Exxon Mobil Corporation 5959 Las Colinas Boulevard Irving, TX 75039-2298

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Exxon Mobil Corporation 5959 Las Colinas Boulevard Irving, TX 75039-2298 UNITED STATES SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION WASHINGTON, D;C. 20549-3010 (iDIVISION OF CORPORATION FINANCE March 23,2009 James Earl Parsons Senior Counsel Exxon Mobil Corporation 5959 Las Colinas Boulevard Irving, TX 75039-2298 Re: Exxon Mobil Corporation Incoming letter dated Janua 23, 2009 Dear Mr. Parsons: This is in response to your letters dated Janua 23, 2009 and March 13,2009 concerning the shareholder proposal submitted to ExxonMobil by Neva Rockefeller Goodwin, Abby O. Caulkins, John de Cuevas, Eileen Rockefeller Growald, Alida R. Messinger, Mar R. Morgan, Jennfer R. Nolan, Abby M. O'Neil, Peter O'Neil, An Rockefeller Roberts, Abby A. Rockefeller, Charles Rockefeller, David Rockefeller, Jr., Justin Rockefeller, Michael Rockefeller, Richard Rockefeller, Steven C. Rockefeller, Theodore Spencer, Laura Thorn, and Marion Rockefeller Weber. We also have received a letter from Neva Rockefeller Goodwin dated Febru 18,2009. Our response is attached to the enclosed photocopy of your correspondence. By doing this, we avoid having to recite or sumarze the facts set forth in the correspondence. Copies of all of the correspondence also will be provided to the proponents. In connection with this matter, your attention is directed to the enclosure, which sets forth a brief discussion of the Division's informal procedures regarding shareholder proposals. Sincerely, Heather L. Maples Senior Special Counsel Enclosures cc: Neva Rockefeller Goodwin 30 Rockefeller Plaz Room 5600 New York, NY 10112 March 23, 2009 Response of the Offce of Chief Counsel Division of Corporation Finance Re: Exxon Mobil Corporation Incoming letter dated Janua 23, 2009 The proposal asks the board to establish a tak force of independent directors and company staf to investigate and report to shareholders on the likely consequences of global climate change between now and 2030 for emerging countres and poor communities and to compare these outcomes with scenaros in which ExxonMobil takes leadership in developing sustainable energy technologies. We are unable to concur in your view that ExxonMobil may exclude the proposal under rule 14a-8(i)(lI). Accordingly, we do not believe that ExxonMobil may omit the proposal from its proxy materials in reliance on rule 14a-8(i)(lI). Sincerely, Jay Knght Attorney-Adviser DIVSION OF CORPORATION FINANCE . INFORM PROCEDURS REGARING SHAHOLDER PROPOSALS The Division of Corporation Finance believes that its responsibilty with respect to . matters arsing under Rule 14a-8 (17 CPR 240. 14a-8), as with other matters under the prQxy rules, is to aid those who must comply with the rUle by offerig informal adyice and suggestions and to determe, intially, whethei: or not it may be appropriate in a parcular matter to . recommend enforcement action to the Commssion. fu connection with a shareholder proposal under Rule 14a-8, the Division's staff considers the info:raJion fuished to ¡thy the Company in support of its intention to exclude the proposals from the Company's proxy materials, as well as any information fushed by the proponent Ór the proponent's representative. Although Rule 14a-8(k) does not require any commUncations from shareholders to the Commission's sti;ff the staffwill always consider information concerng alleged violations of / the statutes admstered by-the Commssion, includitg arguent as to whether or not activities proposed to be taken would be Violative of the statute or nile involved. The receipt by the staff . of such inormation, however, should not be constred as changig the staffs informal. procedures and proxy review into a formal or adversar procedure. It is important to note that the staffs and Commssion's no-action responses to Ru1e 14a-8(j) submissions reflect only infOrmal views. The deteriatIons reached in these no­ action letters do not and canot adjudicate the merits .of a company's position with respect to the proposal. Only a cour such as. a U.S. Distrct Cour can decide whether a company is obligated . to include shareholder proposals in its proKymaterials: Accordigly.a discretionar . determation not to recommend or take Commssion enforcement action,. does not preclude a proponent, or any shareholder .of a company, from pursuing any rights he or she may have against material.the company in Cour,. should the management omit the proposal from . the company's proxy Exxon Mobil ~ion J~me$ ~rlPars$ 5959 t.. COI¡i!aá~u!ea.rd Irvng, TeX($ 75Qa~2298 Senlor Counsl 972 4441478 Tf;fèpfiQne 97244 Haa facsimile EJonMobU M(il' U, 2.009 VIA Emàil u.s.Søciitíesand~cligeConiS$ion I:iyjaií.t'of"Coi:ration Fiice Oftc~.ÓfGliiéfeo~l 100 P.StttiNE \\aSltinn, .J4.C. 2USi49 sbare1ioideiprOposås~$ec,gOv R.:SeçUrties E"chaie Actor 1934-Section14(a)¡ Rule14a-8 Qmis$iouøf Sharenolder Proposai~ Regart:g$ustainableEnergyl'echrolÛgy Gentemen. and Lames: u.s. Securties and Exchange Coiissîøn March 13, 2009 Page 2 In àcoi:4ance with Sta:tegal B . No. HlD (November 7~ 200g),ths.lettêrátd enclosurs arë bëingsuhfuittto the s~byeti.Acopy.of1bs Jett tudthe.Clclosnres is beigsenUQtIeJead filersar.cøfier$ nftlè subjectpropôsals by ()ven~t dèlivety servIce. ;~f~ JanëslmlParns 1EPl:jep Enclosures u.s. Securties andJlxcbange Commssion March 13,2~09 Page 3 cc ", w/enc: CO',Revt:rendMichael .... H. Crosby, .t OFMCap. Provice . 0 . He Capuch.Qrer I OlSNot NirthS~t MilWWee'WI. .... .;. .',53233 ... Ms. Neva RackefèllerO:oødwin clQ.JoyceHaooùcha Rockeifenep:1ìCQ~, Inc. I 0 RQckefellerPl~ New. .. York . .. NY..t. tOO2Ó ... Sistr.. M~onn . Sagalli , CDP . gr~~tiön òfDivine .Pro.vidence, Inc. P. .:,.,._...-'.,._,.,.....'..'.-..",.,.".,.0. Box 3734$ .-' San Antóhio,,', 78.237;.0345 MS,Beattice A. Reyes Treasurr Convent AcademyoftheIncämate W'Órd 2930Soutl Corpus c:' . Sistr Henr Mare Zimelnait1,OSB Treasprer The,B~nedctin Sisiersof VÏlghiia Sain :lenedíêt Monastery 953.5 LintøJ1 Bristow~ VA 81'. Gabriella Lohan Treasl1 Sist~.o.r. Ho.lySpirt'and Mar'Imiaculat, 30t Yuccat San Antonio, TX 78Z.03 Ms. Abby Caulkis eft) . ... abòQèlm Ro &, Co.., Inc. to RticlçefcU,yJ:Plaz . New Yørk,NY 10020 U.S. Securti~sand Exchange COOssiÒri Marth 13, 2009 Page 4 Ms; MartRoê . Morgat c/o Jø-ycell . a Róçk#èUeí..&;'Co.,lnc. 10 RockefèllèrPläZ New Yotk~N¥ iõÓ2 Mr. PetèrO~êil clo Joycelloooba RockèfeIler& Co.. Inc. 'mi 0.._.,. Rockefeller ,_. _..... __ .__. Plaz New Ypl'k,NY lQ00 M$. Abby-O'Neil clo .. .ûøbã Co." Inc. P1aa. ..10020 Mr; JustinRookefëller cfoJoyceHabouoha Rockefe1l~i\~ç:o." Inc. 10 Rocefêllèr Plaz New York. NY 10Q20 Mr. Theoore Spencer c/oJoyce HahQucha. Rockefeller &; Co., Inc. to R()kefeIlttr Pìaza New York, NY 10020 Mr, Da:vid Kocke,fel1t". Jr. c/o JoyneHaboucha Rockfeller &'Co" Inc. i () RockefeIlèr Plàza NewY ork, NY 1()l)20 Ms~An Rockefellet R.obert. C!Q Joyce lÜ"RøGket~ll~f. Plaza New York" NY iQoio U is. Securties and ExcJiange Commsson Marh 13,20D9 Page 5 Ms, A;'b~¡y.A.R,pckefelIer do Joyc.f:'ha ,R,nèbfell 1 ()R,QÇk~feller:Pll1 New Yotk NYIOfl~Ø Ms. Laur Thrn . c/o J.. .tIcli dø.,Itc:;, iò R~bfeUer. New Yprk,NY Q~O C/0t.CMMs. J~ñtifét R. Nolan R. Cc.,liic. lDRockefel.èt FlåZ. NewYorK, NY 10020 Gtowmd 1... &. dø~:T. i ø RQtkefèUer'i:laaa New York, NY WOlD Mr. Chale$R-ØQ.kçfeUer c/o Joyce Habouchå. RÓèke;feUèr& Co.,Jnc. 10 RockefenerPlåZ New York,J-rtionio ly. Richad RocketIler c/o Joycetlå:b9llba Roceller .li~ & Co;~ Inc. , NYiOO.20 1 Ò R~ckefener New York, NY U.S. Securties and Exclwe €ØnmssiQn March 13,2009 Page 6 Mr. Miclìl R~feller c/o. Jøyce.HáboUê1m Ms. AUdaR~ MessÎIgtl c/o Joyce HaOUèhà Róckefel1er&Ca~.lnc. 10 RoëkefellerPlaz New ynt~ NY UJOiO .,"0 "Bea Reyes" ,'.. ' c:BReyes~iwbscc.org:; To ~david.g.henry~exxonmobil.com;:, ~thomas.í.gill~exxonmobil.com;: 03/12/0910:36 AM cc ~info~sric-south.org;: SUbject 2009 ExonMobile Withdrawal Letter Enclosed is a copy of the letter we have mailed to Mr. Thomas Gil. Beatrce A Reyes, Treasurer Convent Academy of the fucamte Word ~ monMobil Witdrawal Leer 2Oa9.doc March 10,2009 Thomas J. Gil, Manager Offce of the Corporate Secreta ExxonMobil Corpration 5959 Las Colinas Boulevard Irving, TX 75039-2298 Dear Mr. Gill: With this letter I hereby withdraw the resolution I submitted on December 9, 2009, askig the company to become a recognized technological leader in helping the United States become energy independent in a sustnable way. I concur with what Fr. Mike Crosby wrote to you: "Whle I told you and your colleagues on the phone, at varous times, that I did not thnk the materials you supplied nor the conversations we had made me feel that the company was actually evidencing solid movement toward 1) becoming the recognized technological leader in 2) helping the United States become energy-independent 3) in a sustainable way, I accept, in exchange that I or my designated representative will be given up to thee minutes to speak at the next anual meeting ofXOM at the very beginnng of the Question and Answer period. In addition the Company has promised that if I do not perceive adequate movement toward the goals of the resolution submitted this year I will be able to submit it next year without a SEC challenge from XOM, except for such techncalities around time deadlines or not enough stock, not the substace of the proposal." I do hope that the movement of the Company toward our desired goal will make this not necessar . I look forward to continued dialogues on this issue and hope for a happy outcome. Sincerely yours, Beatrice A. Reyes, Treasurer Convent Academy of the fucarate Word HenryMarie To ':david.g.henry(§exxonmobil.com;:, .:thomas.j.gill(gexxonmobil.com;: (8*** FISMA & OMB Memorandum M-07-16 *** cc Subject Resolution wihdrawal 03/11/09 09:59 AM Attached is a copy of my withdrawal/etter.
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    an entrepreneurial spirit: ABOUT ROCKEFELLER PHILANTHROPY ADVISORS Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that helps donors to create thoughtful, effective philanthropy throughout Three Centuries of the world. Headquartered in New York City, it traces its antecedents to John D. Rockefeller, Sr., who in 1891 began to professionally manage Rockefeller Family his philanthropy “as if it were a business.” Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors provides research and counsel on charitable giving, develops Philanthropy philanthropic programs, and offers complete program, administrative and management services for foundations and trusts. Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors currently advises on and manages more than $100 million in annual giving in more than 20 countries. 437 Madison Avenue 101 Second Street 37th Floor 24th Floor New York, NY 10022 San Francisco, CA 94105 (212) 812-4330 (415) 543-0733 www.rockpa.org table of contents 2 Foreword Melissa A. Berman, President and CEO, Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors 4 Preface Eileen Rockefeller Growald, Founding Chair, Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors 5 The Rockefeller Family’s Philanthropic Beginnings: A Brief History Peter J. Johnson, Historian, Author and Rockefeller Family Associate Edited by Donzelina A. Barroso 20 Values, Rituals, and Communication in Rockefeller Family Philanthropy Eileen Rockefeller Growald, Founding Chair, Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors 31 Learning Philanthropy: Opportunity and Relationship-Building Among the Younger Generations Peter O’Neill Allison Whipple Rockefeller Theo Spencer Penny Fujiko Willgerodt, Vice President & Senior Philanthropic Advisor, Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors 45 Personal Engagement and Passion in Philanthropy: Two Generations Share their Experiences David Rockefeller, Sr. David Rockefeller, Jr. © 2005, Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors 64 Biographies E This book is printed on paper made from 30% post-consumer content.
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