I Visit 1 T Roma Nania I Hetfi^T

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I Visit 1 T Roma Nania I Hetfi^T ‘ Oa-ZOB «aliofaaHo St«State,; H istoricalil'Soc. Sop. - . • > . ■ '/T.' bio N. JttU» D»»' 6 : . 'eoap.' ,5 -- . ■ _ ^------ iridqy,E dkiQjiy^ • Mon News : ,' ' Partial Clearing . Mora Simrtt ' ■" ! ' ' 1 ing ^ ?_L M. fam ity Comics .. ; | Fraiu/e Secilon . MagiMagic Valley’s Home Newspaperi ^ r .r ' ' - ■ ■■ ' . ' VOL. 66, NO. 77 Twl:TWlN FALLS. IDAHO,h SUNDAY. JU N E 29, 1969_________ ’ . , TWENTY CENTS'' '^-S — --------.-.rM 9 THIS PANORAMA V IE Wr ‘«lW tb® Bo > . t t e pap an o ram a w ere taice'n ais ^vidoa]^ v i d o a ] shots-fi^ differentIt il Is'Is beingbelnj nia as a cootlouousHIS atrip.Strip. TH ie two lakes at left are - right...' tooth Ranges is wbat Is ea from tbtbe new overlook ^ m edI locations,loeatio resulting lo t^ Irregularrr^^lar foregrouod:forei The Sawtoothb Uttle RedfishRet Lake, near thew bottom.bottom, aod Redtlsh Lake, with . the Sa by the ChaUis National Forest.»rest. Uw-The-two plctnres that lormI - Range on the skyline fit toge&erigether so perfectly,pei however, thatIt the jaggeJagged ^umaalt ot M t HeybumHeytem JuJust behlod It aod to theI look aiat Galena Summit, r - ' 1 ■ te , 1, „ N i x omToy i i i V isitt 1R o mn a a n iaI Ii ^ ^ '''• ,' ‘~ y P r e s i d e n t A stromlonk'Readi on adiedF orLr Launch o To T om t-___ - ___ CAP^EJCE^jMEDY (UPI)-Ar mnke the— most— ;--------spaoo,"10 ." ho said.saldr-i It-weuidAake-------- ---------- id-iplf^ of tu i norU ie^i^ adolescent astromonknk namednamec thorough study yetyet ofc how ' at leastleast aa yearyear to fly to-a )t vlslbto fr«m OM prtse^ over. ; < Bonny settled in ai crampedcrampec prolonged" weightlessnesswelghtlessne af- . planetiCt and and back. back. - space capsule Saturdayurday forfoi • fects .liferocesses processes........................... • . Bonny-jnny- wasw as expectedexj to b e ..................... 2------------------ laanch on a record 30-day0-day eartlearth Dr. W. Rosstoss Adey,Adey, principalp circlingling earthearth InIn aa 253-mlle |iigh S t a t i o n s) — ' orbiting flight to helpIp plan foifor investigator• fromfrom tha»i{iiiversi-.'tho^ orbitt whilewhile ApolloApollo 11-astronauts’ manned voyages, lastingting a yearyeai - ty of Californiairnia aat t LOsL6s Angeles,J ' Neil A.A. Armstrong,A rm str . Michael . - - , or longer. said the primrimate ate shouldshoulcJ “yield CollinsIns andand EdwinEdw E. Aldrin . NEW YORK (UPI)—Pres- The 14-pound..pigtail111 monkey,monkey more data thanthan allall thethe manned-: take.offi.off JulyJuly 1616 onc man's first - Ident Nbcon will make a fivelive - • ^ native of Southeasteast AslaiAslan flights put together."together." He1 said moon landing mi nation, tour of Asia and an jungles, was reportedted “lively"liveb tests on thehe astrpmonkastromonl could - .• _Pre3ident^Rlchire.q/dffift^Rlrhflrll^^F TJiynn f e * '* : r"® ancl in good • snape"«" as hihe ' not Be donele onon mah.mah; bnt-t that announcedounced plansplans to1 fly to Cape ■ . '-'j IroQ Curtain to Roi^ania nextlext . awaited blastoff in1 a 1,536-1,536 w hat Is amedlearned from from Sonny’s Kennedynedy toto dinedine with1 the pilots ■ • month, the White HCuse an*an- _pound blosatellite. reaction toI spaceflight can be launch'eveich'eve JulyJuly 151 and then to nounced Saturday. The two-and-one-half*foot-alf-foot talltal relatedm an. to man. • b e onon' handhand InIn thetl mid-Pacific. The- round-the-world trip will mole monkey was fitteditted with ja "This is reallyreally thotho purposepui of to meetneet thethe astronautsastro on their > begin July 23 when Nixonxon wide variety of instrumei)^nstrumei^ts, the experlmentr-tonent-rto testtest In part retumim toto .eftrtinuly .eftrth 24 with travels ' to m ld-Paciflc .toto Including 10 . sensorsi surglcall’surgically _ support«rt tnantnan . needsni In thSlrr pricelesspriceless cargoci of moon welcpme America's Apollo 11 and painlessly implantedmted ;ln^i;ln-4iia-. ordcr.~\to survivesurvive aa year.; In , ic.samples.rock. samples. aBtroitauts bacic from the m oon ______ . and is expected to end Aug. 3. It would afford him an fft ' opportunity io visit American JL'V forces. liL:.VJjetnam,^-.but.pFesa£ Two CMea ’ Jji 3^ Troops I secretary Ronay Ziegler said A .~ 1 , 2 0 0 Fresh 1 there were no such plans at thfs /lu P time for Nixon to visit tho war® Harassed ^ zone. However, any such visit would be kept secret until1'’il It By!■ y Snipers H ' Join B en H et was completea, V HetFi^t ^ n i^ O Otl¥'OM e teitvUytoirvUv te"forest^;»!«« Wt^a'i^our The tour wilt take ^^0tho ByRv UttltedI Press'iDtenuitloaal H I Prealdent to tho Philippines. * SAIGON (UPI)-Alllcd com-com- artillery position Inside the ^bcllided lo a proposed timber'saleBber 'sale , b Wes CaYbon, superyii^.^of dia and est. Mr. Carlson soys ,thereere Is coicoaalderibto, matura aod^^M uatuT Indonesia, Thailand, India ancland SnipersSni; opened fire on p61Ice . mmandors andor Saturday threw morenore camp, 'were discovered and P akistan and then to B ucharest in y] blown up Friday by\ South ;' l>ouglas tir lo. tbe area thatiat almalmld ld bo bwvesteil.' : ; . i rest In violence wracked Omaha, than 1,200 fresh troops oitd vM rfnm l for a meeting with Romanian mak ffort Vletnameae Irregular forces. P resident Nlcolae CcausescuJacu ^ . " Kokomo, Ind., early 'WM m9?slvomQ^slvc B52 raids Into on effort and tho first visit of an Saturday, f’ive persons wero to brea ,u„ Earlier in the-week, a North f n • to break,tho Communist siegeJu Vietnameseyi^am l ioldler managed to ' | ’ A m e i c a n President to) a hurt when Negro. teen-agers of Ben Het fmld- reporu North tunnel Com m unist nation since Fron-ran. >cuffliscuffled with police and-stoned lorth tunnel tnto ah 4inoccupIedEl TJL im ber Salelale To Pave % kiln D. Roosevelt visited Yaltaaita cars in Des Moines, Iowa. ‘V VVietnamese letnan troops were tryingying bunker Ata the caip p b ut he-v wwas as . • In 1M5. A to tunrtunnel their way Into Ihe(he killed bvby point-blank fire from ■ . ; A curfew was lifted In, • W ' jujunglo n d o <outpost Just as thoy did allied rllriflemen. Q Irf announcing the trip. Whiteh ite troubled(roubi Cairo, III., - a fter a 1-,Wg House officials snld It was» to night of relative calm. at Dlen Blen Phu. Spectapularlar ISa^w tooth 0 emphasize the President’s con- OmahaOmi hod Its fourth night; of ,\t* ,UJ Four batlallons of allied vlctton “(hat the United Statesates disturbancesdistur FrWoy^^Jn the . , ____troopstroops struck1 on' the groundl in l ITActJLMan Qiarged niust' remain a Pacific ^ww er" " wake or the Tuesdoy shoolinging “ 'MRSrRrC.“tARSEN-:W ------su'supporflof p ^ rf ’tho garrison cif abotit ' " “ - — ------------B y - O r ;T-rrWtile-<;a8|no-Creeki^to-barveal , t Little jcaato, and to get the thinking of Aslanslan of a 14-year-old Negro-girl Vby ''• . ' i K im berly w om an, bo- 200 AnA m ericans and 45 South f i Tlmes-News Managing EditorItor It. WWhen the timber has been thousai leaders on what America's rolo tho adoptedac son of actress Hedy comescome, first ot her sex to1 be VletnanVietnamese surrounded In “5Uio 1In f l Assault . '^p'” . cut, IthQ^^oreat Service will take Th« — should be-afler-the Vietnamflam LamoffiLama The-shooilng-occurred dli rnaf Grcen"Berct"camp'undcf5leB0sle g o ---------- --------------------------------------------f----------- Plans-are-under-way-lo-de- l ' -<*•: -oyorb v o rth o roodrw hlchrw lll-term * ove rly ‘i director 'o f lhT*NaHohar Green-; • velop.whot (he Challis National |naio Wnr. ' while .patrolman James Loder, Uvestock and Meal Board.d. for the 54th doy. R ill onjil inato a few hundred yards from thoso ^ President Nixon decidcd to 30, wiwaa investigating a burglaryary IO Forest people believe la the uie overlookq sIlo; supotic accept Ceausescu's Invitationn to Tuesdoy. Mlss Lomorr adoptedted B52BS2 bom lw rs, striking In,„.Ruledlnsafte a Smost spectocular "overlook*'In, Wcawe Carlson, supervisor of Iho Sm ^ I •* visit Romania because "theUhe Loder while sho was morrled to TVTrt four-houi'’ ipCflod ending ' ant t e6 A 23-yoar-oid23-yj Twin Fails mon,man, the ;Sawtooth area, and they'ro>y ro ChallisQhall National Forest, believes when I United. States Is'-intoreBtedI In actor John, Loder. "“NationalMeatild ctl- S;'s";n.m. Soturdoy, dropped at least charged with assoult withth a EO>nigoing to got the road into it built the overlooko can become ono of ple ar dealing with the countriesi of PolicePoll flold-snipers opened f> 1.8 million pounds of bomba>a inIn deadly \weapon with Intentnt to almcalm ost freo........................................ (he(he nmost popular scenic and rcc- should 2 10 Nnturnllon strikes AKolnst com m it i Jd^cd Tlio overlook site Is a point on rcntlt Eastern Europe on the basiss of fire onc them In Omolia's near I 3 O ainst com m it m urder has been Judged Tli It on rcntlonol attroctlons on the for- ular, « mutual respect and wantedI to North Side NcRro ghetto earlyS Board Picks i£Spositions of Cqir\munl.st Infnn-ifnn- legnllylegally liInHono. Ihoiho iridge cast of the SalmonI Itl-Rl- est,est. d lsu n c irymen who Imve.llirnwn an niirH vor, across from Redflnh Lako..ako. PojPopularity of tho overlook at way. got thb' views of nne of thothc Saturday.Batun A short llmo Inter, A ‘ 5H0 Larry F. Daugherty Was ruled tl Iron ring nround qen llot, 2B0 , ‘-“"y, r F rt Th® reason it Is p ractically’ un- OnloiOniona Summit haa been estnb- • Tho leaders Qf Eastern Europe whowhn ErnestErnes Chombersr^ leader '“ofof / \jr i Insane following a hearing Fri- Has shown concern about pencejnce the city’st Negro community, Area Woman .
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