GLENTUNNEL SCHOOL NEWSLETTER Friday 1st March 2019 Tēnā koutou katoa parents and caregivers,

Dates to remember … On Wednesday the Selwyn Council with support from Cheap Skates Friday 1, 8, 15 and 22 March - held a Community Skate Jam on the schools tennis courts. It was a Golf in Schools fantastic turn out as lots of children and their whanau turned out to learn new skills and tricks. I was impressed at how quickly children Thursday 7 March - were learning to skateboard and use the inline skates. I went back to School swimming sports my youth and attempted an ‘ollie’ on a skate board. Let’s say I’m glad Tuesday 12 and Thursday 14 I stayed on the skateboard and didn’t end up on the ground! Well March - done to everyone who challenged themselves to try new things. Parent/teacher interviews

Tuesday 19 March - Malvern swimming sports

Thursday 21 March - School triathlon

Sunday 7 April - Daylight saving ends

Thursday 11 April - Malvern Spelling Bee

Friday 12 April - Last day of Term 1

Friday 19 April - Good Friday

Sunday 21 April - Easter Sunday

Monday 22 April - Easter Monday

Thursday 25 April - ANZAC Day

Monday 29 April - Term 2 begins

Weekly Joke!

Q: What do you get when you cross a snake with a tasty dessert?

A: A pie-thon! Next Thursday we have our school swimming sports. This year we are very fortunate to have Springfield School joining us. This gives our students a wonderful opportunity to connect with other tamariki within our Kahui Ako. The day is split into three sessions, the year 0-2 group will be competing from 10am – 11am, the year 3-4 group will be competing from 11.15am– 12.45pm and the year 5-6 group will be competing from 1 – 2.30pm. If available we would love to see you at school to support all the children challenging themselves during this event.

Today you will be receiving a form to book a time for parent/teacher/ student interviews happening on March the 12th (Tuesday) and 14th (Thursday). We love having you attend these interviews as they help develop those key relationships and understandings that help us better support your child’s well-being and learning. Please fill in the form and return it to school on Monday the 4th of March. This will enable Alison and teachers time to organise the interviews and inform you of your designated time by the end of next week.

The Malvern Kahui Ako are very fortunate to be involved in the Mana Ake project which has been rolled out to Canterbury Primary Schools. The project others support and guidance to schools, students and families. Please read the attached flyer and poster to find out more about what Mana Ake can provide for you or your child. I’m more than happy to speak with anyone interested in finding out more or putting in a referral for support. Liz Turner our Kai Mahi (liaison) for Glentunnel School will be at school next Monday the 4th of March from 8:30am to 9:15am if anyone would like to meet her and have a chat.

If you haven’t already I encourage you to make a submission to the Ministry of Education on the biggest review of education in in twenty years! The review of Tomorrow’s Schools is a once in a life time opportunity to have your say on what education could look like for your children and the future children of New Zealand. You can read about the review and make a submission by either clicking on the following link or by typing into your web browser. Tomorrow's Schools Review

Take care & E noho ra Dion Stechman

Awards this Week Alex—For increased focus during maths. David—For clear interesting writing. Boaz—For being a ‘Respectful Citizen’ in Room 3 by listening to and following instructions and encouraging others to too. Aurora—For being a great ‘Relationship Builder’ when working with a group to create a story animation. Charlotte —W For sharing her learning with others by carefully explaining the pictures in a special book she brought from home. Jayden—For showing empathy and kindness when a student missed out on a class treat and for suggesting a way to solve the problem. Paratene—For being excited about maths learning and telling Mr G about how great you are at maths. Lani—for always encouraging and supporting all learners—you go out of your way to find people who need some support—tino pai! Charlotte —B For being a helpful member of our class. Sophia—For being focussed and on task with all her work. And the Star of the Week goes to—Ruby L—For showing kindness and empathy to others at Glentunnel School. Fantastic work Ruby!


Registrations open now. The 2019 McDonald's Duathlon to be held at Hagley Park on Sunday, 7 April 2019. This event is run by volunteers from Garden City Rotary Club. Entries are open to 7 -15 year olds and the duathlon includes a run, bike and run. Entrants can look forward to receiving a Competition Medal, Gift Pack of sponsors’ products and a competition T-shirt. 7 - 10 Years - Run 1km, Cycle 4km, Run 500m 11 - 15 Years - Run 2km, Cycle 8km, Run 1km This community event is held by Garden City Rotary Club. To enter go to

News From Room 2

Chloe recently read an activity book titled, ‘The Rainbow Slime Book’, which she bought at a Scholastic store. Chloe has shared a recipe from the book with the class via a book report, and wishes to share this recipe with a wider audience. Chloe advises that this slime is suitable to be made by people seven years and older, and that children younger than ten will need some adult help. How to Make Fluffy Slime You will need:  500 ml white or clear P.V.A. glue  125 ml shaving cream  liquid laundry detergent  food colour or acrylic paint 1. Pour the glue into a large mixing bowl. Add shaving cream and gently fold into the glue. 2. Choose the colour you would like your slime to be, then add some food colouring or paint. Fold in gently until the mixture has completely combined. 3. Add laundry detergent a dash at a time and mix well. The mixture should begin to come away from the side of the bowl. 4. Knead the slime on a clear work surface until it reaches a slime consistency. ENJOY

The Bowls On The Court Go Round and Round

Bowls on the court going round and round… Room One children having a lesson with Emily and Jayde.

Last Wednesday, the 20th February, Emily from Canterbury Bowls gave us a bowls lesson on our school court. We had the lesson because the Year 5 and 6 students are going to a bowling tournament in Coalgate with other schools on Wednesday 27th February. I enjoyed the bowls lesson so I am hoping I will enjoy the tournament. Aden Goodfellow (Year 6)

This is children from Glentunnel School, School and School competing in a bowling tournament at the Coalgate Bowling Club on Thursday of this week. We were helped by members from the Coalgate Bowling Club. Emily (from Canterbury Bowls) and Jayde (Selwyn Sports’ Activator) organised the tournament. We had lots of fun.