Decentralized Education Platform TM CERTIFIED MANAGER

Ⓡ Are you qualified with CBM specialized in blockchain?

Version 1.2.8 ㅣ 1. April 2021 ㅣ CBM TEAM ㅣ ㅣ [email protected] If there is a discrepancy between the versions of each country, the white paper of the English version will be taken precedence. Copyright 2021. World Blockchain Industry Association all rights reserved. TM CETIFIED BLOCKCHAIN MANAGER Blockchain Qualification Platform


1 World Blockchain Day(April 1st)

2 WBCIA & Background Status of Blockchain in Each Country Status of Blockchain in Each Company

3 Current Address of Blockchain

4 The Solution of WBCIA Blockchain Standardization Blockchain Business Development (Accelerator, Venture Business) Blockchain Talent Training (Certification)

5 Future Career CBM 2021 CBM Test Schedule Image of CBM certificate by country

6 CBM Coin

7 President & Organization

8 Roadmap

9 White Paper Notice


Appendix CBMR Marks Use Guide How to take the CBM online World Blockchain Day

“13 years ago, the blockchain, which began with the desire to push the limits of the existing financial system and to ensure that everyone uses the financial system safely and transparently, came to our side.

Today, we are thinking again about how sustainable the blockchain is and how long it can remain by our side. And we have an obligation to pass blockchain as a great asset for the next generation. Many projects derived from blockchain technology were enough to go beyond our imagination. The business model of the blockchain such as virtual assets, smart contracts, ICOs, IEOs, Defi, and even recent NFT will be used throughout society and culture with more demands. And the next generation will easily notice that these business models started with transparency, one of the greatest values that blockchain is pursuing. From today, April 1st will be World Blockchain Day every year, and it will be a starting point and a day for all who pursue hope and happiness through blockchain. Blockchain is used in many places such as finance, logistics, healthcare, trade, and data storage without any experts to manage it. We should carry out the task for our generation more professionally. Starting today, Certified Blockchain Manager (CBM), a blockchain expert, will guide the blockchain world more safely and transparently.

The whole world is having a hard time right now. Nevertheless, as our ancestors did, we will overcome this difficulty wisely. The world may not remember what we fight and how we live through each day, but we will eventually get to live in the world we hope for. The whole world should participate in the message, 'Let's make a transparent world without lies with blockchain!‘ and try to make blockchain a great asset to be passed on to the next generation.”

April 1st, 2021 President of WBCIA Yeon Sam-Heum TM 4 CERTIFIED BLOCKCHAIN MANAGER Blockchain Qualification Platform


The World Blockchain Industry Association (WBCIA) was founded in 2018 to develop a globally competitive blockchain professional enterprise, training innovative blockchain professional talent and the establishment of international standards. Headquartered in Estonia, the WBCIA is a Blockchain organization whose primary purpose is to be the global community for the 4th industry, enabling its members to generate and maintain significant competitive advantage.

Also, our goal is to advance trust, transparency, safety

Industry Association Industry World Blockchain and innovation through distributed technologies and services.

Finally, WBCIA (World Blockchain Industry Association) promotes blockchain technologies by empowering individuals and organizations to connect, communicate, and collaborate to solve public sector challenges around the world. TM Blockchain Qualification Platform CERTIFIED BLOCKCHAIN MANAGER 5


Since the advent of in 2009, blockchain has become a buzzword. Enterprises, regulatory bodies, individuals, and researchers are fascinated by this nascent technology and are exploring its application within their respective fields. Blockchain is celebrated as a disruptive technological advancement because of its equitable offering: it is a distributed that records and stores data once it has been validated by the computers or nodes on the ledger’s network. Every block of data that gets added to the existing chain is backed by the principles of cryptography.

There are several benefits that emerge from the above definition of a blockchain, one of the most lauded being

Industry Association Industry World Blockchain decentralization. A blockchain dis-intermediates the fundamental role played by centralized authorities and third parties in the verification and validation of data or transactions, by allowing an open network of nodes perform the necessary tasks. This reduces cost, augments efficiency, and creates a trustless ecosystem; benefits that cannot be achieved with manual, legacy processes. Transparency is inherent in a public blockchain, because everyone on the network has access to the ledger. TM 6 CERTIFIED BLOCKCHAIN MANAGER Blockchain Qualification Platform

Status of Blockchain in Each Country

Countries across the globe are jealous of Australia’s tax laws regarding Bitcoin and , in general. Taxes have been removed for all transactions and trades done using cryptocurrencies. This is advantageous for day traders as Australia they need not pay taxes for each trade and for Australian citizens as they need not pay taxes for any of their purchases. The Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) announced that blockchain technology would be adopted fully after two years following the two-year testing period.

The Chinese government is currently contesting the United States as the largest world power. China houses thousands of blockchain-based startups. Chinese banking consortiums have also started to rally around blockchain. The Government China of China is open to adopting blockchain and Artificial Intelligence (AI). Among the major countries, China was the most active player in . The People's Bank of China aims to commercialize the digital renminbi before the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics.

Japan has always been several months ahead when it comes to Bitcoin and crypto adoption. Some of the retail stores in Japan accept Bitcoin. It is among the largest Japan Bitcoin traders. According to a Nikkei report cited in a note by Masao Muraki, who is a global financial strategist at Deutsche Bank, around 40% of Bitcoin trading in Q4 in the year 2017 was conducted in Yen. Japan is a Bitcoin-native country.

Dubai is known as one of the richest and most technological countries in the world. United Arab They have been researching blockchain technology and its transactional efficiency for years now. They are planning to implement it in their cities so that they can Emirates have a more seamless economy. A deadline of 2020 has been set by the government (Dubai) to collate all government-related data and documentation and to add it onto the blockchain.

This Europen country has positioned itself as a global leader owing to its progressive approach to cryptocurrencies. Cryptocurrencies are accepted as a medium of exchange. The Virtual Financial Assets Act (VFA), which was effective Malta from November 2018, introduced the Innovative Technology Arrangements and Services Act which acts as the regime for future registration and accountability of crypto service providers. It will act as a regulatory framework for cryptocurrencies.

Zug, in Switzerland, is home to some of the world’s top blockchain companies. Zug is known as CryptoValley as it offers a powerful platform for global growth in the space in terms of infrastructure, world-class talent, and accessibility of its local crypto-friendly government. Zug is home to the Crypto Valley Association (CVA), a non-profit which aims to build the world’s leading Switzerland blockchain ecosystem. In 2016, it became the first city in the world to accept Bitcoin payments for tax purposes. In 2017, it announced the launching of its decentralized -based digital ID system. In 2018, it successfully completed the first testing of the local blockchain-based voting system. The recent development was the creation of Blockchain TaskForce, for providing a clear-cut framework for companies. TM Blockchain Qualification Platform CERTIFIED BLOCKCHAIN MANAGER 7

Status of Blockchain in Each Country

In 2013, the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) bureau understood the necessity to regulate transactions relating to the exchange of cryptocurrencies. In the first quarter of 2014, the USA Internal Revenue Service released a guide about taxation of operations with regard to and other virtual currencies. Bitcoins USA are treated as property when it comes to federal taxes. Profits from Bitcoin mining are subject to taxation. ICOs are also under regulation in the US. The Security and Exchange Commission (SEC) controls tokens which thereby reduces the threat that ICOs will not be able to fulfill their tokens within the specified time limit.

The government has digitized its services using blockchain technology. The potential of blockchain is rapidly increasing and hence, a lot of startups have started their innovative blockchain projects. In 2013, it turned to blockchain when it wanted to secure the health records of its 1.3 million residents. It is now digitized. There are Estonia many aspects of Estonia’s business environment which were favored by many crypto entrepreneurs and these include 0% tax on undistributed profits and 100% online cross-border manager. e-Residency, backed by the Estonian government, ensures the legitimacy of ICOs and cryptocurrencies.

The UK Government has been embracing blockchain technology in many ways. It houses the second-highest number of blockchain startups. Blockchain technology in the UK has the potential to improve issues of identity theft and slow financial services. The Foods Standards Agency has implemented blockchain as a regulatory United Kingdom tool for regulating meat data in slaughterhouses. The government’s National Archives is collaborating with the University of Surrey on a project named ARCHANGEL. This allows hashes of documents to be registered on archives through a permission blockchain, thereby eliminating the ability to tamper information. The government is looking to implement blockchain in voting and healthcare systems.

It is home to the third-largest ICO market. The Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) encourages the adoption of blockchain technology in technological and financial sectors. It supports cross-border payments using digital ledger technology. Insurance companies use smart contracts. It is also working towards building a secure healthcare data system. Singapore aims to achieve interconnectivity by using blockchain technology. Singapore The above-mentioned countries and many more are caught in a tight race to become the undisputed capital of blockchain innovation. They aim to lead technology for decades by creating an innovative economy with the help of the most intelligent blockchain geeks and tech-savvy on Earth. In this technological revolution, there will certainly be a few key winners in this blockchain race over the next decade, across the entire planet.

From (Blockchain Council, blockchain-technology-in-the-world/) TM 8 CERTIFIED BLOCKCHAIN MANAGER Blockchain Qualification Platform

Status of Blockchain in Each Company

FedEx is one of the world’s biggest logistics manager companies and handles billions of dollars worth of cargo every year. FedEx has now become the first big shipping giant to incorporate Blockchain Technology into their supply chain manager. So far, they FedEx are using to track high-value cargo and are soon planning to extend the functionality to almost all their shipments. In addition to that, they are also helping to develop the Blockchain based industry standards for supply chain logistics establishing themselves as pioneers in this field.

Fast-food giant Burger King has launched its crypto-currency token in Russia, called WhopperCoin on the Waves platform. Named after the brand’s flagship burger, WhopperCoin is Burger Kings’s attempt at using Blockchain to power their rewards Burger King program. What’s unique about this approach is that unlike traditional rewards programs, WhopperCoin tokens can be stored online, traded or even transferred to other people Russia using the Waves platform. Customers would receive a WhopperCoin for every Rouble they spend at Burger King and correspondingly a Whopper could be bought for 1700 WhopperCoin. This is a significant move that can have far-reaching consequences for all kinds of rewards programs - from movie theatres to frequent flier miles.

KIK is one of the biggest online chat platforms with over 300 million active users. KIK concluded its ICO in 2017 and had recently integrated the Kin cryptocurrency in their platform which can be used to make payments to other users of the platform. The KIK Kin Foundation announced it would be able to offer zero-fee transactions by using its unique network. KIK’s goal is to integrate blockchain based payments into services that people already use creating an entire economy around their cryptocurrency.

IBM is shaping up to be one of the giants in the cryptocurrency space by providing the backbone of Blockchain related services to businesses. Using the Blockchain creator tool, they can help the organizations to create their own and systems. They have already partnered with some businesses that deal with logistics to increase efficiency and lower costs for them. The partners IBM include logistics giants like Walmart and banks like the Bank of Montreal (BMO), CaixaBank, Commerzbank, Erste Group, and the United Bank of Switzerland (UBS). With food logistics as in the case of Walmart, the goal is to make the supply chain more secure so that contamination can be reduced. While the banks have come to develop a Blockchain trade finance platform called Batavia.

Walmart and nine other food companies have partnered with IBM to create a Blockchain for tracking food globally through its supply chain. Real-time data will be captured at every point, on every single food product. The Food Trust Blockchain, which includes Nestle′ SA, Dole Food Co., Unilever, and several others. These companies have been Walmart collaborating with IBM on the initiative since 2016 and began conducting trials of the product in August of last year. Their goal is to improve the companies’ ability to identify issues involved with food recalls, such as tracing outbreaks more quickly to limit customer risk. Walmart appears to have joined the initiative after the outbreak of salmonella in the supply chain last year. TM Blockchain Qualification Platform CERTIFIED BLOCKCHAIN MANAGER 9

Status of Blockchain in Each Company

Microsoft is another tech giant that has embraced Blockchain Technology since its inception. Microsoft had started accepting Bitcoin payments on its website in 2014 when almost no one had even heard of cryptocurrencies. Microsoft has also secured some 40 patents related to the use of Blockchains as payment gateways and for secure storage. Microsoft Bill Gates and several of his nonprofit decentralized have looked at Blockchains to try to improve the workings within their organization. Microsoft is also letting businesses and developers deploy their own Blockchain using Stratis in Microsoft Azure. Microsoft Azure is a cloud computing service created by Microsoft for building, testing, deploying, and managing applications Microsoft-managed data centers.

Overstock has been one of the biggest proponents of Blockchain Technology from the beginning and lets users purchase all the items on their website using Bitcoin. The company sells home decor, furniture, bedding, and many other goods that are closeout Overstock merchandise. Patrick M. Byrne, the founder of the company, is a staunch supporter of cryptocurrencies and has been outspoken about his commitment to decentralized money.

Mastercard has filed over 30 Blockchain related patents, some under the title of “Method and System For Instantaneous Payment using Recorded Guarantees,” which seems to Mastercard imply that they are building their own Blockchain based payment gateways. Bitcoin has been said to be disruptive to payment processors like Mastercard and VISA so it makes sense that they would explore their private alternatives to Bitcoin-based payments.

Huawei wants to use Blockchains to organize the mobile industry further to reduce fraud and trickery. Huawei claimed in a recent press release that, “Blockchain Huawei Technology offers mobile carriers superb opportunities to support the transformation of Technologies business models through new network layers, which can revolutionize how data integrity is verified and value and rights are transmitted and tracked over the infrastructure to subscribers.”

Bank of America has recently applied for nine more blockchain related patents, a sign Bank of that the bank is open to using Blockchains in its operations. Bank of America hopes to use open-sourced ledgers to create more efficient financial transactions for consumers America and business. Combined with Ripple’s XRP token, Bank of America could save billions of dollars every year in cross-border payments.

From (Blockchain Council, have-already-adopted-blockchain/) TM 10 CERTIFIED BLOCKCHAIN MANAGER Blockchain Qualification Platform Ⅰ Current Address of Blockchain

Lack of standards The other major roadblock to growth in blockchain technology has to do with regulatory standards. Operating without national or international regulatory standards is normal in the emergent tech space, and in the case of blockchain, it will take a number of years to shift the legal framework of communication between entities from a centralized third party to an impartial decentralized system. Each new application of blockchain comes with its own set of regulatory questions because, as we know, this form of communication and data storage is new to everyone. That means scams and market manipulation are a definitive risk - for the time being.

Hot-topic areas of concern are liability and responsibility (on behalf of the builders and the organization leveraging the technology), compliance, transparency and reporting, taxonomy and reporting, and - of course - data security. Over the years, there has been some progress on the regulatory front. According to a study by Deloitte, 17 U.S. state legislatures have passed bills concerning the adoption of blockchain. Furthermore, several other countries are formulating blockchain-friendly legislation to leverage the merits of this technology, including Malta, Estonia, Switzerland, Singapore, and Japan. TM Blockchain Qualification Platform CERTIFIED BLOCKCHAIN MANAGER 11 Ⅱ Current Address of Blockchain

A technology that is constantly changing World Blockchain Industry Association Industry

There is no best blockchain platform out there. In fact, there are new blockchain platforms created every month and each with their own unique set of features. What we are seeing is a rapid iteration of the same underlying technology, which includes a cryptographic key, a distributed ledger with a shared transaction history, and a platform with an engagement protocol.

Whether it’s a permissionless ledger with a protocol (bitcoin), a protocol (as Ethereum aims to become), a private and permissioned blockchain for internal organization communication, or any other of the hundreds of blockchains in use today, the technology is diversifying and maturing at a rapid pace. This is good for the technology, but means slower integration into popular use. TM 12 CERTIFIED BLOCKCHAIN MANAGER Blockchain Qualification Platform

Ⅲ Current Address of Blockchain

An absence of established players Since the platforms keep evolving, it is hard to decipher which of them will become established players in the space. Much like the internet before the rise of Google, the blockchain industry lacks an established, recognizable application builder that offers industry-leading platforms for users. World Blockchain Industry Association Industry

The blockchain landscape is currently in its infancy, and therefore suffers from an acute shortage of skilled developers. The lack of an adequately trained and skilled workforce for managing the complexity of peer-to-peer networks further translates into a sluggish rate of innovation.

One of the challenges for builders looking to become an established player is improving user education. Without clear platform instructions and helpful educational resources, few platforms will rise to the top and few new users will join. TM Blockchain Qualification Platform CERTIFIED BLOCKCHAIN MANAGER 13

The Solution of WBCIA

1. Research & Standardization of Blockchain System/Regulations ● A study on the establishment of standards and standards for blockchain industry and the establishment of terminology ● A survey on the state of the blockchain industry and related statistics ● A study on the industrial policy and legal systems of blockchain ● Regular policy meetings on key issues related to blockchain

Standardization Expectancy effect ● Strengthening the competitiveness of international standards → Standardize various types of platforms and interfaces to enhance the productivity of development and create synergy for the industry.

● Strengthening the competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises → Deploying standard technology to small businesses to boost blockchain industry and strengthen cooperation with global companies based on core technologies to expand exports of related products/ services.

● In terms of national happiness and security → Improve the convenience and happiness of the people by providing standard technology for the establishment of a coinless society.

● Preventing adverse functions by providing standards for blockchain security. → The decentralization of information frees the individual from controlling information and establishes a trusted society that can handle his or her information autonomously. TM 14 CERTIFIED BLOCKCHAIN MANAGER Blockchain Qualification Platform

SWOT analysis of blockchain SWOT analysis is a short from for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats and is a structured planning method that evaluates those for elements of an association, project or commerce endeavor etc.

Strengths Weaknesses

- Fast & low-cost money transfers - Scalability - No need for Intermediaries - Low Performance - Automation (by means of smart - Energy consumption contracts) - Reduced users’ privacy - Accessible worldwide - Autonomous code is “candy for hackers” - Transparency - Need to rely to external oracles - Platform for data analytics - No intermediary to contact in case of loss of Internal - No data loss/ modification/ users; credentials falsification - Volatility of cryptocurrencies - Non-repudiation - Still in an early stage (no “Winning” Blockchain, need of programming skill to read code, blockchain concepts difficult to be mastered) - Same results achieved with well-mastered technologies

Opportunities Threats

- Competitive advantage (if efforts - Could be perceived as unsecure/unreliable to reduce/hide the complexity - Low adoption from external actors means lack behind blockchain are successful, of information or in case of diffusion of IoT) - Governments could consider blockchain and - Possibility to address new markets smart contracts “dangerous” External (e.g., supporting car and house - Medium-ling term investment sharing, disk storage rental, etc.) - Not suitable for all existing processes - Availability of a huge amount of - Customers would still consider personal heterogeneous data, pushed in interaction important the blockchain by different actors TM Blockchain Qualification Platform CERTIFIED BLOCKCHAIN MANAGER 15

2. Develop a globally competitive blockchain professional enterprise. (Though investment such as Accelerator and Venture Business) WBCIA program (private investment-driven technology start-up support) select a funding team with a technology item that will lead the global market at WBCIA to foster promising start-ups. In order to provide promising start-ups with technological skills that are oriented toward the global market with opportunities for bold start-ups, successful venture-focused investment companies, early expert VCs, and large technology companies are designated as operators to match investment, technical training, and mentoring with R&D funds.

Start a business with a technology item without the burden of failure

Start-up Team R&D Support money Investment +Commercialization

Repayment Stock share of technical fees if successful

WBCIA Member Company Public Institution

Share profits on growth of start-up companies Promote high-end technology start-ups Acquire a portfolio for follow-up investments Create jobs TM 16 CERTIFIED BLOCKCHAIN MANAGER Blockchain Qualification Platform

3. Training innovative blockchain professional talent. (Through CBM training, Certified Blockchain Manager)

Everything you imagine becomes an innovation. - Y.S.H(President of WBCIA) -

- Train expert personnel through blockchain manager certification test - Creating new jobs and fostering new businesses to strengthen national competitiveness - Publishing blockchain teaching materials and distributing on and offline education programs - Performing and conducting research projects for multi-dimensional block chain education programs

Blockchain Education space Professional Training & Enabling Start-up & Link various additional Challenges Start-up support (Technical Education)

Investing in successful A consortium with several WBCIA aims to fundamentally venture companies and agencies links the start-up activate the technological mentoring experts with team with education space start-up challenge of proven education skills to and support. advanced engineers who increase the chances of were reluctant to start their success. own business due to lack of start-up funds and low success rates. TM Blockchain Qualification Platform CERTIFIED BLOCKCHAIN MANAGER 17

Future Career CBM Blockchain Manager (CBM) “Explore the blockchain technology called public ledger or distributed ledger”

Certified Blockchain Manager(CBM) at a glance

Type Creativity (corporate type)

Type Mathematical and (exploration type) logical capacity

Employment Start-up

Blockchain development University (computer, High school software companies, Start a freelance (career), software, information (general, special purpose, financial institutions, block chain software and protection, cryptography, characterization) public institutions, marketing company finance, economics, etc.) private enterprises, etc.

Graduate school (computer, software, information protection, cryptography, finance, economics, etc.) TM 18 CERTIFIED BLOCKCHAIN MANAGER Blockchain Qualification Platform

Certified Blockchain Manager(CBM) career description ① Certified Blockchain Manager(CBM) certification is a high-end level for carrying out multidimensional block chain education program development projects and research tasks as a holder of knowledge and ability to use block chains and variously applied in industrial sites where blockchain is applied. Dissemination and evaluation of programs. The career content is to perform duties such as office work, education, management, consulting, public relations, marketing, and sales in the blockchain field. ② Career contents by grade are as follows. rank Career description Certified Blockchain Manager(CBM) Level 1 career is a multi-dimensional block chain education program development project to improve national competitiveness and Level 1 cultivation of block chain experts, perform technology standardization research, and educate block chain experts. The career description is to perform the career. Certified Blockchain Manager (CBM) Level 2 career mainly carries out the distribution and evaluation of programs that are applied in various fields in the blockchain and Level 2 related industries, and education, affairs, management, consulting, public relations, and marketing in the blockchain and related industries. The career content is to perform tasks such as information protection and program development. Certified Blockchain manager (CBM) level 3 career mainly performs distribution and evaluation of educational programs applied in various fields of blockchain and Level 3 related industries, and education, office work, public relations, marketing, and sales in blockchain and related industries. The career description is to perform the duties of

What does CBM do? Blockchain experts find fields or industries that can utilize blockchain* technology, and design and develop software to apply them. ▶ We develop blockchain-based cryptocurrency*. ▶ We continuously improve and supplement the software so that blockchain technology or cryptocurrency can be used in real life. * Blockchain: This is a technology that publicly records transaction details in a ledger that anyone can read and duplicates and stores it on multiple computers. Hacking can be prevented and manipulation or modification is impossible because the ledger determined by a large number of consensus is stored simultaneously by multiple computers. * Cryptocurrency: It is an electronic money that is traded in the form of electronic information on the cyber without real objects.It is also called cryptocurrency because it is made through cryptographic technology to prevent duplication or falsification, and blockchain-based cryptocurrency is Unlike ordinary currencies issued by banks, they are valued according to rules set by the person who first developed them. Source: 【Regulations on the management and operation of private qualifications for Certified blockchain managers (CBMs)】 Article 9 (Details of duties of Certificate holder) TM Blockchain Qualification Platform CERTIFIED BLOCKCHAIN MANAGER 19

Where is CBM active?

 Related occupation Occupations that are highly related to blockchain experts include blockchain software developers, cryptographers, and information protection experts.

Field of activity They are mainly active in the fields of finance, security, healthcare, and logistics, and will be able to work in almost all industries where blockchain technology can be applied in the future.

What aptitude and interest does CBM need?


Mathematical Creativity and logical capacity

Certified Blockchain Manager (CBM) ▶ Blockchain experts design and develop blockchain software based on their understanding of programming, so they need the ability to think systematically and logically. ▶ As it is necessary to analyze how to use blockchain technology to make our daily life more convenient, unique and new thinking ability is important. TM 20 CERTIFIED BLOCKCHAIN MANAGER Blockchain Qualification Platform


Type (exploration type) Type (corporate type) In order to understand the contents, we make Want to influence other people's thoughts or ▪efforts such as collecting data and enjoy the ▪views. process of deep exploration. To attempt adventure and engage in I am curious about new things and think ▪competitive activities. ▪logically and rationally.

Where can CBM work? ▶ Blockchain experts are mainly employed by software companies that develop blockchain technology. ▶ You can work at financial institutions such as banks, and you can also get a career at private companies and public institutions that use blockchain technology.

What is the future of CBM? ▶ Blockchain technology can be used in various fields such as information industry, manufacturing, distribution, society, and culture, as well as finance and transaction services. Accordingly, major developed countries are investing heavily in blockchain technology, and are also striving to develop specialized personnel for this.

Blockchain technology, which first appeared with the advent of Bitcoin in 2009, is still in the early stages of development. a lot. So in the future In order to solve this problem, technology development, research, and investment by governments are expected to increase even more, and the demand for related jobs will also increase significantly.

Source: TM Blockchain Qualification Platform CERTIFIED BLOCKCHAIN MANAGER 21

Announcement of the 2021 Certitfied

BlockchainRegulations on the management Manager(CBM) and operation of private Qualification qualifications of Blockchain Test Management Company (CBM) and Article 22 (Public announcement and notification of the test) announce the implementation plan of Certified Blockchain Manager(CBM) in 2021 as follows. We've been preparing for it. Global CBM qualification testing is conducted online worldwide.

The implementation plan for the 2021 Certified Blockchain Manager(CBM) qualification test is announced as follows. Dec 1st. 2020 Y.S.H, president of the WBCIA.

1. Regular Test schedule Test Note Enforce Application period Confirmation Test day Pass (Qualification ment Guide announcement grade)

4th 1.1.(Fri)~1.22.(Fri) 21.1.23.(Sat) 21.1.31.(Sat) 21.2.3.(Thu) 3 5th 2.1.(Mon)~2.19.(Fri) 21.2.20.(Sat) 21.2.27.(Sat) 21.3.3.(Thu) 3 6th 3.1.(Mon)~3.19.(Fri) 21.3.20.(Sat) 21.3.27.(Sat) 21.3.31.(Thu) 2, 3 7th 4.1.(Thu)~4.16.(Fri) 21.4.17.(Sat) 21.4.24.(Sat) 21.4.28.(Thu) 3 8th 5.1.(Sat)~5.21.(Fri) 21.5.22.(Sat) 21.5.29.(Sat) 21.6.2.(Thu) 3 9th 6.1.(Tue)~6.18.(Fir) 21.6.19.(Sat) 21.6.26.(Sat) 21.6.30.(Thu) 1, 2, 3 10th 7.1.(Thu)~7.23.(Fri) 21.7.24.(Sat) 21.7.31.(Sat) 21.8.4.(Thu) 3 11th 8.1.(Sun)~8.20.(Fri) 21.8.21.(Sat) 21.8.28.(Sat) 21.9.1.(Thu) 3 12th 9.1.(Wed)~9.17.(Fri) 21.9.18.(Sat) 21.9.25.(Sat) 21.9.29.(Thu) 2, 3 13th 10.1.(Fri)~10.22.(Fri) 21.10.23.(Sat) 21.10.30.(Sat) 21.11.3.(Thu) 3 14th 11.1.(Mon)~11.19.(Fri) 21.11.20.(Sat) 21.11.27.(Sat) 21.12.1.(Thu) 3 15th 12.1.(Wed)~12.17.(Fri) 21.12.18.(Sat) 21.12.25.(Sat) 21.12.29.(Thu) 1, 2, 3 ※ CBM 1st to 3rd test is being conducted in Repubic of Korea. ※ The CBM qualification test is basically accepted and taken in English. However, if there is an educational institution designated as CBM in the agreed country, you can take a national language test. TM 22 CERTIFIED BLOCKCHAIN MANAGER Blockchain Qualification Platform

2. Qualification for test Test grade Qualification for test [Age] not applicable, [Education] not applicable, CBM 1st grade [Nationality] not applicable, [Other] a person in the period of validity of the CBM 2nd Grade certificate [Age] not applicable, [Education] not applicable, CBM 2nd grade [Nationality] not applicable, [Other] a person in the period of validity of the CBM 3rd Grade certificate

[Age] not applicable, [Education] not applicable, CBM 3rd grade [Nationality] not applicable

3. Regular test place (individual notice and notice on the date of application confirmation) Regular test place and test place address

CBM Joint Implementation Recruitment of Global Educational Institutions

※ Countries that do not have a formal CBM education institution are hosted online by the World Blockchain Industry Association ( ).

4. Application fee and certificate issuance fee (Unit: CBM, price $0.1)

Test fee CBM Grade Certificate Fee Written test Practical Test Deposit address

1st 8,000 8,000 Free online 2nd 8,000 8,000 (PDF) Announced 3rd 8,000 N/A

※ The above CBM quantity of 1,000CBM is the closing price of the day before the exchange ($0.1). ※ The quantity of CBM based on CBM application fee payment varies in real time (see page 38). ※ CBM will be listed on Coredax Exchange ( in Korea on February 5, 2021. ※ CBM application fee deposit address: : 0x70e54999CA9b8fEBe343f54b3F7a081137886EFb TM Blockchain Qualification Platform CERTIFIED BLOCKCHAIN MANAGER 23

5. CBM Coin Application Fee Payment Procedure Publication and Test Confirmation & test reception reception CBM Purchase CBM Payment notification Published price Website KYC Buy CBM (quantity) Confirmation of Announced ⇒ certification ⇒ after login ⇒ Send to ⇒ confirmation QR address mail and receipt Tokencan Exchange ※ Refer to the World Blockchain Industry Association( for detailed payment procedures. ※ CBM will be listed on the token can exchange( on December 1, 2020. ※ World Blockchain Industry Association(WBCIA)

6. Certified Blockchain Manager(CBM) Test Schedule Subject Entrance Test Total Grade Test Method [Each 20 Questions] time Time Point Blockchain analysis and design 09:10 100 Multiple 1, 2, 3 ·Blockchain Building and operating 09:00 ~ Point Choice ·Blockchain Service Planning 10:10 · st Blockchain Information Short answer 1 10:30 100 · Protection 10:20 ~ (Essay & class Point [Each 5 Questions] 11:30 summary type) 1, 2 2nd Programming 12:00 100 Computer · 11:40 ~ class [Each 1 Questions] 13:00 Point work type

※ You can check out 20 minutes after the test starts. ※ CBM is available online for COVID 19 prevention until further notice. ※ For offline tests, students of Grade 1 and Grade 2 should bring their personal laptops (CPU i5, RAM 4G or higher) and take the practical test to complete the program smoothly.

7. Acceptance criteria Acceptance criteria In the case of the Certified Blockchain Manager(CBM) Grade 1, Grade 2 and Grade 3, a person who scores more than 40 points in every subject and an average of 60 points or more in all subjects shall be the successful candidates. (Fall less than 40 points) ※ For Grade 1 and Grade 2 tests, if only one of the written or practical tests is passed, the written or practical test that has passed only three consecutive times shall be exempted. (However, the test fee will be incurred.) TM 24 CERTIFIED BLOCKCHAIN MANAGER Blockchain Qualification Platform

※ Among those who fail the written or practical test, only those who score an average of 60 or more out of 100 will be exempted from the test three times in a row. (However, the test fee will be incurred.) ※ If a person who passes grade 2 or 3 of Certified Blockchain Manager(CBM) takes the promotion test, he or she must pay a separate fee for the promotion test and take the promotion test.

8. Reception methods, submission documents, etc. Sortation Content Note From 00:00 to 24:00 the application From 00:00 to 24:00 during the Application ·deadline ·application period Online WBCIA Recruitment of global educational reception place · ·institutions. · > CBM Purchase Payment CBM coin ·Remittance as much as the test fee method · ·to an address dedicated to CBM

Send WBCIA confirmation · Send a confirmation email · mail · Photo file: 276×354 pixels or more ※· 3cm×4cm and larger than 200 dpi Application form: One page Online ※ When scanning ID photos, set ·preparation Submitted a minimum resolution of 200 dpi (Upload 1 photo 3x4cm) documents (600 dpi or higher is recommended) Consent to the purpose of collecting Passport copy file (for KYC ·and using personal information ·certification)

9. Precautions for Applications Ⅰ. The CBM qualification test is basically accepted and taken in English. (However, you can apply for your own language according to the countries of the agreement.) Ⅱ. Until further notice, CBM will be implemented online following the COVID 19 quarantine guidelines. (However, it can be carried out offline in compliance with the national COVID 19 quarantine guidelines.) Ⅲ. You will not receive additional applications after the application deadline, so please make sure to register within the application period. Ⅳ. The applicant shall be responsible for any disadvantages caused by errors, omission, inability to contact, or non-qualification of the applicant's application, etc. Ⅴ. The application form is not returned. If you cancel the application, please fill out and register the application form, including cancellation of the application and refund of the training fee, and the application fee will be refunded according to the criteria for refund of the application fee. TM Blockchain Qualification Platform CERTIFIED BLOCKCHAIN MANAGER 25

10. Presentation of successful applicants and application for granting certificates Ⅰ. Successful applicants can be identified in the following ways: ◇ The website of the World Blockchain Industry Association ( ◇ Cell phone text (SMS) or e-mail entered at the time of application application. Ⅱ. A cheater or a person who falls under disqualification shall not be granted a license. ※ At the time of the test, those who have a reason for disqualification will be canceled even if the reason for disqualification expires. Ⅲ. Online scoring is done electronically by LMS. Ⅳ. If the documents submitted after the successful candidate's announcement are not true or the reason for disqualification is found, the acceptance shall be cancelled. Ⅴ. You can check your acceptance at the World Blockchain Industry Association (www.wbcia. io) from the date of the announcement of the successful applicants, and you can also check the official website of the educational institution designated by the country of agreement. Ⅵ. All levels of Certified Blockchain Manager(CBM) certificates will be sent to the examinee's own e-mail (PDF).

Attachment 1 Sample image of CBM certification by country. CBM 1st CBM 2nd CBM 3rd The United States of America

The People’s Republic of China TM 26 CERTIFIED BLOCKCHAIN MANAGER Blockchain Qualification Platform CBM 1st CBM 2nd CBM 3rd Republic of Korea


Socialist Republic of Viet Nam

Republic of Estonia

United Arab Emirates TM Blockchain Qualification Platform CERTIFIED BLOCKCHAIN MANAGER 27 CBM 1st CBM 2nd CBM 3rd Repubic of Argentina

Commonwealth of Australia

Swiss Confederation


Kingdom of Spain TM 28 CERTIFIED BLOCKCHAIN MANAGER Blockchain Qualification Platform CBM 1st CBM 2nd CBM 3rd French

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Republic of India

The Italian Republic

Republic of Malta TM Blockchain Qualification Platform CERTIFIED BLOCKCHAIN MANAGER 29 CBM 1st CBM 2nd CBM 3rd Republic of Singapore

Russian Federation

Republic of the Philippines


※ Can't you see the sample image of your country's CBM license? ※ Then check out the website of the World Blockchain Industry Association (! ※ But if you can't see it, can you ask us? [email protected] TM 30 CERTIFIED BLOCKCHAIN MANAGER Blockchain Qualification Platform

CBM Coin All currencies, as well as cryptocurrency, should be secured against value when issued. Otherwise, no one can trust the issued currency and is not used in the real world. Also, if specific values are not guaranteed, the issuing entity will fall into a moral hazard of issuing additional currency recklessly, causing inflation, which means a sharp decline in the value of the currency. In 1944, the U.S. used the U.S. dollar as a key currency for gold through the Bretton Woods Conference, and each country issued individual currencies in exchange for holding dollars. In 1971, the U.S. gave up the exchange of gold and money because it could not hold gold equivalent to the dollar. Instead, it uses methods that allow it to use only the U.S. dollar as a means of oil settlement in the Middle East, resulted in various evils in issuing excessive dollars. In order to overcome the problems of existing legal currency, various cryptocurrency have already emerged for the purpose of being used in the real world, but since the intrinsic value of the cryptocurrency is not guaranteed yet, the price has fluctuated heavily according to investors' expectations. This is because a new means of cryptocurrency has been developed, but the original characteristics of the currency have been overlooked. Cryptocurrency is also a kind of currency, and there must be goods or services that can guarantee its value. CBM Coin guarantees online/offline education services and blockchain certificates in value. Therefore, those who own CBM coins can be guaranteed by activating blockchain-related on- line, offline education services and certificates. With the value of blockchain education and certificates as collateral, stable coin prices can be maintained, and there is the advantage of being able to provide services flexibly even if coin holders increase rapidly. So why do customers who pay in cash, like the traditional method, have to have a CBM coin? In the case of legal currency, inflation of money is bound to occur and its value will inevitably decline over time. On the other hand, CBM Coins can expect a potential rise in value, particularly in the early days of issuance, where they are given preferential treatment to enjoy offline education and certificate applications, which come at a lower cost than cash payments. It will use a certain percentage of the profits gained through on- and off-line education and certificates to keep the coin in place, increasing the value of the coin in the long term. Since CBM Coins were issued with real services as collateral, objective verification is possible. This can be seen as having differentiated value as a cryptocurrency that has specialized business models of business.

What is Decentralized for CBM? The certificate of the CBM qualification test will be a member of the platform and will take steps such as setting, correcting, and verifying the problems of the qualification test. Rather than giving all questions to WBCIA, successful applicants of CBM become test takers and decide the difficulty of the questions themselves and submit them through the above process. As theoretical blockchain technology is continuously updated, the purpose of the platform is TM Blockchain Qualification Platform CERTIFIED BLOCKCHAIN MANAGER 31 to modify and supplement the distributed/defined integrated learning content in various fields. This consequently means that the level at which qualifications can be interpreted and applied to industrial sites is consistent with the difficulty of the problem.

User Benefits Optimizedfor Defi Users can settle the inconvenience of having to pay with existing credit cards or cash with CBM coins, providing consistency and convenience of the license to users who want a global license without being affected by their respective payment systems. Of course, it can be used by credit card or account transfer. However, customers who want to use most of the lectures can use CBM coins at a more discounted price for payment. Users may hold CBM coins for investment purposes or give gifts such as gift certificates to friends or acquaintances. In particular, CBM coins can be used as a valid learning motivation tool for online smart learning, allowing users to continue to learn and enhance their learning ability and value.

Operator & Investor's Benefit The licensee provides online lecture and offline course services on the CBM Coin business network. CBM Coin business networks enable you to reduce unnecessary marketing and advertising costs and expand potential customers. Based on CBM coin that is owned by an investor, actual services such as test materials, video lectures, offline incubation process, and test application are guaranteed as collateral. In addition, as the business network of CBM coin expands, the value of CBM Coins can be expected to increase as users increase and demand of CBM Coins increases. Investors can immediately cash in through the current CMB Coin-listed , and the more CBM-listed exchanges expand, the faster liquidity supply is possible without worrying about the exchange rate.

Changes in CBM test fees following changes in CBM coin prices change We have learned so much through the rapid changes in the coin ecosystem in the past few years. We can easily find countless coins that have fallen below the starting price since they were listed on the exchange and are being forgotten in the market. Even if the CBM coin falls below the initial listed price (now $0.01) with a probability of one millionth of one millionth, it has been fixed to receive an examination fee of 10,000 CBM at the beginning. It is for CBM candidates and for CBM investors. The CBM price then leaves only two cases where it can stop or rise at $0.01. However, after 13 rounds of tests on CBM certificates, many people found that they preferred CBM certificates. There is also a successful case in which a person with a CBM license got a job at a global block chain company. In addition, it is time for real proven block chain experts to work in the block chain ecosystem and foster the block chain industry. Now, by relieving psychological anxiety caused by the volatility of coin prices and looking at the CBM test fee change schedule TM 32 CERTIFIED BLOCKCHAIN MANAGER Blockchain Qualification Platform

(see page 38), prospective test takers of CBM can check the CBM test fee for real-time price changes and pay for the test fee.

Compensation for CBM final successful applicants paid with CBM coins

In the East, there is a saying that education is a “big plan for a hundred years to come.” Blockchain education is essential if the blockchain industry tries to continue to develop, and the concept of compensation must be accompanied by those who challenge CBM certificates through fighting with themselves at the forefront of the education. Coins of CBM coins paid to final successful applicants of CBM certificates (applications) 20% of CBM will be compensated by CBM coin address that was submitted when receiving the test. After all, these rewards are motivated to pass the CBM and the trade bow of the CBM coin. It is believed to contribute to the torch. In addition, for the purpose of CBM certification test fees, All CBM coins used will be subject to coin (80% of the application CBM) incineration process. As more CBM applicants take certification tests, the net value of CBM can eventually be increased. In summary, it is as follows.

N: Candidates for CBM monthly N1: Final successful candidate of CBM per month. N2: N-N1 Q: 80% of the CBM test fee for N = CBM incineration amount Q1: 20% CBM fee for N1=CBM acceptance compensation* Q2: 20% CBM fee for N2=CBM acceptance compensation*

Benefit 1. 20% acceptance compensation for CBM fees paid by successful CBM passers-by Benefits 2. Distribute the quantity of CBM equivalent to Q2 to successful applicants

*Payments from Q1 and Q2 will be sent to the address of the CBM wallet of the successful applicants in batches on the day of the acceptance announcement.

∴α=Q2/N1, β=α×$

* See page 38 for α and β.

* In the case of a reward CBM (20% of the application fee), [CBM White paper] it is applicable to a test taker who paid the CBM application fee with CBM coin only. TM Blockchain Qualification Platform CERTIFIED BLOCKCHAIN MANAGER 33

CBM distribution CBM Coin Information Coin Name Certified Blockchain Manager Standard ERC-20

Symbol CBM Total Supply 1,000,000,000

CBM Coin distribution

5% 5% 3%

17% 50%


Distribution Quantities %

Open for Using CBM Platform / 500,000,000 50% Investors Blockchain (platform) 200,000,000 20% Development Marketing/Advertising 170,000,000 17%

Team 30,000,000 3%

Partner/Advisor 50,000,000 5%

Emergency 50,000,000 5%

Total Supply 1,000,000,000 100% TM 34 CERTIFIED BLOCKCHAIN MANAGER Blockchain Qualification Platform

President & Organization Everything you imagine becomes an innovation. Hello? Welcome all over the world who are reading the CBM white paper. Certified Blockchain Manager (CBM) did not come out one morning. In Korea, an IT powerhouse, we successfully completed the 11th test on September 26, starting with the first test for blockchain managers on August 31, 2019. It is a certification that has given hope to many people by changing it to an online test due to COVID-19, which no one expected in the meantime. This experience of success was possible because I had the support and encouragement of many people who are trying to go a path no one has ever gone. I would like to express my deep gratitude for renting this place. I'll always be awake, one by one, to make a better world with CBM with you all around the world. I'll be with you from where I can see and where I can't see so that we can be a page of great memories in the history of the blockchain. WBCIA President Yeon Sam-Heum

Organizational Structure

WBCIA President Policy Reserch Institute International Policy Cooperation Advisory Committee Committee

Executive Office (Department)

Business Strategy Manager Foundation Human Resources Support Support Support Support TM Blockchain Qualification Platform CERTIFIED BLOCKCHAIN MANAGER 35

Road Map

2020 ▶ CBM 1st to 3rd test is being conducted in Repubic of Korea. Dec ▶ Listing on TokenCan Global exchange ▶ Announcement of the 2021 CBM Qualification Test

2021 ▶ Publish E-book ‘CBM a book to become a Master’ in Amazon Jan ▶ 4th International Qualification Test (CBM) enforcement ▶10 outstanding CBM successful applicants, 1,000 CBM coins, each air-drop

▶ World Blockchain Day to be declared April 1st Apr ▶ Publish E-book ‘CBM a book to become a Master’ in Amazon ▶7th International Qualification Test (CBM) enforcement ▶So far, 25 outstanding CBM applicants, 750 CBM coins, each Air-drop

▶Convention of Educational Agencies for CBM Practical Testing by Country Jul ▶10th International Qualification Test (CBM) enforcement ▶So far, 50 outstanding CBM applicants, 500 CBM coins, each Air-drop

▶ Convention of Educational Agencies for CBM Practical Testing by Country Oct ▶13th International Qualification Test (CBM) enforcement ▶So far, 75 outstanding CBM applicants, 250 CBM coins, each Air-drop

▶ Convention of Educational Agencies for CBM Practical Testing by Country Dec ▶ [launching] Decentralized Training Platform Test Version ▶15th International Qualification Test (CBM) enforcement ▶So far, 100 outstanding CBM applicants, 100 CBM coins, each Air-drop

2021 ▶ [launching] the formal version of the decentralized training platform ▶The establishment of a 10-nation blockchain education institution through member companies of each country

2022 ▶ Global Blockchain Industry Awards ▶ [launching] blockchain-based job openings/recovery sites ▶ Global blockchain-based training platform dissemination ▶The establishment of a 20-nation blockchain education institution through member companies of each country

2023 ▶ Global Blockchain Industry Awards ▶10 million members of Certified Blockchain managers ▶The establishment of a 50-nation blockchain education institution through member companies of each country TM 36 CERTIFIED BLOCKCHAIN MANAGER Blockchain Qualification Platform

White Paper Notice General Notice 1. Purpose of White Paper This white paper describes the overall contents of the CBM project, a blockchain technology-based platform that the WBCIA is preparing. This white paper has been distributed for reference purposes only in connection with CBM projects as of the time of preparation and may be modified in the future. This white paper clearly implies that it is not intended to recommend CBM Coin's purchase or investment proposals. Accordingly, the CBM project team will not be liable for damages, compensation or other responsibilities in the event of other financial damages, such as harms, losses, or liabilities, arising out of reference to this white paper.

2. Project Roadmap The WBCIA may change the content of the White Paper, including project conclusions, schedules and achievements planned in the roadmap, at any time in a flexible manner for the successful progress and completion of the project.

3. The Decision for a Sponsoring Sponsors should refer to Sponsors' decisions based on the latest English-language white paper provided by WBCIA, and are not limited to White Paper. If the decision to sponsor is made by reference to this white paper, responsibility for the consequences (benefits or losses) of the applicable laws shall be solely determined by the parties, and WBCIA shall not be liable for collateral, indirect or consequential damages.

4. Obligation to Sign a Contract No one is obligated to sign a contract or legally binding covenant relating to the sponsorship of CBM project and not participate solely on the basis of this white paper. The sponsorship of CBM Coin will be issued under this legally binding agreement and the details will be provided separately from this white paper. In the event of a discrepancy between the contract and the contents of this white paper, the contract shall take precedence.

5. Characteristics of White Papers This white paper was not provided in the business plan, business description, proposal, etc. and shall not be construed as an investment proposal or recruitment, including securities (In the case of U.S, it includes the securities and other securities prescribed in the Capital Market and Financial Investment Business Act), units of business trusts or collective investment planning units in the U.S and in any jurisdiction, nor shall the whole or part of this document may not be reproduced, distributed, or otherwise propagated under the regulatory or prohibited jurisdiction of the coin/ token publication method specified in this white paper. TM Blockchain Qualification Platform CERTIFIED BLOCKCHAIN MANAGER 37

6. The Final Version Note that this white paper reflects the latest information based on cover date and is not the final version. The information contained in this document, including the business operation and financial status of the CBM project, is subject to change and may be updated irregularly. WBCIA does not guarantee that the content of the white paper will not change in the future if it conflicts with versions of English, Chinese, Russian, German, Japanese, Vietnamese, Korean and other languages, and replaces the original English language. When a new version of the white paper is released, it will be posted on the official website (

Anti-money Laundering/Counter Terrorist Financing Policy 1. Necessity needs for Anti-money Laundering/Counter Terrorist Financing Policy The WBCIA is responsible for policies to prevent money laundering and counter terrorist financing, and detailed identification of anyone that wants to own CBM Coin or use it as a payment method is mandatory. Depending on the circumstances of each application, the company may request additional information and/or documents from the sponsor from time to time.

2. Duty to cooperate in Anti-money Laundering/Counter Terrorist Financing Policy The WBCIA promises to comply with all applicable guidelines applicable to the Business in respect of AML-CFT obligations to any applicable or anticipated future application. The Company has all right to exclude anyone who refuses to provide adequate information and/or documentation that the Company may request while in the initial coin sponsorship and/or CBM Coin additional sponsorship.

3. WBCIA's obligation to cooperate in the Anti-money Laundering/Counter Terrorist Financing Policy The WBCIA may also have an obligation to report all suspicious transactions to the Financial Intelligence Unit and other relevant agencies on a regular basis, and shall have the right to refuse to provide coins to designated individuals and corporations.

•Webpage : •White paper : •Community : •Block Explorer : TM 38 CERTIFIED BLOCKCHAIN MANAGER Blockchain Qualification Platform


Facebook Telegram You Tube

Instagram Kakao Channel Cafe

To promote CBM certification, we recruit global staff to operate and manage the above CBM community (other active SNS) together as follows. Qualification: Anyone interested in a CBM certificate Nationality: Not applicable. Gender: Not applicable. Age: Not applicable. Recruitment: Not more than 10 persons per country Interview: Final Interview through ‘Zoom’(Only those who pass the first round) How to Support: > CBM > Support for CBM SNS staff Interview Date: Mutual Consultation (Interview languages are based on English. Applicants can speak their own language if necessary) Benefits: 1. All application fees incurred until CBM 1st grade pass are free. 2. Providing WBCIA recommendations when employed by related companies 3. PreferringCBMtoWBCIAwhenrequestingCBMrecruitment 4. Preferred recruitment after agreement with CBM educational institutions in supported countries

TM 40 CERTIFIED BLOCKCHAIN MANAGER Blockchain Qualification Platform

Appendix Ⓡ CBM Certificate of Qualification Usage Guide Ⓡ 1. General rules for CBM qualification marks Ⓡ TM Ⓡ 1. CBM certification marks, CBM, CERTIFIED BLOCKCHAIN MANAGER , and CBM must be used in accordance with this guide.

2. CBM qualifications recognize that WBCIA (World Blockchain Industry Association) has the exclusive, absolute and exclusive right to CBM qualification marks outside of Estonia, and that WBCIA is the exclusive licensee for CBM qualification marks. Do it.

3. CBM qualifiers do not use or promote any confusing mark that is similar to the WBCIA- owned CBM qualification mark.

4. CBM Qualified Persons do not directly commit, attempt or promote any action that attempts to undermine or impedes WBCIA's rights with respect to the emblem and related goodwill.

5. CBM qualifiers must also comply with the WBCIA's remedial training and renewal application requirements regarding the certification of qualifications.

Ⓡ 2. Basic rules for using the CBM qualification mark Ⓡ 1. CBM basic usage rules (1) Always use capital letters. (2) No ellipsis should be placed between letters. (3) Always use “®” symbol as a superscript. (4) Always use as an adjective form for appropriate nouns approved by WBCIA such as “certificant, professional, practitioner” , “certification” , “mark, certification mark, marks, certification marks” Should be.

TM 2. CERTIFIED BLOCKCHAIN MANAGER basic usage rules (1) Always use capital letters (big and small capital letters can be mixed). (2) Always use the “TM” symbol as a superscript. (3) Always use as an adjective form for appropriate nouns approved by WBCIA such as “certificant, professional, practitioner” , “certification” , “mark, certification mark, marks, certification marks” Should be. TM Blockchain Qualification Platform CERTIFIED BLOCKCHAIN MANAGER 41

CBM R 3. basic usage rules (1) Always use the three elements that make up the logo together. (Book-shaped mark, “CBM” and “®”) (2) Logos must always be duplicated from the original artwork. (3) The logo must not be altered or modified.

Ⓡ 3. Basic usage of CBM qualification mark Ⓡ 1. CBM Qualified Trademarks are all capitalized and no abbreviations are indicated between letters.

Correct usage: Samheum Yeon, CBM® Eugene Sam, CBM®

Wrong usage: Samheum Yeon, C.B.M.® Eugene Sam, C.B.M.® Samheum Yeon, cbm® Eugene Sam, cbm®

2. Qualification trademarks that appear first on printed matter must use the symbol Ⓡ as a superscript.

Correct usage: Samheum Yeon is a CBM® qualified person specializing in blockchain. He works with five other CBM qualifications. Eugene Sam is a CBM® professional specializing in Blockchain. There are five other CBM professionals working in his office.

Wrong usage: Samheum Yeon is a CBM qualified person specializing in blockchain. He works with seven other CBM qualifications. Eugene is a CBM professional specializing in Blockchain. There are seven other CBM professionals working in his office.

Ⓡ 3. The CBM qualification trademark should not be used as an embedded abbreviation for CERTIFIED BLOCKCHAIN MANAGERTM qualification trademark.

Correct usage: Samheum Yeon is a CBM® qualified person, that is, a CERTIFIED BLOCKCHAIN MANAGERTM qualified person. Sam is a CBM® practitioner or CERTIFIED BLOCKCHAIN MANAGERTM practitioner TM 42 CERTIFIED BLOCKCHAIN MANAGER Blockchain Qualification Platform

Wrong usage: Samheum Yeon is a CERTIFIED BLOCKCHAIN MANAGERTM (CBM®) qualified person. Eugene is a CERTIFIED BLOCKCHAIN MANAGERTM (CBM®) practitioner.

Ⓡ 4. The CBM qualification trademark should always be used as an adjective form for an approved noun. CBM® trademarks are always adjectives of appropriate nouns approved by WBCIA, such as “certificant, professional, practitioner” , “certification” , “mark, certification mark, marks, certification marks”. It must be used.

Correct usage: Samheum Yeon is a CBM® qualified. Eugene is a CBM® practitioner.

Yeonsamheum obtained CBM® certification. Eugene has obtained his CBM® certification.

Wrong usage: Yeonsamheum is CBM®. (All expressions are incorrect except where permitted by the above correct usage) Eugene is a CBM®.

Ⓡ 5. The CBM qualification trademark should not be used in plural or proprietary form. (English only)

Correct usage: Eugene Sam and Eugenia Sam are CBM® certificants. The CBM® professionals’ seminar was sold out.

Wrong usage: Eugene Sam and Eugenia Sam are CBMs®. The CBMs’ seminar was sold out.

Ⓡ 6. The CBM certification mark should not be used as part of a domain name or e-mail address.

Correct usage: [email protected] TM Blockchain Qualification Platform CERTIFIED BLOCKCHAIN MANAGER 43

Wrong usage: [email protected]

TM 4. How to use the CERTIFIED BLOCKCHAIN MANAGER certificate TM 1. CERTIFIED BLOCKCHAIN MANAGER qualification trademarks must always be used in capital letters (large and small capital letters can be mixed).

Correct usage: Samheum Yeon is a CERTIFIED BLOCKCHAIN MANAGERTM qualified person. Sam is a CERTIFIED BLOCKCHAIN MANAGERTM practitioner.

Samheum Yeon is a CERTIFIED BLOCKCHAIN MANAGERTM qualified person. Sam is a CERTIFIED BLOCKCHAIN MANAGERTM professional.

Wrong usage: Kil-dong Hong is a certified blockchain managerTM qualified person. Eugene is a certified blockchain managerTM practitioner.

Sam Heum Yeon is a Certified Blockchain ManagerTM qualified person. Eugene is a Certified Blockchain ManagerTM professional.

TM 2. CERTIFIED BLOCKCHAIN MANAGER qualification trademark should not be used Ⓡ as an insert-type term for the CBM qualification trademark.

Correct usage: Samheum Yeon is a CERTIFIED BLOCKCHAIN MANAGERTM qualified person, that is, a CBM® qualified person. SAM is a CERTIFIED BLOCKCHAIN MANAGERTM professional or CBM® professional.

Wrong usage: Samheum Yeon is a CBM® (CERTIFIED BLOCKCHAIN MANAGERTM) qualified person. SAM is a CBM® (CERTIFIED BLOCKCHAIN MANAGERTM) professional.

TM 3. The CERTIFIED BLOCKCHAIN MANAGER qualification trademark should always be used as an adjective form of an approved noun. CERTIFIED BLOCKCHAIN MANAGERTM is always an adjective form of an approved appropriate noun such as “certificant, professional, practitioner” , “certification” , “mark, certification mark, marks, certification marks”. It must be used. TM 44 CERTIFIED BLOCKCHAIN MANAGER Blockchain Qualification Platform

Correct usage: Samheum Yeon is a CERTIFIED BLOCKCHAIN MANAGERTM qualified person. Eugene, CERTIFIED BLOCKCHAIN MANAGERTM professional.

Yeonsamheum obtained CERTIFIED BLOCKCHAIN MANAGERTM certification. Eugene has obtained his CERTIFIED BLOCKCHAIN MANAGERTM certification.

Wrong usage: (Hangul expressions are all incorrect except when permitted by the above correct usage)


TM 4. The CERTIFIED BLOCKCHAIN MANAGER qualification trademark must not be used in plural or proprietary form. (English only)

Correct usage: Jane Doe and John Doe are CERTIFIED BLOCKCHAIN MANAGERTM certificants. The CERTIFIED BLOCKCHAIN MANAGER professionals’ seminar was sold out.

Wrong usage: Jane Doe and John Doe are CERTIFIED BLOCKCHAIN MANAGERSTM. The CERTIFIED BLOCKCHAIN MANAGER’S TM seminar was sold out.

TM 5. The CERTIFIED BLOCKCHAIN MANAGER certification mark must not be used as part of a domain name or email address.

Correct usage: [email protected]

Wrong usage: [email protected] [email protected] TM Blockchain Qualification Platform CERTIFIED BLOCKCHAIN MANAGER 45

CBM R 5. How to use the certificate

CBM R 1. The qualified trademark is composed of three elements: a book-shaped mark, “CBM” characters and “Ⓡ” symbol. These three components should always be used together as a unit to preserve the visual integrity of the trademark.

Correct usage:


Wrong usage:

CBMCBMCBM CBMCBMCBMR R R CBMCBMCBMR R R It should not be It should not be Only the book- Graphic elements CBM CBM R CBM R used without ®. used without a shaped mark should should not be book-shaped mark. not be used alone. separated.

CBM R 2. Reproduction of qualified trademarks must be made from original artwork

CBM R provided by WBCIA. In no case shall the qualified trademark be altered, modified, hand-drawn or typeset, nor shall it be reproduced or electronically scanned with low quality such as distorting or changing the form.

Wrong usage:

R R R R CBMCBMCBMCBMR R R R CBMCBMCBMCBM The size ratio It shall not be Low-level The qualification of each element reproduced with duplication trademark must should not be unauthorized raw techniques should not be modified. changed. material. not be used. TM 46 CERTIFIED BLOCKCHAIN MANAGER Blockchain Qualification Platform

3. Qualified trademarks must be clearly linked to individuals who have been certified by WBCIA.

Correct usage: Samheum Yeon, CBM®, CAM, CEM   Samheum Yeon, CBM® Samheum Yeon, CBM®, CAM CBM R John A. Doe, CBM®, CAM, CEM   John A. Doe, CBM® John A. Doe, CBM®, CAM CBM R

Wrong usage: Not connected to a certified individual.


CBM R TM Blockchain Qualification Platform CERTIFIED BLOCKCHAIN MANAGER 47

6. How to use in letterheads and business cards Letterhead and business cards (not actual size)

Correct usage: ® A The CBM Certificate of Certification(CBM , CERTIFIED BLOCKCHAIN MANAGERTM and ) is being used in the nearest location after the name of a CBM R specific individual. ® B The CBM certificate of qualification (CBM , CERTIFIED BLOCKCHAIN MANAGERTM) is used immediately after the name of a specific individual.

7th Floor, Blockchain Building, 7878 Block 25-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul T. 02)0000-0000 F. 02)0000-0000

® Hong Gil-Dong, CBM , CAM, CEM BLOCKCHAIN COMPANY CERTIFIED BLOCKCHAIN MANAGERTM qualified person COMPANY CEO A CBM R 7th Floor, Blockchain Building, 7878 Block 25-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul T. 02)0000-0000 F. 02)0000-0000 BLOCKCHAIN COMPANY Hong Gil-Dong, CBM®, CAM, CEM COMPANY CERTIFIED BLOCKCHAIN MANAGERTM qualified person CEO


Hong Gil-Dong, CBM®, CAM, CEM CERTIFIED BLOCKCHAIN MANAGERTM qualified person CEO BLOCKCHAIN COMPANY NAME Corp. 7th Floor, Blockchain Building, 7878 Block 25-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul T. 02)0000-0000 F. 02)0000-0000 B Hong Gil-Dong, CBM®, CAM, CEM CERTIFIED BLOCKCHAIN MANAGERTM qualified person CEO BLOCKCHAIN COMPANY NAME Corp. 7th Floor, Blockchain Building, 7878 Block 25-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul T. 02)0000-0000 F. 02)0000-0000 TM 48 CERTIFIED BLOCKCHAIN MANAGER Blockchain Qualification Platform

Wrong usage: ® A In the case of CBM there is no superscript ®, and there is no noun or an inappropriate noun after CERTIFIED BLOCKCHAIN MANAGERTM and while the qualification trademark is close to the company name, it is far from the CBM R name of an individual ® B In the case of CBM , there is no superscript ®, and there is no noun after CERTIFIED BLOCKCHAIN MANAGERTM or an inappropriate noun is used.

7th Floor, Blockchain Building, 7878 Block 25-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul T. 02)0000-0000 F. 02)0000-0000

® Hong Gil-Dong, CBM , CAM, CEM BLOCKCHAIN COMPANY CERTIFIED BLOCKCHAIN MANAGERTM expert CBM R COMPANY CEO A 7th Floor, Blockchain Building, 7878 BLOCKCHAIN COMPANY Block 25-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul COMPANY T. 02)0000-0000 F. 02)0000-0000


Hong Gil-Dong, CBM®, CAM, CEM CERTIFIED BLOCKCHAIN MANAGERTM expert CEO BLOCKCHAIN COMPANY NAME Corp. 7th Floor, Blockchain Building, 7878 Block 25-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul T. 02)0000-0000 F. 02)0000-0000 B Hong Gil-Dong, CBM, CAM, CEM CERTIFIED BLOCKCHAIN MANAGERTM CEO BLOCKCHAIN COMPANY NAME Corp. 7th Floor, Blockchain Building, 7878 Block 25-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul

T. 02)0000-0000 F. 02)0000-0000 TM Blockchain Qualification Platform CERTIFIED BLOCKCHAIN MANAGER 49

7. How to use the CBM certificate in social media, education, and booklets Letterhead and business cards (not actual size) 1. For educational and media materials such as SNS, brochures, newspapers and magazine articles, booklets and newsletters, the CBM certification mark must be used in the manner specified in this chapter.

2. Only the first time a qualified trademark is used within a sentence shall the appropriate symbol of the qualified trademark be used.

Correct usage: Samheum Yeon is a CBM® qualified person specializing in blockchain. He works with five other CBM credentialists. Sam is a CBM® professional specializing in blockchain. There are two other CBM professionals working in his office.

Yeonsamheum recently acquired CERTIFIED BLOCKCHAIN MANAGERTM qualification. He works in Estonia with other CBM® qualifications. They believe that CBM certification is the highest level in the blockchain field. Sam recently attained CERTIFIED BLOCKCHAIN MANAGERTM certification. He works with another CBM® professional in Estonia. They consider the CBM certification to be Blockchain’s highest standard.

3. Tag line must be inserted. When using the CBM certification mark, the Korean text of the tagline must be inserted, and if necessary, English can be inserted after the Korean text. CBM® qualifications can download artwork by visiting WBCIA's website (

(1) Korean tagline “CBM®, CERTIFIED BLOCKCHAIN MANAGERTM and Qualification Marks CBM R (CBM Qualification Marks) are owned by the World Blockchain Industry Association (WBCIA) in all countries outside Estonia.

(2) English tagline “CBM ®, CERTIFED BLOCKCHAIN MANAGERTM, and trademarks (CBM marks) CBM R are owned by World Blockchain Industry Association (WBCIA) in countries outside the Estonia. TM 50 CERTIFIED BLOCKCHAIN MANAGER Blockchain Qualification Platform

4. WBCIA owns the CBM certificate in all countries other than Estonia, and in countries under the agreement with the WBCIA, the CBM certificate may be used as an exclusive licensee. In any country other than Estonia, holders of the right to the CBM certificate should not use the CBM certificate in a way that makes it difficult to recognize the WBCIA. In addition, it should not be used in a way that implies or implies that the WBCIA recommends a specific individual or company in Korea (even if more than one member is eligible to use the CBM certification mark).

5. The form of the CBM qualification mark must not be altered or modified. Changing the CBM qualification mark into a sentence form, animate it, three- dimensionalize it, or use the CBM qualification mark based on a patterned background, use it as a watermark, or use it as a part of the background, etc. The shape or form shall not be changed by any means. TM Blockchain Qualification Platform CERTIFIED BLOCKCHAIN MANAGER 51

CBM R 8. How to duplicate the certificate of qualification In order to maintain the quality of the qualification trademark, when copying this qualification trademark, the original artwork provided by WBCIA must be used. You should use consistent colors based on. The following information is required to properly reproduce a qualified trademark in print production.

1. Original artwork In the case of reproduction of trademarks, original artwork provided by WBCIA CBM R must be used. The positive and reverse images required for reproduction can be obtained from WBCIA or downloaded by visiting the WBCIA website (http://www.

2. Readability In order to maintain the legibility of the symbol, the standards for the indication between the qualification mark and the R symbol are indicated by three graphic CBM R figures. Standard A if the size of the qualified trademark is 1/2 inch (1.27cm) or larger, Standard B if the size of the qualified trademark is between 1/2 inch (1.27cm) and 9/32 inch (0.71cm), the qualified trademark Standard C is used when the size is less than 1/4 inch (0.63 cm).

A 12.7mm (1/2inch) or larger B 12.7 - 7.14 mm C 6.35mm (1/4inch)

X CBM R 3/4 X X 1/2 X CBM R X 1/4 X CBM R

3. Legibility If the printed qualified trademark is printed with other visual elements, its CBM R effectiveness and discernability are degraded. Therefore, a clear zone in which no other graphic image or visual element should be added should be set around the qualification trademark. As indicated in Criterion D below, the size of this clear zone is determined based on the height of the capital letter “CBM” , a character element of owever, exceptions are permitted if this qualification trademark is used within CBM R the sentence. In order to optimize the identification of the qualification trademark, it is recommended that the size of the replica be at least 1/4 inch (0.63 cm) (see Criterion E). Reduction to a smaller size may impair the identifiability and visual effect of the entire qualifying trademark. If the quality of reproduction of the qualification CBM R trademark reproduced in 1/4 inch (0.63 cm) size is not excellent, it must be reproduced in a larger size. TM 52 CERTIFIED BLOCKCHAIN MANAGER Blockchain Qualification Platform

D E at least 6.35mm (1/4inch) 1 X



See Article 4 for examples of violations of graphic standards or correct usage standards.

4. Specified background color The background hue of the positive qualified trademark shall be a bright color CBM R that does not exceed 40% of the shade from white to black. For dark background tones with 50% to 100% black shades, the reverse trademark should be used. CBM R Refer to the example below for the degree of shading of the background tone.

10% 20% 30% 40% 50%

60% 70% 80% 90% 100% TM Blockchain Qualification Platform CERTIFIED BLOCKCHAIN MANAGER 53

5. Choice of color In order for CBM qualifications to be immediately recognized, the color of the CBM R qualification mark should be used consistently. Example A below shows the CBM R Qualifying Trademark in the only recognized two colors, the PANTONE® 4182 GREEN color for the book shape, and the black color for “CBM” and “TM”. The other examples below illustrate the use of one certified color. When printing CBMR trademarks, refer to the PANTONE® Color Formula Guide to ensure accurate color and density matching.


CBM R CBM R Two official One official One official color: One official color: colors: The book color: Print the The book shape Print the trademark shape is printed in qualification mark is printed in in a color darker PANTONE® 4182 in black PANTONE® 4182 than 50% of the GREEN color, and GREEN color. shade of black. CBM® is printed in black.

E The presented trademark is CBM R an example of a reverse used on a dark colored One official color One public color The reverse of one background. reverse: a white reverse: public color: a white qualification mark on PANTONE® 4182 qualifying trademark a black background GREEN background on a color background with white darker than 50% shade qualification mark of black. TM 54 CERTIFIED BLOCKCHAIN MANAGER Blockchain Qualification Platform

CBM online test method

Qualification① The pre-test istest held Zoombetween pre-test 12:00 and 13:00 on the Friday before the test. ② Qualification test Zoom pre-test invitation link will be sent by text and e-mail. ③ Check the Zoom link by text or e-mail, and click the link to access. ④ Connect to the Zoom link with your mobile phone or computer/laptop and check if it works smoothly, such as the form of writing the test answer, the form of writing, and the form being written on the screen, and if you have any questions about taking the test, please contact us. I'll answer.

Test① Ten taker minutes identification before the start of the written test, candidates access the “ZOOM Conference Participation Link” received by their e-mail via a PC or mobile phone with a webcam to check attendance. (The link will be sent 20 minutes before the test time to the e-mail of the CBM candidate who entered the Global Cyber Continuing Education Center Application (Membership Registration) ② When participating in the meeting, write the name with the candidate's name and date of birth. ③ After entering the meeting, set [Show video screen] in the lower left corner for identification. ④ Pick up your ID and show it on the cam for more than 5 seconds for the test supervisor to check. (Refer to the sample image taken for identification of the candidate) ⑤ With the ZOOM test screen turned on, candidates log in to the Global Cyber Lifelong Education Center with a PC> Qualification Test> Take the test. ⑥ After checking all the correct answers on the test according to the test time online, complete the problem solving before the test end time. ⑦ The correct answer can be checked and written online, so there is no need to print out the test paper. ⑧ Once the test paper has been submitted, it cannot be revised again. When the test is finished, carefully click the Complete (Submit) button. ⑨ After completing the test, log out of the ZOOM test site screen.

Notice① Please prepare your passport in advance so that the photo can be confirmed. ※ Please cover your passport number and personal number. ② Please take off your mask and take the test at the test location in a private space. (Outside locations are not allowed) ③ Supervise the test with ZOOM. ④ If you go out while supervising the test with ZOOM or the screen is turned off, it will be treated as cheating. (Check mobile phone battery charge status, change airplane mode) ※ Only desktop and notebook PCs are allowed to take the test (write answer), and use of other devices such as mobile is not recommended (You can use mobile devices for camera purposes) ※ Smartphone (After zoom connection, turn on the cam to take a picture so that you can see your test taking and the test screening screen) - Answers must be submitted within the test time. (If the test time is exceeded, non-submission will be processed) - Even if submitted within the time limit, only the first submitted answer will be accepted, and the answer submitted after that will not be accepted. - You can submit the test paper 20 minutes after the start of the test. - When entering the Zoom test center, fix the cam above the upper body and proceed with the test as follows. TM Blockchain Qualification Platform CERTIFIED BLOCKCHAIN MANAGER 55

Sample image of ID card for test taker identification

Passport (passport number covered)

※ During the zoom gaze time, the screen is recorded and used for confirmation in case of suspected fraudulent activity in the future, and is not used for any other purpose.

Correct example: When the monitor and part (or all) of the face appear - Do not wear a mask (not open book)

Wrong example: when the monitor is covered, the face does not come out at all

X X X profile

Major career Chairman of the World Blockchain Industry Association (WBCIA) Chairman of Korea Blockchain Industry Association President of Artificial Intelligence (AI) Convergence Society CEO of Smile Story Co., Ltd. Director of Global Cyber Lifelong​​ Education Center Korean Today Publisher / Representative Director of Artificial Intelligence (AI) Convergence Research Institute

National Competency Standards (NCS) Working Group Review Committee Blockchain Field Yeon Sam Heum National Competency Standards (NCS) Blockchain Analysis and Design Development Participating Member Small and Medium Venture Business Department Business Support Group Field Clinic Clinic Member Small and Medium Business Technology Information Promotion Agency, Small and Medium Business Technology Information Development Support Project Evaluation Committee

Educational History Doctor of Business Administration (Ph.D), Master of Wells Management, Bachelor of Engineering (Department of Information Security) Bachelor of Health Administration (Health Administration Major), Bachelor of Beauty (Beauty Health Design Department) Bachelor of Disaster Firefighting (Dept. of Disaster Firefighting), Bachelor of Business Administration (Department of Financial Asset Management) Professional Bachelor (Automotive Department)

Awards 2019 'Blockchain Industry Achievement' at the 2019 Korea's Shining Economy Awards 2018 Korea Loyalty Awards Industry Category 2018 Korea Blockchain Industry Awards Press Publishing 2018 Mayor of Los Angeles, USA Certificate of Appreciation 2017 Challenge Korean Movement Association Outstanding Small and Medium Business Award 2016 Korean Journalist Cooperative Korean Brand Grand Prize 2015 Korea Creative Innovation Grand Prize 2014 Korean Red Cross'Hall of Fame', more than 100 blood donations 2014 Korea Internet News Broadcasting Reporter Award for Excellence in Media Awards 2011 Small and Medium Business Administration commendation

Qualification CFP (International Certified Financial Planner), CMC (International Certified Management Consultant), Social Worker Level 2, Lifelong Education Worker Level 2, Beautician License, Psychological Counselor Level 1, Special Child Instructor Level 2, Disabled Understanding Education Instructor Level 2

Book Blockchain Insight, Blockchain World Tour Blockchain Manager (CBM) Level 2 End with one volume ICO international standard guidelines and many more Go to person search