Matthew 26

Then said to them, ‘All of you will be made to stumble because of Me this night, for it is written: “I will strike the Shepherd, and the sheep of the flock will be scattered”’ (Matthew 26:31).

PREVIEW: In Matthew 26, Jesus celebrates the meal with His disciples, He is betrayed and taken to the high priest, and Peter denies knowing Him. Matthew 26 Outline:

The Religious Leaders Plot to Kill Jesus - Read Matthew 26:1-5

Mary Anoints Jesus for Burial - Read Matthew 26:6-13

Judas Agrees to Betray Jesus - Read Matthew 26:14-16

The Passover is Prepared - Read Matthew 26:17-19

The Passover is Celebrated - Read Matthew 26:20-25

The Lord’s Supper is Instituted - Read Matthew 26:26-29

Peter’s Denial is Predicted - Read Matthew 26:30-35

Jesus’ Three Prayers - Read Matthew 26:36-46

Jesus’ Betrayal and Arrest - Read Matthew 26:47-56

Two False Witnesses - Read Matthew 26:57-68

Three Denials of Peter - Read Matthew 26:69-75

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The Religious Leaders Plot to Kill Jesus - Read Matthew 26:1-5

1. The Passover, a time to remember Israel’s deliverance out of Egypt, was near. What did Jesus tell His disciples was going to happen during the Passover (v. 2)?

2. Matthew records an event that occurred in the palace of the high priest. Who was the high priest and what occurred in his palace (vv. 3-5)?

Mary Anoints Jesus for Burial - Read Matthew 26:6-13

3. Where in was Jesus (v. 6)? What is very unusual about the place He stayed?

4. A woman came into the place Jesus was staying. Who was this woman (see :3)? What did she do to Jesus (v. 7)?

5. When the disciples saw what the woman did, what was their attitude and reaction (v.8-9)? Which disciple reacted that way (see John 12:4)? Why (see John 12:6.)?

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6. Jesus defended the woman’s actions and explained why she performed them (v. 10). What was the reason for her lavish demonstration (v. 12)?

7. What did Jesus say would be done as a memorial to the woman (v. 13)?

Judas Agrees to Betray Jesus - Read Matthew 26:14-16

8. With whom did make a deal, and why (v. 14-15)?

9. Those with whom Judas arranged a deal agreed to pay him. How much did they agree to pay (v. 15)? Why do you think they offered that amount? (See Exodus 21:32 and :12-13.)

10. After Judas arranged the deal, what was he on the lookout for (v. 16)?

The Passover is Prepared - Read Matthew 26:17-19

11. The Feast of Unleavened Bread is a seven day event. On the first day of the feast, what did the disciples ask Jesus (v. 17)?

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12. Jesus instructed His disciples to go into the city, to a certain man. How would they know which man (See :13.)?

13. What were the disciples instructed to tell the master of the house where the certain man went in (v. 18)? (See also Mark 14:14-15.)

The Passover is Celebrated - Read Matthew 26:20-25

14. Jesus and His twelve disciples sat down to celebrate the Passover (v. 20). What announcement did Jesus make while they were eating (v. 21)?

15. How did the disciples react to His announcement (v. 22)?

16. Jesus informed His disciples who the announcement referred to (v. 23). Who was Jesus referring to and what woe did He pronounce upon that person (v. 24)?

17. Look carefully at how eleven of the disciples referred to Jesus when they asked, “Is it I?” (v. 22). How did the person Jesus pronounced a woe upon refer to Him (v. 25)? (See also 1 Corinthians 12:3.)

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The Lord’s Supper is Instituted - Read Matthew 26:26 - 29

18. While Jesus and His disciples were eating the Passover feast, He took bread and gave it a special meaning. What meaning did He assign to it (v. 26)?

19. Jesus also assigned a special meaning to the cup of wine. What did He ask the disciples to do with the cup of wine (v.27), and what meaning did He assign to it (v. 28)?

Peter’s Denial is Predicted - Read Matthew 26:30-35

20. After the Passover meal, Jesus and His disciples sang a hymn, possibly one of the Hallel Psalms, like Psalm 113 and the five that follow it. Where did they go afterward (v. 30)?

21. Jesus quoted :7 as a prophecy that would be fulfilled through the disciples. What did Jesus say the disciples would do (v. 31)?

22. Jesus looked beyond the coming crucifixion and told the disciples what would happen and where He would meet them. What did he say (v. 32)? (See also :7, 10, and 16-17.)

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23. After hearing Jesus quote the prophecy, what did Peter confess (v. 33)?

24. How did Jesus respond to Peter’s confession (v. 34)? (See also Matthew 26:69-75.)

25. What did all the disciples confess (v. 35)?

Jesus’ Three Prayers - Read Matthew 26:36-46

26. is a garden at the foot of the , where Jesus went to pray (v. 36). Who did Jesus take with Him to pray, and how did He feel (v. 37)? What did Jesus ask them to do while He prayed (v. 38)?

27. What did Jesus do before praying to the Father (v. 39)? What request did He make of the Father?

28. When Jesus returned from praying, what were the disciples doing? What did He ask them to do, and what warning did He give them (vv.40-41)?

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29. Jesus went off to pray a second time. What was His second prayer (v. 42)?

30. What were the disciples doing the second time Jesus returned to them (v. 43)? What did Jesus do this time (v. 44)?

31. What was Jesus’ third request of the Father (v. 44)?

32. The third time Jesus returned to His disciples, what did He tell them (v. 45-46)?

Jesus’ Betrayal and Arrest - Read Matthew 26:47-56

33. While Jesus was informing His disciples, who arrived on the scene, and what did they bring with them (v. 47)?

34. The term “His betrayer” is used of whom (v. 48)? In what manner was He betrayed (v. 49)? (See also Proverbs 27:6.)

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35. While Jesus was being betrayed, how did He refer to His betrayer (v. 50)? (See also :9, 55:13 and Zechariah 13:6.)

36. One of Jesus’ disciples drew his sword (v. 51). Who was it? What did he do with it? Who was affected? (See :10.)

37. Jesus was not worried about those who came to betray Him. Why (v. 53)?

38. Jesus referred to the Scriptures that must be fulfilled. What do those Scriptures say? (See :6, 53:2–11, Luke 24:25–27, 44– 46; and Acts 17:3, 26:23.)

39. When Jesus was betrayed, what did the disciples do (v. 56)? (See also Zechariah 13:7.)

Two False Witnesses - Read Matthew 26:57-68

40. When Jesus was in the hands of His betrayers, where did they take Him? Who was there? Who followed at a distance (v. 57-58)? (See also John 18:15-16.)

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41. Two false witnesses came forward. What did they testify that they heard Jesus say? Did Jesus ever say that (vv. 60-61)? (See :40, Mark 14:58, 15:29, John 2:19, and Acts 6:14.)

42. , the high priest from AD 18 to 36 and son–in–law to Annas (John 18:13), arose and asked Jesus, “Do You answer nothing? What is it these men testify against You?” But Jesus kept silent (v. 63) Why did Jesus keep silent when being accused? (See Isaiah 53:7)

43. Caiaphas, put Jesus “under oath by the living God.” What did he tell Jesus to answer under oath (v. 63)?

44. How did Jesus answer Caiaphas (v. 64)? How did Caiaphas respond to Jesus’ answer (v. 65)?

45. Based upon Jesus’ response to Caiaphas, what did the chief priests, the elders, and all the council determine (v. 66)? What did they do to Jesus once they determined this (v. 67-68)?

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Three Denials of Peter - Read Matthew 26:69-75

46. Peter was sitting in the courtyard of the high priest’s home. What was he doing there (:55)? Who approached Peter, (Mark 14:66) and what did they accuse him of (v. 69)? (See also Luke 22:56.)

47. How did Peter respond to the accusation (v. 70)?

48. Peter left his accusers in the courtyard. Where did he go? Who did he see there (Mark 14:69) and what did they accuse him of (v. 71)?

49. How did Peter respond to that second accusation (v. 72)? How was it different from his first response?

50. About an hour later (Luke 22:59), Peter received a third accusation. How was that accusation different from the first two (v. 73)? Who made the third accusation (John 18:26)?

51. How did Peter respond to their third accusation (v. 74)? How was it different from his first two responses?

52. What happened immediately after Peter denied knowing Jesus the third time (v. 74)? What did Peter remember (v. 75)? What was Peter’s response to what he had done and what he had remembered?

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