In The Local Glamorous Garbo May Abdicate Movies Playing Theaters To-day •DARXTOWN SCANDALS” ON LAST BAT OF "8CARFACE” AT AT POX-POU THE STAGE Movie Throne—Hunt Successor FOX POIil PALACE THURSDAY, !s PALACE NEXT SUNDAY “CARELESS IiADY” WITH JOAN BY DAN THOMAS BENNETT AND “THE STRUG- INTIMATE GLIMPSES If you And Waterbary folk step- NEA Service Writer GLE’’ A BIG DOUBLE FEATURE around a little bit livelier to ping the PROGRAM INSIDE STUFF ON THE their next week give a Uttle Hollywood.—Greta Garbo, job exotic star from credit to the Palace theater — or Stockholm, may quit the movies cold In June! "To-day is the last day of “Scar- MOVIE COLONY rather to “Darktown Scandals” Garbo—If she does—will We at Palace. whose 40 stars will set a forte pace face” Foz-Poli Starting the first of the movie to -BY DAN THOMAS- for the village just as Banjo Ikey greats to-morrow will offer another super retire at the zenith of her power. Robinson and his Brunswick Re- with "The u just urea But she is so different In double feature program reams, ms cording orchestra will set a cyclone every- thing else that the possibility that Careless Lady” with Joan Bennett pace for them. Leave It to these Hollywood.—Dreams of a Hollywood Greta Garbo she may do that has added reporter: grant- colored revues to set the whole just as the leading feature. ing an exclusive interview. Ellers rides plenty of wrinkles to the brows of Sally taking long moonlight world humming and hustling, And Something of a treat for laugh- with Clark Gable William S. Hart another the MGM magnates. making picture. leave it to this particular show ter lovers is to bo offered at the trying to grab blond honors from Jean Harlow To say that Garbo Is the platinum which will call Waterbury its Foz-Poli Palace, Thursday, Friday Marlene Dietrich to be directed Josef von screen's greatest box office attrac- refusing by Sternberg home for the first four days begin- and Saturday with the opening of Pickford and divorce. tion Is It And If Mary Douglas Fairbanks getting a ning Sunday to select the pick of putting mildly. the Joan Bennett-John Boles com- she does quit, the hunt for a suc- the darkle stars for your entertain- edy-romance. "Careless Lady.” Mack Sennett being sued for breach of promise. Darryl Zanuck cessor, who can and will ment. pull a series of unexpected situ- "quickies.” Gloria Swanson and the starting a those millions back into the Using making marquis 80 minutes of the most whole- ations and sparkling dialogues to new romance Ann Harding giving the real reason for her divorce movie palaces from Gotham to some musical comedy and sensa- keep the fun moving briskly along, The four Marx brothers making a tragedy. Galesburg, will be on. tional numbers will crash Director Kenneth MacKenna is said in a talking picture Wally dancing So far has the rumor gone that most bril- the gates of gloom and knock old to have created one of the a irain. La Garbo will be through soon, r>eery traveling on man iky high. Special- liant pictures of the season in this depression that gossipers already have nomi- Helen Twelvetrees going to Reno. ties by principals who have made a Fox Films production. The story nated three as probable or possi- name for themselves all the way deals with the complications that ble successors to the Garbo from Harlem to the Picadllly clubs follow a New England girl’s visit Wouldn't These Be Great throne and fame. of London—dusky queens of bronte to Paris under an alias. It has Dolores Del Rio and Dupe Velez rar’n to who pack peraonr been attracting much attention at hue. go, Marlene DietHch la the first, and lunch into shake of the foot its showings in other cities. having together.A allty every perhaps the most seriously consid- And this is flesh add blood Weldon Heyburn, Minna Gombell press agent admitting his star is only the ered of the three. show, but to give full measure Paul Roulien, Nora Lane, James bad Billie Dove losing stage Beautiful Marlene, with her ex- copy Palace their regular Kirkwood, John Arledge, Fortunio Janet tak- the presents quiesite underpinning, has already her beauty Gaynor picture feature, "The County Fair" Bonanova and other noted person- won a large place in moviedom. ing her children to Sunday school with 'William Collier, Jr, Hobart ages are in the cast. Guy Bolton Her box office value is already Constance Bennett Bosworth and a score of other cin- wrote the screen play and dialogue driving great and, with proper promotion ema luminaries in the cast. Some from the tsory by Relta Lambert. an old Ford Dick Arlen week- and selection of plots, it might shew for the Palace patrons and at As the co-feature the Foz-Poli mountains. become greater. ending in the no advance in prices. offers “The Struggle” with Hal a She is a versatile a Jack Oakie without sweater. actress, Skelly. hard is to do Jordan announcing her worker, and willing "The Struggle” D. W. Griffith’s Dorothy ^Fireman Save Child” and anything within reason to ad- the Prince of My latest picture was produced in the engagement to Caballero” at the vance her movie career. “Gay closing Bronx, New York City, at what Wales. Show To-morrow Like she does not Strand; New Garbo, enjoy to be known as the "old Edi- the contacts with the which us^d Barbara Stanwyck not talking public son because it had form- her in studio.” her husband Harold Performances this evening con- prominence Hollywood erly been the producing home of about clude the at Warners’ makes necessary. But she does engagement the oid Edison company, one of the Eloyd living in a bungalow Strand of Joe E. Brown's not hesitate to attend premieres comedy pioneer American film companies. Anita out of town with- “Fireman Save Child” and or to make personal Page going hit My appearances Zita Johann, leading woman in O’Brien in “The Cab- when the movie kings tell her out mama or papa along George Gay "The Struggle", has a black and wish it. There is no allero.” they feigned white cat named “Moses” which she Phyllis Haver coming back into aloofness in her and she Starting to-morrow another de- makeup, carries to every engagement she pictures Frank Borsage turn- intervfews and is luxe double feature program will readily grants plays, because the cat is supposed well liked the ing down a golf game t Wil- be presented to include "The Beast generally by to bring her good luck. The cat writers. liam K. Howard no atten- of the City”. reposed in Miss Johann’s dressing paying Marlene has suffered chiefly tion to camera .Jack Gil Essentially a dramatic romance, room, just off the main stage at the angels.. from a general similarity of plots reveals “in- Greta Garbo and three of the aspirants to lier movie throne are shown above. The caricature of Audio-Cinema Studio* during the bert and Jim having another the' picture stratling in her films, but this fault cannot Tully facts the rela- Garbo, upper left, shows her with the long bob which she has made famous. Elissa Ijandi, from filming of D. W. Griffith’s latest sid*'" concerning be laid at her door. The produc- fight ... all beautiful dreams between the underworld England, is at lower left. Marlene Dietrich, the German threat, is at upper right, and Tallulah Bank- picture, "The Struggle. tionship ers could see no reason for BUT It to head, a capable actress who has been saddled with inferior is at lower Fox Movietone News and novel- and corrupt politics. attempts plots, right. when were changing they pulling ties complete the program. show in detail the truth about po- the fans in by the thousands at And Now for the Truth lice activities in the modern Amer- the movie houses. And it’s hard is exclusive to and its sensational Garbo too grant ican city epi- to blame them very much. They sodes provide a sweeping expose interviews to anyone. Sallj MARY’S GROWN-UP NOW! GYPSY BANDS needed the money and they had of the entire structure of munici- to sacrifice what might have been INHERITS $75,000 Eilers is happily married to Hoot life. • • • * • • pal political a great strike for a sure money- Gibson and so is Clark Gable—but Based on facts taken for the KEEPS DANCING winner. not to Hoot. for reasons best most part from police records and TURN TO AUTOS With Garbo out, the gamble known to themselves newspapers, the story casts a new Returns To Old-Type Films, But would be worthwhile. producers light on current urban civilization. • • • Just won’t let Bill Hart work again alarms sent out radio Police by FOR WANDERINGS Next in line comes Tallulah after trying out blond tresses broadcasts, a remarkable bank Not In Juvenile Roles Bankhead, the toast of London specie and realistic under- Clara has decided that she Is much robbery Jefferson City, Mo — Modern- and the red-headed stepchild of world battles form exciting mo- better satisfied as a readhead. ism is Invading the ranks of gyp- the producers. msnts in the picture which is sies, who are heeding the call of Given one shoddy plot after an- Marlene thinks Von Sternberg based on the attempt of a police spring and the open road. other, she has nevertheless man- is the world’s greatest director to his a de- chief prevent brother, Missouri still knows the nomads, aged to impress critics with her from over to “the Mary and Doug never will separate tective, going and of their traditional char- ability. With good roles and many as long as they are in pictures. other side.” acteristics remain. But‘the pic- proper publicity, she might 4e- Walter remembered for_ Mack Sennett doesn’t make Huston, covered wagons and other velop into one of the truly great in turesque promises Darryl Zanuck- is his outstanding performapee makeshift modes of travel are film actresses. Criminal Code” has tile role firmly entrenched as the big boss “The yielding to up-to-date transporta- Miss Bankhead, daughter of a chief. Prominent at Warners. both Gloria and of the police tion modes. congressman and granddaughter Jean the marquis are happily married roles are played by Harlow, Many of the roving bands are and niece of senators, is naturally Wallace Ford and Jean Hersholt. to new spouses Ann Harding traveling the highways this year somewhat aloof and is not a per- feature is Wheel- considers the reason she gave suf- Velez The companion in some of them late sistent She has none Lupe automobiles, party-goer. ficient. the Marx boys Just have er & Woolsey’s side-splitting com- and of of expensive models. Bright the public frigidity Garbo, to be funny Charlie absolutely refuses to talk Wally likes edy "Caught Plastered”. colored shawls are about the only however. dra- his two airpalnes too well .. Helen visited Reno once but didn't It combines new laughs and remnant of the flaring dress of She is quite well liked among In between these it. matic tensity. bygone days, as women ana men the small circle of friends she has like, tw* extremes are little giggles, big alike have adopted modish garb of here, and is perhaps the wittiest They Don’t Lunch Together smiles and heart aches. the day. member of the entire movie col- There is even some and slapstick These traveling caravans are ony. She says and does what she Dolores and of Lupe just don’t lunch together. Such a press plenty giddy patter. already stirring to action, particu- likes and has as much color as would be afraid Wheeler is agent of being stuffed and put in a museum. Opposite Dorothy larly in the southern part of the any star in the movie capital. Billie continues to get more beautiful Janet hasn’t any children Lee, a combination fittingly called state where the rugged Ozark Tallulah must be considered a Constance Bennett has such a sleek car and a chauffeur the “Romeo and Juliet of the Com- country is a fitting setting. This distinct threat If Garbo leaves. Dick Arlen can’t get his yacht out of his vacation thoughts. Oakie edy World.” Wheeler’s whimsical movement is regarded in many • * * charm always wears a sweater Dorothy doesn't even know the prince. love-making and Dorothys’ communities as the first true sign Still a third possibility is Elissa « are very much in evidence all of V spring. Landi, who has been somewhat Barbara always manages to swing the conversation around to her through the picture. Fortune of telling, vending more fortunate than Tallulah in husband in some manner Harold has the biggest estate In the Action plunges into an absorbing shawls and other trinkets and but who has not yet lived pictures, film colony .... Anita never gets that far away from mom or pop story, strange as that may seem in kindred activity is still the fore- to the of up great things expected Phyllis is too fond of her domestic career Frank Borsaga connection with comedy. most industry in the communities her. practically lives on golf camera shots are Bill Howard’s specialty Tommy Tanner (WheelerV and frequented by gypsies. She has great dramatic talent, Gilbert and Tully are the best of friends now ... so like most Egbert Higginbotham (Robert Their campfires still flicker, become a works hard, and might dreams one finds them just dreams. Weolsey) enter a mid western town but for the most part are reflected box office star of the first magni- on their uppers. They meet Ma in the glistening surface of auto- tude. who is Talley (Lucy ,JSeaumont), mobiles instead of silhouetting the Others mentioned as possible about to lose her drug store be- horses and can- scrawny flapping new queens include Gwill Andre, FOX-POLI cause of the machinations of a vll- vas wagon covers of earlier years. the Danish beauty who is expect- llan, (Jason Robards). ed to become an overnight sensa- They take over the store to save at like that,” Miss Marion tion, by her press agents least, her from the poorhouse, and are something release of "Roar declared. after the general about ready to pay the “heavy" of the her first movie ‘‘The best way to classify the Dragon,” when he spikes their soda with venture. story is to state that it will be a liquor and tips off the police. When IAIACFOUR DAYS ONLY human interest offering of a strong things are darkest, Dorothy Lee But, regardless of who keeps local dramatic nature. Yet it lends itself STARTING (daughter of the police chief) or to the we can- SUNDAY to the injection of plenty of natural succeeds throne, outmanoeuvers the crook. not believe Hollywood will ever comedy of the type for which Miss Mc- find another Garbo her aloof- Money Is music to Miss Elva MONTH OP Pickford is best suited.” ilancer In a Bev- ANNIVERSARY ness, feigned or real her sud- Guinness, pretty SHOWS STARTS The forthcoming film will mark shown above. Elva GREAT den appearances and disappear- erly Hills cafe, AT WARNER BROS.’ Mary’s first appearance on the sil- TODAT ances her "disguises" and inherited $75,000 when her grand- GREATEST ver screen in more than a year. STATE''— TWO FEATURES. her roles on the screen father died In Ireland. She plans And the star feels that it will sur- glamorous FASTEST a to her fortune into a trust ... all have made Garbo legend put anni- pass her recent “modernized” pic- Warner Brothers’ State not likely to be matched with fund and keep on tap dancing In of shows Here Is the new Plekford.sans curls and make- tures in that it will appeal strong- versary month great Mary girlish ease. the cafe, she says. starts today with a sparkling np. In the inset on the left, is a p leture of the old Mary, with the ly to children, who have comprised double feature program. Heading curls which helped to make her “A inerica’s Sweetheart.” a large portion of her audiences in the bill is Kay Francis In “Man the past. Wanted" her first Warner Broth- BY DAN THOMAS age. She will remain there until Mary herself, however, will ap- ers’ starring picture. Miss Francis NEA Service Writer final plans for the production of pear as an adult—the child roles is supported by a large cast in- Hollywood—’s next her film have been completed, having gone by the boards when cluding David Manners, Andy De- picture will be strongly reminiscent which probably will be sometime her famous curls gave way to vine, Una Merkel, Kenneth Thom- of the oldttme vehicles whict) made next month. bobbed tresses. as the * • • son, Claire Dodd, Charlotte Merri- hell known screen’s most Yet, for some reason, Mary in that have no for the am, Edward Van Sloan and Eliza- popular actress—except Mary “While we title recent years has not enjoyed the beth Patterson. will appear as a grownup instead of story as yet. it will be so^homely in popularity which was hers while "Man Wanted,” directed by Wil- a child. its structure and philosophy that she still was adorned with those liam Dieterle, who also directed The fact was disclosed to me by it could be called ‘Carrots’ or long golden curls. the successful “The East Flight," , her scenario writ- concerns a beautiful and wealthy er, Just before she left for New society woman who prefers busi- York to Join Miss Pickford. Miss ness to the pastimes of the idle Marion has been working for some STATE WITH rich. Her husband, however, pre- time on this new story for "Amer- LAST DAY “BANJO” IKEY ROBINSON of com- ica’s Sweetheart" and now has it fers a playboy life to that 1 AND HIS “BRUNSWICK As a developed to such a point that she mercial enterprise.. result, NNIVERf ARY RECORDING ORCHESTRA” the couple Is estranged. Miss must confer with Mary before add- Anal touches. Francis, as the wife, seeks solace ing the TO-MORROW SCARFACE’ BILLIE YOUNG, Star of “Blackbirds” in the arms of her hand- Mary went to New York on a grilling WITH PAUIi MUNI MONTH OF i JOE AND JERRY some portrayed by Dav- combination business and shop- secretary, Features 2 OF COTTON CLUB id Manners. Kenneth Thomson, ping trip immediately after she 2 Big J the husband, resumes his relation- send-off for his South Seas voy- GREAT ship wlti/ the siren of his latest 3 CUBAN FLASHES 3 infidelities. nurse, will make its final appear- “Man ance as companion featuae with

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