Martin R. Prince, MD, PhD

Gadolinium-enhanced MR Aortography’

PURPOSE: To evaluate the potential VJAGNETIC resonance (MR) angiog- ies directly with excellent contrast for preferential arterial enhancement raphy is increasingly per- and high resolution in a three-dimen- at magnetic resonance (MR) aortogra- formed as a noninvasive method of sional Fourier-transform acquisition phy with an intravenous infusion of evaluating patients with suspected optimized for the shortened Ti of the paramagnetic contrast material. vascular disease (1-3). MR angiogra- blood. The use of gadolinium chebates MATERIALS AND METHODS: phy is particularly well suited to the for enhancing MR angiognaphy has Gadolinium chebates were adminis- evaluation of low-resistance vessels been described in the intracranial cm- tered intravenously (0.2 mmol/kg) such as the carotid and intnacerebnal culation (4-9), (10-13), and pom- during three-dimensional MR imag- . In healthy subjects, vessels of tal (14) and in popliteal-tibiab ing (1.5 T) in 125 patients (77 male normal caliber have strong, continu- vessels (15). The previously reported ous laminar flow, which is readily de- problems of background tissue and and 48 female patients, aged 4-86 years [mean, 66 years]) with sus- tected with standard time-of-flight venous enhancement were avoided in pected aorta or aortic branch vessel techniques. But in patients with vas- this study by imaging during infusion disease. cuban disease that disturbs the normal of contrast material. In addition to laminar flow, time-of-flight images are demonstrating the technique, this an- RESULTS: Infusion for the duration degraded. There is loss of signal when tide evaluates the effects of infusion of the MR acquisition resulted in sig- inflow is reduced in ectatic vessels on time, dose, and differences between nificant preferential arterial enhance- in patients with low cardiac output. three currently available gadolinium ment without the confounding effects Tortuous vessels may have segments compounds. of excessive venous or background- that are not oriented perpendicular to tissue enhancement (P < 10). An- the plane of imaging, resulting in loss MATERIALS AND METHODS giographic or surgical correlation in of signal from in-plane saturation. 48 patients revealed an 88% sensitiv- Loss of signal also results from turbu- Theory ity and a 97% specificity for detection bent dephasing in stenoses and aneu- Gadolinium chelates are paramagnetic of stenoses or occlusions and a 100% rysms. sensitivity and a 100% specificity for agents that shorten the spin-lattice relax- These problems are exacerbated in ation time, Ti, of blood according to the detection of aortic or iliac an- the abdomen and pelvis, where it is equation eurysms. necessary to use a larger body coil, 1 1 CONCLUSION: Preferential arterial which results in a reduced signal-to- (1) enhancement is possible at MR aor- noise ratio. Peripheral arteries also 1,200 R < [GdJ, tography with an intravenous infu- have higher resistance with pubsatile, sion of paramagnetic contrast material. sometimes retrograde flow; this me- where 1/1,200 is the Ti of blood without sults in decreased blood signal and gadolinium, R is the relaxivity, and [Gd] is Index terms: Aorta, MR, 981.12943 #{149}Magnetic pulsatility artifacts. In addition, the the blood concentration of a gadolinium resonance (MR), contrast enhancement, considerable length of many periph- chelate. 981.12943, 9*129432 #{149}Magnetic resonance crab vessels necessitates long imaging During dynamic imaging at times (MR), vascular studies, 981.12943, 9*129432 shorter than the recirculation time, the times with time-of-flight techniques blood concentration of a gadolinium che- 1994; 191:155-164 because imaging must be performed late is determined by the intravenous infu- in a plane perpendicular to the dinec- sion rate and the cardiac output as tion of flow. I From the Department of Radiology, Massa- This article describes a method of Gd infusion rate chusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical [Gdlarteriai = cardiac output (2) School, Boston, Mass, and the Department of MR aontography that does not de- Radiology, University of Michigan, University pend on blood inflow or blood mo- The three gadolinium chelates currently Hospitals B1D530, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-0030. tion and thereby circumvents many of available for clinical use were investigated Received August 31, 1993; revision requested the problems of conventional time-of- in this study: gadopentetate dimeglumine October 12; revision received November 4; ac- flight MR . By adminis- cepted December 10. Supported in part by the (Magnevist; Berlex Laboratories, Wayne, RSNA Research and Education Fund as an tering a paramagnetic contrast agent NJ), gadoteridol (Prohance; Squibb Diag- RSNA Research Resident and by grant no. intravenously, the Ti of blood is HL46384 from the National Institutes of Health. made short compared with that of fat Address reprint requests to the author. 2 9* indicates generalized vein and artery in- (Ti = 270 msec), muscle (Ti = 600 Abbreviations: MIP = maximum intensity msec), and other background tissues. volvement. projection, Si = signal intensity, TE = echo

. RSNA, 1994 It is then possible to image the arten- time, TR = repetition time.

155 1200 0.5 Single Double 1000 Dose Dose 0.4 E

800 U) 0.3 C = 100 600

a 0.2 = 150 C 400 0) Ti =270(fat) = 270 (fat) .t0 200

______0 - L1_J200 (blood) 0

0 0,1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0 20 40 60 80 100

Gadopentetate Dimeglumine Dose (mmol/kg) Flip Angle (degrees)

1. 2. Figures 1, 2. (1) Graph depicts predicted blood Ti versus total dose of gadopentetate dimeglumine for infusion times of i, 3, 5, and iO mm- utes, assuming a negligible venous accumulation and a relaxivity of 4.5 msec1 mmol’. Note that for infusion times of 3-5 minutes, a double dose is required to make the Ti of arterial blood less than the Ti of fat. (2) Graph depicts predicted relative Sb versus flip angle for a spoiled gradient-echo sequence with TR of 25 msec and TE much less than T2*, for tissues of various Ti. A flip angle of about 40#{176}is optimal for main- taming a high SI and for maximizing the SI difference between arterial blood (predicted Ti, iOO-150 msec) and fat (Ti, 270 msec).

nostics, Princeton, NJ), and gadodiamide Patients xiphoid. Then a three-dimensional Fou- injection (Omniscan; Sanofl Winthrop rier-transform spoiled gradient-echo vol- Pharmaceuticals, New York, NY); the re- Gadolinium-enhanced MR arteriogra- ume was acquired that was centered on laxivities are about 4.5 msec’ mmoM. phy was performed in 125 patients re- the arteries of interest. For groups 1 Assuming a constant infusion rate, corn- ferred for routine MR angiography of the and 2, the imaging parameters were 9-12- bining Equations (1) and (2) predicts the aorta or branch vessels. The patients in- cm-thick sections with 60 partitions (1.5- arterial blood Ti as a function of infusion cbuded 77 male and 48 female patients, 2.0-mm partition thickness) oriented with time and total gadolinium administered aged 4-86 years (mean, 66 years). The the arteries in plane (ie, coronal for aor- (Fig i). For contrast material infusion main criteria for enrollment in the study toibiac disease and sagittal for the thoracic times that are longer than the recircubation included (n = 33), hyper- aorta), TR of 25 msec, TE of 6.9 msec time, the arterial blood Ti will be even tension and/or renal failure (n = 67), and (where fat and water are out of phase), shorter, since a large fraction of the in- claudication (n = 19). The patients were flip angle of 40#{176},first-order flow compen- jected gadolinium chelate will recirculate. divided into four groups, reflecting the sation, 32-40-cm field of view, and 256 x From Figure i, it is apparent that the chronological development of the tech- i92 matrix. No saturation pulses were em- shortest Ti occurs with the shortest infu- nique. ployed. The imaging time was 5 minutes 8 sion time and the largest dose of gadobmn- Group i comprised i2 patients who Un- seconds. In groups 3 and 4, the number of ium chebate. For the typical imaging times derwent dynamic imaging after bolus in- partitions was 28 with 2-mm partition of 3-5 minutes, Figure i shows that the jection of 0.2 mmob/kg gadopentetate thickness, the matrix was 256 x 256 with a dose must be at least 0.2 mmol/kg to dimeglummne during the first i-2 minutes 36-cm field of view, the TE remained the achieve a blood Ti substantially shorter of a 5 minute 8 second acquisition. Group same (6.9 msec), and the TR was 24 msec, than that of the brightest background tis- 2 comprised 25 patients who underwent resulting in a higher-resolution image and dynamic imaging during continuous infu- sue, fat (Ti = 270 msec). a shorter imaging time of 3 minutes 18 5cc- With a gadolinium chelate dose of 0.2 sion of 0.2 mmol/kg gadopentetate dimeg- onds. With this three-dimensional pulse mmob/kg and a 3-5-minute infusion dur- lumme over a 5 minute 8 second acquisi- sequence, k space was acquired in the ing imaging time, the arterial blood Ti is tion. A subset of this data (16 patients) has standard linear fashion, in which the par- predicted to be i50-200 msec. It will actu- been reported previously (iO). Group 3 titions are encoded sequentially and, for ally be shorter since the recirculation time comprised 19 patients who underwent each partition, the lines of k space are ac- is less than 3-5 minutes. The relative sig- dynamic imaging during continuous infu- quired from bottom to top (negative to nab intensity (SI) in a three-dimensional sion of 0.2 mmob/kg gadopentetate dimeg- positive). Fourier-transform spoiled gradient-echo bumine over a 3 minute i8 second acquisi- In 38 of 125 patients, conventional un- acquisition as a function of blood Ti, rep- tion. Group 4 comprised 69 patients who enhanced time-of-ffight images were etition time (TR), T2* flip angle, a, and underwent dynamic imaging during con- available for comparison. For renal MR proton density (N[H]) can be calculated tinuous infusion of a fixed dose of 40 mL angiography, a multiple overlapping thin with Equation (3) (i6). gadopentetate dimeglumine (0.5 mob/L), slab acquisition was performed as a gradi- gadotenidol (0.5 mol/L), or gadodiamide ent-echo steady-state pulse sequence in TR injection (0.5 mob/L) over a 3 minute i8 i-exp -;jj- the axial plane, centered on the renal ar- second acquisition. Subgroup 4a included tenes. The following parameters were i5 of these patients who underwent imag- used: TR of 29 msec, TE of 6.9 msec, 20#{176} SI = N(H) I - cos (a) . exp (- TR\ ing before, during, and after infusion of flip angle, first-order flow compensation, gadopentetate dimeglumine to assess the 1.5-mm partition thickness, 16 partitions TE dynamics of vascular enhancement. per slab with 50% overlap of the slabs, . sin (a) . exp - ( ). (3) 32-cm field of view, 256 x 128 matrix, and Imaging Parameters two signals averaged. Inferior presatura- For a TR of 25 msec and assuming the tion pulses were used to suppress venous echo time (TE) is small compared with All imaging was performed on a i.5-T inflow. The total imaging time was ii mm- T2*, the relative SI is plotted in Figure 2 superconducting magnet (CE Medical Sys- utes 59 seconds to cover 7.8 cm of aorta in for Ti of 100, 150, 200, and 270 (fat) msec. tems, Milwaukee, Wis), with use of the the superior-to-inferior dimension. This shows that a flip angle of about 40#{176}is body coil and 4.7 software. First, a sagittab For iliac MR angiography, a two-dimen- optimal for maximizing blood-to-back- or coronal Ti-weighted localizer image sional time-of-flight acquisition was per- ground tissue (fat) contrast. was obtained that was centered on the formed with a gradient-echo steady-state

156 #{149}Radiology April 1994 saturation pulses were used to suppress venous inflow. The total imaging time was 7 minutes 3i seconds or i5 minutes 2 sec- onds to cover 23 cm of aorta and iliac ar- tery, respectively, in the supenior-to-infe- rior dimension.

Gadolinium Infusion

Venous access was obtained via a 22- gauge peripheral intravenous , usually in the forearm or antecubital fossa. A dynamic acquisition was then per- formed during hand infusion of the gado- linium chelate. In group I, a 0.2 mmol/kg (17) bolus injection of gadopentetate dirneglummne was begun within 5 seconds of starting the acquisition and was corn- pleted within the first 1-2 minutes of the 5-minute imaging time. In groups 2, 3, and a. b. 4, the infusion was carefully timed to be- gin within 5-10 seconds after commencing the acquisition and to end iO-20 seconds before the end of the acquisition. A 5-20-mL injection of normal saline solu- tion was given to ensure infusion of the entire dose of chelate. For comparison, subgroup 4a underwent imaging with identical acquisitions before, during, and after infusion of gadopentetate dimeglu- mine without altering the imaging param- eters.

Image Reconstruction

Maximum intensity projection (MIP) acquisitions in cardinal planes and multi- planar reformations were performed at the independent workstation (Signia; GE Medical Systems). Subvolume MIP acquisi- tions in arbitrary planes were performed at a different computer workstation (SPARC 10- C. d. 4i-2GX; Sun Microsystems, Sunnyvale, Calif) 150 Aorta with AVS software (Advanced Visual Sys- tems, Waltham, Mass).

SI Measurements

SI was measured in all patients in the aorta, inferior vena cava, and background tissues (fat and skeletal muscle) for at least ‘:: three regions of interest per measurement. Since the imaged volume was entirely within the patient in virtually every case, gadop.ut.tat. it was not possible to measure noise from dimeglu*ine a region of interest outside the patient. 0 0.2 mmou/Kg Instead, an alternative measurement was 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 made on a region within the image vol- Time (minutes) ume that was chemically and structurally e. homogeneous to the MR resolution of aor- tic blood. All SI measurements were di- Figure 3. Typical MIP images from three-dimensional data sets obtained (a) before, (b) dur- vided by the standard deviation of the sig- ing, (c) immediately after, and (d) 5 minutes after infusion of gadopentetate dimeglumine (0.2 nal within the aorta to give an SI ratio that mmol/kg) for the duration of a 3 minute 18 second three-dimensional Fourier-transform coro- is analagous to the signal-to-noise ratio. nal acquisition. (e) Graph depicts these changes in vascular and background tissue SI. Note that the precontrast image shows no vascular enhancement, while during infusion of gado- The SI ratio is actually an underestimate of pentetate dimeglumine there is dramatic arterial enhancement but minimal enhancement of the true signal-to-noise ratio because the the inferior vena cava (IVC) and after infusion there is both arterial and venous enhancement. standard deviation of the aortic signal Image in d shows contrast material beginning to accumulate in the bladder. may be increased not only by true noise but also by flow phenomena and phase artifacts. In subgroup 4, additional SI mea- surements were obtained in the iliac, re- pulse sequence in the axial plane with the compensation, 32-cm field of view, 256 x nal, portal, and hepatic and in the following parameters: TR of 29 msec, TE of 192 matrix, 2.9-mm section thickness, and kidney, liver, and spleen. Identical regions 6.9 msec, flip angle 45#{176},first-order flow one or two signals averaged. Inferior pre- of interest were used on the images ob-

Volume 191 #{149}Number I Radiology #{149}157 a. b. Figure 4. Raw-data coronal image shows the origin of the right renal artery, an aneu- rysm on the right common iliac artery, and mural irregularity of the distal abdominal aorta. tamed before, during, and after adminis- tration of contrast material.


In 48 patients, conventional arteriogra- phy or surgery was performed after gado- linium-enhanced MR angiography. In these patients, it was possible to evaluate the prospective accuracy of MR angiogra- phy by comparing the descriptions of yes- sels and vessel disease on the MR angiog- raphy report with the descriptions on the conventional angiography reports and operative notes. The interpretation of the images in each case was performed by an angiography fellow together with a staff angiographer, with consultation from other staff in difficult cases, to generate a single final report representing a consen- sus opinion. Findings at conventional an- giography or surgery were considered the standards of reference. In the reports, ar- teries were graded as aneurysmab, oc- cluded, or stenotic. Stenoses were graded as mild, moderate, or severe. Mild was C. d. considered negative for statistical pur- Figure 5. (a) A coronal MIP collapsed image of an entire data set and (b) a subvolume MIP poses. Vessels that were not described in optimized image of the left renal artery were obtained in one patient. (c) A subvolume MIP both the MR angiography report and ci- optimized image of the celiac trunk and superior mesenteric artery and (d) a subvolume MIP ther the conventional angiography report optimized image of the aortic arch were obtained in two different patients. or operative note were excluded from this analysis.

Statistical Analysis inferior vena cava and differences in aorta the number of true-positive findings at SI ratio during infusion of contrast mate- MR angiography divided by the number Differences in the aortic SI and contrast rial compared with that on precontrast of positive findings at conventional angi- ratios for each of the techniques and con- images were evaluated with the Student ography or surgery. Specificity was calcu- trast agents were evaluated with the Stu- test for paired data. For the angiographic lated as the number of true-negative find- dent t test. The significance of differences and surgical correlations, sensitivity for ings at MR angiography divided by the in the mean SI of the portal, hepatic, renal, detecting aneurysms and for detecting number of negative findings at conven- or iliac veins compared with that of the stenoses or occlusions was calculated as tional angiography or surgery.

158 #{149}Radiology April 1994 a. b. Figure 6. (a) Two-dimensional time-of-flight and (b) dynamic gadolinium-enhanced MR angiograms and (c) conventional arteriogram were obtained in a patient with an occluded right iliac system bypassed with a -to-femoral artery graft. Note that the graft is not seen in a because of in-plane saturation but that it is well seen in both b and c.

I Figure 7. (a) Gadolinium-enhanced MIP MR angiogram depicts an abdominal aortic aneurysm extending into the iliac arteries and bilateral severe renal artery stenoses. (b-d) Conventional angiograms help confirm MR findings. The left renal artery is partially obscured by renal vein enhancement in a, but it can be seen in greater detail on the raw-data and reformatted images (not shown).

sues. Images obtained after the end of the infusion demonstrate comparable enhancement of arteries and veins. These changes in SI are shown graphically in Figure 3e. These three-dimensional data sets with near isotropic voxels could be viewed in many ways in addition to a. b. the total-volume MIP images shown in Figure 3. The maw data could be reviewed one section at a time (Fig 4). Digital subtraction of the pnecontmast data from the data obtained during infusion was generally not effective at improving image quality, because of misregistration. The data set could be sectioned in any arbitrary plane to view, for example, the origins of the superior mesenteric artery and celiac axis on a renal artery in a single plane. Subvolume MIP imaging allowed visu- alization of arteries that did not conform to a single i-voxel-thick plane (Fig 5). The gadolinium-enhanced images showed no evidence of the in-plane saturation that degraded time-of- flight images (Fig 6). Arteries with blood flowing in opposite directions C. d. were visible on the same image (Fig 5a). The aorta and iliac artery aneu- rysms were particularly well seen, RESULTS throughout most of the volume, with owing to their large size. The en- Figure 3 illustrates the typical im- short segments of bright vessels at the hancement within aneurysms was ages obtained before, during, and af- edges of the image volume. Images comparable with that of arteries of ten intravenous infusion of a gadobmn- obtained during the infusion show normal caliber (Figs 4, 7, 8), even ium chelate (0.2 mmol/kg). Images enhancement of the arteries while the though their SI on the standard time- obtained before the infusion show inferior vena cava remained indistin- of-flight images was severely degraded. saturation of the blood vessels guishable from the background tis- Although all major arteries en-

Volume 191 #{149}Number I Radiology #{149}159 hanced comparably, there were lange differences in the degree of enhance- ment of different veins on the dy-#{149} namic images. The portal vein was the brightest, followed by hepatic and renal veins. The iliac veins and infra- renal inferior vena cava were indistin- guishable from background tissues. These differences are quantitated in Table 1. Gadolinium significantly in- creased the aortic SI ratio from 2.3 to 10.0 (P < .00001) compared with an increase from 1.8 to 3.1 in the inferior vena cava. In postcontrast images, however, the aorta and inferior vena cava had similar SI ratios of 12 and 10, respectively. Muscle enhanced mini- mally during infusion (xi.i) but had enhanced substantially by the time a postcontrast acquisition was per- a. b. formed (x 1.8). Fat, interestingly, had Figure 8. (a) Gadolinium-enhanced MR angiogram shows bilateral iliac artery aneurysms, a slightly decreased SI on the images stenosis at the origin of the left common iliac artery, and an aortic tube graft with an aorto- obtained during and after infusion femoral limb. (b) Conventional angiogram helps confirm these findings. Note that surgical clip compared with the SI on precontrast artifacts are not avoided in a. images, presumably representing im- proved canceling of fat signal with the opposed-phase technique. Vascu- lam tissues enhanced noticeably dun- ing and after infusion, including kid- ney (x2.7), spleen (x2.3), and liver (xi.6) (Table 1). The image time and infusion timing had a significant effect on the image quality and on the ratio of arterial-to- venous enhancement. Injection of contrast material as a bolus during the first 1-2 minutes of a 5-minute acqui- sition resulted in only a minimal dif- fenence between aortic and inferior vena caval enhancement, with an aorta-to-inferior vena cava SI ratio of 1.2 (Table 2). By infusing the gadolin- ium chelate oven the acquisition time, beginning after the acquisition com- menced and ending 20 seconds before the acquisition ended, the aorta-to- inferior vena cava SI ratio increased to 2.5 within the same 5-minute acquisi- tion. By reducing the imaging time to 3 minutes 18 seconds, a further im- provement was observed in aorta-to- marginally better aontic enhancement resulted in female patients receiving a inferior vena cava SI ratio to 2.8. Inter- (Table 3). The gadodiamide injection- higher dose per weight, on average. estingly, use of the shorter imaging enhanced aortic SI ratio of 11.9 ± 2.6 Table 2 also shows how the time-of- times with a fasten infusion rate did (mean ± standard deviation) was sig- flight images compare quantitatively not diminish the aortic SI ratio or con- nificantly higher than for gadopen- with the gadolinium-enhanced MR trast ratios. tetate dimeglumine (10.8 ± 2.2) and angiogmams. The multiple overlap-

Qualitatively, higher doses of gado- gadotenidol (10.7 ± 2.4) (P = .05). ping thin slab acquisition and two- linium chelates resulted in improved There was no significant correlation dimensional Fourier-transform tech- arterial enhancement. The effect of detected between aontic SI ratio and niqucs required five to 20 times dose on aomtic SI ratio is illustrated serum creatininc level on age. Female longer to image the same length of quantitatively in Figure 9 for the patients had a significantly higher aorta, even with use of larger voxeb group 4 patients receiving gadopen- aontic SI ratio than male patients volumes. SI and contrast ratios for the tetate dimeglummne oven a 3 minute (11.9 ± 2.3 vs 10.7 ± 2.4) (P = .03). gadolinium-enhanced images were 18 second acquisition. Although all This could be accounted for by the comparable with those for the time- three gadolinium chelates have com- difference in mean weight between of-flight images. parable nelaxivities ( 4.5 msec the male patients (mean weight, 176 Angiographic and/or surgical corre- mmob 1) and similar pharmacokinet- lb [79.2 kg]) and female patients bation was available in 48 of the 125 ics, gadodiamide injection produced (mean weight, 132 lb [59.4 kg]), which patients (Table 4). In the vascular seg-

160 #{149}Radiology April 1994 16 tional angiognaphy. These lesions in- The patients tolerated the imaging 0

01 cluded two moderate stenoses that and gadolinium chelates well; there >. 12 were not believed to be clinically sig- were no allergic reactions to the con-

C 10 0 nificant. One of the severe stenoses trast material. No patient had a dete- was in a right renal artery of a patient riomation in renal function attributable 0 C6 with a severe stenosis detected at MR to the contrast material. Extnavasation 0) U) angiography in another right renal of 30 mL gadopentetate dimeglumine 0

02 artery. The other stenosis was an iso- (osmolality, 1,960 mosm/kg water) at 4 lated severe stenosis in one of two left the infusion site (antecubital fossa) 01 02 03 04 renal arteries. Thus, MR angiography occurred in one patient. This was mi- Dose (mmol/kg) failed to depict marked renovascubam tially painful, but all symptoms me- disease in only one of 29 cases with solved within 1 hour with gentle mas- Figure 9. Craph depicts SI ratio of aorta as a function of dose of gadolinium chelate. Aorta angiographic or surgical correlation. sage and application of a warm

SI increased with increasing dose (r = .75). Two false-positive findings included compress. Extravasation of 40 mL ga- one lesion graded mild at angiogra- dotenidol (osmolality, 630 mosm/kg phy that was graded severe at MR water) occurred in one patient. Theme ments for which definitive correlation angiography and a normal renal am- was a bump at the extravasation site in was available, MR arteriography tery graft that antifactualby appeared the antecubital fossa, but the patient cleanly depicted all 39 aomtic and iliac stenotic at MR angiography. Of 29 indicated that it was not painful; the artery aneurysms. Aontic and branch cases with angiographic or surgical bump resolved within i hour with vessel stenoses and occlusions were correlation, five supernumerary renal gentle massage with no adverse se- depicted with an overall 88% sensitiv- arteries were correctly identified, five quelae. ity and 97% specificity. This technique were missed, and one was described was best for evaluating larger arteries, at MR angiography but was not DISCUSSION with 100% sensitivity and iOO% speci- found at conventional angiography. ficity in evaluating the aorta and 94% Theme was a single false-negative Time-of-flight MR imaging tech- sensitivity and 98% specificity in finding in an iliac artery at MR angi- niques are increasingly used to evabu- evaluating the iliac arteries. Accuracy ogmaphy of a moderate stenosis in a ate vascular anatomy and disease. dropped off in smaller arteries, with common iliac artery described as Their value can be limited, however, 85% sensitivity and 93% specificity in patent at MR angiogmaphy. A single in diseased vessels in which the time- evaluating the renal arteries. There false-positive finding in an iliac artery of-flight MR signal is degraded by were too few lesions of the great yes- was in a tortuous external iliac artery slow, turbulent, on in-plane flow. sels, celiac artery, or superior and in- described as moderately stenotic at These data in 125 patients demon- feniom mesenteric arteries for those MR angiography and as patent at strate an MR angiography technique data to be meaningful. conventional angiography. One inter- that does not depend on blood inflow. Normal renal arteries were often esting pitfall occurred in a normal By imaging dynamically during the seen in sufficient detail that the refer- subclavian artery at conventional an- continuous infusion of paramagnetic ring physicians chose not to pursue giography that was incorrectly identi- contrast material, there is selective angiogmaphic confirmation. In two fled as stenotic at dynamic gadobmn- visualization of arteries without deg- patients with hypertension and el- ium-enhanced MR angiography (Fig radation from slow on in-plane flow evated creatinine level, MR angiogra- 10). This artery was adjacent to the or the swirling flow within aneurysms phy depicted severe stenoses and me- vein draining the site of contrast ma- and without the confounding effects nab revascubamization was performed terial infusion. Retrospective evalua- of excessive venous on background without performing conventional an- tion of the images identified a suscep- tissue enhancement. giography. In both cases, renal func- tibibity artifact around the subcbavian Since dynamic gadolinium-en- tion and blood pressure control im- vein due to the extremely high gado- hanced MR angiognaphy does not proved postoperatively. Four renal linium concentration, which was depend on the inflow of unsaturated artery lesions were missed at MR an- causing artifactual loss of signal in the spins, the saturation problems that giography that were found at conven- adjacent subcbavian artery. complicate routine time-of-flight im-

Volume 191 #{149}Number 1 Radiology #{149}161 Table 3 Comparison of SI with Three Gadolinium Chelates

SI Ratio* Contrast Ratiot

Gadolinium Mean Dose Inferior Aorta/Inferior Chelate (mmol/kg) Aorta* Vena Cava Vena Cava Aorta/Fat Aorta/Muscle

Gadopentetate dilneglumine (n = 27) 2.5 10.8 ± 2.2 2.8 6.3 7.0 8.8 Gadoteridol(n = 20) 2.5 10.7 ± 2.4 2.5 5.9 6.3 8.5 Gadodiamide injection (n = 22) 2.4 11.9 ± 2.6* 3.2 7.6 7.6 9.7 Note-Infusions were 40 mL of contrast material over 3 minute 18 second imaging time.

C Aorta SI ratio = (aorta SI)/(standard deviation of aortic SI).

t Aorta/tissue contrast ratio = (aorta SI - fat S1)/(standard deviation of aortic SI).

t Significantly different from gadopentetate dimeglumine and gadoteridol(P = .05).

aging are eliminated. It is possible to image in any plane without concern Table 4 for saturation. The imaging volume Arterial Stenoses and Occlusions Found at MR Angiography, with Surgical can be oriented for optimal coverage of the vessels of interest with a mini- No. of No. of mum of imaging time (coronal imag- Moderate Severe No. of ing for aontoibiac disease on axial im- Vessel Sensitivity Specificity Stenoses Stenoses Occlusions aging for the subclavian arteries). It is Aorta and great vessels possible to use three-dimensional (n=25) 1.00 0.94 4 2 2 Fourier-transform imaging with its Iliac artery (n = 64) 0.94 0.98 9 3 3 Celiactrunk(n=18) 0.80 0.92 4 0 intrinsically high spatial resolution 1 Proximal superior mesen- and high signal-to-noise ratio (18-22). teric artery (n = 18) 0.50 1.00 1 0 0 Turbulent and/or slow flow such as Proximal renal artery occurs in abdominal aontic or iliac an- (n = 59) 0.85 0.93 9 11 7 All arteries (n = 186) 0.88 tery aneurysms (Figs 4, 7, 8) is not a 0.97 27 16 13 problem. Preferential enhancement of the arteries simplifies analysis by mini- mizing the confusion caused by over- lapping veins. The resulting images are remarkably similar to those obtained with conventional anteriography. This technique is particularly useful for evaluating aontic and iliac artery aneurysms. Aneurysms have been difficult to image at MR angiography because the slow swirling flow within aneurysms degrades both time-of- flight and phase-contrast images. Large aneurysms can also be prob- lematic for conventional, catheter- based aortography because of the barge amount of iodinated contrast material required to fill the entire an- eurysm and because vessel tortuosity Figure 10. MIP image of coronal images centered on the aortic arch shows enhancement of the arch and carotid arteries with no may cause overlap on conventional visualization of the external jugular vein, but the internal jugular arteriograms. These problems are veins enhance comparably with the carotid arteries. Presumably eliminated with this dynamic gadolin- this is because the blood-brain barrier prevents extraction of gado- ium-enhanced MR angiographic tech- linium chelate in the intracerebral circulation. Note also that the nique. The three-dimensional algo- right subclavian artery is artifactually narrowed due to a suscepti- rithm allows reformatting the data bility effect from the high concentration of gadolinium chebate in the adjacent vein, which drains the site of infusion. sets into any plane for optimal un- folding of tortuous vessels. The aortic and iliac artery anatomy was defined with sufficient detail to allow pro- Gadolinium-enhanced MR angiog- study, even in patients with elevated ceeding to aorta and/or iliac artery naphy is now routinely performed at creatinine levels. The 85% sensitivity aneurysm repair in eight cases, with- Massachusetts General Hospital to and 93% specificity for detecting renal out performing conventional angiog- screen for renal artery stenosis in pa- artery stenoses compares favorably naphy. In these cases, all patients had tients with renal failure and/or hy- with those in previous reports of me- elevated serum creatinine levels or pertension that is difficult to control. nal MR angiography (25,26). The con- other relative contraindications to The reported absence of renal toxicity fidence with which interpretations conventional arteniography. (23,24) is confirmed by findings in this can be rendered is reflected in the

162 #{149}Radiology April 1994 clinician’s decisions in two cases to sulted in a minimal aorta-to-inferior consistent with use of a mechanical undertake surgical menovasculan re- vena cava contrast differential. A two- injector. Use of a variable infusion construction without confirmation at to fourfold aorta-to-inferior vena cava nate coordinated with a customized conventional anteriography. differential in SI ratio was achieved by pulse sequence might be preferable, The tomographic nature of the data infusing slowly, starting immediately with the center of k space collected with image contrast derived from after the beginning of imaging and during the period of maximum infu- carefully timed intravenous infusions finishing 20 seconds before the end of sion rate. The parts of k space that do makes this technique similar to helical the acquisition, being especially cane- not change during gadolinium infu- computed (CT). Gadolin- ful not to slow down the infusion sion could be imaged prior to the in- ium-enhanced MR angiography has during the middle of the acquisition fusion of gadolinium chelate to mini- many advantages over helical CT, in- (groups 2-4). By avoiding early injec- mize the total infusion time and cluding (a) use of safer contrast media tion of too much contrast material, the thereby allow an increased infusion with no nephnotoxicity and fewer id- amount of venous contrast is mini- mate for the same dose. Imaging with iosyncratic reactions, (b) no risk from mized during the middle of the imag- a higher-resolution matrix, such as ionizing radiation, (c) no bone or cal- ing time when k space for the central 512 x 512, may better define small cified arterial plaque masquenades as partitions is acquired. To help avoid vessel anatomy, permitting more ac- contrast material, (d) imaging is pos- the error of injecting too early, we did curate definition of the renal arteries sible in any plane for optimal in-plane not begin the injection (for groups and especially of the accessary renal coverage of the vessel of interest, and 2-4) until after the acquisition had arteries. (e) higher resolution with isotropic already begun. We also used a small In conclusion, gadolinium-en- voxels is possible. The main disadvan- angiocatheter (22 gauge) to add hanced MR aortography without the tage of gadolinium-enhanced MR an- enough resistance to make an exces- confounding effects of excessive ye- giognaphy is the longer imaging time, siveby rapid infusion difficult. nous on background tissue enhance- which allows respiratory motion to Although banger doses of gadolmn- ment can be achieved by imaging degrade the images. Theme are also ium chelate (pen weight) resulted in during intravenous infusion of a important contraindications to MR greaten aortic enhancement (Fig 10), panamagnetic contrast agent, which imaging, including the presence of we standardized on a 40-mL dose of accumulates rapidly and redistributes implanted electronic devices (such as contrast material for everyone weigh- into the extracebbular fluid. #{149} pacemakers) on orbital shrapnel and ing over 60 kg to simplify the timing claustrophobia. The presence of me- of the infusion. The initial use of a Acknowledgments: I thank the MR imaging tallic artifacts from surgical clips and different volume of contrast material and angiography fellows and staff at Massachu- implants may be problematic in imag- in every patient based on the patient’s setts General Hospital, including Christos Atha- ing with either technique. weight was confusing and wasted the nasoulis, MD, Kent Yucel, MD, John Kaufman, The 3-5-minute duration of the in- contrast material that was left over in MD, David Harrison, MD, Tom Verdi, MD, Jerry Robins, MD, Bufan Yu, MD, Tom Kinney, MD, fusion during imaging is too long to the bottle. Patients weighing less than Peter Smith, MD, Ben Faitelson, MD, Mitchel explain the absence of venous en- 60 kg were given 10, 20, or 30 mL of Rivitz, MD, Beth Gerard, MD, Arthur Waltman, hancement simply as a first-pass bobus contrast material to attain a dose per MD, and Stuart Geller, MD, for the acquisition effect. One hypothesis is that the in- weight of 0.2-0.3 mmob/kg. and interpretation of images and for many help- traarteniab gadolinium chebate is cx- One might expect steady-state gra- ful discussions. I also thankJoan Frisoli, PhD, Bruce Rosen, MD, PhD, Mark Haacke, MD, Alex tracted from the intravascular space dient-echo imaging to be preferable to Aisen, MD, Bill Palmer, MD, Tom Brady, MD, as it passes through the systemic cap- the spoiled gradient-echo imaging James Thrall, MD, Mark Cohen, MD, Richard illary bed. This net transfer of contrast employed here because the long T2 of Cambria, MD, Glenn LaMuraglia, MD, Hasan material into the extracelluban fluid blood increases the steady-state blood Basari, MD, and Leslie Fang, MD, for many helpful discussions. I thank Mark Kruger, Mary compartment combined with continu- signal. 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