The Changing Patterns of Policy Making in Japan

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The Changing Patterns of Policy Making in Japan The Changing Patterns of Policy Making in Japan Local Policy Initiative of Okinawa Prefecture in the 1990s. アダム・ミツキエビッチ大学 オリエント・シリーズ ボホロディチ・ベアタ著 日本の政策決定過程の変容 1990年代沖縄県のローカル・イニシアティブの事例研究 ポズナニ 2 ADAM MICKIEWICZ UNIVERSITY IN POZNAŃ SERIES ORIENTALISTYKA NR 2 BEATA BOCHORODYCZ The Changing Patterns of Policy Making in Japan Local Policy Initiative of Okinawa Prefecture in the 1990s. POZNAŃ 2010 3 ABSTRACT . Bochorodycz Beata, The Changing Patterns of Policy Making in Japan. Local Policy Initiative of OkinawaPrefecture in the 1990s . [Zmieniające się modele polityki w Japonii. Lokalne inicjatywy polityczne w Prefekturze Okinawy w latach 90. XX wieku]. Adam Mickiewicz University Press, Poznań 2010. Seria Orientalistyka nr 2. Pp. 259, tables and figures. ISBN 978-83-232-2164-7. ISSN 1730-8771. Text in English with a summary in Polish. The research analyzes central-local relations of government in Japan focusing on Okinawa prefec ture, and in particular on the process of formulation and negotiation of the Program for Autonomic Modernization of Okinawa ( Kokusai toshi keisei kōsō ) in the 1990s. It was the most comprehensive regional development plan that had ever been proposed by a local government in Japan. The de- tailed conclusions identify factors that enabled formulation of projects on the local and national levels, their consecutive setting on the central government agenda, and also those factors and assi- milation methods, which shaped the final outcome of the local initiatives on the national level. The main hypothesis of the thesis is that the process of globalization and regional integration in East Asia on one had, and on the other, the activities of local and other political actors aiming at accelera- tion of decentralization and liberalization of the economy – have had far reaching consequences for the centralized system of the regional development planning in Japan. Key words: local autonomy in Japan, regional planning in Japan, Okinawa, local and national deci- sion making in Japan, local and national policy making in Japan Beata Bochorodycz, Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza, Wydział Neofilologii, Katedra Orientalis- tyki, 61-485 Poznań, ul. 28 Czerwca 1956, nr 198; e-mail: [email protected] Recenzent/Reviewer: prof. dr hab. Edward HaliŜak Publikacja dofinansowana przez Rektora Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza, Wydział Neofilo- logii UAM oraz Katedrę Orientalistyki The publication this book has been financed by the Rector of Adam Mickiewicz University, Faculty of Modern Languages and Literature of AMU and Chair of Oriental Studies Praca wydana z materiałów powierzonych przez Autorkę The book published based on the materials provided by the author © Beata Bochorodycz 2010 This edition © Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, Poznań 2010 Redaktor techniczny/Technical editor: Dorota Borowiak Łamanie komputerowe/Text formatting: Danuta Kowalska ISBN 978-83-232-2164-7 ISSN 1730-8771 WYDAWNICTWO NAUKOWE UNIWERSYTETU IM. ADAMA MICKIEWICZA W POZNANIU ul. Fredry 10, 61-701 Poznań tel. 061 829 46 46, faks 061 829 46 47 e-mail: [email protected] Ark. wyd. 21,00. Ark. druk. 16,25 DRUK I OPRAWA: ZAKŁAD GRAFICZNYUAM, POZNAŃ, UL. H. WIENIAWSKIEGO 1 4 Contents ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| List of Abbreviations .......................................................................................................... 7 Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 9 CHAPTER 1. Japanese Political Actors and Institutions ................................................... 25 1. The Emperor and the Diet ............................................................................ 26 2. The Prime Minister and the Cabinet ........................................................... 30 3. Political Parties ............................................................................................... 33 4. Civil Service .................................................................................................... 39 5. Interest Groups .............................................................................................. 43 6. Local Governments ........................................................................................ 47 7. Mass Media ..................................................................................................... 52 CHAPTER 2. Okinawa in the Japanese System of Decision Making ............................. 56 1. Policy Making Patterns ................................................................................ 59 2. Procedures of Policy Making ...................................................................... 62 3. Budgetary Process ........................................................................................ 65 4. Regional Development Policy for Okinawa .............................................. 70 5. Outlines of Okinawa Prefecture ................................................................. 74 CHAPTER 3. The Project for Return of the Military Bases: Local Initiative and the Prime Minister-led Policy Pattern ................................................................ 83 1. Policy Change under the New Progressive Governor Ōta ..................... 85 2. The Rationale for the Local Policy .............................................................. 88 3. The First Reorganization of the Prefectural Office ................................... 91 4. The Rape Incident and the Proxy Refusal by the Governor .................... 93 5. The Second Reorganization of the Prefectural Office .............................. 97 CHAPTER 4. The Deregulation Project: The Politicians-led Policy Pattern .................. 103 1. The New Cabinet of Hashimoto and his Okinawa Policy ....................... 103 2. Policy Process of the Deregulation Project in the Prefecture .................. 107 3. The Ministerial Evaluation of the Deregulation Project .......................... 111 4. Negotiations on the Tokyo-Naha Airfare Reduction ............................... 113 5. The Clash of the Ministries and the LDP over the Airfare Reduction ... 115 CHAPTER 5. The Modernization Projects: The Corporatist Pattern of Policy Making ...... 120 1. Public Commitment of the Prime Minister to Okinawa Development . 121 2. The Proxy Compliance by Governor Ōta .................................................. 125 5 3. The Third Reorganization of the Prefectural Office ................................. 126 4. The Corporatist Arrangements for the Modernization Projects ............. 130 5. Negotiations on the Allocation of the Special Adjustment Fund ........... 134 CHAPTER 6. The All-Okinawa FTZPlan in the Prefecture: The Pluralist Pattern of Policy Making .................................................................................................. 141 1. The Inter-Party Agreements on the Okinawa Development .................. 142 2. Negotiations on the Revision of the Special Law on Land for the U.S. Military Use .................................................................................................. 144 3. The Tanaka Report on the FTZMeasures ................................................. 148 4. Public Debate on the FTZ in the Prefecture .............................................. 151 5. The FTZ and the Idea of Autonomy ( jiritsu) ............................................. 155 CHAPTER 7. The FTZPlan in Tokyo: The Zoku Politicians-led Policy Pattern ........... 159 1. The Conflict within the Prefectural Governing Coalition ....................... 160 2. The Second Public Commitment of the Prime Minister to Okinawa Development ................................................................................................ 161 3. The Electoral Upheavals in Nago City ....................................................... 166 4. The Influence of the LDP Institutions on the Local Policy ...................... 169 5. The Postponing Strategy of the Ruling Party ........................................... 180 CHAPTER 8. The Okinawa Development Plan for the 21st Century: The Bureau- cracy-led Policy Pattern .................................................................................. 183 1. New Prime Minister Obuchi and his Okinawa Policy ............................. 184 2. Change of the Prefectural Policy under the New Conservative Gov- ernor ............................................................................................................... 187 3. The Quid Pro Quo Agreement on the Relocation of the Military Bases ............................................................................................................... 191 4. National Policy Making of the Local Policy .............................................. 192 5. Local Participation in the National Policy Making Process .................... 195 Conclusions ........................................................................................................................... 200 Appendixes ............................................................................................................................ 211 References ............................................................................................................................
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