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19611124.Pdf PAGE TWO THE CRITERION, I'{OVEMBER 24, 196I ol-lnchangitrg Duty in a ChangingVorld' = tlrc lisi'ltrd:ry tlnd thfeiltcrl ltt llre enenries rrf rcligion and nror- Fetv natiotrs of llte tt'orltl Bditor [o Ileaclers:il'his is the lull text of rurrlrLruillt ortt' tt:ttiott ltltl its ttlost irli[y hlltl tttslupttd to tttakt: lltcil lrrs- "Unclrangilrg citn looh llitch ott plittcipal of snct'etl tlatlitiotts. sciulrt:c llrtr wuaport tho s[atcrr]entcnti[lctl I)rttt' in I rt'illr strt'lt toric ot'igins .ittsr 'l.hc (lreit' $t.t$ck, at'trrllll' sciettctt ovirlottorls tlf oul' lllol'al (ltl' []ttitcrl ChangingWot'ltl" issucrl by t,hcAdrnittistr'rrLive tifiable plitlc its tltt: itserlf hns no pitrl itt this s'tt'llrtt' rlint' :tt'c cvt't'5'ttltttre lo llc scc'n: Stiltes. "Scicllee," in tlto alat'ntin.q inct'eitstt in crintt', st1's one of its ttrtlst. Iloarclof the NalionalCatholic lVcllale Confer- 1'hat pride. in l;rt'gc lllc:Istll'{'. yotrng; f)r. \rslrllefiul irar'{ir'ttllrll' ntttontl tlttl itt enlinent scholars, cnceon behaltof ttrecarc{inals, archbishops alxl jtrstiiicntiorl itt tlttt higlt "rlrros finds its llrr sr.llsiiliotl:tl tt'cattnctlt oll vitt- Ittrslr. not cxcltttle faiLlt . ' . principles gtritlt'(l t)tlr ttroral rt'lticlr h.ncc irttrl sortrnliif in litcratttt'e. sr,ifnCt-'rlrrcs rurt tcach a ltnt'slt bishopsof the tinil,edStates lollowing tJre:iran- thc !'ounrling Fntltet's in lot'ittg on I hc slilg{r, ,\cl'ct\ll nnd tcle. nratclialisur. lt tloes not teil(!h nuill nlccting in Washington,0.C. We recour- tottntl:ttittns of ottr A()\'t'l {lllt(tllt '.'isioni irr tltc tlisclt'rstttr:s of grcctl nnyttting htyortrl its bottndaries' Nitiitttt tttl anrl irt Inttttchittg tltis Irntl clnicisnt in govctntnent, and lhosc boun(larics havc ltcctl mendit for thoughtiulancl care[ul stutly b.1'11p1' its histot'Y. laturr lnrl lrtrsittoss; in iltc stttlr' scvcl'cly Iinrited lry scicltcc il" " rei'l.ders, Orrr lirsl ltlgrtl rlot'tttttt'ilts. lhc llotn cottlit'ttutnt'r: rrf t'lcc prejtt' sclf. l)eclat'ltion of lttrlt'pt'tttk'tl('(] illl(l dicc lrutl in.itrslice : in thc nutll i' llrtt irlitnl' n'ho ha\.c tnkcn lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllillillllllllllllllliiiiiiiiifiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiillliililii|l thc tiorrslitutirrtt u'ilh its first tctl lrliruliort oI rlivot't'c rtttrl in lhc sciencc ;rs tltt'it' cl'ccd eul thcit' tts front llrc of tht' i;rtuil;': Amentllllt'tlls, tttarkotl i'rpitl tlisirttt'*r'atirrlt culI rlo tt{)t $hrrfc tlta lttttttility oI give ito real errrnlirt'l. t(t ()trr rtl- I nitliort ('orlllllillo(l pirgirn rlist't'gltl'tl bcginning as irr a lutt'slt itnd lltc scientist. With iirvirtcibltt solf' e llltcF, to the i)rinciplcs t){ thr- tnorltl lit\r" {}[ lllo sll('l'('(lttcss of lrtttililtt liftr ilssrlrilnce nnrl rvillt {ln nir oI It is tho :\urr,ricau Ir'utlition to iltl Those prirtcilrlt's antl I lrt. r'r'li- rurrt'ralt'tl tttltk't' tlte nlililtlc ot tunchallengt'rl atttlrorill', t lr e y llt{j u,(}t'l(l {)l lr}[llli, llrctr: is; Iook llt ottrsclt cs. lrr t t{ttnirtc rntr' nr'1 it gious helicf-s lltnt tttttk't'lie lltt'ttt sr'itttcc. tcaclt l scittttisttt tltlt rlcttit's (irrtl sint{lL: l)l'{,1)lotll,nrr tnattc'r. (rOnsoi(:nctt, t0 l'r,it1l1lr'lrist' ollr' gttirlr 'l'h rulral its rrlr!nitrrtlc, rvlrir;h eontittrtorllu 1'111I)t'o1tlt'itt ii rtsr't) t trr0t lt I tlt'tt' t'iotlll ton arrrl tit:tktts spot[ ol tltr-'tutlrirl tvorrlrl Ir trroral Irositiort. ln il rliclal.orslrryr their nat iort:rl (k'\'L'Llt)l.t1ent. posilions nlilny of Ittrl arlrrrrl rrl :r lcnsonlrl)lc rrtrl, ott (':lnn()l lir' ittl0r;rIr'lotl ils lt tllifl'tl llrv- l't'ont ln ('otltltul' lhis is irirpossible. a rltttrtrrc- lltc rvltok', ;r s;rl isIariol'.V rLt c tinto n'ltctt ottr \\ ilj rr'lrr-rrrIioiloI stlttttllt'tls thuir or.oupf in schools and tltli- soltrtion. |(tlliI){}tllr'l racl, it is a const:lnt rtr'cossity. enlrrrgins ft'ottt infrnt'1' into r tll- l,r. b)' tltc stlt'i irt liltttntrtrc atttl jottr- 'l'l|0y Ahovp all. tlrc f'lrlistian torlal' u'hrclr urli lullrtlt-r'rl tclsitit-.s. IloIh cp{ltlry irnrl irrrrornlily r:er'- lvanI rnorc positivc cvr" orotts toulh, Llc Tocqtrt'r'illc. itt pltsl trxpcl'tctlcc nllisrrr, tr,itlt ltll tltt tuodet'n tttcdia 'lihcv nurJl, ha\ t, a prrrfotrntl sunsc of ''l)0lllocfile] of rnitt'rtl rr'lttllt tainl-l' rttn <:ounlt'r' lo lhrt r\nrcli- r{ence ol oul rrnrk'r'-stanrlin;i. his still ryidc[1' r'tiltl cottt" rlrirsi,rn. uhiclr rr ill caustr \rr'|ul(l h'ir(l tts lo {'rPoct' rtf cr'rrrttrttlrtit'ir{ir)lltll tltt'ir scuk a lt:cot{nitiou o[ llroil dig. hinr to "Relit:ion 'l'lrc cln tlitrliliort. lk'carrsrr wtr havc in Antt'ritr:r," slitl l itt t'trtttltlions \\'o litt'e ill't! rtrrturl. tltry srl(100i'rlitt intpt'essittg Ireiit' rvtlttr-'s:rto lrrr reli;ltorrs faitlr Iu.'r'n n nrorll pcople. il, lras heerr niiy. llolh intlividual antl national. r\rtrerir:rt lttkrls llo tlit'rcl littt't ttl plrsl (r.t1;lt uulribcLs 'l'ltcy irtttl his tr't()t'irl('(,n\ir:liotts lrs tlte unrrllr('; lrrr' lllr'lll, lltt' ;iir 0s lhciI rloellin0 11[ ct'avc thc knorvlrtlgc arrrl got-r-t'rtnrcttt llttl il clrarnclclistit: of Anlcricilns ull i. ('hlisliuus the ot'sot'ict1'. rroitlrt,r' ttor l]ttitlt" ol rnislerl tuittrls. cal'l;- rlirl,-,lrv rltrt,tl arrrl 1rIt,t't'tlt'rtI nrlt(!ly to bc lluitlt'rl b1't'rrot'irl tt,t'httital sliill rvhiclr rvill crlablc ntttst llr. lo{iit(l()(l rts lltt- tttsl itl :tt'r' tlttcsiioning alltl 'l'trrvn 'l'lu:y Itflit'ttr{1iort. cr t'il h,v rlr:nllr. IlirnJ rn('ll ltl thc pt'r'st-'nl tuural tltl- nntl, ctctt itt tlrtrrl Irr lrt'lD lhr:rrrst'lvcs. I tl,r r,orrsitloraliotrs ltoli lheir politieal ittstilrrtiotts. ()ltr'n llr'tllillit tltt' ohiccliltt tlis' Ijrrclr r:lirre, lht: tttorlt-'ttt tttotlit ltltvc orls ol to rcsputitl igrtrotts- tx'rrrl llrc visiorr rr lrir:h (:onrcri r|as 5t. P:rrrl's lrrog|atrt ol ttll \trtt'tit'lrtt: lirxi{y, l noI kttrrrt' tlltelltt'r ltlt('lir)tl llt'l$r't'il ;ttt,l t'r'il itttitrtl. sttclt, illorl rlrrnc lllolr' tltan sttltPl)' irtstr'tt' l.y lo tnot'al itppt:itls, frorn laith. nnrl thc encoul'ilgr!- tir{r, \}'lts Sl. Atrg, hnt'c :r stncct'r' fnitlt ttt tltt'tt' t-elt- 'l'hrv litttl tttt' itlriltl' of ltttttt;ltl rt'itsott nronts [or tlttt spt'tatl of trtrllelitrf' tttottl tltrt otitrtcs Ir'onr lrtrprt. ttslittc's. l,il<r I'uttl. 11'{! lil(i0 ir rvlrat is ottt' hcsl. tf il(lil ions Ill|t r.t lrccrr t( kn(r\\' uitlt ttcltairrty runtl urorrl lcvoli, i\llhottqlt thc rurrrst hlrvc spiriltral itlclls arrrl rvnllrl lllgt,lr llir(rniro(1. l,ikr: 'l'ltt'1 hasctl on tuot'al plitrcilllos rtnrl r'iiltl ritttl rvt'rrnI. attl cttt- f otil lltuiliclt i()lls in(lustt'l' tht'ott glt slrii'ilttlil kr;rrlurslrip. ,\rttlrt-stirtr'.\r'{, .s{,(,llrc lncttraelt. oll crlllllll{'lcl.l' irlenls. \\re tuust t'eruaitt Ittte lo lin* llr('lllsoltt's nliiny sinctlr' nnrl arlntirirblc ttrln[ ol l)il l,iit i:ll). [,rlit' lioll,. tltrrn. \\rc oI tlrt horrst'ltukl ol tlrc Ilrrtt tttttt'rtl ttltrlittc,ns. f'ot' llrc lcarlct'.^ ltns tnutlt \',llualllc c()lt- tu'r'ttttul hr, rlartntlts:. irt ploclltirrr. laith hlrvc l slter'iul olllillation {o lilsl lirnt' in lristor'1' llti'I' iittrl lrilrrrtions to hrrrnan wclfirtc, irtlt f.'lrlisl. 1'ct pr'onrotc lht'rl. \l'lr:rt, lhcrr, irlt: lhcrrit'lrts uillttttl it trtrlLal lltrv rt hns llso inflictcrl ott llte tnodt't'rt In lltis u';r.t'.rlt',Jr:rll l;c llrrt to orrr pallieulll thrtios irt llrc f;rr'tr trr lrlt';tli. 'ru'olll ,rlil' ('lu isliit;l rirrtr' itr I pclnicirrrrs cull of thc trl lrrtilrl ort Pt'o51,1fi119 of pLcsr:trt corttlitirrtt-s'.' l i'r'li;liorrs trnrl nrurirl r'lrtrurralinJl t'irrtagr, " rrcrtrllcsspor t:111, Irttrr' (lori's til{Jt:tl otrlr,t' irs ntitlt's lirtttrrlirlionil rvc irtt'lo t'rinllrlnrll (lir(.:rs0. ,.1|t'antl \*rit'(lo rvt: lx. sltrnrlirrrl ol irclion. Reasons are cited Sullnrt rge d bcncitth tvl rt's ol l)itsl ilt tt'iil rt irt'| r'iial ntol'iil .r;lttilit'ltttlll' lrl lltr' :rtlrrIrIrrrInt Duty to speak out lrt:eI l wolltl irr rvhiclr all \i.ill hl ',r'c "illliigr'-lnitkrtl's" ls ut'r' llrc {)rtl1 in llris nitl' -.lr;rll I;r'r,.. 'l'll(, lllrlllicit.\" lr()nr lrlittt'i1rlr's, .ittsl lrlrn- iiI tltt'it' tltliottlrl lrsl]irirlrons t('il.i{rli Itrr'l}ris illoflil ft'\- "ltirltlt'tr trrut'lllr' atrrl srir.i;rll1.lrlr'fecl st't'vc tltc I'r'litttorts;rn(l tltr)fltl tl'ir. trntl pt't'srtarlet's" rtttrtlctrl ln totlnl"s rtot'kl. ottt ntosi rrlr. t,i1rlr,: ol irrtlir itlrrirl rrttrlrtlit.r'. lVrr olultott latt lrt' ilscet l;rittr.ltl itt ltltrsL llt'rrtt.,vlrilt'. rvr. nrrrst lit: rvillrrrrl ,.yirs 't'iotts lri prirr- t)til lropc is Ior a *'oll<l in *'lrit.h tlittotts tn rvlticlt r-rttt'(.r,rtnlry gion--.irul I ltlrl ftlrtttitl llt:ti tltt'1' rililil lon(ls to becr)tnr: a vir:tint o[ rlttly is lo sllt'itlt irttl.
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  • 191 © the Editor(S) (If Applicable) and the Author(S) 2017 D.M. Moses
    INDEX A Archbishop Karl Joseph Alter Academy. See School (Cincinnati, Ohio), 117 Adrian Dominicans. See Dominican Archbishop Óscar Arnulfo Romero Sisters of Adrian, NY y Galdámez (San Salvador, El Agricultural reform. See Land reform Salvador), 126 AIDS/HIV+, 78, 79, 94, 165, 166, Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio, S.J. 168, 169, 171, 172, 184 (Buenos Aires, Argentina). See Albania, 164, 171, 172 Pope Francis American Catholic Women Religious, Cardinal Juan Landázuri Ricketts, 1, 3, 30, 86, 95, 114–118, 131, O.F.M. (Lima, Peru), 89 136, 151, 160, 174, 179, 184 Cardinal Stephen Kim Sou-Hwan American Samoa, 171, 180 (Seoul, Korea), 48 Amityville Dominicans. See Dominican Archdiocese Sisters of Amityville, NY Bangkok, 123 Anti-Catholic, 3, 8, 12, 13, 81. See also Munich, 16 Anti-Christian Panama, 65 Anti-Christian, 81 Santo Domingo, 75 Apostolic Sisters, 2, 12, 13 Association of Episcopal Conferences Apostolic Visitation, 180–182 in Eastern Africa (AMECEA), Archbishop 124 Archbishop Alberto Uribe Urdaneta (Cúcuta, Colombia), 122 Archbishop Joseph Khiamsun B Nittayo (Bangkok, Thailand), Bahamas, 99 123 Base eccelesial communities, 167 Benedictine Sisters © The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s) 2017 191 D.M. Moses, American Catholic Women Religious, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-60465-7 192 INDEX Sister Mary Margaret Funk, OSB, C 64 Caldwell Dominicans. See Dominican Bishop Sisters of Caldwell, NJ Bishop Bernardo Regno, O.S.B.Silv. Cambodia (Kandy, Ceylon), 80 HAGAR, 168 Bishop Charles Edward McDonnell Khmer Rouge, 168 (Brooklyn, New York), 26 Catechesis, 50, 65, 67, 87, 92, 98, 99, Bishop Donato Raffaele Sbarretti 128, 131, 139–141, 172 Tazza (Havana, Cuba), 16 Catherine de’ Ricci Dominicans.
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