Published by Dr. K. Anilkumar Organising Secretary XIV Annual Convention of Society for Conservation of Domestic Animal Biodiversity Centre for Advanced Studies in Animal Genetics and Breeding College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences Mannuthy, Thrissur-680651, Kerala, India Compiled and Edited by Dr K Anilkumar Dr Bindya Liz Abraham Dr T R Sreekumar Typesetting, Layot & Printing Lumiere Printing Works Thrissur 680 020 Ph: 0487 2331056 KERALA VETERINARY AND ANIMAL SCIENCES UNIVERSITY DIRECTORATE OF ACADEMICS & RESEARCH POOKODE, LAKKIDI P. O., WAYANAD - 673 576 Dr. K. Devada, Ph.D. Phone : 04936 209260 Director (Academics& Research) (M) 9446062400 Fax : 04936 209275 E-mail :
[email protected] Message It is a great honour and privilege to know that theXIV Annual Convention of the Societyfor Conservation of Domestic Animal Biodiversity (SOCDAB) is being organised at College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Mannuthy, Thrissur during February 2017, with a National seminar on the theme “Biodynamic Animal Farming for Management of Livestock Diversity under the Changing Global Scenario” . The Kerala Veterinary and Animal Sciences University is indeed fortunate to host the same. India has the distinction of having very large livestock population in the world (512.05 million as per 2012 census). Though India stands first in milk production in the world and there has been quantum increase of 6-7 times in the last four decades, yet low average productivity of our livestock is a cause of concern. It is necessary to strengthen this sector in order to augment agriculture GDP in the country. India is a rich source of domestic animal diversity. Various tools of genetic resource management and exploration of unique sources of renewable energy will definitely help to accomplish the mission of biodynamic animal farming and indigenous livestock resources which is the focus of the National Seminar.