December 2017– January 2018

Beckenham United ReformedChurch


3rd Dec Mrs. Marion Bayley – including Holy Communion 10th Dec Mrs. Marion Bayley - Church Parade 17th Dec Mrs. Marion Bayley - Lessons & Carols 24th Dec Mrs. Marion Bayley - Christmas Miscellany 31st December NO SERVICE AT BECKENHAM - TO HAYES


6th Dec 2.30pm - to Hayes Christmas Tree Festival

12th Dec 7.30pm Elders 20th Dec 12.30pm Luncheon Club N.B. CHANGE OF TIME THIS MONTH


Our vision is to glorify God and to serve God throughout our lives, always open to God working through us. We seek to share the good news of love, forgiveness and grace with all in our local community through our actions and our prayers.

Donors Arrangers

December 3rd Peter Bevan Pat Power

10th available Jane Ball



31st available- Marion Bayley

There has been only one Christmas – the rest are anniversaries. W. J. Cameron


7th Jan Mrs. Marion Bayley including Holy Communion 14th Jan Mr. John Morley followed by Church Meeting 21st Jan CTIB Service - Preacher to be announced 28th Jan Mr. Tony Russell


4th Jan 2.30pm Bible Study 9th Jan 2.30pm Crescent Club 9th Jan 7.30pm Elders 17th Jan 1pm Luncheon Club 28th Jan - New Year Lunch

Donors Arrangers

January 7th 2018 Monica Duncan Monica Duncan 14th available Pat Power 21st available Jane Ball 28th Muriel Aldcroft Muriel Aldcroft


3rd Dec Isaiah 64:1-9 Psalm 80:1-7, 17-19 1 Corinthians 1:3-9 Mark 13:24-37 10th Dec Isaiah 40:1-11 Psalm 85:1-2, 8-13 2 Peter 3:8-15a Mark 1:1-8 17th Dec Isaiah 61:1-4, 8-11 Psalm 126 or Luke 1:46b-55 1 Thessalonians 5:16-24 John 1:6-8, 19-28 24th Dec 2 Samuel 7:1-11, 16 Luke 1:46b-55 Or Psalm 89:1-4, 19-26 Romans 16:25-27 Luke 1:26-38 CHRISTMAS Isaiah 9:2-7 Psalm 96 Titus 2:11-14 Luke 2:1-14, (15-20) OR Isaiah 62:6-12 Psalm 97 Titus 3:4-7 Luke 2:(1-7), 8-20 OR Isaiah 52:7-10 Psalm 98 Hebrews 1:1-4, (5-12) John 1:1-14 31st December Isaiah 61:10-62:3 Psalm 148 Galatians 4:4-7 Luke 2:22-40 6th January Isaiah 60:1-6 Psalm 72:1-7, 10-14 Ephesians 3:1-12 Matthew 2:1-12 7th January Genesis 1:1-5 Psalm 29 Acts 19:1-7 Mark 1:4-11 14th January 1 Samuel 3:1-10, (11-20) Psalm 139:1-6, 13-18 1 Corinthians 6:12-20 John 1:43-51 21st January Jonah 3:1-5, 10 Psalm 62:5-12 1 Corinthians 7:29- 31 Mark 1:14-20 28th January Deuteronomy 18:15-20 Psalm 111 1 Corinthians 8:1-13 Mark 1:21-28

FROM THE SECRETARY It is impossible to believe another year has gone by! How quickly time flies! It has been an eventful year at Beckenham in the fact after many years we are no longer linked with Hayes Free Church. Our Moderator visited us and suggested we should be linked with Widmore Road, Bromley. It is hoped that next year we will get a Special Category Minister for the two Churches. Every Monday Widmore Road hosts a lunch for the people of Bromley who are homeless or have special needs and today Marion and I joined them. It was very interesting and obviously helps many of those who come every week. Jill Bremberg’s husband Mansell, has been unwell and had to have a short stay in hospital. I am pleased to say he is now home and on the road to recovery. Some of us went to the Top of the Pew Final! It was a good evening and in the final round and with one question to go, the score was 55 to each team! As you can see it was a close match! At this time of year, I do like to thank the Elders and their other halves! We are very much a team and without them, my job would be extremely difficult!! I would also like to thank Hilary Miles who became our Interim Moderator about 6 months ago. She quietly guides us if we go astray! We now look forward first to our Christmas Fair this Saturday and then to Christmas itself; hopefully for all of us a joyous occasion. Let us see where God leads us in the coming year of 2018. May I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, Gill Ross

Dear Friends,

Christmas approaches and holidays can seem a long time ago, whether from earlier in the year or from years back. We may have gone abroad and have memories of long queues and waiting for an aircraft or a ship. At the end of the holiday we go through the same procedure in reverse and return back safely home full of glorious memories which will stay with us for ever. But what if you had to make the journey because of the dangers at home and you knew you might never be able to return? You are then called a refugee and the queuing and waiting for an aircraft or ship is a very different matter. Thousands are believed to be dying trying to cross the Mediterranean Sea in little boats and many thousands are stuck in often appalling conditions on both sides of the Mediterranean as nobody knows what to do with them. Our Bible is full of stories about difficult journeys and refugees. The Children of Israel wandering through the desert. The escape of the Israelites from slavery in Egypt. The return to Jerusalem from exile in Babylon. There are so many. Mary and Joseph had to travel to Bethlehem. Not a huge distance by modern standards but in those days walking (the donkey is traditional rather than biblical) and with Mary very pregnant it was a major journey. From Bethlehem they had to travel to Egypt to escape danger so what was this family if they weren’t refugees? Particularly at this time of year, when you hear news stories about refugees, usually derogatory, remember the Holy Family 2000 years ago. They were refugees needing help, a long way from home and not knowing what the future would bring. As usual this Christmas we are raising money for Crisis which assists a different kind of refugee. Usually they don’t have a home to go to and certainly don’t know what the future holds for them.

Have a wonderful Christmas wherever you are and with whom you are spending it. We are also approaching a New Year and we don’t know what lies ahead for our church but we know we are in God’s safe hands so the future is assured.




God and Father of our coming Lord Jesus Christ, the time of the Advent of the Christ draws near and we feel a mixture of excitement and apprehension – excitement for the hope He heralds; apprehension for the judgment He brings. This yearly round brings pain as well as pleasure.

We are innkeepers, for our hearts are too ready to cry “no room here!” and yet we want to be the shepherds who heard the angels and gathered in wonder and in praise at the cradle.

We are Herods, fearful for our position and yet we want to be the Wise Men who bowed and gave gifts.

We ache to welcome the Christ-child and yet we agonise at the cost of commitment.

Living God, fill us with wonder and keen anticipation for the glory to be revealed. Take from us unfitting fear and give us an expectation of renewal. Speak to us of your enduring nearness as we draw near to you in worship.

Loving God, we confess that we are not ready. We long to welcome once more the birth of your Son, but know our faith is less than steadfast; our love less than strong, and our commitment less than sure. Yet you love us as we are, and not only for what we might become. You call us to repentance, and promise us forgiveness and guidance on the way of life. Lord, we confess our impatience. We want you to act now – to transform the world and solve our problems. Yet we do not use the guidance and the resources you have already provided. The world tells us you are absent and that our faith is of no purpose – but we have done little to prove them wrong. Our jaundiced politics and prejudiced theology have prevented us from recognising the place where, and the people in whom, you are already at work. Lord, forgive us. Teach us to be prepared and steadfast; patient and perceptive – always alert to your action and purpose through Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour.

CHRSTMAS INTERCESSION Loving Lord God, We pray for all who hope for good news even when it doesn’t come. for all who hope for healing even though they are still anxious. We pray for all who have lost hope for their children because they are surrounded by disease, by war, by famine. We pray for all who build hope by identifying with the hopeless, by living alongside the desperate by kissing the weeping child and hugging grief-stricken mothers.

We pray for peace this Christmas: peace on earth as it is in heaven; peace in our home and cities; peace in war-zones and feuding families; peace outside us and inside us; peace between nations and peace between religions. We pray for peace-creators and peace- destroyers; peace-protectors and peace-disturbers; peace-enablers and peace-breakers. We pray this Christmas for lovers: lovers of hope and of peace; lovers of friends and of enemies; lovers of the loveless and of those injured; lovers of life and of justice; lovers of animals and of creation; lovers of beauty, of music, of art; lovers of babies in straw-filled mangers; lovers of worship and of generosity.

We ask this in the name of Jesus - hope-giver; peace-maker; love- bringer.

NEW YEAR PETITION Lord Jesus, you were a whole person, complete and fulfilled. Your word was your action and your actions matched your words. At the turning of the year, we commit ourselves to marry word and deed, and thus to follow you.

Lord Jesus, Man of God you were and man of the people. At the turning of the year, we commit ourselves to serve the living God and care for all His people, and thus to follow you. Amen COFFEE money for December goes to –

COFFEE money for January go to – Demelza House Children’s Hospice.


The Christmas Post Box will be at the back of the Church on the 3rd and 10th December. The cards will be distributed on Sunday 17th December. Please post cards ONLY for people who attend church regularly. There will be a plate in lieu of postage for CRISIS. Thank you. Gill

OFFERINGS The offerings during October were as follows:- October 1 £210.00 October 8 £110.00 October 15 £151.85 October 22 £151.00 October 29 £139.25

The after service coffee collections during October were in aid of our three Harvest charities and totalled £54.30. This is included in the totals set out in the separate article elsewhere in this edition. Anthony Bayley

HARVEST I can now report the final result of our Special Collections over the Harvest period. These were as follows:- Commitment for Life £612.09 Water Aid £677.10 Beckenham U.R.C. £550.11 This is, once again, a magnificent result and I would like to thank all those who participated so generously. Anthony Bayley CRESCENT CLUB

Our November meeting was held on a cold but bright afternoon. Muriel began with a prayer and read the coming events for December. Mary gave the birthday greetings. The theme was “photo with a story”. Monica’s photo was of Bromley Road School which will be 100 years old in 2018. She also had newspaper cuttings telling the story of the school. Sheila had a lovely photo of her family in France and one of them in . Mary’s was a picture of her aged 4 with Father Christmas in Penge High Street. Alas, the High Street looks nothing like that now! Gill’s was of her grandfather, on his way to his allotment at Penge East Station. One could see the old gas lamps in the background. She also had a photo of her husband and father taken at one of the jumble sales which was a usual event in our church hall in the 1970’s. Marion showed us photos of the rebuilt Frauenkirche church in Dresden. The brickwork was really beautiful. Jo showed a photo of her son at his American wedding. The bride and groom wore white and Jo was amazed that some guests wore shorts! Elma took us in pictures to Ephesus in the footsteps of Apostle Paul. It’s a wonder of the ancient world! Mine was a photo of me and 2 old friends taken at Chartwell. We had met as young mums and are now Great Grandmothers. Fifty six years of laughter and tears. Muriel had a photo of her late husband who was in the Merchant Navy. She also had a book of her family history. What an utter delight to see and what a legacy to leave her family and those who follow them; a wonderful afternoon of precious memories of sad and happy times. Tea, cake and chat ended the day. The next meeting is our Christmas lunch and carols. Patricia Power

CHRISTMAS FAIR This edition of the Outlook went to press before the Christmas Fair took place so there will be a full report in the next edition. Anthony Bayley

CRISIS Claire and her 23 year old son Sam were evicted with just a few days notice. With no support from the Council they found themselves out on the streets with just a few bags and their beloved dog Sparky. The park was the only safe place to go. “We were sleeping under a tarpaulin, then someone who walks their dog gave us a tent”. Struggling to protect themselves from the cold and damp, Claire and Sam had no idea where to turn – but then Crisis at Christmas took them in. At Crisis they were ‘spellbound’. “Good company, Advice, Lovely people. Crisis at Christmas has opened doors which were closed.” With Crisis’ advice, mother and son were looking forward to a safer year ahead. “Our hope is to get a roof over our head.” Says Claire. “And the dog.” Sam chips in. “We can’t leave her behind.”

Crisis state that every £26.08 which is raised reserves a place for one more person at Crisis for Christmas. What this provides is:- • A warm welcome and good company. • Three nutritious, hot meals daily, including Christmas dinner. • A bed for the night, if needed. • A chance to shower, freshen up and get clean clothes. • A health check and treatment from a doctor, optician and dentist • Expert help with mental health and addiction problems. • Advice on housing and employment. • PLUS access to Crisis’ year-round services for training and support in the year ahead.

We are raising funds for Crisis this Christmas in various ways and as you can see it will be well used. Anthony Bayley

Three Wise Women would have asked directions; arrived on time; helped deliver the baby; brought practical gifts; cleaned the stable; made a casserole and there would be peace on earth!


Luncheon Club still thrives ------some twenty five to thirty people come to enjoy a meal and good company every third Wednesday of the month. I would like to thank many friends, mostly from within the Church, for their help, whether cooking, laying tables, washing up or performing other 'chores' ----- we are a happy community and I am very grateful for all the support given for this very worthwhile project.

Our next lunch, the Christmas special, is on Wednesday 20th December, this month at 12.30, and I look forward to welcoming our usual friends from within the local community and any extra guests who you might like to join us, but please let me know beforehand if you are bringing extra guests, as without prior knowledge the food might run out before you get served! Ring me on 020 8658 3309.

Monica Duncan


The following is part of a letter received from Ruth Conde, a nurse with MSF. I know it’s a bit long but it’s worth a read.

Thank you so much to the congregation of Beckenham URC for your donation of £61.00 to MSF; your support means we can provide medical aid where it is needed most. I witnessed this first hand during my time as an MSF nurse in Abs Hospital in Yemen. When the first test came back positive for cholera, I remember the unhappy look on the faces of our team. We were already overwhelmed with work. There had been outbreaks of measles, whooping cough and a peak of malaria, and we were treating a large number of people with injuries from the war. Cholera was the last thing we needed. When you think of the things that make people vulnerable to cholera, you realise that Yemen in general, and Abs in particular, have them all. You’ve got a health system which has largely collapsed after more than 2 years of war. There are too few medical staff, who have received no salaries for months and have limited resources. You’ve also got displaced, impoverished people with little clean drinking water, not enough food and who are already suffering from a host of other illnesses. Cholera started in an intermittent way in Abs, but then in May, the situation exploded. We started receiving between 20 and 30 patients a day. Alarm bells rang and we felt that this was getting out of hand. We stepped up our efforts and set up a cholera treatment centre in a nearby school, in addition to the hospital. It currently has 100 beds and we have employed 100 additional staff. Not only is Abs at the epicentre of an outbreak of cholera that has already caused more than 1600 deaths and has affected more than 269,000 people, but it is also the region where the epidemic has grown fastest. In late June we received an average of more than 400 patients with suspected cholera each day. I remember one particular day when the epidemic had started to skyrocket. I was preparing some oral rehydration solution when suddenly we received an avalanche of patients. Among them was a young girl of 16 who was in a state of shock. On arrival she collapsed and stopped breathing. We had to put her on a ventilator, but as soon as the team injected fluids into her, she started breathing by herself again. By the next morning, she could already fend for herself. It was an amazing recovery. Working around the clock, the teams have managed to keep mortality rates down to between one and two per cent. Without proper treatment, administered in time, cholera can have a mortality rate of up to 50%. Even those patients who arrive in the most serious state don’t stay longer than about 4 days. The change can be meteoric. With the young woman, you can’t help but think about what might have happened if we hadn’t been there to help, or if she had arrived at our treatment centre five minutes later. I also can’t forget the fear in people’s eyes, as they don’t fully understand what is happening, or the pleas for help from community leaders and others, unable to cope with a crisis that is getting worse. I have the feeling that the situation would be catastrophic if MSF had not returned to work in Abs. Thank you for your support which allows us to be here, caring for people who have been forgotten by so many. A.M.B.


Dear Friends, “Fake news” has been named Word of the Year by Collins Dictionary and will be printed in the next edition. The phrase, which is often used by Donald Trump, has seen a 365 per cent rise in use since 2016. It is often defined as false, often sensational, information disseminated under the guise of news reporting. There’s a lot of it about and even if everyone spots it and dismisses it, it still manages to sow doubt causing us to question nearly everything in order that we may find a lie. Of course, questioning can be healthy as our attitude to sexploitation in the workplace attests to. But I’ve also seen comments on videos from war-torn countries that suggest the news is fake and dead children and grieving mothers are just actors. Evil is made even worse by the denial of its existence.

As Christians, we believe in the good news which claims to tell a truth that can seem to contradict what we know to be scientific truth: some two thousand years ago, an angel appeared to a young Jewish girl and told her that she would carry the son of God. The baby grew up preaching and teaching, making the blind see and the lame walk amongst other things. Then at thirty-three years old, he was crucified and, three days later, he rose from the dead.

To us today this might be considered fake news. But this is real news. And it is real, not just because of historical evidence from Josephus or Pliny but because of Love. Philosophers and biologists will say that love is just a concept or an evolutionary quirk. Society doesn’t seem very interested in talking about it. And so, the news, fake or otherwise, is dominated by evil. But the good news is that Love came down at Christmas. The power of love here on earth is immense. We cannot buy love because it must be a gift given freely. When we are embraced in love, we know it is because others truly care for us, not because of a good they hope to get from us. We are secure because we know that we are cherished by others for what we are. God’s gift to us is a gift of love. God so loved the world that He gave….so says John’s Gospel. It is a giving love, a generous love. It is grace love, gift love; free and unconstrained. God doesn’t make a list and check it twice to find out who’s naughty or nice before He gives His Christmas gift. His gift is free and undeserved and unsolicited and unlooked for love. The love- gift of God is ours. We need only take it by faith in Jesus Christ. That’s the message of the Scriptures. That is the good news for Christmas. The greatest gift ever given, offered free, unconditionally to all who believe.

At this time of year, people head to midnight services only in part because it’s something to do or they’re drunk or they do it because it gives them a lovely feeling. Carols have the best-known tunes. By candlelight, the church glows. But here must also be a transformation of the heart – and there generally is. Charity will be provided this year, as every year, by millions of Christians because love is tangible. It is a full stomach (a Christmas day lunch at church for those on their own). It is a bed for the night (in the Winter Night shelter). It is a friendly phone call or even just a smile. We do this big Christmas festival thing for a reason: because Love teaches us to walk the way of the Christ-child in humility and service.

Some people have found 2017 disappointing and depressing. But then evil trades in doubt and we should resist it. The fake news is that humankind is lost. The good news is that, because Love came down at Christmas, it can be saved. Come, Lord Jesus. Be born in us this Christmas. With Advent and Christmas blessings,

I said to the man who stood at the gate of the year, “Give me a light that I may tread safely into the unknown,” And he replied, “Go out into the darkness and put your hand into the hand of God. hat shall be to you better than light and safer than a known way.” So I went forth and, finding the hand of God, trod gladly into the night - and He led me towards the hills and the breaking of day in the lone East” Minnie Louise Haskins


1. Who created Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer? 2. What is the opening line of 'The Christmas Song' by Nat King Cole? 3. Which town, beginning with letter N, was Jesus raised as a child? 4. What is the time difference between Lapland, Finland and London, UK in December? 5. Can you name two of the three song titles of the 1990's UK Christmas Number Ones by the Spice Girls? 6. Who is the Patron Saint of Children? 7. According to the Christmas carol, which king last looked out on the feast of Stephen? 8. Who plays Juliet in the Love Actually movie? 9. Which famous Christmas poem was written by Clement Clark Moore? 10. What is the name of the fictional town in How the Grinch Stole Christmas? 11. By what title was the song Jingle Bells originally released? 12. Balsam, Douglas, Fraser and Noble are all types of what? 13. Who released 'Step into Christmas' in 1973? 14. True or false: Jesus was born on Christmas Day? 15. The Christmas Carol 'God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen' brings tidings of what? 16. What is a baby reindeer called? 17. In which ocean did the devastating 2004 Boxing Day Tsunami occur? 18. In the National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation movie, what creature did the Griswold family discover living in their Christmas Tree? 19. What song was Christmas Number One in the UK in 2016? 20. When is Childermass (Feast of the Holy Innocents)?

Answers later in the magazine!

HAYES FREE CHURCH CHRISTMAS TREE FESTIVAL 2nd – 10th December 2017 in aid of BROMLEY Y Bromley Y is a long established local charity offering free therapeutic support to young people between the ages of 0 -18 years, and to their families.

The church will be open for services at 10.30am and 6.30pm on both Sundays. During the festival it will also be open daily to view the trees as shown below. NB The church will NOT be open on Sat 2nd December until 7.00pm. Saturday 2nd December 7.30pm – OPENING CONCERT: Croydon Guitar Club Entertains Sunday 3rd December 6.30pm – Evening Service with Pickhurst Junior Academy Tree viewing 1.00 – 2.45pm Monday 4th December 7.30pm - Bishop Justus School Concert Tree viewing from 2.30pm to start of concert Tues 5th December NO EVENING EVENT Tree viewing 2.30 – 4.30pm Wednesday 6th December 7.30pm – Concert: The Wandle Ringers Tree viewing from 2.30pm to start of concert Thurs 7th December 7.30pm – Chamber Concert: Bromley Youth Music Trust (featuring string quartets and Cello Massif) Tree viewing from 2.30pm to start of concert Fri 8th December 7.00 for 7.20pm – Film: The Shop around the Corner (1940) (relive the cinema experience of the 1940s in the company of and ) Tree viewing from 2.30pm to start of film evening Sat 9th December 7.45pm – Concert: Beckenham Concert Band Tree viewing from 2.30pm to start of concert Sun 10th December 6.30pm – Evening Service: Churches Together in Hayes with musicians from Hayes School Tree viewing 1.00 – 2.45pm

Christmas is the keeping-place for the memories of our innocence. Joan Mills

Christmas waves a magic wand over this world and, behold, everything is softer and more beautiful. Norman Vincent Peale I heard the bells on Christmas Day their old, familiar carols play, and wild and sweet the words repeat of peace on earth, goodwill to men. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow


Dorothy’s daughter has been in touch to say that Dorothy would like to send seasonal greeting to those of us who remember her. She is living in a nursing home now but doing well.

U R C Prayer Handbook 2018: on eagles' wings For 2018, writers from across the globe contribute to our unique collection of thoughtful, provocative, prophetic and beautiful lectionary-based prayers. On eagles' wings, is illustrated with visuals which capture views from an eagles height. Editors, Richard Church and Nathan Eddy write, the images depict '...the feeling of being upheld and lifted by a power not of their making." which alongside the prayers buoyantly evoke "the hope that God The spirit will lift us and our prayers above all obstacles." Suitable for Christians of all denominations, this handbook will accompany you throughout the year as you celebrate Epiphany, Lent, Holy Week and Easter, Pentecost, Advent. Available on the URC Church website. Or if you don’t have access to the internet, Julien will order it for you. Price £6.50

QUIZ Answers

1. Robert L. May 2. Chestnuts roasting on an open fire 3. Nazareth 4. 2 hours (Finland is 2 hours ahead of the UK) 5. 2 Become 1, Too Much, Goodbye 6. Saint Nicholas 7. Wenceslas 8. Keira Knightley 9. Twas the night before Christmas (originally called A visit from St. Nicholas) 10. Whoville 11. One Horse Open Sleigh 12. Christmas trees / Fir trees 13. Elton John 14. False: Although not impossible, it was very unlikely that Jesus was actually born on Christmas Day 15. Comfort and Joy 16. A calf 17. Indian Ocean 18. Squirrel 19. Rockabye by Clean Bandit ft. Sean Paul and Anne Marie 20. 28th December

Beckenham United Reformed seeks to ensure that all content and information published in the magazine is current and accurate. The information included does not in any way constitute legal or professional advice and the church cannot be held liable for actions arising from its use.

Copy for the February Outlook by 21st January.

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Oakhill Road (off Crescent Road)

Interim Moderator Mrs Hilary Miles Secretary Mrs G Ross 020 8650 2959 Treasurer Mr. A. Bayley 07983 334946 Outlook Editor Mr J Ball 020 8659 5337 Asst. Editor Mr A Bayley 07983 334946

Church organisations

Crescent Club Mrs. M Aldcroft 020 8650 9518 Luncheon Club Mrs M Duncan 020 8658 3309 Brownies Miss L Minett [email protected] Rainbows Mrs M Sloper [email protected] Guides Mrs L Tullis [email protected]

Pilates Monday 19.30 – 20.45 Tuesday 09.30 – 12.00 Thursday 09.30 – 12.00 U3A Arts Class Monday 14.00 – 16.00 Janie Harris Ballet School Monday 15.15 – 21.00 Tuesday 16.00 – 21.00 Thursday 16.00 – 17.45 Friday 16.45 – 19.15 Saturday 08.00 – 16.15 Montessori Mon - Fri 08.30 – 12.30 Spanish Dancing Tuesday 20.00 – 22.00 Saturday 14.30 – 16.30 U3A Guitars(2nd & 4th) Wednesday 14.00 – 16.30 Brownies Wednesday 18.30 – 20.00 Rainbows Wednesday 17.00 – 18.00 Guides Wednesday 19.00 – 20.30

For lettings apply to Mr. Anthony Bayley 07983 334946

This church is a member of CHURCHES TOGETHER IN BECKENHAM in partnership with 14 other churches in the area