
Ingrid David Zucker Bergman Marlon Gary Cooper Bruce Sharman Brando C B 5 Zakaria Aladui JJ Abrams Walter John Huneck Kacee DeMasi Allan Ekelund Brennan William Wyler Steven Soderbergh Jerry Zucker Robert Josph L. Mankiewicz Fred 6 Norman Zemeckis Danny DeVito Tony Brownrigg Zinnemann Denise Patty Milos Forman Gay Gerald R. Molen Denis Holt Ridley Chris Colombus Minter Bonfilio Clint Robert Downey Sr. Scott 4 Eastwood 5 Joseph Ruttenburg Lawrence Kasdan Barry Levinson Robert Richardson Jonathan Robert Surtees Robert De Niro George Templeton Latham Jane Whitney Houston Hartwell Ralph S. Haskell Janusz Barry Bernardi Louis M. Wiard Brown Wexler Kaminski Leon Shamroy Singleton Lucino Mann Ihnen Dustin Kevin Edgardo Jan Foster Hoffman Spacey Visconti Jay Roach Great Watkins Pabarno Guido Arthur Miller Leonardo Di Caprio 3 Ki-Duk Carlos Gerald R. Cerasuolo Kim Menendez 4 Molen Vivien Leigh Maggie Lee Katz Howard Stern Annie Ismail Merchant Elizabeth Symes Philip M. Smith Peter Jay-Z Lennox Daryl Kass Marco Oliveri James Stewart Goldfarb Kevin Smith Jackson Hsiao-hsien Hou John Bailey James P. Katherine Phil Rawlins Jan De Bont John Glen Jeff J.J. Authors Irving James Hogan Berlin Erwin Ronald L. Hepburn Magic Johnson Ivory Ron Fricke Godschalk Schwary Richard A. Harris Tod Browning Abby Singer George Bam Margera Hans Stanley Kramer Stevens Zimmer Ron Shelton 200m Kazuo Roger Michael Cary Grant Jon Landau Caine Miyagawa Irving G. Thalberg Daltrey Roger John Juan Clemente Halle Berry Jon De Bello Vangelis John Williams Douglas Trumbull 2 Elton John Moby Waters Carpenter 3 Propser Jack N. Green Barry Sting John Frankenheimer Sonnenfeld Badly Drawn Prince Julia Orson Boy Roberts Welles Hal Hartley Albert S. Frédéric Anjelica Huston Sol Tryon Takeshi David Steven Ruddy Ted Turner Auburtin Doddy Dorn Joel Coen Kitano Lean Spielberg Adrian Edmonson Arthur C. Clarke 2 Jerry Bruckheimer Christopher Scott Josef Von Sternberg Anthony Jim Carrey Jane Savage Jackie Gleason Trimble Joel Coen Takeshi Frank Capra George Minghella George Campion Howard Kitano Tomasini Gabrel Yared Michael William Goldman Hawks Jamie Foxx Tom DiCillo Dennis Hopper Sean Jon Ray Bradbury Connery Else Indira Gandhi Alan Hugh Hal Roach Stanley Alda Steve Blair Brian Jonathan Tracey Allegra Laurie James Brooke Roman Kubrick Martin Breard McNulty Filley Gibbons Clegg Fargo Krinsky Coppola 200m Bill Groucho Marx John Paxton Alfonso Branka Eugen Dinca Kurt Jack Todd Michael David Mary. Belushi Rudolf Nureyev Cobain Haley Jr. Solondz Hitchcock Curaon Coatsworth Lustig Allegeun Harvey That movie has warped my fragile little mind. Weinstein 1 Shaznay2 Lewis 3 Matt Stone 4 Jerry Alan 654 3 2 Darren 1 Hiro Goldsmith David Smithee Paul Richard Thorpe Dave Chasen Babe Ruth Larry King Hito Aronofsky Cronenberg Steve-O M. Night Jack Thomas Christopher Chuck Norris Elmer Shyalaman Nicholson Richard Anderson Linklater Reeve Michael Jordan Vinnie Jones Bernstein James A. Sullivan Jodie Foster Sofia David O. Coppola for ExCeL Selznik William Storkson 150m Ice James Robert Redford Carl Hubbell Ethan Cameron Roger Jonathan Cube B R Chopra Ringo The Fab Four Lisbee John Waters Avary Demme Arnold Quentin Pete Starr Rosanna Schwarzenegger Tarantino Silver Screen Seeger Jay Leno Arquette Mel Gibson Freddie Mercury Wolfgang Petersen Al Franken Lloyd Ahern II Anthony Brian De Al Michael J. Juliette Rusty Spike Vincent Gallo Elvis Presley David O. Russell José Luis George Carter Burwell 100m Joey Ramone Gary Hopkins Palma Pacino Fox Binoche Blitz Jonze Akira Escolar Harrison Lars Von Trier John Malkovich Tieche Jack Kurosawa William Cardiff Edward Norton Paul Shatner Roger Geri Halliwell McCartney Deakins Don Martin 2 Argott Adam Sandler Colin Farrell Kathie Lee Scorcese Gifford Brian May Bruce Willis The Fab Four Aaron Dar Robinson Brett Favre Schneider Edward D. Wood Jr. Conrad Hall Emil Ascher Lew Rywin Heather Graham for Heathrow Terminal 4 Ian McKellen Frank Sinatra Mary Freddie Mercury John Lennon Sweeney Silver Screen Bob Barker Ronald Moviemakers Tube Map The price is wronnng, bitch Poseidon Adventure John Candy Neame Thomas David Baker 2005 Cole Porter Monty Python http://bluebones.net/mmap/ Alicia Witt Mos Def Orlando Bloom [email protected] John Bruno Ethan Coen Lyndon Johnson Special thanks to imdb.com River Phoenix 100m Princess Diana Tony Hawk 3 Charles B. Fitzsimons Oscar Wins Points to remember Key to lines and symbols Augustin Almodovar Multi-talented Individuals Harry Horner 11 Ben-Hur Editor The man who frightens Wendy in The Shining by saying Hammersmith The 1956 Oscar for Best Screenplay went to Robert Rich. Editor Producer "Great party, isn't it?" was played by Editor Norman Gay. & City No such person existed. It was blacklisted Dalton Trumbo. Gale Ann Hurd 11 Titanic You talkin' to me? 2 Andy Serkis and Elijah Wood were given prop rings used in Return James Horner Metropolitan Production Manager 11 Lord of the Rings: RotK Production Manager Antz (1998) of the King. They each thought they had the only one. Art Director You’re the cutest jailbird I ever did see 10 West Side Story Irving G. Thalberg prodcued three films that won Best Picture Director Lawrence Bender Michael 9 Gigi Director Northern Mann Jailhouse Rock (1957) without winning any other Oscars. Special Thanks To Chris Gorak 100m 9 The Last Emperor Actor Actor/Actress Thanks for Everything, Julie Newmar One of Our Aircraft is Missing (1942) Kazuo Miyagawa "invented"4 pointing a camera at the sun. The English Patient Piccadilly McG 9 had the name "Jake Gittes" written on the Appears As Himself/Herself Scott Rudin District Part of the set of the Poseidon Adventure (1972) was built on a In Tribute To Gone With The Wind shirts used in Chinatown (1974) to help get in character. Heeeere's Johnny 8 hydraulic system which would raise it to a 45° angle, and The Fab Four From Here to Eternity Writer Jacques-Yves Cousteau 8 On The Waterfront camera tricks were used to suggest more severe angles.

Composer Braveheart (1995) Oprah Winfrey East Jumbish: A Movement - The Movie (1986) Assistant Director 8 My Fair Lady Commando (1988) Waterloo & City In the credits to Clerks (1994) Harvey Weinstein is 's 1962 epic LAWRENCE OF ARABIA is unique in 3 8 Gandhi thanked "for an unforgettable order of potato skins". being the only film to win the Best Film award without Say hello to my little friend Morgan Spurlock 8 Amadeus Oscar Winner containing a single female speaking role. Ron Howard Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn.