FEDERAL REGISTER VOLUME 22 ' V / . '9 3 4 NUMBER 39 Washington, Wednesday, February 27, 1957 TITLE 3— THE PRESIDENT DONE at the City of Washington this , CONTENTS twenty-ffrst day of February in the year PROCLAMATION 3170 of our Lord nineteen hundred THE PRESIDENT [ seal] and fifty-seven, and of the In­ Pan American D ay and P an American dependence of the United States Executive Order Pa^e W eek, 1957 of America the one hundred and eighty- Further Providing for the Opera­ BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES first. tions Coordinating Board_____ 1111 OF AMERICA D wight D. Eisenhower Proclamation A PROCLAMATION By the President: Pan American Day and Pan Amer­ ican Week, 1957______________ 1111 WHEREAS on April 14, 1890, the J ohn F oster D ulles, American Republics founded a bureau Secretary of State. EXECUTIVE AGENCIES for inter-American cooperation which [F. R. Doc. 57-1525; Filed. Feb. 25, 1957; now, as the Pan American Union, is an 4:41 p. m.] Agricultural Marketing Service organ and the general secretariat of the Proposed rule making: Organization of American States; and Milk; in marketing areas: WHEREAS the twenty-one Republics New York metropolitan and of the Western Hemisphere wiil cele­ EXECUTIVE ORDER 10700 northern New Jersey_____ 1128 brate April 14, 1957, the sixty-seventh Washington, D. C__________ 1116 anniversary of that historic action, as F urther P roviding for the Operations Watermelons grown in Florida, Pan American Day, at the end of a week Coordinating B oard Georgia, and South Caro­ of commemorative ceremonies; and By virtue of the authority vested in me lina____________________ I__1128 WHEREAS the American Republics by the Constitution and statutes, and as Agriculture Department continue to work together harmoniously President of the Únited States, it is here­ See Agricultural Marketing Serv­ in furtherance of their mutual objective by ordered as follows: ice. of making the Organization of American Alaska Game Commission States an increasingly effective instru­ S ection 1. (a) In order to assist in the ment of Hemispheric solidarity; and effective coordination among certain Regulations concerning employ­ WHEREAS they also continue stead­ agencies of certain functions relating to ment of guides revoked (see fast in their common determination to the national security and to provide for Fish and Wildlife Service)* maintain their freedom and safeguard the integrated implementation of na­ Civil Aeronautics Administra­ their peace through active participation tional security policies by the said agen­ tion in this Organization, which embodies our cies, there is hereby established within Rules and regulations: inter-American system of cooperation: the structure of the National Security Restricted areas; Pinecastle, NOW, THEREFORE, I, DWIGHT D. Council the Operations Coordinating Board, hereinafter referred to as the Fla., area; alteration_______ 1115 EISENHOWER, President of the United Civil Aeronautics Board States of America, do hereby proclaim Board, which shall report to the National Security Council. Notices: Sunday, April 14, 1957, as Pan American Hearings, etc.: Day, and the period from April 8 to (b) The Board shall have as members April 14, 1957, as Pan American Week; the following: (1) the Under Secretary * Free baggage allowances and of State, who shall represent the Secre­ excess baggage charges----- 1155 and I invite the Governors of the States, Kerkorian, Kirk, and Los An­ Territories, and possessions of the United tary of State, (2) the Deputy Secretary of Defense, who shall représent the geles Air Service, Inc_____ 1155 States of America and the Governor of Rules And regulations: the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico to Secretary of Defense, (3) the Director of Central Intelligence, (4) the Director of Air traffic rules: issue similar proclamations. Communication in high den­ ' * also urge all our citizens and all in­ the United States Information Agency, (5) tlie Director of the International sity air traffic zones______ 1114 terested organizations to join in appro­ Cooperation Administration, and (6) one Pilot vigilance and restric­ priate observance of Pan American Day or more representatives of the President tions on flight testing____ 1114 and Pan American Week, in testimony to be designated by the President. The Pilot and instructor certificates; of the steadfast friendship which unites Board shall have a chairman and a vice extension of mandatory com­ the people of the United States with the chairman, each of whom shall be desig­ pliance date_;____ 1____ __1114 Poople of the other American Republics. nated by the President from among its Commerce Department IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have members. Each head of agency referred See also Civil Aeronautics Admin- hereunto set my hand and caused the to in items 1 to 5, inclusive, in this sub­ istration ; Federal Maritime- Seal of the United States of America to section may provide for an alternate Board ; Foreign C o m m e r c e ho affixed. (Continued on p. 1113) Bureau. 1111 1112 THE PRESIDENT CONTENTS— Continued CONTENTS— Continued Federal Communications Com- Pase Land Management Bureau— Pas° FEDERALÄBEGISTER mission Continued V , ■»» JP Proposed rule making: N otices—Continued Citizens Radio Service; exten­ Florida; filing of plat of survey Published daily, except Sundays, Mondays, sion of time for filing com­ and order providing for open­ and days following official Federal holidays, ments___ _________________ 1152 by the Federal Register Division, National ing of public lan d ..______ ,_1152 Archives and Records Service, General Serv­ Federal Housing Administration Illinois; filing of plat of survey ices Administration, pursuant to the au­ Rules and regulations: and order providing for open­ thority contained in the Federal Register Act, ing of public lands________ 1153 approved July 26, 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as Multifamily housing insurance; • amended; 44 U. S. C., ch. 8B), under regula­ eligibility requirements of Securities and Exchange Com­ tions prescribed by the Administrative Com­ mortgage covering multifam­ mission mittee of the Federal Register, approved by ily housing________ ..._____ 1115 the President. Distribution is made only by Notices: the Superintendent of Documents, Govern­ Federal Maritime Board Hearings, etc.: ment Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. Notices: American Natural Gas Co. The F ederal R egister will be furnished by Agreements filed with the Board and Michigan Consolidated mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 for approval: Gas Co________________ * 1162 per month or $15.00 per year, payable in City of Oakland, Calif., and advance. The charge for individual copies General Public Utilities Corp. 1163 (minimum 15 cents) varies in proportion to Encinal Terminals.:______ 1154 Operator Consolidated Mines the size of the issue. Remit check or money Michels, J. R., Jr., and Loretz Co________ __________ is__ 1162 order, made payable to the Superintendent & C o.____ ___________ . 1154 Standard Shares, Inc____ __1164 of Documents, directly to the Government States Marine Lines_____ 1154 Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. Proposed rule making: CODIFICATION GUIDE The regulatory material appearing herein Filing of freight rates in foreign is keyed to the Code of F ederal R egulations, import commerce of United A numerical list of the parts of the Code which is published, under 50 titles, pursuant States; oral argument_____ _ 1133 of Federal Regulations affected by documents to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as published in this issue. Proposed rules, as amended August 5, 1953. The Code of F ed­ Federal Power Commission opposed to final actions, are identified as eral R egulations is sold by the Superin­ such. tendent of Documents. Prices of books and Notices: pocket supplements vary. Southwest Gas Producing Co., Title 3 * pag« There are no restrictions on the re­ Inc., et al.; proceedings con­ publication of material appearing in the solidated for purposes of hear­ Chapter I (Proclamations): F ederal R egister, or the Code of F ederal ing and fixing date of hearing. 1155 3170_______ ,______ __________ 1111 R egulations. Chapter n (Executive orders): Federal Reserve System 10483 (superseded by EO 10700) _ 1111 Rules and regulations: 10610 (amended by EO 10700) —' 1111 CFR SUPPLEMENTS Classification of Reserve cities. 1113 10700—___ ________ ______ . 1111 (As of January 1, 1957) Fish and Wildlife Service Title 7 Rules and regulations : Chapter IX: The following Supplements are now Regulations concerning em­ Part 902 (proposed)_... ____ 1116 available: ployment of guides revoked_1116 Part927 (proposed)._________ 1128 Title 17 ($0.60) Foreign Commerce Bureau Part 990 (proposed)______ 1128 Part 1021 (proposed)________ 1128 Title 26, Parts 170-182 ($0.35) Notices : Spaeth, Karl-Hèinz and Ralux Title 12 Previously announced: Title 3, 1956 Gesellschaft Fuer Elektro­ Chapter II: Supp. ($0.40); Title 7, Parts 900-959 technik, MBH; export priv­ Part 204.......................... 1113 ($0.50); Title 18 ($0.50); Title 21 ($0.50); ileges denied__________ _____ 1153 Title 26, Parts 1-79 ($0.35), Parts 8 0 - Title 14 Housing and Home Finance 169 ($0.50), Parts 183-299 ($0.30). Chapter I: Agency Part 20._____ 1114 Order from Superintendent of Documents, See Federal Housing Administra­ Government Printing Office, Washington tion. Part 60 (2 documents)_____ .— 1U4 25, D. C. Chapter II: Indian Affairs Bureau Part 608__________ 1115 Notices: Title 24 CONTENTS— Continued Bureau employees; granting of permission in administrative
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