THETRINITARIANSM OFFICIAL GAZETTE OF THE ANGLICAN CATHOLIC CHURCH / MAY-JUNE 2021 T 6 A A L 4 I D H N T 1 D E G 3 T R T L L E S S E I R . C S E T I N A S L O E A I N R N T T V A , C I I C C R A S E O I T T A R . H E N 8 Q 0 O 1 U L 2 E I 0 S C T E C D H U R C H P e U D r N m . P e S o i n . t n A v P N - e o P r I s o r , t o D C . a 5 f g O i 3 t e 7 7

Fr. Nadeem Yaqoob is received in his orders by Archbishop Haverland. Pictured are (l to r) Archbishop Haverland, Fr. Dennis Demes, Fr.Yaqoob, Fr. Sanford Sears, and Deacon Dan Henderson. A NEW PRO- FINDING CATHEDRAL RISES FOR A HOME THE DIOCESE INTHE ACC OF CONGO s recently as 2013, Sainte t is a long way from Pakistan to Florida, and for the Rev. Trinité Parish (ACC) in Nadeem Yaqoob the journey has been very long indeed. Bakavu, Democratic Re- But when Archbishop Mark Haverland received Fr. public of the Congo, had Yaqoob into the Anglican Catholic Church on St. Valen- A no place to call home. The congregation tine’s Day 2021, it was like a homecoming. owned no land and had to meet in parish- IRaised in the Roman Catholic Church in Pakistan, Fr. ioners’ houses. But a $10,000.00 USD gift Yaqoob’s journey began with his sense of a vocation to the from the St.Paul Mission Society that priesthood. The pursuit of this calling led him to Rome, year began to turn things around. Fr. Nadeem and Rebecca Yaqoob where he received his Licentiate in Sacred Theology from the Bishop Steven Ayule-Milenge was deter- Pontifical Gregorian University. From there, his studies led find it. The Anglicanism of the Canterbury Communion was mined to buy land in Bakavu, a city of him to the Philippines, where he earned a Master’s Degree not an option for him because of its innovations in doctrine and some 800,000 on the eastern border of the in Theology from the St. Monica Institute of Religious practice. DRC, but the initial donation was not Studies. Finally, he met his future wife, Rebecca. She is from a neigh- enough. The bishop made an appeal, and Returning to Rome, he was ordained to the priesthood by boring town in Pakistan, but it took a visit to Rome for them an anonymous donor from the ACC’s Matteo Cardinal Zuppi at the Chiesa di Gesu, the historic home to meet. Meeting Rebecca, and gradually getting to know her Diocese of Australia and New Zea- of the Society of Jesus. Following his ordination, Fr. Yaqoob served better, Fr. Yaqoob began to question the Roman Catholic pro- land provided $43,000.00. This, togeth- as administrator of St. Giacomo Church, and treasurer of the hibition on priests marrying. er with other donations, allowed the pur- International Student House, Augustinian Seminary. After work- Pursuing these threads, he left the Roman Catholic Church, chase of a piece of land in Bakavu. Bishop ing in the heart of Rome, he was appointed pastor of St. Anne and in 2017 he and Rebecca were married. She and her family Steven’s plan was to have a multi-purpose in Marsala, Sicily. lived in Florida, so they moved there and he took a job as an building constructed to allow for worship Even as he settled in to his new life as priest in Italy, though, assistant manager with a medical sales company. In early 2020 and to house a Sewing Training Center three things happened that would spur his journey forward in the couple were in Thailand for a family wedding when the to teach local workers to make clothing, surprising ways. COVID shutdowns hit. Unable to come back directly to the shoes, and belts. First, he found that he was attracted to the traditional forms , they travelled to Pakistan and waited there for the The result was a three-story building, the of the Tridentine liturgy. When in Rome, he began attending five months it took to arrange their return. top floor of which housed a nave and chan- the Latin Mass as often as he could. Next, he befriended clergy While waiting in Pakistan, Fr. Yaqoob heard for the first time cel, sacristy, and diocesan offices. Not con- at an Anglican parish near his own in Rome, and he found that of Bishop Mushtaq Andrew and of the ACC’s work there, but tent to rest on his laurels, though, Bishop Solemn Evensong there had much in common with the historic because of travel restrictions no meeting was possible. Upon their Ayule-Milenge had larger plans: to con- faith and practice to which he was becoming more attached. He return to the United States, however, he emailed Archbishop struct a separate building on the site to found himself questioning aspects of contemporary Roman Haverland, and that correspondence began the next phase in their house a larger church and expanded office Catholic practice. journey. space, connected to the existing building, He recalls talking to a friend about the culture of traditional Anglicanism, but was not at that time aware of anywhere he could Please see FINDING A HOME/3 Please see PRO-CATHEDRAL/5



THETRINITARIANSM VOL. XL, NO. 3 MAY-JUNE 2021 PRE-CHRISTIAN VS. THETRINITARIAN, the Official Gazette of the Anglican Catholic Church, was first published in April 1979 as the of- ficial voice of the Diocese of the Holy Trinity. In 1982, it be- POST-CHRISTIAN came a churchwide publication of The Anglican Catholic Church. In November 2017, news and advertising coverage This piece is based on a conversation held with clergy and ment of learning, science, and tolerance. History, on this view, was extended to include the Anglican Church in America, people from the Missionary District of Canada in Easter Week is progressive, and religion is a feature of an earlier and now the Anglican Province of America and the Diocese of the 2021. retrograde stage of history. Speaking of our societies as “post- Holy Cross. Christian” fits very snugly into this dismissive narrative. PUBLISHERS or 60 years, between the late 1930s and the late On the other side, of course, we believe in God; in the The College of Bishops 1990s, church membership in the United States self-disclosure of God in Jesus Christ through his incarna- was remarkably steady and hovered consistently tion, life, and resurrection; in the divine gift of the Church EDITOR around 70%. In the 20 or 25 years since 1999, as the continuation of Christ’s presence in our world through The Rev. Jonah Bruce F 167 Morgan Lane however, there has been a sudden and sharp fall to just un- the inspiration of the Holy Spirit and the sacramental sys- Dawsonville, GA 30534 der 50%. The sharpest decline has been among the youngest tem. We observe that human existence organized apart from Phone: (706) 892-8865 people. In Canada church member- God — which is how Archbishop Temple defined “the Email: [email protected] ship and attendance fell earlier and world” — that human existence apart from God, quickly further: in 2013 only 13% of Cana- descends into inhumanity and solipsism. In short, we believe BUSINESS/CIRCULATION/ ADVERTISING MANAGER dians reported attending religious that our faith is of perennial value. In fact, we assume that Paul Holmes services weekly, and that included what we believe and offer the world is essential, not only as 6413 S. Elati St. non-Christian religious groups. The the key to eternal life, but also as a normal precondition for Littleton, CO 80120 numbers have almost certainly de- humane and decent life in this world. If we believe such Phone: (303) 798-6948 clined more in Canada since 2013. things, then we cannot accept the idea that we live in a “post- FAX: (303) 798-9435 Email:[email protected] Despite these trends, I believe it is Christian” world except in a purely sociological, descriptive a mistake to speak and act as if we in sense. We have confidence in our creed, and therefore we SUBSCRIPTION POLICY Canada, the United States, and other see our world as pre-Christian, as filled with men and wo- THETRINITARIAN is published in two editions — print economically advanced Western soci- men who need to encounter Christ. and digital.They are identical in content and appearance.An- eties in general live in a “post-Christ- I do not have a silver bullet, a fool-proof answer, to the prob- nual subscription rates are US$22 for the digital edition THE MOST REV. only, US$25 for the print edition only, and US$28 for both ian” society. Instead, we should speak MARK lem of evangelism. I do not have a game plan that will triple editions. Rates outside the USA are slightly higher; for spe- and act as if we live in a pre-Christian HAVERLAND your parish or convert your town. But I think we must begin cifics,kindly contact the Circulation Manager.Additional do- society. What is the difference, and by changing our own attitudes. We do not live in Christendom nations above the subscription rates are greatly appreciat- what it might imply for our Christian lives? anymore. Many of us grew up in the afterglow, if you will, ed, and are tax-deductible for U.S. readers under the provi- In the late 1970s I saw an English television series on world of Christendom, but we do not any longer. A story: sions of Section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Act of the United States of America. religions called “The Long Search.” Most of my memories When I moved to in 1983 I went to the state of the series are very general and impressionistic, but I re- highway patrol office to get a local driver’s license. I wore Bulk rate is US$2 per copy, payable in advance. For rates cently looked it up and found that it consisted of 13 episodes. my clerical collar. The patrolman, who was probably a nice outside the USA, kindly contact the Circulation Manager. An English theatre director named Ronald Eyre spent each Southern Baptist man, looked at me and looked at my old, ARTICLES AND PHOTOS episode on a religious group, such as Hinduism, Black driver’s license, and said, “Mahk David. Mahk Due to increased postal costs,articles and photographs will American Protestantism, Judaism, and so forth. There was David…. You have a New Testament name and an Old Tes- not be returned unless accompanied by a self-addressed, some time spent discussing belief and doctrine, time spent tament name.” I said, “Yes, sir.” That was a brief conversa- stamped envelope. ____ showing places and rituals associated with the faith, and time tion that occurred within the horizon of Christendom. It spent interviewing both leaders and average believers. would not occur now. The presence of an advertisement in THETRINITARIAN The only thing I remember vividly about the series was Therefore, we have to adjust. I do not have all the answers does not necessarily imply that the product or service has the episode on Eastern Orthodox Christianity and a Roman- on how we should adjust. I have a few. I think Bishop Scar- the endorsement of the newspaper’s Publishers, the ACC ian bishop. During that episode Eyre said that the bishop lett and others are thinking helpfully about such things and College of Bishops. ____ was the only person he had encountered while doing the also have ideas for us to adopt. What I do certainly know series who refused to accept him on his own terms as an ob- is that we need to begin with an attitude that is confident Send news and photos to:167 Morgan Lane,Dawsonville, GA 30534, or email to [email protected]. jective, neutral, albeit benevolent investigator. Instead, the in the value of what we possess, that understands the deep bishop treated his English guest as a poor soul who need- and deepening sickness of the world around us, and that Send circulation, change of address and advertising ed to hear the gospel, encounter the Orthodox faith, and believes in the providence and power of God. We believe correspondence to: 6413 S. Elati St., Littleton, CO 80120. be converted and saved by that faith. In short, the bishop that in every human being there is a God-shaped hole that treated the probably secular Englishman as a pre-Christian. can only be filled finally by the gospel. This is not arrogance DEADLINES FOR NEXT ISSUE Editorial: June 25, 2021 Eyre was deeply impressed by this attitude. or imperviousness to reasonable challenge and conversation. Advertising: June 25, 2021 It matters very much which narrative we assume and accept It is confidence in the power of the Christian tradition to about the place of our faith in the world. On the one side, include persuasive answers to challenges and questions, THETRINITARIAN is published six times annually,in Jan- much of the elite culture about us flows from at least one confidence in the transforming power of a life of faith and uary,March, May, July,September and November.This issue was printed on May 11, 2021. Enlightenment story, in which religion is a primitive form of prayer, and above all confidence that Christ is risen, our new magical thinking that will gradually be dispelled by the advance- life attaining.

SAINT THOMAS OF CANTERBURY OPENING FOR PRIEST OR ASSISTANT The Order of Saint Benedict Beginning search for Priest or assistant, to assist the current Rector for The Servants of Jesus MOVING? transition to retire. St. Thomas is a Traditional Anglican parish, in a Be sure to send us medium city of 100,000, located in Diocese of Mid-Atlantic States. Bethlehem Priory, Chapel of Christ the King Should be fully ordained, able to relocate. Inquire to St. Thomas of 209 N. Norton St., Corunna, 48817 your new address. Canterbury, Roanoke, Va. ATTN: St. Thomas Anglican Catholic The Ven. Fr. Barry A. Lewis, O/OSB - Administrative Director Church, P.O. Box 19423, Roanoke, VA 24019 Website: Mail to: 6413 S. Elati St., Brother Botolph OSB - Media & Web Master Littleton, CO 80120 Anglican Parishes Association Br. Botolph OSB: (616) 260-4420 Or Email: Phone (706) 546-6910 • 800 Timothy Rd., Athens, Georgia 30606 [email protected] The 2021 Ordo Kalendar Seeking a spiritual and religious life, please contact us. Or Call: (303) 798-6948 $10 each plus shipping and handling. Now Available. Monks • Oblates and Associates Or Fax: (303) 798-9435 O 1928 Book of Common Prayer • Bound with the King James Bible Hardback $80 each • Leatherbound $100 each O 1928 Book of Common Prayer • Pew Edition ST. JAMES ANGLICAN CATHOLIC CHURCH with the 1943 and 1928 lectionaries 5607 Whittier Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio 44103 Hardback $17.50 each • Leatherbound $45 each O THE SOCIETY OF OUR LADY OF WALSINGHAM A Manual for Priests $45 each “Regina Pacis” Cell O Saint Augustine Prayer Books • $25 each. FIFTY SIXTH ANNUAL PILGRIMAGE O The People’s Anglican Missal • $25 each. to this shrine church* O SATURDAY, JUNE 5, 2021 ACC Tracts including the ACC Brochure • $0.50 each. O (Within the Octave of Corpus Christi) 11:00 a.m. Solemn Pontifical Mass Anglican Art and Altar Cards • $15 each. O 12:15 p.m. Luncheon in St. James’ Hall Samuel Johnson of Stratford in New England, 1696-1772 1:30 p.m. Guest Speaker Dr. Don R. Gerlach • $15 each. 2:00 p.m. Shrine Devotions & sprinkling of water from the Holy Well; Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament For a more exhaustive list, including photos and descriptions In accordance with State and local ordinances, face masks are required. of all products, visit APA online: FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT: Payment in U.S. dollars should accompany your order. Frederick T. McGuire III, Secy. • 13415 Shaker Blvd., Cleveland, Ohio 44120 • (216) 751-0706; or, Online orders will calculate shipping and handling charges. The Rev. Daniel J. Jennings, Rector • 11574 Glamer Dr., Parma OH 44130 • (317) 753-4403 For off-line orders, call for shipping and handling pricing. * National Shrine of the Anglican Catholic Church • MAY-JUNE 2021 THETRINITARIAN 3



On February 14, 2021, Archbishop Haverland received SEEING THE RISEN CHRIST Fr. Yaqoob in his orders and confirmed Rebecca. Fr. Yaqoob he resurrection appearances of Jesus are strange. “No one takes [my life] from Me, but I lay it down of is assisting at the parish of Holy Guardian Angels in Those who knew Jesus best did not recognize Myself. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to Lantana, Florida and assigned to the ACC’s Diocese of the him. The appearance of Jesus to Mary Magdalene take it again” (Jn. 10:18). When Pilate told Jesus he had the South. in John 20:14-18 follows the pattern of non- power to put him to death, Jesus said, “You could have no Rebecca is a firm support for and a helper in his minis- T recognition. power at all against Me unless it had been given you from try. “Her strong faith,” he said, “gives me courage to serve “She turned around and saw Jesus standing there and did above” (Jn. 19:10-11). the Lord with more passion and dedication.” She sings and not know that it was Jesus. Jesus said to her, ‘Woman, why The power of God exercised on the Cross was the power plays the organ, and with an Honors Degree in Theology, are you weeping? Whom are you seeking?’ She, supposing to use ignominious death as the gateway to the resurrection she is a capable and willing teacher. She is also an artist, devot- Him to be the gardener, said to Him, ‘Sir, if You have car- and the New Creation. This provides the foundational pat- ed to creating sacred images. ried Him away, tell me where You have laid Him, and I will tern for the Christian life. We die and rise with Christ in He looks forward to finding a parish of his own, where take Him away.’ Jesus said to her, baptism through faith (Rom. 6:2-4, Col.2:12). The bap- he and Rebecca can work together in ministry. In the mean- ‘Mary!’ She turned and said to Him, tismal gift of the Holy Spirit brings our lives into the nar- time, they are enjoying Lantana and its opportunities for ‘Rabboni!’ (which is to say, Teacher).” rative of his life. The power of God is demonstrated in our outdoor activities. Another thing the couple look forward Mary went to the tomb on Easter lives in the way God uses our own ignominious circum- to is resuming travel, which is one of their favorite ways of morning and discovered that the body stances as the gateway to our experience of the power of his learning new things. of Jesus was not in the tomb. She had resurrection. St. Paul explains the narrative of the cross and In many ways, the long journey to the ACC has been a grief on two levels; the enduring grief resurrection this way: homecoming for Fr. Yaqoob, tying together many of the of his death and the new grief that “We have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excel- threads that he began following in Rome. Fr. Yaqoob was someone had stolen and dishonored lence of the power may be of God and not of us. We are drawn to the ACC, he says, “because of its devotion to the his body, thus robbing her of the hard pressed on every side, yet not crushed; we are perplexed, Blessed Virgin Mary, and because of the Lord’s Supper cel- opportunity to perform one last act but not in despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck ebrated in its original form, as it was before Vatican II. I love of worship. Mary’s understanding of down, but not destroyed — always carrying about in the to celebrate Mass facing the altar.” what she saw and her grief made sense body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life of Jesus also “We are blessed,” he says, “to join the Anglican Catholic on a natural level. THE RT. REV. may be manifested in our body” (2 Cor. 4:7-10). community and look forward to serving with you.” Jesus revealed himself to Mary by STEPHEN Sometimes we don’t see the Risen Christ or experience speaking her name. This calls to mind SCARLETT the power of his resurrection because we are fixated on our the words of Jesus earlier in John’s own natural explanations of what is happening. Faith is often Gospel: “The sheep hear his voice; and he calls his own sheep viewed as a flight from pain and death rather than as the by name and leads them out . . . and the sheep follow him, experience of the power of the resurrection in both pain and for they know his voice” (Jn. 10:3-4). Revelation is a com- death. There is a natural human tendency to run from pain. mon theme of the resurrection appearances. No one “sees” This tendency is exacerbated in a consumer culture. Faith the Risen Christ until he reveals himself to them. Without is often viewed as a product that will make me more com- a revelation, people remain blind. In John 6:44 Jesus said, fortable. “No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me Consequently, we develop natural explanations for our draws him; and I will raise him up at the last day.” disappointments. These natural explanation blind us to The appearance of Jesus to Mary Magdalene teaches us what Jesus the Risen Lord is actually doing. As Romans 8:28 lessons about seeing the Risen Christ. Mary had a natural says, “All things work together for good to those who love explanation for what had happened: The disciples thought God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.” Jesus would save Israel but he got killed; now they were God works in all things, not some things. What he is actu- reduced to pious mourners. Those of us who believe in the ally doing is much better than what we want or expect. As Risen Christ do not always see him. We have our own nat- Ephesians 3:20 says, God “is able to do exceedingly abun- ural explanations for the disconcerting and chaotic events dantly above all that we ask or think, according to the we see in our lives and in the world. We expect certain things power that works in us.” from God. We are anxious, fearful, confused, and grieved Like Magdalene, we may be looking directly at Christ, when he doesn’t act like we expect. We are often reduced but we may not see him because his presence does not fit to pious mourners, complaining about the sad state of the into our current story. Seeing the Risen Christ means chang- world and the apparent defeat of God. ing our perspective. Rather than evaluating God’s work in But Jesus rose on Easter as the Lord of the world, hav- the world and our lives based on our limited perspective and ing conquered death itself. The central message of the expectations, we must pray for a new gift of sight to see what Gospel is that Jesus is Lord. He is in control of everything. Jesus Christ, the world’s True and Risen Lord is actually He was in complete control as he hung dying on the Cross doing. For the Risen Christ can only be seen by revelation — even though it made no sense to his followers. Jesus said, given to those who have eyes of faith to see. “Faith is often viewed as a flight from pain and death rather than as the experience of the power of the resurrection in both pain and death.” One of Rebecca Yaqoob’s paintings.

EDITORIAL CONTACT INFORMATION Canon Missioner Email news to: wanted for the Diocese of the Mid-Atlantic States (DMAS) of the [email protected] Anglican Catholic Church (ACC). This is a full-time position funded Send by mail to: for a $45,000 annual salary for a period of five years. The position THETRINITARIAN reports directly to the Bishop Ordinary. The work location is flexible 167 Morgan Lane within the DMAS region and may change as missions are planted. Dawsonville, GA 30534 Funded travel is required and supported by the diocese. Deadline for the For more information on the position and requirements candidates JULY-AUGUST 2021 issue should contact Bishop Donald F. Lerow at [email protected] of THETRINITARIAN is June 25, 2021. or Archdeacon Jeff Johnson at [email protected].

Wilkins Foundation Inc. PO Box 48821, Athens, GA 30604 THE ARCHBISHOP MARK HAVERLAND MEDICAL CENTER [email protected] • (706) 255-9469 • 501C-3 Corporation Diarrhoeal disease is believed to be the second leading cause of death… worldwide… in children Please make checks payable to: under five years old. In the Democratic Republic of Congo this figure could be higher since a large Wilkins Foundation Inc.

portion of the population lacks access to water which meets western Name: ______standards. Safe drinking water, improved sanitation and hygiene make significant contributions to the treatment of diarrhoeal disease. Address: ______

The Wilkins Health Care Initiative’s original purpose was to deal with City/State/Zip: ______malaria because malaria is preventable and treatable. Now we have a second purpose which is to upgrade water standards at The Phone:______Archbishop Mark Haverland Medical Center because diarrhoeal Email: ______disease is preventable and treatable. ACC Parish: ______Please consider joining this project with a contribution in order to honor the life and work of Father Keith and Barbara Coyner to whom For more information go to Father Keith Coyner this project is dedicated. or

4 THETRINITARIAN / MAY-JUNE 2021 5 JOIN THE RANKS OF ANGELS! VOICES STORYTELLERS THETRINITARIAN® ur daily life is cluttered with sto- ries: in print, on our phones, needs your help in keeping blabbing from the TV, on the Ocar radio. We may feel inclined to seek silence as a relief. Yet we still like to hear all the Church informed! someone tell a story; one voice only, speaking These are exciting times for Continuing Anglicans. Four leading jurisdictions — the Anglican Catholic right to us. Church, the Anglican Church in America, the Anglican Province of America and the Diocese of the Holy Cross Jesus drew crowds as he travelled from town — are now in full communion and are committed to achieving complete organic unity, fulfilling the promise of to town. People urged their family, friends and the Congress of St. Louis and responding to our Lord’s fervent prayer that we all be one. neighbours to come and listen. Nobody else Accordingly,THETRINITARIAN has now extended its news, advertising and circulation coverage. We are talks like this man, they said. He speaks like BONNIE IVEY now the only publication, print or digital (and we are both), that reports news from all four juris- someone whose words you can trust. Jesus told dictions. stories about living in the Kingdom of God, in bled through a young couple’s wedding. The a relationship with God, in this life and forev- priest was a drunk and they were put to shame But to do this, we need your help — now more than ever. Financial support from the Provincial and er. Sometimes they were easy to understand in the town by his failings. But before Bishop diocesan sources provides only about 20% of what it costs to publish our newspaper and get it into the mails because they reflected daily life. Other stories Matthews could act, the priest suddenly died. to our worldwide readership. The rest comes from you — our readers. Many of you have responded, could take a strange turn and invite the hear- The bishop arrived in that town to conduct some generously.We remain ever hopeful that others will join the ranks of supporters. er to puzzle it out. Even his disciples might need the priest’s funeral. He didn’t know what he If you haven’t done so, please mail your subscription payment now (donations over the cost of the subscrip- to ask him to explain what his story meant. should say at the service. He went into the tion are tax-deductible). Be an Angel and serve the Church! Stories told to us will stay with us, making pic- empty church and prayed for inspiration, but It’s easy. Simply give more than $22 (digital edition only), $25 (print edition only) or $28 (both editions) per tures in our minds, unlike the background nothing came. So, he sat in the pew and was subscriptions, and you will become a member of the Angels’ Club. Plus, your name will be published in noise of our lives which is soon forgotten. still. He gazed around the building. Some THETRINITARIAN. Bishop Timothy Matthews was the Anglican repairs had been in progress, and two workmen Subscription rates outside the U.S. slightly higher. Church of Canada’s bishop for the province of arrived to clear away their tools before the Quebec from 1971 to 1977. After his retire- funeral. They removed drop cloths, brushes, THE FOLLOWING DONATIONS WERE RECEIVED ment he became a sought-after speaker because and cans of paint. One struggled to lift a heavy BETWEEN NOVEMBER 1, 2020 AND APRIL 30, 2021: he was a teacher, a storyteller, like Jesus. His ladder, and his partner hurried to take the SERAPHIM ($1,000+) Calvin Murdock (Midwest) Rick Hanson (Midwest) faith was rich and deep, and his feet were on other end. Together they carried the ladder Rev. Canon Arthur Wooley Jr. Rev. Dennis Sossi Ms. Elena Hery (Holy Trinity) the ground. He visited our diocese to address past the bishop and out the door. Bishop (Mid-Atlantic States) (Mid-Atlantic States) Dr. and Mrs. Dennis McDonagh clergy and their wives about ministry. Matthews then knew what he had to say. CHERUBIM ($500-$999) Randy Sukow (Mid-Atlantic States) (South) The top floor of the nearly-completed office building. Bishop Matthews was very down-to-earth At the funeral, he reminded the congrega- Richard Watson Daniel Townsend Mr. and Mrs.Ted Paisley when dealing with clergy and their congrega- tion of the events of Holy Week. The arrest of (Anglican Province of America) (Mid-Atlantic States) (Mid-Atlantic States) PRO-CATHEDRAL tions. He was aware that sometimes church Jesus. His trials with false evidence. His rejec- THRONES ($400-$499) Mark Trout (Holy Trinity) Sally Rice (Midwest) boards do not realize how much their pastor tion by the people, and the death sentence. The Mr. and Mrs. Charles Knapp Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Henry Utley (South) Mr. and Mrs.Walter Richardson FROM PAGE 1 and his family need practical support. For scourging, the shame, dragging the cross (Midwest) Dr. and Mrs. L. D.Voegele (South) (Mid-Atlantic States) example, the rectory provided for the pastor’s through the streets, falling down under its DOMINATIONS ($300-$399) Rev.Timothy Weiss Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Starek making a location fit for an episcopal see. use might be in poor repair. When Bishop weight. The man hauled out of the crowd to Ronald Pearson (Mid-Atlantic States) (Mid-Atlantic States) (Mid-Atlantic States) In 2018, the bishop began his appeals for Matthews visited a parish, he would always pick up the cross, Simon of Cyrene. All this VIRTUES ($200-$299) PRINCIPALITIES ($75-$99) Mike Travis (New Orleans) the new work, which proved so fruitful that ask the board members to meet with him for shame, Jesus endured to lift us out of our sin William Bullock (South) Col. R.B. Savage Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Clemens von by 2020 he was able to create a budget and a meal or coffee in one or more of their homes. and shame. He would go all the way to death Ms. Barbara Eldridge (Mid-Atlantic States) Chaparede (Mid-Atlantic States) building plan. Of particular note was an anon- Then they would go together to view the rec- and resurrection to open the way for us to (Mid-Atlantic States) Clyde Wilkins ANGELS ($25-$49) ymous donation of $40,000.00 USD from tory. The contrast in housing quality was some- Eternal life. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Guggenheim (Anglican Province of America) Ruth Carr (Mid-Atlantic States) Newport Beach, California. The project hit a times very striking, moving board members to “Your priest,” Bishop Matthews told the (Holy Trinity) ARCHANGELS ($50-$74) Dennis Demes (South) snag, however, when the COVID epidemic vote in favour of upgrading the home they congregation, “wanted to be like Simon of Rev. James Patterson (South) Tristram Bethea Rev. and Mrs. Jonathan Foggin caused an increase in material prices and made provided for their pastor. Cyrene. He wanted to help Jesus carry his cross. POWERS ($100-$199) (Diocese of the Holy Cross) (South) transport a challenge. Bishop Ayule-Milenge People who worked with the bishop valued But it was very heavy. And he fell.” was able to meet the additional expenses, and his handling of difficult situations. “Don’t be Rev. Nicholas Athanaelos (South) James Breeden Rev. Ben Lyons (New Orleans) May the Lord Jesus Christ, who walks on despite some delays, construction on the new flustered when things go wrong,” he would Matthew Falzone (Anglican (Mid-Atlantic States) Mrs. Joan Moore (South) wounded feet, church and offices began in February of 2021. say. “Be still. Use the occasion. Find a way to Church in North America) Hilda Burdick (Mid-Atlantic States) Mr. and Mrs.Arthur Payne walk with you to the end of the road. As of the end of April, 2021, the diocesan turn it around, to everyone’s advantage.” How- Sally Fear (Roman Catholic) Rev. David Cottle (Midwest) (Mid-Atlantic States) May the Lord Jesus Christ, who serves with offices are completed and ready for use. The ever sometimes people would not be still, but Very Rev. David Kennedy (South) Rev. and Mrs.Alex Darby III Gweneth Platt wounded hands, pro-cathedral is substantially completed, but would snatch up the telephone and call upon Rev. John Lancaster (South) (Mid-Atlantic States) (Mid-Atlantic States) help you to serve each other. requires electrical, plumbing, and finish work. the bishop to “Do Something.” He was famil- Venerable and Mrs. C.Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Eschinger Mr. and Mrs. Peter Tucker May the Lord Jesus Christ, who loves with a Due to increases in costs due to the epidem- iar with many kinds of sinful behaviours that McHenry (Mid-Atlantic States) (Mid-Atlantic States) (Holy Trinity) wounded heart, ic, increases in taxes, and extra work required disturb parishes. He said hypocrisy was the be your Love forever. by local authorities (such as covering an exter- greatest sin: believing in our own false claim to MAIL TO: Love God wherever you go, nal stairway), the project stands in need of The shell of the pro-cathedral adjoining the foundation of the office building. righteousness while putting others down, like YES! THETRINITARIAN And may you see the face of Jesus in $3,700.00 USD to reach completion. “I am asking our friends and partners of the he bless the team of the Saint Paul Missionary the Pharisee despising the Publican in a story I want to help 6413 S. Elati Street, Littleton, CO 80120 everyone you meet. Amen. THETRINITARIAN The bishop believes that this hurdle, like so Anglican Catholic Church to help us,” he Society for the work very carried out in the Jesus told. grow and improve! many before it, will be overcome, and he hopes said. “We thank our donor again for the very service of our missions.” Bishop Matthews faced a troubling situation Bishop Timothy Matthews’ blessing Name Please enroll me in the that the pro-cathedral will be complete for laudable effort he has shown so that my dio- Donations for the completion of the Pro- in one parish. People were calling to complain • ANGELS’ CLUB. Address the celebration of the 25th anniversary of his cese has a church in the city of Bukavu. May Cathedral of Sainte Trinité may be made through about their priest. He was letting the congre- Mrs. Ivey is a communicant of St. Mary’s My contribution of ordination to the priesthood on July 14, 2021. God bless him for his generosity and also may the St. Paul Mission Society. gation down, they said. Unreliable, missing (ACC), Chapleau, Ontario, Canada. This arti- City / State / Zip $ appointments. Losing his place in church serv- cle first appeared in The Traditional Anglican is enclosed. Parish Diocese ices. Visibly impaired by alcohol as he stum- News, and is reprinted by permission.

TO PERFORM THE MERCY YOU CAN PAY Community of the Holy Cross Our English language owes a tremendous Congregation of the debt of gratitude to The Book of Common FOR YOUR Good Samaritan SAINT PAUL An intentional Prayer, which first came out in 1549, TRINITARIAN A shared community of and along with the King James Bible, MISSION SOCIETY 30606 community became the spiritual springboard of the Augustinians British Empire. These Prayer Book notes, SUBSCRIPTION in formation, compiled by Bishop Paul Hewett, are for ONLINE! Benedictines those interested in learning more about Franciscans dedicated to Anglican distinctives, and our use of It’s easy! the Prayer Book in worship, “to perform daily prayer. the mercy” of our redemption in Christ. Here’s all you do: Where our Rules allow, we share our lives. It is hoped that clergy, seminarians, lay • Go on the ACC’s website, Where our Rules differ, we embrace diversity. readers and many among the laity will Sister Anne, CGS find the background material presented Governess General here useful devotionally and in the • Click on the ‘NEWS’ link [email protected] celebration of the Liturgy of our Church. • Then click on Fr. Thomas Ricks at (252) 377-0265 (210) 716-1164 [email protected]. Available from Amazon: ‘THE TRINITARIAN’ link Cameroon Congo Colombia Haiti paper, $7.99 and Kindle, $4.99. • Finally, click on the PayPal icon to Kenya Rwanda South Africa Sudan pay with either debit or credit card. Deadline For Editorial And Advertising In The JULY-AUGUST 2021 Issue Donate Online at Of THETRINITARIAN Is June 25, 2021 A small processing fee is added. Advertise In THETRINITARIAN Click the “Missions” tab 6 THETRINITARIAN MAY-JUNE 2021 CHURCH DIRECTORY

VIRGINIA (U.S.A.) DELAWARE (U.S.A.) MARYLAND (U.S.A.) Temporarily meeting at: SAINT MARY’S ANGLICAN CHURCH 5515 Cherokee Ave, Suite 303, Springfield, VA 22312 4201 Washington Street at Lea Boulevard • Wilmington, Delaware 19802 St. Anne’s Church Sunday: Sunday School 10:30 a.m. The Rev. Canon Kenneth Gunn-Walberg, Ph.D. Dent Memorial Chapel Holy Communion: Sunday 7:45 a.m./9 a.m.; Wednesday 12 p.m. Holy Eucharist – Sunday 10:00 a.m. Charlotte Hall, MD Thursday: Evening Prayer 7 p.m., Bible Study 7:30 p.m. Evening Prayer – Tuesday 4:00 p.m. SUNDAY: Morning Prayer – Thursday 10:00 a.m. • Healing Service on 3rd Thursday The Rev. Father Carlton C. Clarke, Rector Holy Eucharist at 10:00 a.m. Ph: (571) 358-4034 • e-mail: [email protected] • (302) 764-9080 Nursery and Sunday School at 9:50 a.m. CANADA Adult Education at 9:15 a.m. All Saints Anglican Church Coffee Hour following the Eucharist 48 New Street, Saluda, Virginia 23149 Traditional Anglican Church of Canada – ACC Most Holy Days 7:00 p.m. Serving Middle Peninsula and Northern Neck A Missionary District of the Anglican Catholic Church The Rt. Rev. William McClean, Jr. Sunday Service Holy Communion 11 a.m. TACC Phone: 705-746-7378 Rector The Rev. Jeffrey S. Johnson, Rector (301) 934-6873 Contact: (757) 374-6724 Vicar-General The Very Rev. Robert Mansfield SSC CHRIST CHURCH AT UNION CHAPEL OTHER 6 miles south of The Homestead resort at Parishes: JURISDICTIONS 1974 Sam Snead Highway (Route 220), Hot Springs, Bath County, VA Sunday Services 11:30 a.m. St. John’s, Parry Sound, ON. Fr. R. Mansfield SSC. 705-746-9720 ACC jurisdictions The Ven. C. Thomas McHenry, Vicar Holy Trinity & St. Jude, Thunder Bay, ON. Fr. Frank Moore. 807-622-3931 not running paid Phone: (540) 862-1619 • Mail: P.O. Box 519. Hot Springs, VA 24445 St. Mary’s, Chapleau, ON. Fr. Mansfield/Fr. Moore. 705-864-0909 St. Matthew the Apostle, Ottawa, ON. Fr. Peter Jardine. 613-256-8494 notices in the Saint Alban’s Anglican Parish St. Athanasius, Belleville/Roslin, ON. Fr. James Gibbons. 613-477-3098 Church Directory: Serving Central Virginia The Ascension, Waterloo, ON. Fr. R. Mansfield SSC. 705-746-7378 4006 Hermitage Road, Richmond, Virginia 23227 MISSIONARY DIOCESE Sundays: Holy Eucharist 8:30 a.m. and 11 a.m.; Evensong 6 p.m. • Daily Morning Prayer 8 a.m. The Resurrection, Walkerville (Windsor), ON. Fr. James Chantler. 519-255-1703 OF AUSTRALIA AND The Rev.Thierry Hakpon, Rector St. Bride of Kildare, Pitt Meadows, BC. Fr. David Marriott SSC. 604-551-4660 NEW ZEALAND Mr. Bernard Riley, Music Director St. Columba of Iona, Halfmoon Bay (Sunshine Coast), BC. Fr. David Marriott SSC. 604-551-4660 In Australia: Phone: (804) 262-6100 • Email: [email protected] • Website: The Ven. Matthew Kirby, Archdeacon Phone: 61 (0) 2 4934 4154 UNITED KINGDOM Mobile: 61 (0) 0447 344 154 St. Peter the Apostle [email protected] ANGLICAN CATHOLIC CHURCH DIOCESE OF THE UNITED KINGDOM In New Zealand: 230 West First St., Christiansburg, Virginia Bishop Ordinary: The Right Revd. Damien Mead The Rt. Rev. Ian Woodman, Sundays: 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. Holy Communion Episcopal Visitor followed by fellowship and Christian Education. All Enquiries To: [email protected] Thursdays at Noon, Holy Communion. Diocesan Office The Rev. Peter Geromel, Vicar • (540) 382-2676 • 42-48 High Street, Lydd, Romney Marsh, Kent TN29 9AN DIOCESE OF AWEIL Tel & Fax: (01797) 321704 (South Sudan) e-mail: [email protected] The Rt. Rev. Wilson Garang ST. STEPHEN’S ANGLICAN CHURCH P.O. Box 23495-00100 (G.P.O.) 108 TURNER ROAD (500 FT.NORTH OF EXIT 27, I-64) Parishes And Missions Nairobi, Kenya P.O. BOX 83, CLIFTON FORGE,VIRGINIA 24422 • (540) 862-1440 GREATER MANCHESTER: St. Alban the Martyr, Salford. [email protected] A Continuing Church since December 31, 1976 KENT: St. Augustine, Nr. Canterbury Home: 612-4932-0101 Cell: 264-721-801408 Services: MP 9:15 a.m. 1st, 3rd & 5th Sundays + Our Lady & St. Francis, Rochester HC 9:15 a.m. 2nd Sunday, 11 a.m. 4th Sunday + St. Mary & St. Eanswythe, Dartford + St. Nicholas, Lydd. The Ven. C. Thomas McHenry, Rector • [email protected] • (540) 862-1619 MISSIONARY DIOCESE LANCASHIRE: Our Lady & St. Edward, Bolton. OF THE CARIBBEAN SURREY: St. Bede, Thamesditton. (Deanery of Haiti) SAINT THOMAS OF CANTERBURY SHEFFIELD: St. Anselm & St. Odile. The Very Rev. Jean Bien-Aime, ANGLICAN CATHOLIC CHURCH Vicar General 4910 Hubert and Hershberger Roads, N.W., Roanoke, Virginia WALES: St. Deiniol & St. Asaph, Pembrokeshire [email protected] Sunday: Christian Education 9:30 AM + Good Shepherd & St. Tudwal, Conwy. Holy Communion with Hymns and Sermon 10:30 AM YORKSHIRE: Holy Trinity & Our Lady, York. Nursery 10:15 AM to Noon MISSIONARY DIOCESE Weekdays and Holy Days: Please Call or See Website Calendar Website: OF CONGO Fr. Clubert “Don” Poff, Rector • (540) 366-9416 • (Democratic Republic of Congo) The Rt. Rev. Steven Ayule-Milenge St. Augustine’s Anglican Catholic Church P.O. Box 393 Cyangugu, Republic of Rwanda Eastling Road, Painters Forstal, Kent ME13 0DU [email protected] St. Luke’s Anglican Church Sundays: 11 a.m. Sung Mass (After 11 a.m. Mass: Phone: +243 (0) 853712068 or 65 Warrenton Road, Fredericksburg, VA 22405, 540-371-8405 1st Sunday: Healing Service; 3rd Sunday: Study Group) +243 (0) 812223660 (All mail to Box 4042, Fredricksburg VA 22402) Wednesday: 12 noon Low Mass DIOCESE OF CHRIST Holy Days of Obligation • Major Holy Days: As Announced THE REDEEMER “Resurrecting Classic Anglicanism in Central Virginia” Rector: The Right Revd. Damien Mead • 01797 321704 (Republic of South Africa) Divine Services 10 a.m. Every Sunday The Rt. Rev. Solomzi Samson Mentjies King James Bible, 1928 Prayer Book “The Pro-Cathedral Parish of the Diocese of the United Kingdom” P.O. Box 21640 Port Elizabeth 6000, South Africa Fr. Jeffrey Edmunds, Rector MIDWEST (U.S.A.) DIOCESE OF KENYA The Rt. Rev. John K. Ndegwa The TheChurch Rev. Michael of C. the Weaver Ascension - Rector P.O. Box 22379 00100 THE DIOCESE OF THE MIDWEST Nairobi, Kenya Holy Communion each Sunday at 10:00 a.m. The Rt. Rev. R.M. Starks, Bishop Ordinary Phones: +254 720087919 or Holy Days – Please check Web site 4020 E. 71st St., Indianapolis, IN 46220 • (317) 753-9276 +254 20 2300401 Christian Education following Services and Nursery available [email protected] INDIANA OHIO 13941 Braddock Road, INDIANAPOLIS AKRON Centreville,VA 20120 Cathedral of St. Edward the Confessor St. Mary — 1677 Triplett Blvd. DIOCESE OF LAHORE (703) 830-3176 6361 N. Keystone Avenue (330) 794-2141 (Anglican Catholic Church — Pakistan) (317) 253-3949 The Rev. Canon Leigh A. Kester, Rector The Rt. Rev. Mushtaq Andrew SUN: Matins 9 A.M., Mass 9:30 A.M. SUN: Mass 8 A.M., 10 A.M. St. Mary’s Church and High School Orthodox Faith, Catholic Order, Mass each weekday, call for times Narowal 51660, Anglican Worship Rector and Dean: The Rev. Corey French CLEVELAND Punjab Province, Pakistan Website: St. James — 1681 E. 55th Street Phones: 0092-301-638572 or 1928 Book of Common Prayer (216) 431-3252 KENTUCKY 0092-542-411931 1940 Hymnal The Rev. Daniel J. Jennings, Rector [email protected] DAYTON SUN: Sung Mass 10:30 A.M. St. John the Evangelist — 619 O’Fallon Avenue Every Sunday Rev. Timothy Butler, Rector Wednesdays: 10 A.M. DIOCESE OF (606) 883-3907, (859) 261-8173 For daily Mass schedule see NUEVA GRANADA SUN: Holy Eucharist 10:30 A.M., The Rt. Rev. German Orrego Hurtado Childcare Available Multifamiliares Las Garzas MICHIGAN DAYTON Avenida 30 de Agosto No. 34-38, GRAND RAPIDS All Saints Bloque 5, Apartamento 104 2755 Wilmington Dayton Rd. St. Paul — 2560 Lake Michigan Drive Pereira, Colombia (616) 791-2187 Bellbrook, OH 45305 (937) 848-2563 Cell: 011-5318-265-7966 The Rev. Richard Bowyer, Rector [email protected] SUN: Mass 10 A.M. SUN: Mass 10 A.M. Holy Days: As Announced KALAMAZOO MISSIONARY DIOCESE St. Patrick’s Anglican Catholic Church WISCONSIN OF THE PHILIPPINES 85 Jones Street JANESVILLE The Rt. Rev. Terry A. Lowe, Episcopal Visitor (269) 345-0028, (269) 375-9217 All Saints — 169 S. Academy Street P. O. Box 19 The Rev. David G. Cottle, Rector (608) 752-7469 SUN: Morning Prayer 9:30 A.M., Mass 10 A.M. The Rev. Earl Sias, Th D, Contact Tagaytay City, Cavite, Philippines 4120 SUN: Mass 10 A.M. Phone: 0977-277-1527 Email: [email protected] [email protected] TENNESSEE (U.S.A.) MENOMONEE FALLS DIOCESE OF St. John — N89 W 16211 Main Street THE RESURRECTION St. Peter the Apostle Anglican Church (262) 255-9626 (Northeastern U.S.A.) Anglican Province of America • 3321 Thornton Drive, Kingsport, TN 37664 Rev. Thomas B. Wirth, Rector Call For Information The Rt. Rev. Rocco A. Florenza Holy Communion and Morning Prayer offered when we can. SUN: Mass 10 A.M. 6 Church St. Please contact the church phone or website for service dates and times. Ansonia, CT 06401 Phone: (423) 429-5651 Phone: (203) 231-0309 • [email protected] Advertise In THETRINITARIAN Email: [email protected] MAY-JUNE 2021 THETRINITARIAN 7 CHURCH DIRECTORY

NORTH CAROLINA (U.S.A.) ST. BENEDICT’S CHURCH Deadline to advertise in Every Sunday: 8:30 a.m. Morning Prayer & Holy Communion (said); the JULY-AUGUST 2021 10 a.m. Holy Communion (High Solemn Mass) (with Sunday School for children) Every Wednesday: Holy Communion 12 Noon • Every Thursday: Evening Prayer 6:30 p.m., Bible Study 7 p.m. issue of Every Saturday: 3 p.m. Holy Communion at the Stratford Senior Care Facility 870 Weaver Dairy Rd., Chapel Hill, N.C. 27514 THETRINITARIAN The Rev. Robert Hart, Rector Web site: • Call (919) 933-0956 for more information is June 25, 2021.

SOUTH CENTRAL UNITED STATES The Diocese of New Orleans Parish Directory ALABAMA NATCHITOCHES, LA • St. Hilda TEXAS ATMORE, AL • St. Andrew 225 Scarborough Ave. AUSTIN, TX • St. Phillip WYOMING (U.S.A.) Pine & Presley Sts. 10 AM MP/HC (318) 344-4395 1408 W. 9th St. 10 AM (251) 229-2299 11 AM (512) 965-1553 SHREVEPORT, LA • St. Andrew Chapel WELCOME TO WYOMING FAITHFUL CONGREGATIONS FLORIDA Inactive CLEVELAND, TX • Holy Cross PANAMA CITY, FL • St. Michael Diocese of the West • Anglican Church in America 711 Venetian Way 118 Fenner Ave. 10:30 AM MP/HC (850) 763-5750 MISSISSIPPI 8:30 & 10 AM (281) 360-4919 The Rt. Rev. Owen Williams, Bishop Ordinary COLOMBUS/STARKVILLE, MS PORT ST. JOE, FL • St. Peter St. David at Mayhew DALLAS (LUCAS), TX Traveling to Yellowstone National Park — We would like to greet you! 3449 Garrison Ave., Port St. Joe 32456 549 Mayhew Rd. 10 AM EST MP/HC (850) 229-6219 St. Stephen’s 10 AM (662) 312-5366 11 HorsemanDr. Church of the Holy Family LOUISIANA 10 AM (469) 877-1928 4100 S. E. Wyoming Blvd., Casper, WY 82601 LAFAYETTE, LA • Holy Trinity ACC PICAYUNE, MS • Holy Angels 1811 E. Canal St., Picayune 39466 3001 Verot School Road, Lafayette LA 70508 ROUND ROCK, TX • St. Andrew Bishop Kenneth Kinner, retired, 307-262-7505 • Deacon John Becker, 307-262-8813 Sunday Services 8 AM, 10:30 AM Lafayette LA Home Sunday Services 8 AM 1524 Sam Bass Rd. Wednesday 6 PM (601) 590-0553 Sundays 9:00 a.m. In The Church Fellowship Hall (337) 501-5909 9 AM BS/10 AM HC (512) 244-2909 METAIRIE, LA • Christ Church TENNESSEE Church of the Morning Star 4316 N. Woodlawn Ave. MT. JULIET/NASHVILLE, TN • Holy Comforter SAN ANTONIO, TX • St. James 317 Ethete Rd., Ethete, WY • Wind River Indian Reservation Sunday Services 10 AM (504) 456-7170 2034 Mt. Juliet Rd. 705 Hammond Ave. Bishop Jimmie Dean, missionary, 307-262-6875 • Deacon Tony Sawick, 307-349-7329 10:30 AM (615) 506-3330 11:30 AM (210) 326-8596 Sundays 10:30 a.m. Church of the Holy Trinity SOUTHEASTERN UNITED STATES 2644 Big Horn Ave., Sheridan, WY Mark Kinner, Warden & Lay Reader, 307-751-3098 D I O C E S E O F T H E S O U T H Sundays 10:00 a.m. FLORIDA Trinity Anglican - Port Charlotte Meeting in MacDonald Hall at St. Andrew’s - St. Benedict’s - Chapel Hill REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA First Presbyterian Church, Tallahassee 870 Weaver Dairy Rd., 2230 Hariet Street, 401 Timberlane Rd. (at Meridian) Chapel Hill, NC 27514 Port Charlotte, FL 33952 THE ANGLICAN CATHOLIC CHURCH Tallahassee, FL 32312 Sun. MP 8:30 a.m., Education 9:10 a.m., HC: Sundays at 10:00 a.m., (850) 893-5164 HC 10:00 a.m.; Wednesday at noon Holy Days as announced HC: Sun. 10:30 a.m.; Other Holy Days Contact: (919) 933-0956 IN SOUTHERN AFRICA The Rt. Rev. Stanley Lazarczyk, Ret., MP: M-F 7:30 a.m. Rev. Robert Hart, Rector DIOCESE OF THE KEI Priest-in-Charge The Rev. Dr. Patrick Malone, The Rev. Eugene H. Willis, Curate St. George’s - Fayetteville The Rt. Rev. Dominic Sonwabo Mdunyelwa Priest-in-Charge Cell contact: 1-631-682-9923 St. Michael’s MC, 806 Arsenal Ave. Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] (941) 875-6140 Mail: P.O. Box 134, Fayetteville, NC 28301 Douglas Beard, Sr. Warden MISSIONARY DIOCESE OF CHRIST THE REDEEMER Web site: HC, Sun. 8:30 a.m. The Rt. Rev. Solomzi Samson Mentjies Church of the Holy Guardian Angels - E-mail: [email protected] The Rev. Scott E. McCleary, Priest-in-Charge Email: [email protected] Lantana [email protected] (910) 672-0490 1325 Cardinal Lane GEORGIA St. Bartholomew’s - New Bern MISSIONARY DIOCESE OF THE NORTHEAST Lantanas 33462-4205 4718 Old Cherry Point Rd. Secretary: Miss Malefa Lethul Sunday: Mattins 8:45 a.m.; St. Stephens Pro-Cathedral - Athens P.O. Box 23, New Bern, NC 28563 Email: [email protected] Mass 9:00 a.m.; 800 Timothy Rd., HC: Sunday 10:00 a.m. High Mass 11:00 a.m.; P.O. Box 5223, Athens, GA 30604 MISSIONARY DIOCESE OF ST. PAUL The Rev. Thomas Ricks, Priest-in-Charge Evensong Thursday 5:15 p.m. HC: Sun. 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m.; Secretary: Miss Ntombizamelata Dastile Mass Thursday 5:30 p.m. Thurs. 6:00 p.m.; (252) 377-0265 Email: [email protected] The Rev. Canon Sanford Sears, Tues., Wed. & Fri. 12:00 noon Priest-in-Charge The Rev. Nicholas C. Athanaelos, Rector St. Barbara’s - Jacksonville MISSIONARY DIOCESE OF THE VAAL (706) 543-8657 Administrator: Mrs. Evelyn Skosana Bishop Edward LaCour, Bishop-in-Residence 496 Waters Rd., Jacksonville, NC 28546 The Ven. Fr. John Shuman, The Rev. Jonathan S. Foggin, Assisting Sunday: Bible Study 9:30 a.m.; Email: [email protected] Priest-in-Residence St. Hilda of Whitby - Atlanta MP 10:00 a.m.; Mass 10:30 a.m. (1928 BCP) MISSIONARY DIOCESE OF THE WEST (561) 582-0137 414 N. Highland Ave., N.E. The Rt. Rev. Fr. Donald F. Lerow Vicar General: The Rev. Damien Trudeau Atlanta, GA 30307 (910) 378-5118 Good Shepherd - Email: [email protected] Palm Bay HC 10:30 a.m. Sunday; 906 Elmont PB Holy Days TBA SOUTH CAROLINA MISSIONARY DIOCESE OF ZIMBABWE The Rev. Fr. Terrence Hall, Rector The Rt. Rev.Elfigio Fungai Mandizvidza Palm Bay, FL 32907 All Saints - Aiken Sun.: MP and Holy Communion 10:30 a.m.; E-mail: [email protected] 110 Fairfield St., Aiken, SC 29801 Email: [email protected] Wed.: Morning Prayer 9:00a.m.; Website: Sunday: Morning Prayer/HC 8:30 a.m.; Thurs.: Prayer and Bible Study 6:00 p.m.; St. Luke - Augusta Church School 9:30 a.m.; HC: 10:30 a.m.; WESTERN UNITED STATES Sat.: Rosary 9:30 a.m., 3081 Wheeler Rd. Wed./PB Holy Days: HC 5:30 p.m. Low Mass 10:00 a.m. Augusta, GA 30909 Anglican Studies DIOCESE OF THE HOLY TRINITY The Rev. Fr. Donald W. Lock, Rector HC: Sundays, 10:30 a.m.; (803) 648-9991 The Rt. Rev. Stephen C. Scarlett, Bishop Ordinary Days: (321) 729-4216 Wed., Fri. & Major Holy Days, Noon; The Rev. George Alexander, Rector Eves. and Weekends: (321) 725-9276 and Director of Religious Education ALASKA ST. MARY MAGDALENE – EP: Tues. 6:30 p.m.; E-mail: [email protected] Bible Study: Tues. 7 p.m. ST. GEORGE’S MISSION – Juneau Orange Holy Trinity ACC - Greenville 205 S. Glassell (92866) 8892 Duron St. The Rev. Fr. Daniel Trout, Priest-in-Charge 717 Buncombe St., Greenville, SC 29601 (714) 532-2420 St. Mary’s ACC - Juneau, Alaska 99801 (706) 736-7479 Mail: c/o Rector, as above e-mail: [email protected] Winter Haven Contact: Dr. Mary Jane Pilgrim E-mail: [email protected] 2200 Winterlake Road, Services: HC: Sundays 11:00 a.m.; (907) 790-3608 Rev. Neil Edlin, Rector Winter Haven, FL 33880 Our Redeemer - Marietta MP: Mon. thru Fri. 7:30 a.m. Sun: 8:00 A.M. Holy Eucharist Contact: Rector (864) 232-2882 CALIFORNIA Services: Sundays, HC 10:30 a.m. 2625 Canton Rd. 9:30 A.M. Matins (when priest is available) otherwise MP Marietta, GA 30066 The Rev. C. Lawrence C. Holcombe, Rector S.F. Bay Area 10:00 A.M. Sung Mass and Sermon Mail: 2200 Winterlake Road, HC: Sundays, 11:00 a.m.; St. Timothy’s - Charleston ST. JOSEPH PARISH – San Mateo Sunday School Winter Haven, FL 33880 Wed: 9:00 A.M. Thursdays: EP 6:00 p.m.; 1900 Parsonage Rd., Charleston, SC 770 N. El Camino Real (94401) Mass and Healing Service Contact: Church (863) 294-5959 or Christian Education 6:30 p.m. HC: Sun. 10:00 a.m., Tues. & Sat. Noon (650) 347-4423 6:30 P.M. Evening Prayer David Ray (863) 646-4342 The Rev. Beau Davis, Priest-in-Charge The Rev. Paul Samuel Andreason, The Rev. Craig Looney, Rector Prayer Book Holy Days: E-mail: [email protected] Sun: 9:00 A.M. (770) 378-4658 Priest-in-Charge 7:00 P.M. Mass The Rev. Guy DiMartino, Supply Priest Sung Mass, Sermon, Church School E-mail: [email protected] (843) 763-8873 or (843) 814-0700 Web site: Weekdays & Holy Days: As announced Our Lady of the Angels - Our Savior - Florence Sacrament of Penance: By appointment COLORADO New Smyrna Beach All Saints - Macon 2307 S. Cascade Avenue ST. MARY’S – 1435 Old Mission Rd. 1694 Wesleyan Drive Parkwood Presbyterian Church Orange County Denver New Smyrna Beach, FL 32168 Pamlico Hwy. At Cascade ST. MATTHEW’S – Macon, GA 31210 2290 S. Clayton St. Mail: P.O. Box 1336, Florence Newport Beach Denver (80210) Mass: Sunday 10:00 a.m. (478) 405-9111 SC 29503-1336 2300 Ford Road, Newport Beach, CA 92660 (303) 758-7211 The Rev. Canon G. Richmond Bridge Services: Sunday 11:00 a.m. - [email protected] The Rev. Kevin Bell, Priest-in-Charge (386) 426-7977 Holy Communion Services: Sunday: 9:00 a.m.; Sun: 7:30 A.M. Low Mass E-mail: [email protected] Weekday Holy Days - variable Tuesday: Bible Study 6:30 p.m. The Rt. Rev. Stephen C. Scarlett, Rector 9:30 A.M. Sung High Mass Web: The Revd Father James Patterson, (843) 687-1889 or (843) 662-5179 (949) 219-0911 11:15 A.M. Sunday School/ Priest-in-Charge E-mail: [email protected] Fax: (949) 219-0914 Christian Education St. Michael and All Angels - Contact: Tom Butler, Web site: Sun: 7:45 A.M. Daily Masses: Orange Park (478) 757-0731 Holy Communion Call for Schedule 5041 Lakeshore Drive West, E-mail: [email protected] TENNESSEE 9:00 A.M. Fleming Island, FL 32003 All Saints’ - Chattanooga Holy Communion Services: St. Francis of Assisi - Gainesville 337 Hixson St., Soddy Daisy, TN 37379 w/Choir* MISSOURI 10-11 A.M. Sundays: 10:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist 1750 Thompson Bridge Rd. Mail: The Rev. Father David Currie, PIC, OHI Education Hour ST. JAMES Thursdays: 6 p.m. Holy Eucharist Gainsville, GA 30501 Services: HC 10:30 a.m. 11:00 A.M. ORATORY The Rev. Brandon Cribbs, Services: Sunday School 10:00 a.m.; (others as announced) Holy Communion Fr. Richard Rudd Priest-in-Charge Mass 11:00 a.m. Contact: Father Currie w/Choir* P.O. Box 18 (904) 705-3614 The Rev. Jonah Bruce, Priest-in-Charge (423) 987-1411 Liberty, MO 64069-0018 * Childcare is provided Information: (706) 892-8865 E-mail: [email protected] 8 THETRINITARIAN MAY-JUNE 2021

CHURCH DIRECTORY COLORADO (U.S.A.) St. Mary’s Church 2290 S. Clayton, Denver, CO 80210 • 303-758-7211 Sunday Masses: 7:30 a.m., 9:30 a.m. • Daily Masses: Call for schedule Holy Hour and Confessions: First Saturday, 4-5 p.m. “Experience the Spirit of Reconciliation with God and your neighbor” GEORGIA (U.S.A.) St. Stephen’s Anglican Catholic Church Pro-Cathedral of the Diocese of the South 800 Timothy Road, Athens GA 30606 (706) 543-8657 • The Most Rev. Mark D. Haverland, Bishop Ordinary The Very Rev. Nicholas C. Athanaelos, Rector and Dean The Rev. Canon Jonathan S. Foggin, Assisting Sunday 8:30 a.m. Mattins • 9:00 a.m. Low Mass 10:00 a.m. Sunday School Adult and Youth • 11:00 a.m. Sung Mass Weekdays 12:00 p.m. Low Mass: Tues., Wed., Fri. • 6:00 p.m. Low Mass: Thurs. Holy Days • As Announced DIOCESE OF THE HOLY CROSS (U.S.A.) DIOCESE OF THE HOLY CROSS St. Peter’s (DHC), Cypress,Texas, is hosting a mission of Ss. Mary and Archangel Michael Alabama, Birmingham, St. Bede’s, Coptic Orthodox Church.The mission will be called St. Stephen’s, and will meet at St. Peter’s once a month.Above, the first Coptic Liturgy at St. Peter’s. Connecticut, Greenwich, Church of the Advent, DIOCESAN SYNOD Georgia, Hopeful, Hopeful Anglican Church, 404-788-6742 (information) DIOCESE OF THE SOUTH (ACC) cese is financially sound and stable in membership, Michigan, Swartz Creek, St. Bartholomew’s, , Liverpool, , Delegates to the synod of the ACC’s Diocese of with delegates voting to authorize the Archbishop to New York St. Mary the Virgin , Southern Pines, , the South Pro-Cathe- receive two new parishes in Albany, Georgia and Ral- North Carolina Christ Church of the Sandhills met April 29, 2021 in at the dral of St. Stephen in Athens,Georgia,U.S.A. eigh, North Carolina. , Ardmore, St. Patrick’s Chapel, [email protected] 25 Clergy and delegates attended in person, with an- Two congregations changed status (St. Barthol- Pennsylvania, Phoenixville, Church of the Transfiguration, other 25 participating virtually. omew’s,New Bern,North Carolina went from Archbishop Mark Haverland noted that the possi- chapel to mission, and St.George’s,Fayetteville, South Carolina, Beaufort, St. Benedict’s Chapel & Study Center, bility of remote participation is a good thing for those North Carolina went from mission to parish), both [email protected] whose location or other circumstances make in-per- due to an increase in membership. South Carolina, Columbia, Cathedral Church of the Epiphany, son attendance difficult. He also reported that the Dio- The Synod adopted a budget of $149,300.00 USD. South Carolina, Columbia, St. Theodore’s Chapel, CLERGY NEWS [email protected] South Carolina, Greenwood, St. Andrew’s, 864-220-9873 , Spartanburg, , 864-579-3079 ORDINATIONS of the Diocese of the Mid-Atlantic States (ACC), South Carolina St. Francis of Assisi South Carolina, Westminster, St. John’s, 864-647-4528 inhibited and suspended the Rev. Canon Charles On Easter Day, April 4, 2021, at St Michael’s Texas, Cypress, St. Peter’s, H. Nalls Rev.Thomas L. Crowder (ACC) Nsimalen, Elende, Republic of Cameroon, and the for Virginia, Eastville, Church of the Ascension, the Rt. Rev. Alphonse Vascaniat Ndutiye, Bishop Or- abandonment of communion. [email protected] dinary of the ACC Missionary Diocese of Cameroon, Virginia, Marshall, St. John the Baptist, ordained Adrien Abayisenga to the diaconate. RESIGNATION On the Feast of St. Mark the Evangelist, April 25, Virginia, Winchester, St. Michael the Archangel, SUSPENSIONS 2021, the Rt. Rev. John Ndegwa, Bishop of the Dio- On the Saturday following Easter II, April 22, cese of Kenya (ACC), accepted the resignation of the 2021, the Rt. Rev. Donald F. Lerow, Bishop Ordinary Rev. Deacon Haron Mugo. DIOCESE OF THE NORTHEAST (U.S.A.)

CONFIRMATIONS/RECEPTIONS The Anglican Church in America, Diocese of the Northeast The Most Rev. Dr. Brian R. Marsh, Presiding Bishop On Lent II, February 28, 2021, at Our Redeemer the Rev. Noel Jackson, on behalf of the Rt. Rev. Den- P.O. Box 963, Belchertown, MA 01007 • 413-230-6933 (ACC), Marietta, Georgia, U.S.A., the Most Rev. nis I.D. Hodge, Bishop Ordinary of the Missionary CONNECTICUT, MYSTIC – ST. MATTHIAS NEW HAMPSHIRE, CONWAY – ST. MARGARET Mark Haverland confirmed Ashley Walker,Jack- Diocese of Australia, received John Davis. 27 Coogan Blvd., Bldg. 5 • 860-581-0484 OF SCOTLAND 85 Pleasant St • 603-447-2404 son Dailey Fussell, and Abby Elizabeth Du- • • Sun. 10 AM • Sunday 10 AM MAINE, CAMDEN – RESURRECTION MISSION NEW HAMPSHIRE, ROCHESTER – TRINITY charme, and received Mark David Griffis. On Palm Sunday, March 28, 2021, at St. Luke’s • 207-236-2421 180 Rochester Hill Rd. • Sunday 8 AM & 10 AM • (ACC), Augusta, Georgia, U.S.A., the Most Rev. Please call for service time & location • 603-322-4121 MAINE, DEBLOIS – ST. FRANCIS MISSION NEW YORK, BROOKLYN - ST. JOSEPH’S On the Feast of St. Cuthbert, March 20, 2021, at Mark Haverland confirmed Juliet Alanna Bequillo 1069 Route 193 • 207-638-2441 125 Arlington Ave. • 718-314-7100 Christ Church Parish (ACC), Toowoomba, Australia, and Susan Ann Rule, and received Oscar Mar- • Sunday Mass 11:15 AM antal Bequillo, George Timothy Champlin, MAINE, ELLSWORTH – ST. THOMAS NY, CANANDAIGUA – HOLY REDEEMER 373 Bangor Rd. • Sunday Mass 10 AM 4575 East Lake Rd • 585-334-3512 BAPTISMS and Virginia Wilson Flanagin. • 207-667-2001 • Sunday 10 AM • MAINE, MECHANIC FALLS – CHURCH OF THE NEW YORK, POUGHKEEPSIE – TRANSFIGURATION • 64 Elm St. HOLY COMFORTER On Quinquagesima, February 14, 2021, at St. On Easter Eve, April 3, 2021, at St. Luke’s (ACC), 18 Davies Pl. • 845-453-9017 Therese of the Child Jesus (ACC), Tapio, Haiti, the Augusta, Georgia, U.S.A., the Rev. Daniel Trout, on 207-312-7318 • Sunday Mass 10 AM Sunday Mass 10 AM Very Rev. Jean Buteau Bien-Aime baptized an infant behalf of the Most Rev. Mark Haverland, Archbishop MAINE, PORTLAND – ST. PAUL’S NEW YORK, TUXEDO – ST. ELIZABETH’S 279 Congress St. • 38 Chapel Turn • 845-753-5338 child Vergennes, an infant child Lauren, Dju- Ordinary of the Diocese of the South, received Wiley 207-828-2012 • Sunday Mass 9 & 10:30 AM • Sun. 10 AM phaella Elisme,Roly Ariste, and Ednel Ariste. Stuart Flanagin and Betty Brand Perry. MAINE, RAYMOND – OUR LADY OF SEVEN NEW YORK, WEBSTER – HOLY CROSS SORROWS PRIORY • 207-665-4441 615 Bay Rd. • 585-713-0411 • Sunday 10 AM • • • 4 Shaw Rd. On Easter Day, April 4, 2021, at St. Benedict’s On Easter I, April 11, 2021, at Michael’s (ACC), MAINE, SCARBOROUGH – ST.AUGUSTINE OF NEW YORK, WEST SENECA – ST. NICHOLAS (ACC), Chapel Hill, North Carolina, U.S.A., the Rev. CANTERBURY • 2 Church St. • 717-515-8658 539 Main St. • 716-804-2615 • Sun. 9:15 AM Fleming Island, Florida, U.S.A., the Most. Rev. Mark • Sunday 11 AM Robert Hart baptized Brendan DuBois Frost. Haverland confirmed Danielle Isabel Duncan. MAINE, WATERVILLE – HOLY TRINITY NEW YORK, WEST WINFIELD – ST. LUCY’S 141 River Rd. • 207-799-5141 • Fridays 10 AM 10265 U.S. Route 20 • 315-725-3745 NEW HAMPSHIRE, AMHERST – ST. LUKE’S VERMONT, POULTNEY – ST. DAVID’S 3 Limbo Lane • Sunday Mass 8:30 and 10 AM 150 Main St. • 802-265-2206 CHURCH DIRECTORY • 603-672-6054 • Sunday 10 AM NEW HAMPSHIRE, CHARLESTOWN – GOOD VERMONT, WHITE RIVER JUNCTION – TRINITY SHEPHERD • 20 Summer St. • 603-835-7900 851 Fairview Terrace • Sunday Mass 11:15 AM Advertise In TEXAS (U.S.A.) Sunday Mass 10 AM THETRINITARIAN NEW HAMPSHIRE, CONCORD – ALL SAINTS Email: St. Stephen’s Anglican Catholic Church 124 Hall St. F • 603-545-9079 [email protected] The only ACC Parish serving North Texas • Sunday Mass 9 AM 901 Waterfall Way, #403, Richardson, Texas 75080 Chancellor: Mr. Walter W. Jones, Jr. Secretary: Mrs. Linnea Shaver Treasurer: Mrs. Katherine Lippman for information. 70 South Main St., 544 Eagle Valley Rd., 189 Shearer St., 972-669-1928 Canandaigua, NY 14424 Tuxedo, NY 10987 Palmer, MA 01069 JULY-AUGUST 2021 Issue Sunday Services: 9:15 Sunday School • 10:00 Holy Eucharist 585-394-2665 845-753-2024 413-427-3442 Deadline Is June 25, 2021. email: [email protected] email: [email protected] email: [email protected]