stage on the 20 years celebrates Midori Richard Goode’s summerfeast and PianoauxJacobins. Klavier FestivalamRuhr, LaRoque d’Anthéron major pianofestivalsinFranceand : performing attheBBCProms andinrecital atthe Guardian, Aug2002).ThesummeralsosawGoode of themostimportantmusiciansourtime” residency hewasdescribedbyonecriticas Randall Scarlata.Asaresult ofGoode’s Edinburgh Weinfeld) andaliederrecital withtheyoungbaritone setting ofGreyfriars Kirk(withhiswifeMarcia performed aBachprogramme inthe atmospheric Schubert’s massiveSonataD595.Goodealso Usher HallofMozart,Debussy, Beethovenand concerti forNonesuch.Hegavearecital atthe whom hehasalsorecorded aseriesofMozart concerts withtheOrpheusChamberOrchestra, with At thefestivalGoodeperformedassoloistintwo sides ofhisversatileandextraordinary talent. gave aseriesofconcertsexploringthevarious Residence attheEdinburgh Festival,where he Richard Goode ASOAEAOTMSC NPRDB RAIIY COMMITTED TOPARTNERSHIP INSPIRED BYCREATIVITY, PASSIONATE ABOUTMUSIC, spent thesummerasArtist-in- S throughout theUS, andJapan. season withover100performances a remarkable 20yearsonthestagethis World-renowned violinist anniversary compilationdiscthatincludesanumberofnewrecordings. a discofFrench musicwithpianistRobertMcDonaldandaspecial Sony Classicalhasreleased two albumstocelebrateher20thAnniversary; at theManhattanSchoolofMusic. Psychology andGenderStudiesatNewYork Universityandnowteaches for example.Furthermore, she recently completedherMasters’Degree in the programmes beingoffered inpublicschoolsandchildren’s hospitals with aspecialfocusonbothclassicalandtraditionalJapanesemusic– Music Sharing in NewYork City. MidorihasalsofoundedasimilarorganisationinJapan, the arts.Thefoundationisnowpartnered withnumerous publicschools children whomightnototherwisehavetheopportunityforinvolvementin instruction andgeneralmusicinstruction,workshopsconcertsto profit organisationthatprovides musiceducation,includinginstrument significant partofeachseasontoherworkwith On topofherexceptionallybusyconcertschedule,Midoridevotesa BarcelonaMunich, Vienna, andMadridrightacross theUSand Japan. Philharmonic. RecitalswilltakeplaceinLondon,Paris,Brussels, Hamburg, Symphony, togetherwithaspecialtwo-weekresidency attheLosAngeles York Philharmonic,ChicagoSymphony, PhiladelphiaOrchestra, Boston Gewandhaus, BavarianStateOrchestra andintheUSsuchasNew Philharmonic, LondonSymphonyOrchestra, Orchestre deParis,Leipzig Many leadingorchestras joininthecelebrationsincludingBerlin music (Beethoven)comesexpressivelyfromdeepwithin.” being explored,quiteliterally, withasteadyhand...thebeautyofthis exhibitionism, ofself-advertisement,triumphantgestures.Musichereis “one (The , whichconcentratesonmusiceducationforyoungpeople player andinstrument...thereisnosignhereof her recital: . TheSalzburgerNachrichtenwrote after Proms, Schleswig-HolsteinFestivalandAmsterdam included performancesattheSalzburgFestival,BBC he beganwithamajorSummerFestivaltourofEurope that Philharmonic. Rotterdam Mozart withthe Beethoven and performances of concerti masterclasses and involving arecital, focus ofaproject Rotterdam heisthe Peter Oundjian.In Francisco Symphony/ Davis andSan Philharmonic/ Colin Zinman, NewYork Orchester Zurich/ Be Philharmonic/ performing assoloistwith orchestral engagementsthisautumnandwillbe Goode islookingforward tosomemajor ˘lohlávek, Tonhalle ˘lohlávek, “the listenerrarelyexperiencessuchaunityof Midori Midori &Friends celebrates , anon- Autumn 2002 Issue 10 News Intermusica IntermusicaNews tours&projects Handel inNewYork T Players In August,the (aboveleft)andtheCulturalMinisterDrGirardet. the MayorofLeipzigMrTiefensee delegation ofleadingpoliticalandculturalfigures cametoLondonforthedayincluding (above right)were tobefoundonblisteringforminMendelssohnandBrahms.Alarge embellishments” totheeveningconcert. There, theGewandhausOrchestra andBlomstedt day created anexperiencedescribedbytheEveningStandard as“Imaginative,welcome astonishing tradition.Awide-rangingfoyerexhibitionproved highlypopularandthewhole the headsofBach-Archiv andMendelssohnhausspokeeloquentlyaboutLeipzig’s performances bytheGewandhausQuartettaswellaseminaratwhichBlomstedtand under Herbert Blomstedtwaspreceded byavarietyofactivitiesincludinganorgan recital, Leipzig andofthegreat Gewandhaus.Aneveningconcert bytheGewandhausOrchestra London attheendofOctoberhighlightingremarkable culturalhistoryofthecity Intermusica initiatedanddevelopedauniquedayofactivityattheBarbicanCentre in London’s day at Leipzig Arbor aspartofthistour. The Gabrieliwillalsoperformthe seasonunderway anniversary Chanticleer gets25th further performancesof to Europethan 100performances.Chanticleerreturn inthespringnextyearfor Chanticleer’s 25threcording intheir25thseason-apackedfullwithmore their feet.Theprogramme isreleased asaTeldec CDthismonth,coincidentally settlers, spirituals,folksongs,jazzandnewcommissionsthatbrought through Americanvocalrepertoire from Mexicanbar a virtuosictourdeforce ‘an orchestra ofvoices’with have cometobeknownas demonstrated justhowthey Journey programme, Presenting anewly-devised France,theSeptembre Musicaledel’Orne de MusiquedeBesançonFranche-Comté,theFestivald’île the FestivalInternational started withatourinSeptember, performingattheMeranerMusikwocheninItaly, weekend, performingBach’s forward inApril2003whentheywillgivetwoconcertsduringtheEaster totheirreturn from asold-outAliceTully Hallandlook The Gabrielireceived astandingovation Esther performance ofHandel’s firstoratorio, made theirLincolnCenterdébutwitha Thessaloniki for concerts with Thessaloniki forconcerts A fuller report will appear in the next issue of Intermusica News. willappearinthenext issueofIntermusica A fullerreport Goodwin polishtheirmusicstandsfor concerts inAthens As wegotopress... Choir Ballet forDanceUmbrella come toLondonrepeat their award winningcollaborationwiththeFreiburg two inGermany and Yan PascalTortelier setoff forasix-concert tourofSwitzerlandandafurther Valery Gergiev and the , attheMostlyMozartFestival. , Chanticleer irons itsrobes intimetolaunchitsannual seasonatSt.John’s, SmithSquare. directed by his seasonseesAmericanvocalensemble works, spiritualsandjazz.Their2002/3seasonwithIntermusicainEurope of repertoire rangingfrom Gregorian chantthrough tocontemporary audiences intheUS,Europe andtheFarEastwithdynamicperformances Since itscreation, thisoutstanding12-manensemblehasbeenthrilling Our American Gabrieli Consort& ... Paul McCreesh The Our AmericanJourney Rotterdam Philharmonic ... Freiburg Baroque Orchestra St JohnPassion St JohnPassion The AcademyofAncientMusic and the including theBarbicaninLondon. at theUniversityofMichigan,Ann oque, tosongsoftheEuropean ... Easter Oratorio Chanticleer prepare tovisitAthensand The ... pack theircasesto BBC Philharmonic King’s College ’s 25thanniversary. and audiences to and Paul Magnificat . European Voices hitBerlin BrusselsandAthens. Frankfurt, Munich,Vienna, (pictured aboveright).TheOrchestra’s scheduleincludes Leonidas Kavakos soloists willtakepartinthetour-Intermusica’s Hartmann, aswellBartók,BrahmsandMahler. Two programming. ThistourwillincludemusicbyLigetiand well ashiscommitmenttonewmusicandinnovative has beenwidelypraisedforhisworkwiththeHPO,as extensive European tourinFebruary2003.Metzmacher Hamburg PhilharmonicOrchestra Netherlands, BelgiumandPortugal. Carmignola teamupagainforasix-concert tourofthe Amsterdam. InJanuary2003 theVBO,Marcon and Hall, theSnapeProms andattheConcertgebouw, in thesameweekincludedCopenhagen’s TivoliConcert subsequently broadcast onBBC 1.Performancesearlier Giuliano CarmignolaattheBBCProms inaconcert Marcon madetheirhighlyacclaimeddébutwithviolinist The Venetian news Debussy, BartókandTurnage. a programme combiningBoulez’s workswiththoseof inaugural FestivalPierre BoulezinStEtienne,Francewith with Rattle-atourofthe could notbemore different from theirlastcollaboration Berliners cheeringastheyseeintheNewYear, and The chorus’rendition willbeguaranteedtohavethe Bernstein’s director SirSimonRattlefortwoperformancesof Voices and In November, the Orchestra oftheAgeEnlightenment. the 2003/04seasonwithMusicDirector DanieleGatti. recent seasons.Future plansincludeareturn toSpainin RPO continuetheirconsiderableachievementsinSpain Valencia andBarcelona are includedinthetour asthe Tretjakovabove right)andViktor inDecember. Madrid, Orchestra Elsewhere inSpainthe Germany inFebruary2003. Ravel, LaloandChabrier. Theylookforward to toareturn stage withagileandrefreshing interpretations ofworksby touring Euskadi signalleditsentryontotheinternational soloist Spanish themeattheFestivalwithtwoconcertsfeaturing Varga festival. UnderthebatonoftheirMusicDirector, acclaimed performancesattheSchleswig-HolsteinMusik finest symphonyorchestras, isridinghighfollowingtwo The partnership thathasthrilledcriticsandaudiencesalike. andperformsassoloistinadynamic the CamerataSalzburg enjoying great successinSalzburg,Kavakosbothdirects at thenewAuditorioinLeón,itsopeningseason.Already Camerata Salzburg Orquesta SinfónicadeEuskadi Matthias Bamert Venice Baroque Orchestra Leonidas Kavakos (pictured aboveleft),theOrchestra continuedthe , willjointheBerlinPhilharmonic’s newmusic Hamburg ontheroad… Wonderful Town will beontourwithYuri Temirkanov (pictured ’s extraordinary chorus, Royal PhilharmonicOrchestra (pictured aboveleft)andhis , andthebaritoneMatthiasGoerne Royal Philharmonic perform anall-Mozartprogramme will giveaperformanceatthe St MatthewPassion . TheOrquesta Sinfónicade over theNewYear. Intermusica! ¡ Kavakos Guest Artist, joined bytheirPrincipal Spain: inNovember, its activepresence in Intermusica continues Arriba directed byAndrea , oneofSpain’s embark onan European , the Leonidas with the Gilbert Thierry Fischer: One year on

year after our first report, when he joined Intermusica, continues. In September the annual BBC Proms in the Park celebratory Thierry Fischer is continuing to make an impact, not concert (to coincide with the Last Night of in London) was only in the UK but across Europe and further afield. His held for the first time in and Fischer and the débuts in the coming season include the Swedish Radio made a huge impression on the large crowds who attended. Symphony, Orchestre Philharmonique de Radio France, Other familiar faces this season in Fischer’s schedule will include the BBC OrchestreA Philharmonique de Monte Carlo (with Montpellier to follow in Symphony Orchestra, BBC National Orchestra of Wales, Northern autumn 03), Bournemouth Symphony, Scottish Chamber Orchestra and , Dutch Radio Chamber and Lausanne Chamber. At the end of Copenhagen Philharmonic. last season he returned to the Australian Chamber Orchestra for a This summer he worked with Anja Silja in Geneva (Pierrot Lunaire) and triumphant tour of the continent, and was immediately invited to conduct conducted the first performance of Christian Lindberg’s Double Concerto them again in 2004 (just after a return visit to Japan) - one of the very few for Trumpet (Haºken Hardenberger) and Trombone at the Sion Festival – conductors which this independent band invite on a regular basis. with the Orchestra Sinfonica di Milano (also a début), “This is an hour of pure joy” (BBC Music Magazine) followed by a recording with the Radio Symphony Orchestra in Saarbrücken of a Prokofiev disc. “The playing of the Ulster Orchestra is bracingly alert and vividly detailed” (Evening Standard) Fischer opened his second season as Principal Conductor of the Ulster Orchestra in Belfast with a commission from Kevin Volans and continues “Ce programme fort agréable est magnifiquement défendu par Thierry the season with the complete Schubert symphonies and a Fischer qui a su tirer de son orchestre nord-irlandais des sonorités complementary Nordic theme. Their first CDs together for Hyperion had charmantes et des phrases subtils; qualités déjà rélevées dans leur excellent reviews (see right) and their series of ballets by Jean Francaix précédent disque Hyperion” (Répertoire) Versatile Richard Hickox made his Lortie plays début at Richard Hickox made his début at the Vienna State Opera Carter and this autumn with a run of Billy Budd performances. This is a Adès work which he has made his own, with a stunning recording for Chandos Records with the London Symphony Orchestra BBC Proms audience for his (following their electric concert performances in the rendition of the Ravel Left Hand Barbican a few years ago). In recent years he has also Concerto under with the BBC Symphony conducted it for Opera Australia in Sydney, for Cologne Orchestra (following a Far East Opera, and at Covent Garden; in September 2004 he takes tour with them), and opened the it to Washington Opera. Other European appearances in the first Mostly Mozart Festival at next few months include the Bavarian Radio Symphony, the Barbican Centre to a Deutsche Oper, and the Dutch Radio Philharmonic, with a packed house with Emmanuel visit to in March. Krivine and the Academy of St Martin in the Fields. Krivine was Louis Lortie’s thirst for new also his partner in the Franck challenges was manifested this Symphonic Variations with the Heinrich Schiff in the UK summer when he played Thomas Philadelphia Orchestra in July; a Adès’ fiendishly difficult Piano month earlier he played the Heinrich Schiff kicked off his UK engagements this season with Quintet with colleagues including Ravel G major with Osmo two glorious concerts in the Queen’s Hall at the Edinburgh Festival, his regular Vänskä in Washington DC. After both broadcast by BBC Radio 3, playing all the Beethoven piano partners James Ehnes and opening the Montreal Symphony trios with Christian Zacharias and Frank Peter Zimmermann. Three cellist Jan Vogler, at the Orchestra season this autumn months later he and Zimmermann join to play Moritzburg Chamber Music he performed with the Toronto the Beethoven Triple Concerto in the Philharmonia’s Beethoven Festival (of which Vogler is Symphony, and now returns to Cycle (part II) under Wolfgang Sawallisch. Following his magnificent Artistic Director). In October he Europe for engagements with Mahler 1 with them a couple of years ago, Schiff returns to the Hallé played a recital in the prestigious RAI Torino, Dutch Radio Orchestra in December to conduct his former pupil in London International Piano Symphony, Royal Scottish Lutoslawski’s Cello Concerto, flanked by Beethoven’s Coriolan Series on the theme of twilight, National Orchestra, and with the and Tchaikovsky 6. In February he plays the Schumann which includes ’s orchestras in Bordeaux, Lyon Concerto with the BBC Scottish Symphony, conducts a week with Night Fantasies alongside related and Madrid (National Orchestra), the Northern Sinfonia in April, and then returns again for a multi- works by Schumann, Liszt and where he also plays the faceted residency at the Bath Festival, which will involve an Ravel. Earlier this summer he had complete Chopin Etudes in intercultural project, chamber music and another concert with the a tremendous reaction from the recital at the Auditorio Nacional. Northern Sinfonia. McCreesh guests in Paris, Berlin & Cologne This autumn Paul McCreesh makes significant débuts with leading orchestras in Paris, Berlin and Cologne. In September, McCreesh made a highly successful début with the Cologne Radio Symphony Orchestra with an orchestral programme of Rameau, Mozart and Haydn. Later in the year he returns to Germany for another major début when he will conduct Deutsches Symphonie-Orchester Berlin in a programme of Haydn, Mozart and JS Bach with as soloist. Berlin will be seeing more of Paul McCreesh in the 03-04 season when he will conduct a new production of Handel’s Alcina at Komischer Oper.

Earlier this autumn, McCreesh conducted the Orchestre Philharmonique de Radio France in Paris in a performance of Myslivecek’s rarely heard oratorio Abraham and Isaac, a flamboyant vocal work that was admired by Mozart. Glorious Chopin Germany where she is heard Enjoying their shared Polish took them to the Warsaw regularly both in recital and roots, Skrowaczewski and Philharmonic where Kupiec with the major orchestras. Kupiec perform regularly made her début with the Ravel together: a recent G Major Concerto. This autumn marks two collaboration earlier in the year significant débuts for Kupiec as she travels further afield. In September she gave her Japanese recital début in n August, Ewa Kupiec Tokyo, where she KAVAKOS REACHES NEW HEIGHTS was the featured soloist in performed a demanding the BBC Philharmonic’s programme of Chopin, The 2002-3 season marks a significant point in tour of German festivals, Scriabin and Stravinsky. In Leonidas Kavakos’s exciting career, with important performing Chopin’s two November she made her US débuts and return appearances with some of the Ipiano concertos at the concerto début with world’s finest orchestras and conductors, including: Rheingau Festival on Milwaukee Symphony consecutive nights, and the First Orchestra where she / Paavo Berglund concerto at MDR Musiksommer performed Chopin’s Second / Bramwell Tovey Festival in Leipzig. A native of Concerto with Stanislaw Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra / David Robertson Poland, Kupiec now lives in Skrowaczewski. Philadelphia Orchestra / Wolfgang Sawallisch Rotterdam Philharmonic / Valery Gergiev London Philharmonic Orchestra /Ingo Kurt MetzmacherMasur Chamber Orchestra of Europe / Gruber opens his season London Symphony Orchestra / Yan Pascal Tortelier BBC Symphony Orchestra / with Budapest Festival OrchestraIngo / IvánMetzmacher Fischer HK Gruber begins an extraordinary season which will Hamburg Philharmonic / NHK Symphony Orchestra / Wolfgang Sawallisch include a major new orchestral work premiered by the Munich Philharmonic / Antonio Pappano /Rattle, appearances with Orchestra Filarmonica della Scala / Dmitry Kitaenko leading orchestras in Europe and the US, and his sixtieth Orchestre National de Radio France / Yutaka Sado Maggio Musicale / David Stern birthday celebrations. St Louis Symphony Orchestra / Stefan Sanderling Montreal Symphony Orchestra / HerbertIngo Metzmacher Blomstedt his autumn HK Gruber was back in North America, first Youth Orchestra / performing as soloist with the Cleveland Orchestra in his Camerata Salzburg best-loved work Frankenstein!! both in Cleveland and on BBC Proms tour - one of Franz Welser-Möst’s first concerts as Music Salzburg Festival Director. He will continue his relationship with the Cleveland TOrchestra when he returns next season as conductor. Following Edinburgh International Festival Cleveland he conducted the St Paul Chamber Orchestra in Minnesota Schleswig Holstein Festival and gave further performances of Frankenstein!! with the Vancouver Symphony. Back in Europe Gruber worked again with Ensemble In amongst his busy schedule, Kavakos will also continue in his role as Principal Guest Artist with the Camerata Salzburg, directing and Modern, conducting performances of Weill’s Der Dreigroschenoper on performing as soloist with them in concerts across Austria, Germany a major tour of Germany in November including Cologne, Frankfurt, and Spain. Dortmund and Baden-Baden. RICHARD HICKOX It was Richard Hickox, on the podium for the first time at the Staatsoper, who made the most significant contribution to the NEW SIGNINGS evening’s success. Britten: Billy Budd - Wiener Staatsoper Just as we went to press, Intermusica signed the highly talented (September 2002 Die Presse) young conductor Baldur Brönnimann for world representation. Born in Switzerland but now based in , he has already All of this was emphasised in the best possible way by the conductor impressed a number of UK orchestras such as the Hallé, Northern Richard Hickox and the A-list orchestra; Britten’s wonderful music Sinfonia and Royal Liverpool Philharmonic. Future concerts include positively glowed; this performance was dramatic, thrilling and in three performances with orchestras in Germany and Switzerland. hours made a very deep impression. (Neue Krone Zeitung) Intermusica is also pleased to announce the signing of one of today’s leading young composers, the Australian Brett Dean. A long-time INGO METZMACHER viola-player in the Berlin Philharmonic, Dean has had a number of His Mahler, meanwhile, is optimistic, free from neurosis, cynicism prestigious commissions including for the BBC Proms, Melbourne and self-pity. He finds grace, joy and wit, as well as sadness in Symphony and and has returned to live in Australia Mahler’s memories and a sense of genuine spiritual strength and to fulfil the many demands he has been receiving for new works. assertiveness in the final peroration. As so often with Metzmacher, you also get tremendously detailed playing, with every line in the complex Brett Dean has already created a unique and authoritative voice as a counterpoint in both works etched with breathtaking clarity. Stunning stuff. composer which has marked him out as a major force among the composers of tomorrow, and leading interpreters of his music include Mahler: First Symphony – BBC Symphony Orchestra Sir and . At the same time, we will be BBC Proms. (The Guardian, September 2002) working for Dean as a conductor and viola-player. A more in-depth GILBERT VARGA & LEONIDAS KAVAKOS article will appear in our next Newsletter. Conductor Gilbert Varga drove his orchestra to emotional heights but never lost sight of the overall structure, so important in Classical and Romantic concertos. With Leonidas Kavakos beside him, he performed Colin Currie débuts with the with a soloist whose playing was truly unpretentious. With technique of the highest possible level, a great variety of sounds and, most review: Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra importantly, a performance that was exceptionally expressive in the slower moments, he quite rightly received rousing applause. Colin Currie has just performed James MacMillan’s landmark Lalo & Ravel – Orquesta Sinfonica de Euskadi percussion concerto Veni, Veni Emmanuel under David Robertson in his Schleswig-Holstein Musik Festival. début with the Concertgebouw Orchestra in the opening week of their (Lubecker Nachrichten, August 2002) season. A week earlier he gave a solo recital at the Luzern Festival, in including the world premiere of a work for live and sampled percussion, JAMES EHNES There is a marked maturity about Ehnes’ style. Superficial glamour by up-coming young composer Dave Maric, specially commissioned for and gloss are entirely foreign to his way of thinking about music. One the event. Later this autumn Currie will be giving the US premiere of of the most sincerely expressive artists to have emerged in recent Rapture, Michael Torke’s new percussion concerto, with the Indianapolis times. Altogether remarkable. Symphony. Currie premiered Rapture last year and the recording with the Brahms: Violin Concerto – BBC National Orchestra of Wales Royal Scottish National Orchestra/ has been released to BBC Proms. (Daily Telegraph, August 2002) coincide with the American performances. Further ahead Currie will perform the Dutch premiere of the work with the Netherlands Philharmonic. EWA KUPIEC Ewa Kupiec mastered this remarkably difficult and famous piece outstandingly. As well as impetuous vigour, her interpretation revealed itself as having an established style, a sense of sound, musical Haefliger in Salzburg intelligence, and above all, the ’s charisma. his August Andreas Haefliger made his début at the Liszt: Malediction – Lucerne Festival Strings Salzburg Festival as soloist with Camerata Salzburg. Even (Engadiner Post, August 2002) the extreme weather conditions of the summer couldn’t COLIN CURRIE dampen the sparkle of Haefliger’s Mozart with the Currie gave a superlative performance of a work he knows so Camerata. He is looking forward to performances this intimately that he plays almost all of it from memory... Currie plays Tseason with the /Sawallisch, Budapest Festival down the theatrics and gymnastics of the piece, and – more than any Orchestra/Iván Fischer, Bavarian Radio Symphony/Richard Hickox in other soloist – concentrates on the purely musical elements: he is Munich and Gothenburg Symphony. In the US he will perform the more sensitive than others to dynamics, contrasts of colour, and the complete Beethoven concerto cycle with the Milwaukee Symphony as big structure of the piece; literally, he gets more music out of well as at Carnegie Hall with the Orchestra of St Lukes. enthralled capacity audience gave him a huge and noisy ovation. MacMillan: Veni, Veni, Emmanuel – Scottish Chamber Orchestra Music’s most intimate experience (The Herald, June 2002) LOUIS LORTIE October saw the opening of the 2002/3 International Chamber Music The soloist Louis Lortie’s splendidly emphatic entry heralded a Season in London, which is devised and presented by Intermusica in rendition of admirable clarity, combined with expressive subtlety in the association with the South Bank Centre. The series presents chamber moments of pathos that balance the slightly un-Ravelian savage music in a variety of forms, and welcomes the , Tokyo, splendour of the primary themes. Borodin, Takács and Arditti Quartets. The St Petersburg Quartet, with Ravel: Concerto for Left Hand – BBC Symphony Orchestra Ralph Kirshbaum, Peter Jablonksi and Evgeny Mogilevsky, take part in BBC Proms. (The Independent, August 2002) as an evening of Prokofiev’s chamber music while The Lindsays take part SIMON HALSEY in a major Haydn focus. We also welcome a unique collaboration from Halsey’s extraordinary musical intelligence and his high motivation Mischa Maisky, Julian Rachlin and Boris Berezovsky, while the have perfected the Radio Choir into a top-quality ensemble in record soloists of the Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment explore the world time. The partly soloistic performance in Stravinsky’s “Missa” under of chamber music for winds. At the time of going to press Intermusica direction from Rattle became an hour of stardom. can announce record advance ticket sales for the coming season. On his work with the Berlin Radio Choir (Frankfurter Allegemeine Zeitung) Turnage music festivalintheLoire (France)thisautumnwhere theirprogramme includes Bamert) lastyear, theRPOandBamertare thefocalpointofanewcontemporary RPO’s contemporarymusicprogramme attheBaselerMusikmonat(curatedby Symphonie Fantastique in Octoberandtoured venuesintheUKwithprogrammes focusinguponBerlioz BAMERT As AssociateGuestConductoroftheRoyalPhilharmonicOrchestra, typically eclecticprogramme ofmusicbyBerlioz,Bartók,Veress andRavel. returns toGenevaconducttheOrchestre delaSuisseRomandeinanother Mandarin St LouisSymphonyOrchestra inaprogramme includingBartók’s Haydn’s SymphoniesNo.44and45.InNovemberVarga madehisdébut with concerts featuringBrahms’twopianoconcertoswithFrançois-RenéDuchâbleand In October and recital appearancesattheOctobre enNormandieFestivalandinItaly. autumn includetheGulbenkianOrchestra/Herbig, Orchestre NationaldeLille/Kontarsky, Philharmonic, andinPariswiththeOrchestre deBretagne. conducts contemporaryprogrammes withtheNorwegianChamberOrchestra, BBC March withplayersfrom theLondonSymphonyOrchestra. ThisautumnMacMillan but DazzlingDarkness Sydney PhilharmoniaChoirsandToronto Children’s Chorus. Birmingham SymphonyChorusandYouth Chorus,LondonSymphony was intheuniquepositiontodrawtogethermassiveforces oftheCity Proms andSymphonyHallBirmingham.Asachoraltrainerwithoutpeer, Halsey “Symphony ofaThousand”forperformancesunderSirSimonRattleattheBBC together choirsfrom around theworldtoperformMahler’s epicSymphonyno.8, SIMON HALSEY invited back: with theChicagoSymphonyOrchestra attheRavinia Festival, andwasimmediately along withexpansivesweepandprobingintrospection." draw thatsoundfromagroupofplayers...shedrewutmostprecisiontheCSO - acompellingvisionofhowshewantspiecemusictosoundandtheability to should behearingmoreofher, andsoon....Thereisnodoubtthat Alsophasthegoods Three ScreamingPopes , andworksbyMozart,Tchaikovsky andRavel.Laterthatmonthhe of the Bournemouth SymphonyopenedwithBernstein’sof theBournemouth MARIN ALSOP Bournemouth SymphonyforNaxos.Earlierthisyearshemadeherdébut Bournemouth Tchaikovsky. Shewillalsobeginthefirstofaseriesrecordings withthe season includesymphoniesbyCopland,Walton, Beethovenand Psalms Germany toconducttheSaarbrückenRadioSymphonyOrchestra. – huge programmes withYomiuri NipponSymphonyOrchestra againtoJapan–whereHe alsofindstimetoreturn hewill Houston SymphonyOrchestras andofcoursetheMinnesotaOrchestra. podium ofseveralAmericanorchestras: Pittsburgh,NewJersey, Milwaukee, This autumnsees at theBarberInstitute,Birmingham.OtherEuropean engagements this the SibeliusconcertowithUlsterOrchestra andtoperforminrecital met withgreat acclaim.HewillbebackintheUKlateryeartoplay HICKOX Brahms concertowithBBCNationalOrchestra ofWales and In September back toconductplayersfrom theorchestra intheUSpremiere of MacMillan’s percussion concertoandnextsummer willwelcomeMacMillan The festivalalsoincludedthePhiladelphiaOrchestra performing performances ofhischambermusicandtookpartincoachingtalks. Festival intheUSthissummer, where heintroduced aseriesof JAMES MACMILLAN conducted twosubscriptionconcertsattheRoyalFestivalHall(London) GILBERT VARGA "Too badFridaynightwasAlsop’s soleRaviniadatethisseason.We and Mahler6inPooleonOctober16.Herotherprogrammes this Email: [email protected] Tel: 020 72785455Fax:0208434 16 DuncanTerrace, LondonN18BZ Intermusica Artists’ManagementLtd KassKara, Varga: StudioBonnardot, Temirkanov: Marc Vanappelghem. Tiefensee: NinaLarge, Chanticleer:MartySohl,GabrieliConsort&Players:KassKara,Metzmacher: Fair,Ehnes: JHenry &Blomstedt:NinaLarge, Alsop:GrantLeighton,LeipzigGewandhausOrchestra McCreesh: KassKara,Kupiec:Kavakos:EricRichmond,MacMillan:Andrew Farrington, Photo credits Design: Edited by was ChorusDirector inamajoreventthissummer, bringing . Ehnes’ return totheProms. Ehnes’return afterhisdébutonlylastyearwas . MacMillanwillconducttheworldpremiere ofthisworkin and Debussy JAMES EHNES Peter Sloper ’s eagerlyanticipatedfirstseasonasPrincipalConductor Midori: Dan Borris, Goode: Deborah Feingold, Fischer Clive Barda, Lortie: CliveBarda, Lortie: Goode:DeborahFeingold,FischerCliveBarda, Midori: DanBorris, STANISLAW SKROWACZEWSKI Stephen Chamberlain returned totheOrchestre deParistoconductthree and Boulez was composer-in-residence attheSaratoga La Mer returned totheProms toperformthe . Followingthehugesuccessof Notations . (Chicago Sun-Times). (Chicago Sun-Times). Miraculous return tothe return Chichester MATTHIAS conduct three RICHARD and to inA Deep brief: Record Shelf their choralmusictraditiontoday. composers celebratingthevibrancyof works newlycommissionedfrom American folksongs. Therecording culminatesin European settlerstospirituals,jazzand Mexican baroque andsongsofthe from and versatility, with worksranging demonstrate onceagaintheirvir ranging recording, Chanticleer from theAmericas.Anexceptionallywide- from thebroad sweepofvocalrepertoire season, As partofChanticleer’s 25thanniversary CHANTICLEER/TELDEC Music Magazine). Mravinsky athisrazor-sharp best.” years. has beenMusicDirector forthepast10 with theColoradoSymphony, ofwhichshe recording ofTchaikovsky Symphonyno.4 Naxos recently issuedMarinAlsop’s SYMPHONY MARIN ALSOP/NAXOS/COLORADO ’s great choraltradition. pre-eminence astheleadingguardian of style oftheEnglishanthem,andprove their chapel, theChoirglowinquintessential in thebeautifulsettingofKing’s College gems oftheEnglishchoraltradition.Filmed collaboration bringstogethersomeofthe This latestDVDfrom theKing’s OpusArte CAMBRIDGE/OPUS ARTE CHOIR OFKING’SCOLLEGE, direction ofMatthiasBamert." and theincisive,authenticimpressive orchestra andtherichnessoftheirtimbre; note especiallythesupplenessof these worksisputforward magnificently... contrast andexuberance: Lodge, writingcharming music,fullof of hisandmemberthesameMasonic at thesametimeasWA Mozart-afriend was aMoraviancomposer, livinginVienna with theLondonMozart Players.Wranitzky successful Mozart contemporariesseries The latestrelease inBamert’s hugely MATTHIAS BAMERT/CHANDOS/ Shostakovich. Martinu, Ives,Zimmermann,Pärtand composers includingKnussen,Walton, mix oftwentiethandtwenty-firstcentury again Metzmacherassembledaneclectic with theHamburg Philharmonic.Once Ingo Metzmacher’s NewYear concerts Afraid…” This isthethird volumeofthe STAATSORCHESTER HAMBURG MUSIC/PHILHARMONISCHES INGO METZMACHER/SONY BBC Proms in2001. The BirdsofRhiannon Wells Cathedral,alongsidehismajorwork choral evensongofthenewmillenniumat Magnificat stunning choralmusicincludinghis release bringstogethersomeofMacMillan’s Conductor oftheBBCPhilharmonic.This series ofdiscsforChandosasComposer/ James MacMillanconductsthefirstofa PHILHARMONIC JAMES MACMILLAN/CHANDOS/BBC Unmissable." ago (Chopin,Franck,Debussy)... performed togetheraquarterofcentury programme MaiskyandArgerichfirst ofthe in November2000-areplica partnership onthewing-livefromKyoto a25-year-old"This disccaptures GRAMMOPHON ARGERICH/DEUTSCHE MISCHA MAISKY/MARTHA releases byourartists: A selectionofrecent “Not amillionmilesawayfrom Our AmericanJourney series ofrecordings takenfrom , commissionedforthefirst (Gramophone) , premiered atthe "The casefor (Répertoire) “Who’s , draws tuosity (BBC