December 3, 1904, Vol. 79, No. 2058
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... Entered according to Act of Consrress. in the year 1004, by William B. Dana Compaxy. in the oJiice of Lilirarian of Consress, Washington, D. O VOL. 79. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1904. NO. 2058. 0LEABINQ8—F0B NOVEMBER 1904 AND 1903 GLEABINGjS—WEEK ending NOV. 36, 1904, ALSO SINCE JANUABY 1, 190^ AND 1903. ALSO SAME WEEK LN 1903, 1902 AND 1901. Nox'em'ier. E'cit-'n Months. Week ending November 26. Clearings at Zn. or In. or Clearings at— Inc. 01 1904. 1903. 1904. 1903. Dec. 1904. 1903. Dec. Dec. 1902. 190L ? % New York ,786.061.834 1,016.401,163 1,387,580,605 Ne'wYork 8,337,65.'?,971 4,807,923,443 60,148,482,026 60,472,703,260 —0-5 Philadelphia... 116,408.264 103.616.823 104.494,714 551.9.W,735 449,348.561 5,152,130,166 5.347,132,449 —3-7 Pittsburgh..... 42,175,044 82.879.994 46,347.926 Philadelphia . Pittsburgh ia7,861,0&6 150,H38,240 1,859.994.580 2,189,842.783 -15-1 Baltimore 23,183,098 19.066.693 19.754.4.'34 —6-1 6,433,625 Baltimore 106,410.847 87,681,822 1.008,077,571 1,074,757.965 Buffalo - 6.995.248 5.823.261 Buflolo B0,652,918 28,367,091 297.922 078 292,998,748 +1-7 Washtngton.... 4,877,976 8.510.318 3.288.560 Washington 20,516,964 16,461,043 195,047,437 188,431,294 4-3-5 Albany 8,893.400 8.118,431 2.985.514 Albany 19.507,722 15,839,398 174,682.310 173,788,159 +0-5 Rochester 2,664,994 1,926,023 1,865,682 Rochester 13,456 958 10,423,924 133,847,240 122,748,' +90 Scranton 1,685,287 1,705 721 1 800.000 7,964,518 10,305,759 81,845,930 82,613.4.59 -09 Syracuse 1,213.003 981.641 1,049.111 Scranton . — Syracuse 6,243.994 5,874,232 59,028,690 61.205,036 -3-6 Wilmington.... 978,955 977,840 1,154,707 -12-3 851,716 782.146 575,625 Wilmington. ... 4,41)3,103 5,005„'>38 60.171,788 57,215,364 Wilkes Barre_. 4,124,206 3,680,0s0 42,088,00 44 235,486 —4-8 Wheeling 786.802 564.245 597,444 Wilkes Barre —6-2 Wheeliug 3,306,139 2,841,31" 83,027,646 35,219,6'JO Binghamton ... 380 500 357,800 386.000 Binghamton 1,994,100 1,816,200 20,,52 1,200 19,984.600 +2-7 Greensburg..... 436.248 294.452 330.940 GreensbuTg 1,713,447 1,708,088 18,047,627 21,045,095 -14-2 Chester 851,887 485,013 877,884 Chester 1,782,208 2,015,994 20,588,257 21,817,519 —4-8 Erie 450,439 346,648 Fredericii 786,405 710,714 8,086,621 7,788,291 +4-1 Fr-anklln, Pa... 163,194 249.636 Reading 888,030 Not Include tal. Total MidcUe.. 9,309,9-18,816 5,400,341,454 + TZ-' 69,303,589,469 0,213,306,8u5 — 1-3 Total Middle. 1.992,345.218 1,193.259,733 +66-9 1,547,978.807 1,498.258.817 Boston 660,187,69 542,211,1 +21-8 5,988,001,260 5,162,623,218 —2-8 +5-5 317,682,800 323.645,400 —1-8 128,882.145 90,230,973 +29-9 109,149.634 Providence 31,440,800 29.795,500 Boston , Hartford. 12,207,802 9,564.079 I-27-6 127,528,07( 125,218.609 + 1-8 Providence 6,550,200 6.771,100 -33 6,135.600 New Haven 8,855.321 7,034,33' -i-25-9 92,404,678 85,182,098 +8-5 Hartford 2,305 823 1,736,148 -f82-8 2,02-^.947 -t-24-3 -5-6 1,428,5-26 --22-6 Springfield. 6,612,745 5,318,372 70,539,161 74,740,9.S5 New Haven« 1,745,690 1,407.077 Worcester 5,779,542 3,30H,344 4-74-8 56,895,^58 73.570,199 -22-7 Springfield 1,377,114 1,214,362 •13 4 1.265.720 Portland 7,443 162 6,435,10" -I-15-7 72,918,587 70,927,359 +2-8 Worcester 1,196,841 824.987 - -45-1 1552,124 2,699,568 4,490,434 -400 84,327,921 42,603,585 -19-4 Portland 1,468,614 1,187,994 - -22-8 1,170.989 Fall River 31-6 Lowell 2,080,366 2,285,299 —ti-2 21,455,324 22,135,576 —3-1 Fall River 601,826 883,585 — 977.091 New Bedford 2.467,73^ 2,880,702 -14-8 22,479,905 26,005,285 —13-6 Lowell 864,410 444,050 -18-0 491.912 Holyoke 2,514.7(i3 2,172,119 +15-7 22,854.698 20,929,339 +9-2 New Bedford 464,720 567,167 — 18-2 402.,54.>^ Holyoke 452,786 430 991 +5-1 270 003 Total N.Bng... 742,289,003 615,474,192 +20-6 6,827.088,048 ,027,562,253 —SO Total New England. 145.102,669 114.713,833 +267 124.846 2-25 126.'204.U» +13-6 Chicago 817 578,745 721.874.368 -f-18-8 8,130,194,991 7,995,155,883 Chicago 168.071,872 147 096,609 145.039,879 Cincinnati 99,262,100 92,265,450 -I-7-6 1,11-2,713,000 1,060,146,850 4^-9 Cincinnati 20,408,900 18,668,050 +9 3 15 986,050 62,087,599 60,157,95 --3-2 631,718,514 738,907,457 -14-5 Cleveland 12,828,147 12,897,096 —0-6 12,046.224 Cleveland --8-5 Detroit 49,502,161 45,677,488 476,521,473 478,686,194 -0-5 Detroit 9,840,054 8,837,246 -(-11-3 12,076,878 36,114,730 85,312,257 --2-3 868.857,895 357,535,368 -1-3-2 Milwaukee 7.809.137 6,997.619 -K5 5,878,811 Milwaukee -4-1 Indianapolis 28,30411" 25,619,701 + 105 291,089,'250 290,482,184 4-0-2 Indianapolis.. 6,570.658 5.807,668 4,018.738 21,378,600 18,492,100 -i-16-6 206.451,600 208.262,400 -0-0 Columbus 4,845,300 3,798,600 -f-14-3 8,713,350 Columbus. -9-8 Toledo 13,583,012 13,053.727 +4-1 149,411,544 151,805,901 —1-6 Toledo 2,727,508 8.018.366 2,016.915 Peoria 15,262,890 13,247,846 +15-2 131.048,207 132,988,046 -1-5 Peoria 8,248.522 2.866.602 +13-3 2.529,653 9,297,883 8,469,220 +9-8 92.416,252 89,060,281 +3-8 Grand Rapids 1,641,364 1.628.384 -1-1-2 1.224,169 Grand Rapids... -1-3 Dayton 6,936,296 7,041,122 79,392,220 79,784,871 -0-5 Dayton 1,431,014 1.333,162 -1-73 1,015,471 6,689,272 5,882,430 +12-9 64,220,949 60,211,685 Evansville 1.216,850 1,156,061 4-5-2 871,133 Evans vllle -17-5 -H5-7 Akron. 2,627J100 3,062.100 26,830,000 84,691,500 -22-7 Akron 448,000 540,200 —180 468,0'JO 3,340,286 2,798,405 +19-5 34,326.8-28 33,328,598 -1-3-0 Spriugfleld. Ill 548 087 550.000 —0-3 431,406 Springfield, 111... —1-3 Younsstown 2,479,001 2,512,520 24,249,321 61,093,179 -220 Voungstown 469,686 462,3>i2 —0« 411,933 Kalamazoo 3,710,922 3,074,068 +20 84,752,562 81.418,839 +10-6 Kalamazoo 687.204 618.038 +1 1-2 405,730 Lexington 2,465,552 2,323,083 +6-1 29.501,117 27,259,386 Lexington 427,767 496,343 —139 406 958 Canton 2,034,700 2,809,556 -11-9 25,500,575 26.130,543 t^-i Canton 878,872 474.868 -202 277,071 2,116,683 1,932,973 +9-5 21,880,532 20,928,006 4-4-5 Rockford 636.672 487,305 +10-3 455 891 Rockford —4-9 Springfield, Ohio 1,714,156 1,547,877 -I-10-8 18,581.64; 19,772,12' -fi-1 Springfield. O 305,70 821,591 283,881 Bloomtngton.... 1,701,618 1,461,471 +16-4 19,056, .00 17,542.688 -(-8-6 Bloomingtou 899,041 318.283 +27-9 249.875 Qulncy 1,614,896 1,458,388 +10-7 15,308,437 14,542,917 +5-2 Ouincy 286.978 340,764 — 15b 273,382 1,117,431 1,055,128 -I-6-9 13,261,183 13,080,203 +1-5 Decatur. 286.932 185,854 +54-9 Decatur -9-8 ' Mansfield 888,916 948,544 9,169.869 10 271,198 -10-7 Mansfield 173.998 221,540 -215 6o.bo6 +13-0 185,612 179,201 +3-8 143,006 Jacksonville, 111.