Emergent flocking boid-based crowd behavior through generalization of the system rules in a 3D Reinforcement learning environment with predator satiation and foraging Author: Georgi Ivanov Supervisor: George Palamas Copenhagen June 2020 June 4, 2020 1 Aalborg University Copenhagen Semester: 10th semester, Medialogy (MSc) Aalborg Univeristy Copenhagen. A.C. Meyers Vænge 15, 2450. Copenhagen SV, Denmark. Title: Emergent flocking Secretary: Lisbeth Nykjær boid-based crowd behavior Mail:
[email protected] through generalization Phone: 99 40 24 70 of the system rules in a 3D Reinforcement learning Abstract environment with predator The purpose of this project was to create satiation and foraging an emergent flocking boid-based crowd behav- ior, through generalization of the system rules, Project predatory threat and foraging for the virtual st period: February 1 , crowd. Extensive research was conducted on th 2020 - June 4 , 2020 the topics of flocking boids, prey and preda- tor behaviors in nature and emergent behav- Semester theme: Media iors and self-organizing systems. 3D Reinforce- innovation ment learning environment was implemented us- ing Unity ML-agents. Finally, evaluation was Supervisor: George Palamas conducted by comparing two different ML crowd implementations with a flocking boid control Group members: environment. The results showed a successful Georgi Nikolaev Ivanov evolving of an emergent crowd behavior from one of the models, using a generalized set of system th Finished: June 4 , rules. Despite the suffered hardware limitations, 2020 the exhibited results satisfied the problem crite- Pages: 65 ria, as well as providing interesting insights and findings regarding emergent behaviors. 2020 Copyright c . This report and appended material may not be published or copied without prior written approval from the authors.