Fencing Fencing
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FOUND DEAD IN BED VOTING CONTEST THE REAL W SUDDEN PASSING OF 0. W. WHO GETS THE $60 TALK m THING... CROSBY. ING MACHINE? It's all well enouRh to own Se- curittw, Notes, Mortfffljces, etc. Burlod Snaday With Nssoalo Record of Votes Cast np To-Day If they really stand for any- Honors by Lowell Brethrsa. 4 Noo«f ,,f< thing they arc good things to The votes np to noon today in the have. But there are times when Geo. W. Crosby was found dead In w In his bed at his home in Vergennes Victor Talking machine contest are exigencies erf business call for given herewith: Friday morning- by- his house-keepel^1r1 Mrs. Hicks,. when she went to call Hah Golds A 2500 AGuiranteed Rssdy Money him to breakfast He had been Ktbel White 1941 suffering with grippe, but with his Ralph Chase 1406 and nothing else will meet this customary Industry had done his Eddy Tent K. O. T. M. M 1842 imdHiik call. A man of foresight will chores and gone his accustomed The contest will close Wednesday always have an account at the ways as usual; and his sudden death evening, April 6, at 7 o'clock stand- bank. was a shock to bis friends. ard time. Prodiwr Deposit with us and your money will always As announced, the name# of those be safe and subject to Immediate cnll. making no gains will l)e dropped from the printed list; but they will l»e restored when gains are made. THE CITY BANK, Hill, Wslls * Co. Kallotsaro counted every Thurs- at 11.30. Interested parties may WIMIPHH. Kach week's ballot is sep- arately sealed; and the entire vote may IK; recounted and compared with the printed weekly reports if desired by any contestant. OLD SETTLERS MET We sell all of Dr. Hess' preparations on a positive guarantee to give satisfaction or money refunded. 71b8 50c, I21b8 75c, SSlbs $1.45, IN ANNUAL REUNION AND GOlbs $2.85, lOOlbs $5.00. Now Is a good time to try it and get your Fencing stock in good condition for Spring Work. HEARD MUSIC AND Made of large, VroDg wires, heavily galvanised SPEECHES. Amply provides for expansion and contrac- J. A. Lyoa Presided. Revs. Spragne Won. Only Best Bessemer steel wires • 1 aad Wesbrook Spoke. look's Drug ^ Book Store used, always of uniform quality. Never goes wrong no matter The chairs in the capacious parlor of Hotel Waverly were filled when bow great a it ran ^ <J. W. CROSBY. Vice President .T. A. Lyon called the is put on it. Does J assemblage to order last Friday Funeral services were held at the evening. Although many of our old not mulllatef but" house Sunday afternoon, conducted residence were conspicuous by their dees dkkftlj tnrn- by Rev. G. L.Sprague; and the burial absence, there was a generous sprink- was by the Masonic fraternity of ling of silver grays among those of cattlc, horses, i Lowell at the t-ometery west of the a later generation. htgs and pigs. Crosby home, Worshipful Master The exorcises were opened with a Nicholson officiating. Uprightly Instrumental trio by Mr. Crosby hnd been a inemlwr of Messrs. U. 1). Stocking, Charles Jre didn't Lowell Lodge, K. & A. M., since Barnes and Don Crawford on piano The Pittsburg Electric Weld and American Field March 27, TWO. and mandolins respectively. This ®uu it here... Fences are two the best fences mad^ at the present time. Mrs. Crosby preceded her pompan was so well appreciated that the ion to tlie unknown world December gentlemen responded to a vigorous This is a strong statement but the large amount sold 5,1!)02. encore with another of similar sort. each year through Michigan, especially at Lowell, fully Mr. Stocking accompanied all the vocal numbers of the program. proves the assertion. ThMi young man didn't buy .his boffns diamond tosro. In a brief address' of weteo>met , Mr. If he bad he would have had a genuine stone. If he Lyon expressed regret that the ven- had bought It of me and founda anythin.n g w Place your order now while it is cheap and get the erable-president, w. P. Perrin, was could have bahad his money backbaclt,. for 1I havie notl&tp- best. Yours for good fencing, unable to be present on account of ped for parts unknown between two days. illness; also confessed to a feeling of sadnesa on looking over the gather- ing to note the absence of so many of the old-time, famillarfaces, of some detained by Infirmities of age and of Ileadesarters for R. B. Boylan. many others who have "gonebefore." Diaaoads that Rev. J. H. Wesbrook invoked the •re nianoadn 7). Stocking. Divine blessing; and Rev. G. L. Sprague spoke entertainingly of the subject: "What the Youth of To-day oWe to the Pioneer." These debts he said were our Industrial, political, educational and character founda- tions, the last being the greatest. Michigan gave 15,000 of her sons to save the union from '61 to *65. The pioneer built the log school house thus founding aneducationalsystem. now crowned by the magnificent All Jewelry Looks University of Michigan. From the Three Times a Day pioneerVi bravery and self-reliance, we owe the independence of ourcharact- Fer 366 Days a Year er." Lincoln came from a pioneer Alike home. How shall we pay this debt MRS. G.W. CROSRV. of gratitude? By facing and conquer Bread In some form goes on yonr table. It Is the jmost Important lug the difficulties of the future as Item on your Wll of fare. Do you give it the attentloe you should? Mr. Crosby was born In Woodstock, bravely as did the pioneers those of To some people, but there is a difference; Mich., in 1837. He was brought up Always to have It good ahd wholesome get Hearth Bread *t the past. Smith's Bakery and yon will have solved the problem. Some jewelry is made ' -heap" to sell on a farm and received a common An old-time song, "Flow Gently, "cheap." BUT NOT OURS. In our school education. In ISM he was Sweet Afton," was sung by Mrs. J. iewelry stock, quality is the first consid- marriedtoMaryA. Fraadsca Heen- F. Thomas and listened to with rapt listed In 1888 la the First Mich. Reg. attention. WELDON SMITH. eratkm, and the price the last so you may iglneers and Mechanics and was Mrs. J. E. Lee replted "I'm Grow- discharged la 1885 at the close of the ing Old," and Mrs. Octavla Eaton The Baker always be sure that whenever you make war. He had a finely Improved farm a purchase here that you have something read a paper, "Remlnlsences from and a substantial residence built at Pioneer Physician's Life," that will last and not go wrong after a a cost of more than $2,000. Mrs. Mesdames H. A Peckham and D. few weeks usage. Crosby's parents came to Lowell G. Look and Messrs. Hicks and from Vermont In 1836, and her Nicholson then sang "Annie Lawrie.' Our stock has just been replenished recollections of Michigan were those At this point should have come an of pioneer life. Her companions address on Old Times by A. S. Stan- with everything that's new and up-to- were Indian girts and she learned to nard. Unfortunately, the worthy date in all the lines wo carry ami we can speak their language as readily as old citleen was kept at home by her own. sickness; and Rev. J. H. Wesbrook Now Is The Time surely please you. was called upon to fill vacancy. He DEATH OF MRS. SCHREINER said that he lacked a number of years of being as old as Mr. Stannard lamlgrated to Tfct* Vlclalty Fifty and conld not understand why he should be called upon to All his place. For Years Ago. However, be told some amusing Mrs. Margaret Schriener died. Fri- stories of his boyhood days in) Ver- day evening at her home In this vil- some thirty years ago. For lage, after nearly a year's illness. the truth of some of which he referred A. D. OLIVER Funeral services were held Monday his hearers to W. S. Winegar. morning at St. Mary's church, of Mrs. J. S. Hooker read a CwtOlaas,t»c. which she was a member, conducted on "Betsy and I are Out." and S. P by Rev. Fr. Shehan, of Grand Rapids. Hicks sang "Old Kentucky Home. Fencing Margaret Blassea was born in i. Edwin Lee was called upon but Prussia, Germany, Jan. 14, IS&Tand excused himself; and Edward Green, came to thisconntry abont fifty years who came to this country 53 years ago In 1857 she married William ago, concluded tho" program with Schrelner at Parnell. They soon some humorous remarks. Call and pet your order in for moved to Otlsco where they made It should be said that the com Fencing and get the vfery best their home until his death, seven mittee exerted itself to get more of fence at the lowest possible years ago. She than came to Lowell the old residents to take part, but and has since lived near her son, that an unusual amount of sickness price. Henry Schreiner, who was her only intorferred witn their plans. The child. reception committee was active and The New Market every old resident fonnd cordial wel- Tke Vitiate Ticket. come and a good seat. A goodly number partook of the Following is the ticket nominated bounteous supper spread by Mine at the Village caucus: President, H.