When Loss Happens to Little Ones Mending young hearts, minds & bodies Superbugs Living Well with Bipolar on the Loose Disorder

Lily, the Cat with 9 Lives

Bandmates Your Guide Riff on Remedy to a Flu-Free See you in Phoenix Winter JAHC • April 6-8

Winter 2017 • $4.95


Display until March 31, 2018 Your Membership Benefits Await! • A complimentary subscription (paper and digital) to Homeopathy Today, NCH’s quarterly magazine (a $19.80 value) • Online access to current and Forget past issues of Homeopathy Today (a $500+ value) • Free registration to 12 NCH something? webinars a year, as well as access to the online webinar archive (a $180 value) It may be time to renew • Exclusive use of our online Materia Medica, which your membership! contains the text of Clarke’s, Boericke’s, and Kent’s LIFE IS BUSY. That’s why Materia Medicae • A 10% discount on orders we’re making it easy to for study guides and other renew your membership at products in the NCH store www.homeopathycenter.org. • Discounts from partner Our new registration process organizations • Access to a national ensures you get the right network of homeopathic membership type while also study groups (a free start- allowing you to check the status up packet is available to of your membership, renew and current members interested take advantage of the benefits in starting their own group) • NCH community available to NCH members! e-Newsletter*, which brings you the latest, up-to-date news • A listing in the member only Member Directory—a great way to locate and connect with other members! • …plus, exclusive benefits for Professional and Organizational members!

For help with your membership call us at 856.437.4752 or email [email protected] Winter 2017 Volume 37, Number 4 ISSN: 0886-1676

www.HomeopathyCenter.org Your Guide to Health through Homeopathy

Featured Articles 16 16 What’s the Diff? Superbug wreaks havoc in hospitals and beyond: how to help people overcome C. diff infections by Amy Rothenberg, ND

24 When Loss Happens to Little Ones Mending young hearts, minds, and bodies with homeopathy by Pearlyn Goodman-Herrick, ND

32 Finding Natural Balance: A Bipolar Breakthrough How homeopathy can help people with bipolar disorder 24 by Jennifer Bahr, ND

8 Homeopathy, an Affordable Healthcare Solution • Joint American Homeopathic Conference 2018 • Phoenix, AZ • April 6-8, 2018 10 The Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States: Why the HPUS is important to you 12 How We Work: Meet Kathleen Scheible, Community Builder 22 Just One Drop Screenings: Two Movie Captains relate their experiences 30 Lily, the Cat with Nine Lives 31 In Remembrance: Peris Gumz, CCH 32 41 Homeopathy for Horn Players: Promoting homeopathy in unlikely places 43 5 Reasons to Die without a Will 44 Wishing You a Flu-Free Winter!

DEPARTMENTS 5 WHAT IS HOMEOPATHY? 6 FROM THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS 42 CONTRIBUTIONS 47 CALENDAR OF EVENTS Founded in 1974, the National Center for Homeopathy (NCH) is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization dedicated to promoting Homeopathy Today is published quarterly by the National Center for health through homeopathy by advancing the use and practice Homeopathy (NCH). of homeopathy.

NCH supports education in, awareness of, and increased access Please direct inquiries to: to homeopathy. We have the largest, most diverse membership National Center for Homeopathy in the homeopathic community and we are the national go-to resource for all who are interested in learning about homeopathy.

We educate consumers and play an important role in the continuing education of practitioners and are dedicated to We’ve moved! Please make note of NCH’s new postal address making homeopathy more accessible to the public. We inform and phone number. Email and web addresses remain the same. legislators and work to secure homeopathy’s place in the U.S health care system while working to ensure that homeopathy is 1120 Route 73 - Suite 200 • Mt. Laurel, NJ 08054 accurately represented in the media. We help you get and stay connected and find the resources you seek while being a strong Phone: 856-437-4752 • Fax: 856-439-0525 and collective voice for homeopathy in the US. [email protected] • HomeopathyCenter.org

Board of directors Editorials, articles, and letters appearing in Homeopathy Today do not President necessarily reflect the opinions or policies of the National Center for Abby Marks-Beale, MA, CCH, Wallingford, CT Homeopathy or its Board of Directors. Inclusion of an advertisement does President-eLeCt Sharlene Goldfischer, MEd, CPC, ELI-MP, Havertown, PA not constitute an endorsement of the advertiser, product, or service. seCretary Information offered in Homeopathy Today is for educational purposes Lauri Grossman, DC, CCH, RSHom(NA), , NY and is not intended to replace the individualized attention of a qualified treasurer healthcare professional. Homeopathic self-care can be appropriate for Glenna Tinney, MSW, ACSW, DSW, Alexandria, VA simple first-aid or acute illness. Those with more serious or chronic illness immediate Past-President should seek the services of a competent healthcare professional. Edward P. Conway, Jr, MBA, Delmar, NY We welcome articles, letters, and reviews pertaining to homeopathy. Loretta P. Butehorn, PhD, CCH, RSHom(NA), Boston, MA We reserve the right to edit or decline submissions. Fabrice Figliolini, Newtown Square, PA Email submissions preferred, sent to: [email protected] Lauren Hubele, MEd, Austin, TX ©2017 National Center for Homeopathy. All rights reserved. Jonci Jensen, ND, Encinitas, CA Reproduction in whole or part without permission is prohibited. Andrew J. Kaufmann, ND, Mesa, AZ Tina Quirk, RN, MS, CCH, RSHom(NA), New York, NY

direCtOr emeritus J.P. Borneman, PhD, MBA, Bryn Mawr, PA Join NCH Join online at www.HomeopathyCenter.org to

staff get access to outstanding member benefits, including:

exeCutive direCtOr • A complimentary subscription to Homeopathy Today, our Deb Dupnik, CAE, CCSM-A quarterly magazine. membersHiP COOrdinatOr Steve Clark • Online access to the Homeopathy Today searchable archive. assOCiate meeting manager • Free registration to 12 NCH webinars/year, as well as access to Jess Dougherty the online webinar archive. assOCiatiOn serviCes Mary Cutts • NCH e-newsletter, which brings you the latest, up-to-date industry reLatiOns assOCiate homeopathy news each month. Christina DeRose • Exclusive use of our online materia medica, which contains the HomeopatHy today text of Clarke’s, Boericke’s, and Kent’s Materia Medicae.

editOr Mitzi Lebensorger subscriptions are complimentary with nCH membership: designer $55/year for individuals (outside US/Canada $75); $150/year for Denise Adams professionals or organizations (outside US/Canada $170). editOriaL assistanCe Teresa Kramer Freya Godard editOriaL advisOrs Ann E. Jerome Miranda Castro Homeo-Speak acute illness: A condition that is usually brief in duration and self-limiting; that is, either the illness runs its course or the patient dies—as opposed to chronic illness that usually develops more slowly, lasts indefinitely, results in deterioration of health, and does not resolve without some sort of healing intervention. Examples: acute illness—colds, flu, ear infections; chronic illness—arthritis, hyper tension, diabetes. characteristic symptom: A symptom of an unusual nature—strange, rare, What is homeopathy? peculiar, striking—that gives the case a pronounced individ uality (i.e., “characterizes” the case). For example, chilliness with desire for ice cold omeopathy is a safe, effective system of natural medicine, drinks, or dizziness that is better from motion. Such a symptom often points used by millions of people worldwide for more than 200 directly to the curative remedy. Hyears to achieve wellness. Homeopathic medicines are pre- chronic illness: (See acute illness.) pared from natural sources, are used in extremely small amounts, common symptoms: Symptoms that are commonly found in a particular and are recognized by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. disease, for example, spots in measles or swollen glands in mumps. They are non-toxic and, when properly administered, can be constitutional treatment: Treating the whole person, rather than the safely used with infants, children, adults, and animals. symptoms alone, thereby attempting to enhance the general level of health rather than just getting rid of the symptoms. How does homeopathy differ from materia medica: Latin for “materials of medicine.” A reference book listing conventional medicine? homeopathic medicines and their therapeutic actions/indications. This Homeopathy is based on the principle that “like cures like.” That information comes primarily from the provings of the medicines; also from is, if a substance can cause symptoms of disease in a healthy clinical observation. person, then it can cure a sick person suffering from similar miasm: A block to health, usually left by a disease. This can be inherited symptoms. Suppose a person has hay fever, with watery eyes and or acquired and is an obstacle to cure. a burning nasal discharge. Instead of giving an antihistamine to Organon: The Organon of Medicine, by Samuel Hahnemann, founder of dry up the discharge, a homeopath might prescribe Allium homeopathy, is the book in which he set down the fundamental principles of homeopathy. He wrote 6 editions, the last in 1842; current homeopaths cepa—a tiny dose of onion, specially prepared by a homeopathic refer primarily to the 6th and sometimes the 5th editions. pharmacy in accordance with FDA-approved guidelines— potency: The strength of a homeopathic remedy according to the number because onion is known to cause watery eyes and a burning nasal of times, during preparation, it has been diluted and succussed (i.e., poten- discharge. tized). Potency is represented as a number attached to a remedy name Homeopathy regards symptoms as the body’s healthy attempt (e.g., Aconite 30c or Arnica 6X—the letter c or X refers to two different to restore itself to balance. A homeopath will choose a remedy methods of dilution during remedy preparation). that supports the symptoms—rather than opposing them or proving: The testing of a substance, either in crude form or in potency, suppressing them as in conventional medicine. on healthy volunteers to discover the symptoms it is capable of producing, Homeopathy recognizes that each person manifests illness in and therefore able to cure. Participants in a proving record their symptoms; the symptoms are collated and used as therapeutic indications for a unique and slightly different way. That is why two people with prescribing that substance. the same illness will not necessarily receive the same homeo- repertorize: To look up symptoms in a repertory, in order to determine pathic remedy. A cold sufferer with a stopped-up nose and dry which remedy or remedies is common to the presenting symptoms. eyes would receive a different remedy than a cold sufferer with a repertory: An index to the materia medica; an index of symptoms (based runny nose and watering eyes. Unlike the “one size fits all” on the materia medica) with a list of remedies indicated for each symptom. approach often used in conventional medicine, a homeopath rubric: A symptom listed in a homeopathic repertory. chooses a remedy that matches a person’s unique symptom pro- file—including physical, mental, and emotional symptoms. simillimum: The “most similar” remedy corresponding to a case; the remedy that most closely matches the totality of the symptoms of the patient, and therefore, is curative according to homeopathic principles. What is homeopathy’s history? The principles of homeopathy were developed into a system of suppression: The driving inward of disease symptoms, so that a person experiences more serious symptoms than they originally had. medicine by the German physician Samuel Hahnemann (1755–1843). Homeopathy spread quickly throughout Europe vital force: Term used by Hahnemann to describe the energy that animates all living beings. The vital force is stimulated by the homeopathic and the rest of the world, including the U.S. The exact mecha- remedy to enable the body to heal itself. nism by which homeopathy works is unknown, but 200 years of The above definitions were largely adapted from the following excellent clinical experience along with hundreds of peer-reviewed basic references: The Complete Homeopathy Handbook (its glossary), by science, pre-clinical, and clinical studies confirm homeopathy’s Miranda Castro, FSHom, CCH, and Yasgur’s Homeopathic Dictionary effectiveness. and Holistic Health Reference, by Jay Yasgur, RPh, MSc.

HomeopathyCenter.org • Homeopathy TODAY 5 Winter 2017 Message froM the Nch Board of directors

Lauri Grossman, DC, CCH, RSHom(NA), serves on the NCH Board of Directors and chairs the conference committee. She has a private practice in New York City and has taught in numerous hospitals and colleges (e.g., Columbia Presbyterian, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, Hospital for Special Surgeries, Lenox Hill, NYU, and American Medical College of Homeopathy). Some of her most rewarding work has been in other countries, with Homeopaths Without Borders in Trinidad and Haiti, and with medical doctors who are working to establish homeopathy in Afghanistan.

he Joint American Homeopathic Con- set-up will allow for greater interaction community. (For a list of Homeopathic Tference (JAHC) program planning com- and more rewarding networking. Action Alliance members and for more mittee is stirring things up for 2018. We We’ve designed Saturday evening for information, go to www.homeopathycen- want to create a new conference experi- those new to homeopathy. This section ter.org/homeopathic-action-alliance) ence—one that brings people together of the conference entitled “Healthy & To make things even more inviting, we to discuss ideas, welcomes newcomers so Holistic Living: Integrating Homeopathy selected for the venue so travel is they are comfortable trying homeopathy into a Healthy Lifestyle,” will be made easier for members who could not make for the first time, and rewards experienced up of fireside chats with brief discussions it to last year’s Atlanta conference. We practitioners with insights that lead to on homeopathy for pain management, chose the Renaissance Phoenix Down- greater awareness and professional satis- addiction, and environmental illnesses. town Hotel because it has easy access to faction. We want everyone to be engaged Sponsors will offer samples so that the airport and because its restaurants offer numerous farm-to-table options JaHC 2018: including gluten-free, vegan, vegetarian, and paleo selections. As a bonus, there are plenty of green spaces and art parks nearby: the Desert Botanical Garden, the Phoenix Zoo, South Mountain Park, The Building a Conference Heard Museum, and the Arizona Science Center, to name just a few. So if you are ready for a conference with a with more engagement of more people, New View with a greater chance to discuss ideas and to interact with people who can help you and to fill the halls with a sense of delight, attendees can start up with homeopathy grow, then JAHC 2018 in Phoenix is ready so you’ll be glad you made the decision to right after the talk. Attendees will be able for you. Registration is now available at attend. And, inspired by the experience, to meet the people who actually make www.jahc2018.org you’ll be eager to return for JAHC 2019. their remedies—representatives from Sign up today and receive the early We decided on an overarching theme, the pharmacies and labs who have sup- bird discount by February 16th. We look “Homeopathy: An affordable healthcare ported our conferences for so many years. forward to seeing you there! solution.” And that theme will be applied They’ll also be able to meet the homeo- to timely concerns: environmental dis- pathic booksellers who can recommend ease, chronic and autoimmune disease, guides to use for themselves and family JAHC 2018 Registration & Housing pain management, addiction, and matters members when they get back home. Now opeN! related to reaching the underserved. We Representatives from North American think knowledge of these issues will help homeopathic organizations will be present new this year! draw more people to members’ practices to answer questions on healthcare policy, and will allow the homeopathic commu- humanitarian efforts, education and prac- Consumer Night: nity to make a significant difference in titioner certification, the health freedom Healthy & Holistic Living: more peoples’ lives. We invited speakers movement, and other political issues. If Integrating Homeopathy with varied backgrounds so participants you want to meet representatives from any into a Healthy Lifestyle can hear different views on similar topics. Homeopathic Action Alliance member And we will be encouraging people to organization, they will be there and eager Saturday, April 7, 2018 discuss what they learn from the presen- to hear from you—to help you find mean- 7:00 p.m – 9:00 p.m. tations at the “genius bar” tables and in ingful ways to volunteer and to learn how Open to the public! • Tickets: $15* online and in-person chat rooms. Room they can better serve you as part of the *Included with conference registration.

The 13th Annual Joint American Homeopathic Conference is just 4 months away! Register now to save big at the early bird rate!

Homeopathy • HomeopathyCenter.org 6 TODAY Winter 2017 13th Annual

Register & learn more at: www.JAHC2018.org

Speakers and Presentations

Joel Kreisberg, DC, CCH, PCC Kathleen Scheible, CCH Elizabeth Thompson, MBBS, Engaging the Healing Serving the Underserved MRCP, FFHom Paradigm, Integrative Health within a Thriving Homeopathy Homeopathy: Integrative & the Future of Homeopathy Practice Approach Offering Solutions to the Future of Healthcare

Rob B. Wyse Loretta Butehorn, PhD, CCH Ifeoma Ikenze, MD, DiHom Marketing Homeopathy as Relapse Prevention for Opioid Treating PANDAS with an Affordable Healthcare Addicted Persons Homeopathy Solution

Shelley Keneipp, MH, Farokh Master, PhD, MD(Hom) Florence McPherson, ND DiHom(UK) Efficacy of Homeopathy in Community Clinic Chronic Diseases After Advanced Metastatic Cancer Serving the Underserved Vaccinations Pain Management

Jain Tarkeshwar, MD(HOM) Aaron Ka Lun To, MARH, Gabrielle Traub, Management of Autoimmune PDHom MTech(Hom), CCH Diseases with Special Reference How to Incorporate Nosodes: Unique Therapy to Other Skin Conditions Homeopathic Treatment for Chronic Infections Highlighting Psoriasis in Type II Diabetic Patients

Linda Grigel, MHP, PA-C, CCH Ian R. Luepker, ND, DHANP Abby Beale, CCH, RSHom(NA) Screens and Your Genes: Palliative Care and Hahnemann: Attracting Clients for a Thriving Homeopathic Treatment for Are they Mutually Exclusive? Practice the Imponderable Effects of Harmful Environmental Influences

HomeopathyCenter.org • Homeopathy TODAY 7 Winter 2017 Consumer Night: Healthy & Holistic Living: Integrating Homeopathy into a Healthy Lifestyle Date: Saturday, April 7, 2018 • Time: 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.

Join us for a relaxing night of fun and knowledge of effective healthy, holistic, and homeo- pathic treatments for everyday use. Come speak with our exhibitors and local vendors during Renaissance Phoenix this time to learn more about homeopathic products and products to support your healthy Downtown Hotel lifestyle! Don’t miss our Fireside Chats, “Easy and Effective Homeopathic Treatments for The 2018 Joint American Homeo- Pain, Addiction, and Environmental Illness” featuring short interactive sessions presented pathic Conference will be held at the by NCH Board Members and JAHC Speakers. This is an event that you do not want to miss! elegant Renaissance Phoenix Down- town Hotel. With its unique artwork For any questions regarding Exhibit and Sponsorship opportunities, please contact by local artists, you will quickly be Christina DeRose, Industry Relations Associate: [email protected] immersed in the area’s rich arts-and- culture environment. This convenient 2018 JAHC Registration Rates location is within walking distance to nearby attractions such as Chase Early Bird rEgular ONsitE Field and Talking Stick Resort Arena, Registration Type (By February 16, 2018) (By March 23, 2018) (After March 24, 2018) premiere dining options that cater to Full registration – 3 day $620.00 $710.00 $800.00 a variety of dietary needs, such as (Fri, Sat, & Sun) vegan, vegetarian, and gluten-free diets, and plenty of entertainment to 2 day $520.00 $610.00 $700.00 provide an abundance of opportu- (Fri & Sat or Sat & Sun) nities to network and connect with friends from across the country! 1 day $320.00 $410.00 $500.00 (Fri or Sat)

Exhibit Hall Only Pass $75.00 $85.00 $100.00 Interested in Sponsorship & Exhibit Opportunities?

additiONal rEgistratiON FEEs Visit www.JAHC2018.org to view the Item Registration Fee Prospectus! Friday Opening reception $40.00 For questions, please contact guest Pass Christina DeRose Industry Relations Associate saturday Consumer Night $15.00 Open tO the public! • tickets: $15* [email protected] Event Pass *Tickets are included with conference registration.

Student Registration Early Bird dEadlinE NCH is pleased to offer a 50% discount off conference registration fees to pre-approved February 16, 2018! Register Now! students enrolled in recognized schools of homeopathy or other accredited 4-year institution. We are offering discounts on 3-day, 2-day, and 1-day registrations. All student discounts are subject to approval before registrations are processed. HoUSiNG NoW AvAiLABLe During the registration application, you will be asked to submit verification from the Book Your Reservation Today! school to the NCH office. Submit one of these two accepted forms of student verification: Discounted Rate: $184 a) Letter on school letterhead signed by a school official verifying that you are a student **plus applicable taxes & fees currently enrolled in the program Deadline to book at discounted rate: b) Copy of the student’s current student ID card (with photo). Tuesday, March 13, 2018 This verification must be sent no later than March 16, 2018. For more information, contact jahc2018.org Jessica Dougherty, NCH Meeting Manager, at [email protected]

Homeopathy • HomeopathyCenter.org 8 TODAY Winter 2017 HomeopathyCenter.org • Homeopathy TODAY 9 Winter 2017 coMMuNity News The Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States Why the HPUS is important to you


The Homeopathic Pharmacopeia of the United States—which has been in continuous drug product you expect. To add to the publication since 1897—is the official standard for the identification, quality control, and confusion, some foreign pharmacopeias manufacture of homeopathic drug products in the U.S. Without an independent stan- have different manufacturing guidelines, dard, users of homeopathic medications would have no viable reference against which so even the same starting material could to judge how homeopathic medicines are manufactured. In addition, an independent end up as two somewhat different end reference minimizes the possibility that a company might make products according to products, but be labeled exactly the same! their internal whims. You benefit from thePharmacopoeia because it enables your Thus, the HPUS provides a basis for manufacturer to prepare consistent, high-quality, homeopathic drug products. your manufacturers to make homeo- pathic products from the correct start- Identification Finally, monographs for botanical ing materials in accord with the original The Homeopathic Pharmacopeia (HPUS) substances specify which part of the plant provings or other clinical uses from which includes over 1300 monographs for the to use for producing the homeopathic the symptom profiles have been obtained. starting materials for homeopathic medi- drug product. This information is critical cines. Each monograph contains detailed because the monograph name usually Quality control information to ensure a product is con- does not provide enough detail to identify Monographs contain quality control tests. sistently prepared from the substance this. A name such as Arnica, for example, These are essential because they aid with appropriate to the original provings of does not inform anyone whether the root, the proper identification of starting mate- homeopathic therapeutic use. This is the flower, or the entire plant is to be rials and provide parameters for the cor- important to you because products made used. In this instance, the HPUS actually rect manufacture of your homeopathic from different starting materials could contains two monographs: Arnica mon- medicines. For instance: botanical tinc- result in different proving symptoms and, tana, which specifies that the entire plant ture monographs have tests to confirm therefore, different therapeutic outcomes. is to be used, and Arnica montana, radix, that the correct starting materials have Monographs are listed by their tra- which specifies only the root is to be used. been used to prepare the tincture; this is ditional homeopathic name but also (The common non-homeopathic Arnica done by “fingerprint” identification (qual- specify contemporary scientific names. tincture is prepared from the flowers itative analysis) of important constituents. (Scientific names, especially for botani- only, making it an entirely different prod- Quality parameters can also indicate cal substances, are updated over time by uct, but which, confusingly, can often be if the manufacturing process has been international conventions; thus, a tradi- found on store shelves alongside homeo- properly conducted. An alcohol measure- tional homeopathic name from the late pathic Arnica montana tincture.) ment that falls outside acceptable ranges 1800s might no longer be found in con- There are also a few monographs in could indicate the botanical tinctures were temporary scientific literature.) Mono- which the plant part specified by the incorrectly manufactured. Dry residue or graphs also contain numerous common HPUS is different from what’s specified assay results can indicate that improper names in multiple languages. All of this in foreign homeopathic pharmacopoeias, proportions of plant material have been information helps manufacturers and even though the different pharmacopoe- used to prepare the tincture. These tests suppliers communicate and identify the ias’ monograph names are exactly the can lend confirmation to the required desired starting materials for production. same as those in the HPUS! So when you good manufacturing practice (GMP) doc- A short description of the starting purchase a homeopathic product made umentation regarding correct processing. material in each main monograph fur- according to a foreign pharmacopeia, Over time, a manufacturer’s documenta- ther helps manufacturers to accurately you might be getting something differ- tion can validate that their processes result identify and obtain it; this is accompa- ent than what is produced according to in consistently manufactured products. nied by information regarding locales the HPUS. Unless your manufacturer/ In certain circumstances, identifica- around the world where naturally occur- marketer is aware of these differences, tion tests can indicate adulteration (inad- ring starting materials can be found. you may not be getting the homeopathic vertent or intentional) with unwanted substances. This can be important when starting materials are purchased through Monographs for botanical substances specify which part of conventional suppliers rather than being grown or manufactured under the entire the plant to use for producing the homeopathic drug product. control of the homeopathic drug man-

Homeopathy • HomeopathyCenter.org 10 TODAY Winter 2017 ~ WEBINAR ~ The HpUS: why It’s Important to You Plus, issues facing the homeopathic industry Learn many more fascinating details about this topic from Eric L. Foxman, RPh, by viewing the 90-minute recorded NCH webinar from December 5, 2017. Using examples from his 37 years of experience with the Homeopathic Phar- macopoeia Convention of the U.S., Eric explains eligibility requirements for new monographs, describes over-the- counter and prescription-only marketing of homeopathic medicines, discusses the new labeling requirements and what this means for you, and reviews contemporary matters As consumers, you want your suppliers to maintain of importance to the homeopathic industry. a current subscription to the HPUS… Visit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YJmICG-XbjQ ufacturer. Assays can also confirm that but don’t even know what is involved. As maximum levels of certain constituents consumers, you want your suppliers to and of quality control test procedures for are not exceeded, thereby ensuring the maintain a current subscription to the existing monographs; a lesser but equally manufacture of safe homeopathic drug HPUS and be willing to certify that their important focus is a review of safe atten- products for your use. products are manufactured and labeled uation levels in light of newly available Thus, the HPUS provides a basis for in compliance with HPUS guidelines. information. manufacturers to ensure your homeo- I’ve often used the HPUS as an edu- Regulators, both here and abroad, are pathic products meet appropriate accep- cational tool for companies both within routinely stunned to learn all this work tance criteria for both starting materials the homeopathic industry and outside is performed by experts who volunteer and the initial manufacturing steps. the industry who want to learn about their time, knowledge, and efforts to the homeopathic manufacturing. This refer- continued growth and improvement of Manufacture ence has become a foundation for many the HPUS. In 2016, approximately 2500 The HPUS contains extensive informa- companies’ ongoing training and growth. hours were volunteered to prepare for and tion regarding appropriate and stan- Because the HPUS is recognized as a legal participate in meetings. These included 9 dardized steps for the manufacture of standard in the Federal Food, Drug & days of in-person meetings and more than homeopathic drug products. This is cru- Cosmetic Act of 1938, the information in 40 international conference calls. Many cial for ensuring that HPUS compliant it is also a valuable reference for regula- in-kind services were also donated. At homeopathic medications are consis- tory agencies. the same time, the Convention depends tently prepared from batch to batch and Thus, the HPUS provides a basis for on income from subscriptions and dona- from one manufacturer to another. manufacturers to manufacture your tions to cover expenses that cannot be The guidelines have been extensively homeopathic products consistently donated (i.e., meeting rooms, commu- revised in the past four years to provide from batch to batch and across the nications/ website, legal support). If you more detail as well as more latitude for broad spectrum of possible attenuations would like to help support these efforts manufacturers to adapt guidelines for and dosage forms. in even a modest fashion, please consider their specific circumstances (e.g., facil- making a donation at www.hpus.com/ ity design, equipment availability, com- Who publishes the HPUS? online_database/register_action.php. plexity of dosage form, etc.). Guidelines The publisher is the Homeopathic Phar- Your support is greatly appreciated and for stability considerations have recently macopeia Convention of the United will help continue to build a strong foun- been added, and homeopathic GMP States, an all-volunteer, not-for-profit dation for compliant, effective, homeo- guidelines have been greatly expanded. organization composed of over 50 experts pathic medicines in the United States. The HPUS also contains expanded in the fields of pharmacy, manufacturing, labeling guidelines; as they are imple- quality control, botany, chemistry, and aBout the author mented there will be changes in how the practice of homeopathic therapeutics. ingredients are declared on labels. These The Convention is organized into work- eric L. Foxman, RPh, a founding member of the guidelines, when implemented, will pro- ing committees to review monographs, Homeopathic Pharmacopeia vide an easier and more accurate way for toxicological data, testing methods, and Convention of the United States, is in his 10th year on its you to compare similar products from therapeutic/clinical information regard- Board of Trustees. As Senior different marketers. ing the use of homeopathic substances. Scientist of the Convention and Chair of the Council on As a consultant, I have had a number of Each of these committees makes recom- Pharmacy, he is active in the companies approach me for assistance. In mendations to the Board of Directors, ongoing revision and updating of the HPUS. During the past 37 years, he has initial conversations with them, it became which has the legal responsibility for the served as Chair of the Pharmacopeia Revision clear to me that some had never looked at decisions of the Convention. Much of the Committee, on the Monograph Review Committee, and on the Standards and Controls Committee. He the HPUS. Surprisingly, these companies Convention’s attention is devoted to the also provides consulting services to companies want to market “homeopathic” products review of newly submitted monographs with an interest in the homeopathic industry.

HomeopathyCenter.org • Homeopathy TODAY 11 Winter 2017 How We Work Meet Kathleen Scheible Finding “me in we” and “us in them”— building communities through conversation

Told to JIUAN HENG, CCH, September 22, 2017

This is the fourth in a series of interviews Like many women homeopaths, Kathleen new fixer upper house in San Francisco. I with homeopathic practitioners who are Scheible was fascinated by the power of had a lot going on! homeopathy when it healed her son and “I knew I had to cut down my com- expanding the reach of homeopathy by stepson quite miraculously. mute and look for a new job, but that all providing integrative care for clients. Get “My son had struggled with ear infec- felt impossible. I went to my son’s homeo- a peek inside the practices of these tions since he was a baby, with a Eusta- path, Lyn Farrugia. After a constitutional remarkable individuals who are using chian fluid issue and a little hearing loss. remedy, I could see a path forward sud- Doctors said he would grow out of it. denly. I found a new job in San Francisco homeopathy to improve lives, one at a Then he developed asthma and eczema in a different industry where there was time. Find out how they work, what moti- when he was ten years old.” less pressure. I was able to cut out two vates them, and how they stay inspired. Kathleen consulted an osteopath, who hours a day commuting and connect to eventually referred them to a homeopath, this passion [for homeopathy].” and within a month, her son’s ears, ecze- For Kathleen, that passion has always Kathleen Scheible, CCH, has been nur- ma, and asthma were significantly better. been inclusive and expansive. She was turing the Bay Area Homeopathy Associ- Around the same time, her partner’s son guided by a vision. ation (BAHA) from its earliest beginnings was struggling with the after-effects of spi- “Close to the end of school, Richard while working almost full-time as a nal meningitis. Pitt, one of my main instructors, had “He had been out of school with gathered a group of people to talk about design engineer and gradually ramping chronic debilitating nausea and blinding how to promote homeopathy. I was won- up her own homeopathy practice from headaches for six months, taking daily dering if there was a local organization one day a week to full-time in 2014. She large doses of NSAIDs and anti-nausea we could turn to as a resource. Richard is a Certified Classical Homeopath. She medications prescribed by his doctor. We encouraged me to start one! I had no idea took him to the homeopath. After the what I was getting into. Richard and my co-founded CareToHeal.com, an online first dose ofNux vomica, he was back to colleagues Pam Grant-Ryan and Sandi marketplace for natural healthcare pro- his old self and back to school in three Kaplan were instrumental in getting the viders in to match providers days.” word out for the inaugural meeting and and clients. Since 2016, she has been At the time, Kathleen was ten years into are key active members to this day! her career as a mechanical engineer in Sili- “I did have a pretty clear vision of President of the California Homeopathic con valley, and she held several patents for certain tenets that would hold it together: Medical Society (homeopathywest.org), semiconductor equipment. that we have more to gain from know- which is dedicated to research and holds “Once I was convinced that homeop- ing one another and from having more an annual homeopathic conference. athy was so wonderful, I just knew that I people know about homeopathy than had to do this—I will find a way to do this we have differences. It was about getting Kathleen’s website is: for the rest of my life.” together to know one another in a collab- bernalhomeopathy.com She enrolled in the Pacific Academy of orative way.” Homeopathy. But how was she to fit an- Just as she was realistic about the time- other big project into an already full life? frame she gave herself to make homeop- “I was struggling with the time and athy her full-time career (ten years), she effort I had to put into my engineering was realistic about getting an association career while taking care of my family. I of a motley crew of homeopathy enthusi- had a new romantic partnership. I had a asts to take off.

“After a constitutional remedy, I could see a path forward suddenly.”

Homeopathy • HomeopathyCenter.org 12 TODAY Winter 2017 It takes a very generous spirit to devote hours and hours to create an organization.

“When something is first forming, you tice. Certainly, David Bohm, the philoso- will naturally attract the collaborators. pher-scientist, thought of dialogue as the You won’t necessarily attract the lone process through which thinking emerges wolves who are doing their own thing within a group. Kathleen Scheible with BAHA colleagues Mary and don’t feel they need to reach out or “The main way we connect is through Johnston, CCH (left) and Sandi Kaplan, CCH connect. We are all busy. We may have the meetings. Rebecca Billings and Del- (right), enjoying a warm San Francisco night. another job, kids, and family obligations. ilah Raybee run the East Bay meetings. We want to know if this is worth our They tend to have a speaker make a pre- is working for people. It’s OK to share investment of time. It takes time to build sentation on a project, their experience, what didn’t work, especially in our case that trust, to start to connect, to start to doing a proving, or a particular specialty. conferences. We try not to focus on the distill out what we share and want to talk Those are always good, with a lot of dis- idea that there’s the perfect case and that about.” cussion and Q & A afterwards. We have a everything got better with one remedy it takes a very generous spirit to devote good mix of experience levels. We form immediately. We try to look at cases hours and hours to create an organization. relationships over time. We make those where practitioners learnt something. Building and maintaining an online pres- connections offline. For the first time in That usually means it wasn’t perfect, and ence, coordinating meetings, organizing 2017, we have video conference meetings they had to try two or three different conferences, producing newsletters, and as well, which are for a monthly working remedies. That is the spirit in which we participating in outreach activities can be group that is interested in trying new come together. It’s about finding our way a full-time job. How does Kathleen build things to reach new people with home- through things. If you talk about a case a community that values diversity, finding opathy. We also have a video option for or about how you manage your practice, a deeper coherence and connection that most of our live meetings.” it’s helpful to think beforehand, ‘Wow, I transcends methodologies, schools, and i had an opportunity to sit in at one noticed that when I made this change to affiliations? What inspires her? Kathleen of these meetings (live with some video my practice, things started falling into puts it simply: participants) and saw what a masterful line for me. Maybe it’s who I am as a “I am grateful that I found my life’s facilitator Kathleen is. While guided by a person, maybe it’s about the demographic work in homeopathy. I never found meeting agenda, she navigates freely and of who I serve. Or maybe it’s about this that with engineering, though there are invites different perspectives with humor change I made, and I can share that with aspects of design engineering that I really while holding space for authentic explo- the community, and if it resonates with enjoyed.” ration and expression. She creates a vibe someone else, they can try it out.’” And she attributes her drive to build where everyone obviously enjoys each increasingly, BAHA has reached out to community to growing up on a hay farm in other’s company. other practitioners who are open to ho- a small midwestern town. “I wasn’t always good at that!” she meopathy and who provide a service that “Growing up, I got to see people func- demurs and then quickly deflects atten- is complementary to what homeopaths tion within a community where there’s tion to others. “Now, with regional meet- do. Kathleen has also encouraged BAHA a lot of volunteerism, a lot of civic orga- ings, it’s a chance for other BAHA [Bay members to form their own practitioner nizations and church organizations that Area Homeopathy Association] members networks and to participate in workplace work to benefit the community. That to step up and take that leadership role.” wellness fairs. sense of community and interdependence She homes in on what makes BAHA so Kathleen reflects on what it means for is missing for a lot of us now, wherever we successful: learning and discovering to- BAHA to evolve organically: live, and it is really important. I believe in gether, while each person finds what reso- “My frame of mind in starting all the power of local.” nates with her in the symphony of voices. those things was not to worry too much Meeting in person makes it possible “A recurring theme is sharing different about what it was going to turn into. for people to have conversations that are perspectives and also focusing on what Not to plan too much before you know if spontaneous, open-ended, and free-flow- ing. Neither debate nor discussion, which is directed to a goal, conversation at its She attributes her drive to build community to growing best opens up a space for thinking togeth- er, possibly creating new ways to prac- up on a hay farm in a small midwestern town.

HomeopathyCenter.org • Homeopathy TODAY 13 Winter 2017 “That is the spirit in which we come together. It’s about finding our way through things.”

something’s really working or if it’s reso- Kathleen Scheible (center) at the Bernal Heights Neighborhood Center where she offers a nating with people. To put forth effort in free clinic to senior citizens. Pictured with social service coordinators Janet Zapien (left) and Kimberly Bautista (right). the direction that feels right to you and to trust that you’re working on the right It’s about going and going until you find how frequently [they] recommend people thing. If it feels right for you, that’s where something that works. Ideally you don’t come in for follow-ups [and so on] helps to your passion’s going to come from. That’s need to iterate a lot because you’re doing dispel the idea that there’s one right way to where the hours and hours are going to it in a smart way, but iteration is key to practice. It’s very individualized. It’s about come from. It means working with others success. I think having that experience finding the comfort zone for yourself, but also on the things you connect with.” and that mindset allowed me to be tol- about knowing the tools and knowing that We talked about design thinking im- erant of [the feeling], ‘Oh, this could be other people have done it successfully in a plicit in her approach to building an orga- any remedy!’ to remain open, before I way that they feel good about.” nization, and how her career as a design narrow in on finding one that’s a good Kathleen has given much thought to engineer has shaped her approach, from fit for a person. I also force myself to go how to communicate about homeopathy finding a homeopathic remedy for her cli- back and ground myself in an analysis— to the general public. She puts herself in ents to nurturing BAHA through different the ‘anchoring stones’ of a case that are the shoes of the newbie who is interested stages of growth: similar to the specifics of a project that in what it has to offer and needs guidance. “A successful design engineer needs to engineers are most comfortable with.” She tries to figure out what she, in her role have a balance of creativity and a toler- The ability to remain open and not nar- as an expert, needs to do to lower the bar- ance of ambiguity at the beginning of the row in on a remedy too early helps a ho- riers to successful engagement. design phase. In the concept phase, you’re meopath receive an individual’s case more “One of the things that I got involved open to a new design and what that might fully. That openness is perhaps even more in later in my engineering career was look like. I became a professional engi- important when it comes to building an or- studying and advocating for user design. neer in the ‘90s, where there was a Silicon ganization that members identify with, as It’s quite new. With engineers creating Valley culture that was very good at men- it allows room for their shared interests to websites and not always having such a toring and training engineers to be toler- unfold and evolve. good handle on how people interact and ant of ambiguity, to go after something “Yes, and it’s definitely a process that behave with technology, you need to until you have a solution that works. has changed over the years. One thing focus on user design and user interaction. That really is what engineering is about. that connects people is sending out an Some of the tenets of this field are useful email newsletter. People have told me that for people in most professions. When a even if they can’t come to a meeting, or concept or product or technology is new they live too far out, they love knowing to someone (as we know most Americans what’s going on. It helps them to feel col- are unfamiliar with homeopathy), they laborative even if they can’t collaborate. need help in understanding it. They need The Bay Area Homeopathy Association (BAHA) is They are part of something bigger. a frame of reference. What are the basics a network of San Francisco Bay Area practitioners “It has got to be something that res- that they need to know in order to be that has grown organically from a student homeo- onates with the community. It’s about successful on this journey? path’s graduation project in 2007 into a strong trying different things and responding to Kathleen and BAHA have done much to network with 100 members, including homeo- opportunities. With newer homeopaths, bring homeopathy within the fold of inte- paths and supporters of homeopathy. Its primary there’s the feeling, ‘We shouldn’t have to grative therapy. it started in response to a objective is to enable practitioners to find and to health care crisis, with Kathleen reaching get to know one another. Its secondary objective reinvent the wheel, how do we connect is to enable more people in the San Francisco Bay with more experienced mentors, how do out to colleagues. Area who are already seeking natural healthcare we start a practice?’ Then there are logis- “I was practicing in Noe Valley [a options to know about homeopathy. BAHA has tics of how our practices work better for San Francisco neighborhood] around the monthly meetings, biannual case conferences, us as individuals. time of the H1N1 flu. I had been wanting and a newsletter that keeps its members in the “Being able to talk to people who have to connect more with other [integrative] loop about local happenings. BAHA held its first been in practice for 10 to 20 years is practitioners, and I said to folks in our integrative health conference last year. www.bayareahomeopathyassociation.org invaluable. Hearing about [their experi- practice, ‘Hey, why don’t we invite the ences with] potency and remedy selection, practitioners within five blocks of our

Homeopathy • HomeopathyCenter.org 14 TODAY Winter 2017 “If it feels right for you, that’s where your passion’s going to come from. That’s where the hours and hours are going to come from.”

office to talk about what we each have to Kathleen views collaboration as an op- for myself, except that I wanted to prac- contribute to the H1N1 crisis—not only portunity for homeopathy, not a winner- tice, that I would always want to practice about getting better, but about the anxi- takes-all game, and certainly not a capit- homeopathy. For me, that means taking ety around the flu?’ I went around to the ulation. it very seriously as a real career. That practitioners’ offices with a flyer. For the “Some of the integrative MDs offer took a long time to manifest. I was the first meeting, 15 people showed up. It was homeopathy within their practice for colds main breadwinner in my family. I had a great night. One of the integrative MDs and flus. Many of them have taken the insurance, and I couldn’t just give that talked about the flu vaccine in the same Boiron short course in homeopathy. I up. I put all the time that I wasn’t working room as homeopaths were talking about know that some professional homeopaths [on my engineering job] into practicing the homeopathic flu prophylactic.” ask, ‘Why are we networking with these homeopathy. They continued to meet every quarter. people?’ I also know that a few of the “For BAHA, it’s definitely changed in When Kathleen moved her practice to the MDs have referred steadily to professional the last few years. I am coming to terms Bernal Heights neighborhood, she eventu- homeopaths for deeper constitutional with its staying power and with how it ally fused the Bernal and Noe valley prac- work. I think that’s exactly the reason why. means something to people. I agonized titioner networks, comprising some 50 Regardless of what we do, whether we are about charging dues. People were urging practitioners open to holistic healing. There MDs, NDs, DOs, the more people practice me, ‘Please charge dues. We want this to is a core group of 20 members who get to- any degree of homeopathy, the more the be successful.’ A lot of people have said gether regularly to learn how each therapist public has trust in homeopathy. People that they get more out of this than any approaches specific topics, such as anxiety. [working] within the medical model have other organization. I’ve been thinking “For instance, a yoga and Ayurvedic more [public] trust; they take insurance, about the next five years, about how to practitioner talked about specific mudras and people seek them out more. There keep BAHA right-sized and how to keep and teas that can help with anxiety. I are some wonderful integrative MDs who it going beyond myself as a leader.” presented about homeopathy and gave recognize that what they have to offer Spoken like a true leader who recogniz- examples of remedies [for anxiety] that within homeopathy is different from what es that her baby has matured into its own can look different for different types we professional homeopaths can offer. identity! of people… to help other practitioners And that’s our job—it’s our job to educate understand that it was not about giving them, not our job to say they’re going aBout the author

one remedy for one condition. You get a to take business away from us. We are Jiuan Heng, PhD, CCH, feel for different modalities, and you can already working with a different popula- decided to enroll in homeopa- thy school when she saw her start to refer people to others.” tion that seeks us out. How can we connect son, who was diagnosed with it is a process of building trust by culti- effectively with people who are looking for autism at the age of three, improve dramatically with vating relationships and trusting that col- natural alternatives to let them know what homeopathic treatment. She laboration helps everyone to grow. Last homeopathy has to offer?” brings a tenacious optimism, a skeptic’s mind, and an open year, BAHA held its first integrative confer- i asked how her vision for BAHA and heart to her practice in New ence, drawing on speakers from the very herself has changed in the decade since York City and Long island. Her dream is to collabo- rate with holistic healers of different modalities to first integrative network Kathleen started she started out. help clients. Her website is: years ago. This conference was intended to “I don’t know that I had strong visions www.homeopathystudio.com be a “grassroots community” conference. “The speakers weren’t necessarily the top-of-the-line presenters in their fields, but they are really good clinicians. We Meet Kathleen Scheible in Phoenix in April! know each other, and we have relation- when she presents ships. The integrative medicine world Serving the Underserved within a Thriving Homeopathy Practice will grow from this kind of collaboration A project close to Kathleen Scheible’s heart is providing homeopathic care to under- if it’s going to be successful. It’s not going served populations. Since 2009, she’s been holding a free clinic twice a month for senior to come from the top down. It has to citizens in her neighborhood. She also supervises the clinic interns. (She is quick to point emerge locally, with practitioners cre- out, however, that other BAHA practitioners are doing even more pro bono work.) She has been thinking of what it takes to allocate part of a professional practice to serve the ating fabric in the integrative medicine underserved, without undermining one’s private practice. Kathleen will be sharing the framework. It comes from relationships, tenets and principles that she has found helpful in running a successful low cost/pro from knowing what can work for your bono clinic as a featured speaker at the 2018 Joint American Homeopathic Conference clients and knowing what can work at in Arizona, April 6-8. Learn more at: jahc2018.org different times of your life.”

HomeopathyCenter.org • Homeopathy TODAY 15 Winter 2017 What’s the

Superbug wreaks havoc in hospitals and beyond: how to help people overcome C. diff infections

Charlie, an engineer in his early 60s, first before he came to see me and again a year came to see me because he was diagnosed before that. He was treated aggressively with Clostridium difficile, or C. diff, for with antibiotics for each bout of C. diff short. When this strain of bacteria over- and had seemingly recovered … until the grows in the gut, it can lead to severe— problem returned. even lethal—infection. C. diff is a relatively modern problem, Roots of susceptibility with major outbreaks first occurring in When a patient comes to me with C. diff the early 2000s. Often acquired in hospi- or other serious infection, I am pretty tals or long-term care settings, it tends to sure there is something in their past that strike people after antibiotics have wiped instigated the issue, such as a hospital out the “good” intestinal flora. The main stay, use or overuse of antibiotics, or symptom is debilitating diarrhea, which is some other experience that weakened the triggered by toxins given off by the bacte- immune system and created susceptibil- ria. According to the Centers for Disease ity to acquiring this infection. In Char- Control and Prevention, C. diff is respon- lie’s case, he had been struggling over the sible for more hospital infections than any previous decade with chronic sinus infec- other bacteria; each year about half a mil- tions and painful diverticulitis. In the lion people in the U.S. get infected—and previous 5 years alone, conventional care nearly 30,000 people die from it. providers had prescribed 20 to 25 rounds C. diff infection can be hard to treat of antibiotics for him—Charlie could not once it takes hold. The usual first-line recall the exact number. treatment is, ironically, more antibiotics The more we learn about antibiotic to target the C. diff bacteria. But this overuse, the worse the news is. By some approach doesn’t work for many people, estimates, it takes upwards of ten months and the infection keeps coming back. A to rebuild the gut flora diversity to its growing number of C. diff strains have pre-antibiotic levels after a single course become resistant to antibiotics, having of antibiotics.(1) For Charlie, with one morphed into “superbugs” that even after another prescription, we can only the most powerful antibiotics do not guess the extent of imbalance of his eradicate. gastrointestinal flora. And an imbalance In fact, Charlie had a similar story to in GI flora can lead to lowered overall tell. He’d had a C. diff infection two years immunity.

Homeopathy • HomeopathyCenter.org 16 TODAY Winter 2017 What’s the diff?

Charlie was horrified at his third sinus symptoms, he used antihistamines, by AMy RoTHENbERG, ND C. diff diagnosis. With each bout, the nasal sprays, and decongestants, and he loose stools, abdominal cramping, resid- sometimes got by without an antibiotic. ual pain, and overall feeling of illness and But when the mucus and attendant pain fatigue had gotten worse. Given these “socked in,” as he called it, he felt antibi- dreadful symptoms and his time lost otics were his only solution. from work, Charlie’s life felt intolerable Years before, on a routine colonoscopy, to him. Charlie had been diagnosed with diver- A lifelong athlete and health food ticulosis (the presence of small pouches, enthusiast, Charlie was disappointed or diverticula, in the lining of the colon), in his body. He was especially disap- but he’d never been symptomatic. His pointed—to the point of anger—at his first experience of diverticulitis (when the host of health care providers. He felt diverticula became inflamed or infected) they were only treating his symptoms laid him out flat. He was “sick as a dog,” at any given moment in time but had with abdominal pain, fever, and nausea. never seemed able, or interested for that The twin complaints of sinus infections matter, to get to any underlying cause of and diverticulitis, intermittent but com- his chronic infectious ailments. Because ing closer together in the past decade, that understanding was never achieved, kept landing him with a bottle of antibi- treatment approaches were never aimed otics in hand. in a way that would end the ongoing So, this was the backdrop for and, in cycle of infection/inflammation leading hindsight, easy-to-see path to suscepti- to further antibiotic usage. Charlie was bility to C. diff. It’s not as if Charlie had several weeks into another antibiotic pre- developed C. diff out of the blue! scription when he came to my office, but he had seen no improvements in his Getting the whole story symptoms. I spent a long time collecting Charlie’s health history and his story, in order to Sinusitis, diverticulitis, antibiotics clearly understand the arc of his ailments. Aside from Charlie’s disturbing current That kind of history-taking helps point pattern of illness, he had been quite me to the right homeopathic remedy, healthy for most of his life. His sinus while also guiding my recommendations infections began in his 50s, and he was about many other essential and effective not sure why—he could not pinpoint naturopathic approaches. any factors that might have predisposed Along with gathering information on him to infections. To try to relieve the Charlie’s current ailments, I asked ques-

In the previous 5 years alone, conventional care providers had prescribed 20 to 25 rounds of antibiotics for him.

HomeopathyCenter.org • Homeopathy TODAY 17 Winter 2017 The more we learn about antibiotic overuse, the worse the news is… it takes upwards of ten months to rebuild the gut flora diversity.

tions related to a “head-to-toe” review of during this acute moment of illness AND his bodily systems to learn how he was that it was also his constitutional remedy, functioning physically in other areas (e.g., the one that fit his overall constitutional eyes, ears, musculoskeletal, cardiovascu- state before he became acutely ill. lar, etc.). For someone who came to me for When some people become acutely help with such severe physical symptoms sick, they shift from needing their con- as his, the overall review of his bodily sys- stitutional remedy to needing a different tems was remarkably unremarkable. remedy targeted at their acute ailment— I also asked Charlie to describe his but not so Charlie. I knew this because basic temperament and how people might the nature of his presenting acute symp- describe him. He was a self-defined “con- toms fit within what I knew Nux vomica trol freak” both in his home, which he could treat. Also, his physical general shared with a longtime partner, and symptoms (e.g., chilly body temperature at work. His workspace and car were and emotional tendency toward irrita- immaculate. Charlie ran a tight ship. He bility) were not only still the same as was punctual and “did not suffer igno- they were before he got sick—they were rance gladly.” He said that those who worse. That underlying Nux vomica con- worked under him respected him but stitutional state was illustrated by his probably did not like him. He had always fierce commitment to work, his punctu- worked long and hard; he greatly valued ality, and his overall controlling nature. his work and the contribution he felt it The tendency for sinus complaints with made to the world. He had never been headaches and the GI symptoms related interested in a family life per se, and he to diverticulitis also fall well within the knew early on he’d not have children. purview of Nux vomica complaints. I pre- His current GI symptoms included scribed Nux vomica 12c twice a day. terrible cramping in the lower abdomen that was better with warm applications. Also-ran remedies At some hours of the day he had diar- In selecting a remedy for Charlie, I rhea, and at others he felt constipated. intially considered Colocynthis, which is He would often sit on the toilet and be indicated when there is diarrhea and unable to pass stool, loose or hard. When abdominal pain, with cutting or cramp- he did evacuate, he never felt completely ing, where the person is often very irri- finished. table, as Charlie was. However, people needing this remedy need to bend over Charlie and his infection double and apply hard pressure to the I decided on the homeopathic remedy abdomen to find relief, and they are Nux vomica for Charlie. Some of the aggravated by eating—neither of which remedy’s indications that matched his was true for Charlie. symptoms included his constipation Arsenicum album, a major constitu- alternating with loose stools and the tional remedy often useful in acute diar- classic Nux vomica symptom of ineffec- rhea cases, was another remedy on my tual urging, which is often described as: differential list, especially with Char- “wants to, but can’t.” With his current lie’s fastidiousness, his chilliness, and his bout of C. diff, Charlie was more irritable direct way of talking. But Charlie lacked than usual, and he could not warm up, any anxiety whatsoever, which would be two substantial confirmatory symptoms uncommon in a person needing Arseni- for the remedy Nux vomica. I believe that cum album who was as symptomatic as Nux vomica is the remedy Charlie needed he was.

Homeopathy • HomeopathyCenter.org 18 TODAY Winter 2017 3 essential steps to a Healthy Gut Tried-and-true natural medicine strategies Essential complements In addition to prescribing Nux vomica, by AMy RoTHENbERG, ND I advised Charlie on some naturopathic When a person comes to me for help with a C. diff infection, i offer a two-pronged approaches that I consider essential for approach: homeopathic treatment to address the whole person (as illustrated in the anyone with C. diff. First and foremost, accompanying case of Charlie), as well as naturopathic medical approaches to support because the stress in Charlie’s life was the person’s immune system. Below are some naturopathic suggestions in three broad considerable (especially in the realm of areas that i consider essential for anyone suffering with a C. diff infection. Please note work, managing employees, and finan- that these are general prescriptions; in practice, i tailor recommendations to the varying cial considerations) and because we needs of each individual. know that stress makes a person more 1) Stress less! vulnerable to the type of infection Char- We know that the mind impacts the nervous system, and the nervous system impacts the lie was experiencing, it was going to be immune system. Add to that, we now know that large parts of the nervous system and the his job to figure out how to both reduce immune system actually reside in the gut. So, stress—either ongoing stress or big ticket the stress in his life and to cultivate stress items—can make people more vulnerable to infections such as C. diff. i work with activities that help to dissipate stress patients to figure out where the stress is in their lives and what they might do to reduce and raise his threshold for feeling it! it, whether that means cutting back on overtime work, hiring a housecleaner, or asking These might include exercise, hobbies, a family member for help. We also discuss ways to cultivate activities known to help dis- mindfulness practices, spending more sipate stress, as well as to raise one’s threshold for feeling it! Think here: daily exercise, time with loved ones, and so forth. I also hobbies, time with loved ones, meditation, prayer, mindfulness practices, and so on. advised him on a plan for eating foods 2) Rebuild gut flora! and taking botanical supplements that Much of my efforts are aimed at rebuilding healthy flora in the gut, since the lack of support a healthier balance of intestinal flora diversity and robustness is what allowed theC. diff bacteria to take hold in the flora, as well as soothing the GI tract. first place. For the details, see “3 Essential Steps to • First off, I recommend high quality probiotics. I suggest two different brands, one a Healthy Gut” at right. to take in the morning and one in the evening. • I also recommend a botanical medicine combination that helps to kill off the “bad If all else fails… bacteria.” i use a product called Gi MicrobX™ by Designs by Health (with which i For patients with recurrent C. diff infec- have no affiliation).i t is a blend of botanical extracts with a long history of use tions who are not getting better with con- supporting healthy gastrointestinal microbial balance, including Tribulus extract, ventional or naturopathic approaches, a Magnesium caprylate, Berberine sulfate, Bearberry extract, Black walnut powder, fecal transplant may well be indicated. Barberry extract, and Artemisinin. Beyond the ick factor, increasingly we • Another terrific natural antibiotic to target the “bad bacteria” is garlic, which can be understand that changing over the per- eaten liberally. eating it in food is always best, but taking it by pill can work, too. son’s whole microbiome may be the best • If a person eats and tolerates dairy products, and has the time and inclination, I approach, by transplanting fecal matter encourage them to make yogurt at home. i recommend starting with full-fat milk from a healthy screened individual to and fermenting upwards of 24 hours. The longer it ferments, the more diverse and robust the bacteria count. it will also be more sour. eating one-quarter to one-half the patient in question. Insurance often cup of that yogurt each day would be excellent. covers this procedure for people with • I encourage people to eat cultured foods throughout the day because of the healthy C. diff, and certified “microbiota stool bacteria they provide. You do not need bowls full but rather forkfuls with each banks” exist for this purpose. Research meal. Things like kimchi (a Korean appetizer), raw sauerkraut, other fermented has found fecal transplants to be about vegetables, miso soup, and kombucha help to bring further diversification and 90% effective in eliminating C. diff— numbers of healthy flora to the gut. which is strong evidence of the impor- tance of having balanced and diverse 3) Soothe the gut! intestinal microflora.(2) • I also prescribe a few things to help build healthy gut tissue, such as the mineral zinc and the amino acid glutamine. • Oatmeal is a good food to eat, as it’s very soothing to an irritated gut. An overnight success • I suggest avoiding alcohol and caffeine, which are gut irritants. We never needed to go that route with • Drinking plain water, herbal teas, or miso broth (as mentioned earlier) is ideal. The Charlie. When I called him one week best herbal teas are those that are soothing to the gut such as slippery elm, licorice later to check in, he told me the diarrhea root, and marshmallow root. one commercially prepared tea with this combination had abated the day after our visit. He also of herbs is Throat Coat® by Traditional Medicinals (which can soothe both the reported that he was “following our plan throat and gut). Teas made from peppermint and fennel are also calming for the to a T” (not a surprise, considering his digestive tract; these herbal teas can be purchased alone or in combination prod- disciplined nature and strong motiva- ucts, such as Traditional Medicinals’ Belly Comfort™ Peppermint tea, or Celestial tion) with regard to foods, supplements, organics’ Digestion tea.

HomeopathyCenter.org • Homeopathy TODAY 19 Winter 2017 superbugs & antibiotic resistance I advised him on a plan for eating foods and This year in the U.S., at least 2 million taking botanical supplements that support a healthier people will be infected with bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics. “We’re in the balance of intestinal flora. post-antibiotic era,” says the CDC’s Dr. Arjun Srinivasan. “We are literally in a position of having a patient in a bed who has an and stress reduction, and he felt like he limiting refined sugars. He has not taken infection, something that five years ago we could have treated, but now we can’t.” We was starting to regain his energy. an antibiotic since we first began work- are warned to “get in and out” of hospitals At the one month mark, Charlie told ing together many years ago. as quickly as possible, to avoid picking up me he’d been having normal bowel antibiotic-resistant superbugs, such as C. diff movements each day, no constipation or Homeopathy & natural medicine (Clostridium difficile) or MRSA (Methicil- loose stools, and no abdominal cramp- C. diff is a serious infection that can be lin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus). ing. He also said he had decided he was very difficult to treat. Fortunately for Dr. Srinivasan explains antibiotic resis- going to start working four days a week, Charlie and for other C. diff sufferers, tance this way: “There are lots of bacteria… instead of five, as this would allow him homeopathy has a clear role to play And whenever you have that many of an to do more of the good things we’d within a natural medicine approach. organism, it’s likely that one among them talked about to enjoy his life more—hik- • If you need to find a homeopath will be resistant to an antibiotic. if you use ing, cooking, and spending time with in your area, start by checking the an antibiotic, then that one among the group that is resistant becomes the predom- friends and his extended family. National Center for Homeopathy’s inant one. … So the more antibiotics we put Charlie’s improvement from C. diff online Practitioner Directory, which into people, we put into the environment, came very quickly, literally overnight! lists NCH members who have identi- we put into livestock, the more opportuni- My other C. diff patients have improved fied themselves as homeopathic prac- ties we create for these bacteria to become also but usually over a longer timeframe. titioners: resistant… Charlie’s fast reaction shows me that it www.homeopathycenter.org/find-ho - “We really should think about antibiotics was the homeopathic remedy itself that meopath. the way we think about the environment. … had helped him the most, as opposed • If you need to find a naturopathic if i misuse antibiotics, it can have a negative to our other interventions and natu- doctor in your area, see the American impact on you.” ropathic approaches—because changes Association of Naturopathic Physi- Antibiotics are prescribed unnecessarily in diet, supplements, botanicals, and cians website: up to 50% of the time, says the CDC. So what can you do about antibiotic resistance? stress reduction typically do not work www.naturopathic.org/AF_Member - Save antibiotic use for serious or life-threat- overnight. Directory.asp?version=2 ening infections only. Question your practi- tioner about antibiotics prescribed for you; Increased wellness ask for a culture test first to determine the That said, Charlie’s commitment to (1) Kiger, Patrick, “How long does it take gut flora to recover from antibiotics?” https://health.howstuffworks.com/medicine/medi- type of bacteria, then ask for an antibiotic our overall plan, which we periodically cation/long-does-it-take-gut-flora-to-recover-from-antibiotics. that narrowly targets that bacteria, not a tweak, has served him well. It’s been htm, retrieved 10/4/17 (2) Burke KE, Lamont JT (August 2013). “Fecal Transplantation broad-spectrum antibiotic. over seven years since that last bout of for Recurrent Clostridium difficile Infection in Older Adults: A What about our food? While Tyson and C. diff, and he has had no return of the Review. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 61(8): 1394–8. McDonald’s have largely stopped allowing infection. As a bonus, he has had many antibiotics in chicken production, antibiotics fewer sinus infections, too. When he gets are still routinely fed to cattle and hogs. Antibiotic-resistant bacteria from manure one or the beginning signs of one, Char- aBout the author can contaminate groundwater and spread lie calls me. I often repeat the homeo- pathic remedy Nux vomica, which still Amy Rothenberg, ND, the to plants grown with this water. And when American Association of animals are slaughtered, antibiotic-resistant fits his constitutional makeup, although Naturopathic Physicians 2017 I would say he’s now in a much healthier Physician of the Year, bacteria from their intestines can contami- practices in nate the meat. So choose your food wisely, constitutional state for someone needing www.nhcmed.com. She opting for small producers and organic that remedy. Occasionally, I have given blogs for the Huffington Post www.huffingtonpost.com/ sources whenever possible. Charlie a different remedy, one more amy-rothenberg-nd/ and authored the book, The A SourCeS: focused on the acute sinus issues, but – “Dr. Arjun Srinivasan: We’ve reached ‘The end of Anti- Cappella Singer Who Lost Her Voice & Other biotics, Period,’” Hunting the Nightmare Bacteria, often it’s back to the Nux vomica. We Stories From Natural Medicine. Dr. Rothenberg Frontline, by Sarah Childress, october 22, 2013. https:// also use a number of botanical and food and husband Paul Herscu, ND, MPH, teach www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/article/dr-arjun-srini- through the New england School of Homeopathy vasan-weve-reached-the-end-of-antibiotics-period/ approaches to help with his tendency www.nesh.com, with new courses beginning in – “It’s Been one Year Since the World Took on Superbugs. 2018. She raised three wonderful children and Here’s What’s Changed.” By Alexandra Sifferlin, Time. towards sinus problems, such as limiting com, 9/22/2017. can often be found in her art studio, in the dairy, eating more fermented foods, and garden, and on the ballroom dance floor.

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Educational Edition rnicA A The ABC’s of Homeopathy 1-800-466-3672 www.1800homeopathy.com Delivering homeopathic products to your door since 1853 HomeopathyCenter.org • Homeopathy Delivering homeopathic products to your door since 1853 TODAY 21 Winter 2017 Just One Drop Screenings Two Movie Captains relate their experiences


Just One Drop filmmaker, Laurel Chiten. The film was featured last october at the 40th Mill valley Film Festival in San Rafael, hese events wouldn’t have sonal side with my wife, if we don’t see CA—an 11-day celebration of the best in been possible, however, with- any blockbuster that we want to see, we independent, foreign, and high profile films. T out the Movie Captains who might look at Gathr as a new avenue as volunteered their time to encour- far as finding things to see. age people to attend. Read on for firsthand accounts of the experience How did you spread the word? of being a Movie Captain from two At Boiron, we’re trying to get all our Aligning with its effort to increase NCH members—and consider visiting reps involved [so we can] hear what the awareness of and debunk myths www.justonedropfilm.com, where you communities are saying about homeo- surrounding homeopathy, NCH can learn all about donning the cap- pathic medicine. To promote the screen- hosted screenings of the Just One tain’s hat yourself to spread the word ing, we did a paid Facebook campaign in your own community. through NCH. There was a lot of word Drop documentary. The film, directed of mouth. I sent it to my daughters’ by Laurel Chiten, explores both sides Fabrice Figliolini schools—everyone did that—and we of the debate over the value of homeo- Fabrice Figliolini, forwarded invitations to any potential pathic medicine. After spending eight who was born and user of homeopathy. There were a lot raised in France of people there who didn’t know about years immersed in this project, Chiten and grew up using homeopathic medicine at all, which Lau- partnered with Gathr, a small movie homeopathic med- rel was glad about—the point of the film distribution company that arranges icine, is the VP for is to get information out about it. one-off screenings in movie theaters finance, IT, HR, and supply chain at the Did the screening introduce homeopathy around the country. The ten NCH U.S. subsidiary of to a broader audience? screenings were full-blown affairs that French homeopathic manufacturer Boiron. Not counting the people from our included pre-events with reps from He is also a member of the NCH Board of office, maybe two-thirds of the audi- Boiron available to answer questions, Directors. ence didn’t know what to expect. For the pre-event, we had set up a couple NCH swag bags that included samples How did you become a Movie Captain? tables outside the theater. A lot of peo- from Boiron and Homeo- Laurel [the filmmaker] had been in ple were lining up outside the theater pathic Products, and a post-screening contact with Boiron for quite some time. for Thor, and they came up for samples Q&A with Chiten. I think it was important for us to do and information. something with NCH. Someone said during the Q&A, “Oh, the movie was great, it was very well What was involved in pulling off the done, but I was kind of expecting there screening? would be some findings that would be a First, Gathr assigns to you a movie game-changer.” Now, there was not, but theater. A week prior to the screening, what I like about it is it’s very balanced. they had to move the screening I was It’s looking at people within homeop- the captain for to a new theater. The athy, but it’s also looking at the other last-minute change of venue was not side of the fence. And I’ve been getting ideal, but you have to go with the flow. feedback from some of our reps in Bos- The theater has a tipping point [for ton, NYC, Connecticut, where people tickets sold], and until you reach that were a lot more enthusiastic after the point, the screening will not happen. So screening than prior. Laurel made this the challenge was, “Are we going to be movie not to preach to the choir but to able to tip the screening?” But I think give people something to be aware of. it’s a good concept. Even on my per- It’s all about freedom of choice.

Homeopathy • HomeopathyCenter.org 22 TODAY Winter 2017 Abby Beale Visit justonedropfilm.com to learn Abby Beale, CCH, is the President of all about donning the captain’s hat yourself! the NCH Board of Directors. She’s been fascinated with wouldn’t have enough people to run the tice since these movie screenings. Not a homeopathy since the event. That fear was squashed for every- ton, but definitely a marked increase. So early 2000s. one. Social media has been phenome- if anything, I think this film needs to be nal, and people have been telling their all over the place. There’s a documentary You captained two different screenings. friends. NCH did a great job of emailing on Netflix called Forks Over Knives, and Tell us about them. all of our members and our full list it has started a whole food revolution With the first New York screening, fairly regularly, saying, “Okay, we’ll be about going to plant-based eating. One I was going headfirst into a storm of in Hartford; we’ll be in Washington; tell documentary can have a huge impact. not-knowing, so I totally expected prob- your friends.” And then there were the If you want to help your commu- lems, and I got them. There were the practitioners, too, who told their clients, nity know about homeopathy, this is a kinds of small problems that pop up at and who we’re so appreciative of. great way to do it. Especially for prac- live events—like the microphone that titioners—if they want people to know they tested before the event not working Did the screenings introduce they exist, this is a great way to do that. at the time we needed it, or the theater homeopathy to a broader audience? I don’t think the Gathr showings are not accepting the Gathr tickets. For that It was a very small percentage of peo- going to be the end of Just One Drop. I I came up with the idea that everyone ple who didn’t know [about homeopa- think it’s just the start. would use their Boiron tube of Arnica thy], so these early screenings are about gel [from the goodie bags] as their ticket. getting people who already know about That worked well until the ticket taker it to share their own screenings in their went on break and didn’t tell the next own communities for the uninitiated, person what was going on! In the end, which is what I hope will happen. ke e p ing up w ith people really enjoyed the movie, they I first saw the movie in April at the enjoyed the Q&A with Laurel—it did Joint American Homeopathic Confer- Just One Drop what we wanted it to do. ence [presented by NCH], and as I was I did get a chance to do it differently watching it, I felt overwhelmed with It’s not too late to host a screening in Hartford, though. Communicating emotion. For someone who sees the of your own! There is no deadline for with the movie theater ahead of time value in homeopathy to then see a whole when the Gathr screenings will stop, was helpful. Basically, know that you movie about it—I had to go up to the filmmaker Laurel Chiten says, as long need to plan to do the legwork yourself. podium after the film to introduce Lau- as there is still momentum and interest. Gathr can do some of it, but they can’t rel, and I choked up. It was thrilling to The film will eventually be available do everything. Ask the theater, “How have a movie that talks about and shows on DVD and/or through a streaming many seats are in the theater?” “Are the balance of homeopathy—and not service, though those dates haven’t yet there tables?” and so on. to say homeopathy’s the best thing, but been determined. that it’s an option. My heart swells to To stay informed on Just One Drop How did you spread the word? know there’s an avenue for people to news, sign up for the mailing list on the Promoting the screenings was a get to hear about homeopathy. I did all film’s website or join theJust One Drop grassroots effort. The whole movie’s this work to become a homeopath, and Facebook group. been grassroots since the beginning, when I tell people I am now a nationally so it makes sense that people are also certified classical homeopath, they don’t www.justonedropfilm.com doing grassroots promoting to get the even know what that is! So I totally love www.facebook.com/groups/ theaters filled. My biggest concern was that this film is in existence. 1189614291056993/ that I wasn’t going to fill the theater and I’ve had more inquiries about my prac-

HomeopathyCenter.org • Homeopathy TODAY 23 Winter 2017 When Loss Happens by PEARLyN GooDMAN-HERRICk, ND, DHANP

nexpected loss happens to us all. We can’t avoid it, much as we’d like to. And what about the littlest ones among us? When a child suffers a Uloss, caring adults find it especially heart-rending. Many of us would go to the ends of the earth to soothe a beloved child’s emotional pain—if we could. At other times, we get so wrapped up in our own reactions to a traumatic loss that we overlook the child in our midst, who is also suffering. Children grieve, too. It just might not be as obvious to us. That’s because they often cannot tell us in words. While an adult can typically verbalize her feelings of grief with clarity, a young child, even one with verbal abilities, usually cannot. Children also have less ability to fully comprehend the circumstances sur- rounding traumatic events. What’s more, adults often withhold pertinent facts in an attempt to shield children. As a result, the child’s imagination fills in the blanks, and what’s imagined can be even scarier than the truth. So when a child’s previously secure world is turned upside down by an unexpected loss, he may suffer with greater confusion and fear than an adult might. to Little Ones

Homeopathy • HomeopathyCenter.org 24 TODAY Winter 2017 When Loss Happens

Mending young hearts, minds, and bodies with homeopathy to Little Ones

HomeopathyCenter.org • Homeopathy TODAY 25 Winter 2017 Children grieve, too… they often cannot tell us in words. Many of us would go to the ends of the earth to soothe a beloved child’s emotional pain—if we could.

Grief in a bereaved child may manifest ter was running and took her to their with psychological and behavioral shifts, well-respected pediatrician, who did a such as lethargy, personality changes, sleep thorough exam and confirmed flu. The disturbances, and loss of appetite—which pediatrician reassured Rowena that with is not much different from grief in adults. bed rest and fluids, Lexi would be fine in a Although not immediately obvious, a myr- few days. When they returned home, Lexi iad of somatic (physical) grief responses lay down to take a nap. She did not wake can also occur, from sore throats to stom- up and died in her sleep. achaches and beyond. The child can be An autopsy determined that Lexi had so overcome by grief that intervention is died of a very rare virus. There was no required. Thankfully, we have access to way this could have been diagnosed by homeopathy, which can make an import- the pediatrician during the office visit He no longer even made ant contribution to safely and effectively or foreseen by the mother. Needless to help a grieving child during a traumatic say, the parents were in shock and devas- “zoom, zoom” sounds situation. What follows are some examples tated. They tried to explain the situation from my practice. as best they could to Sean. when moving his little Within three days of his sister’s death, Sean: Sad, silent toddler Sean stopped talking and had not spo- cars quickly. At age two years and four months, Sean ken a word since. He played quietly and was brought to see me by his distraught listlessly with his toys. He no longer even mother Rowena. Sean was a well-nour- made “zoom, zoom” sounds when mov- ished little boy with a rather blank ing his little cars quickly. Now, on top of expression. His mother reported that the loss of her daughter, Rowena felt she Sean had been developing beautifully was losing her son. during his first two years of life. He had I tried to engage Sean in play and had a large vocabulary for a child his conversation, and the result was heart- age and had even been able to speak in breakingly the same: silence and a blank sentences. Three months ago, however, stare. Could there be a solution with Sean’s behavior changed when he and his homeopathic treatment? There was so lit- family suffered a horrific shock and loss. tle to go on, so few symptoms to point to One day, his beloved five-year-old sis- a remedy. And yet, even though this child ter, Lexi, had come down with what could not, would not speak, the situation appeared to be the flu. Rowena was con- loudly demanded attention. cerned about the high fever her daugh- Sean was living in a household per- meated with grief. Lexi had been a won- derful big sister who looked after Sean tenderly, loved to play with him, and did not mind when he played with her toys. She had been a “little mommy” to him. His face would light up when she came home from school, and he would run to her with hugs and kisses. Like his parents, Sean had suffered an unimag- inable loss. Sean had also lost his parents to some degree; absorbed in their own pain, they were searching for answers for what had happened and why. For me, Sean’s GRIEF screamed out in

Homeopathy • HomeopathyCenter.org 26 TODAY Winter 2017 all directions. Yet, I needed to be careful least once a week. Rachel had actually had not to project any feelings onto this child small seizures for a brief time earlier in who was not communicating verbally. her life, too, when she was 16 months old In fact, I could not know for sure what and being weaned from breastfeeding in he was feeling; I could only imagine. preparation for Susanna’s return to work. Could it be that Sean’s silence was an When I met Rachel, I found her to be “Ailment from grief” as our homeopathic a delightful, open child, eager to show repertory would express it? His speech- me the drawings she had been working lessness, unfortunately, gave new mean- on. The cheerful pictures were of her ing to another familiar repertory rubric, backyard and the animals and insects she “Grief, silent.” Ignatia, the homeopathic had seen there. She seemed to be both a remedy well known for its profound budding scientist and an artist. She was effects in grief cases, is found in both of doing well at school. She appeared to be these rubrics in bold type. Could it be psychologically healthy, but her history that Ignatia was what was required? It was revealed a deep sensitivity to loss, as evi- worth a try. denced by her body’s strong reaction of Her conventional I gave Sean a dose of Ignatia 1M, and seizures to her mother’s return to work/ two days later, I received a call from cessation of breastfeeding and, later, to medications were tapered an excited Rowena: “He’s speaking, he’s her father’s tragic death. off… and Rachel was speaking! Yesterday he said his first One might say Rachel, like Sean, was words in three months. I didn’t want to also suffering from silent grief or “Grief, seizure-free. call then because I wasn’t sure it would silent,” in the language of our reper- last, but today he’s back to talking in full tory—which is grief that is not expressed sentences. He’s running around playing verbally but is held in. In our repertory, couldn’t breathe. The pains were getting again. I have my son back!” there is also the rubric, “Convulsions, progressively worse, occurring more fre- A week later, Sean was brought to see grief, after.” The remedy Ignatia appears quently and with greater intensity. Her me again, and this time we had a delight- in both rubrics, so I decided to give pediatrician and a pediatric cardiologist ful little chat as Sean was eager to show Rachel Ignatia. had examined her and conducted thor- me his new truck. “Zoom, zoom,” he said. Because Rachel was taking conven- ough testing, but they could not deter- We both laughed with delight! tional anti-seizure medications, I chose mine an underlying cause. to give her repeated doses of a relatively Audrey’s mother told me that eight Rachel: Seizing and grieving low potency homeopathic remedy rather weeks earlier, her husband, Audrey’s father, Seven-year-old Rachel was brought to see than a single dose of a high potency rem- Ben, without warning had announced he me for the treatment of her seizure dis- edy, as I have found this dosing method was leaving. He moved in with another order. In advance of her appointment, I to be more effective in such cases. I woman the next day. A formerly involved took her history with her warm, caring started her on Ignatia 30c twice a day. father, Ben no longer seemed to have mother, Susanna. I often take a child’s In the course of a month or two, much time for Audrey. He saw her for initial history without the child present Rachel’s “breakthrough seizures” (while just a few hours every two weeks, during so that the parent, most typically the on conventional anti-seizure medicine) which time he seemed distracted, often mother, can speak freely about her con- gradually ended. Over the next six months, texting his girlfriend. Audrey’s mother cerns. In this way, the child is spared working with her supportive neurologist, was devastated by her husband’s exit, but hearing about her parent’s worries. Also, her conventional medications were tapered she was most upset by the way Ben was if there are behavioral issues, I want to be off and finally stopped, and Rachel was now treating Audrey. When asked about sure the child does not have to hear once seizure-free. Thanks to homeopathic the situation, Audrey, a lovely, thoughtful again about his “bad” behavior. All too treatment, this young girl and her mother teenager, said stoically, “I’m OK that Dad often, before a child is brought to me, he were relieved of the worry over unexpected doesn’t live at home.” has been seen by several doctors, and he seizures as well as the long-term side Ben’s parents, siblings, and friends has heard his sad story being told to the effects of conventional medicines. were also upset with Ben having left his physician several times. This in itself can wife and family. So Ben had stopped create trauma. Audrey: Teen with chest pains talking to people who he felt were not Rachel’s seizures began when she was Audrey, age 14, came to see me because supportive of his new life. The only per- four and her father was killed in a car she was suffering with pains in her chest son in this situation who appeared unaf- accident. Since then, she had been on a that had started six weeks earlier. The fected was Audrey. Her father rewarded variety of conventional anti-seizure med- pains would come on suddenly without her for this behavior, telling her how icines, but she was still having a seizure at warning, and Audrey would feel as if she pleased he was with her maturity.

HomeopathyCenter.org • Homeopathy TODAY 27 Winter 2017 Mending Shattered Hearts 4 remedies to ease the way through grief In my assessment, Audrey was not actually showing maturity with this “Into each life, some rain must fall” behavior; rather she was demonstrating —from the poem, “Rainy Day,” by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow an excellent ability to suppress her feel- ings, in order to maintain a relationship As the poet Longfellow reminds us, everyone experiences with her father. This was resulting in loss—children and adults, young and old, rich and poor. Griev- spasmodic pains in her chest. Ignatia is ing is a normal reaction to the loss of a loved one or even a known for its effect on spasmodic pains loved situation. It takes time to heal from loss, and most people go and, of course, it is a premier remedy for through a process—from initial shock to denial, anger, bargaining, depression—and finally ailments and ill effects of grief and loss. I to acceptance. gave Audrey Ignatia 1M. Sometimes, however, we get stuck in the process; for instance, we go into a very deep The following day, Audrey’s mother state of anger or depression, with no light at the end of the tunnel. or we get physically called. She reported that earlier that sick after experiencing a loss. At such times, consider homeopathy as a way to gently, morning, Audrey had begun to really sob effectively help. While a homeopathic remedy cannot “fix” the loss, it can often ease your for the first time in eight weeks, saying, way through the grieving process, addressing emotional or physical problems that may “Why did Daddy leave?” Over the course have developed. of a few days, Audrey continued to have below are four of the most commonly used homeopathic remedies for grief-stricken crying spells and to talk about the situa- people. If you are suffering from a recent grief and one of these remedies fits your symp- tion, as more emotions came to the sur- toms, you can take the remedy in the 30c potency, three times a day for up to two days. face, including anger. Within that same Stop taking it as soon as improvement is noticed. If the same symptoms return, you can timeframe, Audrey’s spasmodic chest start taking the remedy in the same manner. If you experience no change after a week, pains eased up, and within about a week’s choose another remedy or, even better, seek help from a professional homeopath, who time, they stopped completely. Audrey will be knowledgeable about many additional remedies for grief-stricken people and can was greatly relieved to feel that she could tailor treatment to your unique symptoms. Anyone suffering with severe symptoms should breathe freely again without pain. always be seen and monitored by a health professional. Obviously, this continued to be a Ignatia: This is the number one remedy to help those struggling after a recent shock difficult family situation, but Audrey or loss. The person is very sad but grieves silently, resisting all offers of comfort and refus- remained free of chest pain in the sev- ing to talk about their feelings, because they prefer to be alone to cry. They have a “lump eral years since she received homeopathic in the throat” from the emotional tension of holding back feelings and fighting back tears, Ignatia. Hopefully, as her life unfolds, and they sigh frequently. When they finally do cry, it is with great big sobs. They tend to Audrey will learn to navigate her emo- be moody and may have contradictory, erratic, or seemingly “hysterical” emotions and tions without suppressing them. symptoms. Natrum muriaticum: This is another frequently-used remedy for people suffering the Sarah: Irritable baby with rashes ill effects of grief. It can often be hard to tell whether a person needs it or Ignatia. both Sarah was brought to see me when she remedies fit the person with “silent grief,” who prefers to grieve alone; however, deeper was ten months old because of eczema. suffering and bitterness point to the need for Natrum mur. Whereas Ignatia is often use- The small patches of red, flakey skin were ful after a recent loss, the person needing Natrum mur may have a history of repeated noticeable on several areas of her body, a losses and longstanding grief. People needing Natrum mur have even more difficulty cry- bit worse on the left side, particularly in ing than those needing Ignatia, but when they do cry, it is a gentler weeping. They avoid or the left armpit and behind the left knee. refuse attempts at consolation. They may crave salty food and dislike the heat of the sun. Sarah would scratch those areas, espe- Phosphoric acid: This remedy tends to be indicated for people who have been cially after a warm bath. The eczema was “wiped out” by grief. They are very apathetic, indifferent, and don’t even want to talk. They not severe, and I noticed nothing remark- often look worn-out and tired. Their grief may be more deep-seated or longstanding than able about it or Sarah’s general health. the grief of those who benefit fromIgnatia. They are thirsty for fruit juices, soda pop, and So I prescribed homeopathic Sulphur, refreshing things, such as fruit. which fit her symptoms of eczema that Pulsatilla: This remedy is indicated for sensitive people, profoundly affected by the is worse on the left side of the body and loss of a loved one, who then become very needy and clingy as they seek comfort from itchier from warm bathing. The patches those around them. They cry very easily, especially whenever they talk of eczema on her skin cleared completely about their loss. They feel better from weeping and from being con- within a few weeks. soled by others. Their moods are changeable, however, and their A few months later, Sarah’s mother low spirits can lift when they are outside in cool, fresh air, where sought my help because her daughter was they generally feel better overall. They do not tend to be thirsty. teething and very irritable. Once again, —compiled by Homeopathy Today staff I made an unremarkable prescription— Chamomilla, a homeopathic remedy that

Homeopathy • HomeopathyCenter.org 28 TODAY Winter 2017 With homeopathy, we can support our grieving children through such traumatic losses, so they can make their way through life in the healthiest possible manner. often relieves irritable, teething babies— ing their daughter. Brad wanted Sarah and both Sarah’s teething pains and irri- to start sleeping over at his home; Lily tability resolved in short order. felt Sarah was too young for this and At 15 months, Sarah was brought to worried about how Sarah would feel me with a new set of symptoms: a moist being shuttled from home to home. Lily rash behind the ears, a white vaginal and Brad also disagreed about how to discharge, and a red rash under her arms raise Sarah and what to feed her. They that got worse from eating fruit. Her had been back and forth in court, and mood was irritable, which was unusual Lily hoped they’d be able to resolve the for her, now that she did not appear to situation with mediation. They tried be teething. I also learned that about two not to argue in front of Sarah, but they Homeopathy & doing our best weeks prior to our visit, Sarah had had did at times. There was tension between As parents and people who care about a stye in her right eye, which had disap- them at every meeting in which Sarah children and their well-being, we want peared after her pediatrician prescribed was transferred to the other parent. our children to have trauma-free lives. antibiotics. Sarah’s new symptoms had Could Sarah be so affected by what was As we know all too well, however, this is started about a week after her antibiotic happening between her parents that at simply not possible. We try our best as treatment was complete. her very young age she needed a remedy caregivers, yet despite our efforts, we have Both the vaginal discharge and to address grief, I wondered? If so, she limitations that can affect our children underarm rash were indicative of yeast would be the youngest child I’d ever adversely. When we see our actions caus- overgrowth, a common occurrence treated for “ailments from grief.” ing difficulties in our children’s lives, we after antibiotics. This led me to won- Looking in the repertory, you will hopefully change what can be changed in der whether she might need the remedy see that Natrum muriaticum covers not our behaviors. There is no substitute for Sulphur—since it is useful in such skin only styes in the right eye, but also conscious parenting. conditions and had helped her before— white, bland vaginal discharges, as well Life also brings situations that are or whether a different remedy might as moist eruptions in the armpit. It also beyond our control, such as the loss of be indicated. I decided to start by look- covers irritability, although this is such a a beloved person or companion animal, ing at the repertory rubric, “Stye, right common symptom that it can be found which a child can find overwhelming. eye.” I did this because the stye was a in the indications for almost any rem- With homeopathy, a profound form of clear symptom that predated her current edy. If Natrum muriaticum was the cor- medicine affecting mind and body in a symptoms, so it could provide a clue to rect remedy, however, I knew we would positive direction, we can support our the remedy needed now. The remedies see Sarah’s irritability clear up, as well as grieving children through such traumatic listed were: am-c, cypher, ferr-p, Nat-m. her physical symptoms. losses, so they can make their way through When I saw Natrum muriaticum, a major I prescribed Natrum muriaticum 6c to life in the healthiest possible manner. remedy that is often needed after a grief, I be taken twice a day, and at a follow-up wondered if Sarah was responding to her appointment ten days later, all Sarah’s family situation. Here’s why: symptoms—the rashes, discharge, and aBout the author

At the initial appointment, Sarah’s irritability—had resolved. Fortunately, Pearlyn Goodman-Herrick, ND, mother, Lily, told me that she and Sar- in the following weeks, her parents were DHANP, is a licensed Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine in ah’s dad, Brad, had separated when able to resolve many of their differences, San Francisco and Mill valley, Sarah was one month old. Sarah spent too, and the tension level went way down. CA. For over 38 years, she has specialized in Classical two days a week with Brad and the rest While Natrum muriaticum supported Homeopathy, mind-body of the time with Lily. Sarah seemed to Sarah and helped her defense mecha- work, nutrition, and women’s health. She has taught at NCH, enjoy being with either parent. However, nism, the most important thing for her Atlantic Academy of Classical her parents were engaged in an ongoing long-term well-being is the resolution of Homeopathy, and Southwest College of Naturo- pathic Medicine. She also consults by telephone conflict over various matters concern- conflict between her parents. and Skype, and mentors practitioners in private trainings and supervision. Passionate about assisting people to heal, she has helped thou- sands recover and maintain good health. There is no substitute for conscious parenting. www.homeopathyamerica.com

HomeopathyCenter.org • Homeopathy TODAY 29 Winter 2017 Lily, the Cat with Nine Lives With thanks to homeopathy and Peris Gumz


t was summer, and the weather was hot and sunny. Every morning, our nine-year- old calico cat, Lily, was up with the lark at 4:00 a.m. and anxious to get outside to “bird-watch” in the garden across the street. This was her routine, and on some Ioccasions she arrived back at our front door with a “little gift” of a bird or mouse. A turn for the worse been removed yesterday!” He urged us In mid-August, Lily’s demeanor suddenly to take her straight to the local animal changed. She stopped her leisurely morn- hospital for surgery. ing routine, and we noticed that she We returned home with Lily to con- became very restless and was in constant sider our options. As was our usual prac- motion, frantically moving from place tice, we did not rush into aggressive to place. She seemed very hungry with allopathic treatment without careful an obvious desire to eat, as she would reflection and weighing of the risks and rush to her bowl, only to turn and run benefits. A quick internet search con- away, seemingly unable to eat. She was firmed that oral surgery for cancer in vigorously scratching at her neck, and cats did not have a good prognosis. We on closer examination, we noticed small could not see Lily’s quality of life being crusty scabs around her collar. She was improved by the surgery, so we immedi- drooling a lot, and her ruff (the area on ately made an appointment for a vet to her neck with longer hair) was constantly come to the house to euthanize her on wet with foul-smelling, yellowish saliva. the following Monday, giving ourselves She seemed unable to lick herself clean, the weekend to say our good-byes. As as she normally would. difficult as it was, we resigned ourselves Our first course of action was to give to this as the best course of action. Lily the homeopathic remedy Arseni- cum album 30c in water, 1 ml twice per Hope returns day, using a syringe to get it into her Since I had just completed my first year mouth. Arsenicum was chosen because it of training to be a homeopath, I began to fit her extreme restlessness, her profuse, wonder if homeopathy might have any- foul-smelling saliva, her craving for food thing to offer. I e-mailed Peris Gumz, my with lack of appetite, and her rapid ema- homeopathy teacher, and she called back ciation. Arsenicum seemed to relieve her immediately to say, “There’s a remedy restlessness somewhat, but she still wasn’t for that!” When I relayed this good news eating on her own, and she continued to to my partner and Lily, who were both lose weight. We began to feed her yogurt secluded in the bedroom in a state of dis- and chicken broth through a syringe. tress, there was an instantaneous feeling While feeding Lily, we noticed an of near jubilation and a definite return of inflamed, burgundy red, raised lesion hope to our situation. about the size of a pencil eraser on the The next morning, I collected remedies right side of her tongue. This required a and instructions from Peris and began to visit to the local veterinarian. The vet, treat Lily’s tongue cancer using Dr. A.U. who had over 40 years of experience, Ramakrishnan’s method, as outlined promptly declared, “This should have in his book, A Homeopathic Approach

Much to our delight and amazement, Lily’s symptoms continued to improve.

Homeopathy • HomeopathyCenter.org 30 TODAY Winter 2017 The next morning, I collected remedies and instructions from Peris and began to treat Lily…

In Remembrance to Cancer (co-authored with Catherine As we retell this story to our friends, Coulter). Using trial and error to suit many remain skeptical about homeop- Peris Gumz, CCH our small four-legged patient, we imme- athy. Although we cannot claim to have diately realized that Dr. Ramakrishnan’s cured the cancer, we do know that we had Sept 9, 1956 - Nov 13, 2017 “plussing method” of dosing for humans a healthy and energetic kitty again, with a (placing the remedy in water, taking a tea- newfound zest for life. Homeopath, teacher, nurse, spoonful every 15 minutes over a period linguist, cofounder of The of 2 hours, and stirring before each dose) Temporary blip Sidewalk Homeopathic would not work for Lily. So we began with Interestingly, when we brought Lily back Clinic (Boston), principal at Aurum muriaticum 200c (his principal to the vet for her rabies booster shot Teleosis Homeopathic Col- remedy for oral cancer) in water, giving three years later, we had a sneak peak at laborative, board member 2.5 ml, three times per day via syringe. her record in which the note simply said For the first few days, we also continued “dead.” This caused some confusion in for the Accreditation Com- to give Arsenicum album 200c, twice per the veterinary office, as the cat was still mission for Homeopathic day in water, to help with restlessness. very much alive and in obvious good Education in North America (ACHENA). Treatment began on Thursday morn- health. The vet who worked with us at Peris was an engaging, inspiring teacher ing, and by Saturday evening, Lily’s this point was the son of the vet who had and mentor to many. She became an RN in tongue mobility had improved; she began made the initial diagnosis. You could 2005 and brought her loving spirit to the to feed herself by lapping up liquid nour- see the puzzlement in his face, and we ishment and to lick herself. Within seven assured him that it was the same cat. Whidden Hospital in Everett, MA, for the days, Lily was able eat solid food again. After the rabies booster, Lily had a last 12 years. Peris would begin each work After one week, the remedy was temporary setback when her tongue day in the hospital chapel praying that she changed to Carcinosin 200c, in keeping tumor came back. We recommenced the would help all those under her care. Deeply with Dr. Ramakrishnan’s method, and Dr. Ramakrishnan protocol, and again identified with her heritage, she would was administered in water three times a the tumor receded. read homeopathic books in Serbo-Croatian. day. On week three, we switched back to giving Aurum muriaticum again, and on Long-lived Lily At the start of the Balkan War, in 1992, week four, we switched to Carcinosin. Fol- Lily went on to live to the grand old age of Peris created a non-profit organization, lowing Dr. Ramakrishnan’s method, we 19 years. She enjoyed a full life—thanks WorldReach, and worked in refugee camps, continued alternating these two remedies to homeopathy and a diet of homemade offering support to displaced persons. She each week for the next four weeks. After organic food. also taught American soldiers phrases in her that, we decreased the dosing frequency This article is dedicated to Peris Gumz, family language before they were deployed to once daily but continued alternating RN, CCH, my teacher, mentor and friend, Aurum muriaticum and Carcinosin in this who passed on November 13, 2017. Thank on Bosnian peacekeeping missions. manner for several months. you, Peris. After a valiant struggle with brain malig- nancy, Peris died peacefully at home on Thriving and bird-watching November 13, 2017, with her partner Annie Much to our delight and amazement, aBout the author and her sister Lisa at her side. Lily’s symptoms continued to improve. —Loretta Butehorn, PhD, CCH, RSHom(NA), She began to thrive, and she regained her Liz Breadon, PT, DPT, CCH, is a physical therapist and homeopath member, NCH Board of Directors weight. Her restlessness gradually dimin- working in Boston, MA. As a PT, ished. The lesion disappeared within the she has worked in both the UK and USA in specialty areas of first eight weeks of treatment, leaving geriatric and neurological rehab only a small indentation on the right side and with children with multiple disabilities at the Perkins School of her tongue. The crusty scabs around for the Blind. She is a graduate of her neck also disappeared. And Lily was the Teleosis Homeopathic Collaborative, a founding member of the Brighton Homeopathic Collaborative, back to her favorite morning bird-watch- and a board member of Homeopaths Without ing routine. Borders. www.lizbreadonhomeopathy.com.

HomeopathyCenter.org • Homeopathy TODAY 31 Winter 2017 Sharon didn’t quite feel like herself on her medications. She felt flat or numb emotionally.

Finding natural balance: a Bipolar Breakthrough

by JENNIFER bAHR, ND How homeopathy can help people with bipolar disorder

Homeopathy • HomeopathyCenter.org 32 TODAY Winter 2017 haron called my office within hours of watching one of my Searly webinars for the Interna- tional bipolar Foundation. “you are the first doctor who’s ever given me hope that I could live well with a diagnosis of bipolar disorder,” she told me, “and that I might even be able to do it without conventional medications!” bipolar disorder (formerly called man- ic-depression) means being prone to extreme swings in mood and energy, from highs to lows. Conventional psycho- tropic drug treatment aims to smooth out these swings. Like most people with this diagnosis, however, Sharon didn’t quite feel like herself on her medications. She felt flat or numb emotionally. “I used to feel witty and intellectually sharp,” she said. “Now I feel like my mind is fuzzy, and my head is stuffed with cotton. The meds made me go from feeling too Breakthrough much, to feeling almost nothing. I don’t know which is worse.”

HomeopathyCenter.org • Homeopathy TODAY 33 Winter 2017 “The meds made me go bipolar disorder truly exists on a spec- pies to treat their bipolar disorder. Unfor- trum of frequency and severity of symp- tunately, this can backfire on patients and from feeling too much, to toms. For some people, mood swings clinicians alike if they are not careful. In occur rarely; others experience rapid my experience, patients who have bipolar feeling almost nothing. cycling between depression and mania disorder are more sensitive to certain (defined as more than four episodes medications, herbs, and nutritional sup- I don’t know which per year). The most recent fifth edition plements. Such substances, which often of the American Psychiatric Associa- help others get relief from depression, can is worse.” tion’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual sometimes make someone with bipolar of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) lists four disorder significantly worse. categories of bipolar disorder: Some forms of psychotherapy, par- Sharon had also started to notice • Bipolar 1—the most severe manic ticularly cognitive behavioral therapy some undesirable side effects of the med- episodes with or without depres- or dialectical behavioral therapy, can be ications. She was gaining weight, and sive episodes; helpful for people with bipolar disorder. tests confirmed that her thyroid wasn’t • Bipolar 2—less severe manic epi- These therapies focus on identifying neg- functioning as well. She was worried sodes, known as hypomania, with ative beliefs and behaviors and replacing about these and other long-term effects, major depressive episodes; them with positive ones, and they help especially because most mood-stabiliz- • Cyclothymia—milder forms people learn to manage stress effectively. ing drugs are strongly correlated with of both hypomania and depres- They are particularly helpful with depres- metabolic syndrome—a precursor to sion-like symptoms; sive episodes and in managing triggers type 2 diabetes—and because conven- • Bipolar unspecified—bipolar for these episodes—but neither therapy tional drug treatment is continued indef- symptoms that do not match the is very effective in treating or preventing initely. The final kicker for Sharon was three other categories. manic episodes. that her medications for bipolar disorder The DSM-5 also includes diagnoses were contraindicated in pregnancy, since for children that many experts consider Homeopathy & obstacles to health they’ve been linked to birth defects. As a “precursors” to bipolar disorder, such Homeopathy is the only treatment I have woman in her early 30s who wanted to as Intermittent Explosive Disorder and seen that truly gives healing and lasting have children, this was a major concern Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disor- results for people with bipolar disorder. for her. der. Although bipolar disorder can occur But before showing you how it helped at any age, typically it’s diagnosed in the Sharon, let’s talk first about what home- From pole to pole teenage years or early 20s. opathy entails. (Hint: it’s not just about People with bipolar disorder have periods giving a remedy.) of depression that alternate with periods How it’s treated In the Organon of Medicine (first pub- of mania, as well as periods of stable Conventional treatment of people with lished in 1810), Samuel Hahnemann, moods. Depression is characterized by bipolar disorder always includes a mood the founder of homeopathy, spoke in feelings of sadness, loss of enjoyment stabilizer (such as lithium carbonate) or detail about the need to remove obsta- in things once loved, and changes in an atypical antipsychotic (such as Lamic- cles to health (Organon, paragraph 77) weight, appetite, and sleep. In mania, tal® or Latuda®). Additional medications and “exciting and maintaining causes” people describe feeling euphoric or some- for depression or anxiety may be added, of disease (paragraph 7). Here is what times angry. They often engage in riskier but only with a mood stabilizer in the he said about some of the most common than normal behavior—gambling, using person’s system because of the risk of obstacles to health: drugs, spending more money, acting causing or worsening mania symptoms “Diseases engendered by prolonged impulsively—or other behavior that is when antidepressants are used alone. exposure to avoidable noxious influences out of character for them. On the plus Most patients with bipolar disorder end should not be called chronic. They include side, they often feel more outgoing, cre- up on a cocktail of two or three drugs to diseases brought about by: the habitual ative, and productive; they generally have control their symptoms. Each drug on its indulgence in harmful food or drink; all high energy and need much less sleep. own has significant impacts on the met- kinds of excesses that undermine health; However, mania can affect judgment and abolic system, as mentioned earlier, and prolonged deprivation of things neces- the ability to think clearly, leading to combining them increases the likelihood sary to life; unhealthy places, especially problems at work or school; in some of side effects. swampy regions; dwelling only in cellars, cases, mania can bring on psychosis (a In light of this, you can see why Sha- damp workplaces, or other closed quar- break from reality), with hallucinations ron is not alone in her worries about ters; lack of exercise or fresh air; physi- and delusions. an ongoing drug regimen. Concern over cal or mental overexertion; continuing As you may have guessed based on long-term use of these drugs is one of the emotional stress; etc. These self-inflicted the varying symptoms described above, main reasons people seek natural thera- disturbances go away on their own with

Homeopathy • HomeopathyCenter.org 34 TODAY Winter 2017 improved living conditions if no chronic we get up! It also encourages sedentary miasm is present, and they cannot be behavior, as many of us slouch in front called chronic diseases.” of screens watching, reading, network- ing, or gaming for hours on end, rarely Today’s noxious influences getting up to move around. This is a rec- Amber Let’s translate this into the most com- ipe for draining our health rather than mon “noxious influences” in modern nourishing it. Glasses times that contribute to the worsening Samuel Hahnemann told us we must of bipolar disorder: poor diet, envi- remove as many of these influences as & Blue Light ronmental toxins, lack of exercise, and possible if we are to have long-term our 24/7-always-on-demand-go-go-go success with homeopathic treatment of A simple measure could help in lifestyle. any chronic condition, such as bipolar bipolar disorder and insomnia Highly processed foods that are high disorder. Yet it can be overwhelming ould orange eyeglasses that block in calories and low in nutrients tend to to figure out how to live a healthy life blue light (rays that signal daylight be heavily promoted and consumed in in today’s world! To be successful, I try and illuminate phone, computer, our culture. Such fast foods, junk foods, to meet patients where they are. That C tablet, and TV screens) help people with and sugary beverages cause inflamma- is, I might start with a well-prescribed manic episodes? A small study from tion and leaky gut. This means the homeopathic remedy to give the person Norway suggests the answer is yes. of intestinal lining is damaged so it is enough energy and focus to make posi- 23 people hospitalized for mania of more permeable, allowing toxins, undi- tive changes in their diet or lifestyle. At gested proteins, and bacteria into the other times, such as when the person’s bipolar disorder, 12 wore blue-blocking bloodstream, which sets off autoim- living situation or outside influences are amber-colored glasses and 11 wore clear mune reactions. This also leads to leaky particularly difficult, I might address glasses from 6 p.m. to 8 a.m., in conjunc- brain—increased permeability of the that first. For example, if someone has tion with conventional treatment. Those blood-brain barrier. Inflammation and had heavy exposure to mold in their who wore the glasses saw improvements leaky gut/leaky brain are correlated with environment and is highly reactive it, in three days, and after one week they worsening of bipolar disorder and other I might work with them first to rid the scored significantly lower on measures brain conditions. body of mycotoxins, in order to clear the for mania. Many of the pesticides used in con- way for them to effectively respond to “I was surprised by the magnitude of ventional farming and meat production homeopathic remedies. changes and the rapid onset of improve- are potent toxins to the nervous system ment,” said one of the study’s authors, that can worsen bipolar disorder. And What about Sharon? Tone Henriksen of the University of even if we manage to eat only organically Sharon and I got started working together bergen and Valen Hospital in Norway. grown produce and meats, we still live soon after she called me. I learned that [blue-blocking glasses as additive treat- in a world with toxins all around us that she worked in the fitness industry and ment for mania: a randomized pla- interfere with our health. With the pres- was already taking good care of herself, cebo-controlled trial. Bipolar Disorders. ence of BPA, PCBs, OPPs, CFHCs, it feels exercising often, and eating well. If any- 2016. May;18(3):221-32.] like alphabet soup sometimes. These are thing, an obstacle to health for her could What about people with everyday chemicals that come from plastics, cars, have been too much exercise, which can insomnia—could amber glasses help and farms. I bet you have at least two of negatively affect hormones and sleep, but them, too? A January 2018 study in those in your life! Sharon was careful not to overtrain. the Journal of Psychiatric Research sug- And finally, you might be reading this Sharon had been diagnosed with Bipo- gests the answer is yes. The authors of on your tablet with a podcast playing in lar Disorder 1 about six years earlier, “blocking nocturnal blue light for insom- the background. We have so much infor- in her mid-20s. She took medication mation at our fingertips that we often sporadically the first couple years after nia: a randomized controlled trial,” con- overdo consumption, even of things that diagnosis and was hospitalized twice for cluded: “Wearing amber vs. clear lenses are “good” for us. And all this availabil- mania. By the time she came to see me, for 2 hours preceding bedtime for 1 ity of technology and information has however, she’d been taking meds consis- week improved sleep in individuals with made it easier than ever for us to work tently for three years, and her moods were insomnia symptoms. These findings from anywhere—even from bed before now stable on a single mood stabilizer. have health relevance given the broad use of light-emitting devices before bed- time and prevalence of insomnia. Amber For some people, mood swings occur rarely; others lenses represent a safe, affordable, and easily implemented therapeutic inter- experience rapid cycling between depression and mania. vention for insomnia symptoms.”

HomeopathyCenter.org • Homeopathy TODAY 35 Winter 2017 People with bipolar disorder woman. At the peak of her mania, she had (Synthesis Repertory, using RadarOpus delusions but no hallucinations. Her delu- software) and noted 25 remedies listed have a difficult time sions were that she was pregnant. During under the rubric, “Mind, Delusions, one of her two hospitalizations, she even thought herself pregnant.” Two remedies adapting to disruptions in believed she was giving birth. I considered were Pulsatilla and Veratrum Sharon’s case isn’t terribly unusual album because they both treat the delu- circadian rhythm. for bipolar disorder, as her symptoms sion of pregnancy during mania. But I were actually common to many people ultimately settled on Carcinosin because Sharon’s main goal in working with me with this condition—with the exception in addition to fitting her delusion of was to get off the medication so she could of her delusion that she was pregnant. pregnancy, it strongly fit her symptoms have a healthy pregnancy and avoid the Because this symptom was unique, I of ailments from too much duty/respon- metabolic side effects she was starting to guessed it would be an important one in sibility at a young age and perfectionism/ notice, such as weight gain, fuzzy think- choosing a homeopathic remedy for Sha- fastidiousness. In his Synoptic Materia ing, and flat feeling. Because she was moti- ron. To find other characteristic symp- Medica, homeopath Frans Vermeulen vated and already exercising and eating toms on which to base my homeopathic describes Carcinosin: “Fastidiousness, well, Sharon was an excellent candidate to prescription, I needed to get to know very perfectionist. … You will usually tackle both the homeopathic prescription Sharon as a whole person. find a history of domination, demand- and removal of obstacles to health. ing parents, demanding partners, or too Sharon as a whole much responsibility at a young age. … It began with depression I learned that Sharon had lost a parent Strong sense of duty.” In addition, Carci- Sharon explained that her symptoms had at a very young age. She had taken on nosin fit Sharon’s longstanding history started with depression. When she first a lot of the responsibility of caring for of prolonged insomnia and night terrors. began to feel depressed enough that she her siblings, and at times, caring for her was contemplating suicide, she’d had the surviving parent as well. This very strong Sleeping well, steady progress insight to seek professional help. Her doc- sense of duty carried over to her adult life, I prescribed Carcinosin 30c, taken once a tor prescribed an antidepressant, as she too, and it may have been a trigger for her day. Since Sharon was relatively stable, we had no family history of bipolar disorder. early depression. decided to wait to make any changes to Unfortunately, people with a susceptibil- She was also a very fastidious person. her diet or lifestyle until we had solid evi- ity to bipolar disorder should not be given In filling out her intake forms she made an dence of improvement in overall health. an antidepressant without the addition error, and rather than crossing it out and Because her biggest existing challenge of a mood stabilizer, because an antide- writing over it, she pulled Wite-Out® cor- was her sleep being disrupted by night- pressant alone can cause mania. This is rection fluid from her purse to cover the mares, we decided to use that as our exactly what happened to Sharon. error. “I have a need for perfection, from indicator of how she was responding to She felt better within a few weeks of big to seemingly tiny things,” she said, homeopathic treatment. being on the antidepressant, and then claiming it as one of her biggest challenges. After one month, Sharon was sleeping she progressively just kept feeling better. “It can be paralyzing in pursuing some through the night for the first time in “I was getting so much done at work and things I’d love to do… like art,” she sighed. years, and so was her family. This was a had so much energy,” she told me. “Even Sharon also suffered from night- positive sign. Her moods remained stable, better, I didn’t have to sleep as much as mares that bordered on night terrors. She which meant she hadn’t had an aggrava- I did before, making it possible for me wouldn’t remember most of them, but tion while taking the remedy. (Of course, to get even more done!” As her sleep she woke her family members up with her she was still taking her conventional declined, however, she got more restless screaming and thrashing almost every mood-stabilizing drug, so that would be and agitated, and she eventually ended up night. This had been going on for a long helping to keep her moods stable.) Sharon behaving in very strange ways. She would time, even back into her childhood years. noted that she was still “particular about take her clothes off and run on the beach, things” but not in a way that interfered and she even cheated on her long-term Analyzing symptoms with her life anymore. When I asked her to boyfriend—things she never would have In considering a homeopathic remedy explain, she revealed that she used to feel done before as a modest and religious for Sharon, I consulted my repertory compelled to straighten and clean every- thing before she could leave home each day, and this made her feel very stressed Homeopathy is the only treatment I have seen that out. For the last few weeks, however, she felt less of a compulsion to straighten and truly gives healing and lasting results for less stressed out if everything wasn’t in perfect shape before she left. people with bipolar disorder. Sharon’s positive response to the rem-

Homeopathy • HomeopathyCenter.org 36 TODAY Winter 2017 While homeopathy has much to offer people with this and other mental health diagnoses, we don’t expect magic overnight. edy gave us the green light to start tack- rhythm. Even changing from Standard to she was choking on a ball caught in her ling some obstacles to health. Although Daylight Saving Time and back again can throat. Sharon’s bouts of instability were she was not eating junk food, her pattern leave them feeling unwell. So we decided very typical for someone going through of eating was very sporadic. She would to wait until after her trip to make any the process of reducing conventional skip meals from being too busy at work medication changes. psychotropic medications, as the body or in a hurry to get to work after morn- It was a good thing we did. Sharon tries to adjust to the changes in levels ing cleaning. So we planned a schedule called me from her overseas holiday in of chemicals in the brain. Reducing the to make it easier for her to eat all her tears. She had become very depressed drugs very slowly and addressing acute meals and at the same time every day. and couldn’t stop crying, no matter what withdrawal symptoms with homeopathy For breakfast, I suggested a smoothie, as she did to try to distract herself. She was makes the process go fairly smoothly, in it was easier for Sharon to drink rather with people she loved, but she felt very my experience. than eat her breakfast and a good way to lonely. Physically, she noticed that she sneak in raw veggies. She began enjoying had become much less thirsty, which was Ongoing progress a breakfast smoothie of spinach or kale, odd to her because she felt so much worse Sharon has been fully off her conven- frozen berries, avocado, protein powder, in the heat and in closed stuffy rooms. tional bipolar medication for well over and water or unsweetened nut milk. Fortunately, she was in a country where a year and remains well. She made it Over the next 11 months, Sharon homeopathy is used frequently, and she through some very challenging life cir- responded well to treatment with Car- was able to get the remedy Pulsatilla 30c, cumstances that would likely have trig- cinosin. Her improvements were subtle, which I asked her to take once a day. The gered an episode in the past, but she has as expected since she was still taking symptoms indicating this remedy were remained stable. She has also traveled all conventional medication. She was sleep- her reduced thirst, feeling worse from over the country and handled two time ing better, was less reactive at work and heat and in stuffy rooms, crying with changes with ease. I still treat her with in relationships, and generally had more much sadness, and feelings of being for- homeopathy, and we follow up every ease in her life. I increased the potency of saken. She felt a bit better immediately four to six weeks, adjusting her remedy Carcinosin on occasion, typically when- after taking Pulsatilla, and by the time when she struggles a bit more than she ever her sleep worsened a bit. Initially, a she got home a few days later, Sharon felt can handle. While she did well on Car- return of nightmares would signal that we like herself again. cinosin for her first year of treatment, we needed to increase the remedy’s potency, have not returned to that remedy. For the but as the nightmares retreated over time, Getting off meds, slowly past six months, she has been doing well it was the length and quality of her sleep She continued taking Pulsatilla and on the remedy Lycopodium, prescribed that we monitored. Whenever Sharon was remained stable for the next four months, to address her symptoms of anticipatory responding well to the remedy, she slept at which time we began reducing her con- anxiety, ailments from suppressing emo- like a baby. Whenever we noticed that ventional medication gradually, by one- tions, scratchy throat pain, and being she was having a hard time falling asleep eighth of a dose at a time. I followed up generally aggravated after sleep. or was feeling unrested in the mornings with her about once a month. When she We continue to work on cleaning up on waking, we knew she was no longer needed a change in her remedy, we would Sharon’s remaining obstacles to health. responding well to that potency, so we not make any reductions in the dose Our current focus is finding more bal- would increase it. Beginning with Carci- of her conventional medication. When ance in her work and leisure, to ensure nosin 30c daily, we progressively moved she was stable on her remedy, we would that she is not getting caught up in the up the potency scale over the 11 months reduce her medication by another one- to Carcinosin MM. eighth of a dose. The weaning took ten months, and Time zone troubles Sharon needed several different remedies She felt less of a compulsion Since Sharon was doing so well, we were to address the challenges that came up to straighten and less stressed ready to start weaning her conventional during this process. Nux vomica helped medication, in collaboration with her her when she became slightly manic, very out if everything wasn’t in psychiatrist. But then Sharon had a great angry, and hurried. Later, Ignatia helped opportunity for overseas travel. People when she was overwhelmed to the point perfect shape before with bipolar disorder have a difficult that her mood was changing rapidly and time adapting to disruptions in circadian she would burst into tears and feel like she left.

HomeopathyCenter.org • Homeopathy TODAY 37 Winter 2017 Homeopathy is what helped me to recover and thrive, tend to respond quickly to a homeo- pathic remedy, often within hours to a and I’ve been free of conventional medication few days. So, if someone isn’t responding quickly, it usually means the remedy is for nearly a decade now. not the most similar to the disease state. If treatment is progressing well, I typ- drive to do more than she can handle. night. It usually takes a number of years ically expect to see decreased intensity Mindfulness meditation is one strategy of ongoing homeopathic treatment; it and severity of each following episode she’s using to help with that. took Sharon three years to feel completely of depression or mania, and increased well and be off conventional meds, and length of time between episodes. More stable than ever she is still under homeopathic care as Sharon came to me with a diagnosis of good insurance. So, a key element for Hope for your future Bipolar 1, which is at the extreme end of being able to help people with this diag- The most important point is—there is the bipolar spectrum. Unhappy with the nosis is their ability and commitment to hope! I speak from both professional side effects of her conventional medica- stick with homeopathic treatment. and personal experience. I know all too tion, she was also concerned about the In addition, homeopaths who aim to well the feelings of despair and fear that effects of taking these drugs for the rest help people reduce or eliminate conven- can come with a diagnosis of Bipolar 1 of her life. Thanks to homeopathic treat- tional bipolar medications must have spe- disorder. I was once in Sharon’s shoes. I ment, she is now off the conventional cific knowledge of and expertise with this was an undergraduate planning to go to drugs and feeling more stable than she condition, since it can be a tricky one. medical school when I was diagnosed. I has in over a decade. She is looking for- They must be able to determine when the thought my future was doomed to being ward to her future with renewed hope. patient is truly feeling well in response to far less than I had hoped, especially when She is in a solid relationship and is plan- treatment versus becoming manic, and I experienced the unwelcome effects of ning to have children in the near future, they need to shift gears quickly to manage the medications. I thought I would have something she could not have done in these cases. They must be able to ensure no real career, no hope for love, and defi- the past while on the drug. accurate diagnosis and conventional med- nitely no children. Homeopathy is what ication management. And they need to helped me to recover and thrive, and I’ve Knee-jerk reactions be available for follow-ups and have good been free of conventional medication for Mental health conditions sometimes feel backup coverage during off hours and nearly a decade now. scarier to us than physical ones, and holidays, because some people can switch You can read the details of my journey we can have a knee-jerk reaction that polarity rapidly. For example, I have one in an article I wrote for Homeopathy Today conventional medications are necessary. patient who will go from stable to hospi- in the Winter 2013 issue, but I will share Some mental health advocates even go talizable for mania within 48 hours, if she the happy ending. I am now a doctor spe- so far as to say that medications such as has less than 6 hours of sleep. cializing in helping people who struggle lithium or Latuda® for bipolar disorder Homeopathic case-taking for people with bipolar disorder (as I used to) using are as vital as insulin is for Type 1 with mental health conditions is sim- therapies that actually help them heal. I diabetes. In response, we could argue ilar to case-taking for people with any am happily married to a man who has that everyone needs insulin to survive, chronic condition, with one caveat: I never seen me have an episode of mania and yet many people live long, happy pay careful attention to the person’s or depression. And the best of all, we are lives without psychotropic medications. physical symptoms rather than just their planning to start our family. None of this In addition, mental health conditions mental-emotional symptoms because, would have been possible for me without respond remarkably well to homeopathic in some cases, it is the physical symp- homeopathy. I see this for my patients as medicine, in my clinical experience. toms that are most characteristic and well; they are able to live stable, happy, therefore key to an accurate prescrip- highly productive lives, without the risks Let’s get real… tion. In choosing a homeopathic rem- or side effects of psychotropic drugs While homeopathy has much to offer edy, I generally look for one that treats people with this and other mental health both the person’s mania and depression aBout the author diagnoses, we don’t expect magic over- symptoms, but I sometimes find that Jennifer Bahr, ND, is a two different remedies are needed for naturopathic doctor practicing the two different states. There are no in San Diego, CA. She is the founder of Resilience, a She is looking forward specific homeopathic remedies for peo- mental health focused ple with bipolar disorder; rather, each practice, with a special emphasis on homeopathy. to her future with prescription is based on the individual To learn more about her and their presenting symptoms. I have and her practice call 858-461-8121 or visit renewed hope. found that people with bipolar disorder www.ResilienceNaturopathic.

Homeopathy • HomeopathyCenter.org 38 TODAY Winter 2017 computer


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HomeopathyCenter.org • Homeopathy TODAY 39 Winter 2017 Homeopathic Facts, Figures, Studies Research “Compelling Facts, Figures, and Scientific Studies about Home- opathy” is the title of an article by homeopathy advocate, author, and NCH Advisory Board member Dana Ullman, MPH, CCH, Matters recently posted on GreenMedInfo.com. Ullman opens with: “According to a 2013 article in the Washington Post, the subjects of Jesus Christ and homeopathy are the most controversial sub- Watch HRI conference videos jects on Wikipedia in four leading languages (English, German, The Homeopathic Research Institute (HRI) recently posted French, and Spanish). Sadly, strong evidence of bias against online the full set of 43 individual presentations from its 3rd HRI homeopathy (and many other alternatives to Big Pharma) at International Homeopathy Research Conference, “Cutting Edge Wikipedia is significant …” He then discusses 12 homeopa- Research in Homeopathy,” which took place in Malta, June 9-11, thy-related stories that cannot be found on Wikipedia or that are 2017. www.hrimalta2017.org/presentations/ “misconstrued and mis-reported” there. One details a survey that Included are keynote talks by Dr. Stephan Baumgartner, Ger- found 95% of French pediatricians, dermatologists, and general many (highlights from 20 years of basic research); Prof. Michael practitioners use homeopathy; another reports on research studies Frass, Austria (adjunctive homeopathy in cancer patients); Dr. that show the ability of homeopathic medicines to influence gene Emma Macías-Cortés, Mexico (treatment for depression in peri- expression. Read more at: http://www.greenmedinfo.com/blog/ and postmenopausal women); Prof. Harald Walach, Germany compelling-facts-figures-and-scientific-studies-about-homeo- (homeopathic pathogenetic trials or provings). Also included pathic-medicine-aka-or is a poster session by USA’s Dr. Joyce Frye on treating chronic chikungunya in Haiti. The February 2018 issue of the journal Homeopathy will provide Nux vomica & drug withdrawal written coverage of the HRI conference. Videos from two prior The journal Alternative and Complementary Therapies just pub- HRI conferences are available at www.HRIBarcelona2013.org and lished an article by NCH Board member Loretta Butehorn, PhD, www.HRIRom2015.org. CCH, entitled “Post–Acute Withdrawal Syndrome, Relapse Pre- vention, and Homeopathy” (December 2017, 23(6): 228-230). The article details a protocol of using the homeopathic medicine Nux vomica with three groups of clients in two residential substance abuse addiction treatment settings between 2006 and 2011. The resulting data showed a positive impact on both immediate symp- toms (reduction of cravings) and stabilization in treatment. Clients arrived at the treatment centers after having undergone three to five days of medical detoxification; even so, most clients were still experiencing post-acute withdrawal syndrome with symptoms of cravings for drugs, irritability, mental confusion, low energy, sleep problems, and digestive disturbances. Such symptoms often result in clients dropping out from treatment and relapsing into further drug use. Clients were offered a single dose of Nux vomica 200c upon entering the program. Nux vomica was chosen because of its homeopathic history of use in hangover relief and alcohol prob- lems, as well as other indications. The women who took the dose of Nux vomica completed the treatment program at higher rates than those who did not take the medicine. In one group, for example, 66 percent of those who took Nux vomica completed their six-month treatment program, whereas only 33 percent of those who did not take Nux vomica completed the program. The author concluded that the role of homeopathy for recovery from addiction merits a large-scale formal research study.

Hear Loretta Butehorn, PhD, CCH present Relapse Prevention for Opioid Addicted Persons at JAHC 2018 in Phoenix, AZ • April 6-8 • JAHC2018.org

Homeopathy • HomeopathyCenter.org 40 TODAY Winter 2017 Homeopathy for Horn Players Promoting homeopathy in unlikely places


am a flautist, microbiologist, member of a rare fruit and vegetable club, and Professional horn players put a lot of pressure on their Ia Certified Classical Homeopath. My mouths with the mouthpiece tight against their lips. special passion is homeopathy, and I love to promote it wherever I can. When the Association of Concert range, and the ability to make clean Bands held its convention in Fort Lauder- attacks. Tone deteriorates and the buzz dale last May, our all-volunteer American zone does not work properly. When the Legion Symphonic Band was in charge of musician cannot buzz a good core pitch, organizing the event, and I was responsi- the sound is unfocused and the pitch eas- ble for the vendor booths. ily wanders. Sound technical? Well if you So how could I incorporate homeop- are a horn player it is pretty important. athy into that setting? Perhaps I could One horn player in our band, who use one of the vendor booths to promote also plays professionally, was having a it if I could make a connection between problem with swollen lips when he played musicians and homeopathy. I searched for extended periods. Sometimes he has the internet and, to my surprise, found multiple gigs in one day, and that puts a a product called ChopSaver® lip balm lot of stress on his lips. He would try ice containing herbal extracts of Arnica and or aspirin to reduce the swelling, with Cindy Pinera promotes homeopathy to musicians Calendula, which was being marketed to mixed results. When I heard about his at the Association of Concert Bands convention. brass instrument musicians by a trumpet problem, I recommended homeopathic player in Indiana. I also found a trumpet Arnica, and he decided to give it a try. who had homemade products to sell. player in England who always carried a To his amazement, Arnica 30c pellets not In advance of the conference, I bought vial of homeopathic Arnica pellets in his only helped to reduce the swelling but 30 tubes of ChopSaver® so I had some- instrument case. also helped with the discomfort. He is thing to sell. All who stopped at my now hooked on homeopathy and carries a booth—whether buying or “just look- Saving a player’s “chops” vial of Arnica 30c in his music case. ing”—received an information postcard Now you may be wondering why trumpet about Arnica. players would be interested in Arnica. Making connections Promoting homeopathy is fun. It can Professional horn players put a lot of Since I knew that Arnica could help swol- easily be incorporated into many of your pressure on their mouths with the len lips, I decided that was the way to activities. Maybe another time I will tell mouthpiece tight against their lips. To connect homeopathy with music at the you how I have promoted homeopathy make the desired sound, they need to conference. I went to work and had a huge with my Rare Fruit and Vegetable club. create a certain embouchure, which is the display sign made from vinyl for my ven- way the lips, tongue, and teeth are used dor booth. I incorporated some “before aBout the author on the mouthpiece of a wind instrument. and after Arnica” pictures of my black Maintaining the proper embouchure for and blue legs from a fall I had in the past. Cindy Pinera, CCH, works as a microbiologist in a hospital extended periods can cause bruising and Then I added some information about laboratory. She plays flute in swelling of the lips. Arnica, some other first-aid remedies, and two community bands and is membership chair of the Rare When a horn player’s lips are swollen, ChopSaver® lip balm for brass musicians. Fruit and vegetable Club of it can be more difficult to play in tune. To attract more people, I shared my Broward County. She started studying homeopathy in 1999 Lip swelling seriously reduces endurance, display table with some of my bandmates with Jeremy Sherr; attended every NCH Summer School course; and studied 2 years with Ann Jerome and 3 years with Paul Herscu. Cindy would like to promote Arnica within the hospital setting. While Sometimes he has multiple gigs in one day, and that waiting for the opportune moment, she practices homeopathy on co-workers, bandmates, friends, puts a lot of stress on his lips. and relatives.

HomeopathyCenter.org • Homeopathy TODAY 41 Winter 2017 coNtriButioNs – thaNk you!

General Contributors Wayne J. Chindemi, Grimsby ON Canada Sandra Itterly, lewisberry PA Martha J. Adams, linthicum Heights MD Sandie Coco, Austin TX Nancy C. Johnson, Edison NJ ben Almiro, Glenview Il Jennifer Cutts Mclaughlin, Walla Walla WA Jyll Johnstone, Tiburon CA barbara Antisdel MA, Urbana Il Ann C. Darling, berkeley Springs WV kae kamiya, Federal Way WA barbara J. Appelgren, Charles Town WV Marleen Diamond, Highlands Ranch CO teresa J. kramer Med, Annandale VA nancy A. baker, kalamazoo Mi Caroline Falkenburg CCH, Dillon CO Allen M. kratz MD, naples Fl Sally basler, Greer SC kathy Fitzpatrick, lawrence MA Amy l. lansky PhD, Portola Valley CA Aliaksandra bennett, Issaquah WA Alfred Greeley, bayfield CO Art lupfer, Solon OH Carolyn bninski, boulder CO Farah Gron CCH RSHom(NA), brookline MA Robert b. luzader, celina tn Rachel bongle, Cato WI Caroline Hicks, Palo Alto CA Yolanda Maciejewski, Grand Island Fl laura burr CCH RSHom(NA), Minneapolis MN Deborah Howe CST, los Osos CA Pedma Malin DiHom, Grass Valley CA Andrea Callaway, Dallas TX chung-ling huang, san Jose cA Hope Martin, Zephyrhills Fl Maggie Copp, Springfield VA Peggy Hughes, Playa Del Rey CA James Mattioda, San Diego CA Aniela Costello, buda TX Marion Hunt, Ocala Fl Patty Meyer, Hardwick VT Mary Ellen Coulter MD, bend OR David kaatz, Dillon cO Manjit S. Nagi DVM, Turlock CA Peggy Dobbs Smith, Palatka Fl nancy A. keller DVM, boynton beach Fl Sherry Nauman, Eldridge IA lynne Donnelly, Freeland WA shelley keneipp, santa cruz cA barbara Pecil, Norfolk VA Elise Ebbert RDH, Pacific Palisades CA Alexandra F. knox, silver spring MD Stephen J. Ralston, Columbus OH Susan Fincke, Evergreen CO karen kurz-Riemer Med cch, Minneapolis Mn ioana Razi MD, Washington Dc lila & Samuel Flagler NMD DHANP CCH, Tucson AZ Anita kysor Rn, pitcairn pA Georgia Rosen, Mount Clemens MI lynne Girdlestone, Santa Clarita CA Marguerite lane, Gordon NSW Australia Olga Saletsky, Woodridge Il Yvonne Goodman, Stockton CA Dorothy A. lewis, Norwich CT Robert scherzinger DhM, long beach cA Jerry P. Gore MD, Riverwoods Il Amnery ley, Miami Fl Susan M. Schimmel DHom, Rough Ready CA brenda Gurley CCH, New Port Richey Fl Janice lyle, Raymond NH beverly Sewell, Oxford MI Mona Hall, Poultney VT Adah Marker, Gloucester MA Jo Simoes, San Diego CA Deborah Heck, Houston TX loretta Michaelcheck, New York NY bernard P. Simon, Parkville MD Carol Hennessy, Grand Rapids MI Maria Moniz, Falmouth MA Vatsala Sperling PhD, Rochester VT linda Hopfinger, lake Forest Park WA lisa A. Montalbano, Florida NY Sharon Tackaberry, Winter Springs Fl Anne kahl-Rhyner, Marina Del Rey cA Grace Morgan, Pipersville PA Siroos Teherani CPA, Dallas TX Grace kee Donnelly, Maywood nJ Deborah Olenev CCH RSHom(NA), Mountain Estela Thoesen, Mesa AZ carole W. kidd, Durango cO View CA Glenna Tinney, Alexandria VA Jackie krammer Rshom(nA) cch pch, Sally Pinchock, Plymouth MI Perin Vakharia, los Angeles CA Minneapolis MN Robin Pittman, Oldtown MD Pat Victor, Austin TX Wendie kruthers, Gaviota cA Meredith Ransohoff, bethesda MD kyron k. Weed, longview tX Sandra laba, West bloomfield MI Rocky Mountain Homeopathy llC, loveland CO Cheryl Whatcott, Orem UT ellen lutz, philadelphia pA Teresa Salvadore DC DNbHE, Aspen CO Reuben S.F. Wong, Honolulu HI Zenaida M. Mata II MD, binghamton NY Carrie Stearns RSHom PDHom, Ithaca NY Natalia Zavadskaya MD, Charlottesville VA lora Maurer, brookline MA barbara Tansey bush, Charlestown MA ian Mayo-smith, bloomfield ct ladonna C. Taylor, Evanston Il Patrons: $250 to $499 Judith McMillan RN, Gaithersburg MD shari tedford Rn bAn, Gardner ks Paddy Canales RSHom(NA), los Angeles CA Marilyn Meier, lawrence ks charles tucker DDs, Alva Ok Donata Dow, Indian Head MD Diane Moeller, Peninsula OH barbara Vilardi, Hingham MA nemat s. king, Morristown nJ lana k. Monas, Mather pA Diane Weigandt, Saint Petersburg Fl Jean Nunnally, Houston TX Heidi Mueninghoff, birmingham Al Marian Wilson, Sequim WA Jan Rogers, Windsor CO Jamie P. Murphy, Watertown MA Edward Zalewski, Melbourne Fl billie k. Myers, boulder cO Eileen Zimmerly, Seattle WA Sponsors: $500-$1,000 betsy E. Pfeffer, Indiana PA Craig Zunka DDS FAGD FASCD FCA, linda Crowell & James Crowell, belle Fourche SD John C. Reed, baltimore MD Front Royal VA Martha Meyer-Von blon, Minneapolis Mn Elena Reid, North Palm beach Fl Cranston Smith, Youngsville lA Margareta Richardson CCH RN, Anaheim CA Sustainers: $100-$249 Cindy A. Roe, Durand Il lynette Albrecht, Stewart MN Benefactors: $1,000+ Janet Sadler, brookhaven PA Judith Amundson, Toronto ON Canada Chris beale & Abby beale CCH RSHom(NA), leana Schmidt, San Diego CA Tena bell, Hartville MO Wallingford CT Sherry l. Schold, Port Angeles WA Diana bochenski CVH DVM, buellton CA Isabel Calingaert & Peter Calingaert, Chapel Hill NC Harold Sexson CbS lSHC QbS, Fountain Hills AZ kathleen A. byrnes, Richmond hill GA Jeffrey Starre MD, Jewett OH barbara Cellini, South Chicago Heights Il In Memory of Jeanne Stewart, Placerville CO James W Forsythe MD HMD CMD, Reno NV J.C. and Ruth Coco by Sandie Coco Christine Strasser RN, Arlington VA Gathr Foundation, los Angeles CA Ruth Boyack by Sherry Nauman bettie J. stuber Dc, kansas city MO Partho Ghosh, Plano TX Raghava Tadavarthi, Roswell GA Steven P. Goldsmith MD, los Angeles CA In Honor of Caryl Taylor, Howe IN Julie Good PhD, San Diego CA Linda Lillard by Ann b. Herren Emily Telfair ND, baltimore MD Andrea Havens, North Wales PA Constantine Hering by Andrea Havens Cyrus A. Thomas DC MDH(India) DNbHE, Ann b. Herren, Skokie Il Dr. Paul Herscu by Aniela Costello San Rafael CA Swapna Honavar, Sunnyvale CA Mitzi Lebensorger by teresa J. kramer Med Neda Tomasevich, berkeley CA lois P. Trave RN CDMS, lansdale PA Sheila Vercruysse, Greenwood IN Rose Vutech, Escondido CA Disclosure Statement Your gift is very much appreciated and may be fully deductible as a charitable contribution. A copy of the latest financial statement and registration Joyce Wagner, Champaign Il filed by the National Center for Homeopathy may be obtained by contacting the NCH, 1120 Route 73 - Suite 200 • Mt. Laurel, NJ 08054, USA, Piers R. Wander, Ashland MA (856) 437-4752 or by contacting any of the following state agencies. (Certain states require charities to register with them and to advise you that our financial statement and registration are also available from them.) Tamara l. Ward, Rancho Santa Fe CA : Colorado residents may obtain copies of registration and financial documents from the Colorado Secretary of State at www.sos.state. Denise V. Wiktorzak brogdon, tipton Mi co.us or 303-894-2200, ext. 6487. Florida: A COPY OF THE OFFICIAL REGISTRATION AND FINANCIAL INFORMATION MAY BE OBTAINED FROM THE DIVISION OF CONSUMER SERVICES BY CALLING TOLL-FREE WITHIN THE STATE 1-800-HELP-FLA. REGISTRATION DOES NOT IMPLY ENDORSE- Christina Wirebjer, Seffner Fl MENT, APPROVAL, OR RECOMMENDATION BY THE STATE, FLORIDA REGISTRATION # CH10096. Kansas: The annual financial report is on file with the Kansas Secretary of State, Charitable Solicitation License #423-065-2. Maryland: For the cost of postage and copying, documents and information filed under Maryland charitable organizations laws can be obtained from the Secretary of State, Charities Division, State House, Annapolis, MD 21401, Donors: $50-$99 (401) 974-5534. Michigan: MICS 22966. Mississippi: The official registration and financial information of the organization may be obtained from the Mississippi Secretary of State’s office by calling (888) 236-6167. Registration by the Secretary of State does not imply endorsement by the Secretary of Joan Adams, Windham CT State. New Jersey: INFORMATION FILED WIH THE ATTORNEY GENERAL CONCERNING THIS CHARITABLE SOLICITATION AND THE PERCENTAGE OF Mary Ann Allan, Maugansville MD CONTRIBUTIONS RECEIVED BY THE CHARITY DURING THE LAST REPORTING PERIOD THAT WERE DEDICATED TO THE CHARITABLE PURPOSE MAY BE OBTAINED FROM THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF THE STATE OF NEW JERSEY BY CALLING 973-504-6215 AND IS AVAILABLE ON THE INTERNET Anita Anderson, Hot Springs AR AT WWW.STATE.NJ.US/LPS/CA/. REGISTRATION WITH THE ATTORNEY GENERAL DOES NOT IMPLY ENDORSEMENT. New York: A copy of the latest annual report may be obtained from the organization or from the New York State Attorney General’s Charities Bureau, Attn: FOIL Officer, 120 Broad- Stephen R. blake DVM CVH CVA, San Diego CA way, New York, NY 10271. North Carolina: Financial information about this organization and a copy of its license are available from the State Solicitation Jacqueline blue, burien WA Licensing Branch at (888) 830-4989. The license is not an endorsement by the state. Pennsylvania: The official registration and financial information from the National Center for Homeopathy may be obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of State by calling toll-free, within Pennsylvania, (800) Aileen M. bosworth, berwyn PA 732-0999. Registration does not imply endorsement. Virginia: Financial statements are available from the Virginia Dept. of Agriculture & Consumer ellen castle-tagliarino, clarence nY Services, Office of Consumer Affairs, P.O. Box 526, Richmond, VA 23218-0526 or by calling (804) 786-1343. Washington: The NCH is registered to do fundraising in the State of Washington. Information is available from the Secretary of State by calling toll-free (800) 332-4483. West Virginia: Meichi Chen, Sunnyvale CA West Virginia residents may obtain a summary of the registration and financial documents from the Secretary of State, State Capitol, Charleston, WV 25305. Registration does not imply endorsement. Registration with ANY of these governmental agencies does not imply endorsement by the state.

Homeopathy • HomeopathyCenter.org 42 TODAY Winter 2017 the greatest gift 5 Reasons to Die Without a Will

There must be powerful reasons to avoid having a will because so now. your family will appreciate it. The charities you support will appre- many people die without one. In case you happen to be one of the ciate it. And you will appreciate the peace of mind you get from fulfilling seven out of ten who will depart without a will, here are five reasons one of your most important stewardship responsibilities. to buttress your position. you can use these to help you sleep tonight. Like many people, you may be uneasy about going to an attorney. 1. The court can do a better job deciding how to disburse your yet, an attorney who specializes in estate planning knows the right assets than you can. questions to ask and the best ways to help you accomplish your goals. 2. The court can choose a better personal representative to handle These professionals are well-trained and normally well worth the time your estate during probate than you can. and expense they require. 3. The court can choose a more caring guardian for your minor While you will still need to meet with your professional advisor for children than you can. expert counsel, we invite you to contact us for information on how you 4. The government will use your estate tax dollars more efficiently can include the National Center for Homeopathy in your planned giving. than your favorite charity would use a charitable bequest. Caring for the disposition of your assets is too important to delay. It’s 5. y our grieving loved ones will be better off looking after your important for you, for your loved ones, and for NCH. affairs without your will. Powerful reasons? Hardly. Nonetheless, people unwittingly affirm Would you like to learn more about how to include NCH in your these reasons year after year as they continue to put off the minor estate plans? As you consider what kind of planned gift you would inconvenience of making a will. like to give to NCH, we urge you to contact us at: We at the National Center for Homeopathy urge you to take action [email protected].

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HomeopathyCenter.org • Homeopathy TODAY 43 Winter 2017 Wishing you a Flu-Free Winter! Your guide to weathering the flu season

t’s that time of year—the fearful son is different. For example, during the cleaning products or temperatures above flu season! And experts expect it to worst flu outbreak in known history— 167°F. So wash your hands frequently Ibe worse than usual. For starters, the Spanish Flu Pandemic of 1918—a with soap and water and keep them away it began early. As of December 2017, great proportion of deaths occurred in from your nose and mouth. The CDC also we’ve seen twice as many flu cases as last otherwise healthy young adults, a group recommends the flu vaccine for everyone year at this time, according to the U.S. that typically has the lowest flu mortal- older than 6 months; however, many Centers for Disease Control and Pre- ity rates. experts are predicting that the vaccine vention (CDC). The flu also seems to be may not be a good match for this year’s spreading quickly, especially in southern What to do? flu. Estimates of efficacy are only 10%. states, such as Mississippi, Louisiana, Prevention is key, so start by keeping Texas, and South Carolina. You can your immune system in top shape. Get Other preventive steps track the spread of influenza in your at least eight hours of sleep per night. Eat Homeopaths point to a long track record area and across the U.S. on the CDC’s healthy whole foods, reduce sugar intake, of success in helping people with flu, “FluView” interactive map here: http:// include fermented and cultured foods in such as during the 1918 Flu Pandemic. bit.ly/2pNEncf your diet (or take probiotics), and stay According to homeopaths of that era, the Forecasters look at the Southern hydrated. Find healthy ways to deal with mortality rate for 26,000 people receiv- Hemisphere’s flu season—which occurs stress and “blow off steam.” Keep active ing homeopathic treatment for flu was during our summertime—to predict with moderate exercise, preferably out- roughly 1 percent, whereas the mortality what our Northern Hemisphere’s flu sea- doors if weather permits, since natural rate of those receiving conventional treat- son will be like. Because Australia had a light can boost your mood and health ment was about 30 percent.(2) severe season, ours is also expected to be during these shorter days of the year. To prevent flu, many modern homeo- bad. Australia’s prevailing flu virus was In fact, some researchers suggest that paths recommend Influenzinum, a H3N2, a particularly virulent strain, and flu epidemics occur during the darker homeopathic remedy made from the flu this is the same strain that’s been causing months (late fall-early spring) because virus itself (typically from the vaccine), most of our early flu cases, too. that’s when people in northern climates and homeopathic pharmacies often make don’t get enough sunlight on the skin to it fresh each flu season. Here’s a typical No joke synthesize Vitamin D. So sensibly expos- protocol: take one dose of Influenzinum The flu is nothing to sneeze at. At min- ing your body to sunlight when possible (30c or 9c), once per week for four weeks imum, it can lay you up for a few days and increasing Vitamin D intake may offer at the beginning of flu season; then take with fatigue, fever, chills, sore throat, protection from winter viruses. Fatty fish one dose, once per month during the rest and muscle aches; at worst, it can lead is one of the few foods naturally high in of the season. If you come in close contact to life-threatening complications, such Vitamin D (e.g., tuna, salmon, mackerel). with someone with flu, such as a family as pneumonia or myocarditis. Serious Researcher John Cannell, MD, president member or co-worker, take a dose once a consequences are generally more likely of the nonprofit Vitamin D Council, rec- day while you are in contact. in the very young, the very old, and ommends a daily dose of 5000 IU Vitamin Another homeopathic remedy used those with chronic illnesses and com- D3 during flu season. A recent review of preventively is Thymuline, made from promised immune systems. Because flu 25 studies on Vitamin D for flu and colds thymus hormone. Some suggest the viruses are always mutating, however, found that supplementing with Vitamin D remedy be taken as an immune booster some uncertainty prevails, and each sea- provided significant protection, but those during flu season, following a similar most likely to benefit were people who dosing protocol as Influenzinum. Homeo- were very deficient in Vitamin D; also, path Miranda Castro, FSHom, says that Because Australia had a daily or weekly doses were more effective Thymuline “is especially valuable for than occasional megadoses.(1) older people, those with a history of severe season, ours is also The CDC says flu viruses can survive lung problems (bronchitis, asthma, etc.), on doorknobs and surfaces for up to and those with any kind of autoimmune expected to be bad. 24 hours and can be killed by common diseases.”

Homeopathy • HomeopathyCenter.org 44 TODAY Winter 2017 ou a Flu-Free Winter!

Once an epidemic takes hold, homeo- paths can help each other by sharing information on remedies they’ve found effective for symptom patterns they’re seeing. (See sidebar below.) Hahnemann had a name for the remedy (or small set of remedies) that worked well for a par- ticular epidemic: the “genus epidemicus.” Prevention is key, so start by keeping your immune Knowing the genus epidemicus provides system in top shape. a shortcut: this remedy can be given to those who contract the illness to speed healing; it can also be given to healthy the duration of flu-like symptoms.(3, 4) If you have taken about six doses and had people during an epidemic to protect One study showed that 63 percent of no response, consider another remedy or them from contracting the illness. people who took the remedy at the onset consult a homeopathic practitioner. of flu-like symptoms had “clear improve- Bryonia. This is useful for flu with Nip it in the bud ment” or “complete resolution” of their slow onset and severe achiness. These Perhaps the best-known homeopathic flu symptoms after 48 hours vs. 48 percent of people stay very still because the least remedy is Anas barbariae hepatis et cordis people who took placebo.(4) motion exacerbates their symptoms. They extractum, more commonly marketed as get irritable if they’re disturbed. They Oscillococcinum®. In an interesting twist Flu fighters may have a dry cough with dry mucous on the “like cures like” concept, it is made If your efforts at prevention fail and membranes. They are chilly and prefer from the (highly diluted) liver and heart you’re facing a full-blown flu, consider infrequent, long gulps of cool water. of a Muscovy duck—a bird that spreads the following commonly used homeo- Gelsemium. This was the most fre- flu viruses but is immune to them itself. pathic remedies for flu symptoms. Take quently used remedy in the 1918 flu pan- It is best taken at the first sign of flu the indicated remedy (usually in 30c demic. Those who need it are drowsy, symptoms, typically every six hours for potency) according to the severity of the sleepy, and utterly exhausted. Symptoms one to three days. Two studies in peer-re- symptoms: more often (every 1–2 hours) come on slowly—chills, aches, and shiv- viewed journals show that Oscillococci- if symptoms are severe and less often ers up and down the spine. These people num® reduces the severity and shortens (every 3–4 hours) if they are less severe. are not very thirsty. They may feel almost

sharing epidemic info What remedy is working?

An example of homeopaths sharing observa- that these illnesses are not caused by flu been shifting from Gelsemium originally, tions of symptoms during epidemic illnesses viruses but rather the human metapneumo- to Lycopodium now, and Causticum vying and experiences with the genus epidemicus virus or hMPV. for second place. It seems as though Lyco- (the remedy or remedies helping the most He said in part: “In my practice, aside podium hastens the resolution of this acute people) is “Epidemic Updates from Paul from antiviral protocols which consist of [illness]. Herscu, ND, MPH,” at http://paulherscuep- nutritional supplements and botanicals, the “…Specifically, in the adults, we have idemics.blogspot.com/ most common acute homeopathic rem- seen sore throats that are better from warm on December 8, 2017, Dr. Herscu wrote edy needed, the current genus epidem- drinks, in chilly patients, yet their breathing about influenza-like viral illnesses he’s been icus, is Lycopodium. … if the patient does is better in cool air. you may find sinus infec- seeing in patients across the country. Symp- not need their constitutional remedy, as tions which are associated with stuffiness toms include severe sore throat, laryngitis, many might, and you determine this to be felt in the ears, most especially the right ear.” sinus infections leading to ear infections, a true acute situation, Lycopodium is most Dr. Herscu plans to update the site with and asthmatic-like wheezing. He theorized likely indicated. The genus epidemicus has his findings as the season progresses.

HomeopathyCenter.org • Homeopathy TODAY 45 Winter 2017 Homeopaths point to a long track record of success in helping people with flu …

paralyzed with fatigue. The back of their Rhus tox. This may help when flu In doubt? Get help! head may ache. comes on in cold damp weather. Joints Most otherwise healthy people who con- Arsenicum. This is for flu sufferers feel stiff and painful; the joints may tract the flu will get through it okay with who are anxious, fussy, and restless, and loosen up with movement, which makes rest, remedies, and extra TLC. People who don’t want to be alone. They are the person toss and turn in bed, trying to with chronic conditions or anyone with chilly, want to sip warm drinks, and feel get comfortable. severe symptoms (e.g., chest pain, diffi- worse in the middle of the night, espe- Baptisia. This flu sufferer may be dull, culty breathing, high fever for more than cially from midnight to 2:00 a.m. They confused, or even delirious. Flu onset is three days) should seek professional help. may have diarrhea and vomiting. sudden, with high fever, intense thirst, 1 Martineau, A. et al. Vitamin D supplementation to prevent acute Eupatorium perfoliatum. For flu with and extreme prostration. The person is respiratory tract infections: systematic review and meta-analysis severe bone pain, as if the bones are bro- sore all over, with a dark red face. They of individual participant data. BMJ 2017;356:i6583. http://www.bmj.com/content/356/bmj.i6583 ken. The person may moan and groan may have vomiting and diarrhea, and 2 Dewey, WA. Homeopathy in Influenza - A Chorus of Fifty in Har- mony, Journal of the American Institute of Homeopathy, May 1921. with the pain. Even though chilly, they their discharges have an offensive odor. 3 Papp R, Schuback G, Beck E, et al. Oscillococcinum in patients want cold food and drinks. Mercurius vivus. This flu sufferer with influenza-like syndromes: a placebo-controlled, dou- ble-blind evaluation. Br Homeopath J. 1998;87:69-76. Nux vomica. Some gastric symptoms sweats a lot with their fever, but the 4 Ferley JP, Zmirou D, D’Adhemar D, Balducci F. A controlled evaluation of a homeopathic preparation in the treatment of are usually present with this flu, such as sweating gives no relief and their sweat influenza-like syndromes. Br J Clin Pharmacol. 1989;27:329-335. vomiting, cramping, or diarrhea. The is offensive. They have increased saliva, a person feels very chilly, cannot get warm, bad taste in their mouth, and bad breath. For more flu resources, search the NCH and is sensitive to drafts. They are very They alternate between feeling hot and website for “flu” or “influenza” to find past irritable and impatient. cold, “like a human thermometer.” articles on this subject.

Free for all NCH members! nCH Webinar series learn more and register at www.HomeopathyCenter.org/webinars

NCH’s monthly webinar series covers a wide variety of timely and practi- Upcoming Webinars cal topics—including both introduc- opioid and other Drug Addiction, and Homeopathy tory and advanced presentations. January 9 Loretta Butehorn, PhD, CCH each webinar is hosted by an expert practitioner, teacher, or researcher; Homeopathy for the Winter Season conducted live, recorded, and February 6 Sue Anello, CCH posted in the NCH webinar archive. National Center for Homeopathy March 20 Women’s Health through the Ages 1120 route 73 - Suite 200 Kathleen Slonager, rN, DiHoM, ADS, Ae-C, CCH Mt. Laurel, NJ 08054 www.homeopathycenter.org all webinars begin at 8 p.m. Eastern time.

your Webinar Proposals Welcome! If you enjoy teaching people about how to use homeopathy in their everyday life, consider being a webinar speaker! No previous webinar experience is required, and NCH staff will get you set up and ready to go. If you are interested in presenting, please send us a message at [email protected] with a proposed topic, short description, and a brief bio.

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