The Archives of The University of Notre Dame 607 Hesburgh Library Notre Dame, IN 46556 574-631-6448
[email protected] Notre Dame Archives: Alumnus -^.irW'.CTf:. -•J Wr-. -^ • Kv. ^ /<^- #' •^ss«r, I' liCEiOIIANOIHER •'*^'^S'-J'i'I'i-'llx% ^-'•^'St^iStt'^^-Sf: '• Vol. 47 No. 1 February 1969 James D. Cooney ExEcun\-E SECRETARY ALUMNI ASSOCIATION John P. Tburin '59 EDITOR Tom Sullivan '66 ^IANAGING EDITOR Meg Zwcts ASSISTANT EDITOR Bill Mitchell '71 Mike XfcCauley '69 John McDcrmott '70 EDITORIAL ASSISTANTS George Shuster on the ALUMNVS wavelength for the first time. Af. Bruce Harlan '49 CHIEF PUOTOGRAPHER ALUMNI ASSOCIATION OFFICERS Ever Want Ymur Owm Hoiline? Richard A. Rosenthal '54 JHow many times while listening to the six o'clock news or reading HONORARY PRESIDE-NT the evening's paper have you come across news of the University Leonard H. Skoglund '38 that's taken you completely by surprise? Moreover, how many times PRESIDENT has that story, often times controversial, made you sigh and wonder Edw-anl G. Cantivcll '24 aloud, "What's going on out at that place now?" VICE-PRESIDENT Edu-ard B. Fitzpatrick Jr '54 For example, do you remember a year ago Christmas when you VICE-PRESIDENT heard the mmor that Notre Dame and St. Mary's College were going John J. Rcidy '27 to merge? I can. I was in Ohio for a few day's vacation when I read VICE-PRESIDENT about it in the local newspaper. Having left the campus only days James D. Cooney '59 before, unaware so much as a whisper of such a notion, I found ExEcuTnx SECRETARY myself totally unprepared to handle questions of friends and relatives.