S Olympia Theatre “Summer Time Talent Quest* • Bank Night Wednesday Blank and TALENT QUEST” Mall to the ^ Name
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I HE HAMPTON BEACH ADVOCATE PAGE 8 The plane, however, had lauded NYA Emphasize Mechanics SEACOAST GROUPS almost upside down, and had plow, (Continued from Pago q* PLANE CRASH — ed a 16-foot furrow in the marshy l Continued from Page one) earth, and some ditiiculty was ex In Youth Training Program t M perienced in extricating the body. First of these trip , is sch m rate Marines On Guard forf Aug. 5. The plane was first sighted ovo. An ambulauce from the Ports- ..........In line_ with the rapid advance tion in dismantling and assembly Those at the meeting the Five Corners in Hampton and moulh Naval hospital In charge national defense program in- of aircraft structures. At the Na Frank C. Rernick of Port* b l . x i v Friday, August 2,1940 followed the Winnacuunet road »o Lleut Comdr. L. M DeCiccIo, M- C.. cjuding non-combatant as well as shua automechanics unit, a fully vice president of the regional 5000 Free Distribution the sea, going out over the water lQOk llie bady t0 tbe Navy Yard military aspects of preparedness, equipped garage contains valve ciation, who presided; A1 before the pilot reversed his course whpe a detachmeut from the Ma- the NYA in New Hampshire is grinders, hydraulic presses and Redden of Portsmouth, E and headed west. 11 ine Bunacks In cominaud of Chipi . - spccjai emphasis on mech- modern motor testing apparatus. Adams, Seabrook Beach, c The ship gradually seemed to lose p c ^Saulis was posted on guard ^ mgch|ne shop 0nd forge A special opportunity exists at) t|ie natural resources com Shriners Annual Marfa Opens Tomorrow altitude and as it neared the Ocean Ql the scene 0f the crash to keep ^ training are about to begin the Durham center where ‘machine ^ Qass Adams, Durham; boulevard Its landing gear struck ^ wrectage intact until army ^ two-shift schedule in Older and forge shop practice are carried ^ pucker, Rye, chairman the wires, then the ship swerved ofnclala could make arrnusements | ^ maximum number of on in the shops of the University highway committee; Dalton and struck the tip of the roof or j^ave the wreckage removed of New Hampshire. Approximately ton> Hampton Falls; Eloi A. old Services For N. H. Hairdressers Street Parade, Free Vodvil the Overlook cottage now owned irow the marshland. The remains >0“ ; attention is being 40 more young men will be accept- Madbury; James G. Apprentices Join by Mrs, Henry Goddard of Baltl-1 of ^ cTafl wlll „e taken to Boston tbe C(mtrTbutioI1 which ed by the NYA for training here QrccHiand; Mrs. Frank \V. Plan Beach Outing more. Md. where an examination will he made. *» — Capt. F. Tompson Coast Guard Crew Show, Fireworks, Feature Of can be made by the National Youth in the next few weeks. dall, Portsmouth; Mrs. Air As the damaged plane continued body was viewed by Hr. The New Hampshire Hairdres Several apprentice seamen were Administration in general to the The forge shop contains eighteen Funeral services for Captain on, observers on the ground saw t-rederict s . Gray of Portsmouth, Redden, Portsmouth; Mrs. sers’ association is completing assigned to New Hampshire and preparation of youth for employ forges, two electric welding booths, bath’ Folsom. Exeter;' Arch^rederick li. Thompson of Hamp- wreckage and what looked like the Rockingham county inedlaal ref- plans for the annual outing to be Maine Coast Guard stations Wed Gala Program For Outing ment in mechanical and metal four acetylene tables, and a steam n , wwho h o uitjudied auuucuijrsuddenly at his body of a man fall but search failed eree wjl0 sal(i death was due to hurt, Rye Beach; Arthur I. held at the Ashworth hotel. Hamp nesday. Arriving from New York trades. Through courses of work hammer. In this shop the student me on Winnacunnet Road were to disclose any trace of a second muitipie injuries, including a frac man of Portsmouth, chai ton Beach, August 11. Tuesday evening they 9pent the Sea coast Aas’n Sponsors New Hampshire Shriners will experience and related training at receives the practical experience eld from his home Sunday after- victim, and authorities believed tureJ sgun. the committee on historic H ighlights of the day will in night at the Hampton Beach sta Coast Guard Cachet have their day at the beach at the the motor mechanics center in Na necessary to meet the fundamental oon at 2 o'clock with Rev. Calvin Bourgoin was flying alone. The ship Ajt news Qf th»' accident spread in Mrs. A. J. Lance, Portsmouth clude a shore dinner at 1 o’clock tion and the next morning were In commemoration of the annual Marfa of Bektash temple, shua, the aero-mechanics center in requirements of a forge shop. By arburton, pastor of the Hampton Is a single sealer, although contain- ^ ja^e afternoon, thousands of curious Thornton N. Weeks, Gr and the playing of games and con distributed among six posts. Robert 150th anniversary of the Uni to be held during the afternoon Manchester and the machine and a set of exercises, the student be ethodist Church, officiating. Wil lag a rear compartment in which . jj0CRe(j to the scene In every man- Mrs. J. Guy Smart, Durham; tests on the beach during the af Davis of Mobile, Ala., was assigned ted States Coast Guard which and evening of August 3. forge shop center at Durham, ap comes familiar with the properties iam Elliot rendered two vocal the flier's personal belongings were , Iier conveyance and created a j E. Odiorne, Rye; Abbot B... „ _ _ ..... „ ternoon. Prizes will be awarded to to the Portsmouth Harbor station is to be observed the week of Miss Phyllis Morgan, drum ma proximately 100 young men are of metal, their malleability, ductil- Rye Beach, and Shirley S.V108- “A Stranger of Gallillee. found. trathe jam more serious than on the winners. and two went to the Isles of Shoals. August 4th a special cachet is jorette who won first prize at the now receiving a basic preparation ity. and fusibility. After receiving brjckf also of Rye Beach. and “Good Night, Good Morning." tQ aUcnd a PoHce Chief Jerome F. Harkness, inany, a Sunday. Chief Harkness are Charles C. Walker stayed at Hamp being sponsored by the New imperial council in Memphis, Tenm, Fire Chief George Lamott and a i bad tQ caj| |U extra town police and in those skills required in indus Hampshire Sea coast Regional these, he is instructed in elect™ --------------------- Following the services interment asked to mak(. reservation5 withwi ton. The remaining seamen were will participate in the street parade crew from the beach Coast Guard slate troopers to unsnarl traffic and trial production lines and there and acetylene welding. The mu- The made in the family lot in the wofld Ig full Qf wlllltwas Miss Marian Sprague of Nashua, taken by Boatswain James Sprague Development Association. of the Bektash temple drum and station under command of Boat- cjeiir road for official cars, are at present opportunities for chine shop contains various lathes. ^ Som0 are wllllng ^High Street cemetery with Rev. who has charge of publications. of Hampton to their posts in Maine For Oie convenience of those bugle corps, the Arab patrols and swain’s Mate Hallle D. Larrabee _____________ _ more to enroll. In many cases, the milling machines, shapers, planers, others are willing to let tbee'Wnrburton in chaiBe °f th<? con>- Mrs. Ann O’Brien, Keene, chairman waters. Two were delegated to the desiring a copy of this cachet, clowns both at 3 in the afternoon rushed to the scene of the crash. | It Pays to Advertise. i training received should lessen by drills, and grinders. ittal services. The bearers were of the educational committee, has Portland cutter, the Southwest self-addressed envelopes bear and 7:45 in the evening. Ira Lee ! months the adjustment period ex The students receive instructions arles Palmer, Edward S. Bat- been named chairman of the out Harbor buoy station received two ing first class postage may be Ev*ns of Concord is director of the perienced by these young men and also get experience in turning helder, Harold Noyes, and Milton ing. and one each went to the Rockland sent to the Executive-Secretary drum corps. seeking employment in factories. SAVE down pieces of stock, making Dearborn, all of Hampton. She will be assisted by the fol- and Cranberry Island stations. of the Association at 307 State An amusing feature of the par These training centers in New threads, gears, and parts of ma Special , Captain Thompson, wno was born lowing committees: Publicity, Mary SL, Portsmouth, who will have ade will be the unloading of 25 Hampshire operate as part of the boys from Franklin in clown attire AT THE chines. A ROAST fl-UCKI*11 Westport. N. S., was 64 years Hourihan, Manchester; location,! them stamped with the cachet resident center program and be Applications will be received at ^ ^of C agema nand m J V«fihad /l resided khere avd for Bertha Wilber, Portsmouth; enter- Police Kept Busy and mailed from the Ports from a single coupe in front of the cause each center specializes in reviewing stand. On the return of the NYA office in Room 2, City lover 35 years. He was well known tainment, Ann Sullivan, Nashua; mouth Post Office during that B ST. MARKET only one kind of mechanical train the procession the 25 boys will be Hall. Portsmouth, N. H., by Miss $1.49 by many coming to Hampton publications. Marian Sprague, Na- With Accidents week. ing, modern equipment is available packed into the coupe for the rest Barbara W.