Cabinet - 19 April 2018

Report of the: Chief Officer Environmental & Operational Services

Status: For recommendation to Cabinet

Also considered by: Direct and Trading Advisory Committee - 13 March 2018

Key Decision: Yes

Executive Summary:

The shared service Environmental Health team currently provides an Out of Hours (OOH) Service to deal with complaints from residents within the Sevenoaks and Dartford districts. This service currently operates everyday throughout the year between 17:00 and 22:00 Monday to Thursday, 17:00 to 00:00 Friday, 08:00 to 00:00 Saturday and 08:00 to 22:00 Sunday.

Demand for the service is shown to vary significantly throughout the year and by day of the week. Many of the calls received are not urgent and do not require immediate action. These can be managed the next working day during office hours in accordance with agreed performance indicators.

In the past 18 months, experienced officers have left the OOH Service, and there is now a serious issue with fully staffing the Service in its existing format.

This report recommends that the OOH service targets Environmental Health Officer resource at times of peak demand whilst simultaneously empowering the CCTV team to respond, record and provide advice to the majority of ‘one off’ complaints received by the service. The existing OOH provision for serious or emergency public health complaints will be extended via a year round cascade call system.

This report supports the Key Aim of Safe Communities and Green Environment

Portfolio Holder Cllr. Matthew Dickins

Contact Officers Annie Sargent Ext.3085 / Nick Chapman. Ext 3160 Recommendation to Direct and Trading Advisory Committee

To consider and recommend to Cabinet that the changes to the Out of Hours service proposed within the conclusion to this report are agreed.

Recommendation to Cabinet

That Cabinet agree to the recommended changes to the Out of Hours Service proposed within the conclusion to this report.

Reason for recommendation: To ensure the Environmental Health Out of Hours service is targeted to allow resources to be available at times of peak demand.

Introduction and Background

1 The Environmental Health Partnership currently operates an Out of Hours (OOH) Service across both Sevenoaks and Dartford districts. During operational hours, members of the public can contact a duty Environmental Protection Officer in respect of environmental complaints including noise, odour and smoke etc.

2 The duty officer will provide advice as required and where appropriate will undertake site inspections and take action to resolve a complainant’s concerns. Calls received rarely constitute a significant public health matter or an emergency situation which requires immediate attention.

3 Currently the OOH service operates Monday to Thursday 17:00 to 22:00, Friday 17:00 to 00:00, Saturday 08:00 to 00:00 and Sunday 08:00 to 22:00. The service is extended to cover public holidays (including staff statutory days) with the exception of Christmas Day and Boxing Day when a “telephone response” service is provided.

4 Calls received after 22:00 or 00:00 and before office opening hours are recorded and passed to the Environmental Health Team the next working day.

5 For each week of the year, the OOH Service is covered by one officer from within the Environmental Health team. Officers volunteer for these duties and they are carried out in addition to the standard 37 hour working week. This can equate to a working week of 92hrs+ when on OOH duty.

6 The OOH duty officer is provided with details of residents who have called the OOH service and is expected to call them back within 1 hour.

7 Where a call is received regarding a complaint already being investigated by the Environmental Health team, or is subject to enforcement action, or is deemed to present either a significant public health risk or nuisance the OOH duty officer is expected to visit the address to obtain evidence and take appropriate enforcement action.

8 Currently, OOH duty officers are expected to take time off in ‘lieu’ (TOIL) for these visits during their standard working week. This time is taken during normal office hours and impacts upon the team’s ability to undertake day to day statutory duties.

Staffing Issues 9 Historically, 6 officers from within the Environmental Health team have participated in the service, each undertaking 9 separate shifts of 7 days (Monday to Sunday) throughout the calendar year on a 6 week rota. However, since April 2017, 4 of these officers have left the OOH service.

10 This has resulted in 23 vacant shifts/ weeks in 2017/2018 (34 for 2018/2019) which have had to be filled by members of the Environmental Health team on an ad hoc basis.

11 Only appropriately trained and experienced officers can cover the OOH service.

12 It has become increasingly difficult to staff the service with volunteers and as a consequence, the burden for covering the service has increasingly fallen to two of the original officers. There are concerns that this will impact on these officers’ wellbeing. It is therefore not considered sustainable to continue to operate the service in this way.

13 The majority of officers within the Environmental Health Team do not wish to voluntarily participate in the OOH service in its current format. Officers have stated that they are concerned about the impact that covering the service has upon their health, home life and caring responsibilities. Health & safety risks and concerns associated with lone working late at night in remote areas have also been raised. (Appendix A )

14 It is a requirement within the contract of all officers of the Environmental Health team to take part in the OOH service as required. Many officers are not however qualified or experienced to carry out the service (officers within the Commercial team and the Scientific Officer) and would require specialist training to participate. (See Appendix B)

15 Consideration would need to be given as to how such a requirement would fit with those who are primary carers or currently work part time. This is the reason why the scheme currently relies on volunteers.

Current Costs of Service

16 Currently there is a salary cost to operating the OOH service of £14,584.96 split between Dartford and Sevenoaks Councils. 17 Officers are not paid overtime and are instead expected to claim TOIL for any hours they work investigating or undertaking enforcement OOH. This includes any travel time to and from their home. Appendix C

18 Owing to the nature of the area covered by Dartford and Sevenoaks most officers live outside of the district and consequently travel time is a significant contributor to these costs.

19 Total cost to Dartford and Sevenoaks for providing the OOH service is therefore estimated in real terms to be in excess of £22,000

Calls received by Service

20 Between April 2014 and March 2017 the OOH Service received 908 calls (average of 303 per year) excluding stray dog calls.

21 60% of calls received by the OOH Service relate to Dartford, 40% of calls relate to Sevenoaks.

22 The majority of calls (70%) are received between May and October each year. The majority of calls are received by the service Friday to Sunday (74%). The majority of calls are received between 18:00 and 00:00 (70%). - Appendix D.

23 81% of calls received by the OOH service are in respect of noise. The majority of these are in respect of amplified music/ behaviour noise from neighbouring domestic properties.

24 Approximately 21% of calls result in Officers undertaking an OOH visit. (18% of calls in 2016/2017 and 25% in 2017/2018).

25 The OOH Service currently receives a large number of new/ 1st time/ one off event type complaints. This type of call is unlikely to result in action being taken OOH and is commonly dealt with through the provision of advice. This type of call could reasonably be responded to within normal office hours (in accordance with agreed Performance Indicators).

26 Officers would typically undertake a visit in response to an OOH complaint where it is considered that they can either obtain evidence to support legal action (either immediate or during working hours) or make a difference to the customer. Types of call which commonly result in an OOH visit include:

a. Ongoing noise problems which are currently under investigation by the EP Team b. Ongoing/ Sounding alarm (vehicle or property) c. Drainage problems resulting in a sewage overflow (not within the remit of the statutory undertaker) d. Complaints about licensed premises where it is alleged there is a significant noise problem. e. Noise from large construction sites (such as those operated by a major contractor) where noise is outside of District Council ‘recommended hours’

27 The OOH duty officers work alone. They must therefore consider the health and safety implications of lone working and must not put themselves at risk. This can limit the effectiveness of the OOH service to resolve complaints to the satisfaction of residents. The service is unable to approach and stop/ reduce the noise from ‘one off’ parties for this reason.

28 Police do not have the resource to provide support to Local Authorities undertaking OOH visits.

Legal Basis for the Out of Hours Service

29 The Environmental Protection Act 1990 places a duty upon every local authority to take reasonably practicable steps to investigate a complaint. The method for discharging this duty is not however dictated by statute and the Council has no legal duty to maintain an OOH service.

30 Legislation does not specify timescales within which the investigation of a complaint shall take place (our Performance Indicator for complaint response is 5 working days).

Out of Hours work not subject to review

31 The team are able to use alternative monitoring techniques and methods to either support or replace investigations currently undertaken by the OOH Service. These will ensure the service provided continues to be high quality.

32 The team currently has nine (9) noise nuisance recorders for use across both districts. These can be deployed proactively into resident’s properties to capture intrusive noise. We also have an external microphone enclosure to enable the equipment to be set up externally as required.

33 Officers within the Environmental Protection team will continue to undertake proactive visits out of hours as necessary during their own case investigations. The team will also proactively monitor any event likely to have significant environmental health implications (major festival events etc.).

34 The District Council will also consider use of new technologies that will empower customers to collect accurate noise data themselves outside of normal service hours (e.g. The NoiseApp).

35 Emergency Planning functions of the District Council will remain as at present and are not impacted by this review. Benchmarking against other Local Authorities

36 For the purposes of this report, Environmental Health Teams in Kent have been contacted requesting details of their OOH service (results summarised in Appendix E).

37 The level of service provision varies throughout Kent. Of the 11 Authorities surveyed, 3 offer no OOH Service at all (Ashford, & and Malling), and 7 offer a streamlined service (either reduced operational days or by significantly restricting matters that can be dealt with). 1 Local Authority did not respond.

38 No other Local Authority within Kent operates a service comparable to our current OOH Service.

39 Payment for OOH varies considerably between Kent authorities and the remuneration currently offered to participants in our EH Partnership OOH is competitive.

40 Within Kent, 2 OOH Services are either fully or partially undertaken by compelling staff to participate through their contract (contract condition). All others are staffed using volunteers (i.e. participation is not compulsory).

Other Options Considered and/or Rejected

Keep Service as currently operated

41 As stated above, participation within the OOH service is a contact condition of all Sevenoaks Technical and Environmental Health Officers.

42 Whilst all officers can theoretically be required to participate in the service, those currently within the Commercial team are unlikely to have sufficient experience/ expertise to be able to easily manage the majority of calls received by the OOH Service (noise). Therefore it is considered that it would be necessary to provide training on ‘statutory noise nuisance’ and OOH systems for these officers in advance of their participation in the service.

43 Consideration would have to be given as to how OOH shifts would be allocated fairly amongst those who are currently part time or those who are primary carers. Those who live significant distances from the authority boundaries would also need to be thought about.

44 It is anticipated that enforcing the contract of employment would result in a significant amount of disharmony amongst the team which is likely to adversely affect morale. Wellbeing and health and safety considerations would need to be a priority consideration.

45 This option will continue to impact upon daytime delivery of the Environmental Health service (impact of TOIL) and ability to achieve Performance Indicators. Provide a weekend only service

46 Analysis indicates that the OOH Service receives 74% of all calls on the Friday night, Saturday and Sunday.

47 Such a service would enable all calls to be responded to within 24hrs as is currently the case but would reduce total number of hours worked by the OOH duty officers to 35hrs (from 55hrs).

48 Contract conditions may still need to be applied as in option 1 to adequately staff this option.

49 As the majority of calls are received at the weekend this option will continue to impact upon day time delivery of the service (impact of TOIL).

50 This would be a reduction in service cover and would significantly impact the ability of Environmental Health Team to respond to public health emergencies.

Operate a Friday and Saturday only

51 Analysis of the calls received by the service indicates that most users contact the service on Friday and Saturday nights between 18:00 and 00:00 and Sunday mornings (10:00 to 12:00) during May to October.

52 The majority of calls on Sundays result from noise from DIY/ Construction Sites or neighbour to neighbour noise- this type of complaint rarely constitutes an actionable nuisance on the first occasion and so can be reasonably dealt with on the next working day.

53 Statistics indicate that the Environmental Health team receive significantly more complaints about nuisance during the summer months when residents are sensitised (windows are more likely to be open) and noise is more likely to take place externally (Appendix E)

54 The OOH cover could therefore be targeted to 18:00 to 00:00 on Friday and Saturday nights.

55 If such a service is initiated this will result in 52 weekend shifts (total 12hrs each).

Weekend Summer Service

56 As per option above but during peak periods only [May-October].

No longer provide an OOH Service

57 The Council could consider removing the OOH Service. As stated above, the Councils do not have a legal obligation to provide such a service and it is considered that most complaints could be adequately investigated using pro- active techniques during the working week. 58 This option would however affect each Council’s ability to respond effectively to some complaint types (notably alarms and noise from licensed premises).This may result in formal complaints about the service offered by Environmental Health.

59 This option would generate a saving for Sevenoaks and Dartford Councils and would reduce the impact upon the daytime delivery of the Environmental Health service.

60 There appears to be an increasing trend for events and festivals to be held in the district each summer. Known events would continue to be supported outside of the OOH service.

Key Implications


There is no financial impact to the proposal recommended.

Legal Implications and Risk Assessment Statement.

The District Council has no statutory duty to provide an OOH service and is entitled to determine what constitutes reasonably practicable investigation as determined by s79 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990.

Equality Assessment

The decisions recommended through this paper have a remote or low relevance to the substance of the Equality Act. There is no perceived impact on end users.


61 It is recommended that a targeted OOH service be implemented during the busiest service periods of Friday and Saturday night 18:00 to 00.00.

62 During these periods; all calls in respect of environmental health (other than 1st time complaints) will be passed to the OOH Duty Officer for review and investigation as per the current service.

63 At all other times OOH calls will be reviewed and logged by the CCTV team.

64 Training and guidance will be provided to CCTV operators to ensure they provide accurate advice and assistance to a customer at the time of their call.

65 Environmental Health will continue to provide additional advice or assistance as required via a cascade telephone system (or similar) for emergency situations or difficult/ demanding customers. 66 It is considered that the proposed system would allow serious or emergency public health matters to be dealt with all year round and provide an enhanced system during periods of highest demand.

67 The proposed service will also ensure all customers calling the District Council outside of working hours receive an enhanced level of information and advice (provided by CCTV) during their initial call to the Council (rather than just in current service hours). It will also enable CCTV to contact an officer from Environmental Health in periods not currently covered by the existing service.

68 The provision of a secondary cascade rota would enable the OOH Duty Officer to seek a second opinion or if necessary operational support on difficult and challenging cases.

69 It is hoped that the recommended service can continue to be staffed using volunteers from within the EH Team. There does however remain a high risk that contract conditions may need to be applied to adequately staff this option.

Appendices Appendix A- Summary of Officer views on OOH Service

Appendix B – List of Officers and Full Time Equivalent

Appendix C- Analysis of Time of In Lieu Accrued

Appendix D- Analysis of Calls received by OOH Team April 2014 to March 2017

Appendix E- Summary of Kent OOH Services

Background s79/80 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 Papers (

Noise nuisances: how councils deal with complaints councils-deal-with-complaints Appendix A- Summary of Officer views on OOH Service

Survey response 95%

Q1- Would you be willing to participate within the OOH Service

Q2- Please specify you reason for not wishing to participate in the OOH Service Appendix B- List of Officers and Full Time Equivalent

Post Title OOH Duties Employer Local Authority FTE Training Covered Required April 2017 to March 2018

Environmental Health Manager 5 Council 1 Y Assistant Environmental Health 13 Sevenoaks District Council 1 N Manager- Environmental Protection

Principal Environmental Health Officer- 3 Dartford Borough Council 0.8 N Environmental Protection

Environmental Health Officer- 14 Sevenoaks District Council 1 N Environmental Protection

Environmental Health Officer- 2 Sevenoaks District Council 1 N Environmental Protection

Scientific Officer- Environmental 0 Dartford Borough Council 1 Y Protection Environmental Protection Officer 0 Dartford Borough Council 1 N Environmental Protection Officer 2 Sevenoaks District Council 1 N Environmental Protection Officer Dartford Borough Council N/A (VACANT POST)

Environmental Protection Support Officer 3 Sevenoaks District Council 1 Y

Animal Control Officer 0 Dartford Borough Council 1 Y Animal Control Officer 2 Sevenoaks District Council 1 N Assistant Environmental Health 0 Dartford Borough Council 1 Y Manager- Commercial

Principal Environmental Health Officer- 0 Sevenoaks District Council 0.8 Y Commercial

Environmental Health Officer- 0 Sevenoaks District Council 1 Y Commercial Environmental Health Officer- 0 Sevenoaks District Council 0.6 Y Commercial Environmental Health Officer- 0 Sevenoaks District Council 0.6 Y Commercial Food Safety Officer 2 Sevenoaks District Council 0.7 Y Food Safety Officer 0 Sevenoaks District Council 0.6 Y Food Safety Officer 6 Dartford Borough Council 1 Y Health and Safety Officer 0 Dartford Borough Council 0.4 Y Health and Safety Officer (VACANT 0 Dartford Borough Council Y POST)

Total 52 17.5 Appendix B- Analysis of Time of In Lieu Accrued

From To Officer Calls Visits Time Lieu 04/04/2016 10/04/2016 EHO2 3 1 04:05 03:30 3.5 EHO2 41.66 39.20 £1,633.07 11/04/2016 17/04/2016 FSO2 0 0 FSO2 41.66 11.13 £463.47 18/04/2016 24/04/2016 EPO3 3 0 01:05 0 0 EHO4 43.95 13.00 £571.35 25/04/2016 01/05/2016 EHO2 0 0 0 0 0 EHO6 57.87 12.75 £737.84 02/05/2016 08/05/2016 FSO1 5 1 00:30 00:45 0.75 FSO1 41.66 19.15 £797.79 09/05/2016 15/05/2016 FSO2 4 1 02:35 02:30 2.5 EPO3 41.66 17.60 £733.22 16/05/2016 22/05/2016 EHO6 7 2 05:50 04:00 4 112.83 £4,936.74 23/05/2016 29/05/2016 EPO3 4 0 01:15 00:00 0 30/05/2016 05/06/2016 EHO4 3 0 00:40 00:00 0 = missing reports but LIEU 06/06/2016 12/06/2016 EHO2 7 2 05:02 03:40 3.7 inferred from time claimed by 13/06/2016 19/06/2016 FSO1 02:25 2.4 officers 20/06/2016 26/06/2016 EPO3 7 0 01:25 00:00 0 27/06/2016 03/07/2016 EHO6 7 2 02:35 01:15 1.25 04/07/2016 10/07/2016 FSO2 9 2 05:20 04:00 4 11/07/2016 17/07/2016 EHO2 14 7 12:15 10:00 10 18/07/2016 24/07/2016 EHO4 03:00 3 25/07/2016 31/07/2016 FSO1 04:45 4.75 01/08/2016 07/08/2016 FSO2 6 0 01:35 00:00 0 08/08/2016 14/08/2016 EPO3 17 3 12:05 08:20 8.3 15/08/2016 21/08/2016 EHO6 12 0 02:45 00:00 22/08/2016 28/08/2016 EHO6 13 5 12:00 07:30 7.5 29/08/2016 04/09/2016 EHO4 05:30 5.5 05/09/2016 11/09/2016 FSO1 03:45 3.75 12/09/2016 18/09/2016 EPO3 9 0 01:55 00:00 0 19/09/2016 25/09/2016 FSO2 8 0 01:25 00:00 0 26/09/2016 02/10/2016 EHO2 6 2 05:10 04:00 4 03/10/2016 09/10/2016 EHO2 5 0 01:10 00:00 0 10/10/2016 16/10/2016 EHO4 00:00 0 17/10/2016 23/10/2016 FSO1 4 2 03:25 03:00 3 24/10/2016 30/10/2016 EPO3 18 4 14:00 09:20 9.3 31/10/2016 06/11/2016 FSO2 7 1 04:00 02:30 2.5 07/11/2016 13/11/2016 EHO6 00:00 0 14/11/2016 20/11/2016 EHO2 02:00 2 21/11/2016 27/11/2016 EHO4 00:00 0 28/11/2016 04/12/2016 FSO1 03:15 3.25 05/12/2016 11/12/2016 FSO2 4 0 00:55 00:00 0 12/12/2016 18/12/2016 EHO2 07:30 7.5 19/12/2016 25/12/2016 EPO3 3 0 01:45 0 0 26/12/2016 01/01/2017 EHO6 00:00 0 02/01/2017 08/01/2017 EHO4 01:30 1.5 09/01/2017 15/01/2017 FSO2 4 1 02:45 02:00 2 16/01/2017 22/01/2017 EHO2 00:00 0 23/01/2017 29/01/2017 EPO3 5 0 01:00 00:00 0 30/01/2017 05/02/2017 EHO6 00:00 0 06/02/2017 12/02/2017 EHO2 04:00 4 13/02/2017 19/02/2017 EHO4 00:00 0 20/02/2017 26/02/2017 FSO1 01:15 1.25 27/02/2017 05/03/2017 FSO2 4 1 03:55 03:00 3 06/03/2017 12/03/2017 EPO3 00:00 0 13/03/2017 19/03/2017 EHO6 00:00 0 20/03/2017 26/03/2017 EHO2 04:30 4.5 27/03/2017 02/04/2017 EHO4 03:00 3 37 115.7

From To Officer Calls Visits Time Lieu 90.11 03/04/2017 09/04/2017 FSO1 4 2 04:30 04:00 4.00 EHO2 £57.87 £1,874.99 10/04/2017 16/04/2017 FSO2 2 0 00:30 0 0.00 FSO2 £41.66 £72.91 17/04/2017 23/04/2017 EHO1 5 0 02:40 07:24 7.40 EHO4 £43.95 £747.15 24/04/2017 30/04/2017 EHO2 4 3 05:40 5 5.00 FSO1 £41.66 £479.09 01/05/2017 07/05/2017 EHO3 5 0 00:35 07:24 7.40 EHO5 £43.95 £395.55 08/05/2017 14/05/2017 EHO4 3 0 00:45 0 0.00 EHO1 £60 £784 15/05/2017 21/05/2017 FSO1 3 1 03:50 03:15 3.25 EHO3 £57.87 £717.59 22/05/2017 28/05/2017 FSO2 6 1 02:25 01:40 1.75 EPO1 £41.66 £124.98 29/05/2017 04/06/2017 EHO4 4 1 02:45 02:00 0.00 EPO2 £41.66 £83.32 05/06/2017 11/06/2017 EHO5 5 4 09:10 09:00 9.00 TOTAL £5,279.17 12/06/2017 18/06/2017 EHO2 7 3 06:05 05:00 5.00 19/06/2017 25/06/2017 EHO4 3 1 02:30 02:00 2.00 26/06/2017 02/07/2017 FSO1/EHO2 6 1 01:15 02:00 2.00 03/07/2017 09/07/2017 EHO4 2 1 03:00 03:00 3.00 10/07/2017 16/07/2017 EHO2 3 1 02:40 02:00 2.00 17/07/2017 23/07/2017 EHO4 1 0 00:30 00:00 0.00 24/07/2017 30/07/2017 EHO4 2 0 00:50 00:00 0.00 31/07/2017 06/08/2017 EHO2 1 0 00:30 00:00 0.00 07/08/2017 13/08/2017 EHO4/EHO2 2 1 01:00 08:00 8.00 14/08/2017 20/08/2017 FSO1 3 0 00:45 00:00 0.00 21/08/2017 27/08/2017 EHO3 12 1 06:00 05:00 5.00 28/08/2017 03/09/2017 EHO2 2 0 00:45 07:24 7.40 04/09/2017 10/09/2017 EHO4 3 0 01:00 00:00 0.00 11/09/2017 17/09/2017 EHO2 1 1 03:00 03:00 3.00 18/09/2017 24/09/2017 FSO1 4 1 03:00 02:15 2.25 25/09/2017 01/10/2017 EHO1 4 2 04:10 03:40 3.66 02/10/2017 08/10/2017 EHO3 3 0 00:45 00:00 0.00 09/10/2017 15/10/2017 EPO1 3 1 03:00 03:00 3.00 16/10/2017 22/10/2017 EHO2 3 0 01:30 00:00 0.00 23/10/2017 29/10/2017 FSO1 3 1 02:30 02:00 2.00 30/10/2017 05/11/2017 EPO2 3 2 02:30 02:00 2.00 06/11/2017 12/11/2017 EHO4 3 1 02:30 02:00 2.00 13/11/2017 19/11/2017 EHO4 0 0 00:00 0 0.00 20/11/2017 26/11/2017 EPO1 2 0 00:30 00:00 0.00 27/11/2017 03/12/2017 EHO2 04/12/2017 10/12/2017 EHO1 11/12/2017 17/12/2017 EPO3 18/12/2017 24/12/2017 EHO4 25/12/2017 31/12/2017 EHO2 01/01/2018 07/01/2018 EPO1 08/01/2018 14/01/2018 EHO2 15/01/2018 21/01/2018 EHO4 22/01/2018 28/01/2018 EPO3 29/01/2018 04/02/2018 EHO2 05/02/2018 11/02/2018 EHO5 12/02/2018 18/02/2018 EPO2 19/02/2018 25/02/2018 EHO2 26/02/2018 04/03/2018 EHO4 05/03/2018 11/03/2018 EHO4 12/03/2018 18/03/2018 EHO1 19/03/2018 25/03/2018 EHO4 26/03/2018 01/04/2018 EHO2 Appendix D- Analysis of Calls received by OOH Team April 2014 to March 2017 2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2017 DBC SDC TOTAL DBC SDC TOTAL DBC SDC TOTAL Grand Total Ave % Apr 5 10 15 6 7 13 9 2 11 39 13 4 May 16 11 27 16 10 26 16 14 30 83 28 9 Jun 17 20 37 15 14 29 14 17 31 97 32 11 Jul 9 22 31 17 19 36 20 35 55 122 41 13 Aug 24 11 35 25 22 47 42 17 59 141 47 16 Sep 12 17 29 17 10 27 34 17 51 107 36 12 Oct 2 15 17 11 7 18 25 13 38 73 24 8 Nov 7 8 15 13 8 21 6 8 14 50 17 6 Dec 1 10 11 10 7 17 14 8 22 50 17 6 Jan 5 3 8 8 8 16 13 5 18 42 14 5 Feb 10 2 12 13 8 21 14 7 21 54 18 6 Mar 2 7 9 6 14 20 14 7 21 50 17 6 110 136 246 157 134 291 221 150 371 908 303 100 2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2017 DBC SDC TOTAL DBC SDC TOTAL DBC SDC TOTAL TOTAL Ave % Monday 9 8 17 7 10 17 14 12 26 60 20 7 Tuesday 4 8 12 13 17 30 17 5 22 64 21 7 Wednesday 7 7 14 6 8 14 21 16 37 65 22 7 Thursday 6 5 11 7 7 14 8 13 21 46 15 5 Friday 22 19 41 36 12 48 30 18 48 137 46 15 Saturday 38 62 100 61 56 117 85 59 144 361 120 40 Sunday 24 27 51 27 24 51 46 27 73 175 58 19 110 136 246 157 134 291 221 150 371 908 303 2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2017 DBC SDC TOTAL DBC SDC TOTAL DBC SDC TOTAL Overall total Average Per year % 08:00 to 09:59 6 9 15 5 11 16 12 7 19 50 17 6 10:00 to 11:59 7 12 19 2 13 15 14 13 27 61 20 7 12:00 to 13:59 8 8 16 7 4 11 15 8 23 50 17 6 14:00 to 15:59 10 10 20 2 10 12 16 3 19 51 17 6 16:00 to 17:59 15 12 27 22 7 29 20 13 33 89 30 10 18:00 to 19:59 11 26 37 30 20 50 32 36 68 155 52 17 20:00 to 21:59 32 34 66 60 50 110 59 45 104 280 93 31 22:00 to 23:59 21 25 46 29 19 48 53 25 78 172 57 19 110 136 246 157 134 291 221 150 371 908 303 100 2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2017 TOTAL DBC SDC DBC SDC DBC SDC Accumulation 4 1 6 2 1 14 1.550388 Animal welfare 1 2 3 0.332226 ASB 1 1 0.110742 Bonfires 7 9 9 8 8 12 53 5.869324 Drainage 1 3 7 1 10 22 2.436323 Dust 1 1 0.110742 Food 2 3 5 0.55371 Fumes 1 1 2 0.221484 H&S 1 1 2 0.221484 Horses 4 1 5 0.55371 Light 1 1 0.110742 Miscellaneous 3 1 3 2 6 3 18 1.993355 Noise 73 115 135 105 189 115 732 81.06312 Odour 2 2 3 1 1 1 10 1.10742 Pests 15 6 12 33 3.654485 Private Water Supplies 1 1 0.110742 903 Appendix E- Summary of Kent OOH Services

Local Authority Months Days Service Hours Service Officers Payment made What is covered by the service? service Operates operates volunteers or for OOH Shift operates contracted Ashford Borough None None None N/A N/A Currently no service offered by ABC Council (apart from pre-arranged monitoring where required and agreed directly with officers)

Canterbury City Council Dartford Borough All Year Monday to Sunday 17:00 to 22:00 Volunteers £280.48 (per All areas of Environmental Protection, Council (Mon-Thur) week) including noise, drainage, bonfires etc. 17:00 to 00:00 (Fri) 08:00 to 00:00 (Sat) 1st point of contact for all EH calls (H&S 08:00 to 22:00 (Sun) and Food). District All year Friday & Saturday. 8pm to 3am. Volunteers £19.71 stand-by Noise. If caller is on referral list or if 3 or Council Sundays too when rate for each day. more independent callers regarding same there is a Bank Then overtime at source. Holiday Monday. Fri £19.71 per hour

Sat & Sun £29.56

Bank Hols £39.42

Plus mileage rate of 45p a mile. Borough Gravesham March and April Contract Time off in lieu Noise complaints only Council Borough Council 9.00 p.m. – 2.00 a.m. Saturday night officers who were May to August here before the inclusive 9.00 p.m. – new contracts 2.00 a.m. Friday were set up who and Saturday nights get paid £145.14 per session and there is also the September and same payment for October 9.00 p.m. – sessions left over 2.00 a.m. Saturday after all the night contracted ones have been taken - around 10 of these.

Maidstone Borough All Year Monday to Sunday 17:00 to 00:00 Volunteers £146.81 9per All areas of Environmental Protection, Council (Mon-Thur) week) including noise, drainage, bonfires etc. 16:30 to 00:00 (Fri) Sat, Sun and Bank 1st point of contact for all EH calls (H&S holidays 08:00 – and Food). 00:00 (the same officer The environmental OOH service stops at will be on call for 00:00, however the officer on call can be general duties from contacted anytime outside of office 00:00- 08:30) hours to deal with council duties. These can include temporary housing matters, waste issues, etc. Council All Year Friday to Monday Fri 17:00 to 02:00 Volunteers Lead and 2nd All areas of Environmental Protection, Sat and Sun Officer including noise, drainage, bonfires etc. 08:00 to 17:00 Day shift: Lead Work from list of ongoing investigations, 17:00 to 02:00 £50, 2nd £35 plus alarms, and a points system for one Night shift: Lead off parties, bonfires etc. £70, 2nd £40 Sevenoaks District All Year Monday to Sunday 17:00 to 22:00 Volunteers £280.48 (per All areas of Environmental Protection, Council (mon-thur) week) including noise, drainage, bonfires etc. 17:00 to 00:00 (Fri) 08:00 to 00:00 (Sat) 1st point of contact for all EH calls (H&S 08:00 to 22:00 (Sun) and Food). Shepway District All Year Monday – Sunday 17:00 – 07:00hrs Contracted & £50 standby (Per Restricted EH service – officer only Council Volunteers week). attend noise jobs with a notice served on them or if we receive more than 3 £18 per hour. different residential complainants to the same property.

Other services:

Dog service. Licensing issues. Emergency plan. Building control & Planning.

Swale Borough All year Fri and Sat nights 21.00 to 01.00 on Contracted N/A as it is in the Mainly noise and light pollution issues Council both nights every contract (although (commercial and domestic). If resources week. The service officers are permit then other environmental issues responds to other historically paid a will be encompassed e.g bonfires etc. OOH issues on a 10% Flexibility case by case basis. allowance). Tonbridge & Malling None None None None N/A None. Borough Council All EP calls are referred for Next Working Day. Major emergencies would be assessed by the Duty Director as appropriate. Tunbridge Wells 12 Monday to Sunday 24hrs Contracted £220 per week Emergency EH matters, noise affecting Borough Council large numbers of people (car alarms, burglar alarms, very noisy parties). Major food outbreaks fatalities, etc