©LPI ST. MICHAEL THE ARCHANGEL ROMAN 804 High House Rd. Cary, NC 27513 Parish Office: (919) 468-6100 |

Worship ~ Education ~ Service Welcome to St. Michael Cary St. Michael the Archangel Roman Catholic Church 804 High House Rd., Cary, NC 27513 | (919) 468-6100 “We are a Roman Catholic community called by God to discipleship through WORSHIP, EDUCATION, and SERVICE” Parish Office: (919) 468-6100 Hours: The parish receptionist is available from 9 am - noon Monday-Friday in the church gathering space. EMERGENCY CONTACT (For life & death emergencies) \ (En caso de gravedad o muerte) During Office Hours (all other medical calls): 919-468-6142 SOCIAL MEDIA Evenings / weekends: 919-368-0150 Follow us and stay up to date!

@stmichaelcary ACADEMIC AND FAITH FORMATION St. Michael Preschool (919) 468-6110 St. Michael School (919) 468-6150 Faith Formation Office (919) 468-6185 Parish Office (919) 468-6100 LIVESTREAM MASS SCHEDULE Weekend Masses Saturday Vigil 5 pm (livestreamed) PASTORAL COUNCIL MEETINGS 7 pm (en español) The monthly Pastoral Council meetings Sunday are generally scheduled for the first 7 am (quiet Mass, no music) Wednesday every month at 7:00 pm in 8:30 am (livestreamed) the library on the 3rd floor of the Trinity 10:30 am (livestreamed) Center. Changes occur occasionally, so 12:30 pm it's always wise to check the parish calen- 2:15 pm (en español & livestreamed) dar for specific dates and location. If you 5 pm (Communion Service only, outdoors) would like to address the Parish Council or provide feedback any time, please con- Daily Mass tact us at [email protected]. Mon - Sat: 7am Mon - Fri: 8:30am (livestreamed) Offertory Report Tue: 7pm (en español & livestreamed) Fiscal YTD Offertory (Actual) $735,116.76 Confessions Fiscal YTD Offertory (Bud.) $744,334.63 Sat. (bilingüe) 2-4pm, Tues. (en español) 6:15-6:45pm, or by appt. Variance -$9,217.87 The Offertory Budget was decreased by 15% Eucharistic Adoration (Currently Suspended) since last year. 3rd Wed.: 6:30-7:30pm 1st Fri. Devotions: 9:30am-8:30pm Collection Schedule Thank you for your generosity to our parish! Nov 1 | Sun. Offertory & All Saints/Souls Nov 8 | Sun. Offertory & Building Fund 2 Nov 15 | Sun. Offertory Weekly Snapshot Parish Staff MASS INTENTIONS

CLERGY The month of November is dedicated to the Pastor souls in purgatory. The Mass intentions for Rev. Michael Burbeck [email protected] this month are for all the names listed in our All Souls Book. Please fill our your All Souls Pastor Emeriti envelope with your loved ones names and it Rev. Msgr. Douglas P. Reed [email protected] will be added to the book and will be remem- Rev. Msgr. John A. Wall (919) 219-3949 bered at all the Masses during the month of Parochial Vicars November. Rev. Joseph Oji [email protected] Do you have a Mass intention that you would like Rev. Noe Ramirez [email protected] said? You can now do it all on Realm! Deacons Look under 'Events.' Deacon Patrick Pelkey [email protected] Deacon Terry Mancuso [email protected] ALTAR FLOWERS Deacon Brian Phillips [email protected] For all the Souls in Purgatory. Deacon Glenn Dudek [email protected] From the Nguyen family. Deacon Dave Wulff [email protected] If you would like to sponsor altar flowers, please Worship contact Catherine at 919-469-0576. Wayne Cusher, Director [email protected] Diane Williams, Admin. Asst. [email protected] OBSERVANCES FOR THE WEEK

Religious Education NOVEMBER 1, 2020 Mary DiSano, Associate Director [email protected] Sunday: All Saints Day Jeannine Hughes, Coordinator [email protected] Monday: All Souls Day Carin Owen, Director [email protected] Tuesday: St. Martin de Porres Wednesday: St. Charles Borromeo Service Thursday: St. Peter Cyrsologus Janet Berlin, Admin. Asst. [email protected] Deacon Mark Westrick, Director [email protected] Friday: St. Nicholas Tavelic and Companions Saturday: St. Didacus Administration Danielle Crane, Operations [email protected] Catherine Embry, Finance [email protected] Carolina Gallo, Hispanic Ministry [email protected] Sun: Rv 7:2-4, 9-14 / Ps 24:1BC-2, 3-4AB, Liz Jones, Finance [email protected] 5-6 / 1 Jn 3:1-3 / Mt 5:1-12A Cindy Linville, Finance [email protected] Alma Logue, Finance [email protected] Mon: Wis 3:1-9 / Ps 23:1-3A, 3B-4, 5, 6 / Lilian Lopez, Administration [email protected] Rom 6:3-9 / Jn 6:37-40 Thomas Mitchell, IT [email protected] Tues: Phil 2:5-11 / Ps 22:26B-27, 28-30AB, Norma Powers, Archives [email protected] 30E, 31-32 / Lk 14:15-24 Emily Ricci, Communications [email protected] Wed: Phil 2:12-18 / Ps 27:1, 4, 13-14 / Lk 14:2-33 St. Michael the Archangel Catholic School Tara Navarro, Principal [email protected] Thurs: Phil 3:3-8A / Ps 105:2-3, 4-5, 6-7 / Matt McLaughlin, Asst. Principal [email protected] Lk 15:1-10 Fri: Phil 3:17-4:1 / Ps 122:1-2, 3-4AB, St. Michael Preschool 4CD-5 / Lk 16:1-8 Lisa Ciesla, Director [email protected] Sat: Phil 4:10-19 / Ps 112:1B-2, 5-6, 8A, Michele Lanuti, Admin. Asst. [email protected] 9 / Lk 16:9-15 Next Sun: Wis 6:12-16 / Ps 63:2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8 / 1 Thes 4:13-18 / Mt 25:1-13 3 Father's Faith Notes

In 1791 Archbishop John Carroll, the first Catholic bishop of the United States, composed a prayer for the Church and Nation. This week, as our Nation heads to the polls, I thought it appropriate to share an excerpt of that prayer and invite you to join me in praying it for our current leaders and those soon to be elected:

“We pray Thee O God of might, wisdom, and justice! Through whom authority is rightly ad- ministered, laws are enacted, and judgment decreed, assist with Thy Holy Spirit of counsel and fortitude the President of these United States, that his administration may be conducted in righteousness, and be eminently useful to Thy people over whom he presides; by encouraging due respect for virtue and ; by a faithful execution of the laws in justice and mercy; and by restraining vice and immorality. Let the light of Thy divine wisdom direct the deliberations of Congress, and shine forth in all the proceedings and laws framed for our rule and government, so that they may tend to the preservation of peace, the promotion of national happiness, the increase of industry, sobriety, and useful knowledge; and may perpetuate to us the blessing of equal liberty. We pray for his excellency, the governor of this state, for the members of the assembly, for all judges, magistrates, and other officers who are appointed to guard our political welfare, that they may be enabled, by Thy powerful protection, to discharge the duties of their respective stations with honesty and ability. We recommend likewise, to Thy unbounded mercy, all our brethren and fellow citizens throughout the United States, that they may be blessed in the knowledge and sanctified in the observance of Thy most holy law; that they may be preserved in union, and in that peace which the world cannot give; and after enjoying the blessings of this life, be admitted to those which are eternal… Amen."

God bless you, Fr. Michael

PRAYERS OF THE FAITHFUL For those who are ill or in need of our prayers, we pray… WEEK ONE: Pauline Alexander, Loretta Bierer, Lucy Brooks, Maria Cho, Autumn Collier Family, Joe Day, Richard Delaney, Bill Dusold, Chris Foreman, Marge Hellkamp, Eric Lund, Kristin Mayleben-Flott, Melissa Makowski, Donna Odell, Kelly Parnell, Judy Rampolk, Kay Reusch, Judy Shallcross, Kim Stittsworth, Melinda Strunk, Kellie Sliwa Thalhamer, Virginia Wright, Tyler Youngberg

WEEK TWO: Patricia Carnaby, Alicia Conway, Michael Marta Craven, Christian Craven, Stephen If you or someone you know is hav- Diehl, Alicia Elias, Diego Eguizabal, The Hackett Family, Erin Holmquist, Rosemarie Mancino, Isa- ing serious health issues, preparing bel Mattingly, Dawn McGibbon, Norma Muhlbauer, Bill Odell and family, Rosanne Schenck, Jeff for or recovering from surgery, or has Schuller, Shirley Skalicky, Mike Ward, Dave Wulf other medical needs and would like to be listed on the parish Prayers of WEEK THREE: Chance & Brianna Foreman, Michael Fraga, James Gallagher, David Harcharic, the Faithful, please call the Pastoral Jim Lyons, Mary Nagle, Debbie Orkiszewski, Parish Staff in Need, Dolores Rewkowski, Christine Care Desk (919-468-6142) or email: Scuderi, The Sliwa Family, Sandra Viera [email protected]. Veri- fication/approval by person in need WEEK FOUR: The Alexander Family, Tania Almeida, Claudette Anger, Binh Cao, Chuck Elms, Ro- will need to occur prior to printing. drigo Eguiguren, Ricardo Eguizabel, Jerry Franks, Sally Gildea, Dara Hadley, Lorena Juarez, Jake Kennedy, Rita Lohman, Rita & Frank Losito Sr., Gloria Marshall, Joe Miracola, Louise Molnar, Carrie Nelson, Nancy Odell, Betty Pate, Debra Pavlou, Kathryn Peakovic, Marilyn Pelligrini, Scott Pichette, Irene Quistorff, Dorothy Rogers, Ernestine Soller, Cody Starling, Carol Tinsley, Angela Traglia, Betsy Warren, Nina J. Weiland

WEEK FIVE: Julie Miles Gernatt, Caren Lowe, Ruby Millea, Norma Miller, Nina Miracola, Donna Lee Pennella, Joan Robinson, Mary Schroeher, Annette Stephens, Teresa Watkins, Ken Wondra

WEEK SIX: Baby Sophia Alexander, Henry & Henrietta Badjan, Barbara Biland, The Cortina Family, Angela Frasca, Richard Friedman, Patti Hashagen, Kathy Howard, Linda Janas, Rebecca Johnson, Deacon Terry Mancuso, Peggy Scollon, Annette Stevens, Ken Tanner

4 For those who have died, we pray: Frances R. Kalmer Parish Announcements and Events

ALL SOULS DAY Each year at St. Michael, we ask you to share the names of your loved ones to be remembered in our Mass inten- tions for the month of November. This year we have created a link on the Parish Website that will allow you to list the names and make a donation (under the "Resources" tab). If you are unable to access the website, there will be a limited number of envelopes available at the Welcome desk in the gathering space. All of the names will be added to our St. Michael Book of the Dead that will be placed in the church for the month of November.

HONDURAS SISTER PARISH STUDENT SPONSORSHIP The Sister Parish Ministry has started the student sponsorship for the 2021 school year which runs from February to October. If you’re a current student sponsor you should have received an email or a letter with the opportunity to renew your student(s) for the upcoming year. If you are not a current sponsor and would like to sponsor a student or if you are a current sponsor and would like to renew your student(s), you may do so online at If you wish to contribute to the agricultural program, please click on “ANOTHER FUND” and select “Agriculture Programs.” If you have any questions, you may send an email to [email protected] or contact Luis Hernandez at 919-656-0648. Thanks for your support. 5 Parish Announcements and Events

SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITY Do you believe in the gift of education? We have a way you can help give that gift to children in need. Our parish preschool welcomed 8 children on need- based scholarships this year. We are still in need of donations and sponsors to help provide them with a cost-free, excellent start to their Catholic education. Please visit our Giving Link at or email Michele Lanuti [email protected] for more information. Thank you in 6 advance for prayerfully considering a donation to this worthy ministry. Parish Announcements and Events The crowds asked John, “What ought we to do?” In reply he said, “Let the man with two coats give to him who has none. The man who has food should do the same.” - Luke 3:10

THANKSGIVING BASKET PROJECT 2020 NEEDS YOU The Annual Thanksgiving Basket Project is November 21 & 22. This project has helped thousands of families not only put food on their table at Thanksgiving but for weeks after. It brings parishioners of all ages together to help through donation and/or volunteering for a great cause - helping others. It is our hope that this ministry can expand this year. So, we are asking for your help through:

EARLY MONETARY DONATIONS - Early dona- tions go a long way toward helping us plan how many meals we can provide. Some em- ployers generously match contributions so please ask your employer if this is a possibility. The cost of a completed basket will be $50 this year - but any donation is valued. Please mark your envelope and check with "Thanksgiving Basket" and drop it in the collection basket or at the church office. You can also donate online. Login to Realm. Click on "Giving". Then select the "+ Give" button. Using the “Fund Type” dropdown menu, select "Thanksgiving Basket". Then enter your gift amount.

FOOD DONATIONS - Food donations will be accepted before Masses on both the weekend of November 14 & 15 and November 21 & 22. The grocery list will be available on the St. Michael website. Any items on this list are greatly appreciated. Donations of turkeys can only be accepted the weekend of November 21 & 22. We also invite you to stop by the Parish Center to see what is needed over the course of the project weekend.

For more information please contact Committee Co-Chairs Lisa Beck and Julie Healey at [email protected] 7 Parish Announcements and Events

Things are moving ahead with the Jesse Tree project! We have already received many forms for children in need in our community. As a reminder, Distribution Sunday will be December 13th.

Monetary donations will be needed more than ever this year to help fund the project, since we anticipate fewer people shopping due to Covid-19. You can donate online by visiting the St. Michael web site and clicking on the Jesse Tree banner on the main page. The suggested donation per child is $40.

We will also have trees with ornaments in the gathering space, beginning the weekend before Thanksgiving. Gift requests will be split between SignUpGenius requests and physical ornaments.

Volunteer SignUpGenius schedules will be ready within the next 1-2 weeks, and we will inform you through the Bulletin and Realm. We will not hold a volunteer orientation or ornament-writing session in person, for safety reasons.

Questions? Please feel free to email us at [email protected]. Thank you! Jaime Doran, Sherry Kilgus-Kramer, and Sharon Braswell – Jesse Tree coordinators

St. Michael the Archangel Catholic Church Celebrates National Black Catholic History Month

November has been designated to be the National Black Catholic History Month by the National Black Catholic Clergy Caucus in 1990. During the month we have the opportunity to celebrate the African ancestry culture and highlight the contributions of Black Catholics. Black Catholic history began in the Acts of the Apostle (8:26-40) with the conversion of the Ethiopian Eunuch by Philip the Deacon. Ethiopian Eunuch’s conversion predates the conversions of Saints Paul and Cornelius. Black Catholics trace their faith history back to Christian antiquity long before other nations heard the “Good News.” Christian Africa was indeed a “leading light” in early Christendom. Black Catholics point to three who were born in Africa: Saints Victor I, Melchiades, and Gelasius I. All three shepherded the early church through tough and tumultuous times in history. Black Catholics claim many Black Saints like Saints Cyprian, Zeno, Anthony of Egypt, Moses the Black, Pachomius, Maurice, Athanasius, Pisentius, Mary of Egypt, Cyril of Alexandria, Monica of Hippo, Augustine of Hippo, Perpetua, Felicitas, and Thecla. Some of these mystics, monastics, and literally made the church what it is today. This November we are excited to share information on three extraordinary African American Catholics: ST. MIKE'S TIKES AND FAMILIES Journalist Daniel Rudd, Bishop George V. Murry, Bishop Edward Kenneth Braxton, and the What is it? A new group that provides St. Knights of Peter Claver organization. Michael families with young children (Birth- 1st You are also invited to join the St. Michael AAMEN chapter during the month of November to pray the Black Catholic History Rosary. To receive the text for the Black Catholic History communion (2nd grade) an opportunity to Rosary or to send your feedback about the weekly articles contact Jennifer Jones at gather, learn, play and pray, and to give young [email protected]. families opportunities to grow in their faith, Did you know that November seemed appropriate as National Black Catholic socialize and connect with other young church History Month as it holds two commemorative dates for prominent African and African descent Catholics, St. Augustine of Hippo, whose birthday is November families. Join our Facebook page: St Mike’s Tikes 13th; and St. Martin de Porres, whose feast day is November 3rd?

and Families. We will also be sending emails Source: United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) and National Black Catholic Congress (NBCC) to all of our families. Questions: Contact Jaime Doran at [email protected] or Karen Allen at [email protected] 8 Diocese and Community

CNM UPCOMING EVENTS 33-DAY CONSECRATION TO MARY In the ongoing battle with COVID-19, the Career Network- St. Louis Marie de Montfort’s 33 day total con- ing Ministry is now coming to you live weekly via Webex. secration to Jesus through Mary begins soon. It Go to to register for upcoming events. helps to grow in holiness and increase our faith,

The CNM is a group of working professionals and job seek- hope, and love. It is a prayerful and focused ers committed to proactive career management through method of drawing closer to Jesus, and a method continuous learning and relationship building pursuant used by John Paul II. The consecration to the expansion of opportunities for immediate or future starts Nov. 5th and ends with Mass and enroll- employment. ment on Dec 8th at Our Lady of Lourdes. Email [email protected] if inter- Upcoming events include Conquering Your Fear of Public ested in joining this devotion, either for the first Speaking on 11/12 at 9 am and 2020 Finale: Annual Recap time or for annual renewal, or for any questions. and Open Discussion on 12/10 at 9 am.

MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER ST. THOMAS MORE ACADEMY Learn how to live the beatitudes in your marriage by St. Thomas More Academy invites interested participating in a Worldwide Marriage Encounter families of rising 9th graders to attend our Open Experience on Nov 6-8, 2020 in ATLANTIC BEACH, NC and House on Sunday, November 8th from 2-5pm on Nov 6-8, 2020 in VIRTUAL WEEKEND, NC. Early sign up is our campus located at 3109 Spring Forest Rd. in recommended. For more information visit our website at: Raleigh. For more information or to register for this or contact us at event, please visit our website at [email protected] or 704-315-2144. or call 919-576-7064. 9 Growing In Our Faith St. Michael the Archangel Catholic School provides a Christ-centered Catholic education, with a focus on academic excellence and the development of the whole person, through our core values of reverence, service, and leadership.

Reverence + Service + Leadership Website: Twitter: @StMSCary | @StMS_Principal SCHOOL HAPPENINGS Spiritual Shepherds St. Michael School is very thankful for the active support of our St. Michael clergy! Fr. Michael and Fr. Noe guide our students through the Sacraments and help our entire St. Michael family experience the blessings of Mass. Additionally, they can be found teaching numerous Religion classes across grade levels (sometimes weekly), hosting “Spiritual Check-Ins” with our distance learners, visiting classrooms to view projects and presentations, greeting students at morning carpool, and even playing with students at recess! Their presence is a true blessing to St. Michael Family!

ST. MICHAEL PRESCHOOL Growing with God... To learn more, please visit

Follow us! Twitter: @stmpreschoolnc | Instagram: @stmpreschoolnc Facebook: StMichaelCary Our preschoolers enjoyed helping Deacon Mark tell the Bible story of Noah’s Ark and the First Rainbow. “I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth.” Gene- sis 9:13

10 Ministerio Hispano HORARIO DE OFICINA HORARIO DE LAS MISAS COORDINADOR DE LOS MINISTERIOS HISPANOS Horas de Oficina sábados - 7:00pm Carolina Gallo Las oficinas se encuentran cerra- domingos - 2:15pm (en línea) (919) 468-6145 Fax: (919) 468-6130 das al público hasta nuevo aviso martes - 7:00pm (en línea) [email protected] En caso de gravedad o de muerte, por favor llame a nuestra línea de emergencia al (919) 368-0150 UNA NOTA DEL PASTOR En el año 1791, el arzobispo John Carroll, el primer obispo católico de los Estados Unidos, escribió una oración por la Iglesia y la nación. Esta semana, mientras nuestra nación va a votar, quería compartir una parte de esa oración e invitarlos a rezarla por nuestros líderes actuales y los que pronto serán elegidos:

“¡Te rogamos, oh Dios de poder, sabiduría y justicia! Por quien la autoridad se administra correctamente, se promulgan leyes y se decreta el juicio, ayude con Tu Santo Espíritu de consejo y fortaleza al presidente de estos Estados Unidos, para que su administración se lleve a cabo con rectitud y sea eminentemente útil para Tu pueblo sobre quien él preside fomentando el debido respeto por la virtud y la religión; por una fiel ejecución de las leyes en justicia y misericordia; y refrenando el vicio y la inmoralidad. Deja que la luz de tu divina sabiduría dirija las deliberaciones del Congreso y brille en todos los procedimientos y leyes elaborados para nues- tro gobierno, de modo que tiendan a la preservación de la paz, la promoción de la felicidad nacional, el aumento de la industria, sobriedad y conocimientos útiles; y puedan perpetuarnos la bendición de una libertad igual. Oramos por su excelencia, el gobernador de este estado, por los miembros de la asamblea, por todos los jueces, magistrados y otros oficiales que son nombrados para proteger nuestro bienestar político, para que sean capac- itados, por Tu poderosa protección, para cumplir los deberes de sus respectivas estaciones con honestidad y ha- bilidad. Recomendamos igualmente, a Tu infinita misericordia, a todos nuestros hermanos y conciudadanos en todo el país, que sean bendecidos en el conocimiento y santificados en la observancia de Tu santísima ley; para que se conserven en unión y en esa paz que el mundo no puede dar; y después de disfrutar de las bendiciones de esta vida, sean admitidos a las que son eternas… Amén." ¡Que Dios los bendiga! Padre Miguel

INFORMACIÓN - SACRAMENTOS • Cartas de: Inmigración, bautizar en otra parroquia, horas de labor social, entre otras., deben estar registrados en la parroquia y asistir a Misa semanalmente • Si desea celebrar el Sacramento del Matrimonio, necesita pedir una cita con el Sacerdote para iniciar el proceso, mínimo seis (6) meses antes de la Boda. • Los requisitos para poder bautizar son los siguientes: • Deben de estar registrados en la Iglesia. Mínimo 6 meses. • Si eligieron padrinos que son matrimonio, deben de estar casados por la Iglesia y deben de presentar la copia del Certifica- do de Matrimonio de los padrinos. • Si los padrinos pertenecen a otra parroquia necesita carta firmada por el párroco, verificando que es miembro de la parro- quia y que asiste a Misa. • Si los padrinos son solteros, no deben estar conviviendo en unión libre y tienen que haber recibido los Sacramentos de Bautizo, Primera Comunión y Confirmación; Presentar copia del certificado de Confirmación. • Papas y Padrinos deben de asistir a la clase pre-bautismal. • Los niños deben ser menores de 7 años. • Deben de registrarse en la oficina, traer todos los documentos el mismo dia. • Deben de presentar el Certificado de Nacimiento del (a) niño (a.) • Una vez elegida la fecha solo se harán cambios por motivos de fuerza mayor. Deberán hablar con el Sacerdote Hispano. • Todos los niños que vayan a ser bautizados deben entregar los papeles cuando los registren, si para el dia de la Charla Pre-Bautismal, no tienen los documentos tendrán que camaiar la fecha para el sigulente mes. 11 Ministerio Hispano CONFESIONES Las Confesiones se llevarán a cabo los Sábados de 2:00pm a 4:00pm. Por favor tiene que traer y utilizar su máscara; igualmente, estarán algunos voluntarios presentes para ayudarlos y guiarlos. Tendremos dos filas,una fila será de los Hispanos para que puedan con- fesarse con el Padre Noe y la otra para los americanos.

Las filas para confesiones estarán afuera de la iglesia,del lado derecho (coro), es decir, del lado donde están los Colum- barios, la idea de este cambio es que puedan esperar su turno debajo del techo y no estar directamente bajo el sol.

HORARIO TEMPORADO DE MISAS HORAS DE LA IGLESIA Horario de Misas (todas las Misas serán dentro La Iglesia estará abierta al público para de la iglesia): oración privada, de Lunes a Viernes de - Sábados a las 7:00pm - en Español (público) 9:30am a 8:00pm, los Sábados de 9:30am - Domingos a las 2:15pm - en Español a 1:00pm, y los Domingos estará abierta de (público y transmisión en vivo) 3:30pm a 8:00pm. - Martes a las 7:00pm - en Español (público y transmisión en vivo) Las Oficinas se encuentran cerradas al público hasta nuevo aviso. REUNIONES DEL CONSEJO PASTORAL Las reuniones mensuales del Consejo Pastoral generalmente están programadas para el primer miércoles de cada mes a las 7:00 pm en la biblioteca en el 3er piso del Trinity Center. Cambios con el horario ocurren ocasionalmente, por lo que siempre es aconsejable consultar el calendario parroquial para conocer las fechas y lugares específicos. Si desea dirigirse al Consejo Parro- quial o proporcionar comentarios en cualquier momento, comuníquese con nosotros a [email protected].

BECAS PARA ESTUDIANTES DE NUESTRA INTENCIONES DE LAS MISAS PARROQUIA HERMANA EN HONDURA Las Intenciones de las Misas las estamos agregando mes a mes, El Ministerio de Nuestra Parroquia Hermana ha iniciado el les enviamos la información por nuestra Pagina de Facebook – patrocinio de estudiantes pare el año 2021 que es de febrero “Comunidad Hispana de San Miguel Arcángel”; donde podrán hasta octubre. Si usted esta patrocinando a un estudiante ver que días están disponibles; recuerden que es una familia en este momento debe haber recibido una carta o un email por día (una familia puede agregar 2-3 personas en la intención dándole la oportunidad de renovar su estudiante para el de la Misa que eligieron) próximo año. Si usted quiere renovar su estudiante(s) o no es La información que se necesita es la siguiente: un patrocinador actual y le gustaría patrocinar a un 1. Nombre y apellido de la(s) persona(s) por la(s) cual(es) estudiante, o si usted quisiera renovar su estudiante, puede quieren ofrecer la Misa hacerlo en el sitio del web 2. Indicar si la persona falleció o esta viva StMichaelArchangel/-/give/STMHONDURAS. Si quiere 3. Nombre, apellido y teléfono de la persona que esta pidien- contribuir al programa agrícola, puede presionar “ANOTHER do la Misa FUND” y seleccionar “Agriculture Programs”. Si tiene alguna Si tienen alguna duda pueden comunicarse con Carolina Gallo: pregunta puede mandar un correo elctronico a sisterpar- email: [email protected]; o al 919- 694 3504 (solo [email protected] o llamar a Luis Hernández at 12 envíen mensajes de texto, no llamadas) 919-656-0648. Muchas gracias por su apoyo. Brown-Wynne Funeral Homes and Crematory 200 SE Maynard Rd, Cary, NC • 919-467-8108 • 300 Saint Mary’s St, Raleigh, NC 919-828-4311 Please support our advertisers and 170l E Millbrook Rd, Raleigh, NC • 919-876-6900 • mention you saw their ad here. Mitchell Funeral Home at Raleigh Memorial Park 7209 Glenwood Ave, Raleigh, NC • 919-783-7128 •

• Custom Additions Raleigh Memorial Park and Mausoleums • Remodeling 7501 Glenwood Ave, Raleigh, NC • 919-787-2766 • • Kitchens and Baths CONSTRUCTION INC. • Plan Development Apex Funeral Home GENERAL CONTRACTOR • Roofing 550 W Williams St, Apex, NC • 919-362-8233 • 919-522-1263 • Exterior Siding Repair [email protected] and Painting Your Local Dignity Providers Please support our advertisers and mention you saw their ad here. Basket Tree Florist jim & elaine mills 829 Perry Road • Apex/Cary 27502 919.362.7680

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Contact Scott Messner to place an ad today! [email protected] or (863) 875-1101

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