Present: Councillor Clarke (Chairman) Councillors Banner, Barnard, Johnson, McLachlan and Trenbath WB Councillor McCarthy I M Lowe, Parish Clerk

The Parish Council will take account of Section 17 of the Crime & Disorder Act in all their discussions and decisions.

54. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies for absence were received from WB Cllrs Bretherton and Brinksman.


A: WBC Cllr McCarthy reported:

Drainage problem Moss Lane – work has been carried out. 57 School Lane – engineer has been on site – checking to see if drain needs further work. Red Roofs, Dam Lane also a drainage problem.

Colliers Tip – tipping – 2012 – finished landscape by 2018 nothing has happened – an enforcement action is now taking place.

Cllr Clarke - Briar Avenue – flooding – Clerk to send copy of emails to Cllr McCarthy.

Cllr McLachlan – Flooding still happening at Glazebrook Lane/ Road junction.

RESOLVED:- That the reports be received and Cllr McCarthy agreed to look into problems highlighted by the Parish Council.

B: Police Only 3 incidents.

Criminal damage Carlton Way – tyre damage. Theft of metal – Holly Bush Lane. Bicycle Theft School Lane

Speed Enforcement on Glazebrook Lane on 2 occasions 1st No offenders 2nd 17 offenders (9 of which are local)

Questions raised re helicopter over village – Police no knowledge.

RESOLVED:- That the report be received and noted.

C: Public Rights of Way Forum – WBC – Cllr Barnard attended raised the question re horses using footpath at side of Cemetery – if footpath wide enough horses can use. Alan Bailey will be thanked officially for being the footpath warden for four years. RESOLVED:- That the report be received and noted.

D: Parish Plan Meeting Cllr Clarke attended meeting, nothing to report. Cllr Banner raised an issue and referred to an article :-


“Non-statutory document – material consideration in planning decisions.

No legal requirements – Good Practice, experience and advice guides the process.

Led by a Steering Group of volunteers from the community with support from the Parish or Town Council where it exists. The group has access to a wider range of funding than a Parish or Town Council.

Not bound by statutory rules therefore can deal with broader ranging issues and benefits e.g. tangible projects e.g. village hall refurbishments and process related to ‘soft’ outcomes e.g. improved communication.

Local launch within the community, adoption by the Parish Council and presentation to the Borough Council – no examinations or referenda therefore risk is lower but protocols will depend on the Borough Councils’ own procedures.

Although Borough Councils are not required by law to approve and support Parish Plans, the process is much more successful if they do and greater benefits are achieved.

Cost – On average it costs between £3k to £10k depending on population size and amount of volunteer support. Much wider range of potential funders e.g. Lottery, Trusts, Borough Councils and private sponsorship. “

and in particular the reference to the need for Adoption of the plan by the Parish Council. Cllr McLachlan said he would bring this to the attention of the Parish Plan Group.

RESOLVED:- That the report and information be received and noted.

E: Surgery 25 August Cllr Trenbath and Cllr Clarke attended. No residents attended but Cllr Trenbath approached by : Mr & Mrs Jackson of 2 St Helens Close – trees adjacent to the Community Hall – refer to Community Hall Committee. Mrs Collier – land to rear of Bank Street – check location of trees. RESOLVED:- That Mr & Mrs Jackson be informed they need to contact the Community Hall Committee. Location of trees on Bank Street – site to be checked.

56. MINUTES The Minutes of the PC Meeting held on 19 July 2012 were submitted to the Meeting. RESOLVED:- That the Minutes of the PC Meeting held on 19 July 2012 be accepted as a true record.


Hollingreave Farm – Cllr Banner attended WB Council Meeting. Firstly asked for a site visit and then at the second meeting added that as the affordable house had been removed requested that the £45,000 be ring fenced for 5 years to be invested in the Parish after 5 years if not used will be placed in general WBC fund. RESOLVED:- That the report be received and noted.


59. CASUAL VACANCY The Clerk submitted a letter from David Mee applying to fill the vacancy. RESOLVED:- That the application for the vacancy be agreed and filled by David Mee.

60. WORKS TO COMMUNITY HALL CAR PARK The Clerk submitted letter from the Community Hall Committee stating they could not recall asking for financial help from the Parish Council for their car park repairs and hoped the Parish Council had not spent too much time discussing this matter. RESOLVED:- That the letter be received and noted.

61. FLOODING AT 4 BRIAR AVENUE The Clerk submitted copy of an email sent to WBC from the resident and copied tot the Chairman. The Clerk has contacted WBC on behalf of the resident and a response has now been sent to the resident from WBC and hopefully from this the necessary action will be taken. The Parish Council will keep a watching brief to ensure work is carried out to prevent this happening again. RESOLVED:- (a) That the emails be received and noted; (b) That the Clerk’s action be approved; (c) That copies of the email be forwarded to Cllr McCarthy



1. Mr John Sutton

Requested better signage on Manchester Road at the junction of Glazebrook Lane and A57.

a. Traffic entering junction from , no signs to suggest the road ahead narrows to single lane. On checking there are three signs one just before the lights on the left and then two more either side of the road across the lights plus white direction arrows on the road. Mr Sutton informed.

b. Complaint re parking outside the Black Swan opposite the bus stop. I spoke to the PCSO and he will pass complaint to PCSO Bethan Roberts.

c. Provision of safety barrier at exit of passage way, from the playing area and village green, onto Birch Road. Spoke to the Councillor McCarthy who will bring the question to WBC.

d. Complained re the mess outside the Red Lion re cigarette butts. I spoke to the PCSO who will have a word with the landlord.

e. War Memorial could perhaps it be cleaned and some refurbishment. I told him it was to be cleaned over the next few weeks by Parish Council’s contractor.

f. He suggested that there were names missing from the cenotaph. I had a follow up meeting with him on 2/7/12 at which he gave me the names of three soldiers from the Hollingreen who died during WW1. I told him I would follow it up.

3. Roy Brotherton

a. Parking issue re large wagon parking on the entry corner of Briar Ave causing an obstruction for the Bin wagons. I spoke to the PCSO and he will have a word with the owner of this vehicle.

David McC asked if I could discuss with both the councillor and PCSO the possibility of reducing the speed limit on Birch rd to 20 miles per hour. I spoke with them together and councillor McCarthy will discuss with WBC

63. SLCC – THE CLERK MAGAZINE The Clerk submitted the magazine as an article on the Cemetery was part of the content. RESOLVED:- That the Clerk’s article be received and noted.

64. A NEW POLICE AND CRIME COMMISSIONER FOR CHESHIRE The Clerk submitted letter and questionnaire from John Dwyer and invitation to a presentation to be held on 17/10/12 at 7.30 p.m. at Toft Cricket Club, Booths Hall, Chelford Road, Knutsford, WA16 8QP. If anyone is interested details need to be given. RESOLVED:- (a) That the letter be received and questionnaire completed; (b) That places be reserved for Councillors if they wish to attend.

65. 20 MPH DELIVERY – HOLLINS GREEN The Clerk submitted copy of email from Cllr McCarthy :-

“I can confirm that it is proposed to introduce the new limit on all the residential roads including School Lane from a point to the south west of the junction with Marsh Brook Close to the war memorial and on Dam Lane approximately 50m north west of the junction with School Lane through to Manchester Road. Also, Manchester Road from approximately 50m north west of the junction with Dam Lane through to and just beyond the junction with Birch Road. With the more densely populated areas of Warrington receiving the greatest priority to link the existing 20mph speed limit areas together the Authority will be generating a central core to 20mph streets in the compacted residential areas. Where the priority of areas may conflict, road traffic collisions and casualty records will be used to maximise the benefits early in the project. The prioritisation of delivering isolated 20mph outside of schools has proven not to be of benefit as short lengths of lower speed limits are generally ignored as proven with 12 previously introduced sites across the Borough. When looking at the wider picture, with most delivery areas of 20mph containing schools, to prioritise on that criteria would see little change in the delivery order. As previously mentioned the prioritisation then through road traffic collisions and casualty records would not assist most of the schools in the Borough for where there are always concerns of safety at these locations the actual recorded injury of children or parents near to schools is thankfully practically none existent, including St Helen’s C of E School

For information, checking the collision history, there have been no recorded injuries on the residential length of School Lane and Birch Road in the past five years. The schedule of works has been identified for 2014/15 but we will be looking to have the legal aspect in place on site as early in the financial year as possible to complete the Borough wide delivery as quickly as possible.

Traffic Management are looking in to the bend warning signage and will update you accordingly in that matter. I hope the above information provides the reasoning for the delivery prioritisation although I appreciate that this is not desirable for the residents of Hollins Green.” RESOLVED:- That the email be received and noted and works awaited.

66. ‘IN THE KNOW’ NEWSLETTER The Clerk submitted letter from Hamilton Davies Trust asking for any information the Parish Council would like to be put in the next edition. RESOLVED:- That the Chairman submit a report to ‘In the Know’.


Warrington Rights of Way Forum - 29/8/12 Inside Government - Courses in London NALC Conference - 20/9/12 28/11/12 WBC Green Flag Award - 8/8/12 Warrington Voluntary Action - 25/10/12


A: Recreation Ground – Nothing to report.

B: Glazebrook Village Green The Clerk reported that the work has now been completed in cutting hedges and groundwork in the treed area. The cost of the works £445.72 + VAT £89.14. RESOLVED:- That the payment of £445.72 + VAT £89.14 be paid.

C: Monument/Cenotaph The Clerk reported that the works of clearing, repair and resealing have now been carried out at a cost of £2,200 + VAT £440. RESOLVED:- That the payment of £2,200 + V AT £440 be paid.

69. NEIGHBOURHOOD BOARD Nothing to report. Meeting is next week.

70. DRAFT NEW CODE OF CONDUCT Tim Date from WBC attended the Parish Council prior to the Meeting and spoke to the Parish Councillors regarding the new Code of Conduct produced by WBC which the Parish Council adopted at the previous meeting and explained that he is not only the Borough Solicitor but also the Monitoring officer and any complaints in respect of the Parish Council would be dealt with by him. Tim Date also explained the details of the form ‘Disclosure of Pecuniary Interests’ and explained that some disclosures can be sensitive and therefore excluded from publication on WBC’s internet site. Parish Councillors asked about this and declared disclosures they felt should be classed as sensitive and these were agreed by Tim Date. The Clerk and Members thanked Tim Date for his time and the discussions which helped them understand the new procedures. RESOLVED:- That the report be received and the Clerk email Mr Tim Date confirming the sensitive disclosures.

71. SALE OF GLAMIS WOOD The Clerk submitted letter from the Community Hall Committee asking the Parish Council to attend their Meeting on 24 September 2012.

“The above correspondence was discussed at our community meeting on 23rd July following the Public Meeting of the same date.

Following the vote at the Public Meeting to ‘not sell the land’ the Hall committee would like to discuss your offer further at our next meeting on the 24th September. To enable us to fully consider your offer could you please provide a breakdown of how you propose to do this.

To confirm Cllr David Trenbath publicly stated that the Parish Council would ‘maintain and insure Glamis Wood in perpetuity’.

The ownership of the land remains with the Community Hall.”

The Clerk reported that she had attended a Meeting with Cllr Trenbath and WB Cllr Officers for advice on how the land needed to be maintained. A report from WBC gave full details of Management Objectives for this land in 3 phases (see Appendix A). Following this Meeting, 3 quotations have been asked for and received. RESOLVED:- (A) That the item relating to Quotations be heard in Part 2; (B) That Cllr Trenbath attends the Community Hall Committee to outline the Parish Council’s intentions.


72. ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENT A: RESOLVED:- That the following 8 accounts be authorised for payment-

Audit Commission (External Audit) £ 162.00 100099 WBC (Ground maintenance & hedge cutting Glazebrook Village Green) £ 534.86 100100 D & N Shotblasting (clean,repair & reseal Monument/Cenotaph) £2640.00 100101 I M Lowe (paper,stamps,printer ink,copy chges) £ 84.21 100102 I M Lowe (3 months salary) £1129.00 100103 HM Revenue & Customs (3 months Income Tax) £ 282.20 100104 I M Lowe (3 months internet @ £7.50) £ 22.50 100105 I M Lowe (3 months telephone rental) £ 50.00 100106

B: The Clerk submitted the result of the Annual Audit which states “the information in the annual return is in accordance with proper practices and no matters have come to our attention giving concern that relevant legislation on regulatory requirements have not been made.” The letter requires that copies of the Annual Return are placed for a period of 14 days stating the Audit has been completed, as the Parish Council were in recess the Clerk had placed the details of the Annual Return and completion of Audit on the Notice Boards and in the two Post Offices. RESOLVED:- That the result of the Audit be received and the Clerk’s action in placing the Notices on the Notice Boards and in the 2 Post Office be approved.

C: Appointment of External Auditor from 2012/2013 The Clerk submitted letter from the Audit Commission dated 29/.8/12 stating the new Auditor is BDO LLP. RESOLVED:- That the letter be received and noted.

D: Bank Reconciliation 01/4/2012 to 20/04/2012 The Clerk submitted the above reconciliation (see Appendix B). RESOLVED:- That the Bank Reconciliation be received and checked by Cllr Johnson before the next Parish Council Meeting.


2012/20399 – 343 Manchester Road – single storey extension. No objection.

2012/20450 – Townley Brow Farm, Dam Lane – application for Variation of condition 1 to extend the time limit for implementation of previously approved permission 2009/15188 (Demolition of existing store and construction of store and stables). No objection.

2012/20425 – 3 School Lane – retrospective application for single storey rear extension. No objection.

2012/20258 – Rixton Old Hall, Manchester Road – Listed Building Consent for removal of the oil tank currently situated within the building and provision of a new self bunded oil tank external to the building. Provision of louvred doors in the external wall for ventilation to the boiler room. Provision of a flue from the boiler through the roof. No objection.

2012/20470 – Bridge Farm, Dam Lane – Application for prior notification of a machine store. No objection.

B: 270 Glazebrook Lane – Alleged unauthorised development to property and land adjoining. The Clerk reported that she had asked if a planning application had again been received regarding building of the ‘pods’ on land and had been told no. WBC are investigating ad to what buildings are now on site. RESOLVED:- That the letter be received and information awaited.

C: Trafford Council i. Trafford Local Plan: Land Allocations – online http://www.trafford.gov.uk/ldf ii. Community Infrastructure Levy – online www.trafford.gov.uk/ldf

D: Salford City Council Supplementary Planning Documents online – www.salford.gov.uk/flood-risk

E: WBC – Local Plan Core Strategy – Submission The Clerk submitted letter dated 19/9/12 from W”BC stating that :-

“Warrington’s Local Plan Core Strategy will be the overarching strategic policy document in the Local Planning Framework which will guide the location and level of development in the borough up to 2027. It will replace most of the policies in the Unitary Development Plan adopted in January 2006 and will be the document against which all future planning applications will be assessed.

A planning inspector will now be appointed by the Secretary of State to carry out an independent examination of the Core Strategy, and determine whether it is sound and legally compliant. The examination process runs from the date of submission through to the receipt of the appointed Planning Inspector’s Report. This process will involve a number of hearing sessions where those invited to attend will have the opportunity to respond to matters raised by the appointed Planning Inspector. Once confirmed, all details relating to the examination process and hearing sessions will be advertised, made available online and sent to all respondents to the previous Proposed Submission Draft consultation.

Informal advice from the Planning Inspectorate has led to a number of modifications to the Local Plan Core Strategy being suggested by the Council at submission. These have been provided to the Secretary of State for their consideration. If the appointed inspector considers these modifications to be appropriate, they will be included in his or her final report and will be subject to further consultation as appropriate.”

Document available to view at www.warrington.gov.uk/localplan


1. Swan Brew grids blocked. 2. Outside Church House grid blocked. 3. Footpath 9 not accessible – Cllr Johnson will deal with this 4. Gullies Dam Lane 58 and outside Smithy gate 5. Rifle Range – Officer reported back stating after speaking to the firearms unit private range had no need to inform the public of range in use. 6. Tour of Britain Cycle race well supported.