Jaleigh Johnson | 310 pages | 02 Sep 2008 | | 9780786949663 | English | United States Mistshore (novel)

Mistshore by Jaleigh Johnson is one of a series of stand alone novels in the Presents Waterdeep series. The other novels also in the series are; Blackstaff Tower: Ed Greenwood Presents Waterdeep by Steven Schend which was also released in September, , Downshadow: Ed Greenwood Presents Waterdeep by Erik Scott de Bie scheduled for release in April, , and City of the Dead: Ed. Volo's guide and the info from the Waterdeep hardcover (or earlier City of Splendors / City System / FR Atlas) are all out of date. I know a few NPCs like Durnan are still alive (due potions of longevity or other magics), but most of the shops / shopkeepers shouldn't be, as over years has passed. Mistshore is set in the 4th Edition universe. The novel is part of the Ed Greenwood Presents: Waterdeep series, a set of standalone novels written by various authors that can be read in any order. The series provides readers with an introduction to the Forgotten Realms and the city of Waterdeep as it exists years in the future. Mistshore (Forgotten Realms Ed Greenwood Presents Waterdeep Series)

Fr Waterdeep: Mistshore by Jaleigh Johnson, , available at Book Depository with free delivery worldwide. But when things go from bad to worse, and her friends start paying for her mistakes, Icelin learns she has to embrace the talents she fears, accept the past she runs. Mistshore was the name given to the dilapidated north shore of Waterdeep's harbor in the late a collection of inspiration for settings, npcs, and pcs for my sci -fi. MODERATORS

Mistshore, written by Jaleigh Johnson, is the second installment of the new Ed Greenwood Presents Waterdeep series, each book detailing a different part of DR Waterdeep. Mistshore provides us with not only a great story but an excellent and most interesting locale. 6 Jan @TheEdVerse Hi Ed! I was wondering if you could tell me where exactly is Mistshore on a map of Waterdeep please! — cro (@_cromac). Mistshore (Ed Greenwood Presents Waterdeep, book 2) by Jaleigh Johnson are an excellent entry point for new readers interested in the Forgotten Realms. The Mistshore, Waterdeep

Waterdeep is a city teeming with life. Thousands of busy people daily seeking to eke out livings in a wealthy crossroads port. In Mistshore, Jaleigh Johnson vividly brings that life off the page for every reader, taking us into the lives of some fascinating individuals who are part of the shadier side of Waterdhavian life. Fr Waterdeep: Mistshore by Jaleigh Johnson, , available at Book Depository with free delivery worldwide. When Icelin is threatened by a mysterious who seems to know a great deal about her history, she is forced to flee to Mistshore, a part of Waterdeep that is cloaked in mystery and often avoided. Joined by a monk named Ruen and a butcher named Sull, two accomplices she meets along the way, Icelin descends into the little-visited, unkempt.