Platooning of Connected Vehicles with Undirected Topologies: Robustness Analysis and Distributed H-infinity Controller Synthesis Yang Zheng, Student Member, IEEE, Shengbo Eben Li, Senior Member, IEEE, Keqiang Li, and Wei Ren, Fellow, IEEE

Abstract—This paper considers the robustness analysis and vehicles in a group maintain a desired speed and keep a pre- distributed H∞ (H-infinity) controller synthesis for a platoon specified inter-vehicle spacing. The platooning practices date of connected vehicles with undirected topologies. We first for- back to the PATH program during the last eighties [7]. Since mulate a unified model to describe the collective behavior of homogeneous platoons with external disturbances using graph then, many topics on platoon control have been addressed, theory. By exploiting the spectral decomposition of a symmetric such as the selection of spacing policies [8], the influence matrix, the collective dynamics of a platoon is equivalently of imperfect communication [9], [10], and the impacts of decomposed into a set of subsystems sharing the same size with heterogeneity on string stability [11], [12]. Recently, advanced one vehicle. Then, we provide an explicit scaling trend control methods have been introduced and implemented in of robustness measure γ-gain, and introduce a scalable multi- order to achieve better performance for platoons: Dunbar step procedure to synthesize a distributed H∞ controller for large-scale platoons. It is shown that communication topology, and Derek (2012) introduced a distributed receding horizon especially the leader’s information, exerts great influence on controller for platoons with predecessor-following topology both robustness performance and controller synthesis. Further, [13], which is recently extended to unidirectional topologies an intuitive optimization problem is formulated to optimize an in [14]; Ploeg et al. (2014) proposed an H controller undirected topology for a , and the upper and ∞ lower bounds of the objective are explicitly analyzed, which synthesis approach for platoons with linear dynamics, where hints us that coordination of multiple mini-platoons is one string stability was explicitly satisfied by solving a linear reasonable architecture to control large-scale platoons. Numerical inequality matrix (LMI) [15]; Zheng et al. (2016) explicitly simulations are conducted to illustrate our findings. derived the stabilizing thresholds of the controller gains by Index Terms—Connected vehicles, platoon control, robustness using the graph theory and Routh-Hurwitz criterion, which analysis, distributed H∞ control, topology design. could cover a large class of communication topologies [16]; Zhang and Orosz (2016) introduced a motif-based approach to investigate the effects of heterogeneous connectivity structures I.INTRODUCTION and information delays on platoon systems [17]. The interested reader can refer to a recent review in [18]. He increasing traffic demand in today’s life brings a One recent research focus is on finding essential perfor- heavy burden on the existing transportation infrastructure, T mance limitations of large-scale platoons [6], [18]–[24]. Many which sometimes leads to a heavily congested road network works focused on two kinds of performance measures: 1) and even results in serious casualties. Human-centric methods string stability, which refers to the attenuation effect of spacing to these problems provide some insightful solutions, but most error along the vehicle string [19]; 2) stability margin, which of them are constrained by human factors, e.g., reaction time characterizes the convergence speed of initial errors [24]. For and perception limitations [1]–[3]. On the other hand, vehicle example, Seiler et al. (2004) proved that string stability can- arXiv:1611.01412v2 [math.OC] 16 Jul 2017 automation and multi-vehicle cooperation are very promising not be satisfied for homogeneous platoons with predecessor- to enhance traffic safety, improve traffic capacity, and reduce following topology and constant spacing policy due to a fuel consumption, which attracts increasing attention in recent complementary sensitivity integral constraint [19]. Barooah et years (see [4]–[6] and the references therein). al. (2005) showed that platoons with bidirectional topology The platooning of connected vehicles, an importation ap- also suffered fundamental limitations on string stability [20]. plication of multi-vehicle cooperation, is to ensure that all the Middleton and Braslavsky (2010) further pointed out that both forward communication and small time-headway cannot Y. Zheng is supported by the Clarendon Scholarship and the Jason Hu Scholarship. This work is partially supported by NSF China with grant alter the limitations on string stability for platoons, in which 51622504 and 51575293, and National Key R&D Program of China with heterogeneous vehicle dynamics and limited communication 2016YFB0100906. (Corresponding author: Yang Zheng) range were considered [21]. As for the limitations of stability Y. Zheng is with the Department of Engineering Science, University of Ox- ford, Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3PJ, U.K. (e-mail: [email protected].) margin in a large-scale platoon, Barooah et al. (2009) proved S. Li and K. Li are with the Department of Automotive Engineering, that the stability margin would approach zero as O(1/N 2) (N Tsinghua University, Beijing, 100084, China (e-mail: [email protected]; is the platoon size) for symmetric control, and demonstrated [email protected]) W. Ren is is with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, that the asymptotic behavior could be improved to O(1/N) via University of California, Riverside, CA 92521 USA. (e-mail: [email protected]) introducing certain mistuning [22]. Using partial differential 2

equation (PDE) approximation, Hao et al. (2011) showed Distributed Controller Communication Topology that the scaling of stability margin could be improved to O(1/N 2/D) under D-dimensional communication topologies [23]. Zheng et al. (2016) further introduced two useful meth- Controller C CN i Ci-1 C1 ods, i.e., enlarging the communication topology and using u u u u N i i-1 1 v0 asymmetric control, to improve the stability margin from the t perspective of topology selection and control adjustment in a ... dr,i, ... LV ddes,i unified framework [24]. These studies have offered insight- N node i i-1 1 0 ful viewpoints on the performance limitations of large-scale Vehicle Dynamics Formation Geometry platoons in terms of string stability and stability margin. Fig. 1: Four main components of a platoon [6], [24]: 1) Vehicle dynamics; 2) In this paper, we focus on the robustness analysis and Communication topology; 3) Distributed controller, 4) Formation geometry. controller synthesis of large-scale platoons with undirected dr,i denotes the actual relative distance; ddes,i means the desired relative topologies considering external disturbances. This paper shows distance; ui is the control signal of i-th node; and Ci represents the local i additional benefits on understanding the essential limitations of controller in node . platoons, and also provides a distributed H∞ method to design the controller with guaranteed performance. Using algebraic considering limited communication resources, and that graph theory, we first derive a unified model in both time coordination of multiple mini-platoons is one reasonable and frequency domain to describe the collective behavior of architecture for the control of large-scale platoons. homogeneous platoons with external disturbances. A γ-gain The rest of this paper is organized as follows. The problem is used to quantify the robustness of a platoon from the statement is introduced in Section II. Section III presents the perspective of energy amplification. The major strategy of this results on robustness analysis. In Section IV, we give the paper is to equivalently decouple the collective dynamics of distributed H∞ controller synthesis of platoons, and discuss a platoon into a set of subsystems by exploiting the spectral the design of communication topology. This is followed by decomposition of a symmetric matrix [25], [26]. Along with numerical experiments in Section V, and we conclude the this idea, both robustness analysis and controller synthesis are paper in Section VI. carried out based on the decomposed subsystems which share Notations: The real and complex numbers are denoted the same dimension with one single vehicle. This fact not only by R and C, respectively. We use Rn to denote the n- significantly reduces the complexity in analysis and synthesis, dimensional Euclidean space. Let Rm×n be the set of m × n but also explicitly highlights the influence of communication real matrices, and Sn be the symmetric matrices of dimension topology and the importance of leader’s information. The n. I represents the identity matrix with compatible dimensions. contributions of this paper are: diag{a1, . . . , an} is a block diagonal matrix with ai, i = 1,...,N, as the main diagonal entries. We use λi(A) to 1) We analytically provide the scaling trend of robustness represent the i-th eigenvalue of a symmetric matrix A ∈ Sn, γ measure -gain for platoons with undirected topologies, and denote λmin(A), λmax(A) as its minimum and maximal which is lower bounded by the minimal eigenvalue of eigenvalue, respectively. Given a symmetric matrix X ∈ Sn, a matrix associated with the communication topology. X (≺) 0 means that X is positive (negative) definite. Give γ m×n p×q Besides, we prove that -gain increases at least as A ∈ R and B ∈ R , we use A ⊗ B to denote the O(N), if the number of followers that are pinned to the Kronecker product of A and B. leader is fixed. For platoons with bidirectional topology, the scaling trend is deteriorated to O(N 2). These results II.PROBLEM STATEMENT provide new understandings on the essential limitations of large-scale platoons, which are also consistent with This paper considers a homogeneous platoon of connected previous results on stability margin [16], [22], [24]. vehicles running on a flat road (see Fig. 1), which has N + 1 2) We introduce a scalable multi-step procedure to syn- vehicles (or nodes), including a leading node indexed by 0 thesize a distributed H∞ controller for large platoons. and N following nodes indexed from 1 to N. The objective This problem can be equivalently converted into a set of of platoon control is to ensure that the vehicles in a group to H∞ control of independent systems that share the same move at the same speed while maintaining a rigid formation dimension with a single vehicle. It is shown that the geometry. existence of a distributed H∞ controller is independent As demonstrated in Fig. 1, a platoon can be viewed as a of the topology as long as there exists a spanning tree combination of four components: 1) vehicle dynamics; 2) com- in the undirected topology. munication topology; 3) distributed controller; and 4) forma- 3) We give useful discussions on the selections of com- tion geometry, which is called the four-component framework, munication topologies based on the analytical results originally proposed in [6] and [24]. The vehicle dynamics above. An intuitive optimization problem is formulated corresponds to the behavior of each node; the communication to optimize an undirected topology for a platoon system, topology describes information exchanging architecture among where the upper and lower bounds of the objective the nodes in a platoon; the distributed controller implements are explicitly analyzed. These results hint us that a the feedback laws based on the available information for star topology might be a good communication topology each node; and the formation geometry defines the desired 3 inter-spacing between two adjacency nodes. Each component To model the communications from the leader to the fol- can exert different influence on the collective behavior of a lowers, we define an augmented directed graph GN+1 = platoon. Based on the features of each component, the existing (VN+1, EN+1) with a set of N + 1 vertices VN+1 = literature on platoon control is categorized and summarized in {0, 1,...,N}, which includes both the leader and the fol- [6] and [18]. lowers in a platoon. We use a pinning matrix P = diag{p1, p2, . . . , pN } to denote how each follower connects A. Vehicle Longitudinal Dynamics to the leader: pi = 1 if (0, i) ∈ EN+1, otherwise pi = 0. Note (0, i) ∈ E i The longitudinal dynamics of each vehicle is inherent that N+1 means that node can obtain the leader’s nonlinear, including the engine, brake system, aerodynamics information via wireless communication, where we call node i i drag, rolling resistance, and gravitational force, etc. However, is pinned to the leader. The leader accessible set of node a detailed nonlinear vehicle model may be not suitable for is defined as ( {0} if pi = 1 theoretical analysis. Many previous work either employed a Pi = . (4) hierarchical control framework consisting of a lower level ∅ if pi = 0 controller and an upper level controller, or used a feedback This paper focus on undirected communication topology. linearization technique to get a linear vehicle model as a The communication topology is called undirected if the infor- basis for theoretic analysis [18]. Here, we use a first-order mation flow among followers (i.e., graph GN ) is undirected, inertial function (1) to approximate the acceleration response which means i ∈ Nj ⇔ j ∈ Ni, ∀i, j ∈ VN . Note that we do of vehicle longitudinal dynamics not restrict the number of followers that connects to the leader in an undirected topology. A spanning tree is a tree connecting τa˙ i(t) + ai(t) = ui(t) + wi(t), (1) all the nodes of a graph [29]. Throughout this paper, we make where ai(t) is the acceleration of node i; τ denotes the the following assumption. time delay in powertain systems; ui is the control input, Assumption 1: The augmented graph GN+1 contains at least representing the desired acceleration; and wi(t) denotes the one spanning tree rooting at the leader. external disturbance. This assumption implies the leader is globally reachable in Choosing each vehicle’s position pi(t), velocity vi(t) and GN+1. In other words, every follower can obtain the leader acceleration ai(t) as the state, a state space representation of information directly or indirectly, which is a prerequisite to the vehicle dynamics is formulated as guarantee the internal stability of a platoon. x˙ (t) = Ax (t) + B u (t) + B w (t), (2) Lemma 1: [30] For any undirected communication topol- i i 1 i 2 i T N ogy, λmin(L) = 0 with 1N = [1,..., 1] ∈ R as the where corresponding eigenvector. Moreover, if Assumption 1 holds,       pi 0 1 0 0 λmin(L) = 0 is a simple eigenvalue, and all the eigenvalues of xi =  vi  ,A =  0 0 1  ,B1 = B2 =  0  . L+P are greater than zero, i.e., λi(L+P) > 0, i = 1,...,N. 1 1 Note that the aforementioned techniques are widely used in ai 0 0 − τ τ the consensus of multi-agent systems [26], [30], [31], which Note that the model (2), as well as its variants, is widely have recently been applied to study the influence of different used as a basis of analysis in many vehicle control applica- topologies on platoon performance in [6], [16] and [24]. tions, e.g., [4], [5], [24], [27], [28].

B. Model of Communication Topology C. Design of Linear Distributed Controller Here, directed graphs are used to model the allowable The objective of platoon control is to maintain the same communication connections between vehicles in a platoon. For speed with the leader and to keep a desired inter-vehicle space: more comprehensive descriptions on graph theory, please see   lim kvi − v0k = 0 [29] and the references therein. In this paper, it is assumed t→+∞ , i = 1,...,N. (5) lim kpi − pi−1 − di,i−1k = 0 that the communication is perfect, and ignore the effects such t→+∞ as data quantization, time delay and switching effects. where d denotes the desired distance between node i and Specifically, we use a directed graph G = (V , E ) to i,i−1 N N N node i − 1, and v is the leader’s velocity. We assume that the model the communication connections among the followers, 0 leader runs a constant speed trajectory, i.e., a = 0, p = v t. with a set of N vertices V = {1, 2,...,N} and a set of edges 0 0 0 N In this paper, we use constant spacing policy, i.e., d = d , E ⊆ V ×V . We further associate an adjacency matrix A = i,i−1 0 N N N which is widely employed in the literature [18], [22]–[24]. [a ] to the graph G: a = 1 in the presence of a directed ij N×N ij The synthesis of local controller for node i can only use the communication link from node j to node i, i.e., (j, i) ∈ E ; N information of nodes in set = ∪ . Here, we use a linear otherwise a = 0. Moreover, self-loops are not allowed here, Ii Ni Pi ij identical state feedback form, as employed in [22]–[24], i.e., aii = 0 for all i ∈ VN . The in-degree of node i is defined PN X as di = j=1 aij. Denote D = diag{d1, d2, . . . , dN }, and the ui = − c[kp(pi−pj −di,j)+kv(vi−vj)+ka(ai−aj)], (6) Laplacian matrix L is defined as L = D − A. We define a j∈Ii neighbor set of node i in the followers as where kp, kv, ka are the local feedback gains, and c denotes Ni = {j ∈ VN | aij = 1}. (3) the coupling strength which is convenient for the discussions 4


( a ) ...... i+h i+2 i+1 i i-1 i-2 i-h ... ( b ) Fig. 2: Illustration of h-neighbor undirected topology, where h denotes the Fig. 3: Typical examples of undirected topology. (a) Bidirectional (BD) reliable communication range. topology; (b) Bidirectional-leader (BDL) topology in controller synthesis. In this paper, it is assumed the com- on not only the distributed feedback gains, but also the com- munication is perfect, and ignore the effects such as data munication topology that interconnects the vehicles. Moreover, quantization, time delay and switching effects. the communication topology can cast fundamental limitations To write a compact form of (6), we define the tracking errors on certain platoon properties, such as stability margin [23], for node i  [24], string stability [19], and coherence behavior [18], [32].  pˆi = pi − p0 − di,0 In this paper, we focus on analyzing the scaling trend of vˆi = vi − v0 . (7) the robustness and synthesizing the distributed controller with  aˆi = ai − a0 guaranteed performance for a large-scale platoon. Then, (6) can be rewritten into III.ROBUSTNESS ANALYSIS OF PLATOONS WITH T X ui = −ck (ˆxi − xˆj), i = 1,...,N, (8) UNDIRECTEDTOPOLOGIES j∈ Ii In this section, we present the results on robustness anal- T where k = [kp, kv, ka] is the vector of feedback gains, and ysis of large-scale platoons with undirected communication T xˆi = [ˆpi, vˆi, aˆi] . topologies. In fact, an undirected topology includes a large class of topologies, where one commonly used variant is the D. Formulation of Closed-loop Platoon Dynamics h-neighbor undirected topology (see Fig. 2) [24]. Definition 1: (h-neighbor undirected topology) The com- The collective state and input of all following vehicles in T T T T munication topology is called to be an h-neighbor undirected a platoon are defined as X = [ˆx1 , xˆ2 ,..., xˆN ] , and U = T topology, if each follower can reach its nearest h neighbors in [u1, u2, . . . , uN ] , respectively. Based on (8), we have graph GN , i.e., Ni = {i − h, . . . , i + h} ∩ VN \{i}. U = −c(L + P) ⊗ kT · X, (9) The parameter h can be viewed as the reliable range of wireless communication. Typical examples of undirected where ⊗ denotes the Kronecker product. Then, we have the topology are the bidirectional (BD) and bidirectional-leader closed-loop dynamics of the homogeneous platoon as (BDL) topology (where h = 1; see Fig. 3(a) and Fig. 3(b) T X˙ = [IN ⊗ A − c(L + P) ⊗ B1k ] · X + B · W, (10) for illustration), which have been discussed in terms of string stability [19] and stability margin [24]. where B = IN ⊗ B2, IN is the identity matrix of dimension T N × N, and W = [w1, w2, . . . , wN ] denotes the vector of A. Robustness Measure: γ-gain external disturbances. Here, we denote Here, a performance measure is introduced for platoons with T Ac = IN ⊗ A − c(L + P) ⊗ B1k . (11) external disturbances from the perspective of energy amplifi- cation. Specifically, we consider an appropriate amplification We define the tracking error of positions as the output of a factor in the following scenario: disturbances acting on all platoon, i.e., vehicles W ∈ RN to the position tracking errors of all vehicles T N Y = [ˆp1, pˆ2,..., pˆN ] = C · X. (12) Y ∈ R [27]. In this paper, we only consider the disturbances with limited energy, which means the L2 norm of a disturbance where C = I ⊗ C and C = [1, 0, 0]. Assuming zero initial +∞ N 1 1 w is bounded, i.e., kw (t)k = R |w (t)|2dt < ∞. Con- tracking errors, we obtain the transfer function from W to Y i i L2 0 i sidering the aforementioned scenario, we define the following as γ-gain to quantify the robustness of a platoon. G(s) = C(sI − A )−1B, 3N c (13) Definition 2: (γ-gain) Consider a homogeneous platoon with where s denotes the complex number frequency. Considering the dynamics shown in (10). The γ-gain is defined as the the expressions of Ac,B,C, we can further obtain that following amplification:

3 2 kY (t)kL2 G(s) = [IN · (τs + s )+ γ = sup , (15) kW (t)kL2 c(L + P) · (k + k s + k s2)]−1. (14) p v a where Y (t) is the vector of tracking error of positions, and Note that (10) and (14) are unified models in time domain W (t) is the vector of external disturbances. and frequency domain, respectively, which describe the pla- One physical interpretation is that γ-gain reflects the sen- toon dynamics with various communication topologies. From sitivity or attenuation effect of the energy of external distur- (14), it is easy to find that the robustness of a platoon depends bances for a platoon. Note that the definition of γ-gain is not 5

identical to the notion of standard string stability which reflects Lemma 3: [16] The minimum eigenvalue of LBD + PBD the attenuation effects of spacing error along the vehicle string satisfies 2 [19]. According to [33], γ-gain can be computed by using the 1 π 2 ≤ λmin(LBD + PBD) ≤ 2 . H∞ norms of corresponding transfer functions: N N Now we present the first result of this paper. Here, for γ = kG(s)k = sup[σ G(jω)], H∞ max (16) robustness analysis, without loss of generality, we assume the ω coupling strength c in the controller design is equal to one, where σmax(·) denotes the maximum singular value. i.e., c = 1 in (6). Remark 1: In principle, the feasibility to analyze the ro- Theorem 1: Consider a homogeneous platoon with undi- bustness of platoons depends on whether the H∞ norms of rected topology given by (14). Using any stabilizing feedback certain transfer functions are explicitly computable. In general, gains, the robustness measure γ-gain satisfies it is rather difficult to analytically obtain the H norms for ∞ 1 a general directed topology. We notice that one challenge γ ≥ , (17) comes from the inverse operation in transfer function G(s) λminkp 1 (14), especially when simultaneously considering the factor where λmin is minimum eigenvalue of matrix L + P . of communication topology L + P. Many previous works Proof: Since L + P is symmetric, there exists an orthog- N×N T only focused on limited types of communication topologies, onal matrix V ∈ R ,VV = IN , such that especially on predecessor-following and predecessor-following T leader topology [5], [13], [15], [19], where the discussion on L + P = V ΛV , (18) string stability is often case-by-case based. In this section, where Λ = diag{λ1, λ2, . . . , λN }, and λi is the i-th real we explicitly analyze the scaling trend of the robustness eigenvalue of L + P. for platoons with undirected topologies using the spectral Then, based on (14), we know that the transfer function decomposition of L + P. from disturbance W to position tracking error Y for platoons with undirected topology is B. Scaling Trend of γ-gain for Large-scale Platoons with 3 2 T 2 −1 G(s) = [IN (τs + s ) + V ΛV (kp + kvs + kas )] Undirected Topologies 3 2 2 −1 T . = V [IN (τs + s ) + Λ(kp + kvs + kas )] V It is easy to know the matrix L + P associated with any undirected topology is symmetric. For example, the matrix Therefore, we have   corresponding to bidirectional topology is listed as: G1 G2  2 −1    T G(s) = V  .  V , (19) .  ..   −1 2 ..    L + P =   . G BD BD  . .  N  .. ..   −1  where −1 1 1 Gi(s) = 3 2 , i = 1,...,N. Before presenting the results on undirected topology, we τs + (1 + λika)s + λikvs + λikp need the following lemmas. Thus, based on (16), we know that Lemma 2: [34] Given a symmetric matrix Q ∈ Sn and a n p ∗ real vector x ∈ R , we have γ = kGkH∞ = sup λ[G (jω)G(jω)] ω  xT Qx q λmax(Q) = max T ∗  x6=0 x x = sup max λ[Gi (jω)Gi(jω)] (20) ω i xT Qx λmin(Q) = min xT x x6=0 = max kGi(s)kH∞ i where λmax(Q), λmin(Q) are the maximum and minimum 1 In this paper, if not explicitly given the matrix, λmin exclusively refers to eigenvalue of matrix Q, respectively. the minimum eigenvalue of L + P.

s 1 kGi(s)kH∞ = sup 3 2 2 2 ω (λikvω − τω ) + [λikp − (1 + λika)ω ] s 1 . (21) = sup 2 6 2 4 2 2 2 ω τ ω + [(1 + λika) − 2λikvτ]ω + [(λikv) − 2λikp(1 + λika)]ω + (λikp) 1 ≥ λikp 6

∗ where (·) denotes the complex conjugate. Further, according If Ω(N) is fixed and kp is given, then the index γ-gain will to the expression of Gi(s), we can explicitly calculate a lower increase at least as O(N). bound of kGi(s)kH∞ , as shown in (21). Both Corollaries 1 and 2 give a lower bound of robustness Therefore, based on (20), (21) and considering Lemma 1, index γ-gain, implying that γ-gain increases as the growth we have of platoon size for certain undirected topology, regardless the 1 γ ≥ . (22) design of feedback gains. Note that BD topology is a special λminkp type of undirected topology (where Ω(N) = 1), and Corollary 1 is consistent with Corollary 2, but gives a tighter bound. Theorem 1 gives an explicit connection between the pro- Corollary 2 implies that the information from the leader posed robustness measure, i.e. γ-gain, and underlying com- plays a more important role than those among the followers. munication topology in a platoon. The key point of the proof Intuitively, the communications among the followers help to lies in the spectral decomposition of a symmetric matrix, thus regulate the local behavior. However, the objective of a large- leading to the decomposition of the transfer function G(s) scale platoon is to track the leader’s trajectory. The information (see (19)). As such, we only need to analyze the H∞ norm from the leader gives certain preview information of reference of certain transfer function corresponding to a single node, trajectory to followers, which is more important to guarantee and this transfer function is modified by the eigenvalue of the robustness performance. This hints us that the transmission the communication topology. The spectral decomposition of of leader’s information should have priority when the commu- symmetric matrices, as well as its variants, has been exploited nication resources are limited in real implementations. in the consensus of multi-agent systems [25], [30], [31]. More recently, chordal decomposition techniques have been utilized IV. DISTRIBUTED H CONTROLLERSYNTHESISOF to decompose a large-scale system [35], which are promising ∞ VEHICLE PLATOONS to be applied in the analysis and synthesis of platoon systems. Remark 2: According to (22), the index γ-gain is lower In this section, we introduce a distributed synthesis method bounded by λmin, which agrees with the analysis of stability for platoons with guaranteed H∞ performance: given a desired T margin in [24]. Moreover, this result also gives hints to select γd-gain, find the feedback gains (k = [kp, kv, ka] ) and the communication topology that associates with a larger coupling strength (c) such that γ = kG(s)kH∞ < γd. We minimum eigenvalue, in order to achieve better robustness call this problem as the distributed H∞ control problem for performance for large-scale platoons. One practical choice is to vehicle platoons. increase the communication range that enlarges the minimum Here, we first present a decoupling technique that converts eigenvalue λmin [24]. the distributed H∞ control problem into a set of H∞ control Here, we further give two corollaries based on Theorem 1. of independent systems that share the same dimension with a Corollary 1: Consider a homogeneous platoon with BD single vehicle. Then, a multi-step procedure is proposed for topology. Using any stabilizing feedback gains, the the ro- the H∞ control problem of vehicle platoons, which inherits bustness measure γ-gain satisfies the favorable decoupling property. Finally, we further give sev- N 2 eral discussions on the selections of communication topology γBD ≥ 2 . (23) based on the analytical results. kpπ The proof is straightforward by applying Lemma 3 to (17). Corollary 2: Consider a homogeneous platoon with undi- A. Decoupling of Platoon Dynamics rected topology given by (14). Using any stabilizing feedback The dimension of the closed-loop matrix that describes the gain, γ-gain increases at least as O(N), if the number of collective behavior of a platoon (10) is 3N × 3N, which is followers that are pinned to the leader is fixed. computationally demanding for large platoon size N if we Proof: According to Lemma 2, we have directly use dynamics (10) for controller synthesis. Here, we xT (L + P)x employ the spectral decomposition of L + P to decouple the λmin ≤ , ∀x 6= 0. (24) platoon dynamics (10), as used in the robustness analysis in xT x Section III, which offers significant computational benefits in Then, by choosing x = [1, 1,..., 1]T ∈ N×1, we know that R the design of distributed H∞ controller. Lx = 0 and N Lemma 4: Given γd > 0, platoon (10) is asymptotically T X γ = kG(s)k < γ x Px = pi = Ω(N). stable and robustness measure H∞ d, if and i=1 only if the following N subsystems are all asymptotically stable and the H norms of corresponding transfer functions where Ω(N) is the number of followers that are pinned to the ∞ are less than γ : leader. Therefore, combining Lemma 1 and (24), we have d T Ω(N) x¯˙ i = (A − cλiB1k )¯xi + B2w¯i, 0 < λmin ≤ . (25) N y¯i = C1x¯i, i = 1,...,N. According to Theorem 1, we know that Proof: According to (20), we have N γ ≥ . kG(s)kH < γd ⇔ max kGi(s)kH < γd. Ω(N)kp ∞ i ∞ 7

T It is easy to check that (25) is a state-space representation of For notional simplicity, we let Aci = A − cλiB1k . T 1 T −1 Gi(s) (19) (where c = 1). Considering the expression of controller k = 2 B1 Q , we This observation completes the proof. get Lemma 4 decouples the collective behavior of a platoon (10) T T T Aci Q + QAc = AQ + QA − cλiB1B1 . (30) into a set of N individual subsystems (25). Similar to the i frequency domain, the influence of communication topology If the coupling strength satisfies (27), we know reflects on the fact that the decoupled systems are modified by the eigenvalues of L+P. Also, the distributed H∞ control cλi ≥ α, i = 1,...,N. problem of vehicle platoons (10) is equivalently decomposed into a set of H∞ control problems of subsystems sharing Then, considering (28) and (30), we have the same dimension with a single vehicle in (2). Note that T 1 T T the dimension of each decoupled system in (25) is only Ac Q + QA + B2B + QC C1Q ≺ 0, (31) i ci γ2 2 1 3 × 3, which leads to a significant reduction in terms of d computational complexity for controller synthesis. According to the Bounded Real Lemma [33], (31) leads to (29). This completes the proof. B. Synthesis of Distributed H∞ Controller We first present one useful lemma, which provides a nec- To synthesize a distributed H∞ controller, we only need essary and sufficient condition to grantee the existence of a to solve LMI (26) to get the feedback gains kT , and adjust controller (6) for the distributed H∞ control problem. the coupling strength c to satisfy condition (27). Note that Lemma 5: [26] Consider a linear time-invariant system the dimension of LMI (26) only corresponds to the dynamics described by (10). For a desired γd > 0, there exists a of one vehicle, which is independent of the platoon size N. This fact reduces the computational complexity significantly, controller (6) such that γ = kG(s)kH∞ < γd, if and only if there exist a matrix Q 0 and a scalar α > 0 such that especially for large-scale platoons. This is a scalable multi-step procedure to design a distributed H controller for a platoon  AQ + QAT − αB BT B QCT  ∞ 1 1 2 1 system. BT −γ2I 0 ≺ 0. (26)  2 d  Remark 3: The synthesis of distributed H controller is C Q 0 −I ∞ 1 actually decoupled from the design of communication topol- Next, we introduce the second theorem of this paper. ogy. Specifically, the feasibility of LMI (26) is independent of Theorem 2: Consider a homogeneous platoon with undi- the communication topology, and the communication topology rected topology given by (10). For any desired γd > 0, we only exerts influence on the controller (6) through the condi- have the following two statements. tion (27). This implies that we may separate the controller 1) There always exists a feasible solution: Q 0 and α > synthesis and the topology selection into two different stages 0 to (26); for the design of a platoon system. 2) For the closed-loop platoon system, we have Remark 4: The first statement of Theorem 2 also implies

|G(s)kH∞ < γd, if choosing the feedback gains that we can design a distributed controller that satisfies any T 1 T −1 as k = 2 B1 Q , and selecting the coupling strength given H∞ performance for a platoon system. The price is that satisfying the coupling strength c becomes very large (see (27)), thus α c ≥ . (27) resulting in a high-gain controller, which is not practical in λmin real implementations considering the saturation of actuators. where Q 0 and α > 0 is a feasible solution to (26). Proof: 1) Using the Schur complement, we know (26) is equivalent to C. Selection of Communication Topology 1 Here, we present some discussions on the selection of AQ + QAT − αB BT + B BT + QCT C Q ≺ 0. (28) 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 communication topology for vehicle platoons based on the γd aforementioned analytical results. In this framework, the in- According the vehicle dynamics (2), we have B = B . Then 1 2 fluence of communication topology on the collective behavior (28) is reduced to of a platoon is represented by the eigenvalues of L + P. T 1 T T Especially, the least eigenvalue λmin has significant influence AQ + QA − (α − 2 )B1B1 + QC1 C1Q ≺ 0. γd on both the scaling trend of robustness measure γ-gain (see (17)) and the synthesis of distributed H∞ controller (see (27)). Therefore, it is easy to know that for any small γd > 0, there always exists a feasible solution: Q 0 and α > 0 to (26) Based on (17) and (27), it is favorable that the matrix (by just increasing α). L + P associated with the communication topology has a larger minimum eigenvalue λmin, which not only improves the 2) According to Lemma 4, kG(s)kH∞ < γd if there exists some feedback gains k, and coupling strength c, such that robustness for a given controller, but also reduces the value of feedback gains for a given H∞ performance. In a practical ( T A − cλiB1k is Hurwitz application, the communication resources might be limited. T −1 i = 1,...,N. (29) kC1(A − cλiB1k ) B2kH∞ < γd Here, if we assume the number of communication links is 8

...... mini-platoon n mini-platoon n-1 mini-platoon 1 ......


Fig. 4: Communication topology with largest λmin and minimum number of Fig. 5: Coordination of multiple mini-platoons, where only the first node of communication links: Star topology, where P = I and L = 0. each mini-platoon is pinned to the leader. limited, then a good undirected communication topology can By lemma 1, we have Lx = 0 (x 6= 0) ⇔ x = 1N . be obtained from the following optimization problem. Considering the fact that P is diagonal, we know that P = ⇔ P = I. max λmin 1N 1N (36) ( kG k ≤ N (32) s.t. N+1 0 c , Assumption 1 holds Theorem 3 gives explicit upper and lower bounds for λmin, which are also tight. Besides, λmin reaches the largest value where λmin is the minimal eigenvalue of L + P, kGN+1k0 when all the followers are pinned to the leader, regardless denotes the number of communication links, and Nc represents of the communication connections among followers. This fact the communication resources. also shows the importance of the leader’s information, which Remark 5: Problem (32) is only an intuitive description. The is consistent with the robustness analysis in Section III. exact mathematical formulation, as well as its corresponding If we only limit the number of communication links in solutions, is one of the future work. Also, this optimization GN+1, the ‘best’ communication topology should be a star problem should consider the issue of local safety, such as the topology (see Fig. 4), where all the followers are pinned to the ability to avoid collisions between consecutive vehicles, in the leader and there exist no communications between followers, design of a platoon system. i.e., P = I and L = 0. In this case, λmin reaches the Here, we have the following results. largest possible value, and the number of communication links Lemma 6: [36] Given two symmetric matrices A, B ∈ Sn, is minimum under Assumption 1. Here, note that we only we have consider the global behavior (i.e., reaching consensus with the leader), and ignore the local behavior (e.g., collisions between λmin(A + B) ≤ λmin(A) + λmax(B), (33) nearest vehicles). In a practical platoon, however, the vehicles’ control decisions should take into account the behavior of its where the equality holds if and only if there is a nonzero nearest neighbors. In this sense, BDL topology (see Fig. 3(b)) vector x such that Ax = λ (A)x, Bx = λ (B)x, and min max might be a good choice. (A + B)x = λ (A + B)x. min Remark 6: In the discussions above, we assume that the Theorem 3: Given an undirected communication topology communication is perfect. In reality, there always exist certain satisfying Assumption 1. The following statements hold: time-delays or data-losses in the communication channels, es- 1) 0 < λmin ≤ 1; pecially considering long-range and high-volume transmission 2) λmin = 1 if and only if P = I, i.e., every follower is of leader’s data. Thus, it might not be very practical to let pinned to the leader. all the followers pinned to the leader for a large platoon. Proof: According to Lemma 1, we know λmin > 0. A balanced choice is to divide a platoon into several mini- Therefore, we only need to show λmin ≤ 1. platoons, where the first node of each mini-platoon is pinned By Lemma 1, λmin(L) = 0. Further, based on the definition to the leader, thus reducing the communication demanding of P, it is easy to know, λmax(P) = 1. Therefore, according from the leader (see Fig. 5 for illustrations). This kind of to Lemma 6, we have strategy can be viewed as the coordination of multiple mini- platoons [37], which is a higher level of platoon control. λmin(L + P) ≤ λmin(L) + λmax(P) = 1. (34) Thus, the first statement holds. V. NUMERICAL SIMULATIONS Considering the equality condition in Lemma 6, we have In this section, numerical experiments with a platoon of  passenger cars are conducted to verify our findings. We Lx = λ (L)x = 0  min demonstrate both the scaling trend of γ-gain under different λmin = 1 ⇔ Px = λmax(P)x = x , x 6= 0. (35) undirected topologies, and the computation of a distributed  (L + P)x = x H∞ controller. In addition, simulations with a realistic model 9

106 0.2 0.15 BD topology low bound: b 1 1 5 1 10 0.15 3 3 5 0.1 5 7 7 104 0.1 10 10 0.05

0.05 103 0 0 102 -0.05 Spacing Error (m) Spacing Error (m) Robustness measure -0.05 101 -0.1 -0.1

100 1 2 -0.15 -0.15 10 10 0 10 20 30 0 10 20 30 Platoon size: N Time (s) Time (s) Fig. 6: Scaling trend of γ-gain for platoons under BD topology (see Fig. 3): (a) (b) N2 lower bound b1 = 2 (see Corollary 1). kpπ

0.2 0.2 105 1 1 0.15 3 0.15 3 h=2 5 5 h=3 7 7 h=5 0.1 0.1 104 10 10 h=10 h=100 0.05 0.05 low bound: b 2 3 10 0 0

-0.05 -0.05 2 10 Spacing Error (m) Spacing Error (m) -0.1 -0.1 Robustness measure 101 -0.15 -0.15

-0.2 -0.2 0 10 20 30 0 10 20 30 0 10 Time (s) Time (s) 101 102 Platoon size: N (c) (d) Fig. 7: Scaling trend of γ-gain for platoons under undirected topology with Fig. 8: Spacing errors for platoons with distributed H controllers (total different reliable communication range h (see Fig. 2): lower bound b2 = ∞ N (see Corollary 2). Here, only the first follower is pinned to the platoon size N = 10): (a) h-neighbor undirected topology with h = 2; (b) kpΩ(N) h-neighbor undirected topology with h = 4; (c) two multiple mini-platoons leader (i.e., Ω(N) = 1). (both sizes are 5); (d) three multiple mini-platoons (the sizes are 3, 4 and 3). of nonlinear vehicle dynamics (as used in [14], [28]) are Note that when h = 100, the followers are fully connected in carried out to show the effectiveness of our approach in real Fig. 7, which means each follower can have full information environments. of all other followers. In this case, the γ-gain still increase as the growth of platoon size, which agrees with the statements A. Scaling Trend of γ-gain of the robustness analysis in Section III. In this subsection, we set the inertial delay as τ = 0.5 s, k = 1, k = and distributed feedback gains are chosen as p v B. Calculation of Distributed H∞ Controller 2, k = 0.5, which stabilizes the platoons considered in this a The scalable multi-step procedure to synthesize a distributed paper (see, e.g., the discussions on stability region of linear H is summarized in Theorem 2. As an example, we assume platoons in [16], [24]). ∞ the inertial delay as τ = 0.5 s. Solving the LMI (26) with To illustrate the scaling trend of the robustness performance a desired performance γ = 1 using toolboxes YALMIP [38] for platoons, we vary the platoon size N from 10 to 100, and d and solver SeDuMi [39], we get a feasible solution: numerically calculate the H norm (i.e., γ-gain of this paper) ∞   and the lower bound of corresponding transfer functions. Fig. 0.669 −0.419 0.006 6 demonstrates the scaling trend of γ-gain for BD topology, Q =  −0.419 0.606 −0.474  , α = 1.968. which indeed has a polynomial growth with the increase of 0.006 −0.474 1.044 2 platoon size (at least O(N )). We can also find that the lower Thus, according to Thoerem 2, the feedback gain matrix is bound in Corollary 1 is mathematically correct but not very chosen as tight. How to get a tight lower bound and upper bound is one kT = [2.122 3.425 2.501]. (37) of our future work. In a BD topology, the reliable communication range h equal Then, for different communication topologies, we need to to one, which means each follower can only get access to choose different coupling strength c according to (27). For the information of its direct front and back vehicle. Now, we example, we consider a platoon of 11 vehicles (one leader examine the influence of different h on the scaling trend of and ten followers) with four types of topologies (see Fig. 2 γ-gain. As shown in Fig. 7, the increase of h would slightly and Fig. 5), specified as follows: improve the robustness performance, but cannot alternate the • a) h-neighbor undirected topology (h = 2); scaling trend with the increase of platoon size (at least O(N)), • b) h-neighbor undirected topology (h = 4); which obviously confirms with the statement in Corollary 2. • c) two multiple mini-platoons (both size are 5); 10

TABLE I: Calculating coupling strength TABLE II: Vehicle parameters used in the simulations

Topologies λmin(L + P) c Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 a) 0.0557 35.33 m i 2.81 2.90 2.12 2.91 2.63 2.09 2.27 2.54 2.95 2.96 b) 0.0806 24.42 (×103 kg) c) 0.0810 24.30 τ (s) 0.58 0.59 0.51 0.59 0.56 0.50 0.52 0.55 0.60 0.60 d) 0.1790 10.99 i

• d) three multiple mini-platoons (the sizes are 3, 4 and 3). Finally, we can choose the coupling strength according to (27) for these four topologies, as listed in Table I. To achieve the desired performance γd = 1, Theorem 2 results in high-gain controllers, due to the low value of λmin (see Remark 4). We implement these controllers for the aforementioned platoons considering the following scenario: the initial state errors of the platoon are zeros, the leader runs a constant speed trajectory (v0 = 20 m/s), and there exist the following external disturbances for each followers:  (a) (b) 0 0 < t < 5s  2π wi(t) = sin( 5 (t − 5)) 5s ≤ t < 10s . 0 t ≥ 10s

Fig. 8 shows the profiles of spacing errors in time-domain for these four types of homogeneous platoons, which are ob- viously stable under the H∞ controller calculated by Theorem kY (t)k 2. Further, we can calculate the error amplification L2 kW (t)kL2 for this scenario in time-domain, listed as γ1 = 0.0226, γ2 = 0.0234, γ3 = 0.0166, γ4 = 0.0187. These results clearly agree with the desired performance γd = 1, which validates the effectiveness of Theorem 2 for this scenario. (c) (d) Fig. 9: Spacing errors for platoons (N = 10) with the nonlinear vehicle C. Simulations with realistic vehicle dynamics dynamics (38) and the controller (37): (a) h-neighbor undirected topology with h = 2; (b) h-neighbor undirected topology with h = 4; (c) two multiple In practice, each vehicle in a platoon is usually controlled mini-platoons (both sizes are 5); (d) three multiple mini-platoons (the sizes by using either the throttle or the braking system according are 3, 4 and 3). to a hierarchical architecture, consisting of an upper-level and a lower-level controller [18], [40]. The upper-level controller torque, τi is the inertial delay of vehicle longitudinal dynamics, determines the desired acceleration using the information of ri denotes the tire radius, and ηT,i is the mechanical efficiency its neighbors, which is the main topic of this paper, while the of the driveline. In (38), it is assumed that the powertrain lower-level one generates the throttle or brake commands to dynamics are lumped to be a first-order inertial transfer track the desired acceleration trajectory. The theoretical results function, which is widely used in the literature. Based on of this paper work for the upper-level control stability, and it the desired acceleration that is calculated by the upper-level is better to test robustness using a realistic model of nonlinear controller (6), we employ an inverse model to generate the vehicle dynamics. In this section, we present simulations of the desired driving/braking torque platoon behavior in the presence of nonlinear vehicle dynamics 1 2  Tdes,i(t) = miades,i + CA,ivi + migf ri. (39) that have not been explicitly considered in the process of the ηT,i upper-level controller design. Then, we investigate the platoon behavior under the dis- As used in [13], [14], [28], we consider the following model tributed controller (6) in the presence of nonlinear vehicle to describe longitudinal vehicle dynamics dynamics (38) (i.e., road friction, approximated engine dynam- p˙i = vi(t), v˙i(t) = ai(t), ics, aerodrag forces). Similar to Section V-B, we consider a   platoon of 11 vehicles, including one leader and ten followers. 1 Ti 2 ai(t) = ηT,i − CA,ivi − migf , (38) The communication topologies are the same with those in mi ri Section V-B. The parameters of each following vehicle are τ T˙ (t) + T (t) = T (t), i i i des,i randomly selected according to the passenger vehicles [28]. where mi is the vehicle mass, CA,i is the lumped aerody- The value in our experiments is listed in Table II, and other 2 namic drag coefficient, g is the acceleration of gravity, f is parameters are ηT,i = 0.9, g = 0.98 m/s , fi = 0.01, and the coefficient of rolling resistance, Ti(t) denotes the actual CA,i = 0.492. The acceleration or deceleration of the leader driving/braking torque, Tdes,i(t) is the desired driving/braking can be viewed as disturbances in a platoon. Motivated by [16], 11

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