May & June 2021
Hope does not put us to shame, because God's love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us. Romans 5:5 MAY - JUNE 2021 HOPE & LOVE Contacts Pastor Cameron Senior Pastor Sarah O’Connor Director of Worship Ministries Lori Hakes Thursday, May 6, 2021 Director of Children’s Ministries Nick Duclos 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Director of Student Risen Savior’s Sanctuary will be open for prayer. Ministry Prayer also available on Risen Savior’s website Lynda Kluth (WWW.RSLC.ORG) Facebook and Instagram Finance Manager Facebook: Summer Worship Schedule RisenSaviorLutheranChurch- Broomfield NEW SCHEDULE Begins Sunday, May 30 Instagram: risensaviorbroomfield/ 8:00 a.m. Indoor 9:00 a.m. Outdoor Website: Bringing back summer outdoor worship in the West parking lot. Sit outside, or in your car listening 303-469-3521 over the FM station. Bring a lawn Risen Savior chair, blanket, umbrella, sunscreen Lutheran Church and water. Most important a heart to 3031 W. 144th Ave worship the Lord! Broomfield, CO. 80023 Sarah O’Connor, Director of Worship . We extend to all who volunteered and helped to bring about a special Easter 2021 Celebration our most sincere appreciation and gratitude. Risen Savior was able to share the Gospel message about the resurrection of Jesus and the salvation that it offers to so many this Easter season. We could not have done this without your help. May God bless and encourage your ability to serve His kingdom on earth. Music– Risen Savior’s Virtual Choir, directed by Nicole London, Risen Savior’s Praise Team, 4Given, Sandy Meske, Steve Hakes, Lance Skinner, and Karen Pring Volunteers– Ron & Betty Friedrich, Colleen Martchenke, Maria Dolan, Sandy Meske, Colten Highley, Phil & Holly Cameron, Brenda O'Connor, Ed & Sylvia Doolos, Fred Wood, Bob & Connie Eskam, Becky Warren, Andy & Ruth Hammes, Brian & Amy Coleman, Mary & Bill Anderson, Herm & Kathy Heine, Lori McLean, Linda Harsh, Randy Hayden, Ron and Lori Aadsen, Kay Moeller, Stacy Nickels and the Risen Savior Youth Group.
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