Tts Relates to Tue..Several Parishes in Or Through Which
4051 tts relates to tue..several parishes in or through ingsheartii otherwise Horhingsherth otherwise which the said new lines of railway, branches, and Horningsword otherwise Horniggesherth other- works are intended to pass or be made, will be wise Horringer, Great Horningsheath otherwise deposited with the parish clerk of every sutih parish, Great Horningsnearth otherwise Great Hornings- at his place of abode.—Dated this third day of herth otherwise Great Horningsword other* November 1845. wise Great Horniggesherth otherwise Great . Rawson and Best, Solicitors, Leeds. Horringer, Little Horningsheath otherwise Little Horningshearth otherwise Little Horningsherth otherwise Little Horningsword otherwise Little OTICE is hereby given, that application is Horniggesherth 'otherwise Little Horringer, N intended 'to be made to Parliament in the and the hamlet of Horsecroft, Hengrave ensuing session, for a Bill or Bills for making and otherwise Hingrave Hargrave, Great Sax- maintaining a railway or railways, with all proper ham, Little Saxham, Flempton, the extra- works, and convenient stations, erections, bridges, parochial place of Chimney Mills, Lackford, communications, approaches, and conveni- Risby, Cavenhatn otherwise Canham, Barrow, ences connected therewith, commencing by a junc- the hamlet of Higham otherwise Higham-green, tion with the Norfolk Railway, in the parishes of in the parish of Gazeley, Needham otherwise Saint Peter Thetford, and Saint Cnthbert Tket- Needham-street, Denham; the extra-parochial ford, In the counties of Norfolk
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