Elizabeth A. Gunderson, Ph.D. Temple University, Weiss Hall
[email protected] 1701 N. 13th St. phone: (215) 204-1258 Philadelphia, PA 19122 http://sites.temple.edu/cognitionlearning/ EDUCATION Doctor of Philosophy, Developmental Psychology, University of Chicago 2012 Chicago, IL Dissertation: Individual differences in early number knowledge: Variation in the learner and the learning environment Bachelor of Arts, Computer Science & Psychology, Yale University 2005 New Haven, CT Honors: Magna Cum Laude, Phi Beta Kappa FACULTY POSITIONS Assistant Professor (tenure track), Department of Psychology 2013-present Temple University, Philadelphia, PA RESEARCH POSITIONS Postdoctoral Scholar, Department of Psychology, University of Chicago 2012 Chicago, IL, Laboratory of Dr. Susan Levine Graduate Student, Department of Psychology, University of Chicago 2007-2012 Chicago, IL, Laboratory of Dr. Susan Levine Research Assistant, Yale University Social Robotics Lab, Yale University 2004-2005 New Haven, CT, Laboratory of Dr. Brian Scassellati Research Assistant, Yale University Primate Cognition Lab, Yale University 2003 New Haven, CT, Laboratory of Dr. Laurie Santos EXTERNALLY FUNDED: ONGOING GRANTS NSF CAREER Award, DRL-1452000, Sole PI: Gunderson 2015-2020 CAREER: Spatial Foundations of Symbolic Numeracy Skills in Young Children Total Costs: $1,227,559 PENDING GRANTS NSF ECR, 1760144, PI: Gunderson Submitted Sept. 2017 Co-Is: Hindman, Newcombe, Newton, Weinraub Developing STEM achievement and motivation: The role of spatial skills and parent-child