Washington, Wednesday, February 27, 1957 TITLE 3—THE PRESIDENT , CONTENTS
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FEDERAL REGISTER VOLUME 22 ' V / . '9 3 4 NUMBER 39 Washington, Wednesday, February 27, 1957 TITLE 3— THE PRESIDENT DONE at the City of Washington this , CONTENTS twenty-ffrst day of February in the year PROCLAMATION 3170 of our Lord nineteen hundred THE PRESIDENT [ seal] and fifty-seven, and of the In Pan American D ay and P an American dependence of the United States Executive Order Pa^e W eek, 1957 of America the one hundred and eighty- Further Providing for the Opera BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES first. tions Coordinating Board_____ 1111 OF AMERICA D wight D. Eisenhower Proclamation A PROCLAMATION By the President: Pan American Day and Pan Amer ican Week, 1957______________ 1111 WHEREAS on April 14, 1890, the J ohn F oster D ulles, American Republics founded a bureau Secretary of State. EXECUTIVE AGENCIES for inter-American cooperation which [F. R. Doc. 57-1525; Filed. Feb. 25, 1957; now, as the Pan American Union, is an 4:41 p. m.] Agricultural Marketing Service organ and the general secretariat of the Proposed rule making: Organization of American States; and Milk; in marketing areas: WHEREAS the twenty-one Republics New York metropolitan and of the Western Hemisphere wiil cele EXECUTIVE ORDER 10700 northern New Jersey_____ 1128 brate April 14, 1957, the sixty-seventh Washington, D. C__________ 1116 anniversary of that historic action, as F urther P roviding for the Operations Watermelons grown in Florida, Pan American Day, at the end of a week Coordinating B oard Georgia, and South Caro of commemorative ceremonies; and By virtue of the authority vested in me lina____________________ I__1128 WHEREAS the American Republics by the Constitution and statutes, and as Agriculture Department continue to work together harmoniously President of the Únited States, it is here See Agricultural Marketing Serv in furtherance of their mutual objective by ordered as follows: ice. of making the Organization of American Alaska Game Commission States an increasingly effective instru S ection 1. (a) In order to assist in the ment of Hemispheric solidarity; and effective coordination among certain Regulations concerning employ WHEREAS they also continue stead agencies of certain functions relating to ment of guides revoked (see fast in their common determination to the national security and to provide for Fish and Wildlife Service)* maintain their freedom and safeguard the integrated implementation of na Civil Aeronautics Administra their peace through active participation tional security policies by the said agen tion in this Organization, which embodies our cies, there is hereby established within Rules and regulations: inter-American system of cooperation: the structure of the National Security Restricted areas; Pinecastle, NOW, THEREFORE, I, DWIGHT D. Council the Operations Coordinating Board, hereinafter referred to as the Fla., area; alteration_______ 1115 EISENHOWER, President of the United Civil Aeronautics Board States of America, do hereby proclaim Board, which shall report to the National Security Council. Notices: Sunday, April 14, 1957, as Pan American Hearings, etc.: Day, and the period from April 8 to (b) The Board shall have as members April 14, 1957, as Pan American Week; the following: (1) the Under Secretary * Free baggage allowances and of State, who shall represent the Secre excess baggage charges----- 1155 and I invite the Governors of the States, Kerkorian, Kirk, and Los An Territories, and possessions of the United tary of State, (2) the Deputy Secretary of Defense, who shall représent the geles Air Service, Inc_____ 1155 States of America and the Governor of Rules And regulations: the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico to Secretary of Defense, (3) the Director of Central Intelligence, (4) the Director of Air traffic rules: issue similar proclamations. Communication in high den ' * also urge all our citizens and all in the United States Information Agency, (5) tlie Director of the International sity air traffic zones______ 1114 terested organizations to join in appro Cooperation Administration, and (6) one Pilot vigilance and restric priate observance of Pan American Day or more representatives of the President tions on flight testing____ 1114 and Pan American Week, in testimony to be designated by the President. The Pilot and instructor certificates; of the steadfast friendship which unites Board shall have a chairman and a vice extension of mandatory com the people of the United States with the chairman, each of whom shall be desig pliance date_;____ 1____ __1114 Poople of the other American Republics. nated by the President from among its Commerce Department IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have members. Each head of agency referred See also Civil Aeronautics Admin- hereunto set my hand and caused the to in items 1 to 5, inclusive, in this sub istration ; Federal Maritime- Seal of the United States of America to section may provide for an alternate Board ; Foreign C o m m e r c e ho affixed. (Continued on p. 1113) Bureau. 1111 1112 THE PRESIDENT CONTENTS— Continued CONTENTS— Continued Federal Communications Com- Pase Land Management Bureau— Pas° FEDERALÄBEGISTER mission Continued V , ■»» JP Proposed rule making: N otices—Continued Citizens Radio Service; exten Florida; filing of plat of survey Published daily, except Sundays, Mondays, sion of time for filing com and order providing for open and days following official Federal holidays, ments___ _________________ 1152 by the Federal Register Division, National ing of public lan d ..______ ,_1152 Archives and Records Service, General Serv Federal Housing Administration Illinois; filing of plat of survey ices Administration, pursuant to the au Rules and regulations: and order providing for open thority contained in the Federal Register Act, ing of public lands________ 1153 approved July 26, 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as Multifamily housing insurance; • amended; 44 U. S. C., ch. 8B), under regula eligibility requirements of Securities and Exchange Com tions prescribed by the Administrative Com mortgage covering multifam mission mittee of the Federal Register, approved by ily housing________ ..._____ 1115 the President. Distribution is made only by Notices: the Superintendent of Documents, Govern Federal Maritime Board Hearings, etc.: ment Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. Notices: American Natural Gas Co. The F ederal R egister will be furnished by Agreements filed with the Board and Michigan Consolidated mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 for approval: Gas Co________________ * 1162 per month or $15.00 per year, payable in City of Oakland, Calif., and advance. The charge for individual copies General Public Utilities Corp. 1163 (minimum 15 cents) varies in proportion to Encinal Terminals.:______ 1154 Operator Consolidated Mines the size of the issue. Remit check or money Michels, J. R., Jr., and Loretz Co________ __________ is__ 1162 order, made payable to the Superintendent & C o.____ ___________ . 1154 Standard Shares, Inc____ __1164 of Documents, directly to the Government States Marine Lines_____ 1154 Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. Proposed rule making: CODIFICATION GUIDE The regulatory material appearing herein Filing of freight rates in foreign is keyed to the Code of F ederal R egulations, import commerce of United A numerical list of the parts of the Code which is published, under 50 titles, pursuant States; oral argument_____ _ 1133 of Federal Regulations affected by documents to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as published in this issue. Proposed rules, as amended August 5, 1953. The Code of F ed Federal Power Commission opposed to final actions, are identified as eral R egulations is sold by the Superin such. tendent of Documents. Prices of books and Notices: pocket supplements vary. Southwest Gas Producing Co., Title 3 * pag« There are no restrictions on the re Inc., et al.; proceedings con publication of material appearing in the solidated for purposes of hear Chapter I (Proclamations): F ederal R egister, or the Code of F ederal ing and fixing date of hearing. 1155 3170_______ ,______ __________ 1111 R egulations. Chapter n (Executive orders): Federal Reserve System 10483 (superseded by EO 10700) _ 1111 Rules and regulations: 10610 (amended by EO 10700) —' 1111 CFR SUPPLEMENTS Classification of Reserve cities. 1113 10700—___ ________ ______ . 1111 (As of January 1, 1957) Fish and Wildlife Service Title 7 Rules and regulations : Chapter IX: The following Supplements are now Regulations concerning em Part 902 (proposed)_... ____ 1116 available: ployment of guides revoked_1116 Part927 (proposed)._________ 1128 Title 17 ($0.60) Foreign Commerce Bureau Part 990 (proposed)______ 1128 Part 1021 (proposed)________ 1128 Title 26, Parts 170-182 ($0.35) Notices : Spaeth, Karl-Hèinz and Ralux Title 12 Previously announced: Title 3, 1956 Gesellschaft Fuer Elektro Chapter II: Supp. ($0.40); Title 7, Parts 900-959 technik, MBH; export priv Part 204.......................... 1113 ($0.50); Title 18 ($0.50); Title 21 ($0.50); ileges denied__________ _____ 1153 Title 26, Parts 1-79 ($0.35), Parts 8 0 - Title 14 Housing and Home Finance 169 ($0.50), Parts 183-299 ($0.30). Chapter I: Agency Part 20._____ 1114 Order from Superintendent of Documents, See Federal Housing Administra Government Printing Office, Washington tion. Part 60 (2 documents)_____ .— 1U4 25, D. C. Chapter II: Indian Affairs Bureau Part 608__________ 1115 Notices: Title 24 CONTENTS— Continued Bureau employees; granting of permission in administrative