7. ped/o ______

3. cyt/o ______8. ren/o ______

4. encephal/o ______9. ur/o ______

5. enter/o ______10. cis/o ______

B. Give combining forms for the following meanings:

1. heart ______5. x-rays ______

2. skin ______6. mind ______

3. sugar ______7. nose ______

4. woman, female ______8. flesh ______

C. Give meanings for the following suffixes and prefixes

1. hypo-______6. trans- ______

2. dia- ______7. sub- ______

3. -scopy ______8. retro- ______

4. -gram ______9. epi- ______

5. -globin ______10. end-, endo- ______

Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011, 2007 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 10 Chapter 1 ■ MEDICAL SCRAMBLE

Chapter One MEDICAL SCRAMBLE Name:______Unscramble the letters to form medical terms from the clues. Use the letters in squares to complete the bonus term.

1. Clue: Complete knowledge of a patient’s condition

______S I G O A D S N I

2. Clue: Outermost layer of skin

______S R E M E I D P I

3. Clue: Collection of blood below the skin

______M A T E H O A M

4. Clue: Pertaining to treatment of the mind

______I C A I T S H Y R P C

5. Clue: Study of malignant tumors

______O C L O Y G N O

BONUS TERM: Clue: A condition marked by deficiency of hemoglobin or decreased erythrocytes.

Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011, 2007 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. Chapter 1 ■ CROSSWORD PUZZLE 11

Chapter One CROSSWORD PUZZLE Name: ______Fill in the crossword puzzle below using the clues listed underneath it.

12 34














Across Clues Down Clues 1. Process of cutting back (removal). 2. Inflammation of the small intestine. 3. Complete knowledge. 4. Removal of the stomach. 7. Red blood cell. 5. Study of nerves. 8. Pertaining to above the stomach. 6. Blood condition of low numbers of 10. Study of women’s diseases. erythrocytes or deficient hemoglobin 13. White blood cell. in the red blood cell . 15. Pertaining to produced by treatment. 9. Before knowledge (prediction about the 16. Inflammation of the liver. outcome of treatment). 17. Pertaining to under the skin. 10. Inflammation of the stomach. 18. Pertaining to below the liver. 11. Process to cut into a part of the body. 12. Study of the kidney. 14. Mass of blood under the skin.

Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011, 2007 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 12 Chapter 1 ■ ANSWERS TO THE QUIZZES


Multiple Choice Quiz 1. A 4. B 7. A 10. C 13. A 16. B 19. B 22. C 25. D 2. E 5. D 8. D 11. A 14. C 17. D 20. E 23. E 3. E 6. A 9. C 12. E 15. E 18. D 21. B 24. C

Exercise Quiz 30. across; through 14. neuralgia 31. below; deficient 15. oncologist A 32. through; complete 16. ophthalmoscope 17. osteitis 1. joint G 2. urinary bladder 18. pathologist 3. brain 33. subhepatic—pertaining to 19. prognosis 4. gland below the liver 20. thrombocyte 34. hyperglycemia—excessive blood 5. cell B 6. cancer sugar 35. pericardium—membrane 14 Pain of nerves B surrounding the heart 17 Inflammation of bone 7. record 36. resection—process of cutting 19 Prediction about the outcome 8. inflammation back (removal) of treatment 9. to view 37. prognosis—prediction about 3 Microscopic examination of 10. tumor the outcome of treatment living tissue 11. process of visual examination 38. hypodermic—pertaining to 6 Blood cell that carries oxygen 12. study of under the skin 15 Physician who specializes in drug treatment of cancerous tumors C H 1 Disease of a gland 13. cerebr/al—pertaining to the 39. ren/o 13 Resection of a kidney cerebrum (largest part of the 40. path/o 20 A platelet brain) 41. ophthalm/o 5 Process of visual examination of 14. electr/o/cardi/o/gram—record 42. rhin/o the urinary bladder of the electricity in the heart 43. sarc/o 10 Pertaining to an abnormal 15. dermat/itis—inflammation of 44. oste/o condition produced by a the skin 45. psych/o treatment 16. cephal/ic—pertaining to the head 46. onc/o 7 Incision of the stomach 47. thromb/o 4 Pertaining to producing cancer D 48. ur/o 16 An instrument to visually 17. erythrocyte 49. radi/o examine the eye 18. hematoma 50. sect/o 9 High blood sugar: diabetes 19. leukocyte mellitus 20. neuralgia Dictation and 18 A physician who examines dead E bodies to determine the cause Comprehension Quiz of death 21. nephrectomy—removal of the A 2 Pain of a joint kidney 8 Mass or collection of blood 1. adenopathy 22. osteotomy—incision of a bone 12 Slight increase in numbers of 2. arthralgia 23. oncology—study of tumors white blood cells as response 3. biopsy (cancerous) to infection 4. carcinogenic 24. renal—pertaining to the kidney 11 Increase in abnormal, immature 5. cystoscopy 25. psychosis—abnormal condition white blood cells; a malignant 6. erythrocyte of the mind condition 26. carcinogenic—pertaining to 7. gastrotomy producing cancer 8. hematoma 9. hyperglycemia Spelling Quiz F 10. iatrogenic 27. excessive; above 11. leukemia A 28. surrounding 12. leukocytosis 1. leukocyte—white blood cell 29. above 13. nephrectomy 2. neuralgia—pain of nerves

Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011, 2007 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. Chapter 1 ■ ANSWERS TO THE QUIZZES 13

3. biopsy—view (microscopic) of 8. cerebral 6. psych/o living tissue 9. adenoma 7. rhin/o 4. gynecology—study of female 10. osteoarthritis 8. sarc/o diseases 5. erythrocyte—red blood cell C 6. ophthalmoscopy—visual Review Sheet Quiz 1. deficient, below, under, less examination of the eye A than normal 7. pathogenic—pertaining to 2. through, complete 1. head producing disease 3. process of visually examining 2. cerebrum (largest part of the 8. thrombocyte—clotting cell (with an endoscope) brain) (platelet) 4. record 3. cell 9. sarcoma—tumor of flesh tissue 5. 4. brain (malignant) 6. across, through 5. intestine (usually small 10. psychology—study of the mind 7. below, under intestine) 8. behind B 6. liver 9. above, upon 11. neurectomy 7. child 10. within 12. iatrogenic 8. kidney 13. cerebral 9. urine, urinary tract 14. carcinoma 10. to cut Medical Scramble 15. hematoma B 1. d i a g n o s i s 4. psychiatric 16. hyperglycemia 1. cardi/o 2. e p i d e r m i s 5. o n c o l o g y 17. pericardium 2. derm/o, dermat/o 3. h e m a t o m a 18. endoscope 3. glyc/o BONUS TERM: a n e m i a 19. enteropathy 4. gynec/o 20. cystitis 5. radi/o Crossword Puzzle

12 34 Pronunciation Quiz RESECTION DIAGNOSIS

A N A 1. arthrotomy 5 2. cystoscopy T N S 3. gastrectomy 6 7 A E RYTHROCYT E T 4. endocrinology 5. neuralgia N R U R 6. pericarditis 8 EPIGASTRIC 7. ophthalmoscope R E 8. hepatoma M T O C 9. retrogastric 9 10. cytology I I L T P 10 B A S GYNECOLOGY R 1. G 11 I A G M O 2. E 12 3. C N N S Y Y G 4. H 13 LEUKOCYTE 5. B N 14 6. I P I R H O 7. A 15 8. J H S I ATROGENIC S 9. D R T M I 10. F I 16 C O O I HEPATITI S 1. prognosis L N S T 2. nephritis 17 3. pathogenic O HYPODERMIC 4. gynecology G M 5. electroencephalogram 18 6. thrombocytosis Y SUBHEPATIC 7. biopsy

Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011, 2007 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 14 Chapter 1 ■ Answers to Combining Forms and Terminology Sections

Chapter One

Answers to Combining Forms and Terminology Sections (textbook pages 6–15)

Terminology Meaning adenoma Tumor of a gland. adenitis Inflammation of a gland. arthritis Inflammation of a joint. biology Study of life. biopsy Removal of living tissue and examination under a microscope. carcinoma Cancerous tumor. cardiology Study of the heart. cephalic Pertaining to the head. cerebral Pertaining to the brain. incision Process of cutting into. Scissors cut. excision Process of cutting out. endocrine glands Glands that secrete within the body. cystoscopy Process of visual examination of the urinary bladder. cytology Study of cells. dermatitis Inflammation of the skin. hypodermic Pertaining to under the skin. electrocardiogram Record of the electricity in the heart. electroencephalogram Record of the electricity of the brain. enteritis Inflammation of the intestines. erythrocyte A red blood cell. gastrectomy Removal of the stomach. gastrotomy Incision of the stomach. hyperglycemia Condition of increased blood sugar. diagnosis State of complete knowledge; information gathered about a patient’s illness (dia- = complete; gnos/o = knowledge; -sis = state of). prognosis State of before knowledge; prediction about the outcome of an illness. An agnostic is a person who professes no (a-) knowledge of God. gynecology Study of and female diseases. hematology Study of blood. hematoma Collection (mass) of blood. hemoglobin Blood protein found in red blood cells. Hemoglobin carries oxygen to the cells from the and carbon dioxide away from cells to the lungs. hepatitis Inflammation of the liver. iatrogenic Pertaining to being produced by treatment. A rash occurring after treatment with a drug, such as penicillin, is an iatrogenic condition. A related term, nosocomial, refers to any infection acquired in a hospital (nos/o means disease and -comial comes from the Greek “I take care of”). leukocyte White blood cell. dermatology Study of skin. nephritis Inflammation of the kidney. nephrology Study of the kidney. neurology Study of nerves. oncology Study of tumors. oncologist Specialist in the study of tumors.

Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011, 2007 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. Chapter 1 ■ Answers to Combining Forms and Terminology Sections 15 ophthalmoscope Instrument for visual examination of the eye. Proper pronunciation helps in the spelling of this term. The initial syllable is pronounced “off” and is spelled “oph”. osteitis Inflammation of bone. osteoarthritis Inflammation of bone and (actually degeneration of joint tissue). pathology Study of disease. pathologist One who studies diseases, performs autopsies, and examines biopsy samples. pediatric Pertaining to treatment of children. psychology Study of the mind. psychiatrist Specialist in the treatment of the mind. radiology Study of x-rays. renal Pertaining to the kidney. Ren/o (Latin) is used with -al (Latin), and nephr/o (Greek) is used with -ic (Greek). rhinitis Inflammation of the nose. sarcoma Tumor of flesh tissue (cancerous tumor of connective tissues, such as bone, muscle, cartilage, fat). Sarcasm is an utterance intended to “cut into the flesh” and a sarcophagus is a box or container (Egyptian coffin) intended to “swallow flesh.” Phag/o means to eat or swallow. resection Process of cutting out; removal. thrombocyte A clotting cell. urologist Specialist in the study of diagnosing and treating disorders of the urinary tract. cardiac Pertaining to the heart. neural Pertaining to nerves. arthralgia Pain of a joint. neuralgia Nerve pain. erythrocyte Red blood cell. nephrectomy Removal (resection) of a kidney. leukemia Blood condition of white cells; malignant (cancerous) condition. carcinogenic Pertaining to producing cancer. From the Greek gennao meaning “I produce.” Other words to help remember -genic are gene and genesis. pathogenic Pertaining to producing disease. iatrogenic Pertaining to produced by treatment (physician). hemoglobin Literally, blood (hem/o) protein (-globin). Hemoglobin is a protein found in red blood cells. It helps erythrocytes carry oxygen. electroencephalogram Record of the electricity in the brain. gastric Pertaining to the stomach. neurologic Pertaining to the study of nerves. excision Process of cutting out; removal. ophthalmologist Specialist in the study of diagnosing and treating disorders of the eye. cystitis Inflammation of the urinary bladder. endocrinology Study of the endocrine glands. hepatoma Tumor (malignant) of the liver. biopsy Process of viewing life; removal of living tissue for microscopic examination. nephrosis Abnormal condition of the kidney. leukocytosis Abnormal condition (slight increase) of normal white blood cells. enteropathy Disease of the intestines. adenopathy Disease of glands. endoscope Instrument to visually examine within (the body). endoscopy Process of visually examining within (the body).

Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011, 2007 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 16 Chapter 1 ■ Answers to Combining Forms and Terminology Sections prognosis State of before knowledge; prediction about the outcome of treatment. osteotomy Incision of a bone. gastroenterology Process of study of the stomach and intestines. anemia A decrease in erythrocytes or hemoglobin. autopsy “Self-view”—examination of a dead body, understand its function. diagnosis State of complete knowledge; information gathered about a patient’s illness. endocrinologist One who specializes in endocrine glands. epigastric Pertaining to above the stomach. epidermis Outer layer of skin; above the dermis layer. excision Process of cutting out; to resection. exocrine glands Glands that secrete chemicals to the outside of the body. hyperthyroidism Condition of too much secretion of (thyroxine) from the thyroid gland. hypogastric Pertaining to below the stomach. hypoglycemia Condition of low blood sugar. incision Process of cutting into; to section. pericardium Structure (membrane) surrounding the heart. prostate gland in front of (before) the urinary bladder in males. resection Removal; excision. From the Latin “resecare” meaning “to cut back, trim or curtail.” Thus a resection is an operation wherein an is “cut back” or removed. retrocardiac Pertaining to behind the heart. subhepatic Pertaining to below the liver. transhepatic Pertaining to across or through the liver.

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