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ORDERS, DECORATIONS, AND MEDALS, GIVEN TO THE BRITISH NAVY, ARMY, AND FLY'rNG FORCE IN THE GREAT WAR. By MAJOR W. J. FREER, D.L., V.D., F.S.A., President. THINK this is an appropriate time to inform the Members of the British Numismatic Society of the honours con ferred on, and so well deserved by, our glorious Navy, Army, and Flying Forc~. GREAT BRITAIN. VICTORIA CROSS (V.C.). The Military and Naval badge is a bronze Cross with Royal Crest in the centre, and underneath it a scroll, with the motto "For Valour." Instituted by Queen Victoria, February 8, r856. It is the decoration of eminent personal valour, and the sole claim to it consists in the display of conspicuous bravery or devotion to the country in the presence of the enemy. The Cross is in the form of a cross-pattee (Templar's Cross). It was formerly suspended by a blue ribbon if worn by a sailor, and a red ribbon if by a soldier, but now red only. The date of the act of bravery is inscribed in the centre of the reverse, with the name of the action or campaign in which the honour was won. On the reverse side of the bar to which the ribbon is attached the rank and name of the recipient is engraved; for every fresh act of bravery equal to the first an additional bar is granted. A pension of £ro per annum is bestowed upon Non-Commissioned Officers and men who receive the Cross, and a further pension of £5 a year is given with each bar. H. 242 Orders, Decorations, and Medals, given to the By Warrant dated December 13, 1858, it was declared that non military persons who, as volunteers, had borne arms in the Indian Mutiny, should be eligible to receive this Decoration, which ranks before all other medals. In the case of deceased persons, this Decoration is given to the nearest relative. 1 Since the commencement of ;the Great War, 1914-19, it has been given to those serving in the Indian Army. THE MOST HONOURABLE ORDER OF THE BATH. This Order was probably instituted by King Henry IV in 1399. After the Coronation of Charles II the Order was neglected till 1725, when George I revived and remodelled it. On January 2, 1815, it was enlarged, and divided into three Classes, in commemoration of "the auspicious termination of the long and arduous contest in which this Empire has been engaged." On April 4, 1847, it was further increased by the addition of Civil Divisions of the first, second, and third Classes, when new statutes were made for the government of the Order, which has since been reissued, and the Order now consists of the following Members (besides Honorary Members) :- 1st Class.-Knights Grand Cross (G.C.B.). 2nd Class.-Knights Commanders (K.C.B.). 3rd Class.-Companions of the Order (C.B.). Badge, Military.-Gold Maltese Cross of eight points, enamelled white, in each angle a lion passant guardant or; in the centre a rose, thistle and shamrock, issuant from a sceptre between three Imperial Crowns or, within a circle gules, thereon the motto of the Order, surrounded by two branches of laurel proper, issuing from an escroll azure, inscribed" Ich Dien " (I serve) in letters of gold. It is worn, by G.C.B.'s, pendant from a red ribbon across the right shoulder; by K.C.B.'s, round the neck; and by Companions, formerly on the left breast, now round the neck. 1 Warrant dated August 8, I902. British Navy, Army, and Flying Force in the Great War. 243 CoZZar.-This is of gold (30 oz. troy), and is composed of nine Imperial Crowns, and eight roses, thistles and shamrocks, issuing from a sceptre enamelled in their proper colours, tied or linked together with seventeen gold knots enamelled white, having the badge of the Order pendant therefrom. The Star of the Grand Cross of the Military Division, is formed of rays or flames of silver, thereon a gold Maltese Cross, and in the centre, within the motto, branches of laurel, issuant as in the Badge. The Badge and Star of G.C.B.'s, Civil Division, are the old K.B. Badge and Star of the Order. The Star IS of silver, formed of eight principal points, or rays, charged with three Imperial Crowns proper, upon a glory of silver rays, surrounded by a red enamel circle upon which is the motto of the Order. The Badge is of gold, composed of a rose, thistle, and shamrock, issuing from a sceptre between three Imperial Crowns, encircled by the motto. Star of Military K.C.B.'s is a cross-pattee, in silver, charged with three Imperial Crowns proper upon a glory of silver rays, surrounded by a red enamel circle, upon which is the motto of the Order, " Tria juncta in uno," branches of laurel, and riband inscribed" Ich Dien." Badge of Military K.C.B.'s is like that of G.C.B.'s, but smaller, and worn round the neck. Badge of Military C.B.'s is like that of K.C.B.'s, but smaller, and is also worn round the neck. The K.C.B.'s of the Civil Division wear the like Badge, of a smaller size, round the neck by a ribbon; and the Companions of the Civil Division the same, but of a still smaller size, also round the neck from a red ribbon. The Star is a cross-pattee silver, charged with three Imperial Cr'owns proper, upon a glory of silver rays, surrounded by a red enamel circle upon which is the motto of the Order. The Star of the K.C.B.'s, Civil Division, is of the same form and R2 244 Orders, Decorations; and Medals, given to the size, omitting the laurel wreath and the esc roll , and is worn on the left side. Ribbon.-Red. Motto.-" Tria juncta in uno" (Three joined in one). THE .MOST DISTINGUISHED ORDER OF ST. MICHAEL AND ST. GEORGE. Instituted by King George IV when Prince Regent, April 27, r8I8, by Letters Patent, in commemoration of the Republic of the Ionian Islands being placed under the protection of Great Britain. The Order has been enlarged and extended. The Badge is a gold Cross of fourteen points of white enamel, edged with gold, having, in the centre, on one side, St. Michael encountering Satan, and on the other St. George on horseback en countering a Dragon, within a blue enamel circle, on vvhich the motto of the Order is inscribed. The Cross is surmounted by the Imperial Crown, and worn by the K nights Gl'a1~d O'oss, attached to the collar, or to a wide Sa.,'{on-blue ribbon, with a scarlet stripe, from the right shoulder to the left side. Knights Commanders wear the badge suspended to a narrov,r ribbon from the neck. The Companions wear the small Cross of the Order from a still narrower ribbon, also from the neck. The Star of a K.G.C. is composed of seven rays of silver, having a small ray of gold behveen each of them, and over all the Cross of St. George gules. In the centre the same as above, inscribed with the motto, 'c Auspicium melioris Ge,ri." The CoUal1 is formed alternately of Lions of England, of Maltese Crosses, and of the cyphers S. lVI. and S.G., having in the centre the Imperial Crown over two winged lions, passant guardant, each holding a book, with seven arrows. At the opposite end of the Collar are hvo similar lions. The whole is of gold, except the Crosses, which are of ,\ hite enamel, and is linked together b) small gold chains. The Ribbon of th e 01'der. -Sa.,'{on-blue, with a scarlet centre stripe. MEDAL. 3 4 THE MOST EXCELLENT ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. 5 British Navy, Army, and Flying Force in the Great liVar. 245 THE MOST EXCELLENT ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. J~me, 1917.-Naval and Military Officers can be admitted to the Order for services of a non-combatant character, and it consists of two Divisions, Military and Civil. The Order ranks after the Royal Victorian Order, and consists of the following classes :- Men. Ladies. 1. Knights Grand Cross (G.B.E.). 1. Dames Grand Cross (G.B.E.). 2. Knights Commanders (K.B.E.). 2. Dames Commanders (D.B.E.). 3. Commanders (C.B.E.) (Military). 3. Commanders (C. B. E.) . 4. Officers (O.B.E.) (Military). 4. Officers (O.B.E.). 5. Members (M.B.E.) (Reverse 5. Members (M.B.E.): Civil). The Badge, as worn by Members of the first three Classes, is a silver-gilt Cross; the arms of the Cross enamelled in pearl-grey, and in the centre, in a circle enamelled crimson, Britannia seated. On circle, motto of the Order, "For God and the Empire." Badge, fourth Class, is smaller, and is silver-gilt without enamel. The fifth Class is silver. Stars are worn by Members of the first and second Classes. Ribbon.-Purple-plain for Civilians; with red centre stripe for Military. A Silver Medal of the Order can be awarded to persons whose services to the Empire merit such recognition. It has, on the obverse, Britannia within the circle, and motto; and, on the reverse, the cypher G.R.I., and is suspended from a purple ribbon by a ring. In Leicestershire, the first two Silver Medals were presented by the Duke of Rutland, the Lord-Lieutenant, assisted by myself as Clerk to the Lieutenancy, to Miss Beatrice Evelyn Smith, of Lough borough, and Ernest Arthur Stubley, of Hathern, on April 17, 1918.