Secrets of antigravity propulsion pdf

Resolution 1 ANTIGRAVITY: FROM DREAM TO REALITY 1.1 - TRAVELING TO THE STARS Interstellar space travel has long captivated the imagination and longing of mankind. Indeed, we have penetrated space and gone over the moon, while breakthroughs in long-distance exploration, such as the Hubble Space Telescope, bring the farthest corners of space painfully close, reviving our desire to travel beyond our galaxy. On the same day we are bound by the disappointing limitations of conventional propulsion technology. Skeptics remind us that a spacecraft powered even by the most advanced chemical rockets will have to carry so much fuel that interstellar travel is out of the question. In addition, vehicles equipped with nuclear ionation engines will have a much longer range. However, the fuel needs will be such as to make the journey even a few light years completely impractical- basic physics tells us that the rocket spacecraft will need a fuel mass that will far exceed the mass of the vehicle itself. Is there a way to get rid of this fuel problem using completely different means of motion that don't require a large amount of mass to be pushed back for the ship to move forward? Imagine a spaceship that could change the gravitational field of the environment by artificially producing matter-attraction, gravity potential well, which was just behind the bow of the ship. The attractive force of the gravitational well will tow the ship forward just as if a very massive, planet-sized body was placed in front of it. The ship will begin to fall forward and thus will carry its self-gravity well along with it. Gravity will constantly draw the ship forward, while always staying ahead. Due to this carrot and whip effect, the ship can accelerate almost to the speed of light, and maybe even beyond, without a significant energy expenditure, except the one needed to create a gravitational well. Is such gravity control possible? Is it possible to build a spaceship with small enough engine power requirements for interstellar travel to be achieved? The answer is yes. Over the past few decades, high-end aerospace programs in the and several other countries have developed aircraft capable of challenging gravity. One form of this technology can loft a craft on substance-repelling energy rays. This exotic technology falls under a relatively obscure field of research known as electrogravitics. The origins of electrogravity can be traced back to the work of Nikola Tesla with high voltage shocks, and later, the relatively non-public discovery by T. Townsend Brown that electrostatic and gravitational fields were closely intertwined. Unfortunately, the electrogravity effect has for the most part ignored by mainstream scientists because the phenomenon is not expected to be either classical electrostatics or general relativity, effectively preventing it from teaching in university courses such as physics and electrical engineering. Rather, to uncover the secrets of electrogravitics, you need to delve into non-fiction articles, patents and relatively obscure technical reports that once held secret status. Perhaps the best place to start is to consider some of Brown's seminal work. 1.2 - ELECTROGRAVITIC American physicist and inventor Thomas Townsend Brown was born in 1905 in a family of zastnest in Seinsville, Ohio. At an early age, he showed great interest in space travel and dreamed that one day he himself went into space. His discovery of the electrogravitic phenomenon occurred during his school years, when his interest in space travel led him to a toy with a Coolidge tube - a high-voltage X-ray emitting vacuum tube similar to that found in modern dental X-ray machines. Brown had the understanding to mount the tube on a thin balance to investigate whether he could produce any traction. To his surprise, the tube moved every time it was turned on. By controlling X-rays as the cause of this mysterious force, he tracked the effect of the high voltage he applied to the tube plates. He concluded that the tube had moved because its gravitational field had somehow suffered from a high-voltage charge plate.1, 2, 3, ⁴ Figure 1.1. Thomas Townsend Brown at the age of fifty-three. (Photo courtesy of the Townsend Brown family and Kualaite, L.L.C.) After further experiments, Brown eventually developed an electric capacitor device, which he called a gravitator (or, alternately, gravitor). These units were very heavy. One version consisted of a 2-foot- long wooden box and a 4-inch square that contained a series of massive, electrically conductive lead plates and separated electrically insulating sheets of glass that served as a dielectric capacitor environment (the dielectric is a substance that does not conduct electric current). Another version used a dielectric molded mixture of lead oxide and beeswax enclosed in Bakelit. The diagram in Figure 1.2, which is reproduced from Brown's 1928 patent, shows another version made with aluminum plates and paraffin. At a voltage of up to 150,000 volts of direct current (DC), Brown's gravitational gravity has developed thrust towards its positively charged end. One such gravitational, which weighed 10 kilograms, was observed to generate a maximum thrust of 0.1 kg (1 newton), a force equal to about 1 percent of the weight.⁵, ⁶ When oriented vertically on the scale and energized, he proceeded to gain or lose that amount of weight depending on how the polarity charge was applied. He became lighter when his The end collide and is heavier when its negative end collides up. Figure 1.2.A cellular gravitational sign is shown in perspective along with details of the end and lateral view of its plates. (Brown, 1928) Brown enrolled at the California Institute of Technology in 1922. He spent most of his first year trying to win over his professors and convince them of his abilities as a first-class lab technician. However, when he began to mention his ideas about electrogravity, no one listened. At the end of the year, his lab equipment was shipped from Ohio, installed it in his cabin, and sent invitations to several of his professors, including the famous Dr. Robert Millican, to witness the demonstration of the new force he discovered. No one came. A short time later, one of Brown's friends tested Millican, asking him if he knew anyone who had ever found a way to change or influence gravity. Millikan is said to have answered rudely, of course not; such a thing is impossible and out of the question. His feelings were deeply affected by the incident, Brown transferred to Kenyon College, in Gambier, Ohio, and the following year he transferred to Dennison University, in Granville, Ohio. One of his physics professors at Dennison, Dr. Paul A. Bifeld, was also interested in the movement of electric capacitors. Brown often talked to Bifeld and began to call the electrogravitic phenomenon the Bifeld-Brown effect, perhaps in relation to Bifeld's own interest in the subject. However, it is not clear that Bifeld actively cooperated with Brown in his research. For one of his experiments, Brown organized a pair of engravers, one at each end of the hand, which was hung from the lab ceiling with a long cord attached to the central arm support (Figure 1.3). When energized between 75,000 and 300,000 volts of DC, the connecting hand rotates as each engraver moved towards its positive pole. This force originated in the same way, even when the capacitor was immersed in the tank of oil, thus eliminating the possibility that the effect was produced by the wind of electric ions. Brown's gravity can produce this movement with a power input of just 1 watt. With each engraver generating 100 grams of thrust for a total thrust of 2 newtons, Brown's power-to-power ratio calculates up to 2,000 newtons per kilowatt. This is 130 times the thrust-to-power ratio of a jet engine, or 10,000 times greater than the power ratio of the space shuttle's main engine. Brown determined that the electrogravitic effect he observed depended on the amount of charge stored in his capacitors. As the application voltage increases and more charge is stored, the capacitors will with more electric gravity. What's more, because the intensity of the depending on the mass of the capacitor, he concluded that the induced motion should be due to the capacitor's ability to generate a localized gravitational field. Figure 1.3. Experimental installation designed to measure thrust produced by gravitational Thomas Townsend Brown. (Photo courtesy of the Townsend Brown family and Kualaite, L.L.C.) After he left Dennison, Brown conducted astrophysics research for four years, from 1926 to 1930, working in a private laboratory in his hometown of Seinsville, as well as at the Swazi Observatory in Ohio, where he was in contact with Dr. Bifeld. In a variation of his rotating gravitator experiment, Brown suspended one gravitational from his lab ceiling with two wires (Figure 1.4). The gravitational gas was hanging so that it remained submerged in an oil tank to reduce the production of ions. When energized, the pendulum will swing towards the positive gravitational pole. Brown described this electrogravity phenomenon as an impulse.⁷ he noted that it took less than five seconds for the pendulum to reach the maximum amplitude of his swing, but then, even when he maintained the high voltage potential, his pendulum would gradually return to its plumb position, taking 30 to 80 seconds to return. He also noted that on his return from maximum deviation, his pendulum would fluctuate at certain levels or steps, but repeated tests had shown that there were no consistent positions on those steps. Brown also noted that he would have to give his engraver a rest after each test to see the effect repeat again. He had to remove his charging potential for at least five minutes to allow his gravitas enough time to recharge himself so that he could regain his previous gravitational state. He did not mention what might have happened during this recharging process, probably because he did not have a clear idea of himself at the time. He saw that when the gravitational pulse was longer, it took more time offline to give the gravitational puller a freshen up. Figure 1.4. Thomas Townsend Brown's engraver hung in a pendulum manner and was immersed in an oil tank. (Brown, 1929) We can gain an understanding of why its gravitational pull won't hold its original gravity by analyzing what's going on inside its dielectric. Initially, before the application of high voltage, the dielectric was in a non-polarized state. With the use of voltage, the current will begin to flow and the plate of the gravitas will gradually be charged. The electric field between the plates exerted electrostatic force on the dielectric molecules, causing them to shift slightly - positive molecular charges stretched in the direction of the negative pole and negative molecular charges were drawn to its positive pole. As a result, dielectric dielectric polarized (see figure 1.5), its electric dipol moment pointing in the opposite direction of the applied electric field. Dielectric does not polarize instantly in response to applied voltage; it takes some time for complete polarization. This lag time is a common property of dielectrics known as dielectric relaxation. It is similar to the properties of hysterical, observed in the magnetic energy of the transformer nucleus. Most of the dielectric capacitors used today have a very short dielectric relaxation time - less than microseconds. However, Brown's capacitor must have had a very slow relaxation time, probably because it was quite long from start to finish and because of the nature of the wax mixture from which it was composed. The 30 to 80 seconds or so that the gravitational undertake gradually return to its plumb position from its maximum deviation is probably the duration of its dielectric relaxation, the time it takes for its dielectric to become completely polarized. For the first few seconds, that voltage was applied, slowly reacting to the dielectric, for the most part, would remain unpolarized. Thus, the applied electric field, along with the associated gravitational field, would spread with full intensity throughout the gravitational pull, exerting maximum gravitational pull on the dielectric solution in the direction of the positive gravitational pole. However, as the dielectric became increasingly polarized, its opposite directional electric field of the dipole moment arising within the dielectric progressive would increase in strength, progressively abolishing out the gravitational effects induced by the externally applied electric field. Thus, the thrust pushing the gravitational puller in the direction of its positive pole would gradually subside. Moreover, when the dielectric reached its completely polarized state with its opposite dipole field of the moment at its maximum, this thrust would have become almost completely abolished, leaving the gravitas to return to its plumb position. Figure 1.5. Polarized charge position in dielectric gravitas when applied voltage to gravitational plates. The arrows indicate the direction of electrogravity force. As the dielectric became progressively polarized, the gravitator capacitor plates were able to keep increasing the amount of electrical charge as an increasing number of polarized molecular charges moved adjacent to the plates to attract additional charges. As a result, throughout this interval of polarization the gravitas was charged, and the current would flow to its plates. The charge would have been accumulating most quickly at the beginning and the charging speed would have gradually dropped as full the state was coming up. Similarly, the reverse gravitational pull generated by polarizing dielectric dielectric caused the overall gravitational pull to decline most rapidly at the beginning of the pendulum swing and subside more slowly as the fully charged state approached. The observation that the gravitational force has subsided in strides may indicate that the dielectric has experienced a series of sharp mechanical shifts in its approach to a fully polarized state. The need to recycle the engraver between test runs, to unload it and rest to restore the previous gravitational state, is understandable if we understand that it was necessary to allow a sufficiently long rest period for the dipolar completely depolarization. After the power outage of the DC voltage, the residual charge will initially remain on the condenser plates stored there by the residual polarization of the dielectric. Engineers call this residual charge a dielectric absorption. This is especially important in capacitors that are capable of storing a lot of charge. As the dielectric progressively weakens, this charge is gradually released. Once the gravitational dielectric has relaxed to an unpollized state, the new charges will be able to quickly accumulate on its electrodes during the next charging cycle. Once again, a steep gradient of gravity potential could form through the gravitational factor and temporarily exert clean traction on its massive dielectric until it was again against the gradually increasing dipole moment field dipole. 1.3 - THEORY OF ELECTROGRAVITICS In August 1927, Brown applied for a British patent for his idea of gravity, which was granted to him in November 1928 (British patent 300 311). In the patent text, Brown makes it clear that the force he discovered is unconventional: the invention also refers to machines or apparatus requiring electrical energy that control or influence the gravitational field or the energy of gravity; also to machines or devices requiring electrical energy that exhibit linear power or movement that is believed, that is independent of all reference frameworks other than that which is at rest in relation to the universe accepted as a whole, and said linear power or movement is further believed to have no equal and opposite response that can be observed by any method of commonly known and accepted physical science to date.⁸ Here he describes his belief that electrogravitic power operates relative to a unique reference system. that is at rest in relation to the universe, an idea that challenges the special theory of relativity that force must act in the same way in relation to any frame of reference. Moreover, it assumes that this force has no reaction when producing its thrust forward, that is, it produces its forward thrust without any reverse directional It actually suggests that it violates Newton's third law of motion that every action must produce and the opposite reaction. Dr. Patrick Cornille, who repeated Brown's high-voltage experiment, came to a similar conclusion that Newton's third law of movement was indeed violated (see chapter 12). On October 28, 1928, shortly before receiving the patent, Townsend presented an article in the Physical Review Physics Journal titled Tapping Cosmic Energy, describing his gravitational experiments. Unfortunately, the magazine rejected his work, presumably because of his unconventional nature. First, his ideas challenged Einstein's theory of gravity, which by that time had become strongly accepted by the physical and mathematical community. A year later, Brown published a less technical version of his findings in the journal Science and Invention Magazine⁹ and managed to impress a large number of people with his work. Figure 1.6. Gravitational composition configured in an evacuated envelope reproduced from Brown's patent. In this version, a negative electrode or cathode (left) is heated to incandescent, thereby encouraging thermal radiation of electrons, while a positive electrode or anode (right) is cooled by circulating air or water. This configuration mimics many of the design features of the X-ray tube (or Coolidge tube) like those that Brown used when he first observed the electrogravitic phenomenon. (Brown, 1928) In 1930, one of Brown's colleagues wrote about gravity to Colonel Edward Dids, who was one of Brown's longtime acquaintances. In his letter he wrote, I had several scientists view the gravitas, and they were all absolutely amazed by his actions, frankly stating that while they see the results and movements of the gravitas, it is completely inexplicable under any laws of physics that they know.1⁰ At the time, Brown had no theory to explain electrogravity. It wasn't until twenty years later that he sketched out a kind of theory about which he was taking notes in one of his lab notebooks. But the theoretical methodology that actually predicted the charge of mass communication and which could start making some sense of electrogravitics in the uni-field theory context did not begin to appear until the late 1970s with the development of the sub-subquant kinetics.11, 12, 3 Usefully consider a little about this theory here, as it will help us interpret the new results that Brown was getting. The kinetics subquantum offers an explanation of gravity, which differs significantly from Einstein's theory of relativity. While general relativity postulates that masses exert an attractive gravitational force on other bodies by deforming the space-time dimensional tissue around them, subquant kinetics suggests that masses have no such effect on the geometry of space or time. Subquantum kinetics suggests that space is geometrically Or euclided; hence, it complies with the geometric rules of most of all in a high school math class. He predicts that mass creates a classical gravitational potential field and that the gradient in such a field exerts force on the distant body, affecting how the composite subatomic particles of this body regenerate their physical form. (Details of how potential fields are created and how they accelerate material particles through form regeneration are further discussed in Chapter 4.) Subquantic kinetics also differ from the general theory of relativity in its prediction of the polarity of the gravitational field. According to the general theory of relativity, masses only attract other masses, never repel them. Although Einstein introduced the concept of the repulsion effect of matter, the magnitude of which he symbolically represented a quantity called a cosmological constant, it was not part of his general theory of relativity, but was a special correction factor added to his field equations so that they did not predict a universe that was spontaneously reduced due to self-repulsion. Einstein tried to expand his theory of relativity to encompass both electromagnetism and gravity, but it failed. Relativity could not predict any connection between the polarity of the charge and the polarity of the gravitational field. On the other hand, sub-quota kinetics predicts that gravity should have two polarities. It creates either matter-raising gravitational potential well or matter reflecting the gravity potential of the hill and predicts that these two gravitational polarities should be directly correlated with the electric polarity of the charge. That is, positively charged particles, such as protons, will generate gravitational wells, while negatively charged particles, such as electrons, will generate gravitational hills. When protons and electrons combine to create electrically neutral atoms, the gravitational polarities of protons and electrons mostly neutralize each other. However, since the proton's gravitational well is theorized to slightly exceed the gravitational hill of the electron, electrically neutral matter will provide a small, residual gravitational potential that attracts matter, thus generating the gravity that we usually experience by pulling us to Earth. The subquantum of kinetics predicts that the substance-repellent gravitational potential of the hill should form on the negatively charged side of the capacitor and that the substance-attractive gravitational potential is well formed on the positively charged side. The intermediate gravitational potential gradient will produce gravitational force on a massive dielectric capacitor, which will act to pull it in the direction of a positively charged plate (Figure 1.7). The more outstanding gravitational hill and well, the steeper the gradient of gravitational potential and the stronger the gravitational pull gained. While this force was present, the capacitor would behave as if it were pulled forward by a very strong gravitational field emanating from the planetary mass is located in front of its positive pole and as if it is pushed forward by an equally strong repulsive gravitational force emanating from its negative pole. If the capacitor was placed with its positive pole up and was energized so that it generated a fairly steep vertical gradient of gravity, theoretically the downward gravity attraction could be completely overcome. (For a more detailed mathematical analysis of how this electrogravitic force can be quantified, see there is currently no easy way to verify the prediction that a single electron may have a negative gravitational mass, because any gravitational force repelling matter it can produce will be severely suppressed by its electrostatic power interactions with surrounding matter. to allow an accurate measurement of the gravitational mass of a single particle. However, when a large number of electrons and protons accumulate differently, as at opposite poles of the charged capacitor, the cumulative effect of negative gravitational potentials of electrons is large enough to produce the observed macroscopic force. This force is an electrogravity effect that Brown observed. Figure 1.7. Electro-gravity effect of force produced by charging the capacitor to high voltage. (P. LaViolette, © 1994) Electrogravitic Effect Subquantum quantitative kinetics, then predicts that the charged body must generate a gravitational mass, a mg that scales directly with the magnitude of its electrical charge. Their proportional equivalence is expressed in the following electrogravity connection: gravitational mass IS electric charge or with symbols: (1) mg ∝ q, thus, the body, which has a fourfold increase in the positive electrical charge, must produce a fourfold positive positive gravitational mass. In addition, a four-fold increase in the negative electrical charge should produce a fourfold negative (mass-repulsive) gravitational increase. Moreover, since the electric charge comes in either positive or negative polarity, the gravitational mass will also be induced in either of the two polarities correlated with the polarity of the charge. The same electrogravistic rule occurs when expressed in terms of the density of the electric charge, the ze, and the density of gravitational masses, m, quantities that relate to the amount of charge or gravitational mass per unit of volume. Their proportional equivalence is expressed as: The density of gravitational masses is SURNIA the density of the electric charge or with symbols: m ∝ we can also express this charge-mass correspondence in terms of energy potentials or to use another phrase in terms of field capabilities. For example, a positively charged organ that is characterized by a positive density of charge, charge, will create positive electrical potential within yourself. This increased potential will create an electric potential field, e (r), which will look like an electric potential hill, having its maximum center on the charged body and a size that gradually decreased with an increase in radial distance r from this body. Those bracket expression (r) indicates that the size of the field varies depending on the distance r. As noted in respect 2, the body having a positive density of electric charge will produce a proportional positive density of gravitational masses, m, that would complement its inherent natural mass density. This, in turn, will create proportional negative gravitational potential within the body, complementing its naturally created negative gravitational potential, which in turn will generate an expanded gravitational potential field - og (r). This gravitational field will be configured as a gravitational potential focused on the charged body, its gravitational potential gradually rising to more positive values with an increase in radial distance r from this body. In the case of negative charge density, these polarity fields will be reversed, resulting in electrical potential well focused on the body, which in turn will produce the gravitational potential of the hill. Note that when talking about gravitational fields, what we call positive mass by convention is one that produces matter attracting gravitational potential well. In the case of an electric charge, on the other hand, by convention a positive charge would produce a positive electric hill potential. Electrogravitic relationships presented in (1) and (2) can be expressed in terms of field potentials, such as: gravitational potential IS negative electrical potential or with symbols: (3) g (r) ∝ - q/r). Consequently, the gradient of the electric potential field, extending between the positive and negative plates of the capacitor, will produce proportional gravitational potential of the field gradient of the opposite sign through the intermediate dielectric capacitor; recall the number 1.5. In addition, Newton's second law tells us that a gravitational potential field will generate force on a body that is proportional to the size of a field gradient multiplied by inertial body weight. This can be expressed mathematically by equation: (4) Fg (r) - Gmo ∇ g (r), where Fg (r) is a gravitational force acting on the body, G is a gravitational constant, mo is the inertial mass of the affected body, and ∇ g (r) is a local gravitational gradient that is sometimes alternately symbolized as hail). The bold type on the symbols of strength and gradient indicates that they are vector quantities with direction as well as magnitude. Basically, this equation states that the steeper the gradient of the gravitational field, the greater the produced force, as mentioned earlier in connection with figure 1.7. Or, alternatively, the larger the value the more power produced. The number -G∇'g (r) in equation 4 is called gravitational acceleration and is sometimes symbolized as g/r. Thus, equation 4 can be rewritten to give a more compressed expression for gravitational force: Fg (r) and mo g'r. Often the magnitude of gravitational accelerating force is measured in terms of g's, or multiples of gravitational acceleration of the Earth pulling us towards the Earth, which on the Earth's surface has a value of about 980 cm/s2. This is not to be confused with the inertial g symbol, which quantifies the magnitude of the mechanical accelerating power experienced by a jet pilot or an astronaut rocket, as an inertial force resisting acceleration. Thus, an electrogravistic acceleration of 10 grams will mean a gravitational acceleration of ten times, which is produced naturally on the Earth's surface. Depending on the polarity and orientation of the applied electric field, this artificially induced gravitational acceleration can be designed either to supplement or to counteract what is produced by the Earth field. Equation 4 can be combined with a commensurate ratio of 3 to express the gravitational force of Fg acting on the body (or dielectric) in terms of the product of the inertial mass of the mo of this body (or dielectric) and the voltage gradient, ∇'e (r), which covers it: (5) Fg (r) and k mo∇'ve (r). The constant K added in here is an experimentally determined electrogravitic constant of proportionality which quantifies the charge-to-mass union relationship. I hope future experiments will provide value for this constant. Equation 5, therefore, mathematically expresses the electrical induction of gravitational force. 1.4 - ELECTROGRAVITIC MOTORS In his 1928 British patent, Brown also presented his invention of the gravit engine. This included a number of gravitational cells located in a circle (Figure 1.8). By ensuring that the cells are located far enough apart and that the distance between each other was less dense than the dielectric environment in each cell, the cells would collectively generate unbalanced forces and therefore produce rotation. He noted that this engine can be either independently initiated, that is, run by an external source of electricity, or be self-educated, that is, energized by the electricity that it generates itself. A later version of its gravitational engine was described in the U.S. patent 1,974,483, filed in February 1930 and issued to Brown in September 1934. This used a rotor of alternating sectors of marble and lacquered wood, separated by copper electrodes, through which a high voltage charge was applied (see figure 1.9). In another version, he used alternating sectors of lead oxide and paraffin wax; essentially he alternated a dielectric dielectric with dielectric density. In his 1928 patent, where he discussed the possibility of from the electricity produced by the engine itself, he noted that the power generation of the engine could significantly exceed the amount of electrical appliances needed to run it. He said: Figure 1.8. The gravitational motor, consisting of gravitational cells (F) located around the circumference of the wheel. (Brown, 1928) It will be understood here that the energy generated by the engine can sometimes far exceed the energy needed to operate the engine. In some cases, the ratio may be even higher than a million to one . . . In said self-write engines of energy needed to overcome friction or other resistance in the physical structure of the apparatus, and even to accelerate engines against such resistance, is believed to originate solely from the gravitational field or the energy of gravity.1⁴ In fact, Brown boldly declares that his engine is an eternal mobile. The question arises as to whether he exaggerated the engine's capacity for excessive unity because it did not refer to experimental data. Furthermore, there is no evidence that anyone has reproduced this design and received such high electrical or mechanical outputs. However, such a flagrant violation of the first law of thermodynamics is in principle possible in cases where the gravitational field is heated along a circular path, as in Brown's gravitational engine. That is, since the gravitational, mounted on the periphery of the wheel, will generate a circumference-oriented gravitational field and carry this field along as the wheel rotates, regardless of the position of the wheel, the induced gravitational field will always cause further rotation. In fact, the wheel will rotate in a circular free fall. Just as the mass can fall forever into an infinitely deep pit, so this rotor will be able to turn around indefinitely without reaching the end of its potential energy supply. All the while, power can be extracted from the shaft of the wheel at no cost, except that it is necessary to power the gravitational. Figure 1.9. A rotor component for an electrostatic engine built and patented by Thomas Townsend Brown, which used high- and low-density variables. (Brown, 1930) Such vortex gravitational fields are rarely observed in nature, because the Earth's field is for the most part directed radially towards the center of the Earth. However, few exceptions can be made to this rule, as is the case in the Argostoli Bay area on the island of Cefalogia, off the north-west coast of Greece. A few kilometers northwest of the coastal city of Argostoli, there is a place where water from the bay flows inland, runs down from sea level, and, after a few hundred meters, disappears into a crack in the rock. To Where this water is going, Austrian geologists have added 350 pounds of trace dye to this tributary and, using sensitive equipment, two two later discovered the same dye on the other side of the island fourteen kilometers to the east in the spring of the issuance of an underground cave. Curiously, the water in this cave is several meters above sea level and eventually flows down, emptying back into the bay. So the water makes a full circle! One hundred years ago, locals created a conduit for this influx of water and built a water wheel to use their energy to generate electricity (see chart 1.10). What causes the water on the west side of this bay to flow down below sea level and then flow uphill to the east side, returning once more to the bay? Some have suggested that geothermal, underground hydrostatic pressure may be responsible for pumping the water up. Due to the existence of a number of other unusual phenomena in the region, the Greek physicist Panagiotis Pappas believes that instead the responsibility may be responsible for the gravitational anomaly of the field. First, the flow of water in Argostoli Bay changes direction approximately every quarter of an hour. It is most easily seen in terms of one kilometer long bridge that covers the shallow southern end of the bay. There you can see how the water flows briskly under the bridge and passes through its arches at a speed of up to one meter per second, but after a few minutes it slows down to a stop, turns around and begins to gain speed in the opposite direction. This effect is not at all associated with the lunar tides, which occur on a much longer, twelve-hour cycle. Across the bay from Argostoli, near the village of Lukuri, lies a huge boulder, which for many years has been observed very slowly to swing back and forth. Because of his movement it became known as Kounopetra, which means rock swing. If a piece of paper has been placed under one end of this rock, some time later we will announce that the sheet has been caught under a rock and cannot be removed. However, later the center of gravity of the rock shifted, and again the paper could be removed. Perhaps the slow swaying of the boulder, the gradual change in the direction of the flow of water in the adjacent bay, and the gravitational anomaly responsible for the movement of the underground flow of sea water uphill to its exit, all arise from the same reason - vortex instability in the local gravitational field, which causes tangential movement to the Earth's surface. If so, the water wheel at Argostoli may have been the first gravitational perpetual motion of a machine built in our time. Figure 1.10. The water wheel on the island of Cephalonia is built over the gateway to generate electricity from the water. The water level drops about 2 meters below sea level by the time it reaches the water wheel and then falls a few more meters before entering the crack. (Photo by author) 1.5 - BROWN'S GRAVITO-ELECTRIC DISCOVERIES Brown closely followed work day-to-day electric gravitational engine. In the course of his research, he found that the speed of his engine was not constant; it varied depending on the time of day. Further observation showed that its torque rose and fell in line with lunar and solar cycles. There was also a dead side cycle in which gravitational torque changed as a result of the Earth's rotation relative to a fixed point in space in the general direction of the galactic center. He observed similar cyclical influences in his experiments with the gravitational pendulum, in which the total duration of the pendulum pulse developed was seen depending on cosmic conditions, such as the alignment of the pendulum with the sun and moon during a connection or opposition. Excluding factors such as temperature change and voltage, he concluded that the pulse was governed solely by the state of the potential of the gravitational field of the environment. He found that any number of different types of gravivators working simultaneously at very different voltages detected the same duration of the pulse at any given moment and were subjected to equal fluctuations over long periods of time. The reason for these variations strongly intrigued him and became the center of his gravitational research throughout his life. In 1930, Brown left the Swazi Observatory and began working at the Naval Research Laboratory in Washington, D.C., as a specialist in radiation, field physics and spectroscopy. From 1931 to 1933, the Naval Research Laboratory put him at the head of a project whose stated goal was to study some unusual electrical effects found in liquids and in massive dielectrics high in K. Brown found that such massive high-K dielectrics exhibited the strongest electrogravitic bonds. Again, he found that the magnitude of electrogravitic traction changes with the time of day. Explaining Dielectric Constant, K Often the resolution of the dielectric is expressed in terms of dielectric constant K material, which is the ratio of its permissiveness to the resolution of empty space, q 8.85 x 10-1 2 faradas per meter: that is, K . So if you compare the two capacitors, one of them has a dielectric between its electrodes with a tenfold value of K, and if both capacitors are charged at the same voltage, a capacitor with a higher K dielectric will be able to store ten times the electric charge. K values can range from near-unity, such as air values, to more than 20,000 for some ceramic compounds. When Brown conducted his first tests, he used lead oxide as a dielectric for one of his which has K 26. Some ceramic compounds, such as titanium barium, not only can have a very high dielectric constant, from 2000 to 10,000 K, but they also proved to be quite heavy. More recently, a ceramic compound called the titanium barium zirconium (also known as BST), BST), also quite massive, it was found to be a dielectric constant of 23,000. Brown built expensive recording tools, some of which resembled an electrostatically energized multi-segmented rotor that he developed in the 1920s, but which used massive dielectrics with much higher K values. For several years he conducted continuous readings with them in carefully controlled conditions, keeping the voltage and temperature constant and protecting his units from magnetic and electrostatic fields in the environment. Its lateral electrometer rotor is usually 12 inches in diameter and has been suspended from its center by a thin wire that has allowed it to rotate under torque in horizontal orientation. The sequencer applied 11,000 volts for thirty seconds on the rotor segments, causing the rotor to rotate several degrees. The power was then switched off for three minutes to allow the rotor to return to a relaxed, unspothed position. The cycle will then be repeated. The energized and relaxed angular positions of the rotor were automatically recorded on a slow-moving paper strip, and later the trends were statistically processed to check possible cyclical correlations. In 1973, Brown wrote the following about his findings: There were pronounced correlations with average solar time, lateral time and the angle of the lunar hour. This seemed to prove beyond any doubt that the direction of the engravers changed over time in a way that was associated with solar and lunar tides and lateral correlation of unknown origin. These automatic records, acquired in so many different locations over such a long period of time, seem to indicate that electrogravitic communications are subject to an extraterrestrial factor, possibly related to universal gravitational potency or some other (yet) unidentified cosmic variables.1⁵, in addition, Brown Naval Research Laboratory studies have unexpectedly shown that electrical resections of some high-density dielects also undergo cyclical changes. He developed a resistance sensing device that could measure these changes. Unlike the side electrometer, it had no moving parts. He made observations with these two types of detectors, both in Washington and at sea on the Naval-Princeton International Gravitational Expedition in the West Indies, conducted aboard the American submarine S-48. Interestingly, Admiral Rickover, who was a lieutenant at the time, served as an executive officer (second commander) on this expedition. Brown's lab results were summarized in a study called Abnormal Behavior of Massive High-K Dielectrics, which, still unclassified. In May 1995, a Freedom of Information Act request was submitted to the Navy Research Laboratory requesting a copy of the document. However, the answer came back that the library library record it. Either they did not conduct a thorough search or he was moved, and his existence and whereabouts are now classified. The results of these gravitational measurements were so encouraging that in 1937 it was decided to extend the investigation and establish another naval field station some distance west of Washington. The measuring equipment was installed in a permanent temperature storage facility in the basement of Brown's home in Seinsville, with appropriations for automating the data recording process. These new measurements confirmed the results of the Naval Research Laboratory. The following year, the field station was transferred to the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. The investigation was interrupted during World War II, but was reopened from 1944 to 1949 in California, Laguna Beach and Los Angeles. The project was sponsored by the Townsend Brown Foundation, a research organization founded by Brown's parents in the mid-1920s. In a letter he wrote in 1968 to researcher Thomas Thurman, Brown commented on the observed changes in electrogravitic power: There are a number of mysteries concerning the nature of electrogravitic force, mostly variations that it experiences. There appear to be at least three semi-dry cycles: associated with average solar time (with a maximum of 4 a.m. and 4 p.m.), associated with a lunar hour angle with a maxim about 2 hours after the upper and lower meridium of the moon transit, and relating to the side time with a sharp peak of 16h S.T. Greenwich side mode time and a slight maximum at 4h S.T. Causes these variations. and the causes of almost continuous secular variations are completely unknown.1⁶ At sixteen o'clock Greenwich sidereal time, the western end of the constellation Scorpio has reached its zenith, the sky position lying within 25 degrees from the galactic center. Consequently, Brown theorized that the side effect he observed was caused by some radiation emanating from the center of our galaxy. He concluded that these lateral rays were not electromagnetic in nature and did not resemble cosmic rays. They had no known ionizing force, were not disturbed by the Earth's magnetic field and were very penetrating. Eventually he felt that they had to be high-frequency gravitational waves. Figure 1.11. Thomas Townsend Brown at his underground gravit-electric monitoring station at his home in Seinsville, Ohio. (Photo courtesy of the Townsend Brown family and Kualaite, L.L.C., 1937) Brown resumed his sidereal measurements in 1970 from an isolated site on Catalina, an island off the coast of southern California. Around the same time, he discovered a new correlated effect. He found that some materials, including a massive high ceramic dielectrics, some types of resistors, complex silicates, and natural flammable rocks and spontaneously generate DC electrical potentials, with some materials produced as much as 0.7 volts. He also found that this generated D.C. capability varied from hour to hour and day after day in much the same way as the resistance variations he observed in naval research lab experiments.1⁷ In an article about his findings, he commented: It was found that some basalt and granite rocks have the potential of self-positionation, which is exposed to large cyclical variations, not associated with temperature pressure. humidity or other local variables. Long-term monitoring has revealed periods of the year when self-sweat correlates consistently with lateral time, reaching maximum and minimum values vectored at the Galactic Center (17h 43m RA). In other cases, solar cycles prevail and the lateral component disappears. Despite this, a circadian pattern almost always exists, which cannot be correlated with the surrounding laboratory conditions. Consequently, it is interesting not so much that self-sweating exists, but that it changes with the cosmic pattern.1⁸ Brown's discovery that these variations were recorded on two different types of detectors helped support his hypothesis that the side effect was due to the flow of energy, as opposed to just a potential gradient. Whatever it was, this phenomenon apparently had the ability to inject electrical energy into certain dielectric materials, substances that it called petrovoltaics. Since his measurements showed that this stream could even penetrate underground storage facilities, he concluded that it could be intelligently identified with high-frequency gravitational wave radiation. He found that, in addition to their DC voltage, petrovoltaics also generate alternating current (AC) electrical noise covering a wide radio frequency range. He theorized that this component of AC can be caused by cosmic gravitational waves, which constantly pass through the substance and transmit to it part of its energy. He suggested that the stone could act as a straightener, turning some of these energy fluctuations into DC potential. If electrical energy is spontaneously generated in petrovoltaics, it is reasonable to expect that they will also develop heat. In fact, in the 1920s, the American inventor and industrialist Charles Brush made measurements on petrovoltaics and showed that they spontaneously emitted heat even if they were not radioactive.1⁹ He reported his findings in a physical review paper called Delaying Gravitational Acceleration and Spontaneous Evolution of Heat in Complex Silicates, Lava, and Clay. His calorimetric results were subsequently confirmed by Dr. Elmer Harrington of the National Bureau of Standards.2⁰ because it was not well understood, the phenomenon received little attention from the scientific community. If such an evolution of heat does exist, it is reasonable to assume much of the geothermal flow originating from the Earth's crust arises in this way. In 1974, Brown built his automated recording equipment at the Haleakala Observatory in Maui for high-altitude observations (10,000 feet), and in 1975 he moved his laboratory to an underground storage facility at the University of in Honolulu. Later, he also took measurements in the

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