Inside Memphis the Younger Mrs
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T " T f ▼ . , < . «- « « - -S ■ tv &■ « « S 1 • ANmpiipr # 1 / BA #. Conshuctivi Policy c VOLUME 30, NUMBER 60 MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE, SATURDAY, APRIL 15, 1961 I Memphians In Tears __Glowing tribute was paid the late Mme. Florence Cole Tal bert McCleave during funeral services for the first Negro soprano in grand opera last week at First Baptist Lauderdale Church. Officiating were Elder Blair T. Hunt, pastor of Mississippi Boulevard Christian Church, and Dr. W, H. T. Brewster, Sr., pas tor of East Trigg Baptist. Also speaking briefly at the rites was Lt. George W. Lee. Sugarmon MISS WILLEAN C. FREEMAN Mort of the hi the church 1 were filled. Many wept through the I hour - long Christian Science ser- MRS, MAXINE SMITH Touching Rites ! vice. May File Interment for Mme. McCleave was in Evergreen Cemetery in Los Angeles. Calif, where, the opera Complaint For Teacher, singer attended public schools. "Because of her greatness, some beauty has entered into our lives," With FBI Miss Freeman eulogized Elder Hunt. "God loaned The big question: "Wherqgra us her voice for only a short per the witnesses?" ■'•¿•‘■A Touching rites were held Satur iod, but during that start period Everett F. Johnson, 36, of H21 day afternoon from Collins Chapel the cultural level of society has State Street, a Sunday BCttOOl CME Church for a city school tea been lifted and beautified, earth ■m^erintendent^rt^cliai^e^ieju cher, Miss Wlllcan c. Freeman, who hti', been made sweeter, dearer. died April 6 at Collins Chapel Hos She was a source of inspiration to pital. a multitude of people—young peo BULLETIN - ' Mrs. Maxine A. Smith, wife of Dr. Vasco Smith, Jr., has be She had taught to the Memphis ple, middle - aged people, old peo Police records yesterday stew— h School' System 39 years, having ple — from coast to coast and come the Memphis NAACP Branch's first executive secretary. ed eight squad cars were seat worked at Porter Junior High, throughout Europe. In announcing creation of the salaried position and Mrs. LaRoee Elementary and the old to the scene after Patrolman "This queenly personality that Smith's appointment, NAACP President Jesse H. Turner said Mrs. H. M. Lawson radioed tor heip.i .Virginia Avenue 6ctool. loved music, loved people, loved ..ML» Freeman was born in May», Smith will supervise and eo-ordinate the "ever expanding pro Lawson and his partner, D. B?"’ children has gone on to that ce Watkins, explained the kddl- ; vllle, Ky„ Feb. 24, 1902, and she gram of this branch.'' lestial bond," Elder Hunt continu tlonai policemen were nepSqf »nd her brother Andrew were rear ed. “She has joined that innumer ed by Mr. and Mrs. Nick Freeman. Memphis thus joins a number of just in cam the large crowd, able caravan of dead who live on might attempt to take'tbe The brother is the only survivor. other large cities where the NAACP WILLIAM C, TYUS, SR. In thoughts that pierce the night prisoners. The officers also It- , Miss Freeman attended public employs executive secretaries lights and In the thoughts of those veiled they arrested Ted Balter schools in Memphis and received of us who believe in a continuity Volunteers See Mrs. Smith is the daughter of Ayers for attempting to prevent tlie A. B. degree from LeMoyne of life. Her sweet voice has been the late Joseph P Atkins and Mrs. the arrests of Mr. and Mrs. i College. She became a member of William C. Tyus, silenoed but her melodies linger on Georgia R. Atkins: she holds an Jimmy Moore. Ayen' cam Was CoUtos Chapel Church at the age in our hearts." A. B. degree in Biology from Spel- dismissed by Judge Bopshe. uf 15. Lt Lee haiiled Mme. McCleave as Commissioners; l man College. Atlanta, Georgia and . .................... 1j.1 '¿h She was an active YWCA work a “Queen of Song." er ind gave much of her time to a M. A. in French from Middlebury beaten by police Sunday morfflug Retired City “She had her share of problems I need xft- tlw Neighborhood Club. Her closest on the domestic scene as any oth College, Middlebury, Vermont. She on the church steps, will Hooks Gets Post Russell friends were Mrs. Bemicb Thomas er genius who has lived in our has taught at Prairie View A. and nesses before his lawyer, M. University, Prairie View. Texas B. Sugarmon, Jr., can file a com-’ and Miss Elizabeth Braitoher. age and time and she had to fight More Negro representation in city Teacher, Buried plaint with the FBI. hKerment was in Elmwood Cem Florida A. and M. Unversity, Talla for her fame as Queen of Song and county government Is the all- etery with R. S. Lewis & Sons to hassee, Florida, and LeMoyne Col Atty. 8ugarmon has WH ‘ji d»- Funeral services were held Sat and her destiny in the sun." Lt. out 8oal of the Volunteer Citizens charge of arrangement«, lege, Memphis, Tennessee. slre to file the cofl^aljit hut nORs urday morning from Centenary Lee said. "She wanted to share her AUociation. Honorary pallbearers were facul of the witnesses hutshown a..will Methodist Church for a retired city genius and she did this by build This was stated In no uncertain ties of Collins Chapel CME Sun- Mrs. Smith is a member of Park ingness to talk at the right plaer school teacher, William C. Tyus, ing a sohool and teaching others, fashion on the weekend by VCA dajr School and Porter Junior High way Gardens Presbyterian Church. and at the right time. , Sr., who died at his home. 1472 many of whom have advanced to leaders shortly'after Ben L. Hooks, LeMOYNE FRESHMAN IS 'A' CHEMISTRY STUDENT - Everett Don And URore Eleemntary schools. She has served as chairman of the Mr, Johnson, who resides in the Brookins. Burial was to New Park the pinnacle of grandeur because attorney and minister, had been ald McKissic, right, 18-year-old freshman and an 'A' student in CasUIU Heights area, »a^-fin WM ■ 8er*W’«B - ofitiVe./ palWWarew Membership Committee of the Cemetery. wlth.T. H. Hayes & Sons sho opened tlie dooys for them to named to the staff of Public. De were .0. C. (Jafcles J Isabel, Memphis Branch for the past, three chemistry df LeMoyne College, receives an award from his chehMs- beaten, choked tmd knoeted down in‘charge of arrangements. do so." fender Hugh Stanton, Sr. try professor, Dr. John A. Bufthler. The award is a 3,000-page by police as he stteapted to pil Moses Clark Will Walton, George Dr. Brewsiter said Mme. Me- yoais, during which period the lo IsgbeL J. W. Dickey, Hbtjace Sim- At the time of his retiretaent, Hooks, a Republican who has the cal branch has become the largest Handbook of Chemistry and Physics offered each year to out lock (he door of Moody Chapel moiis and Charles Loving. Mr. Tyus was a mathematics in (Continued on Pare Four) special blessings of Lieut. George in the South. standing freshman chemists by the Chemical Rubber Publishing (Continued on Page Foar) Tlie pastor of the church, the structor at Booker T. Washington W. Lee, is the fl|st Negro ever to Rev. D. 8. Cunningham, delivered High School. He completed 32 years serve here as an assistant public Company in Cleveland, Ohio. the eulogy. in.rt.he city school system and had defender. He will represent de ta&ht 11 years in county schools fendants in criminal court cases Biology Teacher before entering the city system. Who’s Next who cannot afford a lawyer. Won't Hold Off The youthful politician, who ran Before illness sidelined him sev- for juvenile court judge in the last eral months ago he had been veryy election, will receive $225 a month active in Boy Scout work. Honor GOP Boss In Fighi Io Hall for part-time work. His appointment I ary pallbearers at his funeral were the youthful members of Douglass was requested by the Volunteer Citizens Association. He had been Cub Pack No. 101 and Douglass Boy • The Binghampton Civic League, In Shelby? backed and supported by Squire Scout Troop No. 124. hgttded by integi ation crusader o. Herbert-Moriarty. Jr.rof the Cohnty I General Sessions Judge William ¿< Tire Shelby County Republican 3* wars, reported this week that Mr. Tyus was born in Browns Court. ' Leffler he« agreed to rule Aprtl So Parity is without a “leader man” SEEK BOARD SPOT the organization has accomplished ville, Tenn., the son of Methodist ¡whether to discuss a warrant- because the chapman, Millsaps ..VCA is now urging the appoint an end to the segregated rest room minister, the Rev. Green Tyus. His against. Memphis Transit Manage set-up at the Pure Oil Service mother was Mrs. Hattie Tyus. The Fitzhugh, lias resigned. His letter ment of a Negro to the seven-mem Wins Nat’l Award ment Company for permitting tote- deseased received his college of resignation said "effective im ber County Board of Education. Station on Tillman Street. I Everett Donald McKissic, 18-year-old freshman af LeMoyne orated buses.j, -rt. Mrs. Mary Seymour, League re Holly Springs, mediately." Two vacancies must be filled and training at Rust in Should a warrant be sworn, B All of tiie party bigwigs appeared Squire Mitchell has asked the College, earned an "A" in chemistry during the first semester porter, reported that the discrimi Miss. trial date then would be set. " surprised at Mr. Fitzhugh's resig County Court to consider Elder and was singled out for the annual award from the Chemical' natory signs were removed after : Two other judges previously tarf' He is survived by his widow, the nation.