b To the Mayor and Councillors of the London Borough of Lambeth


Chamber, Lambeth Town Hall, Brixton Hill, SW2 1RW on Wednesday 4 June 2014 at 7.00 pm


Further Information If you require any further information or have any queries please contact: Tim Stephens, Telephone: 020 7926 2754; Email: [email protected]

Published on: Tuesday 27 May 2014

@LBLdemocracy on Twitter http://twitter.com/LBLdemocracy or use #Lambeth Lambeth Council – Democracy Live on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/


Appendices to reports – bulky appendices are published on the website www.lambeth.gov.uk and can be obtained from Democratic Services. They are not circulated with the agenda.

Page Nos. 1. Election of Mayor

The election of Mayor must be the first business transacted at the annual meeting [Section 8 and Schedule 2 para 3 (1) of the 1972 Act]. Council is not properly constituted [Section 8 and Schedule 2 para 1 (2) of the 1972 Act] and cannot conduct any business until it is properly constituted. Following election, the Mayor will make and deliver the statutory Declaration of Acceptance of Office.

2. Election of Deputy Mayor

3. Report of Mayoral activities for 2013 -14 by the Deputy Mayor 1 - 2

The annual report on behalf of the late Mayor Councillor Mark Bennett is attached.

4. Declarations of Interests

Under Standing Order 4.4, where any councillor has a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest (as defined in the Members’ Code of Conduct (para. 4)) in any matter to be considered at a meeting of the Council, a committee, sub-committee or joint committee, they must withdraw from the meeting room during the whole of the consideration of that matter and must not participate in any vote on that matter unless a dispensation has been obtained from the Monitoring Officer.

5. Minutes (26.02.14) 3 - 24

For approval (attached)

6. Announcements 25 - 46

The results of the Local Election held on Thursday, 22 May 2014 are attached.

7. Leader of the Council, Cabinet portfolios, other admini stration and Opposition appointments

To follow.

8. Review of Allocation of Seats to Political Groups

To follow.

9. Constitution 2014 -15

To follow.

10. Members Allowance scheme 2014 -15

To follow.

Digital engagement We encourage people to use Social Media and we normally tweet from most Council meetings. To get involved you can tweet us @LBLDemocracy.

Audio/Visual Recording of meetings

Everyone is welcome to record meetings of the Council and its Committees using whatever, non- disruptive, methods you think are suitable. If you have any questions about this please contact Democratic Services (members of the press please contact the Press Office). Please note that the Chair of the meeting has the discretion to halt any recording for a number of reasons including disruption caused by the filming or the nature of the business being conducted.

Persons making recordings are requested not to put undue restrictions on the material produced so that it can be reused and edited by all local people and organisations on a non-commercial basis.


Ward Councillors (details via the website www.lambeth.gov.uk or phone 020 7926 2131) may be contacted at their surgeries or through Party Group offices to represent your views to the Council: (Liberal Democrats 020 7926 2028) (Conservatives 020 7926 2213) (Labour 020 7926 1166).

Further assistance:

Members of the public are welcome to attend this meeting and the Town Hall is fully accessible. If you have any specific needs please contact Facilities Management (020 7926 1010) in advance.

Page 1 Agenda Item 3

Council 4 June 2014

Annual report for the late Mayor Councillor Mark Bennett

Councillor Mark Bennett became the 100 th Mayor of the London Borough of Lambeth on 27 March 2013. He was in office for 10 months serving the borough; a place that he was immensely proud to be a part of.

Mark’s chosen charity was the Trussell Trust food banks ; a charity who provide a minimum of three days emergency food and support to people experiencing crisis in the UK. There are five food banks in Lambeth and Mark worked with the project leaders of the food banks to raise awareness of the hardships faced by many families. Food bins are still displayed in a number of Council building reception areas and have received very generous support from Lambeth staff and the public.

Mark was an avid Historian and so it will be no surprise that he was involved in Lambeth’s WW1 Centenary Commemorati ons. The forthcoming commemorations were of g reat importance to him especially in terms of working cooperatively with the community. He was involved in the planning of the programme from the outset having been invited to chair the steering group by Counc illor Prentice.

Mark was keen to commemorate the full period from the start of war in 2014 until the end in 2018. He was interested in supporting finding appropriate space within the and Stockwell memorial gardens to house the commemorative pav ing stones being given to Lambeth in memory of the soldiers awarded the Victoria Cross – he was also interested in supporting the building of a Commonwealth memorial in Windrush Square .

Mark attended more than 300 engagements throughout Lambeth representing the borough at voluntary sector and community group events, hospitals, hospices, churches and citizenship ceremonies welcoming new citizens into the borough. He attended 33 Lambeth sc hools at assemblies, record of achievement ceremonies, carol concerts, Summer fairs and art exhibitions. Mark’s expertise on social media ensured his many followers were kept informed of his engagements.

He was delighted to welcome members of the roya l family to the borough including HRH The Duke of York Prince Andrew who unveiled a plaque at Winn & Coales based in West Norwood who were receiving the Queens Award, HRH The Countess of Wessex in January this year who opened the new Livity School in Streatham Hill, and in October last year he welcomed Her Majesty The Queen two weeks running; first at the National Theatre an d again at the Ebony Horse Club.

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Wednesday 26 February 2014 at 7.00 pm




APOLOGIES: Councillor Christine Barratt, Councillor Steve Bradley, Councillor Diana Braithwaite, Councillor Niranjan Francis, Councillor Alexander Holland, Councillor Stephen Morgan, Councillor Dr Neeraj Patil, Councillor Leanne Targett-Parker and Councillor Christopher Wellbelove


1. PROCEDURAL MOTION MOVED by Councillor Matthew Bennett, SECONDED by Councillor Jane Edbrooke, and:


(1) To appoint the Deputy Mayor, Councillor Ade Aminu, as Chair of the meeting.

Page 4


(2) To approve the following order and approximate timings for the conduct of this meeting:

Agenda: Timings

2. Announcements: commemoration of the 7:00pm - Mayor of Lambeth, Councillor Mark Bennett

Five minute adjournment

1. Declaration of Interests

2. Announcements: remainder

3. Minutes (29.01.14) - 7.25pm

4. Petitions, PNQs and deputations 7:25pm-7:40pm

5. Revenue & Capital Budget 2014/15 – Provisional Budget Strategy 2015/16 – 2016/17 7:40pm-9:30pm

6. Terms of reference of the Planning Applications Committee: amendments 9:30pm-9:40pm

7. Constitution 2013-14: operation during the period after the Local Election and before the Annual Meeting of Council 9:40pm-9:45pm

8. Council Meetings 2014-15: timetable 9:45pm– 9:50pm

9. Pay Policy 9:50pm-10:00pm

Para. 5: Revenue & Capital Budget 2014/15 – Provisional Budget Strategy 2015/16 – 2016/17

(3) To suspend standing order 15.1 to the extent necessary to enable submitted amendments 1- 6 to be included on the agenda (a revised deadline of Monday 17 February 2014 (9am) was agreed informally between the Whips for the submission of amendments on this item).

(4) To suspend standing order 15.4 to the extent necessary to enable this debate be conducted as follows:

• Five minutes for the following lead speakers (for party groups, to be nominated by the relevant whip), in the following order:

- Administration (Labour) - Majority opposition (Liberal Democrat) - Minority opposition (Conservative) - Independent Member

• Three minutes for subsequent speakers, with these speaking rights being divided in accordance with proportionality, and speakers called by the Mayor

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from lists of proposed speakers provided by the Group Whips.

• Five minutes for one speaker for a summation of the debate by a member of each party group (to be nominated by the relevant whip).

- Minority opposition (Conservative) - Majority opposition (Liberal Democrat) - Administration (Labour)

Close of meeting

(5) To suspend Standing Order 9 to the extent necessary to enable Council to move to the vote as soon as item 9 has been considered.


The Deputy Mayor will use his discretion over the specific timings of the meeting, in the light of any necessary advice from officers and the views of group whips as to whether there are other councillors who wish to contribute new information to the budget debate (para. 5) prior to decisions being taken.

2. COMMEMORATION OF COU NCILLOR MARK BENNETT , THE MAYOR OF LAMBETH The Deputy Mayor, Councillor Ade Aminu, expressed his personal feelings on the passing of Councillor Mark Bennett, the Mayor of Lambeth. Council was also addressed by Councillors Lib Peck, Ashley Lumsden, John Whelan as party group leaders and Councillors Dave Malley and John Kazantzis as Streatham South Ward colleagues.

Council stood for one minute as a mark of respect to the Councillor.


The Deputy Mayor adjourned the meeting for a short period, during which councillors were invited to sign the book of condolence.


4. ANNOUNCEMENTS Apologies for lateness

Councillors Diana Morris, Florence Nosegbe and Clare Whelan.

5. MINUTES (29/01/14) RESOLVED : That the minutes of the Council meeting held on 29 January 2014 be agreed and signed by the Chair as a correct record of proceedings subject to the following corrections:

Minute 3: Announcements

Insert after apologies for absence:

iii Page 6

New Year’s Honours Lists 2014

Council was addressed by Councillors Lib Peck, Ashley Lumsden and John Whelan in respect of all the award winners and especially the recognition of the service by Councillor Daphne Marchant BEM.

Minute 5: Petitions, Public Notice Questions and Deputations (page 5)

Public Notice question

Delete existing supplementary question and answer, and insert:

Supplementary question

The following supplementary question was asked by Mr Julian Hall:

Mr Hall explained that the written answer only clarified a generic promise from the Labour Party to provide affordable housing, by highlighting the specific policy of selling off council housing to repair neglected stock. He felt the generic pledge failed to highlight the Council was proposing to sell off council housing in order to repair properties it failed to keep in order.

However, he was of the view that ‘shortlife’ homes have been classed as voids, and some ‘shortlife’ co-ops did, in fact, take nominations from the council’s waiting list. Furthermore, the 20% short life housing stock target was a pledge made at July 2012 Cabinet, which has been broken along with the party’s original manifesto pledge to supply affordable housing in the borough. Will the council now be specific on how the money from the disposal of these properties will be spent?

Supplementary answer

Councillor Pete Robbins explained that the council had a policy of disposing of void council properties with the funds generated from the disposal policy used to repair and bringing back into use existing void council homes. He advised that the council did not have the capital reserves to spend on bringing back short life housing up to Decent Homes standard. Recent changes in funding by local government means there is no grant available to make it economically viable for Housing Associations to buy council homes and then refurbish them as affordable housing stock. All receipts generated by the sale of discounted properties go into a single capital expenditure fund. In view of Government cuts Lambeth has been forced to reallocate funds from elsewhere in order to preserve housing, school and library services.

Minute 9: Calculation of council tax base and national non-domestic rates return 1 2015/2015 (page 28)


Special Circumstances Justifying Urgent Consideration

The Mayor was of the opinion that although this report had not been available for at least five clear days before the meeting, nonetheless it should be considered now as a matter of urgency because of the special circumstances that we are obliged to inform our precepting bodies of the information contained within by 31 January 2014. It has not been possible to complete this report any earlier due to the severe delays in the Department of Communities and Local Government (DCLG) releasing the necessary NNDR1 template and guidance.

iv Page 7


None presented.

Public Notice Questions

None received.


1. Arts and cultural sector funding and commissioning of services

Leader of deputation: Lara Macardle (Raw Material Music & Media)

Lara Macardle explained that she was representing all areas in Lambeth that were affected by the cuts to the arts and cultural sector. She advised that there was concern throughout the arts and culture community on the level of cuts to funding, and specifically highlighted the impact the cuts would have on young people. She concluded by stating the 100% cut to the arts and cultural budget was unfair and felt the long term effects had not been fully considered.

Response from Councillor Sally Prentice, Cabinet Member for Culture and Leisure

Councillor Sally Prentice thanked the deputation for attending the meeting and for raising the concerns from the Arts and Culture community. She advised that the budget for Arts and Culture had not been cut by 100%. She commented that new approaches were required for the delivery services, in view of the reduction in funding to the Council and to ensure cost effectiveness.

2. Lambeth Unison: council budget and budget cuts

Leader of deputation: Jon Rogers

Jon Rogers from Unison addressed Council on the proposed budget. He acknowledged that the level of cuts to Council funding was unprecedented and felt that frontline services were being unfairly affected. Whilst he understood that the cuts were coming from central government he felt that the Council should be doing more to resist the cuts and also should be looking at other ways to save money and should protect services for vulnerable people. He felt the budget did not truly reflect the Councils financial position as savings could be achieved elsewhere, such as agency workers. He expressed concern that agency workers costs had not been included in the budget. He felt this was wrong as there were over 500 agency workers currently in the Council with a large number at a cost of £50k - £100k per year. He further advised that had the Council listened to the Unions and implemented the pension changes earlier, additional savings would have been achieved. He hoped the Council would work with the Unions to minimise staff reductions.

Response from Councillor McGlone, Cabinet Member for Finance and Resources

Councillor Paul McGlone thanked the delegation from Unison for addressing Council and advised that the Council was on common ground with many of the concerns raised. He added that the Labour Administration did not accept the cuts from central government and had always challenged the detail before any determination was v Page 8

agreed. He advised that there was a focus on protecting jobs and frontline services and assured the deputation that work was already underway to reduce the number of agency workers within the council.

7. REVENUE & CAPITAL BU DGET 2014/15 - PROVISIONAL BUDGET STRATEGY 2015/16 - 2016/17 (report 289/13-14)

(a) Budget papers on the agenda


The budget recommendations from the administration 32-35 Amendments 1 – 3 from the Majority Opposition (Liberal Democrat) Group 211-213 Amendments 4 – 5 from the Minority Opposition (Conservative) Group 217-222 Amendments 6 from the Independent Member 223

(b) Note by Director of Corporate Affairs

Disclosable Pecuniary Interests (DPI)

Members do not have a DPI in respect of:

• Any business of the authority relating to setting the council tax. • Any external organisation of which they are a member and which may be in receipt of grant funding following approval of the Council’s budget for 2014/15 - 2016/17.

No formal dispensation is therefore required from the Monitoring Officer.

Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992, which prohibits councilors who are in council tax arrears (by two or more months) from voting on Budgets, continues to apply.

(c) Corrections by Strategic Director, Enabling

Revenue & Capital Budget 2014/15 – Provisional Budget Strategy 2015/16 – 2016/17 (page 34)

Recommendation (19):

Delete: Band E £365.45 Insert: Band E £365.44

Delete: Band G £498.34 Insert: Band G £498.33

Recommendation (20):

Delete: Band C £1,088.23 Insert: Band C £1,088.26

Delete: Band E £1,496.36 Insert: Band E £1,496.35

vi Page 9

Delete: Band G £2,040.49 Insert: Band G £2,040.48

So that the revised recommendations (19) and (20) read as follows:

(19) To note that for the year 2014/15 the Greater London Authority and its functional and predecessor bodies have provisional precepts (i.e. still to be formally adopted as at dispatch of this report), in accordance with Sections 88 and 89 of the Greater London Authority Act (1999) as amended by section 77 of the Localism Act 2011, for each of the categories of dwellings shown below:

Band A Band B Band C Band D £199.33 £232.56 £265.78 £299.00 Band E Band F Band G Band H £365.44 £431.89 £498.33 £598.00

(20) That having calculated the aggregate in each case of the amounts at 18(e) and 19 above, the Council approves the amounts of Council Tax for the year 2014/15 for each of the categories of dwellings as shown below:

Band A Band B Band C Band D £816.19 £952.23 £1,088.26 £1,224.29 Band E Band F Band G Band H £1,496.35 £1,768.42 £2,040.48 £2,448.58

Revenue & Capital Budget 2014/15 – Provisional Budget Strategy 2015/16 – 2016/17: Liberal Democrat Group amendments (page 211)

In para. two of the section 151 advice (line four):

Delete: to create a £5m ward investment fund. Insert: to create a ward investment fund and a fund for employment projects.

Annex 1 (pages 215 – 216)

On page 216; Liberal Democrat proposals 2014-15


Ward Investment Fund 0 5,000 5,000


Ward Investment Fund 0 4,700 4,700

Then insert:

Increase spending on 0 300 300 unemployment projects, with a focus on getting women into work

vii Page 10

to address the gap in unemployment between men and women

{Total savings remains unchanged}

The report at page 217 should be entitled “Revenue & Capital Budget 2014/15 – Provisional Budget Strategy 2015/16 – 2016/17: Conservative Group amendments ”.

(d) Recorded votes

The government recently made the “Local Authorities (Standing Orders) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2014” which make it mandatory for councils as soon as is practicable after the Regulations are in force, to amend their Standing Orders so as to include provisions requiring recorded votes at budget meetings. The necessary change to the council’s standing orders will be included in the Constitution 2014-15 to be submitted to the annual meeting of Council on 4 June 2014.

All votes on the budget will accordingly be recorded. If the electronic voting system is not in operation, a manual record will be taken. Each councillor, in alphabetical order, will be required to advise the Mayor whether they are for, against or abstaining on the issue.

The Deputy Mayor invited speakers from all parties from a list provided by the Whips. The speakers, in order, were:

Five minutes:

Councillor Paul McGlone Councillor Ashley Lumsden Councillor Julia Memery Councillor Clive Bennett

Three minutes:

Councillor Donatus Anyanwu Councillor Nigel Haselden Councillor Daphne Marchant Councillor Paul Gadsby Councillor Ann Kingsbury Councillor Jeremy Clyne Councillor Jim Dickson Councillor Mark Harrison Councillor Judy Best Councillor Mike Smith Councillor Brian Palmer Councillor Dave Malley Councillor Alex Davies Councillor Jane Pickard Councillor Kita Ogden Councillor Matthew Bennett Councillor Roger Giess Councillor Pete Robbins

Five minutes:

Councillor John Whelan

viii Page 11

Councillor Peter Truesdale Councillor Lib Peck

Voting :

Amendment 1

For: 11 Against: 40 Abstained: 0


For: Councillors Against: Councillors Abstained: Councillors Judy Best Donatus Anyanwu Ishbel Brown Mary Atkins Jeremy Clyne Clive Bennett Alex Davies Matthew Bennett Gavin Dodsworth Alex Bigham Roger Giess Carol Boucher Ashley Lumsden Jennifer Braithwaite Daphne Marchant Marcia Cameron Kita Ogden Lorna Campbell Brian Palmer Shirley Cosgrave Peter Truesdale Ed Davie Jim Dickson Jane Edbrooke Paul Gadsby Adrian Garden Mark Harrison Nigel Haselden Rachel Heywood Jack Hopkins John Kazantzis Ann Kingsbury David Malley Paul McGlone Jackie Meldrum Julia Memery Diana Morris Florence Nosegbe Helen O’Malley Matt Parr Lib Peck Jane Pickard Sally Prentice Pete Robbins Neil Sabharwal Mike Smith Martin Tiedemann Christine Valcarcel Imogen Walker Clare Whelan John Whelan

ix Page 12

Amendment 2

For: 10 Against: 38 Abstained: 0


For: Councillors Against: Councillors Abstained: Councillors Judy Best Donatus Anyanwu Ishbel Brown Mary Atkins Jeremy Clyne Clive Bennett Alex Davies Matthew Bennett Gavin Dodsworth Alex Bigham Roger Giess Carol Boucher Ashley Lumsden Jennifer Braithwaite Kita Ogden Marcia Cameron Brian Palmer Lorna Campbell Peter Truesdale Shirley Cosgrave Ed Davie Jim Dickson Jane Edbrooke Paul Gadsby Adrian Garden Mark Harrison Nigel Haselden Jack Hopkins John Kazantzis Ann Kingsbury David Malley Paul McGlone Jackie Meldrum Julia Memery Diana Morris Florence Nosegbe Helen O’Malley Matt Parr Lib Peck Jane Pickard Sally Prentice Pete Robbins Neil Sabharwal Mike Smith Martin Tiedemann Christine Valcarcel Imogen Walker Clare Whelan John Whelan

x Page 13

Amendment 3

For: 15 Against: 36 Abstained: 0


For: Councillors Against: Councillors Abstained: Councillors Judy Best Donatus Anyanwu Ishbel Brown Mary Atkins Jeremy Clyne Clive Bennett Shirley Cosgrave Matthew Bennett Alex Davies Alex Bigham Gavin Dodsworth Carol Boucher Roger Giess Jennifer Braithwaite Ashley Lumsden Marcia Cameron Daphne Marchant Lorna Campbell Julia Memery Ed Davie Kita Ogden Jim Dickson Brian Palmer Jane Edbrooke Peter Truesdale Paul Gadsby Clare Whelan Adrian Garden John Whelan Mark Harrison Nigel Haselden Jack Hopkins Rachel Heywood John Kazantzis Ann Kingsbury David Malley Paul McGlone Jackie Meldrum Diana Morris Florence Nosegbe Helen O’Malley Matt Parr Lib Peck Jane Pickard Sally Prentice Pete Robbins Neil Sabharwal Mike Smith Martin Tiedemann Christine Valcarcel Imogen Walker

Amendment 4

For: 4 Against: 45 Abstained: 0


xi Page 14

For: Councillors Against: Councillors Abstained: Councillors Shirley Cosgrave Donatus Anyanwu Julia Memery Matthew Bennett Clare Whelan Judy Best John Whelan Alex Bigham Carol Boucher Jennifer Braithwaite Ishbel Brown Marcia Cameron Lorna Campbell Jeremy Clyne Ed Davie Alex Davies Jim Dickson Gavin Dodsworth Jane Edbrooke Paul Gadsby Adrian Garden Roger Giess Mark Harrison Nigel Haselden Rachel Heywood Jack Hopkins John Kazantzis Ann Kingsbury Ashley Lumsden David Malley Daphne Marchant Paul McGlone Jackie Meldrum Diana Morris Florence Nosegbe Kita Ogden Helen O’Malley Brian Palmer Matt Parr Lib Peck Jane Pickard Sally Prentice Pete Robbins Neil Sabharwal Mike Smith Martin Tiedemann Peter Truesdale Christina Valcarcel Imogen Walker

Amendment 5

For: 5 Against: 45 Abstained: 0

xii Page 15


For: Councillors Against: Councillors Abstained: Councillors Clive Bennett Donatus Anyanwu Shirley Cosgrave Mary Atkins Julia Memery Matthew Bennett Clare Whelan Judy Best John Whelan Alex Bigham Carol Boucher Jennifer Braithwaite Ishbel Brown Marcia Cameron Lorna Campbell Jeremy Clyne Ed Davie Alex Davies Jim Dickson Gavin Dodsworth Jane Edbrooke Paul Gadsby Adrian Garden Roger Giess Mark Harrison Nigel Haselden Rachel Heywood Jack Hopkins John Kazantzis Ann Kingsbury Ashley Lumsden David Malley Paul McGlone Jackie Meldrum Diana Morris Florence Nosegbe Kita Ogden Helen O’Malley Brian Palmer Matt Parr Lib Peck Jane Pickard Sally Prentice Pete Robbins Neil Sabharwal Mike Smith Martin Tiedemann Peter Truesdale Christina Valcarcel Imogen Walker

Amendment 6

For: 11 Against: 39 Abstained: 0

xiii Page 16


For: Councillors Against: Councillors Abstained: Councillors Clive Bennett Donatus Anyanwu Judy Best Mary Atkins Ishbel Brown Matthew Bennett Jeremy Clyne Alex Bigham Alex Davies Carol Boucher Gavin Dodsworth Jennifer Braithwaite Roger Giess Marcia Cameron Ashley Lumsden Lorna Campbell Kita Ogden Shirley Cosgrave Brian Palmer Ed Davie Peter Truesdale Jim Dickson Jane Edbrooke Paul Gadsby Adrian Garden Mark Harrison Nigel Haselden Rachel Heywood Jack Hopkins John Kazantzis Ann Kingsbury David Malley Paul McGlone Jackie Meldrum Julia Memery Diana Morris Florence Nosegbe Helen O’Malley Matt Parr Lib Peck Jane Pickard Sally Prentice Pete Robbins Neil Sabharwal Mike Smith Martin Tiedemann Christine Valcarcel Imogen Walker Clare Whelan John Whelan

Original recommendations

For: 33 Against: 16 Abstained: 0


xiv Page 17

For: Councillors Against: Councillors Abstained: Councillors Donatus Anyanwu Clive Bennett Mary Atkins Judy Best Matthew Bennett Ishbel Brown Alex Bigham Jeremy Clyne Jennifer Braithwaite Shirley Cosgrave Marcia Cameron Alex Davies Lorna Campbell Gavin Dodsworth Ed Davie Roger Giess Jim Dickson Ashley Lumsden Jane Edbrooke Daphne Marchant Paul Gadsby Julia Memery Adrian Garden Kita Ogden Mark Harrison Brian Palmer Nigel Haselden Peter Truesdale Rachel Heywood Clare Whelan Jack Hopkins John Whelan John Kazantzis Ann Kingsbury David Malley Paul McGlone Jackie Meldrum Diana Morris Florence Nosegbe Matt Parr Lib Peck Jane Pickard Sally Prentice Pete Robbins Neil Sabharwal Mike Smith Martin Tiedemann Christina Valcarcel Imogen Walker


(1) To adopt the General Fund (GF) revenue budget for 2014/15 as set out in this report, which, for the avoidance of doubt, includes:

• The savings proposals set out in Appendix 4; • The Council Tax model set out in Appendix 3; and • The cash limits arising from the above, as set out in paragraphs 5.30 to 5.36, a total cash limit of £314.8m.

(2) To adopt a freeze in the Lambeth element of the Council Tax for 2014/15.

(3) To adopt the updated Financial Management Strategy attached at Appendix 1

(4) To adopt the Reserves and Balances Strategy detailed in paragraphs 3.7 – 3.17 of this report

(5) To adopt the Fees and Charges Policy set out in Appendix 13

(6) To note the current General Fund budget forecasts for 2013/14 in Section 4

xv Page 18

(7) To note the capital investment forecast of £190m against the 2013/14 budget of £185m as detailed in paragraphs 4.7 to 4.9

(8) To approve changes to the Capital Investment Programme for 2013/14 as set out in paragraph 6.13

(9) To agree the proposed three year Capital Investment Programme for the period 2014/15 to 2016/17 of £422.7m as described in paragraphs 6.13 to 6.15 and summarised in Appendix 8

(10) To adopt the level of Total Capital Allowances (TCA) for 2014/15 as set out in paragraphs 6.18 and 6.19 of this report

(11) To adopt the statement of Minimum Revenue Provision policy as detailed in Appendix 11

(12) To adopt the Treasury Management Strategy (incorporating the debt and investment strategies) proposed for 2014/15 to 2016/17, as set out in Appendix 12

(13) To adopt the prudential indicators and limits, and the investment thresholds and limits for 2014/15 – 2016/17 set out in Appendix 12

(14) To note the formal advice of the Strategic Director of Enabling, as the Council’s statutory officer for the purposes of s151 of the Local Government Act 1972, pursuant to s25 of the Local Government Act 2003, as set out in section 7 of this report.

(15) To note the financial risks set out throughout this report.

(16) That the council agrees in principle to support the approach of a shift between 2-5% of current funding for children and young people (0-17) to prevention and early intervention services, which is in line with out strategic commissioning direction and that this intention is made clear as part of the LEAP bid to be submitted by 28 February 2014. Further information is set out in paragraphs 5.48 – 5.54.

(17) To note that, at its meeting of 29 January 2014, Council agreed the amount of 92,170 as the Council Tax Base for the year 2014/15 in accordance with the Local Authorities (Calculation of Council Tax Base) (England) Regulations 2012, Article 3 of the Localism Act 2011 (Commencement No 1 and Transitional Provisions) Order 2011 and the Local Authorities (Calculation of Council Tax Base) (England) Regulations 2012.

(18) That the following amounts be now calculated for 2014/15 in accordance with sections 31A and 31B of the Local Government Finance Act 1992, as inserted by the Localism Act 2011:

(a) Aggregate of the amounts which the Council estimates for the items set out in Section 31A(2) thereof:


(b) Aggregate of the amounts which the Council estimates for the items set out in Section 31A(3) thereof:


(c) The Council’s Council Tax Requirement under Section 31A(4), being the amount by which the aggregate at 18(a) above exceeds the aggregate at 18(b) above:


xvi Page 19

(d) The amount at 18(c) above divided by the Council’s tax base in 17 above, in accordance with Section 31B(1) of the Act, as the basic Band D amount of its Council tax for the year:


(e) The amounts given by multiplying the amount at 18(d) above by the number which, in the proportion set out in Section 5(1) of the Act, is applicable to dwellings listed in a particular valuation band divided by the number which in that proportion is applicable to dwellings listed in valuation band D, calculated by the Council, in accordance with Section 36(1) of the Act, as the amounts to be taken into account for the year in respect of dwellings listed in different valuation bands.

Band A Band B Band C Band D

£616.86 £719.67 £822.48 £925.29

Band E Band F Band G Band H

£1,130.91 £1,336.53 £1,542.15 £1,850.58

(19) To note that for the year 2014/15 the Greater London Authority and its functional and predecessor bodies have provisional precepts (i.e. still to be formally adopted as at dispatch of this report), in accordance with Sections 88 and 89 of the Greater London Authority Act (1999) as amended by section 77 of the Localism Act 2011, for each of the categories of dwellings shown below:

Band A Band B Band C Band D

£199.33 £232.56 £265.78 £299.00

Band E Band F Band G Band H

£365.44 £431.89 £498.33 £598.00

(20) That having calculated the aggregate in each case of the amounts at 18(e) and 19 above, the Council approves the amounts of Council Tax for the year 2014/15 for each of the categories of dwellings as shown below:

Band A Band B Band C Band D

£816.19 £952.23 £1,088.26 £1,224.29

Band E Band F Band G Band H

£1,496.35 £1,768.42 £2,040.48 £2,448.58

(21) To delegate authority to the Strategic Director of Enabling in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Finance and Resources to change the Council Tax amounts set out in recommendation (20) if necessitated by changes to the precept amounts as set out in recommendation (19).

(22) To note that, at its meeting of 29 January 2014, Council agreed the amount of £121,027,104 as the National Non-Domestic Rates Base (the bu siness rates tax ba se) in accordan ce with Se ctio n 59 A of The Lo cal xvii Page 20

Government Finan ce Act 198 8, as amende d by The Lo cal Government Finance Act 2012.


Corrections by Strategic Director, Delivery

Add following paragraphs:

5.2 (iv) (response)

Camden does have a cross party Members briefing panel which decides whether certain categories of applications should be referred up to PAC or decided in line with officer recommendations under delegated powers. From experience, officers advise that this process is time consuming and expensive. It is also considered that this approach could compromise needed improvements to performance and add to the cost of both delegated and committee decisions.

5.4 Councillor Malley expressed his disappointment in relation to the proposals. He considers that relatively small developments in low rise residential areas can actually have more impact on people’s lives than big ones in high rise areas (it is remarkable how uncontroversial the many blocks in Bishops and Princes are), and as such require the same scrutiny. Councillor Malley considers that this is not a waste of the committee and officers’ time, because context is all and these smaller developments are often in the deepest rooted communities.

Councillor Malley considers that the restriction on councillors bringing applications to the committee diminishes the role of ward councillor, and whilst he is confident that the current chair will use her experience to make well balanced judgements on what to allow to committee (though it could involve her in a lot of work), no one knows what the future will bring. He considers that items brought to committee by ward councillors often lead to better decisions (see the number upheld on appeal), and as such both the quality of the council’s decision making and the confidence of the public in the system will be undermined.


Whilst it is acknowledged that some smaller developments have an impact on the community, it is considered that on some occasions, reporting these items to committee can raise false hope to the applicant and agent. Officers also acknowledge that on occasion, where the officer recommendations are overturned they are subsequently upheld on appeal.

It is considered that the proposed amendments will not reduce the role of the ward councillor as there is still opportunity to call applications to committee. In relation to the ‘call-in test’ to determine whether an application is presented to committee, officers are simply requiring valid planning reason for an application to be called in and the chair (whoever it is) will be expected to take professional advice in arriving at this view.

Amend paragraph 10.1 to read:

Bold = additions Strikethrough = deletions

xviii Page 21

10.1 The amendments to the terms of reference/scheme of delegation will be implemented immedi ately as soon as possible following approval; subject to standardisation of conditions and application consultation with Members. Officers will draft a set of conditions for discussion with Planning Applications Members (and substitutes), prior to the automatic delegation of decisions relating to A3 and A4 applications. Whilst it is considered helpful to gain input from Members in relation to conditions; the wording of conditions must be provided by officers to ensure that they meet the tests contained within the circular.

The Deputy Mayor invited speakers from all parties from a list provided by the Whips. The speakers, in order, were:

Councillor Matthew Bennett Councillor Brian Palmer Councillor Clive Bennett Councillor Peter Robbins

Voting :

Amendment 1

For: 11 Against: 38 Abstained: 0


Original recommendations

For: 39 Against: 11 Abstained: 0



(1) To amend the wording of points 1, 4, 8 and 10 of the terms of reference of Planning Applications Committee (Constitution 2013-14, Part2, Section 1 (pages 37-38)) to read as follows (bold =additions/strikethrough = deletions):

(1) Applications , other than applications made under S73 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990) , which are recommended for approval where the application falls within one of the following:

(4) Any application where a specific written request is made by any Member of the Council for the case to be reported to the Committee where in the opinion of the Chair (in consultation with the Assistant Director of Planning and Development) there is a material planning reason for doing so.

(8) Applications recommended for approval where it is proposed to grant permission for a change of use to Class A3 (sale of food and drink for consumption on the premises e.g. resta urants, snack bars and cafes) Class A5 (Hot Food Takeaways),

xix Page 22

as set out in the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) Order 1987.

(10) To authorise, release or modify agreements and undertakings under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, Section 16 of the GLC (General Powers) Act 1974, Section 278 of the Highways Act 1980 and Section 33 of the Local Government Act 1972 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1982 which in the opinion of the Director (Planning) or Head of Development Control relate to developments which come within paragraph 1 above Delivery Director - Business, Growth & Regeneration or the Assistant Director of Planning and Development relate to developments which come within paragraph 1 above, but only when a written request is made by a member of the committee or ward member, and where such request is agreed by the Chair of the committee (in consultation with the Assistant Director of Planning and Development) that there is a material planning reason for doing so.

(2) To amend points 2 and 3 of the terms of reference of Planning Applications Committee (Constitution 2013-14, Part 2, Section 1 (page 37)) to read as follows (bold = proposed wording, strikethrough = deleted wording):

(2) Applications which are recommended for approval where an objection to the current proposal has been received which is based on material planning grounds, other than those applications where, in the opinion of the Director of Planning or the Head of Development Control Delivery Director - Business, Growth & Regeneration and Assistant Director of Planning and Development:

(i) The objection can be overcome by the imposition of an appropriate condition, and/or

(ii) Where the application clearly complies with the relevant condition, and/or

(iii) Where the application clearly complies with the relevant planning policies in which case the decision may be taken by officers.

(3) Applications which the Director of Planning or the Head of Development Control Delivery Director – Business, Growth and Regeneration or Assistant Director of Planning and Development wishes to refer to committee.



(1) To amend Part 3, Section 1 to add new SO 4.5, and Part 2, Section 4 of the Constitution 2014-15 as set out in para. 2.1 of the report, in order to enable the planning and licensing committees to take decisions in the period between the Council election (Thursday 22 May 2014) and the Annual Meeting of Council (Wednesday 4 June 2014) and enable decision-making on all matters by the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Leader of the Council elect, during the same period.

xx Page 23

10. COUNCIL MEET INGS 2014 -15: TIMETABLE (Report no 297/13-14)


(1) That the timetable of Council meetings for 2014-15 be agreed.

11. PAY POLICY (Report no 298/13-14)

Note by Director Business Development, Human Resources and Organisation Development

Amendment 1 from Councillor Ashley Lumsden refers to 16 Directors on the payroll, and to an increase in their number. Officers advise that the number of Directors has fallen by one from 17 to 16, since the last Pay Policy Statement was agreed by full Council in May 2013. This is a transitional senior structure and one which is intended to ensure there is sufficient senior managerial capacity to drive through the fundamental changes that are underway in Lambeth. The Council recognises that this number of senior managers is not sustainable in the long term. Once the changes are embedded, these and other senior posts across the council will be reviewed in the light of the financial challenges for 2015/16 and beyond, with an expectation of achieving at least a 20% reduction.


Amendment 1

For: 16 Against: 34 Abstained: 1


Original recommendation

For: 40 Against: 11 Abstained: 0



(1) That the revised Pay Policy Statement attached at Appendix A be approved

(2) That in the interests of improving accountability and transparency, the appointments made to posts attracting remuneration in excess of £100,000 per annum and severance packages in excess of £100,000 as set out in Appendix B to this report be noted.

xxi Page 24

The meeting ended at 9.47 pm

MAYOR Wednesday 4 June 2014

Date of Despatch : Thursday 6 March 2014 Contact for Enquiries : Tim Stephens Tel: 020 7926 2754 Fax: (020) 7926 2361 E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.lambeth.gov.uk

xxii Page 25 Agenda Item 6 London Borough of Lambeth Election of 3 Ward Councillors Bishops Ward

Declaration of Result of Poll

Date of Election: 22 May 2014

I, Derrick Anderson, Returning Officer, hereby give notice that the number of votes for each Candidate at the election of 3 Councillors for Bishops Ward are as follows:

Number of Votes. Candidate name Description of candidate If Elected the Word 'ELECTED' appears against the number of votes BRAITHWAITE Diana Elma Liberal Democrats 949 BRIGHTBART Sam The 304 CRAIG Kevin Labour Party Candidate 1061 ELECTED CROFT Clive Murray The Green Party 295 FROST David Alan Conservative Party Candidate 292 GORISSEN Bart The Green Party 272 HANNEY Matthew Thomas Liberal Democrats 777 HARRISON Edward Jon Conservative Party 291 HAYES Andrew Robert UK Independence Party (UKIP) 248 KIND Ben Labour Party Candidate 976 ELECTED MORRIS El Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition 63 MOSLEY Jennie Labour Party Candidate 1106 ELECTED ROTHERHAM Lee Stuart Conservative Party Candidate 284 TRUESDALE Peter Jonathan Liberal Democrats 939

The Number of rejected ballot papers was as follows: Number A - Want of an official mark 0 B - Voting for more than three candidates 0 C – Writing or mark by which voter could be identified 0 D – Unmarked or void for uncertainty 0 E – Rejected in part 0 Total 0

Electorate = 7,586 Total votes received = 2,800 Turnout = 36.91 %

And I declare that

1. Jennie Mosley 2. Kevin Craig 3. Ben Kind

are duly elected as Members for Bishops Ward.

Derrick Anderson, Returning Officer.

Printed and published by the Returning Officer, Lambeth Town Hall, Brixton Hill, London, SW2 1RW Page 26

London Borough of Lambeth Election of 3 Ward Councillors Brixton Hill Ward

Declaration of Result of Poll

Date of Election: 22 May 2014

I, Derrick Anderson, Returning Officer, hereby give notice that the number of votes for each Candidate at the election of 3 Councillors for Brixton Hill Ward are as follows:

Number of Votes. Candidate name Description of candidate If Elected the Word 'ELECTED' appears against the number of votes BAINBRIDGE Lisa Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition 132 BAKER Roger Charles Langton The Green Party 818 CALDER James Conservative Party Candidate 415 CHILD Andrew James The Green Party 768 GARDEN Adrian Labour Party Candidate 1849 ELECTED GREGORY Paul A UK Independence Party (UKIP) 254 KEATING Chris Liberal Democrats 244 MAFFEI Liz Liberal Democrats 231 MEHARI Betty The Green Party 719 NOSEGBE Florence Labour Party Candidate 1791 ELECTED PRITCHARD Adam Liberal Democrats 228 RICHARDSON Alex Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition 83 TANKARD Stephen Conservative Party Candidate 381 TIEDEMANN Martin Labour Party Candidate 1560 ELECTED WALTERS Jessica Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition 74 WOOLLEY Michael Conservative Party Candidate 310

The Number of rejected ballot papers was as follows: Number A - Want of an official mark 0 B - Voting for more than three candidates 0 C – Writing or mark by which voter could be identified 0 D – Unmarked or void for uncertainty 11 E – Rejected in part 0 Total 11

Electorate = 11,412 Total votes received = 3,588 Turnout = 31.44 %

And I declare that

1. Adrian Garden 2. Florence Nosegbe 3. Martin Tiedemann

are duly elected as Members for Brixton Hill Ward.

Derrick Anderson, Returning Officer.

Printed and published by the Returning Officer, Lambeth Town Hall, Brixton Hill, London, SW2 1RW Page 27 London Borough of Lambeth Election of 3 Ward Councillors Clapham Common Ward

Declaration of Result of Poll

Date of Election: 22 May 2014

I, Derrick Anderson, Returning Officer, hereby give notice that the number of votes for each Candidate at the election of 3 Councillors for Clapham Common Ward are as follows:

Number of Votes. Candidate name Description of candidate If Elected the Word 'ELECTED' appears against the number of votes BRIGGS Tim Conservative Party Candidate 1205 ELECTED BRYANT Matthew Liberal Democrats 328 CUTLER Hannah The Green Party 433 DRAGE Simon Liberal Democrats 247 GENTRY Bernard Conservative Party Candidate 1102 ELECTED GOODWIN Tim Labour Party Candidate 1028 HARTWELL Nichola Dame Labour Party Candidate 955 HAYAT-KHAN Ruhi Liberal Democrats 229 KELLY Peter The Green Party 372 NATHANSON Louise Conservative Party Candidate 1154 ELECTED PASCOE Jack Labour Party Candidate 870 SELANDER Shash The Green Party 268 WATERS Anne Marie UK Independence Party (UKIP) 219

The Number of rejected ballot papers was as follows: Number A - Want of an official mark 0 B - Voting for more than three candidates 2 C – Writing or mark by which voter could be identified 0 D – Unmarked or void for uncertainty 9 E – Rejected in part 0 Total 11

Electorate = 9,895 Total votes received = 2,944 Turnout = 29.75 %

And I declare that

1. Tim Briggs 2. Louise Nathanson 3. Bernard Gentry

are duly elected as Members for Clapham Common Ward.

Derrick Anderson, Returning Officer.

Printed and published by the Returning Officer, Lambeth Town Hall, Brixton Hill, London, SW2 1RW Page 28 London Borough of Lambeth Election of 3 Ward Councillors Clapham Town Ward

Declaration of Result of Poll

Date of Election: 22 May 2014

I, Derrick Anderson, Returning Officer, hereby give notice that the number of votes for each Candidate at the election of 3 Councillors for Clapham Town Ward are as follows:

Number of Votes. Candidate name Description of candidate If Elected the Word 'ELECTED' appears against the number of votes BOND Oliver The Socialist Party (GB) 46 BRAY Linda Labour Party Candidate 1930 ELECTED GINNETT Hannah Elizabeth Conservative Party Candidate 973 GRENDER Olly Liberal Democrats 253 HALL Julian The Green Party 423 HASELDEN Nigel Labour Party Candidate 1842 ELECTED KEENAN Gerard John The Green Party 355 LOWE Sebastian Michael Conservative Party Candidate 944 MURDOCH Cameron Iain William UK Independence Party (UKIP) 191 PENNING Colin Douglas Liberal Democrats 142 PRIDEAUX Marion Claire The Green Party 427 WALLACE Gareth Robert Conservative Party Candidate 848 WELLBELOVE Christopher Labour Party Candidate 1853 ELECTED WILLIAMS Jack Robert Liberal Democrats 122

The Number of rejected ballot papers was as follows: Number A - Want of an official mark 0 B - Voting for more than three candidates 1 C – Writing or mark by which voter could be identified 0 D – Unmarked or void for uncertainty 7 E – Rejected in part 0 Total 8

Electorate = 10,794 Total votes received = 3,639 Turnout = 33.71 %

And I declare that

1. Linda Bray 2. Christopher Wellbelove 3. Nigel Haselden

are duly elected as Members for Clapham Town Ward.

Derrick Anderson, Returning Officer.

Printed and published by the Returning Officer, Lambeth Town Hall, Brixton Hill, London, SW2 1RW Page 29

London Borough of Lambeth Election of 3 Ward Councillors Coldharbour Ward

Declaration of Result of Poll

Date of Election: 22 May 2014

I, Derrick Anderson, Returning Officer, hereby give notice that the number of votes for each Candidate at the election of 3 Councillors for Coldharbour Ward are as follows:

Number of Votes. Candidate name Description of candidate If Elected the Word 'ELECTED' appears against the number of votes ANYANWU Donatus Labour Party Candidate 2014 ELECTED AWOGTA Boniface Independent 76 BELGROVE Carl R Conservative Party Candidate 213 HEYWOOD Rachel Labour Party Candidate 2232 ELECTED LESTER Rachel Liberal Democrat 225 MORFEY Michael John Liberal Democrat 126 NIX Rashid The Green Party 638 PARR Matt Labour Party Candidate 2037 ELECTED SMITH Solomon The Green Party 742 STEWART-WILLIAMS Yvonne Conservative Party Candidate 233 WADDINGTON Simon Ian Liberal Democrat 236 WARD Johan UK Independence Party (UKIP) 127 WARNER David Independent 100 WATKINS Edward P Conservative Party Candidate 206 WOOD Thomas William The Green Party 680

The Number of rejected ballot papers was as follows: Number A - Want of an official mark 0 B - Voting for more than three candidates 6 C – Writing or mark by which voter could be identified 0 D – Unmarked or void for uncertainty 14 E – Rejected in part 0 Total 20

Electorate = 11,522 Total votes received = 3,534 Turnout = 30.59 %

And I declare that

1. Rachel Heywood 2. Matt Parr 3. Donatus Anyanwu

are duly elected as Members for Coldharbour Ward.

Derrick Anderson, Returning Officer.

Printed and published by the Returning Officer, Lambeth Town Hall, Brixton Hill, London, SW2 1RW Page 30 London Borough of Lambeth Election of 3 Ward Councillors Ferndale Ward

Declaration of Result of Poll

Date of Election: 22 May 2014

I, Derrick Anderson, Returning Officer, hereby give notice that the number of votes for each Candidate at the election of 3 Councillors for Ferndale Ward are as follows:

Number of Votes. If Candidate name Description of candidate Elected the Word 'ELECTED' appears against the number of votes GILLESPIE Edward Roger Martin The Green Party 625 HATTON Thomas Brian Conservative Party Candidate 493 IVENS James Richard Stanford Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition 113 JONES Elizabeth UK Independence Party (UKIP) 196 LAMBERT Danny The Socialist Party (GB) 81 MAWDSLEY Paul Michael Conservative Party Candidate 444 MCGLONE Paul Labour Party Candidate 1696 ELECTED MEDWAY John Robert Liberal Democrats 211 PRENTICE Sally Labour Party Candidate 1762 ELECTED SABHARWAL Neil Labour Party Candidate 1499 ELECTED TIMMINS Michael James Conservative Party Candidate 431 TUFFREY Michael Liberal Democrats 221 VAUS Jane Liberal Democrats 256 WOOLLEY Philip Thomas The Green Party 619

The Number of rejected ballot papers was as follows: Number A - Want of an official mark 0 B - Voting for more than three candidates 5 C – Writing or mark by which voter could be identified 0 D – Unmarked or void for uncertainty 15 E – Rejected in part 0 Total 20

Electorate = 11,453 Total votes received = 3,145 Turnout = 27.46 %

And I declare that

1. Sally Prentice 2. Paul McGlone 3. Neil Sabharwal

are duly elected as Members for Ferndale Ward.

Derrick Anderson, Returning Officer.

Printed and published by the Returning Officer, Lambeth Town Hall, Brixton Hill, London, SW2 1RW Page 31

London Borough of Lambeth Election of 3 Ward Councillors Gipsy Hill Ward

Declaration of Result of Poll

Date of Election: 22 May 2014

I, Derrick Anderson, Returning Officer, hereby give notice that the number of votes for each Candidate at the election of 3 Councillors for Gipsy Hill Ward are as follows:

Number of Votes. If Candidate name Description of candidate Elected the Word 'ELECTED' appears against the number of votes BENNETT Matthew Labour Party Candidate 2242 ELECTED BRATHWAITE Jennifer Labour Party Candidate 2183 ELECTED CRICHTON STUART Marietta Frances Liberal Democrat 161 FRANCIS Niranjan Labour Party Candidate 2202 ELECTED GUTIN Said Conservative Party Candidate 423 HARE David James Liberal Democrat 164 KAYIKKIRAN Ali Conservative Party Candidate 434 MARTIN Tom Conservative Party Candidate 436 MCKEOWN Ben The Green Party 364 OTOYO Eddie UK Independence Party (UKIP) 142 POTTER Cath The Green Party 317 VAN BREUGEL Marcus Franciscus Liberal Democrat 133 WYNTER Paul The Green Party 257

The Number of rejected ballot papers was as follows: Number A - Want of an official mark 0 B - Voting for more than three candidates 7 C – Writing or mark by which voter could be identified 0 D – Unmarked or void for uncertainty 8 E – Rejected in part 0 Total 15

Electorate = 10,136 Total votes received = 3,816 Turnout = 37.65 %

And I declare that

1. Matthew Bennett 2. Niranjan Francis 3. Jennifer Brathwaite

are duly elected as Members for Gipsy Hill Ward.

Derrick Anderson, Returning Officer.

Printed and published by the Returning Officer, Lambeth Town Hall, Brixton Hill, London, SW2 1RW Page 32 London Borough of Lambeth Election of 3 Ward Councillors Herne Hill Ward

Declaration of Result of Poll

Date of Election: 22 May 2014

I, Derrick Anderson, Returning Officer, hereby give notice that the number of votes for each Candidate at the election of 3 Councillors for Herne Hill Ward are as follows:

Number of Votes. If Elected Candidate name Description of candidate the Word 'ELECTED' appears against the number of votes AGDOMAR Michelle Labour Party Candidate 2420 ELECTED BAKER Claire Mary Conservative Party Candidate 470 DICKSON Jim Labour Party Candidate 2373 ELECTED EDWARDS Nicholas The Green Party 1269 HILDYARD Luke The Green Party 1103 HOLBORN Jack Labour Party Candidate 2198 ELECTED HOOBERMAN Simon Conservative Party Candidate 387 KEEN Jennifer Elizabeth Liberal Democrat 351 NICHOLSON Heidi Conservative Party Candidate 381 PRICE Jonathan Somerville Liberal Democrat 241 PRICE Lawrence Webster Liberal Democrat 187 SCOTT Louise Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition 121 STANBURY Steven George UK Independence Party (UKIP) 168 WOMACK Amelia The Green Party 1357

The Number of rejected ballot papers was as follows: Number A - Want of an official mark 0 B - Voting for more than three candidates 8 C – Writing or mark by which voter could be identified 0 D – Unmarked or void for uncertainty 21 E – Rejected in part 1 Total 30

Electorate = 11,315 Total votes received = 4,597 Turnout = 40.63 %

And I declare that

1. Michelle Agdomar 2. Jim Dickson 3. Jack Holborn

are duly elected as Members for Herne Hill Ward.

Derrick Anderson, Returning Officer.

Printed and published by the Returning Officer, Lambeth Town Hall, Brixton Hill, London, SW2 1RW Page 33 London Borough of Lambeth Election of 3 Ward Councillors Knights Hill Ward

Declaration of Result of Poll

Date of Election: 22 May 2014

I, Derrick Anderson, Returning Officer, hereby give notice that the number of votes for each Candidate at the election of 3 Councillors for Knights Hill Ward are as follows:

Number of Votes. Candidate name Description of candidate If Elected the Word 'ELECTED' appears against the number of votes BELGROVE Julia Conservative Party Candidate 468 CALTON Libby Liberal Democrats 238 COLLINS Tim Conservative Party Candidate 442 DE ARMAS ESTEVEZ Hugo The Green Party 365 ETKIND Lianna The Green Party 388 GIANNISSIS Nicholas The Green Party 457 HARDWARE Robert Liberal Democrats 256 HEATHER Julian Liberal Democrats 202 KIMM Tony Conservative Party Candidate 382 KOWALSKA Helena Maria UK Independence Party (UKIP) 249 MELDRUM Jackie Labour Party Candidate 2182 ELECTED PICKARD Jane Labour Party Candidate 2169 ELECTED WINIFRED Sonia Labour Party Candidate 1911 ELECTED

The Number of rejected ballot papers was as follows: Number A - Want of an official mark 0 B - Voting for more than three candidates 2 C – Writing or mark by which voter could be identified 0 D – Unmarked or void for uncertainty 15 E – Rejected in part 0 Total 17

Electorate = 10,134 Total votes received = 3,427 Turnout = 33.82 %

And I declare that

1. Jackie Meldrum 2. Jane Pickard 3. Sonia Winifred

are duly elected as Members for Knights Hill Ward.

Derrick Anderson, Returning Officer.

Printed and published by the Returning Officer, Lambeth Town Hall, Brixton Hill, London, SW2 1RW Page 34 London Borough of Lambeth Election of 3 Ward Councillors Larkhall Ward

Declaration of Result of Poll

Date of Election: 22 May 2014

I, Derrick Anderson, Returning Officer, hereby give notice that the number of votes for each Candidate at the election of 3 Councillors for Larkhall Ward are as follows:

Number of Votes. Candidate name Description of candidate If Elected the Word 'ELECTED' appears against the number of votes BETTERIDGE Alexander James Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition 100 BUICK Adam The Socialist Party (GB) 49 CHURCH Claire Alison Liberal Democrats 329 DALTON Joe The Green Party 492 DE CORDOVA Marsha Labour Party Candidate 1809 ELECTED JUPP Matthew Conservative Party Candidate 570 LOWE Victoria Elizabeth Mary Conservative Party Candidate 595 MACDONALD David John Liberal Democrats 216 MARRIOTT Sean David UK Independence Party (UKIP) 210 MILLS Alistair Liberal Democrats 271 OSBORNE Ciaran The Green Party 431 PERRY Lisa The Green Party 546 TRELAWNY Alison Conservative Party Candidate 517 VALCARCEL Christiana Labour Party Candidate 1651 ELECTED WILSON Andy Labour Party Candidate 1503 ELECTED

The Number of rejected ballot papers was as follows: Number A - Want of an official mark 0 B - Voting for more than three candidates 6 C – Writing or mark by which voter could be identified 0 D – Unmarked or void for uncertainty 13 E – Rejected in part 1 Total 20

Electorate = 12,404 Total votes received = 3,351 Turnout = 27.02 %

And I declare that

1. Marsha De Cordova 2. Christiana Valcarcel 3. Andy Wilson

are duly elected as Members for Larkhall Ward.

Derrick Anderson, Returning Officer.

Printed and published by the Returning Officer, Lambeth Town Hall, Brixton Hill, London, SW2 1RW Page 35 London Borough of Lambeth Election of 3 Ward Councillors Oval Ward

Declaration of Result of Poll

Date of Election: 22 May 2014

I, Derrick Anderson, Returning Officer, hereby give notice that the number of votes for each Candidate at the election of 3 Councillors for Oval Ward are as follows:

Number of Votes. Candidate name Description of candidate If Elected the Word 'ELECTED' appears against the number of votes BROWN Ishbel Liberal Democrats 903 EDBROOKE Jane Labour Party Candidate 2013 ELECTED GEFFERT Anna Victoria The Green Party 570 HOLLAND Claire Labour Party Candidate 2105 ELECTED HOPKINS Jack Labour Party Candidate 2081 ELECTED HUMPHREYS Stephen Robin Conservative Party Candidate 538 MONGER Helen Liberal Democrats 769 NALLY Steve Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition 102 O'SULLIVAN Bernard Anthony The Green Party 432 OTOYO Lucia UK Independence Party (UKIP) 322 SENIOR Glencora Louise Conservative Party Candidate 512 SHARMA Pawan Conservative Party Candidate 444 TURNER George Liberal Democrats 579 YOUNG Sandra Helen The Green Party 478

The Number of rejected ballot papers was as follows: Number A - Want of an official mark 0 B - Voting for more than three candidates 7 C – Writing or mark by which voter could be identified 0 D – Unmarked or void for uncertainty 16 E – Rejected in part 0 Total 23

Electorate = 10,877 Total votes received = 4,154 Turnout = 38.19 %

And I declare that

1. Claire Holland 2. Jack Hopkins 3. Jane Edbrooke

are duly elected as Members for Oval Ward.

Derrick Anderson, Returning Officer.

Printed and published by the Returning Officer, Lambeth Town Hall, Brixton Hill, London, SW2 1RW Page 36

London Borough of Lambeth Election of 3 Ward Councillors Princes Ward

Declaration of Result of Poll

Date of Election: 22 May 2014

I, Derrick Anderson, Returning Officer, hereby give notice that the number of votes for each Candidate at the election of 3 Councillors for Princes Ward are as follows:

Number of Candidate name Description of candidate Votes. If Elected the Word 'ELECTED' appears against the number of votes AMOS David Labour Party Candidate 2342 ELECTED BAINES Malcolm Ian Liberal Democrats 401 BAINES Vivienne Jane Liberal Democrats 441 BARKER Claire Louise Conservative Party Candidate 761 BELLIS James Howard Conservative Party Candidate 705 CHRISTODOULOU Daisy Rose Liberal Democrats 360 DODDS John UK Independence Party (UKIP) 334 HALSALL Eleanor Anne The Green Party 548 HOWARD John Independent 170 HUTCHINSON Larry Trade Unionists and Socialists Coaltion 95 LINDSAY Fern Christene The Green Party 428 MARSH Chris Labour Party Candidate 2160 ELECTED POOLE-WILSON Michael Charles Conservative Party Candidate 606 SIMPSON Joanne Labour Party Candidate 2058 ELECTED TAYLOR Joe The Green Party 479

The Number of rejected ballot papers was as follows: Number A - Want of an official mark 0 B - Voting for more than three candidates 3 C – Writing or mark by which voter could be identified 0 D – Unmarked or void for uncertainty 14 E – Rejected in part 0 Total 17

Electorate = 11,224 Total votes received = 4,226 Turnout = 37.65 %

And I declare that

1. David Amos 2. Chris Marsh 3. Joanne Simpson

are duly elected as Members for Princes Ward.

Derrick Anderson, Returning Officer.

Printed and published by the Returning Officer, Lambeth Town Hall, Brixton Hill, London, SW2 1RW Page 37

London Borough of Lambeth Election of 3 Ward Councillors Stockwell Ward

Declaration of Result of Poll

Date of Election: 22 May 2014

I, Derrick Anderson, Returning Officer, hereby give notice that the number of votes for each Candidate at the election of 3 Councillors for Stockwell Ward are as follows:

Number of Votes. Candidate name Description of candidate If Elected the Word 'ELECTED' appears against the number of votes BARR Sarah Conservative Party Candidate 608 BARRETT Craig Conservative Party Candidate 507 BIGHAM Alex Labour Party Candidate 2026 ELECTED BOTTRALL Anthony Francis Liberal Democrats 552 CORREIA - SEFZICK Fernanda De Jesus Liberal Democrats 380 LOW Sam The Green Party 502 MCCONNELL Matthew David Liberal Democrats 416 MCMILLAN Robert Andrew Conservative Party Candidate 430 ROSA Guilherme Labour Party Candidate 1769 ELECTED SANTOS Joana Trade Unionists and Socialists Against Cuts 136 TSCHEPP Maritza Cecelia The Green Party 431 VILLE David James The Green Party 366 WALKER Imogen Labour Party Candidate 1778 ELECTED

The Number of rejected ballot papers was as follows: Number A - Want of an official mark 0 B - Voting for more than three candidates 4 C – Writing or mark by which voter could be identified 0 D – Unmarked or void for uncertainty 30 E – Rejected in part 0 Total 34

Electorate = 10,927 Total votes received = 3,564 Turnout = 32.62 %

And I declare that

1. Alex Bigham 2. Imogen Walker 3. Guilherme Rosa

are duly elected as Members for Stockwell Ward.

Derrick Anderson, Returning Officer.

Printed and published by the Returning Officer, Lambeth Town Hall, Brixton Hill, London, SW2 1RW Page 38 London Borough of Lambeth Election of 3 Ward Councillors St Leonards Ward

Declaration of Result of Poll

Date of Election: 22 May 2014

I, Derrick Anderson, Returning Officer, hereby give notice that the number of votes for each Candidate at the election of 3 Councillors for St Leonards Ward are as follows:

Number of Votes. Candidate name Description of candidate If Elected the Word 'ELECTED' appears against the number of votes AINSLIE Scott The Green Party 1161 ELECTED BARTLEY Jonathan The Green Party 1102 BURKE Michael Labour Party Candidate 1125 GIESS Roger Liberal Democrats 738 HILL Robert Labour Party Candidate 1218 ELECTED JAFFER Saleha Labour Party Candidate 1158 ELECTED JARRETT Charles Conservative Party Candidate 415 LAURENCE Rachel The Green Party 921 NEWALL Felicity Conservative Party Candidate 432 NEWALL Wendy Conservative Party Candidate 395 PALMER Brian Liberal Democrats 913 STANIER Phil Liberal Democrats 695 TRASENSTER Mark UK Independence Party (UKIP) 236

The Number of rejected ballot papers was as follows: Number A - Want of an official mark 0 B - Voting for more than three candidates 2 C – Writing or mark by which voter could be identified 0 D – Unmarked or void for uncertainty 14 E – Rejected in part 16 Total 32

Electorate = 10,734 Total votes received = 3,722 Turnout = 34.67 %

And I declare that

1. Robert Hill 2. Scott Ainslie 3. Saleha Jaffer

are duly elected as Members for St Leonard’s Ward.

Derrick Anderson, Returning Officer.

Printed and published by the Returning Officer, Lambeth Town Hall, Brixton Hill, London, SW2 1RW Page 39 London Borough of Lambeth Election of 3 Ward Councillors Streatham Hill Ward

Declaration of Result of Poll

Date of Election: 22 May 2014

I, Derrick Anderson, Returning Officer, hereby give notice that the number of votes for each Candidate at the election of 3 Councillors for Streatham Hill Ward are as follows:

Number of Votes. Candidate name Description of candidate If Elected the Word 'ELECTED' appears against the number of votes ATKINS Liz Labour Party Candidate 1736 ELECTED BAILEY Elaine Conservative Party Candidate 422 BRYANT David The Green Party 515 CASPELL James John The Green Party 411 CHOWDHURY Rezina Labour Party Candidate 1582 ELECTED CLYNE Jeremy Liberal Democrats 1272 HARRIS Kriss Independent 45 HENWOOD Philip Conservative Party Candidate 317 LUMSDEN Ashley Liberal Democrats 1234 MAURICE-JONES Leon The Green Party 414 OGDEN Kita Liberal Democrats 1100 SIMPSON Iain Labour Party Candidate 1448 ELECTED WALLACE Mark Conservative Party Candidate 347 YOUNGHUSBAND Peter Richard UK Independence Party (UKIP) 222

The Number of rejected ballot papers was as follows: Number A - Want of an official mark 0 B - Voting for more than three candidates 3 C – Writing or mark by which voter could be identified 0 D – Unmarked or void for uncertainty 8 E – Rejected in part 0 Total 11

Electorate = 10,673 Total votes received = 3,889 Turnout = 36.53 %

And I declare that

1. Liz Atkins 2. Rezina Chowdhury 3. Iain Simpson

are duly elected as Members for Streatham Hill Ward.

Derrick Anderson, Returning Officer.

Printed and published by the Returning Officer, Lambeth Town Hall, Brixton Hill, London, SW2 1RW Page 40

London Borough of Lambeth Election of 3 Ward Councillors Streatham South Ward

Declaration of Result of Poll

Date of Election: 22 May 2014

I, Derrick Anderson, Returning Officer, hereby give notice that the number of votes for each Candidate at the election of 3 Councillors for Streatham South Ward are as follows:

Number of Votes. Candidate name Description of candidate If Elected the Word 'ELECTED' appears against the number of votes ADILYPOUR Danny Labour Party Candidate 1992 ELECTED AHMED Nazir Liberal Democrats 275 ALI Ahmad Liberal Democrats 274 GUINNESS Jonathan Conservative Party Candidate 540 HINKSON Emma The Green Party 408 KAZANTZIS John Labour Party Candidate 2050 ELECTED MELIA Nigel Marvin The Green Party 262 MORFEY Karen Liberal Democrats 301 SMITH Helen Conservative Party Candidate 597 SPENCER Benjamin The Green Party 291 WHARTON Jack Conservative Party Candidate 495 WILCOX Clair Labour Party Candidate 1986 ELECTED

The Number of rejected ballot papers was as follows: Number A - Want of an official mark 0 B - Voting for more than three candidates 4 C – Writing or mark by which voter could be identified 0 D – Unmarked or void for uncertainty 25 E – Rejected in part 0 Total 29

Electorate = 10,087 Total votes received = 3,440 Turnout = 34.1 %

And I declare that

1. John Kazantzis 2. Danny Adilypour 3. Clair Wilcox

are duly elected as Members for Streatham South Ward.

Derrick Anderson, Returning Officer.

Printed and published by the Returning Officer, Lambeth Town Hall, Brixton Hill, London, SW2 1RW Page 41

London Borough of Lambeth Election of 3 Ward Councillors Streatham Wells Ward

Declaration of Result of Poll

Date of Election: 22 May 2014

I, Derrick Anderson, Returning Officer, hereby give notice that the number of votes for each Candidate at the election of 3 Councillors for Streatham Wells Ward are as follows:

Number of Votes. Candidate name Description of candidate If Elected the Word 'ELECTED' appears against the number of votes BEST Judy Liberal Democrats 1458 BRAVERMAN Rachel Jane The Green Party 470 CLARK Malcolm Labour Party Candidate 1916 ELECTED DAVIES ALEX Liberal Democrats 1354 DAVIES Stanley Conservative Party Candidate 314 DEVAS Magda The Green Party 373 FREEMAN Sheila The Green Party 429 HARMAN Simon Longton UK Independence Party (UKIP) 231 LIELL Lisabeth Conservative Party Candidate 279 MARCHANT Daphne Liberal Democrats 936 SEEDAT Mohammed Labour Party Candidate 1676 ELECTED TREPPASS Amelie Labour Party Candidate 1658 ELECTED TUNSTALL Teresa Conservative Party Candidate 250

The Number of rejected ballot papers was as follows: Number A - Want of an official mark 0 B - Voting for more than three candidates 6 C – Writing or mark by which voter could be identified 0 D – Unmarked or void for uncertainty 15 E – Rejected in part 0 Total 21

Electorate = 10,771 Total votes received = 4,241 Turnout = 39.37 %

And I declare that

1. Malcolm Clark 2. Mohammad Seedat 3. Amelie Treppass

are duly elected as Members for Streatham Wells Ward.

Derrick Anderson, Returning Officer.

Printed and published by the Returning Officer, Lambeth Town Hall, Brixton Hill, London, SW2 1RW Page 42

London Borough of Lambeth Election of 3 Ward Councillors Thurlow Park Ward

Declaration of Result of Poll

Date of Election: 22 May 2014

I, Derrick Anderson, Returning Officer, hereby give notice that the number of votes for each Candidate at the election of 3 Councillors for Thurlow Park Ward are as follows:

Number of Votes. Candidate name Description of candidate If Elected the Word 'ELECTED' appears against the number of votes BAKER Jeremy John Liberal Democrat 254 BAKER Malgorzata Maria Liberal Democrat 259 BIRLEY Anna Labour Party Candidate 2312 ELECTED COWELL Fred Labour Party Candidate 2122 ELECTED DECKERS DOWBER Max Labour Party Candidate 1931 ELECTED FARROW Matt The Green Party 673 KIMM Irene Ann Conservative Party Candidate 1187 LAMBERT Robin Andrew David UK Independence Party (UKIP) 272 PRICE-TOMES Pat The Green Party 544 PYCOCK Graham Harold Conservative Party Candidate 1020 STONE-FEWINGS Jo The Green Party 540 THURBURN Andrew James Liberal Democrat 279 TRYL Luke Michael Conservative Party Candidate 1097

The Number of rejected ballot papers was as follows: Number A - Want of an official mark 0 B - Voting for more than three candidates 0 C – Writing or mark by which voter could be identified 0 D – Unmarked or void for uncertainty 0 E – Rejected in part 0 Total 0

Electorate = 9,957 Total votes received = 4,309 Turnout = 43.28 %

And I declare that

1. Anna Birley 2. Fred Cowell 3. Max Deckers Dowber

are duly elected as Members for Thurlow Park Ward.

Derrick Anderson, Returning Officer.

Printed and published by the Returning Officer, Lambeth Town Hall, Brixton Hill, London, SW2 1RW Page 43

London Borough of Lambeth Election of 3 Ward Councillors Thornton Ward

Declaration of Result of Poll

Date of Election: 22 May 2014

I, Derrick Anderson, Returning Officer, hereby give notice that the number of votes for each Candidate at the election of 3 Councillors for Thornton Ward are as follows:

Number of Votes. Candidate name Description of candidate If Elected the Word 'ELECTED' appears against the number of votes AUDSLEY Adrian John The Green Party 360 BRACK Duncan Liberal Democrats 258 DAVIE Ed Labour Party Candidate 2113 ELECTED DE MAYNARD Vernon Conservative Party Candidate 570 HEMSLEY Simon Conservative Party Candidate 664 KERSHAW Hannah Louise The Green Party 336 LANKESTER Charles The Green Party 272 MACHAN Bruce UK Independence Party (UKIP) 764 MACNAIR Rebecca Liberal Democrats 271 MORRIS Diana Labour Party Candidate 2220 ELECTED PECK Lib Labour Party Candidate 2280 ELECTED PINDAR John Liberal Democrats 227 YOUNG Savill Conservative Party Candidate 481

The Number of rejected ballot papers was as follows: Number A - Want of an official mark 0 B - Voting for more than three candidates 0 C – Writing or mark by which voter could be identified 0 D – Unmarked or void for uncertainty 0 E – Rejected in part 0 Total 0

Electorate = 9,418 Total votes received = 3,677 Turnout = 39.04 %

And I declare that

1. Lib Peck 2. Diana Morris 3. Ed Davie

are duly elected as Members for Thornton Ward.

Derrick Anderson, Returning Officer.

Printed and published by the Returning Officer, Lambeth Town Hall, Brixton Hill, London, SW2 1RW Page 44

London Borough of Lambeth Election of 3 Ward Councillors Tulse Hill Ward

Declaration of Result of Poll

Date of Election: 22 May 2014

I, Derrick Anderson, Returning Officer, hereby give notice that the number of votes for each Candidate at the election of 3 Councillors for Tulse Hill Ward are as follows:

Number of Votes. Candidate name Description of candidate If Elected the Word 'ELECTED' appears against the number of votes AMINU Adedamola Labour Party Candidate 2073 ELECTED ATKINS Mary Labour Party Candidate 2276 ELECTED ATWELL Elkin Gordon The Green Party 742 CAMERON Marcia Labour Party Candidate 2044 ELECTED CARTWRIGHT Lavinia Conservative Party Candidate 305 CHUTER Jonathan The Green Party 713 COLDRICK Matthew Liberal Democrats 266 CURTIS Terry Liberal Democrats 242 FOSTER John Liberal Democrats 185 O'MANT Kieran Trade Unionists and Socialists Coaltion 105 READ Martin Conservative Party Candidate 250 RICHARDS Marcel Anthony Trade Unionists and Socialists Coaltion 78 WHITE John Conservative Party Candidate 256 WYNTER William Joseph The Green Party 615

The Number of rejected ballot papers was as follows: Number A - Want of an official mark 0 B - Voting for more than three candidates 0 C – Writing or mark by which voter could be identified 0 D – Unmarked or void for uncertainty 0 E – Rejected in part 0 Total 0

Electorate = 11,269 Total votes received = 3,639 Turnout = 32.29 %

And I declare that

1. Mary Atkins 2. Adedamola Aminu 3. Marcia Cameron

are duly elected as Members for Tulse Hill Ward.

Derrick Anderson, Returning Officer.

Printed and published by the Returning Officer, Lambeth Town Hall, Brixton Hill, London, SW2 1RW Page 45

London Borough of Lambeth Election of 3 Ward Councillors Vassall Ward

Declaration of Result of Poll

Date of Election: 22 May 2014

I, Derrick Anderson, Returning Officer, hereby give notice that the number of votes for each Candidate at the election of 3 Councillors for Vassall Ward are as follows:

Number of Votes. Candidate name Description of candidate If Elected the Word 'ELECTED' appears against the number of votes ABBOTT Paul Thomas Conservative Party Candidate 463 AVEBURY Lindsay Jean Liberal Democrats 445 BARR Stuart David Conservative Party Candidate 451 CHAPMAN Mark The Pirate Party 129 COLE Celia Esme Louise The Green Party 598 DYER Jacqui Labour Party Candidate 1751 ELECTED EVERETT Owen The Green Party 451 GADSBY Paul Labour Party Candidate 1723 ELECTED GALLOP Annie Labour Party Candidate 1671 ELECTED GETHING Joshua Conservative Party Candidate 382 MONTAGUE Dalton Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition 113 THOMAS Colette Dawn Liberal Democrats 388 WALTON John Noah Murgatroyd The Green Party 419 WYARD Dominic Karma Liberal Democrats 254

The Number of rejected ballot papers was as follows: Number A - Want of an official mark 0 B - Voting for more than three candidates 3 C – Writing or mark by which voter could be identified 0 D – Unmarked or void for uncertainty 22 E – Rejected in part 0 Total 25

Electorate = 10,656 Total votes received = 3,318 Turnout = 31.14 %

And I declare that

1. Jacqui Dyer 2. Paul Gadsby 3. Annie Gallop

are duly elected as Members for Vassall Ward.

Derrick Anderson, Returning Officer.

Printed and published by the Returning Officer, Lambeth Town Hall, Brixton Hill, London, SW2 1RW This page is intentionally left blank