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Unicode-HOWTO.Pdf The Unicode HOWTO The Unicode HOWTO Table of Contents The Unicode HOWTO........................................................................................................................................1 Bruno Haible, <haible@clisp.cons.org>.................................................................................................1 1. Introduction..........................................................................................................................................1 2. Display setup........................................................................................................................................1 3. Locale setup.........................................................................................................................................1 4. Specific applications............................................................................................................................1 5. Printing.................................................................................................................................................2 6. Making your programs Unicode aware................................................................................................2 7. Other sources of information...............................................................................................................2 1. Introduction..........................................................................................................................................2 1.1 Why Unicode?...................................................................................................................................2 1.2 Unicode encodings.............................................................................................................................3 Footnotes for C/C++ developers.................................................................................................4 1.3 Related resources...............................................................................................................................4 2. Display setup........................................................................................................................................5 2.1 Linux console.....................................................................................................................................5 2.2 X11 Foreign fonts..............................................................................................................................6 2.3 X11 Unicode fonts.............................................................................................................................6 2.4 Unicode xterm....................................................................................................................................7 2.5 TrueType fonts...................................................................................................................................8 2.6 Miscellaneous....................................................................................................................................9 3. Locale setup.........................................................................................................................................9 3.1 Files & the kernel...............................................................................................................................9 3.2 Upgrading the C library...................................................................................................................10 3.3 General data conversion...................................................................................................................10 3.4 Locale environment variables..........................................................................................................11 3.5 Creating the locale support files......................................................................................................12 4. Specific applications..........................................................................................................................12 4.1 Shells................................................................................................................................................12 bash...........................................................................................................................................12 4.2 Networking......................................................................................................................................12 telnet..........................................................................................................................................12 kermit........................................................................................................................................13 4.3 Browsers..........................................................................................................................................13 Netscape....................................................................................................................................13 Mozilla......................................................................................................................................13 Amaya.......................................................................................................................................13 lynx...........................................................................................................................................14 w3m..........................................................................................................................................14 Test pages.................................................................................................................................15 4.4 Editors..............................................................................................................................................15 yudit..........................................................................................................................................15 yudit−1.5...................................................................................................................................15 yudit−2.1...................................................................................................................................15 Fonts for yudit...........................................................................................................................15 vim............................................................................................................................................15 cooledit......................................................................................................................................16 emacs........................................................................................................................................16 i The Unicode HOWTO Table of Contents xemacs......................................................................................................................................19 nedit..........................................................................................................................................19 xedit..........................................................................................................................................19 axe.............................................................................................................................................20 pico............................................................................................................................................20 mined98....................................................................................................................................20 qemacs......................................................................................................................................20 4.5 Mailers.............................................................................................................................................20 pine............................................................................................................................................21 kmail.........................................................................................................................................21 Netscape Communicator...........................................................................................................21 emacs (rmail, vm).....................................................................................................................22 mutt...........................................................................................................................................22 exmh..........................................................................................................................................22 4.6 Text processing................................................................................................................................22 groff..........................................................................................................................................22 TeX...........................................................................................................................................22
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