VOLUME 03 No. 02 January 2008 for QUESTIONS, COMMENTS OR CONTRIBUTIONS, PLEASE CONTACT: [email protected] Or [email protected]

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VOLUME 03 No. 02 January 2008 for QUESTIONS, COMMENTS OR CONTRIBUTIONS, PLEASE CONTACT: Fukumotodsgn@Earthlink.Net Or Sensei@Vhbt.Org VOLUME 03 No. 02 January 2008 FOR QUESTIONS, COMMENTS OR CONTRIBUTIONS, PLEASE CONTACT: [email protected] or [email protected] “A growing number of Evangelical Chris- The reason I wanted to have this work- Christ. A faith they feel compelled to tians believe there is a revival underway shop was to illustrate the absolute nature share with all. They study the scriptures, in America that requires Christian youths of those who believe with faith alone. I they sacrifice their personal time for their to assume leadership roles in advocating further believe that for us to explore that faith, they alter their lifestyle for their the causes of their religious movement. part of religion that seems to elude most faith. They take their religion seriously of us, this was a good model to see. and are committed to the beliefs of their Jesus Camp, directed by Heidi Ewing church. I cannot vouch for their (kids) and Rachel Grady, follow Levi, Rachael, Those individuals chronicled in this docu- understanding of what they studied or and Tory to Pastor Becky Fisher’s “Kids mentary appear to be zealots. I hope that they even understand fully what the on Fire” summer camp in Devil’s Lake, with all my heart that we never become materials contain. Yet, they will tell you North Dakota, where kids as young as 6 as such, yet as shown in the film, they with full convictions of youthful inno- years-old are taught to become dedicat- are committed and seemingly unwaver- cence, that “God has a plan for you” ed Christian soldiers in “God’s army.” ing in their faith. without waver or doubt. If the response The film follows these children at camp is not favorably given, a curt dismissive as they hone their “prophetic gifts’ and - (albeit not in a confrontational way nor are schooled in how to ‘take back Amer- in front of them) reason is expressed (i.e. ThisWhat is almost is thelaughable difference in comparison be ica for Christ.” The film is a first-ever they must be Muslims, when the individu- totween us, in “usshort, and they takethem?” their religion look into an intense training ground that als they confronted said they are going very seriously. When was the last time recruits born-again Christian children to to heaven without fear when asked “do any of us studied our Shinshu beliefs? become an active part of America’s po- you know where your are going when When was the last time you SHARED litical future.” Quoted from the website. you die?” although to me they were just your Shinshu beliefs? When was the some older Black folks who seemed OK This issue of the Answer is dedicated to last time you said the Nembutsu without with where they were spiritually). the Jesus Camp Workshop held at Venice ritual reason? When was the last time Hongwanji Buddhist Temple on the sec- you expressed an understanding of the In the workshop, we explored our “short ond of February 2008. Nembutsu? When was the last time you comings.” The most striking is that we you expressed gratitude for that which cannot share our religion, for the most the Amida has given us freely? Did you part because we do not know how to What was the purpose of the even understand the last question asked? articulate our fundamental doctrinal Workshop? The purpose of the workshop was to beliefs with any sort of convictions. We The kids in the documentary study and understand the fundament question of don’t seem to take our religion seriously. practice their belief in Jesus Christ. Faith and Understanding. When and We come to the temple, but do we even Given the opportunity to proselytize, if, you see the film, ask yourself, what is talk about the Nembutsu once after the these kids and the leaders of their church the biggest difference between “us and Dharma talk. Do we share what we (Evangelical Pentecostals) do it as a them” as quoted by Pastor Becky Fisher. have heard and rejoice in the mes- matter of second nature. It becomes a sage? To truly understand the message If you have not seen the film, you can calling to “spread the word.” For many given, I believe that we must reiterate always go to the www.jesuscampthe of us, it is a chore and embarrassment to the message amongst ourselves, other- movie.com website and get a flavor of say the Nembutsu outside the comfort of wise in many cases we will forget what what the film is all about. I am also at- our temple or home, let alone share our we have heard. Again, without the full taching additional information about the faith in mixed religious company. expression of understanding discussed film. The “Kids on Fire” camp informa- In short, they eat, breath and live their after the Dharma talk, are you sure you tion, purpose, commentary, and Pastor religion as if their is no separation understood the message given? I cannot Becky Fisher’s perspectives. between them and their faith in Jesus answer that for others, but for myself, I 1 need to re-hash the message with others to fully appreciate the message given. I believe that this is a significant movie becauseWhy isit points this outmovie how wellimportant? those who are fully committed can influence our temple members. The fact is that the Shinshu Monto in the USA is far smaller now then it was 25 years ago. Granted some are lost through attrition, and the birthrate is not robust, but does that account for the decline over the years? I think not. I believe that the Shinshu doctrine has NOT been taught very well to the BCA members over the years. This is primarily exemplified in the English speaking Monto (members). I cannot vouch for the Japanese speaking members because I seldom listened to the Japanese Dharma talks. With this lack of doctrinal transmission, how are we to know what How can can you younot? believeFor all the all ques - we believe? It is no wonder that most of tionsthis atstuff? the end of the last section us cannot SHARE our religious beliefs, we are all pertaining to Jodo Shinshu. don’t know it well enough or at all. If you cannot answer the questions or even the issues raised, then are In the documentary, the kids are given a you taking our religious beliefs singular belief, one they can grasp and seriously. I do not believe that you understand. Doctrinal information tailored must spend every waking minute to be understandable by young children studying. In many ways, I don’t (as young as 4 years old). This is the think it is necessary, if you have power that these people have over us, the entrusted yourself to the Amida Bud- power of righteous authority through study. dha’s Grace with one mind and not This seems to be the reason they are able two. And again I ask, what does to share their faith and beliefs, it has been this mean? What does Shinjin explained and imprinted on them as to mean? Yes, how can you believe if become second nature to who they are. you were never taught? How can What about us, what do we have? I feel you believe if you were never given we have the Nembutsu, the Truth and Joy what Other Power is and why it is of Namo Amida Butsu! The real question for us, just as we are? then is why are we unable to express this Joy to others? Please see the documentary if youA can,Final I feel Note: it is very significant I feel the answer is simple yet very dif- in what they are trying to do. I ficultHow to canachieve. we Ifexpress you can our open Joy? your admire the confidence they have heart and mind to the Nembutsu, then in their children, enough to share surely you will be saved just as you are. their faith with them. If we begin to But how can you do this if you cannot Share with our kids our feelings and express the meaning of Nembutsu? understandings, then maybe they What does the Nembutsu mean? What will give up basketball occasionally does salvation mean? What am I save to attend and learn about the Joy from? What is the 18th Vow? Who is in Shinshu I know we all share. To the Amida Buddha? What does it mean impart into them the confidence to to be born into Pure Land? What does stand up and SHARE their Joy for it mean to be a Shin Buddhist? What and of the Nembutsu. But first, we is Other Power (or Buddha Centered must learn for ourselves the Power Power)? What does the Other Power and Joy of the Nembutsu, enough to do? Why wasn’t I taught this? Why? SHARE it. NAMO AMIDA BUTSU 2 Kids In Ministry - Our Purpose http://www.kidsinministry.org/ourpurpose.php HOME ABOUT US POWERCLUBS Our Purpose TRAINING EVENTS FOR KIDS The purpose of Kids In Ministry International is to impart vision to children and adults of how God sees children as His partners in ministry worldwide. ONLINE STORE The purpose is also therefore to teach, train, and equip children to do the work of ministry and release them in their giftings and callings. EVENT ARCHIVES ARTICLES & TEACHINGS It is also to teach, train, and equip adults to minister to children, teaching them how to train and release children into the things of the Spirit and to find INSIGHT AND INFO an active place in the body of Christ in all areas of ministry.
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