ISSN 1813-1905 (print) ISSN 2312-1017 (online) 2(70) `2020 YAKUT MEDICAL JOURNAL

The founder The Yakut Science Centre of Complex Medical Problems YAKUT Editor- in- chief Romanova A.N., MD

Editorial Board: MEDICAL Deputy Chief Editor and Executive secretary Nikolaev V.P., MD Scientific editor JOURNAL Platonov F.A. MD SCIENTIFIC - PRACTICAL JOURNAL Editorial Council: OF THE YAKUT SCIENCE CENTRE OF COMPLEX Aftanas L.I., MD, Professor, acad. RAMS MEDICAL PROBLEMS (Novosibirsk) Voevoda M.I., MD, Professor, Corresponding Member RAMS (Novosibirsk) Ivanov P.M., MD, Professor () Quarterly Kryubezi Eric, MD, Professor (France) Maksimova N.R., MD (Yakutsk) Registered by the Office of the Federal Service on Nelson Debora, MD, Professor (USA) supervision in the field of communications, information Nikitin Yu.P., MD, Professor, Acad. RAMS technologies and mass communications in the Republic (Novosibirsk) Odland John, MD, Professor (Norway) (Yakutia) December 13/2016 Puzyrev V.P., MD, Professor, Acad. RAMS (Tomsk) Reutio Arya, MD, PhD, Professor (Finland) Registration number PI No.ТU 14-00475 Sleptsova S.S., MD, Professor (Yakutsk) Fedorova S.A., Doctor of Biology (Yakutsk) Subscription index: 78781 Husebek Anne, MD, Professor (Norway) Free price Khusnutdinova E.K., Doctor of Biology, Professor (Ufa) Chasnyk V.G., MD, Professor (Saint Petersburg) «Yakut Medical Journal» is included in the approved by Editors: the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Chuvashova I.I., Federation List of leading peer-reviewed scientific Kononova S.l. journals and publications, in which the main scientific Semenova T.F. (English) results of dissertations for the acquisition of scientific degrees of Doctor and Candidate of science on Computer design biological sciences and medicine should be published. Sannikova M.I. (English) The journal is included in the international directory Address: system under periodic and proceeding editions “Ulrich’s Sergelyakhskoe Highway, 4, Yakutsk Republic International Periodicals Directory” Sakha (Yakutia) Russian Federation 677019 Fax: +7 (4112) 32-19-81; Phone: +7 (4112) 39-55-52 [email protected] e-mail: [email protected] http: //

The articles are given in the authors’ translation



5 Editor-in-Chief column Original research

6 Staborov V.A., Dobrodeeva L.K., Patrakeeva V.P. Migration activity of immunocompetent cells in various pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract 10 Dovzhikova I.V., Andrievskaya I.A., Petrova K.K. Changes in the progesterone synthetic function of the villous chorion in cytomegalovirus infection as one of the factors of the threatened misscarriage in early pregnancy 13 Egorova M.V., Mordovskaya L.I., Klimova T.M., Alekseeva S.D. Vitamin D status in patients with tuberculosis in Yakutia 15 Tobokhov A.V., Nikolaev V.N. Immunocorrective therapy in combined treatment of patients after simultaneous surgery on the abdominal organs during the early postoperative period

Diagnostic and treatment methods

18 Kirillina M.P., Sofronova S.I., Kononova I.V., Ivanova A.K., Vorontsova V.A., Lushnikova E.L. Liquid cytology in comparison with traditional in the diagnosis of cervical diseases Korostelev A.S., Potapov A.F., Ivanova A.A., Zakharov P.I., 21 Bulatov A.V. Predicting acute kidney injury in CAD patients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting 24 Nikitina M.A., Brazovskaya N.G., Zhukova N.G., Bragina E.Yu., Alifirova V.M. Apathy as a non-motor symptom of Parkinson’s disease and Huntington’s chorea 28 Bedina S.A., Trofimenko A.S., Mozgovaya E.E., Spitsina S.S., Mamus M.A., Tikhomirova E.A. Activity of prooxidant and antioxidant systems enzymes in plasma of rheumatoid arthritis patients 31 Vasilieva O.L., Rudykh Z.A., Sofronova A.V., Starostina N.G., Tarabukina S.M., Tatarinova O.V., Chertovskikh Y.V., Sychev D.A. The impact of polypharmacy, compliance with the STOP/START criteria on the risk of falls in elderly patients in a hospital

Healthy lifestyle. Prevention

34 Savvina M.S., Nelunova T.I., Burtseva T.E., Obraztsova G.I., Chasnyk V.G., Evseeva S.A., Klimova T.M., Slobodchikova M.P. Congenital heart diseases in indigenous children of the Republic Sakha (Yakutia) 37 Okhlopkova E.D., Alekseeva Z.N., Efremova S.D., Mironova G.E.,Grigoryeva A.A., Vinokurova F.V., Rumyantsev E.K., Semenova E.I., Yakovleva A .I., Olesova L.D., Efremova A.V., Konstantinova L.I., Romanova M.M., Filippov A.A., Romanova A.N. Assessment of the psychoemotional state and level of cortisol and testosterone in the pre-competition period in athletes of Yakutia 2’ 2020 3

Organization of Health, Medical Science and Education 41 Timofeev L.F., Petrova P.G., Borisova N.V., Turkebaeva L.K., Timofeev A.L. Resource provision of healthcare in the Central Economic Zone of the Sakha Republic (Yakutia) and its relationship with population health indicators

Hygiene, sanitation, epidemiology and medical ecology 44 Gribova V.V., Okun D.B., Shalfeeva E.A., Scheglov B.O., Shchelkanov M.Yu. Cloud service for the differential clinical diagnostics of acute respiratory viral diseases (including those associated with highly contagious coronaviruses) with an application of methods of artificial intelligence 47 Akhremenko Ya.A., Goncharov A.E., Kolodzhieva V.V., Belonogova E.Yu., Kolesnik D.S., Mokhov A.S., Ilarova V.I., Tarasova L.A. Microbiological characteristics of Streptococcus pneumoniae strains isolated in Yakutsk 50 Nikitina A.A., Pavlova A.I., Gulyaev T.T., Chernyavsky V.F., Nikiforov O.I., Romanova I.A., Sofronova O.N. Modern epizootiological and epidemiological characteristics of leptospirosis in the Republic Sakha (Yakutia) 54 Klimova T.M., Egorova A.G., Fedulova A.G., Kuzmina A.A., Malogulova I.Sh., Novikova M.S., Gorshenin N.I. Behavioral determinants of diphyllobothriasis in the population of Yakutia

Topical issue 57 Siahidi M. Kh., Savvina N.V., Timofeev L.F., Bessonova O.G. Mortality and lost years of life (YLL) due to breast, cervical and ovarian cancer in the Republic Sakha (Yakutia) in 2006-2016 59 Yakovleva L.P., Kondratyeva O.D., Kondratyeva M.N. Main trends in the incidence of tuberculosis in the Sakha Republic (Yakutia) over the period from 2013 to 2018 62 Galkin S.A., Peshkovskaya A.G., Roshchina O.V., Kisel N.I., Ivanova S.A., Bohan N.A. Relationship of cognitive disorders with clinical features of alcohol dependence

Arctic medicine 65 Sofronova S.I., Romanova A.N., Kirillina M.P. Association of IL-6 gene polymorphism with arterial hypertension and its risk factors in indigenous peoples of Yakutia 69 Evseeva S.A., Burtseva T.E., Egorova A.G., Makarova A.M., Savvina M.S., Slobodchikova M.P. Causes and mortality indicators of child population in the arctic regions of the Republic Sakha (Yakutia) 72 Mikhaylichenko M.I., Shapovalov K.G., Mudrov V.A., Gruzdeva O.S. The role of matrix metalloproteinases and their inhibitors in patients with local cold injury 4 ЯКУТСКИЙ МЕДИЦИНСКИЙ ЖУРНАЛ

77 Molodovskaya I.N., Tipisova E.V., Popkova V.A., Elfimova A.E., Potutkin D.S. Photoperiodic variation of thyroid hormones and autoantibodies in males of the European North

Scientific reviews and lectures 80 Danilov N.A., Burtseva T.E., Munkhalova Ya.A., Slobodchikova M.P. Metabolic syndrome in children and adolescents

Point of view 84 Tabikhanova L.E., Osipova L.P., Kovalev S.S., Kavai-ool U.N., Saryglar A.N., Churkina T.V., Khantemirova M.R. Features of the gene pool of the Tuvinian ethnos based on the study of blood group antigens in comparative perspective 88 Polivanova T.V., Vshivkov V.A. The relationship of family predisposition for gastric pathology with GERD and erosive-ulcerative lesions of the gastroduodenal zone in schoolchildren in Siberia 92 Akhmeldinova Yu.R., Evert L.S., Potupchik T.V. Brain neurotrophic BDNF level at teenagers with syncopal conditions 96 Ferubko E.V. Investigation of the role of phenolic compounds in the mechanism of action of the new agent for prevention and treatment of digestive diseases 99 Barilo A.A., Smirnova S.V., Borisova I.V. Features of the sensitization spectrum in dermato-respiratory manifestations of allergy in children of Khakassia

Clinical Case 102 Filippova R.D., Pavlova T.Yu., Danilova S.I., Maslova M.V. Pregnancy and childbirth in a patient with Swyer syndrome 104 Ivanova O.N., Burtseva T.E., Protopopova N.N., Kondratyeva S.A., Furman D.M., Slobodchikova M.P. A clinical case of Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome 106 Popova K.E., Popova T.E. Psoriatic arthritis: clinical observation 2’ 2020 5


certain successes. In the Sakha (Yakutia) with highly contagious coronaviruses) Republic, despite taken restrictive mea- with an application of methods of artifi- sures, the epidemiological situation re- cial intelligence” will cause undoubted garding COVID-19 remains to be tense. theoretical and practical interest. The It is currently difficult to talk about the tim- authors presented a cloud service that ing of the end of the pandemic and make allows accumulating data on the clinical predictions for the future. manifestations of acute respiratory viral The 2020 pandemic set the world sci- infections (including those associated entific and medical community a number with especially dangerous coronaviruses of new tasks for the diagnosis, treatment MERS-CoV, SARS-CoV, SARS-CoV- 2) and prevention of new coronavirus in- and, using artificial intelligence meth- fection. The pandemic has made adjust- ods, significantly simplify and speed up ments to all sectors and activities of our the preliminary diagnosis. Actual issues lives. In the new online format, the 75th of microbiology, epizootology in the re- anniversary of the Victory in the Great gion of Yakutia are covered in papers of Patriotic War was celebrated. Akhremenko Ya.A. et al., A.A. Nikitina et In the context of the pandemic, the al., Klimova T.M. et al. work of scientists did not stop for a min- The problems of Arctic medicine are ute, including those who worked in a re- one of the important scientific directions, mote mode. The editors of the journal, so the journal highlights them as well. as well as in the "pre-coronavirus" time, This issue presents the results of molecu- received a large amount of interesting lar genetic studies in indigenous peoples Dear Colleagues! material from the authors. of Yakutia with arterial hypertension (Sof- In the 70th issue of the magazine, as ronova S.I. et al.), mortality problems in always, different regions of our country the child population of the Arctic regions The pandemic of the new coronavirus are presented - Central , Siberia, of the Sakha (Yakutia) Republic (Evsee- infection COVID-19, announced by the the Far East and, of course, the Sakha va S.A. et al.) etc. World Health Organization (WHO) on (Yakutia) Republic. Researchers are in- A group of authors from Tuva (L.E. March 11, 2020, continues. It was first terested in such issues as the function- Tabikhanova et al.) presented an article identified in late 2019 in Wuhan, China, al activity of immunocompetent cells in entitled “Features of the gene pool of Hubei Province. More than 6.1 million various pathologies of the gastrointes- the Tuvinian ethnos based on the study confirmed cases of COVID-19 have been tinal tract (Staborov V.A. et al.) and in of blood group antigens in comparative reported worldwide. The United States the complex treatment of patients after perspective”, which submits materials on of America, Brazil, Russia, Great Britain, simultaneous operations on the abdom- modern Siberian populations, which will Spain, Italy, Germany, Turkey, France, inal organs (Tobokhov A.V., Nikolaev undoubtedly arouse the interest of spe- India, Iran and Peru became the most V.N.). The constant heading “Hygiene, cialists in various fields. affected countries by the pandemic. On Sanitation, Epidemiology and Medical I would like to believe that life will grad- May 25, 2020, WHO noted that the pan- Ecology” offers our users interesting ually return to normal and that the papers demic of a new coronavirus infection is materials that have become relevant in published on the pages of this issue will on the first wave and one needs to be connection with the COVID-19 pandem- be interesting to our dear readers and prepared for the second. In Russia, as in ic. So, the article of V.V. Gribova et al. useful in your professional activity. many countries of the world, measures “Cloud service for the differential clini- Dear colleagues, enjoy your reading were taken to protect health and prevent cal diagnostics of acute respiratory viral and see you in the next issue of our the spread of COVID-19, which led to diseases (including those associated journal.

Editor-in-chief Anna Romanova 6 ЯКУТСКИЙ МЕДИЦИНСКИЙ ЖУРНАЛ



This study focuses on the migration and functional activity of immunocompetent cells in the intestinal contents in people with various pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract and in practically healthy people. Actively phagocytic neutrophilic granulocytes and monocytes, as well as lymphocytes without signs of degeneration and plasma cells, were recorded in the intestinal contents. Differences in the migration activity of cells depended on the pathology of the gastrointestinal tract. The levels of immunocompetent cells in the contents of the intestine in practically healthy people were determined. In gastrointestinal diseases, abnormal concentrations of pro-inflammatory cytokines are detected at a high frequency, the highest content of these cytokines have been recorded in malignant intestinal neoplasms. Objective is to identify the features of the migration and functional activity of immunocompetent cells of the intestinal contents in norm and gastrointestinal pathology. Keywords: local immunity, mucous membrane, lymphocyte, neutrophilic granulocyte.

The gut-associated lymphoid tissue by migration from the peripheral blood to phocytes. The serum content of cancer (GALT) is the largest organ of the lym- the mucosa or can be secreted locally. markers REA, CA19-9, CA72-4 (CanAg phatic system and contains all the cells The output of cells into the intestinal lu- Diagnostica, Sweden), cytokines IL-6, involved in immune response. The lym- men is influenced by factors including the IL-4, TNF-α, IL-10 (Bender MedSystems, phoid tissue of the gastrointestinal tract state of the epithelium, the presence of Austria), IgA and IgE (Seramun Diagnos- is represented by individual cellular ele- adhesive molecules and the cohesion of tica GmbH (Germany), Monobind Inc. ments (intraepithelial lymphocytes, plas- epithelial cells. Violations of intercellular (USA)) was determined by enzyme im- ma cells, macrophages, mast cells and contacts and intestinal permeability are munoassay on the analyser «Multiscan granulocytes) and organized structures found in pathological conditions; instabil- MC» and automatic «Evolis» analyser of (Peyer's plaques, appendix, tonsils and ity of intercellular contacts can determine the company «Bio-Rad» (USA). Levels lymph nodes). However, the presence a predisposition for tumour transforma- of less than 1.2 g/l were considered IgA and functional activity of immunocom- tion. Tumour cells form weaker bonds deficits. For high levels of IgE > 100 IU/ml petent cells in the intestinal contents re- with each other than normal tissues, al- was taken. Elevated levels of cytokines mains unclear. The participation of lym- though some transformed tissues retain were considered for IL-1β > 5 pg/ml, IL-4 phatic formations in the functional activity the ability for contact inhibition [4]. > 20 pg/ml, IL-6 > 20 pg/ml, TNF-α > 20 of the gastrointestinal tract is predeter- In this regard, this study addressed pg/ml, IL-10 > 20 pg/ml. The lymphocyto- mined phylogenetically since, throughout the activity of local immune responses, gram was studied by the method of I.A. the evolution of vertebrates, lymphatic the activity of leukocyte migration and Kassirsky, 1970 [3]. The research results tissue is associated with the digestive ca- lymphocyte recycling in people with var- were processed using the Statistica 6 nal. Lymphocytes enter the intestinal lu- ious gastrointestinal tract pathologies application software package (StatSoft, men during digestion [4]. However, there including inflammatory (colitis, gastrodu- USA). The Shapiro-Wilka test was used is no cytogram data on the structure of odenitis), autoimmune (Crohn's colitis) to determine the statistical difference in intestinal contents and the presence and tumour (rectal cancer, colon cancer, values. Differences were accepted at a of functionally active white blood cells. stomach cancer) processes. statistical significance of p < 0.017. There is also no information about com- Materials and methods. In total, 581 Results and discussion. Table 1 parative levels of migration and chang- people with chronic gastrointestinal tract shows data on the content of the cyto- es in haemogram indicators in normal pathologies who applied to the medical gram of intestinal contents of healthy and pathological conditions. The body company «Biocor» were examined, in- adults. The limits of neutrophils were normally produces IgA for intestinal mi- cluding 106 people with Crohn's colitis, 7.11–9.93%, lymphocytes were 17.76– crobes and most bacteria in the stool are 135 people with non-specific colitis, 123 22.5%, monocytes were 1.35–2.49% and covered in IgA, but there is little evidence people with gastroduodenitis, 105 people plasma cells were 4.41–10.86%. That that IgA prevents normal bacteria from with colon cancer and 112 people with the results suggest that inflammatory, entering tissues. To date, IgA secretion rectal cancer. As a comparison group, 154 autoimmune processes and oncologi- remains controversial; it is not fully un- otherwise healthy people living in the city cal diseases cause an increase in the derstood whether IgA is redistributed only of Arkhangelsk, Russia were examined. content of neutrophils, monocytes and The study consisted of peripheral venous lymphocytes in the intestinal lumen (Fig. blood, mucosal discharge (intestines) 1-3). The structure of intestinal content N. Laverov Federal Center for Integrated Arc- and faeces. Citogramma and phagocyto- cytograms differs depending on the na- tic Research, Arkhangelsk, Russian Federa- sis were studied in smears gram-stained ture of the disease (Table 1). Inflamma- tion: SHTABOROV Vyacheslav Anatol'evich by Romanovsky-Giemsa; the calculation tory processes (gastroduodenitis, colitis), – PhD (Biology), Senior Researcher, schtabor- was made at the rate of 100 cells. The including autoimmune (Crohn's colitis) [email protected]; DOBRODEEVA Liliya Konstan- tinovna – MD, prof., Director, Chief Research- expression of markers for T-helper cells and intestinal malignancies, migration er; PATRAKEEVA Veronika Pavlovna – PhD and NK cells was determined using indi- and flushing of neutrophils into the intes- (Biology), Head of lab., Leading Researcher. rect immunoperoxidase reaction on lym- tinal lumen is activated. Neutrophils are 2’ 2020 7

immunocompetent cells that migrate to the centres of trouble first; they phago- cytize, form traps, and secrete all known cytokines [5, 8]. Neutrophil migration is most significant in non-specific colitis (22.84 ± 0.77%). Crohn's autoimmune colitis is characterised by a higher con- tent of monocytes in the cytogram (10.86 ± 1.22%). In intestinal tumours, specific features of the cytogram have not been established. The main part of monocytes is found in tissues, so even minor chang- es to the content of monocytes in the Fig. 1. A smear of feces at nonspecific colitis. Fig. 3. A smear of feces at Crohn's colitis. Gram stain × 1000. Migration of cells, mainly blood indicate a significant reaction on Gram stain × 1000. Plasma cells, sorption ac- neutrophils, phagocytosis tivity of the epithelium the part of the monocyte system. Mono- cytes phagocyte, form traps, and secrete cytokines and colony-stimulating factors but 5% and 15% of patients had CD4 or [2]. Monocytes migrate to the inflamma- CD8 on the membrane, respectively; the tion area after neutrophil granulocytes to predominance of CD8+ is characteristic ensure the elimination of decay products. of the lamina propria lymphoid pool. In- Migration of monocytes to the mucosa traepithelial lymphocytes exhibit cytotox- and intestinal lumen is associated with ic effects, secrete lymphokines, regulate a lack of natural killer cells in the blood. the regeneration of the mucosal epithe- The origin of natural killers is not clear; lium, and ensure tolerance to food anti- there are cells that do not have T-lympho- gens [1]. Almost 50% of the population cyte antigen (CD3-CD16+CD56+). There of intraepithelial lymphocytes consists of are also NK cells with the T-lymphocyte regulatory γδT-lymphocytes [14]. A large antigen, the thymus-dependent NK cells population of intraepithelial lymphocytes (CD3+CD16+CD56+), involved in spe- Fig. 2. A smear of feces at nonspecific coli- is CD4+CD25+; however, it has been cific immune reactions with antibody for- tis. Gram stain × 1000. Lymphocytes, plasma previously demonstrated that they are mation. The most pronounced reaction of cells not capable of proliferation in response monocytes was found in Crohn's colitis, to stimulation by a thymus-dependent which is associated with a deficiency in in the intestinal lumen; however, the fre- antigen in vitro [16]. Intraepithelial lym- the blood of natural killers in 54.72%. The quency of detecting medium-sized lym- phocytes have receptors for IL-2 but do largest group of cells in the intestinal con- phocytes with signs of degeneration is not secrete it; they instead produce proin- tents were lymphocytes; their levels did 3-3.5 times higher (24–42%). Migration flammatory cytokine IL-10 and transform- not differ depending on the pathology. In of lymphocytes is not unilateral; lympho- ing growth factor-β in large amounts [11]. patients with Crohn's colitis, the number cytes, unlike other immunocompetent Lymphocytes CD4+CD25+ participate in of plasma cells increases. The presence cells, are capable of recycling [12, 13, tolerance when low doses of protein are of a plasma cell reaction in the intestine 19]. Among lymphocytes in the compo- administered but do not have a signifi- of patients with Crohn's colitis confirms sition of the lymphocytogram, 17.46– cant effect at high doses [9, 10]. It can local antibody synthesis [7]. 20.17% are small lymphocytes, which be assumed that small lymphocytes, In the structure of the lymphocytogram, reflect the processes of recycling these performing an informational role, migrate the level of cells with signs of degenera- cells from tissues to lymphoid organs [12, from the nearest lymphatic formation. In tion is minimal and does not exceed 10% 13, 19]. Most intraepithelial lymphocytes response to the migration of lymphocytes of the total content of small lymphocytes were identified as CD3+ mature T cells, from the intestine to Peyer's plaques,

Table 1

Cytograms of intestinal contents (%)

apparently Gastroduodenitis Colitis Crohn Colon cancer Rectal cancer index healthy (n=154) (n=123) Colitis (n=135) (n=106) (n=105) (n=112) Neutrophilic granulocytes 8.52±0.47 12.72±0.31 22.84±0.77 13.52±0.19 11.06±0.28 12.2±0.30 Monocytes / macrophages 1.92±0.19 7.58±1.02 6.75±0.85 10.86±1.22 8.81±1.33 8.79±1.32 Lymphocytes 20.13±0.79 28.35±0.58 24.94±0.43 34.36±0.96 32.99±0.96 33.71±0.82 Small lymphocytes 7.09±0.11 17.46±0.34 17.49±0.52 16.41±0.23 17.46±0.36 20.17±0.48 Medium Lymphocytes 13.04±0.23 11.39±0.37 6.62±0.18 17.87±0.36 15.45±0.48 12.4±0.43 Plasma cells 7.50±1.12 5.06±2.41 3.89±2.50 12.95±3.07 7.36±2.83 5.25±2.79 Sorption activity of epithelial cells 58.39±7.39 87.5±2.31 95.32±2.59 126.53±4.73 90.09±3.05 114±4.86 % active phagocytes 49.96±1.21 52.93±0.47 52.42±0.41 58.02±0.09 54.99±0.43 52.12±0.40 Phagocytosis deficiency 47.83 42.28 50.37 50.94 51.43 61.61 8 ЯКУТСКИЙ МЕДИЦИНСКИЙ ЖУРНАЛ

mass death of large lymphocytes in the patients with rectal cancer. In non-specif- eration. The features of migration activity centres of reproduction of lymphoid for- ic colitis, IgA deficiency was detected in in the intestine in malignant neoplasms, mation has been observed (6, 17, 20). 31.71% of the examined patients, twice compared with other inflammatory pro- This, in our opinion, indicates the involve- as often as in healthy patients. Cancer cesses, could not be identified. The most ment of these reactions in the formation patients presented a high frequency of characteristic features of colon cancer of tolerance to food antigens and prod- natural killer (NK) and T-helper (CD4+) are extremely low phagocytic activity of ucts of the intestinal microflora. deficits, respectively; T-helper deficits neutrophil granulocytes in the blood, a Cytokines are powerful regulators of were registered in 74.29% of cancer cas- high rate of registration of T-helper de- cell migration and recycling. In healthy es and natural killer deficits were regis- ficiency (74.29%) and elevated concen- people, the frequency of elevated con- tered in 60.71% of the examined cancer trations of IL-10 (23.81%). The highest centrations of pro-inflammatory cyto- patients. frequency of elevated blood concentra- kines in the blood was low, ranging from Conclusion. In the composition of tions of IL-10 was recorded in malignant 1.19–8.43%. IgA deficiency in the blood the intestinal contents, actively phago- neoplasms, indicating a significant role of was found to be within 14.55% and ele- cytic neutrophilic granulocytes and immunosuppression in this pathology. vated IgE concentrations were 21.59%. monocytes, lymphocytes without signs This work was carried out as part of In diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, of degeneration and plasma cells were a fundamental research program on the the level of detection of abnormally high registered. Neutrophil granulocytes in topic of the laboratory of environmental reactions from the studied immunological the intestinal lumen actively phagocytize immunology by the FCIARctic project № parameters increases; the highest con- (49.96 ± 1.21 – 58.02 ± 0.09%), phago- АААА-А17-117033010124-7. centrations of proinflammatory cytokines cytic activity of neutrophil granulocytes in appeared in intestinal malignancies (Ta- gastrointestinal pathology is noticeably References ble 2). higher than in healthy individuals. The ex- The highest levels of elevated IL-1β ception is cases of malignant neoplasms 1. Бурмистрова А.Л. Иммунный гомеостаз (59.05%) and IL-10 (23.81%) were found when the deficit of phagocytic activity of и микросимбиоценоз. Метаморфозы и пути in patients with colon cancer. In patients neutrophils reached 61.61%. The cyto- развития воспалительных заболеваний ки- шечника. Челябинск: Челябинский дом печати; with Crohn's colitis, the highest con- kine reaction in inflammatory processes 1997. [Burmistrova AL. Immune homeostasis and centrations of IL-4 in venous blood was of the gastrointestinal tract is moderate microsymbiocenosis. Metamorphoses and the 26.32 ± 0.14 pg/ml; elevated levels were and relatively uniform compared to that in development of inflammatory bowel diseases. observed in 23.58% of the patients. Pa- autoimmune inflammation and tumours. Chelyabinsk: Chelyabinskij dom pechati; 1997. tients with Chron’s colitis also presented The most pronounced reaction of (In Russ.).]. 2. Григорова О.П. Роль моноцитарной си- the lowest levels of IL-1β (4.58 ± 0.08 pg/ monocytes was found in patients with стемы в реактивности человека. Москва: Ме- ml) with a frequency of elevated concen- Crohn's colitis; this was associated with дицина; 1956. [Grigorova OP. The role of the trations at 36.9%. In non-specific colitis, a deficiency in the blood of natural kill- monocytic system in human reactivity. Moscow: the cytokine reaction is characterised by er cells in 54.72% of examined patients. Medicina; 1956. (In Russ.).]. 3. Кассирский Н.А., Алексеев Г.А. Клини- a moderate increase in pro-inflammatory Perhaps the most pronounced migration ческая гематология. Москва: Медицина; 1970. cytokines against the background of low of monocytes into the intestinal lumen [Kassirsky NA, Alekseev GA. Clinical Hematolo- levels of anti-inflammatory IL-10, whose in Crohn's colitis is related to the local gy. Moscow: Medicina; 1970. (In Russ.).]. content in peripheral blood was 11.32 ± variant of antibody formation and the 4. Маленков А.Г., Чуич Г.А. Межклеточные 0.07 PG/ml. The anti-inflammatory cyto- appearance of plasma cells. Eviction of контакты и реакции тканей. Москва: Медици- на; 1979. [Malenkov AG, Chuich GA. Intercellular kine IL-10 causes a decrease in the ex- lymphocytes in the lumen of the intestine contacts and tissue reactions. Moscow: Medicina; pression of activating genes and a reduc- increases in the pathology of the gastro- 1979. (In Russ.).]. tion in the number of receptor structures intestinal tract and reflects the activity of 5. Нехаев С.Г. Григорьев Ю.И. Поли- [15]. In Crohn's colitis and malignancies, local immune responses. Almost 50% of морфноядерные лейкоциты как система ан- тиэндотоксикационной защиты организма. elevated IgE concentrations were most lymphocytes are represented by medial Иммунология. 2010; 31(3):116-8. [Nekhaev often detected (62.19% and 55.24%, re- cells and large lymphocytes; large lym- S.G. Grigor'ev YU.I. Polymorphonuclear leuko- spectively). The highest concentrations phocytes make up 2–5%. The low level of cytes as a system of anti-endotoxic defense of of reagins (169.71 ± 0.56 IU/ml) were ob- death of large lymphocytes (1–2%) con- the body. 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The aim of the study was to identify the relationship between the indicators of progesterone synthetic activity of the fetoplacental complex being formed and the nature of clinical and echographic manifestations of the threatened miscarriage in groups of women with different course of cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection. A study of villous chorions at 9-12 weeks of pregnancy was carried out, of which 65 were obtained from women without infection (control group, n=30) and its latent form (comparison group, n=35) during medical abortion, from women with exacerbation of infection and spontaneous miscarriage (main group, n=35). The activity of 3β-hydroxy-5-pregnen-20-one-dehydrogenase was determined by histochemical method, progesterone in blood serum and villous chorion was determined by enzyme immunoassay. The course of pregnancy and echographic indicators of the threatened miscarriage were evaluated. The results of the analysis revealed a significant dependence of the incidence of threatened miscarriage (χ2=31,386, p<0,001), decline of progesterone and 3β-hydroxy-5-pregnen-20-he-dehydrogenase from the ex- acerbation of the infection (χ2=31,869, p<0,001). The results of the correlation analysis revealed a direct strong correlation between progesterone and 3β-hydroxy-5-pregnen-20-one-dehydrogenase (r=0,82 and r=0,75, p<0,001), which indicated the pathogenetic role of infection in the meta- bolic deactivation of the enzyme that determines the insufficiency of progesterone synthesis. At the same time, there was no correlation between progesterone levels in blood serum and villous chorion. The results obtained allow us to conclude that presence of CMV infection in past medical history of woman and violation of progesterone synthetic function of trophoblast activity are significant risk factors for the threatened miscarriage in the first trimester of pregnancy, the outcome of which depends on the activity of the virus and the level of progesterone. Keywords: progesterone, 3β-hydroxy-5-pregnen-20-one, villous chorion, cytomegalovirus infection, pregnancy.

The miscarriage of early pregnancy provisional organs, cytomegalovirus infection (comparison group, n=35), and is one of the most important problems (CMV) infection is pointed out. The main during instrumental revision of the uterine of obstetrics. The frequency of sponta- hormones necessary to the sustentation cavity from women with exacerbation of neous miscarriages in the first trimester of pregnancy are progesterone and its CMV infection and spontaneous miscar- of pregnancy has remained consistently precursor pregnenolone (3β-hydroxy-5- riage (main group, n=35). high over the past years, accounting for pregnen-20-one) [8,10]. Tocolytic, gesta- Histochemical analysis of cryostatic 15-20% of all pregnancies [1]. genic, and immunomodulatory effects are sections of villous chorion was performed Factors such as infectious and endo- significant for the normal course of ges- using the Lojda method to study an en- crine pathologies in women are directly tation [3]. It is shown that progesterone zyme that catalyzes the synthesis of involved in the pathogenesis of sponta- system indicators decrease in the risk of progesterone. A 2 mM solution of 3β-hy- neous miscarriages [4,7,11]. Among in- miscarriage and premature birth, placen- droxy-5-pregnen-20-one (Sigma-Aldrich) fections that have a direct abortifacient tal insufficiency [2]. was used as the substrate. To quantify effect due to the toxicity of the virus and However, there is no comparative the expression of the enzyme, a system its cytopathic effect on embryonic and analysis of the clinical course of the first of computer analysis of microscopic im- trimester of pregnancy in women with ages was used, consisting of a MEIJI mi- different forms of CMV infection, echo- croscope (Japan), a Canon digital cam- Inna V. DOVZHIKOVA – PhD, D.Sc. (Biol.), graphic markers of the threatened mis- era (Japan), and Scion Image software Leading Staff Scientist of Laboratory of carriage and their relationship with the (USA). Mechanisms of Etiopathogenesis and Re- state of progesterone synthesis function The level of progesterone was deter- covery Processes of the Respiratory System of the formed fetoplacental complex. mined in the homogenate of villous chori- at Non-Specific Lung Diseases, Far Eastern The aim of the study was to identify ons and peripheral blood serum taken on Scientific Center of Physiology and Pathology the relationship between the indicators an empty stomach in the morning by the of Respiration, 22 Kalinina Str., Blagovesh- chensk, 675000, Russian Federation. e-mail: of progesterone synthetic activity of the method of enzyme immunoassay using [email protected], Irina A. AN- fetoplacental complex being formed and standard test kits of «Hema-Medica» Ltd. DRIEVSKAYA – PhD, D.Sc. (Biol.), Professor the nature of clinical and echographic (Russia). RAS, Head of Laboratory of Mechanisms of manifestations of the threatened miscar- In order to detect of immunoglobulins Etiopathogenesis and Recovery Processes riage in groups of women with different (Ig) of classes M and G to CMV, as well of the Respiratory System at Non-Specific state of CMV infection. as avidity of IgG antibodies, we used Lung Diseases, Far Eastern Scientific Center Materials and methods. A study of enzyme immunoassay and correspond- of Physiology and Pathology of Respiration, villous chorions at 9-12 weeks of preg- ing test systems manufactured by Vec- 22 Kalinina Str., Blagoveshchensk, 675000, nancy was conducted, of which 65 were tor-best SC (Russia). Determination of Russian Federation. e-mail: irina-andrievska- [email protected], Kseniya K. Petrova – MD, obtained during medical abortion from CMV in peripheral blood, buccal epitheli- obstetrician-gynecologist of the paid medical women with no CMV infection in past um scraping, and cervical canal contents services department FESC PPR, 22 Kalinin medical history (control group, n=30) and was performed by polymerase chain re- Str., Blagoveschensk, 675000 from women with latent course of CMV action. The diagnosis of exacerbation of 2’ 2020 11

chronic CMV infection was established and retrochoral hematoma in 4 (11%). on the basis of laboratory and clinical and When evaluating systemic and lo- anamnestic data. cal progesterone indicators in the main The echographic study was performed group of women with an exacerbation on the SonoScape S6 ultrasound di- of CMV infection, they were found to agnostic device (China) in the mode of decrease in serum to 63,70±2,33 nmo- pulse and color Doppler mapping. l/L (p<0,001), in the villous chorion to Statistical analysis and data process- 82,49±1,01 nmol/L (p<0,001) compared ing were performed using the Statistica to the control group (102,11±3,34 and 10.0 (StatSoftInc., USA) in compliance 143,83±2,15 nmol/L, respectively). Atten- with the General recommendations for tion was drawn to the detected decrease medical and biological research. The in cytophotometric parameters of 3β-hy- Fig. 1. Villous chorion at 10 weeks of preg- nancy. Control group. Histochemical reaction Lilliefors and Kolmogorov–Smirnov tests droxy-5-pregnen-20-one-dehydrogenase to 3β-hydroxy-5-pregnen-20-one-dehydro- were used to assess the distribution in to 17,2±1,01 pixels/µm2 (control group genase. The intensity of the histochemical re- the aggregate using sample data. In or- – 28,3±1,97 pixels/µm2, p<0,001) (Fig. action is 28,3±1,97 pixels/µm2. Magnification der to check the equality of the average 1,2). In the comparison group, the con- 40×15. values in samples with normal distribu- centration of progesterone in the blood tion, the Student’s t-test was used. The serum was 87,50±3,11 nmol/L (p<0,001), Fisher criterion was used to evaluate in the villous chorion – 127,23±1,09 nmo- the equality of variances between inde- l/L (p<0,001), cytophotometric indicators pendent samples. The differences were of 3β-hydroxy-5-pregnen-20-one-de- considered significant at a significance hydrogenase – 22,7±1,80 pixels/µm2 level of p<0,05. Analysis of differences (p<0,01) (Fig. 3). between frequencies in two independent In addition, it was carried out a compar- groups was performed using Pearson's ative analysis of clinical and echographic χ2 criterion, when the value of the abso- parameters and progesterone synthetic lute frequencies in the contingency tables activity indicators of the formed fetopla- was less than 10, the criterion was ad- cental complex with risk assessment by Fig. 2. Villous chorion at 10 weeks of pregnan- justed χ2 Yates. The relative risk analy- the value of χ2 in the study groups. cy. Exacerbation of cytomegalovirus infection. sis (RR) was performed using four-field The results of the analysis revealed a Histochemical reaction to 3β-hydroxy-5-preg- conjugacy tables with a 95% confidence significant dependence of the frequen- nen-20-one-dehydrogenase. There is a de- interval (CI). cy of the threatened miscarriage in the crease in the reaction activity to 17,2±1,01 pixels/µm2. Magnification 40×15. Results and discussion. The nature of first trimester of pregnancy on the exac- the course of the first trimester of preg- erbation of CMV infection (χ2=31,386, nancy in women with an exacerbation of p<0,001). The probability of its occur- chronic CMV infection (the main group) rence in the main group of women is 3.5 was determined by the presence of a times higher (RR=3,500; 95% CI: 2,073 – significant pain syndrome in all subjects 5,910) than in the comparison group. The characterized by nagging pains in the dependence of the frequency of nagging lower abdomen and bloody vaginal dis- pains in the lower abdomen on the exac- charge of different severity. Among the erbation of CMV infection in early preg- echographic criteria for incipient abortion nancy is also statistically significant (χ2 (table) the most common were: myome- =41,59, p<0,001), and the risk of its de- trial hypertonicity in 25 (83%), chorion velopment was 5,83 (RR=5,833; 95% CI: previa in 18 (60%), gain of chorion thick- 2,816-12,085). In addition, it was found ness in 8 (27%), retrochoral hematoma the statistically significant dependence Fig. 3. Villous chorion at 10 weeks of preg- nancy. Latent cytomegalovirus infection. His- in 16 (53%), gestational sac deformity in of spotting bloody vaginal discharge on tochemical reaction to 3β-hydroxy-5-preg- 10 (33%), and low location of the gesta- the exacerbation of CMV infection (χ2 nen-20-one-dehydrogenase. There is a de- tional sac in 3 (10%). The gain of chorion =53,745, p<0,001), its risk in the main crease in the reaction activity to 22,7±1,80 thickness appears to be the result of an group was 17,5 (RR=17,500; 95% CI: pixels/µm2. Magnification 40×15. involutive and exudative reaction that oc- curs in the course of the infection, which Echographic markers of miscarriage in the first trimester of pregnancy was confirmed by PCR analysis. CMV in the study groups. n (%) DNA was detected in chorion tissues in 28% of cases. main group comparison group In the comparison group, clini- Detected change (n=35) (n=35) Р cal signs of a threatened miscarriage Gain of chorion thickness 8 (27) - were diagnosed in 10 (29%) women. Chorion previa 18 (60) 6 (17) <0.001 It was accompanied by nagging pains Gestational sac deformity 10 (33) - in the lower abdomen in 6 (17%) and Low location of the gestational sac 3 (10) - spotting bloody vaginal discharge in 2 Retrochoral hematoma 16 (53) 4 (11) <0.001 (6%). Echographically, the most com- Myometrial hypertonicity 25 (83) 8 (23) <0.001 mon signs of miscarriage listed in the table were: myometrium hypertonicity Note: P is the significance of differences when comparing women with exacerbation of CMV in 8 (23%), chorion previa in 6 (17%), infection and its latent course. 12 ЯКУТСКИЙ МЕДИЦИНСКИЙ ЖУРНАЛ

4,556-67.219) compared with the control enzyme that determines the insufficiency акушерства и женских болезней. 2017;66(4): group. of progesterone synthesis. At the same 32–39. [Voskresenskiy SL, Trishina VL. The con- tents of progesterone in the blood of pregnant in I When evaluating suprasonic markers time, there was no correlation between and II trimesters of gestation with an unfavorable of the threatened miscarriage, a signifi- systemic and local progesterone indica- outcome of the pregnancy. Zhurnal akusherstva i cant dependence of the detection of myo- tors, which indicated the specificity of the zhenskih boleznej. 2017; 66(4): 32–39. (in Russ.)] metrial hypertonicity on the exacerbation sites of production and the effect of the doi: 10.17816/JOWD66432-39 3. Довжикова И.В., Луценко М.Т. Совре- of CMV infection in the early pregnancy hormone on the target cells of the uterine менные представления о роли прогестерона was established (χ2=21,28, p<0,001). mucosa and the villous chorion. (обзор литературы). Бюллетень физиоло- The risk of this disorder pathway in Apparently, the reason for the re- гии и патологии дыхания. 2016;60:94-104. the main group of women was 3,646 vealed regularities is the development of [Dovzhikova IV, Lutsenko MT. Modern concepts (RR=3,646; 95% CI: 1,943– 6,841. The inflammatory processes in the utero-pla- of progesterone role (review). Bjulleten' fiziologii i patologii dyhanija. 2016; 60: 94-104. (in Russ.)] dependence of the frequency of chorion cental zone caused by an exacerbation doi: 10.12737/20128 previa on the exacerbation of CMV infec- of CMV infection in the first trimester of 4. Потапов В.П., Пекарев О.Г., Надеев А.П. tion (χ2=10,966, p<0,001) is also statisti- pregnancy, which is accompanied by a Факторы риска и цитоморфологическая харак- cally significant. The odds of chorion pre- violation of implantation and the forma- теристика хориона в генезе самопроизвольно- го прерывания беременности в первом триме- via in pregnant women of the main group tion of the fetoplacental complex [4,6,9]. стре. Акушерство, гинекология и репродук- was 3,5 times higher (RR=3,500; 95% The resulting functional and metabolic ция. 2012;6(3):39-44. [Potapov VP, Pekarev OG, CI: 1,597 – 7,672) than in the comparison disadaptation, as shown by the stud- Nadeev AP. Risk factors and cytomorphological group. 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M.V. Egorova, L.I. Mordovskaya, T.M. Klimova, S.D. Alekseeva

DOI 10.25789/YMJ.2020.70.03 VITAMIN D STATUS IN PATIENTS УДК 616-002.56/.58, 577.161.2 (571.56) WITH TUBERCULOSIS IN YAKUTIA

Material and methods: Enzyme immunoassay (EIA) concentrations of 25-hydroxycholecalciferol (25(OH)D) were studied in 88 patients with tuberculosis. Serum levels 25(OH)D were assessed using the following criteria: optimal level 30-100 ng/mL; subnormal level 20-30 ng/mL; vitamin D deficiency -10-20 ng/mL; severe deficiency – less than 10 ng/mL. For statistical processing, Student’s unpaired t-test, Mann-Whitney, and Kruskall-Wallis tests were used. Cutoff for statistical significance of differences (p) was 5%. Results: Mean age of patients was 40,7 (16,1) years. Proportion of male patients was significantly larger (p=0.035). Levels of 25(ОН)D in men were somewhat lower than in women, but the differences were statistically negligible. No statistically significant correlation was established between age and level of 25(ОН)D (r=-0.037; p=0.729). Assessment of distributions of vitamin D levels against laboratory reference showed, that serum vitamin D level was optimal in 4.5% of patients, and 12.5% had subnormal levels of vitamin D (20 to 30 ng/mL). In 34% of patients, vitamin D level was graded as ‘vitamin d deficiency’ (10 to 19.9 ng/mL); 49% had ‘severe vitamin D deficiency’ (below 10 ng/mL). Conclusions: Results of this pilot study demonstrated the presence of marked vitamin D deficiency in patients with TB. Due to absence of control group, no comparisons of vitamin D levels between TB patients and general population could be made. Considering the role of vitamin D in the induction of innate antimicrobial immune response, further investigation is needed into the causes of deficiencies, opportunities to correct deficiencies in patients with TB, role of vitamin D in therapy of TB, and a role of vitamin D receptor gene polymorphism in Yakut ethnic group. Keywords: vitamin D, tuberculosis, 25(ОН) D, calcidiol, Yakutia.

Tuberculosis (TB) is one of the most sis, calcidiol, key circulating metabolite TB (51 male; 37 females). No one was urgent and underappreciated problems of vitamin D, preserves induction of the under medication with vitamin D during in world healthcare, and, at the same innate antimicrobial immune response, the study period. Serum concentrations time, a sociomedical problem in virtually curbing the growth of tubercle bacilli [16]. of 25-hydroxycholecalciferol (25(OH)D) all countries [6]. Based on WHO reports, Vitamin D deficiency in patients with TB is were determined, using enzyme immu- in 2017, as much as 1 million were diag- interrelated with M.tuberculosis drug sen- noassay (EIA) kit from Euroimmun, Ger- nosed with TB, and 1.3 million died of it. sitivity. In pre-antibiotic era, high doses of many. The following criteria were used to Russia is currently among the 22 coun- vitamin D were widely used for treating estimate serum level of 25(ОН)D: optimal tries with the highest TB burden [1]. patients with TB [8]. level 30-100 ng/mL; subnormal level 20- TB often goes along with nutritional Hence, there may be a place for vi- 30 ng/mL; vitamin D deficiency -10-20 deficiency, including deficiency in vitamin tamin D in therapy of TB, which calls for ng/mL; severe deficiency – less than 10 D. Vitamin D has an important role in in- further studies. ng/mL. nate host defense mechanisms against Objective: to study the availability of Statistical processing was performed infection, by facilitating macrophage and vitamin D in patients with tuberculosis in using IBM SPSS Statistics 22 software monocyte activation, which is of signif- Yakutia. suite. To compare patient groups, we icance in disease development. In the Material and methods: This study used unpaired t-test, Mann-Whitney, and event of host infection with M.tuberculo- was conducted among 88 patients, who Kruskall-Wallis tests. Cutoff for statistical had been hospitalized in the Phthisiat- significance pf differences (p) was 5%. ry Research-Practice Center in 2017 to Results and discussion: Main char- EGOROVA Marina Vasilievna – clinical Im- 2018, with the confirmed diagnosis of acteristics of the patients studied are munological laboratory specialist, Phthisiatry Research-Practice Center, 677005, Yakutsk, P. Alekseeva 87/5, email: [email protected], Table 1 phone (office): +7 (411) 240-24-43. MORDO- Main characteristics of patients VSKAIA Larisa Ivanovna – Doctor of Medi- cal Sciences, Professor, Department of Public Health and Health Care, General Hygiene and Indicator Both genders Males Females р Bioethics, Medical Institute of the North-East- n=88 n=51 n=37 ern Federal University named after M.K. Am- Mean age, years 40.7 (16.1) 43.9 (13.6) 36.3 (18.2) 0.035 mosova Head of the Immunological labora- Tuberculosis (TB) clinical forms, n (%) tory, Phthisiatry Research-Practice Center, 677005, Yakutsk, P. Alekseeva 87/5, email: Disseminated TB 17 (19.3) 14 (27.5) 3 (8.1) [email protected], phone (office): +7 Infiltrative TB 48 (54.5) 29 (56.9) 19 (51.4) (411) 240-24-43. KLIMOVA Tatiana Mikhay- lovna – Associate Professor, Department of Focal TB 8 (9.1) 1 (2.0) 7 (18.7) Pharmacology and Pharmacy, Medical Insti- Tuberculoma 4 (4.5) 3 (5.9) 1 (2.7) tute of the M.K. Ammosov North-East Federal 0.023 University, 677013, Yakutsk, Oyunskogo 27, Caseous pneumonia 3 (3.4) 2 (3.9) 1 (2.7) e-mail: [email protected], phone (office): Thoracic lymph node TB 3 (3.4) 0 (0) 3 (8.1) +7 (411) 249-66-23, ALEKSEEVA Svetlana Dmitrievna – clinical immunological labora- Primary TB complex 2 (2.3) 1 (2.0) 1 (2.7) tory specialist, Phthisiatry Research-Practice Other forms 3 (3.4) 1 (2.0) 2(5.4) Center, 677005, Yakutsk, P. Alekseeva 87/5, email: [email protected], phone (office): +7 Note. Data are presented as mean and standard deviation, M (SD); p - statistical significance (411) 240-24-43. of differences between males and females. 14 ЯКУТСКИЙ МЕДИЦИНСКИЙ ЖУРНАЛ

summarized in Table 1. Mean age of the sufficient serum levels of 25(ОН)D (≥ 30 healthy people. In view of potential effect patients was 40,7 (16,1) years. Male pro- ng/mL) [7]. Study of vitamin D levels in of vitamin D prescription on sputum cul- portion was significantly larger than fe- patients with TB in Mwanza, Tanzania, ture conversion, and on progression of male (p=0.035). Infiltrative or disseminat- showed hypovitaminosis in 39.6% of pa- TB disease, there is a need in studies in ed TB were the two most frequent clinical tients, of them, vitamin D deficiency in a region of Yakutia. forms of TB. 4.3% [9]. Study in Vietnam comprised Conclusions. Results of this pilot study In both groups, distributions of 25(ОН) 166 patients, and found that vitamin D demonstrated the presence of marked vi- D levels were deviating from normal dis- deficiency in men was 35.4%, and 45.3% tamin D deficiency in patients with TB. tribution, therefore quartiles were calcu- in women [11]. Due to absence of control group, no com- lated, to describe measures of central Study on the effect of mean thera- parisons of vitamin D levels between TB tendency and scatter. Levels of 25(ОН) peutic doses of vitamin D, administered patients and general population could be D in men were somewhat lower than in as part of multimodality therapy for mul- made. Considering the role of vitamin D women, but the differences were statis- tidrug and extensively drug resistant TB in the induction of innate antimicrobial tically negligible. Considering a generally in Belarus, showed that serum level of immune response, further investigation older age of men, compared to women, 25(OH) D was 12.3±0.3 before therapy, is needed into the causes of deficien- rank correlation analysis was performed. and 19.8±0.2 after 6 months of therapy. cies, opportunities to correct deficiencies No statistically significant correlation was Mean course of vitamin D administration in patients with TB, role of vitamin D in established between age and level of was 184.5±3.5 days. Patients receiving therapy of TB, and a role of vitamin D re- 25(ОН) D (r=-0.037; p=0.729). vitamin D on top of polychemothera- ceptor gene polymorphism in Yakut eth- Assessment of distributions of vitamin py displayed positive response on their nic group. D levels against laboratory reference x-rays and microbiological tests. Also, showed, that serum vitamin D level was administration of mean therapeutic doses References optimal in 4.5% of patients, while 12.5% of vitamin D on top of chemotherapy re- had subnormal levels of vitamin D (20 to sulted in less proportion of patients who 1. Арчакова Л.И., Гришко А.Н. Туберкулез 30 ng/mL). In 34% of patients, vitamin D did not convert from positive to negative в России. Здоровье – основа человеческо- level was graded as ‘vitamin d deficiency’ (57.9%), compared to patients who re- го потенциала: проблемы и пути их реше- ния. 2009; 4(1): 97-98. [Archakova L.I., Grishko (10 to 19.9 ng/mL), and in 49% – as ‘se- ceived chemotherapy without vitamin D A.N. Tuberculosis in Russia. Zdorov'e – osnova vere vitamin D deficiency’ (below 10 ng/ (72.7%) [4]. chelovecheskogo potenciala: problemy i puti ih mL) (Table 2). Similar study was conducted in Lon- resheniya. 2009; 4(1): 97-98 (In Russ.)]. Currently, an estimated 1 billion peo- don, assessing the effect of high doses 2. Беляева И.В., Чурилов Л.П., Михайлова ple have vitamin D deficiency. The recent of vitamin D in patients with sputum-pos- Л.Р. Иммунологическое зеркало туберкулеза. Медицина: теория и практика. 2019; 4(S): large-scale studies have elicited a sta- itive TB. Vitamin D supplement reduced 95-96. [Belyaeva I.V., Churilov L.P., Mihajlova tistically significant correlation between time to sputum conversion by 1 week L.R. Immunological mirror of tuberculosis. Me- vitamin D deficiency and the prevalence (from 43.5 to 36 days). Mean time to spu- dicina: teoriya i praktika. 2019; 4(S): 95-96. (In of a number of chronic diseases, includ- tum culture conversion was 36 days for Russ.)] 3. Доан Т.М, Александрова В.А., Чури- ing lung diseases, and TB as one of them intervention group, and 43.5 for placebo лов Л.П. Дефицит витамина D в тропиках и [5,10,12,13,15]. Some long-lasting con- group [14]. субтропиках. Крымский журнал эксперимен- jectures can be found in works of classi- Sharply decreased levels of 25(ОН)D тальной и клинической медицины. 2017 7:1: cal scholars in pediatrics, linking the dis- in patients with TB (compared to healthy 80-88. [Doan T.M., Aleksandrova V.A., Churi- turbances in vitamin D metabolism with donors) were observed in the study in lov L.P. Vitamin D deficiency in the tropics and subtropics. Krymskij zhurnal eksperimental'noj decreased immunity: namely, Tur A.F. Saint-Petersburg, Russia (8.2±1.4 ng/ i klinicheskoj mediciny. 2017; 7(1): 80-88. (In emphasized that rickets and infections, mL of calcidiol in fibrocavitary TB vs. Russ.)] and TB in particular, accompany one an- 19.3±1.4 ng/mL in healthy donors) [2]. 4. Кралько В.Я., Скрягина Е.М., Дюсьмике- other [3]. Sufficiency of vitamin D in pa- In Yakutia, to date, no studies have ева М.И., Скрягин А.Е. Витамин D в комплекс- ной терапии лекарственно-устойчивого тубер- tients with TB infection is an under-inves- been undertaken yet exploring the ef- кулеза. Рецепт. 2018; 21:2: 179-189. [Kral'ko tigated topic, except for several studies. fect of vitamin D on treatment of patients V.Ya. Skryagina E.M., Dyus'mikeeva M.I., Skry- A study in the Province of Castellon, with TB. As it appears from the studies agin A.E. Vitamin D in the complex treatment of Spain, included 42 patients with TB and conducted in other cities, reduced level drug-resistant tuberculosis. Recept. 2018; 21:2: 202 contacts. Only 20.3% of them had of vitamin D is widely observed, even in 179-189. (In Russ.)] 5. Угай Л.Г., Кочеткова Е.А., Невзорова В.А. Витамин D и болезни органов дыхания: моле- Table 2 кулярные и клинические аспекты. Дальнево- сточный медицинский журнал. 2012; 3: 115- Serum vitamin D levels 119. [Ugai L.G., Kochetkova E.A., Nevzorova V.A. Vitamin D and respiratory diseases: molecular Both genders Males Females and clinical aspects. Dal'nevostochnyj medicinskij Indicator n=88 n=51 n=37 р zhurnal. 2012; 3: 115-119. (In Russ.)] 6. Шелкова Е.С., Романенко В. В. Тубер- 2 Level of 25(ОН)D 10.0 (9.2; 18.2) 9.8 (8.7; 13.5) 15.0 (9.3; 19.2) 0.056 кулез вчера, сегодня, завтра. Медицинский Distributions of vitamin D levels, n (%) алфавит. 2015; 6(1): 34-43. [Shelkova E.S., Romanenko V.V. Tuberculosis yesterday, today, Optimal (30-50 ng/mL) 4 (4.5) 3 (5.9) 1 (2.7) tomorrow. Medicinskij alfavit. 2015: 6(1): 34-43. Subnormal level (20-29.9 ng/mL) 11 (12.5) 4 (7.8) 7 (18.9) (In Russ.)] 0.085 7. Arnedo-Pena A. Latent tuberculosis infec- Deficiency (10-19.9 ng/mL) 30 (34.1) 14 (27.5) 16 (43.2) tion, tuberculin skin test and vitamin D status in Severe deficiency (0-9.9 ng/mL) 43 (48.9) 30 (58.8) 13 (35.1) contacts of tuberculosis patients: a cross-section- al and case-control study / A. Arnedo-Pena, J. V. Note. 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The article analyzes results of the combined treatment at 452 patients, aged 16 to 64, after the simultaneous surgery on the abdominal organs for visceroptosis, during the early postoperative period. In 280 (61.9%) of them, studies of the immune status were conducted against the back- ground of immunocorrective therapy. Thymogen and polyoxidonium were used as immunocorrectors. The drugs were injected to patients during surgery intravenously: the thymogen by 2 ml. of 0.01% solution, the polyoxidonium-12 mg in solution. In the postoperative period, the drugs were injected intramuscularly for 8 days: the thymogen by 1 ml of 0.01% solution, the polyoxidonium 6 mg in solution. Use of the immunocorrective ther- apy allowed to achieve a significant improvement in the dynamics of immune indicators in patients compared to a control group. The polyoxidonium effect on immunological parameters was strongly pronounced and significantly exceeded the effect of thymogen. Keywords: visceroptosis, simultaneous operations, immunocorrective therapy.

Combined surgical correction for vis- tients operated at the age of 20 years, as ations on organs of the gastrointestinal ceroptosis is characterized by the post- a rule, belonged to the group of patients tract (GIT) has the main goal to restore operative period severity and treatment with a form of visceroptosis, occurring the motor-evacuation function of the complication, which is due to simultane- with a pronounced pain syndrome, and gastrointestinal tract that was disrupted ous surgery on the abdominal organs. 19 of them had daily defecation. during surgery, as well as normalization Research met in the scientific literature To treat patients with visceroptosis, of the digestive conveyor. Especially se- on the surgery problem of the digestive we applied methods of combined sur- vere postoperative disorders occur in the system diseases mainly raises questions gical correction depending on variants organs of nervous and endocrine regu- on new types of surgical approaches, of the pathological process, operational lation, in the process of metabolism. In methods of operation, methods of hemo- findings and verification with the data of the early postoperative period, combined stasis, etc., and treatment of this catego- a comprehensive clinical study. In this therapy is performed aimed at stabilizing ry of patients in the postoperative period case, simultaneous surgical treatment of the condition of patients and preventing is not fully covered, which determines the all changes detected in the preoperative the development of early complications: need for a deeper study of this stage of period and requiring surgical correction is failure of anastomosis, development of treatment. performed. Many authors indicate caus- infectious complications and pneumonia. Materials and research methods. al relationship and interdependence be- Traumatic and operational stress have We performed surgical treatment of 452 tween changes in one organ and devel- a depressing effect on the functional patients aged 16 to 64 years. 421 (93.1%) opment of painful processes in another, state of vital organs and systems in the patients were operated at the age of 21 to and in this regard, they support expan- postoperative period, and especially the 60 years, i.e. at the most active working sion of indications for combined surgical immune system, which leads to an in- age. Patients older than 60 years were interventions. Our experience of simul- crease in the frequency of postoperative admitted for surgical treatment from oth- taneous operations at patients with vis- complications and fatalities. The use of er medical institutions, where due to the ceroptosis confirms correctness of these immunocorrective therapy in the com- chronic intestinal obstruction and pro- assumptions. bined treatment of patients with various gressive weight loss, they were exam- The combined surgical treatment surgical pathologies allows us to improve ined with suspicion of colon cancer. Pa- includes both well-known methods of the results of treatment, reduce frequen- operations on the gastrointestinal tract, cy of postoperative complications. M.K. Ammosov North-Eastern Federal Univer- and techniques developed in our clinic In patients with visceroptosis compli- sity, Yakutsk, Russia: TOBOKHOV Alexander (Table 1). cated by CTS, before surgery, we ob- Vasilievich – MD, prof., Head of Department, 1718 operations were performed at served a moderate decrease in concen- [email protected]; NIKOLAEV Vladimir 452 patients. On average, each patient tration of IgA and a marked increase in Nikolaevich – PhD (candidate of medical sci- had 3-4 simultaneous operations. IgG compared to the control group, which ences), associate professor, [email protected]. Rehabilitation of patients after oper- indicates a greater tension of the immune 16 ЯКУТСКИЙ МЕДИЦИНСКИЙ ЖУРНАЛ

tivity, C is the indicator of T-lymphocytes Table 1 with suppressor activity, T is the indicator The nature of the held surgery of lymphocyte activity, G is the indicator of IgG immunoglobulin level, and f is the Type of surgery n=452 % indicator of phagocytosis. Values of the immune status indicator can range from Nissen fundoplication 91 20.1 (-100%) to (+100%). An interval from Toupet fundoplication 12 2.7 (-10%) to (+10%) was considered to be Round ligament of liver gastropexy 148 32.7 the norm for ISI. Under the USI values Bay gastropexy 11 2.4 from (-10%) to (-20%) and from (+10%) Billroth operation I 4 0.9 to (+20%), immune disorders were con- Dorsal stem selective vagotomy 4 0.9 sidered light, from (-20%) to (-30%) and SPV with Onopriev duodenoplasty 2 0.4 from (+20%) to (+30%) moderate, and at Pyloroplasty 4 0.9 values less than (-30%) and more (+30%) Surgery by Strong 29 6.4 severe. Study of the immunity indicators Duodenojejunostomy by Vitebski 3 0.7 was carried out on the 1, 3-4, 7-8 days Ileocecostomy 49 10.8 after surgery and before discharge from Appendectomy 168 37.2 the hospital on the 10-12 days. Resection of the colon left flank 440 97.3 Results and discussion. Changes in Bilateral colonopexia 443 98.0 the immune system indicators during the Right colonopexia 5 1.1 early postoperative period are shown in Left colonopexia 4 0.9 the Table 2. Sigmoid colectomy 9 2.0 In patients of the control group, im- Sigmoid reduction 3 0.7 mune disorders appeared on the 1st day Cholecystectomy 101 22.3 after the operation. ISI in these terms Cholecystolithotomy 4 0.9 was (- 37.8±2.4%). On day 3-4, the im- Nephropexy 73 16.1 munodeficiency progressed and the ISI Splenectomy 3 0.7 was equal to (- 46.7±3.2%). On day 7-8, there was a tendency to stabilize the im- Pelvic floor plastics 41 9.1 mune status and the ISI was equal to (- Omentum resection 28 6.2 35.4±3.1%). During the 10-12 days term, Ovary resection 36 7.9 the indicators improve, but the numbers Removal of uterine fibroids 3 0.7 remain extremely low. ISI in these terms is equal to (- 22.4±2.8%). The analysis system, activation of humoral immune ative period, the drugs were administered shows that the control group patients de- factors, in particular, an increase in IgG intramuscularly for 8 days: the thymogen velop secondary immunodeficiency from production. The data obtained are con- by 1 ml of 0.01% solution, the polyoxido- the first day, reaching a maximum on the sistent with the work of a number of au- nium - 6 mg in solution. To objectively 3-4 days, and only by the end of treat- thors who noted a tendency to increase assess changes in the complex immune ment, before discharge from the hospital, the number of immunoglobulins in the system, the immune status indicator (ISI) they stabilized and corresponded to a blood of patients with chronic inflamma- [2] was used taking into account the ex- moderate degree. tory bowel diseases. The authors believe tent and nature of the changes in leading In the second group, where immu- that bacteria and their toxins, food pro- parameters of the immune system – the nocorrection was performed with thy- teins and medications that are constant- level of T-lymphocytes with helper and mogen on the 1st day, ISI indicators ly present in the gastrointestinal tract in suppressor activity, as the main regula- (-35.9±3.9%), which indicated an in- patients with colitis are of crucial impor- tory factors of the immune system activity crease in immunodeficiency, but the indi- tance in formation of hyperimmunoglob- of T-lymphocytes, the level of IgG, the cators are lower than in the control group. ulinemia. main opsonin of the immune system and On the 3-4 days, the growth of indica- After the combined surgical correction also the phagocytosis activity. tors was not observed and the ISI was of visceroptosis, the state of the immune The immune status indicator was cal- (-35.1±2.3%). On the 7-8 day, there was system was studied in 280 (61.9%) pa- culated using the formula: ISI= (H+ S + T a tendency to normalize in the indicators tients, who were divided into 3 groups. + G + P): 5 x 100%, where X is the indi- of the immune status. ISI was equal to The control group included 90 people cator of T – lymphocytes with helper ac- (-23.2±2.1%), and on the 10-12 days the who received traditional treatment with- out immunocorrective therapy. In the Table 2 second one 90 patients were immunocor- rected with the thymogen, the third group Indicators of the patients’ immune status during the postsurgery period formed 90 patients who had polyoxido- The control group nium used as an immunocorrector. All Terms of postsurgery period groups were comparable by gender, age Groups of patients and volume of surgery. The drugs were 1 day 3-4 days 7-8 days 10-12 injected to patients during the surgery in- The control group - 37.8 + 2.4 - 46.7 + 3.2 - 35.4 + 3.1 - 22.4 + 2.8 travenously: the thymogen in a dose of 2 Thymogen treatment -35.9 + 3.9 -35.1 + 2.3 -23.2 + 2.1 -12.4 + 2.5 ml. 0.01% of the solution, the polyoxido- Polyoxidonium -32.4 + 4.1 -27.6 + 3.6 -14.7 + 2.4 -1.7 + 1.1 nium - 12 mg in solution. In the postoper- treatment 2’ 2020 17

indicators were approaching normal and idonium on immunological parameters It should be noted that the best results ISI was (-12.4±2.5%). Against the back- was strong and significantly exceeded of the postoperative treatment were ob- ground of the thymogen use on the 1st the effect of thymogen. It should be noted tained in patients using immunocorrec- day after surgery, immune disorders were that against the background of immuno- tive therapy. severe, but by the 3-4 days they stabi- corrective therapy, the indicators of gen- Thus, carrying out the combined ther- lized. On the 7-8 days, the indicators im- eral and biochemical blood tests stabi- apy in the early postoperative period, in- proved and became medium-heavy, and lized much faster. Already on the 7-8 day, cluding in addition to traditional treatment by the 10-12 days after the operation, these indicators were within the norm. and immunocorrective therapy, allowed they were light and close to normal. The operations performed using the avoiding fatal outcomes and achieving In the third group, where the patients methods developed by us for combined good results of surgical treatment in the received polyoxidonium on the day 1, PI correction of visceroptosis in the imme- majority of cases. was equal to (-32.4±4.1%), which was diate postoperative period gave good re- significantly lower than in the control sults. There were no such complications References group. By the 3-4 days of the postop- as anastomositis, insolvency of the colon erative period, the indicators stabilized, anastomosis and fatal outcomes. Of the 1. Восстановительное лечение больных and the ISI was (-27.6 +3.6%), on the 452 patients operated, 372 (82.3%) had после операций на органах пищеварения / под редакцией А.Ю. Барановского. СПб. ФО- 7-8 days (-14.7±2.4%), and on the 10-12 no abdominal pain, and regular daily or in ЛИАНТ, 2002: 576. [Rehabilitation treatment of days (-1.7±1.1%). The analysis shows 1 day defecation was established. When patients after operations on the digestive organs / that the use of polyoxidonium allowed discharged from the hospital, they were Edited by A. Yu. Baranovsky. St. Petersburg, FO- to achieve stabilization of the immune concerned about minor pain in the places LIANT, 2002: 576 (In Russ.).] 2. Петров Р.В. Иммунокорригирующая те- system at the level of mild disorders by of fixation. Sleep and appetite were re- рапия в комплексном лечении больных с по- the 7-8 days after surgery, and complete stored. 69 (15.2%) patients’ results were вреждениями печени (экспериментально-кли- normalization of the immune system by assessed as satisfactory. In this group of ническое исследование). Дисс…канд. мед. the 10-12 days. The effect of polyoxido- patients, at discharge, constipation re- наук. М., 1999:130. [Petrov RV. Immunocorrec- tive therapy in the combined treatment of patients nium was expressed in the activation of mained, but their duration was reduced with liver damage (experimental and clinical the phagocytic link of immunity and an to 2-3 days, abdominal and lumbar pain study). Diss…kand. med. nauk. M., 1999:130 (In increase in the number of B-lympho- decreased. 11 (2.4%) patients had no Russ.).] cytes. effect from the operation. The cause of 3. Орлов С.В. Современные методы деток- сикации и иммунокоррекции в профилактике и Thus, the use of immunocorrective poor results we see in insufficiently of the лечении гнойно-деструктивных заболеваний therapy allowed achieving a significant colon radical resection in 8 (1,7%) pa- легких, плевры и средостения. Дисс…докт. improvement in the dynamics of immune tients and at 3 (0.7%), there a tactical er- мед. маук. СПб., 2000: 260 [Orlov SV. Modern indicators in patients after simultaneous ror was committed - a restriction by only methods of detoxification and immunocorrection in the prevention and treatment of purulent-de- operations on the gastrointestinal tract the plastics of gastrointestinal ligament structive diseases of the lungs, pleura and me- for visceroptosis in comparison with the and mesosigmapplication under elonga- diastinum. Diss…kand. med. nauk. Saint Peters- control group. The effect of the polyox- tion of transverse colon or sigmoid colon. burg, 2000: 260 (In Russ.).] 18 ЯКУТСКИЙ МЕДИЦИНСКИЙ ЖУРНАЛ


M.P. Kirillina, S.I. Sofronova, I.V. Kononova, A.K. Ivanova, V.A. Vorontsova, E.L. Lushnikova LIQUID CYTOLOGY IN COMPARISON DOI 10.25789/YMJ.2020.70.05 WITH TRADITIONAL IN THE DIAGNOSIS УДК 618.146-002 OF CERVICAL DISEASES

This paper presents the results of a cytological study of patients with pathology of the cervix uteri (CU) based on traditional cytology (TC) and on liquid-based cytology (LBC). It was found that the combined use of liquid-based cytology and conventional cytology can improve the effectiveness of CU pathology diag- nostics. It is recommended to complete the cytological study with testing for human papillomavirus (HPV). The use of these screening methods (cytological and HPV tests) contribute to improving the early diagnosis, monitoring, and prognosis of CU cancer. Keywords: cervical cancer, diagnostics, liquid-based cytology, screening.

The problem of cervix uteri (CU) of traditional methods and thereby to the risk of developing CC [12,14]. diseases is one of the most urgent increase the effectiveness of cytological Purpose of research: to study in modern gynecology and has great diagnostics [1]. The main feature of the frequency of background and importance for preventing the occurrence the LBC is the production of thin-layer precancerous pathology of CU by and development of malignant neoplasms. (monolayer) preparations (in which cells conventional cytology and LBC, and CU pathology is the background for the are located almost in one layer) from compare their results. Evaluate the development of precancerous changes a liquid cell suspension using special effectiveness of TC and LBC, as well and cervical cancer (CC) among cytospins. The difference between this as establish the HPV genotype in the gynecological disorders that occur in method and the traditional one is that the examined women. women of reproductive age [7]. The time substance is not applied directly to the Materials and methods. The study of active, rapid development and use of glass, but it is placed in a bottle with a was conducted in the clinical laboratory of new technologies in medicine dictates stabilizing solution. Rapid conservation pathomorphology, histology, and сytology the need and shows the importance of of the substance allows preventing the on the basis of North-Eastern Federal changes in traditionally used methods. bacterial contamination of the sample, University named after M.K.Ammosov, The question of improving and optimizing and the damage of the cells due to their Federal State Autonomous Educational the quality of cytological diagnostics is drying that preserves the sample in optimal Institution of Higher Education. The the most prevalent issue. Liquid-based conditions for further transportation to the material was taken from CU and cervical cytology (LBC) plays an important role laboratory and research. The stabilizing canal scraping from the patients (100 in solving this issue. LBC is introduced solution ensures the preservation of people aged 22-60) after examination in order to overcome the disadvantages morphological, immunocytochemical and extended colposcopy in the OOO and genetic properties of cells [4]. The "Malex" clinic (Yakutsk, Russia). The sensitivity of the cytological method sample was obtained from every KIRILLINA Maria Petrovna – Candidate of in using LBC increases to 85% [5]. A patient was conducted by traditional Biological Sciences, Senior Research Scien- feature of the LBC is also that up to 6 cytology and liquid-based cytology on tist, Head of Yakut Science Centre of Com- "serial" smears can be obtained from a the automated system CellPrep Plus plex Medical Problems Laboratory, Head of NEFU Medical Institute Clinic Laboratory,kirilli- single sample of the substance, that is, (Korea), as an independent highly [email protected],89142716881; SOFRON- identical in cell composition, which makes informative method that contributes OVA Sargylana Ivanovna – Candidate of it possible to use additional research improvement and standardization of Medicine, Senior Research Associate, Head methods, for example, HPV testing, cytological examination of all stages. The of Scientific and Organizational Department immunocytochemical determination Romanovskiy - Gimza stain method was of Yakut Science Centre of Complex Medi- of cancer markers [6].The LBC with a used. The presence of endocervical, flat, cal Problems Laboratory, [email protected] high specificity should be supplemented and metaplastic epithelium cells makes 89841094825; KONONOVA Irina Vasilievna with molecular diagnostic methods. the material adequate for the study. It – Candidate of Medical Science, Research Currently, it is considered proven that the is very important to take into account Worker of Yakut Science Centre of Complex Medical Problems Laboratory, irinakon.07@ main etiological factor of CU cancer is that such material should be obtained 89243683673; IVANOVA Anna Kon- papillomavirus infection [2, 3, 8]. Two major from the transformation zone – the area- stantinovna – Сlinical pathologist (cytolo- meta-analyses of data from European where the tumor most often occurs. If the gy) of diagnostic center "National hospital and American studies have found that material is represented by a very small №1- National medical center" , Clinical Pa- the human papillomavirus (HPV) test is number of cells, a large number of blood thologist of NEFU Medical Institute Clinic, more sensitive than cytological screening elements, mucus, and the presence of [email protected], 89248647588; [11,15]. The combination of the HPV test artifacts, which makes impossible to LUSHNIKOVA Elena Leonidovna – Doctor and the cytological method has a higher properly assess the cytological picture, it of Biological Science, professor, the head of predictive value for detecting CIN (cervical is considered inadequate. FSBIS Institute of Molecular Pathology and Pathomorphology “Federal Research Center intraepithelial neoplasia) compared to a Cytological decision was made in of Fundamental and Translational Medicine” single HPV test [9, 10, 13] which makes it accordance with the clinicopathologic 630117,Novosibirsk,Timakova st.,2, pathol@ possible to detect precancerous changes classification of J. V. Bokhman (1976), 8(383)334-80-03 in CU early and, consequently, reduces and with the commonly accepted 2’ 2020 19

criteria for assessing the state of the while the LBC are 40% of cases. Cervical other genotypes distribution (39, 68, 31, epithelium by Bethesda System (2015) dysplasia of varying severity in TC was 52, 73, 58, 18) varies from 4.2-2.1%. 3 [16]. It is based on the introduction of detected in 31 cases, which was 31% of negative cases of LSIL and 2 negative the term SIL (Squamous Interaepithelial the total number of samples. Among it, cases in HSIL which were detected in Lesion) - squamous intraepithelial lesion. 23 women (74.1% of the total number of the diagnosis can indicate the beginning The main categories of the Bethesda samples with detected cervical dysplasia of viral damage or other causes of classification: NILM- intraepithelial of various severity) had I grade dysplasia dysplasia. lesions and malignant processes are (mild), 7 women (22.5%) had II grade In conclusion, based on our results, absent. LSIL- Low Grade Squamous dysplasia (moderate) and III grade we would like to note that each stage Intraepithelial Lesions. (Mild changes in (severe) dysplasia was diagnosed in 1 of morphological research has not only squamous epithelial cells corresponding woman, which was 3.2% of all cervical certain opportunities but also limitations. to a low risk of cancer), the group covers dysplasia in the study group. Among it, This requires the use of complex changes typical of HPV infection and 23 women (74.1% of the total number of diagnostic methods. We recommend mild dysplasia CINI. HSIL-High Grade samples with detected cervical dysplasia using the method of liquid-based cytology Squamous Intraepithelial Lesions of various severity) had I grade dysplasia with traditional cytology obtained with (marked changes in squamous epithelial (mild), 7 women (22.5%) had II grade the analysis of HPV to compare the cells corresponding to a high risk of dysplasia (moderate) and III grade results. This will significantly increase the cancer), the group involves moderate (severe) dysplasia was found in 1 woman, value of diagnostic measures, including and severe dysplasia - CIN-II, CINIII which was 3.2% of all cervical dysplasia cytological studies, and will determine and CIS. The Bethesda classification in the study group. LSIL separately identifies the following was detected in 27 categories: • "atypical squamous cells of cases (79.4%), of which undetermined significant"- ASC-US-cell CINI – 20 (58.8%) cases, changes that are more significant than CINI with coilocytes – 7 reactive, but quantitatively or qualitatively (20.6%) cases. HSIL insufficient to establish a diagnosis of was found in 6 cases and CIN. • Non-exclusive HSIL (ASC-H) — accounted for 17.6% a category that takes middle position of the total number of between ASC-US and HSIL. dysplasias in the study Detection, typing (co-testing) of human group In 1 (2.9%) case papilloma virus (HPV) (6, 11, 44, 16, 18, was diagnosed atypia 26, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 53, 56, 58, of unknown origin 59, 66, 68, 73, 82 serotypes) by PCR was (ASCUS) (Fig.2). performed on the basis of microbiological As seen, even a laboratory of the Medical Institute clinic small difference in the Fig.1. Comparative characteristics of the diagnosis of cervix based on NEFU. cytological diagnosis uteri diseases by traditional and liquid-based cytology Results and discussion. The in traditional smears comparative analysis of cytological compared to smears samples of 100 women was conducted to obtained by LBC evaluate the effectiveness of the liquid- indicates that each of based cytology and traditional cytological these methods showed screening in the early diagnosis of CU effectiveness depending cancer. The patients were aged from on the type of CU 23 to 60 years. The average age of all pathology. women surveyed was 38.9+9.2 years.. 47 (47%) women The percentage of detected background were tested for HPV, and precancerous pathology was among them, 19(40%) estimated (Fig. 1). women were confirmed By TC method the absence of to have HPV. The intracellular damage (no findings presence of oncogenic Fig.2. Structure of detected precancerous lesions of the cervix uteri by liquid-based cytology. cytogram) was detected in 16 samples types of high-risk HPV (16%). By LBC method (NILM - was detected in 17 intraepithelial changes and malignant women (89.4%), of processes are absent) it was detected in which 26.3% (5 women) 66 (66% of the entire group) samples, and were diagnosed with among all of the samples 26 (26%) have LSIL, 15.8% (3 women) no pathology and 40 (40%) have reactive with HSIL, 5.2% (1 (background) changes (squamous woman) with ASCUS, metaplasia, inflammation, moderate and 42.1% (8 women) hyperplasia). Generally, according to with NILM. HPV type 16 these data cervical pathologies during was found in 7 patients routine cytology were detected in 84% of (36.8%), the next most cases, and during liquid-based cytology common type was HPV Fig.3. HSIL (CIN III): severe dysplasia. The group of small cells – in 74 %. Reactive (background) type 51 – 4 women with large hyperchromic nuclei on the background of flat epithe- changes in the TC are 53% of cases, (21%). The frequency of lium surface cells (Romanovsky-Gimza staining method), X400 20 ЯКУТСКИЙ МЕДИЦИНСКИЙ ЖУРНАЛ

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The aim of the study was to identify the risk predictors of developing acute kidney injury (AKI) and to create an AKI prognosis chart for patients with coronary artery disease (CAD) undergoing off-pump coronary artery bypass grafting. The study covered 210 patients with coronary artery disease (mean age of 58.4 ± 6.3 years, 173 (82.4%) men and 37 (17.6%) women) who underwent off-pump coronary artery bypass grafting. The signs of AKI after the surgery were observed in 89 (42.4%) patients. Out of the numerous factors, 17 most significant signs of the risk of developing AKI were selected using the Wald test. Using the identified signs, we built models (1) and (2) for predicting the probability of developing AKI with the sensitivity of 81% and specificity of 91%. We also revealed increased probability of developing AKI by 7.83 times (95% CI: 4.2-14.7) in patients with concomitant metabolic syndrome (MS). Keywords: coronary artery disease, metabolic syndrome, off-pump coronary artery bypass grafting, acute kidney injury, risk predictors, pre- diction model.

Kidney failure and various degrees of prognosis, increasing the hospital mor- Under the ASA (American Society of AKI in patients with coronary artery dis- tality rate of such patients to 26.3% [1]. Anesthetists) classification, all the pa- ease undergoing coronary artery bypass In addition, several research results indi- tients were assigned ASAPS Class 3 grafting remains one of the challenges in cate the highest risk of perioperative re- and Class 4. The anesthetic and postop- cardiac surgery and cardiovascular anes- nal complications in patients with comor- erative managements were carried out thesiology [4]. The AKI developed in the bid pathologies, including concomitant following the management protocols of postoperative period leads to a changed MS [3]. patients undergoing off-pump coronary patient treatment tactic, prolonged treat- With the goal of improving treatment artery bypass grafting [5]. ment duration and significantly worse outcomes, the differentiated and pa- The diagnostics of the functional sta- tient-oriented approach is a current trend tus of kidneys, assessment of the degree in medicine. From this perspective, the of renal dysfunction, AKI and assessment KOROSTELEV Aleksandr Sergeevich – identification of objective prognostic risk of its severity were carried out following anesthesiologist-resuscitator, Department criteria for developing AKI is of great ap- the KDIGO (Kidney Disease Improving of Anesthesiology, Resuscitation and Inten- plied value. Global Outcomes) Clinical Guidelines sive Care (Cardiology), State autonomous institution of the Sakha Republic (Yakutia) The aim of the present study was [12]. “Republic’s Hospital No. 1 - National Cen- to identify the risk predictors of develop- The processing of statistical data was ter of Medicine." Address: 677000, Sakha ing AKI and to create an AKI prognosis performed using SPSS Statistics, ver- Republic (Yakutia), Yakutsk, ul. Oyunskogo, chart for patients with CAD undergoing sion 23, and included: at different stages 27. Tel/fax. +7 (4112) 363489. Mob. +7-924- off-pump coronary artery bypass grafting. of the study, calculating the mean value 763-9300. E-mail: [email protected]; Materials and Methods. A retro- and and standard deviation assuming a nor- POTAPOV Aleksandr Filippovich – Doctor prospective, longitudinal observational mal distribution (M ± SD), the median of Medical Sciences, Head, Department of study was conducted. The retrospective and interquartile range (Me, IQ RQ3-Q1); Anesthesiology, Resuscitation and Intensive Care with Emergency Care Course, Faculty of stage of the study included analysis of conducting a logistic regression analysis Post-graduate Studies for Doctors, Institute of medical records of 90 inpatients, pro- to develop an AKI prediction model; and Medicine, Federal state educational institution spective - examination and treatment of determining the two-tailed criterion of of higher professional education "M.K.Am- 210 patients with coronary artery disease Student’s t-test for comparing mean val- mosov North-Eastern Federal University". (173 (82.4%) men, 37 (17.6 %) women) ues of two independent groups, and the IVANOVA Albina Ammosovna – Doctor of who underwent myocardial revascular- Mann-Whitney criteria for a nonparamet- Medicine, Associate Professor, Department ization by coronary artery bypass grafting ric test. The statistical significance was of Anesthesiology, Reanimation and Intensive and mammary coronary artery bypass set at p <0.05. Care, Institute for Post-graduate Medical Train- surgery off-pump. Mean age of patients Results and Discussion. In the ing, Ammosov North-Eastern Federal Univer- sity. ZAKHAROV Petr Ivanovich – Doctor was 58.4 ± 6.3 years. All surgeries were postoperative period, the signs of AKI of Medical Sciences, chief external expert in performed at the Sakha (Yakutia) Repub- were observed in 89 (42.4%) patients. cardiovascular surgery, Head, Cardiovascular lic’s Hospital No. 1 - National Center of To predict postoperative AKI in patients Surgery Department, Clinical Center, State Medicine in the period 2016-2020. with coronary artery disease, we stud- autonomous institution of the Sakha Republic The diagnostics of the cardiovascular ied 104 factors that were considered (Yakutia) “Republic’s Hospital No. 1 - National system functional status was carried out from the perspective of increasing or Center of Medicine." BULATOV Alkviad Val- in accordance with the 2014 ESC/EACTS decreasing the risk of kidney injury. Us- entinovich – Candidate of Medical Sciences Guidelines on Myocardial Revasculariza- ing a statistical analysis, we identified Head, Department of Anesthesiology, Resus- tion [11]. MS was diagnosed using the 72 factors that have a statistically sig- citation and Intensive Care (Cardiology), State autonomous institution of the Sakha Republic criteria from the Clinical Guidelines of the nificant relationship with the risk of de- (Yakutia) “Republic’s Hospital No. 1 - National Ministry of Health of the Russian Feder- veloping AKI. At the next stage, out of Center of Medicine." ation [6]. these factors, 17 signs were selected by 22 ЯКУТСКИЙ МЕДИЦИНСКИЙ ЖУРНАЛ

the Wald stepwise backward elimination 2.0*Хproteinuria + 0.3*ХHbA1c + 0.3*Хglucose + Based on the values of the regres- method (Table 1). 0.09*ХHb – 0.2*ХHt – 0.3*ХTC + 1.1*ХTG – sion coefficients, all of the listed factors

The Table demonstrates that along 3*ХHDL + 1*ХLDL (1), are directly related to the probability of with the values of blood creatinine, GFR where: Хage – age (years); XBMI – body developing AKI in the postoperative pe- 2 and proteinuria, which are mandatory in mass index (kg/m ); Xsmoking – smoking riod. The obtained regression model (1) assessing renal function [3, 4, 17], we factor (0 – non-smokers, 1 – smokers); is statistically significant (p = 0.001) and, selected the factors whose role in the de- Хstatins – the intake of statins in therapeutic based on the value of the Nigelkerk coef- velopment and course of AKI has been doses (0 – does not take, 1 - takes); ХEF – ficient of determination, it takes into ac- confirmed by numerous studies. These ejection fraction (%); ХLVEDd – left ventric- count 73.5% of the factors signaling the are anthropometric data [11, 8], smoking ular end diastolic dimension (cm); ХGFR – probability of developing AKI in the post- [10], a number of hemodynamic param- glomerular filtration rate (ml/min/1.73m2); operative period. eters [9, 2], blood sugar [11, 14, 15] and Хcreatinine – serum creatinine (μmol/l); Хpro- In order to adapt this model (1) for lipids [7,10,16,18], as well as the intake teinuria – proteinuria (mg/d); ХHbA1c – gly- application in the routine clinical prac- of statins, which have nephroprotective cated hemoglobin (%); Хglucose – blood tice, and also taking into account the effect [18]. glucose level (μmol/l); ХHb – hemoglobin complex mathematical calculation of

The inclusion of the presented risk fac- level (g/l); ХHt – hematocrit (%); ХTC – to- logistic regression, we transformed it tors for developing AKI made it possible tal cholesterol (μmol/l); ХTG – triglycerides using the multiple linear regression. to create a prediction model (1) for deter- (μmol/l); ХHDL – high-density lipoproteins The value of the probability of AKI de- mining the probability of developing AKI (μmol/l); ХLDL – low-density lipoproteins velopment, expressed as a percentage, in each case: (μmol/l); - 28.561 – a constant. served as a dependent variable, and we РAKI = 1/(1 + e-z), The assessment of the probability introduced the same 17 indicators used where: РAKI – the probability of devel- of developing AKI in CAD patients was in model (1) as factor variables. As a re- oping AKI, expressed in %; е-z – the nat- carried out as follows: with a value of sult, the following equation was created ural logarithm base (Euler’s number) = PAKI > 50 %, the patient was assumed (Model 2):

2.71828. the high-risk group of kidney injury, while YAKI (%) = 0.7*Хage + 2.3*ХBMI + 14*Хsmok-

The following risk factors are to be with PAKI < 50% – the low-risk group. ing – 16*Хstatins + 0.1*ХEF – 18.5*ХLVEDd + used to calculate z: The sensitivity of the obtained model 0.4*ХGFR + 0.6*Хcreatinine + 13*Хproteinuria +

z = -28.561 + 0.09*Хage + 0.2*ХBMI + was 81%, specificity – 91%, with the to- 3*ХHbA1c + 2.7*Хglucose + 0.9*ХHb – 2.4*ХHt

1.5*Хsmoking – 1.2*Хstatins + 0.07*ХEF tal percentage of diagnostic efficiency at – 2.5*ХTC – 2*ХTG – 24*ХHDL + 12.2*ХLDL

–1.9*ХLVEDd + 0.1*ХGFR + 0.09*Хcreatinine + 86.7%. – 105 (2), Where: YAKI (%) – the probability of de- Table 1 veloping AKI in %; - 105 – a constant (baseline probability of AKI without the Factor having established relationship with the AKI risk in CAD patients factors included in the Model); values of 0.7; 2.3; 14; 16, etc. – regression coeffi- Characteristics With AKI Without AKI p cients determining how much the AKI risk (n=89) (n=121) will increase with a certain risk factor. Age, years, (M±SD) 59.1±5.9 57.8±6.6 0.154 The created prediction regression BMI, kg/m2, (M±SD) 31.1±4.1 26.8±5.0 < 0.001* model (2) was characterized by a direct, Smoking, n (%) 63 (70.8%) 26 (29.2%) < 0.001* statistically significant correlation of the LVED, cm, (M±SD) 4.9 ± 0.4 4.9±0.4 0.159 probability of AKI (p = 0.001) and had a strong relationship of the factors on the EF, % 58.5±6.0 59.6±6.24 0.871 Chaddock scale (rxy = 0.940). Based on GFR/min/1.73m2, (M±SD) 71.5 ±14.2 77.9 ± 14.1 0.001* the value of the Nigelkerk determination 2 Serum creatinine, μmol/l 101.0 [88.0-122.0] 89.0 [88.0-99.0] < 0.001* coefficient R , Model (2) takes into ac- (Me [Q1-Q3]) count 88.3% of the most significant fac- Proteinuria, mg, tors determining the probability of AKI in (Me [Q1-Q3]) 0.3 [0.1-1.0] 0.1 [0-0.2] < 0.001* the postoperative period. The sensitivity Fasting plasma glucose, μmol/l (Me [Q1-Q3]) 8.0 [7.0-9.0] 5.5 [4.5-7.75] < 0.001* of the model remained high and made 81%, specificity – 91%. НbА1с,% 6.5 [5.25-7.0] 4.0 [4.0-4.5] < 0.001* The conducted ROC (Receiver Oper- Hb, g/l (M±SD) 140.0±8.1 137.1±8.8 0.016* ating Characteristic) analysis confirmed Ht, %, 35.0 [33.0-38.0] 37.0 [34.0-43.0] < 0.001* high diagnostic value of the created mod- (Me [Q1-Q3]) el (2). The area under the ROC – AUC Total cholesterol, μmol/l, (M±SD) 6.5 [5.25-7.25] 5.5 [4.25-7.0] 0.001* (area under curve) was 0.94 ± 0.14 (95% Triglycerides, μmol/l, (M±SD) 1.63±0.3 1.43±0.3 < 0.001* CI 0.91-0.97), dividing value of prognos- HDL cholesterol, μmol/l, (Me [Q1-Q3]) 1.36±0.27 1.32±0.29 0.357 tic function (cut-off) – 50% (Fig.). LDL cholesterol, μmol/l, (Me [Q1-Q3]) 2.35±0.64 1.84±0.7 < 0.001* Assuming that the AKI predictors in- clude all the signs characteristic of MS, Atorvastatin, 61 (68.5%) 41 (33.9%) 20 мг, n (%) < 0.001* we carried out a separate analysis of the 80 мг, n (%) 28 (31.5%) 80 (66.1%) AKI incidence in patients with concomi- tant MS. The statistical analysis showed Note: BMI - body mass index; LVED - the final diastolic size of the left ventricle; LVEF - left that the probability of developing AKI with ventricular ejection fraction; GFR - glomerular filtration rate; TC - total cholesterol; TG - triglycerides; HDL - high density lipoproteins; LDL - low density lipoproteins. In the tables 1-2 concomitant MS increases by 7.83 times * - differences in the indicators are statistically significant (p <0.05). (95% CI: 4.2-14.7) (Table 2). 2’ 2020 23

serum creatinine of 159 μmol/l, and de- kidney injury after CABG without cardiopulmo- creased urine output of less than 0.5 nary bypass: prediction of outcomes. Nefrologiya i dializ. 2014;16(3): 350-358. (In Russ.).] ml/kg/h. 5. Хенсли А.Ф., Мартин Д.Е., Грэвли Г.П. Conclusion. Therefore, in our study, Практическая кардиоанестезиология. 5-е изд. signs of AKI were observed in 42.4% of — М.: «Медицинское информационное агент- the patients with coronary artery disease, ство», 2017. [Frederick A. Hensley Jr., Donald E. and the probability of its development Martin, Glenn P. Gravlee. A practical approach to cardiac anesthesia. Medicinskoe informacionnoe with concomitant MS increased by 7.83 agentstvo. 5th ed., transl. version. (In Russ.).] times. Predicting AKI and assessing the 6. Рекомендации по ведению больных с ме- risk of its development should become таболическим синдромом: клинические реко- mandatory for patients with coronary мендации МЗ РФ; 2013: 42. 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M.A. Nikitina, N.G. Brazovskaya, N.G. Zhukova, E.Yu. Bragina, V.M. Alifirova APATHY AS THE NON-MOTOR SYMPTOM DOI 10.25789/YMJ.2020.70.07 OF PARKINSON DISEASE УДК 616.858:616.851-056.7]-07: 616.89-008.484-037 AND HUNTINGTON DISEASE

Apathy is one of the most frequent, disabling and difficult to treat non-motor symptoms manifesting in many neurodegenerative diseases, particularly in Parkinson disease and Huntington disease. Aim is to evaluate and compare the clinical profile of apathy in patients with Parkinson disease (PD) and Huntington disease (HD). Materials and methods. The individual registration card was filled in for each patient containing demographic data, clinical features of the disease, the results of validated scales and questionnaires evaluating motor activity (The Movement Disorder Society-Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale – MDS-UPDRS, the Unified Huntington's Disease Rating Scale – UHDRS), cognitive functions (MoCA-test), anxiety-depressive symptoms (hospital scale for evaluating anxiety and depression, Beck's depression scale-II), apathy (apathy rating scale). Patients with dementia or severe depression were excluded from the study. Results. The study included 265 patients: 250 with PD and 15 with HD. Apathy was diagnosed in 57.8% of cases in patients with neurode- generative diseases (139 out of 250 patients with PD and 9 out of 15 patients with HD). In both groups of patients apathy was associated with the severity of motor manifestations. Patients with PD showed a positive correlation of apathy with more severe depression (r=0.488; p<0.0001), anxiety (r=0.300; p<0.0001) and drowsiness (r=0.254; p<0.0001); a negative correlation with a short duration of the disease (r=-0.160; p=0.021), a lower dose of dopaminergic drugs, LEDD (r=-0.203; p=0.03). In patients with HD, apathy was associated with disease duration (8 (4; 11) years in patients without apathy and 5 (3;9) years in patients with apathy, U =3791.5; p=0.020) and cognitive impairment (26 (19;37) points, without apathy – 18 (12;26), U =3548.5; p=0.003). Conclusions. Similar frequency of apathy was found in patients with PD and HD, but with different clinical correlations due to the involvement of different brain regions in the pathological process, which requires further research to develop targeted therapy. Keywords: apathy, Huntington disease, Parkinson disease, cognitive disorders, depression, psychopathological symptoms, non-motor symp- toms.

Introduction. Apathy is considered associated with the violation of cognitive ment and up to 60% in patients with de- as a disorder of the emotional-volitional processes; and the third is the apathy as- mentia after 5-10 years of the disease [8]. sphere, characterized by a lack of emo- sociated with the disorder of self-activity Apathy in PD is associated with the male tional manifestations, lethargy, indiffer- process [1]. sex, old age, the presence of depression ence to oneself and relatives, to what is Each component of apathy is caused and severe motor disorders, deterioration happening around, lack of desires, life by different neuronal connections affect- of executive function, and an increased motives and inactivity. 3 main compo- ing the basal ganglia, thalamus, and cor- risk of dementia [8, 22]. nents are distinguished in apathy: emo- tical connections. According to research The prevalence of apathy in HD, ac- tional-affective, cognitive and auto-activ- data, the apathy prevalence in cortex and cording to various literature data, also ity deficit: the first is the apathy associ- subcortical nuclei lesions ranges from 40 varies widely: from 11 to 76% [9, 10, 15- ated with impaired emotional-affective to 60% [4, 7, 12, 14]. Such high rates of 17, 21]. One point of view is that apathy processes; the second is the apathy apathy in brain diseases are the result of is mildly present in almost all patients quite frequent involvement of frontal-sub- with HD during the course of the dis- cortical neuronal connections between ease, and that its prevalence increases NIKITINA Maria A. – MD, PhD, Associate the prefrontal cortex and basal ganglia in due to the progression of the disease. As Professor, Department of Neurology and Neu- the neurodegenerative process, affecting a result of the "TRACK-HD" study (UK, rosurgery, Siberian State Medical University, the anterior cingulate gyrus, ventral stria- 2012-2014), establishing sensitive and Tomsk, Russian Federation, 8-913-865-4918, tum, pallidum and thalamus [1, 19]. reliable biomarkers in identified carriers e-mail: [email protected], ORCID 0000- Both PD and HD are motor neurode- of the HD gene and in patients with HD 0002-2614-207X; BRAZOVSKAYA Natalia G. – PhD, Associate Professor, Department generative disorders caused mainly by at early clinical stages, it was proved that of Medical and Biological Cybernetics, Siberi- lesions of the basal ganglia and mani- a significant increase in apathy can be an State Medical University, Tomsk, Russian festing by motor and various non-motor detected among patients with HD at the Federation, [email protected], 8-913-884-7333; symptoms, including cognitive, behav- preclinical stage. Apathy in this case was ZHUKOVA Natalya G. – MD, PhD, Professor, ioral, and emotional-affective manifesta- the most reliable psychotic non-motor Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery, tions, with apathy among them [19, 20]. symptom, which is important for pre- Siberian State Medical University, Tomsk, Russian Federation, [email protected], In PD, apathy is a frequent neuropsy- dicting functional disorders at the early 8-913-824-6202; BRAGINA Elena Yu. – PhD, chiatric disorder with prevalence varying stages of HD [9, 16, 18]. According to Senior Researcher, Laboratory of Population from 7 to 70%, and, according to a num- these studies, apathy in HD was more Genetics, Research Institute of Medical Ge- ber of studies, it might even precede mo- common in older male patients with a netics, Tomsk NRMC, Tomsk, Russian Fed- tor symptoms with a frequency reaching lower overall functional ability score, a eration, [email protected], 8-913- 36% of cases [7, 8]. The prevalence of higher score of motor function evaluation 823-4122; ALIFIROVA Valentina M. – MD, PhD, Professor, Head of the Department of apathy usually decreases after the start- on the Unified Huntington's Disease Rat- Neurology and Neurosurgery, Siberian State ing of dopaminergic replacement thera- ing Scale – UHDRS, more psychotropic Medical University, Tomsk, Russian Federa- py, but it increases again up to 40% in drugs usage, depression, and cognitive tion, [email protected], 8-913-850-0240 patients without severe cognitive impair- impairment. 2’ 2020 25

Despite the fact that both PD and HD the analysis of symptomatic therapy); for standard deviation M; . Description of characterized by severe motor disorders, patients with HD - the number of CAG re- quantitative features whose distribution often manifest by apathy, its profile and peats. does not correspond to the normal law correlations with other symptoms differ Evaluation of motor disorders in pa- – in the form of the median and the in- significantly. The purpose of this study tients with HD was performed using the terquartile range Me (Q1;Q3). We used was to evaluate and identify the role of Unified rating scale for HD manifesta- for comparison of quantitative data crite- apathy in the clinical picture of PD and tions evaluation, the part "motor assess- ria Mann–Whitney and Kruskal-Wallace. HD. ment" (UHDRS-Motor), in patients with The relationship between quantitative The aim of our study was to evaluate PD – using the Movement Disorder So- and ordinal features was evaluated using non-motor symptoms in patients with PD ciety-Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating correlation analysis. and HD, on the basis of the apathy pres- Scale – MDS-UPDRS, part III (MDS-UP- Results. In our sample patients with ence and its severity. DRS-III). The analysis of motor and psy- PD were of average age of 67.2±7.8 Materials and methods. The ad- choemotional disorders in patients with years, 130 (52%) were men and 120 vantage of this work is that a quite large PD was carried out in the on-phase. De- (48%) were women, the average dura- category of patients with neurodegen- pressive symptoms were studied using tion of education was 9.2±6.3 years, and erative diseases was examined using the Beck-II depression scale. Cognitive the average duration of the disease was the same, validated, recommended by impairment was recorded using the Mon- 7.4±5.1 years. All PwPD received specific the world's leading neurological organi- treal cognitive assessment scale (MoCA antiparkinsonian therapy, 110 (44%) pa- zations – «The International Parkinson test). tients were treated with antidepressants, and Movement Disorder Society (MDS)» There is an extensive list of psycho- and 2 (0.8%) received neuroleptics. and «European Academy of Neurology metric scales published to assess ap- For patients with HD, the average (EAN)» clinical scales for apathy, cogni- athy, but for the purposes of this study, age was 51.3±7.8 years; there were 6 tive dysfunction and depressive symp- we focused on those that could be used men and 9 women, the average level of toms assessing. in both patients with HD and PD [3]. education was 7.2±4.9 years, the aver- The plan and performing of the study Apathy was evaluated using the Apa- age duration of the disease was 7.1±4.2 are fully complying with the principles of thy Scale, which is a self-questionnaire years, 9 patients received neuroleptic Good Clinical Practice (GCP) and the consisting of 14 statements distributed treatment and 10 received antidepres- Helsinki Declaration (including amend- on a 4-point Likert scale (1-not at all, sants (4 patients were treated with the ments). The research protocol was ap- 2-slightly, 3-partially, and 4-to a large ex- combination of these drugs). According proved by the ethics Committee of the tent) and being a modified, abbreviated to the obtained data, patients with HD Siberian State Medical University (reg- version of the Marin (Apathy Evaluation were significantly younger than those istration number 7813 of may 27, 2019). Scale - AES) [11]. Answers to questions with PD (p<0.001). 265 patients with neurodegenerative should contain information about the The analysis of the examined groups disorders were studied: 15 with HD and previous four weeks. The questionnaire revealed that patients with PD had a high- 250 with PD at different disease stages has items reflecting various symptoms, er average level of education (p=0.032), on base of the department of neurology according to which you can track their patients with HD – received neuroleptic and neurosurgery Siberian State Medical dynamics. Energy, sleep, fatigue, ap- treatment more often (p<0.001). In our University, Tomsk, Russian (head of de- petite, psychomotor disorders, speed sample, the average duration of the dis- partment, professor, MD V.M. Alifirova). and clarity of thinking, memory, ability to ease in patients with PD and HD was Inclusion criteria: verified diagnosis of concentrate, the presence of plans and equivalent, with no significant differences idiopathic PD according to the diagnostic goals for the future, loss of interest and (p>0.05). Criteria of the United Kingdom Parkin- initiative are the main factors for deter- High incidence of apathy in patients son's Disease Society Brain Bank [13], mining the presence and severity of ap- with various neurodegenerative diseases verified diagnosis of HD with a positive athy. The main advantages of the scale was found in this study, manifested both genetic test (the number of trinucleotide are the following: ease of use, well-de- by hypokinetic-hypertensive syndrome CAG repeats in one of the alleles of the fined score values for apathy screening, in PD and hyperkinetic-hypotonic syn- HTT gene≥36) and characteristic clini- high specificity and sensitivity to changes drome in HD: 55.6% (n = 139/250) and cal manifestations in the form of motor (on the background of treatment). The 60.0% (n = 9/15), respectively, at p>0.05. symptoms, with UHDRS motor assess- disadvantages are that this self-ques- Cognitive disorders were observed in ment. tionnaire is not acceptable for patients all patients with diagnosed apathy in Exclusion criteria: the presence of se- with moderate to severe dementia. HD (n=9), while in patients with PD – in vere depression and dementia, accord- Statistic results processing was per- 44.6% (n=62) of cases, p<0.001. In turn, ing to the diagnostic criteria of ICD-10; formed using the pack of application patients with PD and apathy were more patients with PD who had deep brain programs SPSS 11. 5 for Windows. The likely to have depressive symptoms – in stimulation surgery. critical significance level in our study was 93.5% (n=130) of individuals, compared The individual registration card was 0.05. The description of qualitative fea- with patients with HD – in 55.5% (n=5), filled in each patient of the study, contain- tures is carried out by specifying absolute with p<0.001. This data is consistent ing information about demographic data and relative (%) frequency of occurrence with the results of international studies (age, gender, education level), medical (Pearson's criterion χ2 with Yates correc- [7-10, 15-17]. However, there is a wide history (duration, stage of symptoms de- tion and Fisher's exact criterion). Quan- variability of the apathy frequency in both velopment, used drug therapy, the dose titative characteristics were checked for diseases in the literature, which is due to of dopaminergic drugs for patients with compliance with the normal distribution various factors, such as the location of PD translated into the equivalent daily law using the Shapiro-Wilk test. The de- the patients’ sample (e.g. patients from dose of levodopa (levodopa equivalent scription of quantitative characteristics special clinics for movement disorders daily dose-LEDD) and for both groups, is presented as the average value and in comparison with individuals from the 26 ЯКУТСКИЙ МЕДИЦИНСКИЙ ЖУРНАЛ

general population), the inclusion of pa- paminergic drugs [5]. In our sample, pa- ological level of dopamine, has not been tients with severe depression and / or tients with PD and apathy have a lower prescribed and the second peak is on dementia, the severity of the disease, total daily dose of levodopa, compared extensive stages of PD (4th and stage different methodological approaches to patients with PD without apathy (p = 5th stages) when extensive neurode- (e.g., assessment of the patient or his 0.05). Despite the fact that there were no generative process can’t be compen- relatives) and usage of various diagnos- statistically significant differences in do- sated by the drugs and is accompanied tic tools for apathy assessment. paminergic drugs dose taken in the group by a number of non-motor symptoms. In The clinical profile of the studied neu- of patients with PD and apathy and with- addition, the association of apathy with rodegenerative disorders is represent- out it, there was a trend in which patients hospitalization of the patient was found ed by various motor symptoms (in PD who did not suffer from apathy received due to the development of an akinetic – bradykinesia, tremor, hypokinesia and drugs of dopamine receptor agonists crisis, regardless of the PD stage. This postural instability, in HD – chorea in the more often. might be connected to the constant use form of abnormal short and irregular un- Moreover, it was found that patients of a low dose of dopaminergic drugs, controlled movements) and non-motor with PD and apathy are significantly more which increases the likelihood of apa- (cognitive, emotional-affective, mental likely to take antidepressants than pa- thy and other associated emotional and and behavioral) symptoms. Although tients without apathy; however, this can affective disorders that contribute to the both diseases are mainly associated with be explained by the fact that apathy is violation of compliance in this category lesions affecting the basal ganglia, the combined with depression in most cases, of patients. neurodegenerative process in PD and and patients receive depression patho- Despite the fact that there are two dif- HD develops in different ways. So, the genetic treatment that does not affect the ferent disorders of the basal ganglia in PD manifestation is observed at 70-80% severity of such an emotional-affective the studied diseases, the greater sever- loss of the substantia nigra pars compac- disorder as apathy. ity of motor symptoms seems to lead to ta, first in its ventral and then in the dorsal The connection between apathy and a higher predisposition of apathy in both parts, which subsequently leads to a loss cognitive impairment is contradictory and HD and PD. of the striatum dopamine content. In HD, widely discussed [4, 8, 20]. As a result of Conclusion. As a result of the study, the neurodegenerative process is initiat- neuropsychological testing, it was found it can be noted that apathy is a frequent ed by the loss of striatum neurons [2, 5]. that the cognitive profile of patients with and important non-motor manifestation of However, despite all these differences, apathy in the studied neurodegenerative PD and HD. In the studied neurodegen- both diseases seem to have an equally diseases differs: in patients with HD at- erative diseases with lesions of the basal high apathy inclination but with features tention, working memory (p <0.001) and ganglia, various neuronal pathways go- in its profile. speech (p = 0.007) domains are signifi- ing from the prefrontal cortex to the basal Patients with PD and apathy studied cantly reduced according to the MoCA ganglia suffer [2, 6]. Thus, in PD apathy by the MDS-UPDRS-III scale showed a test compared to patients with PD. is mostly associated with the emotional significantly higher level of motor disor- In HD apathy was also significantly as- component, while in HD it is associated ders – 38 (30;48), while without apathy sociated with the duration of the disease with cognitive areas, that might deter- – 29 (23;38), (U=3658.5; p=0.003), a and the presence of cognitive impair- mine the need for different therapeutic shorter duration of the disease – 6 (4;10) ments. Thus, in patients without apathy approaches. compared with 9 (5;12) points - without the duration of the disease was 5 (3;9) According to our data, apathy as a emotional-affective disorder, (U=3793.5; years, with apathy – 8 (4;11) years, U non-motor symptom of the two neurode- p=0.020), a lower dose of LEDD – 150 =3791.5; p=0.020. generative pathologies studied in this re- (0;350) and 300 (156;375), (u=3321.5; During the study it was found that all search, has a similar prevalence, but the p<0.0001) and had pronounced depres- patients with HD had cognitive disorder clinical profile is different. Apathy in PD is sive symptoms according to BDI-II – 20 (n = 15). However, patients with clinically primarily associated with emotional and (16;27) compared to PD – without apathy expressed apathy had the worst result affective disorders ("emotional apathy"), – 15 (11;20), (U=2781.5; p<0.0001). of cognitive tests of 16 (10;24) points, while in HD it is associated with cognitive According to the results of our study, without apathy – 20 (12;29) points, U functions ("cognitive apathy"). patients with PD and apathy have more =3548.5; p=0.003. Our data partially In clinical practice, these results lead severe motor disorders (according to confirm the results received earlier in- us to consider apathy as an independent MDS-UPDRS-III), a shorter duration dicating that apathy in HD might be a nosological unit, caused by dysfunction, of the disease, and more pronounced predictor of cognitive impairment up to on the one hand, of different, but at the symptoms of depression. On this basis it dementia [3]. We did not find a predom- same time interconnected neuronal pro- can be assumed that the short duration of inance of patients taking neuroleptics in jections, which might differ depending on clinically expressed neurodegenerative the group of patients with apathy. How- the nosology and even within the same disease and the presence of pronounced ever, this might be connected to the fact pathology, depending on the stage of the motor symptoms might be the apathy that neuroleptics are used at the ad- disease. Our study confirms the fact that predictors in PD. vanced stage of HD. apathy has a multifactorial nature and An interesting result is that the majori- As the result of the study it was found depending on the type of neurodegener- ty of apathy patients with PD and apathy that patients with PD have two peaks ative disease might have different points patients with HD had combined depres- of apathy in the course of the disease: of pharmacotherapy application. sion and / or cognitive disorders, and only in the early, before-treatment stages The research was supported by 5.6% of those with PD (n = 14) and 1 pa- by Hoehn and Yahr (as a rule, they are the Grant Council of the President of tient with HD (6.7%) had isolated apathy. first-time applying patients of the 1st and the Russian Federation (grant № MK- According to previous studies, apathy is 2nd stages by Hoehn and Yahr), when 813.2019.7, "Clinical and epidemiological a hypodofaminergic symptom in PD, with the specific antiparkinsonian therapy, features of neurodegenerative diseases the severity decreasing when taking do- supporting optimal or close to the physi- of the Tomsk region"). 2’ 2020 27

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S.A. Bedina, A.S. Trofimenko, E.E. Mozgovaya, S.S. Spitsina, M.A. Mamus, E.A. Tikhomirova ACTIVITY OF PROOXIDANT AND ANTIOXIDANT SYSTEMS ENZYMES DOI 10.25789/YMJ.2020.70.08 IN PLASMA OF RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS УДК 616.72-002.77 PATIENTS

The aim of our study was to characterize the activity profile of prooxidant and antioxidant systems key enzymes in plasma of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients. Methods. 71 RA patients (46 women and 25 men) were enrolled in the study. The diagnosis was verified with ACR/EULAR criteria (2010). All patients were treated in Municipal Clinical Hospital № 25. The control group consisted of 30 healthy individuals. Disease activity was calculated using DAS 28. 24 (33.8%) patients had low disease activity, moderate and high disease activities were determined in 41 (57.7%) and 6 (8.5%) cases, respectively. Extra-articular manifestations were revealed in 30 (42,2%) patients. Plasma xanthine oxidase (XO), xanthine dehydrogenase (XDH) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) activities were measured using previonsly descriped spectrophotometric techniques. XO and XDG activities were expressed as nmol/mlmin, SOD activity – as units of activity. Results. Reference intervals (М±2σ) of enzymatic activities were 2.28-5.12 nmol/mlmin (for XO), 3.96-7.24 nmol/mlmin (for XDH), and 3.13- 6.58 units (for SOD). We heve revealed substantial changes in all the plasma enzymatic activities of RA patients. These changes wore independed with the disease activity autoimmune inflammation and presence of extra-articular manifestations. XO and SOD activities were increased in all RA patients. XO activity have been reached its highest values at maximum disease activity with extra-articular involvemehts, SOD activity – in moderate and high disease activities as well as in patients with articular form of RA. XDG activity was increased at low disease activity and articular form of RA, while moderate, high disease activities and extra-articular manifestations were characterized by decreased activity of this enzyme. Conclusion. Plasma enzymatic profile in RA patients is characterized by an increase of XO Research Institute of Clinical and Experimen- and SOD activities, which indicates the intensification of prooxidant and antioxidant mechanisms. tal Rheumatology named after A.B. Zborovsky, It can be assumed that the excessive generation of reactive oxygen species can stimulate the 76, Zemlyachki street, Volgograd, 400138, formation of neutrophil extracellular traps by neutrophil granulocytes as a result of the activation Russia: Svetlana Aleksandrovna BEDINA of free radical reactions. – PhD, senior researcher, Research Institute Keywords: rheumatoid arthritis, plasma, enzymatic profile. for Clinical and Experi-mental Rheumatology named after A.B. Zborovsky, 76, Zemlyachki str., Volgograd, 400138, Russia; tel. (8442) Introduction. Rheumatoid arthritis abnormal cellular and humoral immune 78-90-95 е-mail: clinicalbiochemistry@yan- (RA) is an autoimmune rheumatic responses [12]. These responses cause; – Elena Eduardovna MOZGOVAYA disease of unknown etiology which not only the synovial inflammation PhD, leading researcher, Research Institute for Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology is characterized by chronic erosive leading to the destruction of joints named after A.B. Zborovsky, 76, Zemlyachki arthritis and systemic organ involvement but also internal organ involvement. str., Volgograd, 400138, Russia; tel. (8442) resulting in early disability and shorter However, the mechanism underpinning 78-90-95, e-mail: [email protected]; Andrey life expectancy [6]. Despite significant the transition of autoimmune response to Stepanovich TROFIMENKO – PhD,head of advances in the diagnostics and treatment joint inflammation still remains uncertain. department, Research Institute for Clinical of RA over the past 50 years, there still At the same time, numerous studies and Experimental Rheumatology named after remain unsolved problems. This is due have shown that anti-citrullinated protein A.B. Zborovsky, 76, Zemlyachki str., Volgo- to the fact that RA continues to be one of antibodies appear many years before grad, 400138, Russia; assistant, Volgograd the most prevalent rheumatic diseases the clinical onset of joint inflammation State Medical University, 1, Pavshikh Bortsov Sq., Volgograd, 400131, Russia. tel. (8442) which has significant socioeconomic [11]. The production of anti-citrullinated 78-90-95, e-mail: [email protected]; costs [10]. Moreover, the use of protein antibodies is considered to play a Svetlana Sergeyevna SPITSYNA – junior genetically-engineered biological agents key role in the pathogenesis of RA. researcher, Research Institute for Clinical and frequently leads to RA progression. Neutrophil granulocytes also play Experimental Rheumatology named after A.B. Therefore, in recent years there has a specific role in the induction and Zborovsky, 76, Zemlyachki str., Volgograd, been a growing interest in the molecular promotion of autoimmune inflammation 400138, Russia; assistant, Volgograd State and cellular mechanisms of immune- in RA. It is accounted for by the ability Medical University, 1, Pavshikh Bortsov Sq., mediated inflammatory pathogenesis of of neutrophils to release neutrophil Volgograd, 400131, Russia; tel. (8442) 78-90- RA. New insights into the mechanisms extracellular traps (NETs) through cell 95 е-mail: [email protected]; Mariya Anatolyevna MAMUS – junior researcher underpinning RA pathogenesis will lead death called NETosis [2, 8, 9, 12, 15]. of the Research Institute for Clinical and Ex- to improved diagnostics of RA at an early Anti-citrullinated protein antibodies perimental Rheumatology named after A.B. preclinical stage, better assessment of and inflammatory cytokines (IL-17A, Zborovsky, 76, Zemlyachki str., Volgograd, disease activity, prognosis and treatment TNF-α and IL-8) can stimulate NETosis, 400138, Russia.; tel. (8442) 78-90-95 е-mail: outcomes, and the development of novel whereas NETs externalize citrullinated [email protected]; Ekaterina Andreyev- more specific treatment modalities. autoantigens which are potential anti- na TIKHOMIROVA – junior researcher of the At present there is no credible or citrullinated protein antibody targets, Research Institute for Clinical and Experimen- convincing evidence linking RA with thus perpetuating a cycle of citrullinated tal Rheumatology named after A.B. Zborovsky, 76, Zemlyachki str., Volgograd, 400138, Rus- one etiological factor. A combination of autoantigen generation and induction of sia; tel. (8442) 78-90-95 е-mail: sezam.luga@ genetic and environmental factors has autoimmune responses in RA [12, 13]. been suggested to cause a cascade of NETs are networks of condensed 2’ 2020 29

chromatin (histones and DNA), result in oxidative stress involved in a the third functional class. Rheumatoid components of neutrophil granules number of pathological conditions. factor antibodies were revealed in 67.6% (neutrophil elastase, myeloperoxidase, As ROS promotes NET generation, cases. cathepsin G, leucocyte proteinase 3, the study of oxidant and antioxidant Plasma xanthine oxidase (XO; Е.С. lactoferrin, gelatinase, lysozyme C, enzyme activity in patients with RA is of, xanthine dehydrogenase (XDH; calprotectin, defensins and cathelicidins) great interest. Е.С. and superoxide dismutase and cytoskeletal proteins (actin, tubulin) The aim of our study was to (SOD; Е.С. activities were [1]. NET production is commonly characterize the activity profile of measured using previously described accompanied by neutrophil cell death. prooxidant and antioxidant systems spectrophotometric techniques. XO According to current data, NETs not only key enzymes in plasma of rheumatoid and XDG activities were expressed as induce RA but also initiate autoaggressive arthritis (RA) patients. nmol/mlmin, SOD activity – as units of response which underlies chronic Matherials and methods. 71 RA activity [3, 4]. autoimmune inflammation in RA [12, 15]. patients (46 women and 25 men) were Statistical analysis was performed One of the factors triggering the enrolled in the study. Mean age of patients using Statistica 6.0 software package. production of NETs is overexpression was 43.2±3.6 years, mean RA duration Results were presented as (Ме, Q25, of reactive oxygen species (ROS) was 11.9±2.6 years. The diagnosis Q75). The Mann-Whitney U test was used [14]. NADPH-oxidase is considered was verified with ACR/EULAR criteria for statistical analysis. Differences were the main source of ROS. The role of (2010) [7]. All patients were treated in considered significant when p<0.05. NADPH-oxidase in the initiation of Municipal Clinical Hospital № 25. The Results and discussion. All the NET production is clearly understood. control group consisted of 30 healthy plasma enzymatic activities of healthy However, ROS can be formed by other individuals. RA patients and healthy individuals were not dependent on reactions. The enzyme xanthine oxidase/ individuals were comparable in gender gender and age. These factors were not xanthine dehydrogenase complex is the and age. Disease activity was calculated considered in the enzymatic activities most important source of ROS. These using DAS 28. 24 (33.8%) patients had analysis of RA patients. Reference two forms of xanthine oxidoreductase low disease activity, moderate and high intervals (М±2σ) of enzymatic activities (XOR) may be interconverted. NADPH- disease activities were determined in 41 were 2.28-5.12 nmol/mlmin (for XO), oxidase plays a leading role in xanthine (57.7%) and 6 (8.5%) cases, respectively. 3.96-7.24 nmol/mlmin (for XDH), and dehydrogenase (XDH) and xanthine Extra-articular manifestations were 3.13-6.58 units (for SOD). oxidase (XO) regulation. ROS generated revealed in 30 (42.2%) patients. Mostly, We conducted research of the plasma by NADPH may promote the conversion involvement in the pathological process enzymatic activities in RA patients with of XOR to oxidase [5]. XO is known to of the heart (30%), lungs (23.3%) and different clinical manifestations. The act as a prooxidant. XO activation is kidneys (23.3%) was diagnosed. 41 dependence of XO, XDG, SOD activities accompanied by increased formation patients (57.8%) had an articular form on RA activity and presence of extra- of superoxide radicals via oxidation of of the disease. Тhe radiological stage articular manifestations was analyzed. hypoxanthine and xanthine. of joint involvement was evaluated using The results are presented in the Table 1. Protection from overproduction Steinbroker criteria. Most RA patients We have revealed substantial changes of ROS in the body is provided by had II and III stages of joint involvement: in all the plasma enzymatic activities a complex antioxidant system, with 36 (50.7%) and 27 (38.0%), respectively. of RA patients. These changes were superoxide dismutase being the most I stage was determined in 5 (7.0%) cases, multidirectional. XO and SOD activities important. Healthy individuals tend to IV stage – in 3 cases. Joint functional were increased in all RA patients. XO have prooxidant-antioxidant balance. A limitations had 68 (95.8%) patients. 28 activity have been reached its highest shift in the balance between oxidants (39.4%) of them were related to the first values at maximum disease activity and and antioxidants is accompanied by functional class, 35 (49.3%) – to the presence extra-articular involvements, increased formation of ROS which can second functional class, 5 (7.1%) – to SOD activity – in moderate and high

Activity of enzymes in plasma of rheumatoid arthritis patients (Me (Q25; Q75))

Enzymes Group Significance of differences Significance of differences XO XDG SOD with healthy individuals between patient's group Healthy individuals, n=30 (3.2; 4.1) (4.9; 6.1) (4.3; 5.1) 1 1 6.3 5.5 9.2 1 RA patients, n=71 (4.8; 9.6) (4.8; 6.7) (7.3; 11.6) р˂0.001 RA activity (degree) 2.10.11 2.13.14 2.15.16 10 5.3 6.9 6.7 2 р˂0.001 1, n=24 (4.1; 6.1) (6.3; 7.6) (5.3; 7.4) р˂0.001 11р˂0.001 12 3.10.12 13 3.15 р=0.015 7.2 5.2 9.9 3 13 2, n=41 (5.0; 10.0) (4.8; 5.8) (9.0; 13.2) р˂0.001 р˂0.001 14р˂0.001 4.11.12 5.14 4.16 4р˂0.001 15 3, n=6 10.6 4.6 11.5 р˂0.001 (8.3; 11.7) (3.9; 5.2) (9.7; 12.9) 5р=0.008 16р˂0.001 Форма заболевания 5.06.18 6.57.19 10.56.20 6р˂0.001 Articular form, n=41 (3.8; 6.2) (5.2; 6.9) (6.7; 13.2) 7 18р˂0.001 р=0.011 19 8 р˂0.001 Presence of Extra-articular 9.78.18 5.19.19 8.48.20 р˂0.001 20р=0.038 manifestations, n=30 (7.5; 10.8) (4.6; 5.5) (7.5; 9.3) 9р=0.025 30 ЯКУТСКИЙ МЕДИЦИНСКИЙ ЖУРНАЛ

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O.L.Vasilyeva, Z.A.Rudykh, A.V.Sofronova, N.G.Starostina, S.M.Tarabukina, O.V.Tatarinova, Y.V.Chertovskikh, D.A.Sychev THE IMPACT OF POLYPHARMACY AND COMPLIANCE WITH STOP / START DOI 10.25789/YMJ.2020.70.09 CRITERIA ON THE RISK OF FALLS УДК 615.065 IN ELDERLY PATIENTS IN HOSPITAL

A retrospective analysis of medical records of 100 patients aged 59 years and older, who were on treatment at the Geriatric Centre of Clinical Hospital #3 of the Republic of Sakha, has been done. The study reveals a link between compliance with the STOP / START criteria, polypharmacy, compliance with treatment standards and protocols, and falls in elderly patients. Keywords: polypharmacy, adverse drug reaction, STOP/START criteria, patient of elderly age, falls in the elderly.

Introduction. Improving the quality of vidual approach due to the physiological ing 10 drugs or more [4]. STOP/START life and increased longevity have led to characteristics of aging, the burden of criteria are used to audit drug prescrip- increased requirements for at-tending el- diseases accumulated with old age and tions in order to optimize pharmacother- derly patients. The treatment of patients a modified response to prescribed phar- apy, reduce the development of USE over 65 years of age requires an indi- macotherapy. and improve the quality of life in elderly According to the UN the dynamics of patients in several countries of Europe, the rapid growth of number of the elder- Asia, America and Australia. The suc- ly in population is expected, who already cessful use of these criteria both for re- VASILIEVA Olga Lukichna – Center for Personalized Medicine, GAU RS (Y) “Re- make up a significant part of the popu- search and for practical clinical purposes publican Clinical Hospital No. 3”, Clinical lation in most developed countries, and in a number of countries in Europe, Asia, Pharmacologist, Comp. 89142240019, e-mail globally could double by 2050 (from 962 America and Australia demonstrates that [email protected], ORCID 0000-0001-9726- million to 2.1 billion) [11]. One of the man- the STOP/START criteria have truly glob- 5715. RUDYKH Zoya Aleksandrovna – Cen- ifesta-tions of dangerous adverse drug al significance [5]. ter for Personalized Medicine, GAU RS (Y) reactions in groups of older age patients The Objective of the Study: Im- "Republican Clinical Hospital No. 3", Clinical is a drug-induced fall [3]. According to the proving the quality of life and increasing Pharmacologist, Comp. 89241656800, e-mail forecasts in the near future the depen- longevity in the elderly and senile popu- [email protected], ORCID 0000-0001- dency ratio in this country will in-crease lation of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) 8212-0150. SOFRONOVA Aytalina Valerev- na – Center for Personalized Medicine, GAU by 8% (from 21% in 2009 to 30% in 2035) by measures to reduce the risk of falls RS (Y) "Republican Clinical Hospital No. 3", [8], therefore, the issue of forecasting the in this category of patients (compliance Clinical Pharmacologist, 89142710744, e-mail risk of falls and preventing their traumatic with STOP/START criteria, the treatment [email protected]; STAROSTINA Nadezh- effects seems to be topical [5 ]. standards and protocols). da Georgievna – Center for Personalized World Health Organization (WHO) The Materials and Methods. We Medicine GAU RS (Y) "Republican Clinical points out that in many cases the health have undertaken a retrospective analysis Hospital No. 3", Clinical Pharmacologist, St. care system is not ready to meet the of 100 medical records (hereinafter re- 89640766454, e-mail [email protected]; needs of the elderly suffering from mul- ferred to as medical histories) of patients TARABUKINA Sardana Makarovna – Can- di-date of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Medical tiple chronic diseases [1, 2, 4]. The treat- 59 years old and older who were on hos- Institute of the Northeast Federal Universi- ment of each elderly or senile patient is pital treatment at the Geri-atric Centre ty named after M.K. Ammosova, Associate always difficult to determine a mandatory of Clinical Hospital #3 of the Republic of Professor of the Department of Pharmacolo- risk / benefit assessment due to the large Sakha during the 3rd quarter of 2019 to gy and Pharmacy, S.T. 89246624412, e-mail number of mutually affecting and often find the relationship between the poly- [email protected], ORCID: 0000-0003-4231- unpredictable factors [2, 7, 12-13]. Partic- pharmacy (prescribing 5 or more drugs 2216; TATARINOVA Olga Viktorovna – Doc- ularly the administration of several drugs [11]) and compli-ance with the STOP/ tor of Medical Sciences, GAU RS (Y) “Repub- leading to a state of polypharmacy greatly START criteria (recommendations of the lican Clinical Hospital No. 3”, head physician, increases the risk of developing adverse National Health Service of the United senior fellow 89141053471, e-mail tov3568@; CHERTOVSKIKH Yana Valeryevna – drug reactions due to inter-drug interac- Kingdom (NHS), 2014, revised in 2015), Center for Personalized Medi-cine, GAU RS tions, re-duces adherence to medica- as well as to identify the dependence of (Y) "Republican Clinical Hospital No. 3", head tion in patients, triggers the pathological compli-ance/inconsistencies of the treat- of the CPM, c. 89241741790, e-mail yana_ mechanisms of serious ad-verse events, ment standards and protocols (account [email protected] ORCID 0000-0003-0941- contributes to reduced strength and poor form #313/y «the Map of the Peer Review 8633. SYCHEV Dmitry Alekseevich – Doctor health conditions [10]. When prescrib- of Pharmacotherapy Quality» (the Con- of Medical Sciences, Professor, Professor of ing drugs in geriatric practice one must sultation Protocol, dated November,01, the Russian Academy of Sciences, Corre- remember that senior citizens tend to 2003) and the risk of falls. The risk of sponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Rec-tor of FSBEI DPO “Russian have serious adverse drug reactions [5]. falls in each patient has been determined Medical Academy of Continuing Professional As L.B. Lazebnik et al. noticed, simul- upon his/her ad-mission to hospital treat- Education”, 89104076111, e-mail dmitry.alex. taneous administration of five drugs in- ment with the use of the special Morse [email protected] ORCID 0000-0002-4496- creases frequency of drug interactions to scale [9]. 3680. 50%, and the risk reaches 100% with tak- Statistical analysis of the results of 32 ЯКУТСКИЙ МЕДИЦИНСКИЙ ЖУРНАЛ

pharmacological expertise has been car- in 12 cases (12%). When comparing dards and protocols and the risk of falls ried out with the help of the IBM SPSS the frequency of detection of non-com- in elderly patients, in the case of partial Statistics 23 application package. De- pliance with the START criteria in the non-compliance with the treatment stan- scriptive statistics of the quantity data are groups of patients with different levels of dards and protocols the proportion of the given as average values with standard risk of falls, in cases of non-compliance patients with a high risk of falls increases deviation. The quality data are present- with the criteria of START-therapy, the by 9.7% (Table 4) with the significance ed in the form of absolute and relative proportion of the patients with a high risk level p = 0.328, which is statistically sig- frequencies. The relationships between of falls increases by 25.1% (Table 3), nificant. the studied indicators have been con- while the proportion of the patients with According to the results of the study of sidered with the use of the contingency no risk of falls is reduced by 35.3%. The the occurrence frequency of different lev- tables. In order to assess the statistical significance level is p = 0.008, which is els of risk of falls in the groups of patients significance of frequency differences statistically significant. Thus, compli- with 5 or more drugs, in the patients with in the studied groups the Pearson Chi- ance with the criteria of START-therapy polypharmacy, the per-centage of the pa- square criterion with significance level- leads to a significant reduction in the risk tients with a high risk of falls decreases has been used. The threshold level of the of falls. by 4.3% (Table 1), with the significance statistical significance we adopt is 0.05. According to the results of comparing level p = 0.516, which is statistically in- Results: The analysis of 100 medi- the frequency of detection of non-compli- significant. cal histories has been undertaken: of 61 ance with the STOP criteria in the groups Considering the obtained data sev- women (61%) and 39 men (39%). The of patients with different levels of risk of eral conclusions can be drawn about average age is 75.05 ± 8.143 years. The falls, in cases of non-compliance with the possible causal relation-ships between average age of the women is 74.21 ± criteria of STOP-therapy, the percentage age, polypharmacy, compliance with the 8.335 years, the average age of the men of the patients with a high risk of falls STOP/START criteria and falls in senile is 76.36 ± 7.758 years. The prescription increases by 5.3% (Table 2), while the patients: the risk of falls increases with of 5 or more drugs (polypharmacy) has significance level is p = 0.868, which is age; there is a connection between the been noted in 42 cases (42%). statistically insignificant. compliance with the START criteria and According to the results of the study, According to the results of the analy- the risk of falls, this indicator is statistical- violation of the STOP criteria is observed sis of compliance with the treatment stan- ly significant; there is a con-nection be-

Table 1

START Criteria and the Levels of Risk of Falls in the Elderly Patients

Risk of Falls START- therapy no risk low risk high risk Χ2 p frequencies % in line frequencies % in line frequencies % in line

no violation 64a 75.3 14a.b 16.5 7b 8.2 9.698 0.008 violation of therapy 6a 40.0 4a.b 26.7 5b 33.3

Χ2 – the Pearson Chi-square criterion. p - significance level Subscripts indicate the presence or absence of statistically significant frequency differences.

Table 2

STOP Criteria and the Levels of Risk of Falls in the Elderly Patients

Risk of Falls STOP Criteria no risk low risk high risk Χ2 p frequencies % in line frequencies % in line frequencies % in line

no violation 62a 70.5 16a 18.2 10a 11.4 0.283 0.868 violation of therapy 8a 66.7 2a 16.7 2a 16.7

Table 3 Compliance with the Treatment Standards and Protocols and the Levels of Risk of Falls in the Elderly Patients

Risk of Falls Compliance with the Treatment no risk low risk high risk Standards and Protocols Χ2 p frequencies % in line frequencies % in line frequencies % in line yes 44 72.1 12 19.7 5 8.2 a a a 2.230 0.328 not fully 26a 66.7 6a 15.4 7a 17.9 2’ 2020 33

ЦОП «Профессия», 2016. [Sychev DA. Poly- Table 4 pharmacy in Clinical Practice: Problems and Solutions. SPb: CCP "Profession". 2016. (In Polypharmacy and the Levels of Risk of Falls in the Elderly Patients Russ.).] 6. Федеральная служба государственной статистики. Демографический прогноз до 2030 Risk of Falls года. Доступно по: Polypharmacy (more than 5 drugs) no risk low risk high risk connect/rosstat_main/ rosstat/ru/statistics/pop- Χ2 p ulation/ demography/. [Federal State Statistics. abs. % abs. % abs. % PMID: 24529293]. 7. Sibley K. M., Voth J., Munce S. E. [et al.]. No 38а 65.5 12а 20.7 8а 13.8 Chronic disease and falls in community- dwelling 1.321 0.516 Canadians over 65 years old: a population-based Yes 32 76.2 6 14.3 4 9.5 а а а study exploring associations with number and pattern of chronic conditions. BMC Geriatr. 2014; 14:22. tween compliance with the STOP criteria 8. Garin N., Olaya B., Moneta M. V. [et al.]. and the risk of falls, this indicator is not ing_facts. (In Russ.)]. Impact of multimorbidity on disability and quali- 2. Ушкалова Е. А., Ткачева О. Н., Рунихина ty of life in the Spanish older population. PLoS sta-tistically insignificant due to the small Н. К. и др. Особенности фармакотерпии у по- One. 2014; 9(11): e111498. DOI: 10.1371/journal. sample of patients; there is a connection жилых пациентов. Введение в проблему. Ра- pone.0111498. PMID: 25375890. between the state of polypharmacy and циональная фармакотерапия в кардиологии. 9. Morse J. M., Morse R., Tylko S. Develop- the risk of falls, this indicator is statistical- 2016; 12(1):94-100. [Ushkalova EA, Tkacheva ment of a scale to identify the fall-prone patient. ON, Runikhina NK [et al.]. Features of pharma- Canadian Journal on Aging. 1989; 8: 366-377. ly insignificant due to the small sample of cotherapy in elderly patients. Introduction to the 10. Nobili A., Licata G., Salerno F. [et al]. Poly- patients; there is a connection between problem. Rational pharmacotherapy in cardiolo- pharmacy, length of hospital stay, and in-hospi- compliance with the treatment standards gy. 2016; 12(1):94-100. (In Russ.).] tal mortality among elderly patients in internal and protocols and the risk of falls; this in- 3. Ильина Е. С., Богова О. Т., Синицина medicine wards. The REPOSI Study. Eur J Clin dicator is statistically insignificant due to И. И., Пузин С. Н., Сычев Д. А.. Падения в ста- Pharmacol. 2011; 67 (5): 507–19. DOI: 10.1007/ ционаре у пациентов старческого возраста с s00228‑010‑0977‑0. the small sample of patients. сердечно-сосудистыми заболеваниями и по- 11. United Nations. World Population Pros- Conclusions: 1. Compliance with the липрагмазией. Нервно-мышечные болезни. pects. The 2017 Revision. Available at: https:// state of polypharmacy, STOP criteria, 2018; 8(3):19-27. [Ilyina E.S., Bogova O.T., Sin- compliance with the treatment standards itsina I.I., Puzin S.N., Sychev D.A. In-patient falls wpp/Publications/Files/WPP2017_ KeyFindings. in senile patients with cardiovascular disease and pdf. and protocols leads to reduction in the polypharmacy. Neuromuscular Diseases. 2018; 12. Vu T., Finch C. F., Day L. Patterns of co- risk of falls in elderly and senile patients. 8(3): 19-27. (In Russ.).] morbidity in community-dwelling older people 4. Лазебник Л. Б., Конев Ю. В., Дроздов hospitalized for fall-related injury: a cluster anal- В. Н., Ефремов Л. И. Полипрагмазия: “гери- ysis. BMC Geriatr. 2011; Aug 18; 11:45. doi: References атрический аспект” проблемы. Consilium 10.1186/1471-2318-11-45. medicum. 2007; 12: 29-34. [Lazebnik LB, Kon- 13. Wu C., Bell C. M., Wodchis W. P. Incidence 1. Всемирная организация здравоохране- ev YuV, Drozdov VN, Efremov LI. Polypharmacy: and economic burden of adverse drug reactions ния. 10 фактов о старении и жизненном пути. Geriatric Aspect of the Problem. Consilium medi- among elderly patients in Ontario emergency de- Available at: cum. 2007; 12: 29-34. (In Russ.).] partments: a retrospective study. Drug Saf. 2012; ageing/ageing_facts. [World Health Organization. 5. Сычев Д.А. «Полипрагмазия в клиниче- 35(9):769–81. DOI: 10.2165/11599540‑0000000 10 facts about aging and life path. Available at: ской практике: проблемы и решения». СПб: 00‑00000. PMID: 22823502. 34 ЯКУТСКИЙ МЕДИЦИНСКИЙ ЖУРНАЛ


M.S. Savvina, T.I. Nelunova, T.E. Burtseva, G.I. Obraztsova, V.G. Chasnyk, S.A. Evseeva, T.M. Klimova, M.P. Slobodchikova CONGENITAL HEART DISEASES DOI 10.25789/YMJ.2020.70.10 IN INDIGENOUS CHILDREN УДК 616-053.2(571.56) OF THE REPUBLIC SAKHA (YAKUTIA)

The aim of the research was to evaluate the prevalence of congenital heart diseases (CHDs) in children of different ethnic groups of the Re- public of Sakha (Yakutia). In a 10-year dynamics of cases in Pediatric center of the Republican hospital №1 (National health center), statistically significant increase of the newborns with CHD associated with severe defects has been noticed. It is revealed that more complicated cases of congenital heart diseases are present in children of indigenous peoples of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) (indigenous small-numbered peoples of Russia and the ) rather than in children of the other ethnic groups. Keywords: congenital defects, congenital heart disease, the Sakha, indigenous population of the North.

Introduction: Congenital heart dis- Cardio-vascular system exposures CHD structure shows that 82.2% out of eases are multi-factor diseases that can have high prevalence (18.1%) accord- 899 total cases compose the ventricular result from genetic factors, maternal dis- ing to the all-national register for CHDs septal and atrial septal defects; 8.9% are ease during pregnancy and her concom- [1]. There were 400.5 cases of CHD per defects of great vessels and 4.67% are itant somatic disorders, the life level of 100 000 of children in 2014, and 439.0 combined CHDs. CHD is rather common the family (dietary peculiarities) and etc. cases in 2015 [3]. The morbidity indices in indigenous peoples of the North. CHD [5]. The detection of CHD risk factors and structure of CHD significantly differ and other congenital defects are known and primary prevention of CHD devel- in various regions of the Russian Federa- to be common in the Nenets children in opment are most considered as they are tion. The regional register has been func- Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous district [4, associated with possible incapacitating tioning in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) 2]. The prevalence and risks of CHD in condition, decrease of life quality for a since 2000, all the cases of congenital newborns of the indigenous population of child and with the cost of high-technology malformations in newborns, including the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) are not medicine. CHDs, are registered there. The data of investigated in details. the register make the base for scientific Thus the research is aimed at analysis and statistic research work for CHD. In of CHD dynamics and structure among SAVVINA Maya Semyonovna – Ph.D., se- 2011 the morbidity rate for CHD was 29.1 the newborns of different ethnic groups nior staff scientist of the laboratory of pediatric per 100 000 children in the Republic of of the Republic Sakha (Yakutia). health level monitoring, Yakut science center of complex medical problems, maya_savvi- Sakha (Yakutia). The revealed cases of Materials and methods: A retrospec- [email protected]; NELUNOVA Tuyara Ivanovna CHD are increasing and CHDs are the tive clinical investigation was carried out – cardiologist of the Perinatal Center of the second cause of infant mortality for the on the base of the Perinatal center of the Republican clinical hospital, postgraduate, St. long time [4]. Republican hospital №1 (National health Petersburg state pediatric medical university; Genetic factors are often considered center). All the cases of CHD (n=1824) OBRAZTSOVA Galina Igorevna – MD, asso- as the main cause for CHD development. in newborns, born alive in the period of ciate professor of the department of childhood Perhaps, it is caused by accumulation 2001-2003 and 2013-2015, were ana- diseases, Almazov national medical research of the mutated genes in the population, lyzed. The initial documentation was a center; BURTSEVA Tatiana Yegorovna – MD, professor of the department of pediatrics thus genetic disorders can be found in statistical medical record of the hospital- and pediatric surgery, Medical institute of the isolated groups of people, where there ized patient (form №066/y-02) and ob- North-Eastern federal university, a head of are many cases of so called homolocal stetric medical record (form №010y). the laboratory of the Yakut science center of and national families. i.e. families and The nationality of the patients was complex medical problems, bourtsevat@yan- marriages between those living in the registered according to self-identifica-; CHASNYK Vyacheslav Grigorievich same small geographic area and/or be- tion. The indigenous peoples of Yaku- – MD, a head of the department of hospital pe- tween one ethnic group. According to the tia include the Yakuts and indigenous diatrics, St. Petersburg state pediatric medical data of the ‘Yakut Republican medical small-numbered peoples of the North university, [email protected], EVSEEVA center of informatics and analysis under such as the , the Evenks, the Dol- Sardana Anatolievna – Ph.D., senior staff scientist of the laboratory of pediatric health the healthcare ministry of the Republic of gans, the Yukagirs and the Сhukchis are level monitoring, Yakutsk science center of Sakha (Yakutia)’ for the period of 2002- analyzed. Besides that, the Russians, the complex medical problems, sarda79@mail. 2006, CHD turned to be a second level peoples of the Central Asia (the Kirgizes, ru; KLIMOVA Tatiana Mikhailovna – Ph.D., in mortal prevalence of children under the Tadzhikis and the Usbeks), the peo- associate professor of the Medical institute of 14 among the Evenks, Evens, Dolgans ples of the Caucasus (the Tchechens, the the North-Eastern federal university, senior and Yukagirs. The maximum of CHD oc- Ingushes and the Armanians), and the staff scientist of the laboratory of the Yakut currence is registered in Olyokminskiy, representatives of the other nations (the science center of complex medical problems; Ust-Maiskiy and Nizhnekolymskiy re- Kumiks, the Khakasses, the Ukranians, – a se- SLOBODCHIKOVA Maya Pavlovna gions of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) the Polish, the German, the Tartar and the nior lecturer of the department of foreign languages with the courses of Russian and for the period of 1995-2012. The analysis Buryats) were included in the analysis. Latin languages, St . Petersburg state pediat- of CHD occurrence reveals considerable All the cases of CHD were divided into ric medical university, slobodchikovamaya@ number of cases in industrial, Arctic and three groups. The first group consisted Viluy regions [4]. The investigation of the of the CHD newborns without signs of 2’ 2020 35

cardiac insufficiency (CI); the second groups according to the class of CHD al identification of the parents. More than group consisted of CHD newborns with expression it was determined that 44.5% 60% of mothers and fathers identified the first degree of cardiac insufficiency, cases had signs of cardiac insufficien- themselves as the Yakuts, approximately according to the 1st class of the NYHA cy. The second period (2013-2015) the 20% the Russians, 5.0% of mothers and functional classification; in the third class number of newborns with CHD consid- 3.4% of fathers were self-identified as in- the newborns with CHD with the 1st and erably increased, moreover we noticed digenous small-numbered peoples of the 2nd degree of cardiac insufficiency, ac- the increase of newborns with the signs North. cording to the 2nd and more class the of decompensated heart failure (p<0.001 Two groups of families were identi- NYHA functional classification. The third when comparing the groups 2 and 3 with fied as mononational and mixed families, group of severe CHD was confirmed with 1) (Tab.1). when dividing the parents according to echocardiographic methods, computed The Table 2 represents the distribution their ethnicity (Table 3). Mononational tomography angiography (CTA) with con- of the newborns according to the nation- families are the families where a mother’s trast material, aortography and selective coronary angiography. Table 1 Statistical data are calculated by IBM SPSS Statistics 17 (IBM®, USA). When The distribution of children into groups according to CHD and periods of examination comparing the groups, the Pearson’s cri- terion (Pearson's chi-squared test (χ2)) CHD groups was used. The critical value of the signifi- Period р 1, n (%) 2, n (%) 3, n (%) cance in checking the statistical hypothe- sis was equal to 5%. 2001-2003 (n=697) 519 (74.5) 31 (4.4) 147 (21.1) The results and discussion: For the 2013-2015 (n=1127) 494 (43.8) 153 (13.6) 480 (42.6) <0.001 both periods there were registered 1824 Total (n=1824) 1013 (55.5) 184 (10.1) 627 (34.4) cases of CHD in newborns. 697 cases Note. p – the achieved level of significance in comparison of the both periods. were in 2000-2003, and 1127 cases in 2013-2015. When dividing children into Table 2 The distribution of CHD newborns (n=1824) according to the parental ethnicityю

Mother’s ethnicity Father’s ethnicity Ethnicity n % n % The Yakuts 1205 66.1 1205 66.1 The Russians 447 24.5 447 24.5 The Evenks and the Evens 62 3.4 31 1.7 Other indigenous small-numbered peoples of the North: the Dolgans, the Yukagirs and the Сhukchies 30 1.6 31 1.7 The peoples of the Caucasus 26 1.4 37 2 The peoples of the Central Asia 16 0.9 19 1 Other nations: the Kumyks, the Khakasses, the Ukranians, the Polish, the German, the Tartar, and the Buryat 36 2 52 2.9 Unidentified 2 0.1 2 0.1

Table 3

Mono- and mixed ethnicities and CHD groups

Группа ВПС Parental ethnicity Всего, N 1-я, n=1013 2-я, n=184 3-я, n=625 n % n % n % Mononational families including: 1682 930 55,3 173 10,3 579 34,4 The Yakut / the Yakut 1153 601 52,1 131 11,4 421 36,5 The Russian / the Russian 414 261 63,0 35 8,5 118 28,5 Indigenous small-numbered peoples of the North / Indigenous small numbered peoples of the North 47 22 46,8 5 10,6 20 42,6 Other / other (coinciding nations) 68 46 67,6 2 2,9 20 29,4 Mixed nations, including: 140 83 59,3 11 7,9 46 32,9 The Yakut / the Russian 36 21 58,3 3 8,3 12 33,3 The Yakut / Indigenous small-numbered peoples of the North 45 23 51,1 2 4,4 20 44,4 The Yakut / other 23 18 78,3 2 8,7 3 13,0 The Russian / Indigenous small-numbered peoples of the North 10 3 30,0 1 10,0 6 60,0 Other / Indigenous small-numbered peoples of the North 5 3 60,0 1 20,0 1 20,0 Other mixed families (not coinciding nations) 21 15 71,4 2 9,5 4 19,0 36 ЯКУТСКИЙ МЕДИЦИНСКИЙ ЖУРНАЛ

(p<0.001), the 3rd group from 23% to Table 4 44.5% (p<0.001) respectively. If we The distribution of CHD children within the groups of indigenous look at the indigenous small-numbered and non-indigenous nations of the Republic Sakha (Yakutia) peoples of the North separately, there we also notice the increase of number CHD groups of children in the 2nd group from 0.0% Groups Total. N 1 n=1013 2 n=184 3 n=625 р to 11.2%, the 3rd group increased from n % n % n % 14.8% to 53.8% (p<0.001). The analo- gous numbers for the representatives of Indigenous and non-indigenous nations of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)* the other nations increased from 4.6% to Indigenous 1319 691 52.4 145 11.0 483 36.6 13.8% in the 2nd group; and from 21.3% Non- <0.001 indigenous 503 322 64.0 39 7.8 142 28.2 to 41.6% in the 3rd group. The results of the re- Indigenous small-numbered peoples of the North and other nations ** Conclusion. Indigenous search show the significant increase of small- CHD newborns, with prevalence of com- numbered 107 51 47.7 9 8.4 47 43.9 0.097 plicated cardiac defects with the signs peoples of the of decompensation in 10-year dynam- North ics, born in the Perinatal center of the Others 1715 962 56.1 175 10.2 578 33.7 Republican hospital №1 (the National Note. In the Tables 4-5 * - The Yakuts and the indigenous small-numbered peoples of the health center). The comparison of pa- North are referred to indigenous; non-indigenous – they are represented by the other nations; rental nationality (those born in mixed or **- the Yakuts and the representatives of the other nations are referred to the group “Others”; mono- families, i.e. the families, where p – the achieved level of significance. comparison of the both periods. the parents are of the same nations) did not reveal any significant discrepancies and a father’s ethnicity are the same and (p<0.001 when comparing 3rd and 1st in distribution into CHD groups. The in mixed national families both parents groups; p=0.004 when comparing 2nd prevalence of complicated CHD cases belong to different ethnicities. 7.7% of the and 1st groups) (Table 4). When dividing is more common in newborns of indige- newborns were born in ethnically mixed the children into the groups, where one nous peoples of Yakutia (the indigenous families. There were no statistically sig- or both parents are represented by the in- small-numbered peoples of the North and the Yakuts) than in newborns of the Table 5 other ethnic groups. This work was supported by the Bud- The comparison of CHD group distribution in dynamics get Projects of YNC CMP “Monitoring the state of children's health of the Republic CHD groups, n (%) of Sakha (Yakutia)” (#0120-128-07-98), Groups Time periods, N р years 1 n=1013 2 n=184 3 n=625 by the Project of the Ministry of Science Indigenous and non-indigenous peoples of Yakutia* and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (basic part of funding to M.K. Non- 2001-2003 211 171 (81.0) 5 (2.4) 35 (16.6) <0.001 Ammosov North-Eastern Federal Uni- indigenous 2013-2015 292 151 (51.7) 34 (11.6) 107 (36.6) versity #FSRG-2020-0016) and by the 2001-2003 486 348 (71.6) 26 (5.3) 112 (23.0) Indigenous <0.001 RFBR grant #18-05-600035_Arctika. 833 343 (41.2) 119 (14.3) 371 (44.5) Indigenous small-numbered peoples of the North and other nations** References Indigenous 2001-2003 27 23 (85.2) 0 (0) 4 (14.8) small- 1. Агаджанян Н.А. Общие и частные вопро- numbered <0.001 сы адаптации человека к условиям Севера. peoples of the 2013-2015 80 28 (35.0) 9 (11.2) 43 (53.8) Изд-во: СВНЦ ДВО РАН, 2007;208. [Aghajanian North N.A. General and particular issues of human 2001-2003 670 496 (74.0) 31 (4.6) 143 (21.3) adaptation to the conditions of the North. Izd-vo Others <0.001 1045 466 (44.6) 144 (13.8) 435 (41.6) SVNTS DVO RAN, 2007; 208. (In Russ.).] 2. Бойко Е.Р. Проблема адаптации чело- века к экологическим и социальным услови- ям Севера. Политехника-сервис, 2009;264. nificant differences in distribution into the digenous small-numbered nations of the [Boyko E.R. The problem of human adaptation CHD groups (p=0.544) when comparing North, the same effects are noticed but to the environmental and social conditions of the mononational families with mixed ones. the level of differences does not refer to North. Politechnika-servic, 2009; 264. (In Russ.).] For further analyses the children with statistically significant data. 3. Основные показатели деятельности пе- one or both parents represented by the The level of the 1st group of CHD has диатрической службы Республики Саха (Яку- тия). ГУ ЯРМИАЦ МЗ РС (Я),2007;153. [Key indigenous small-numbered peoples of decreased for a 10-year period; increas- performance indicators of the pediatric service the North or the Yakuts were included ing the level of the 2nd and 3rd groups of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). GU YRMIATs in one group (Table 4). When compar- CHD in all ethnic groups (table 5). Thus, MZ RS(Y), 2007; 153. (In Russ.).] ing this group with the other one, where in a group of non-indigenous peoples the 4. Полунина Н.В., Разумовский А.Ю., Сав- вина В.А., Варфоломеев А.Р., Николаев В.Н. the children were from parents of differ- 2nd group increased from 2.4% to 11.6% Частота врожденных аномалий как составляю- ent nationalities, the difference between (p<0.001), the 3rd group increased from щая показателя здоровья детского населения both groups showed statistically signifi- 16.6% to 36.6% (p<0.001). In indigenous региона. Российский вестник перинатоло- cant discrepancies in prevalence of CHD peoples of the North the numbers of the гии и педиатрии,2014;5:47-51. [Polunina N.V., with the signs of cardiac decompensation 2nd group increased from 5.3% to 14.3% Razumovsky A.Yu., Savvina V.A., Varfolomeyev 2’ 2020 37

A.R., Nikolaev V.N. The frequency of congenital natologii I pediatrii, 2014; 5:47-51. (In Russ.).] никс, 2009;268. [Cherkasov N.S. Cardiac diseas- anomalies as a component of health of children 5. Черкасов Н.С. Заболевания сердца у es in newborns and young children. Feniks, 2009; population of the region. Rossiiskii vestnik peri- новорожденных и детей раннего возраста. Фе- 268. (In Russ.).]

DOI 10.25789/YMJ.2020.70.11 E.D. Okhlopkova, Z.N. Alekseeva, S.D.Efremova, УДК 796.35:159.9.612.018(571.56) G.E. Mironova, A.A.Grigoryeva, F.V. Vinokurova, E.K. Rumyantsev, E.I. Semenova, A.I.Yakovleva, L.D.Olesova, OKHLOPKOVA Elena Dmitryevna − Lead- A.V. Efremova, L.I. Konstantinova, M.M. Romanova, ing Researcher, PhD of the Department of adaptation mechanisms study of the Yakut A.A. Filippov, A.N. Romanova Science Centre of complex medical problems, [email protected]. ALEKSEEVA Zi- EVALUATION OF PSYCHOLOGICAL naida Nikolaevna − researcher of the clinical- population and medical-social research, of STATUS AND LEVEL OF CORTISOL AND the Yakut Science Centre of complex medi- cal problems, [email protected]; EFREMOVA TESTOSTERONE IN THE PRE-COMPETITIVE Svetlana Dmitrievna - researcher of the De- partment of adaptation mechanisms study of PERIOD OF YAKUTIA ATHLETES the Yakut Science Centre of complex medical problems, [email protected]; MIRONOVA Ga- We examined 37 highly qualified freestyle wrestlers (candidates for master of sports (cms)) lina Egorovna − Professor of the Department of Biology of the Institute of Natural Sciences of Yakut nationality, aged 17 to 21 years. The control group consisted of 22 young men of stu- of the M.K. Ammosov North-Eastern Federal dents of the same age who are engaged in physical education at least twice a week. The article university, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Pro- presents the results of studies of the level of psycho-emotional state in highly qualified martial artists in the pre-competition period. The level of situational and personal anxiety was high in 8 fessor, [email protected]. GRIGORYEVA and 11% of athletes and in 23 and 36% of students, respectively. In the group of athletes, low Anastasia Anatolyevna − researcher of the Department of adaptation mechanisms study depression was detected in 11, moderate in 6 and high in 7%. The level of depression in the of the Yakut Science Centre of complex medi- group of students was 32, 9 and 5%, respectively. cal problems, [email protected]. The aggressiveness index showed that most young men have a low level of aggression, among athletes 61% - students 73%. In both groups, young men with a high level of aggression VINOKUROVA Fekla Vasilievna – researcher of the Department of adaptation mechanisms were not identified. In the first group of youths with a low and high index of hostility, there were 50 study of the Yakut Science Centre of complex and 34% less than in the second, respectively. The willingness of athletes to compete depends on the psycho-emotional state, which can both contribute to the achievement of high results and medical problems, [email protected]; RUMY- prevent it. ANTSEV Egor Konstantinovich – researcher of the Department of adaptation mechanisms Keywords: psycho-emotional state, testosterone, cortisol, athletes, psychological prepared- study of the Yakut Science Centre of complex ness, Yakutia. medical problems, [email protected]; SEMENOVA Evgenya Ivanovna − Senior Re- searcher, PhD of the Department of adaptation Introduction. The result of the perfor- hormones make a significant contribu- mechanisms study of the Yakut Science Cen- mance of athletes in competitions is de- tion to the course of physiological pro- tre of complex medical problems, kunsuntar@ termined by the mechanism of behavior cesses in the North and help to stabilize YAKOVLEVA Alexandra Ivanovna and specially directed actions, which are the processes of adaptation of the body − researcher of the Department of adaptation caused by the development of physical of athletes to changing environmental mechanisms study of the Yakut Science Cen- qualities, the level of technical prepared- conditions and high physical activity [4]. tre of complex medical problems, sashyak@ ness, functional and mental capabilities Steroid hormones act on the central ner- OLESOVA Lubov Dygynovna − [5, 7, 9, 16]. vous system, regulate not only neuro- Leading Researcher, PhD of the Department of adaptation mechanisms study of the Yakut In conditions of direct pre-competitive endocrine function, but also behavioral, Science Centre of complex medical problems, training for a short period of time, it is im- emotional processes, such as thinking, [email protected]. EFREMOVA Agrafena Vlad- possible to significantly develop physical sleep, perception, as well as emotional imirovna − Senior Researcher, PhD of the qualities, improve equipment, etc., there- states: depression, anxiety, aggression Department of adaptation mechanisms study fore, at this stage, the athlete’s psycho- [6; 10]. It is believed that aggressiveness of the Yakut Science Centre of complex medi- logical preparedness for competitions is contributes to the implementation of cal problems, [email protected]. KON- of particular importance [1, 11]. Athlete strength and explosive exercises. At the STANTINOVA Lena Ivanovna − researcher participation in competitions, especially same time, it is associated with testos- of the Department of adaptation mechanisms qualifying or high damage, is stressful. terone. The question arises of how much study of the Yakut Science Centre of com- plex medical problems, konstanta.l@ It is known that moderate stress has a emotions of this kind affect the changes ROMANOVA Matrena Mikhailovna − sports positive effect on the effectiveness of in the level of testosterone and cortisol analyst, R.M. Dmitriev Republican College of training and competitive activity, and ex- when performing strength exercises. the Olympic Reserve, 677015, Yakutsk, str. cessive stress leads to negative conse- Testosterone provides confidence and Semen Danilov, 4. romanova.matrena@mail. quences [11]. motivation, but when there is too much ru; FILIPPOV Aleksei Alekseevich − Direc- The effects of stress are due to neu- of it, positive qualities are replaced by tor, R.M. Dmitriev Republican College of the rochemical changes in the body. In a negative ones. Testosterone activates Olympic Reserve, 677015, Yakutsk, str. Se- state of acute physical and emotional the subcortical regions of the brain re- men Danilov, 4., [email protected]; RO- stress in athletes, the hypothalamic-pitu- sponsible for aggressive behavior, while MANOVA Anna Nikolaevna − Director, of the Yakut Science Centre of complex medical itary-adrenal system is activated, which cortisol and serotonin act as antagonists problems, Doctor of Medical Sciences, ranik@ leads to changes in the hormonal pro- and reduce the effect of testosterone. file [5]. Changes in the concentration of Researchers associate aggression in 38 ЯКУТСКИЙ МЕДИЦИНСКИЙ ЖУРНАЛ

sports with sports specifics, the athlete’s which may indicate a better psychologi- achieve success in the activity performed. level of training, his individual psycho- cal adaptation in this group (Table 1). However, the price of such success may logical characteristics, and the research Analysis of the level (SA) among the be the predominance of negative experi- results are very contradictory. examined individuals showed a predomi- ences, increased anxiety and sleep dis- The purpose of this study was to as- nance of a moderate level in both groups turbance. young men who do not have sess the level of psycho-emotional state of subjects (Fig. 1). There were 13% certain skills of mental self-regulation, and steroid hormones in freestyle wres- more athletes with a “low” level (SA), having little experience in competitive tlers in the pre-competition period. and 10% fewer with a “high” one (Fig. 1) activity, with a lack of information about Materials and methods. A total of than in the second. Studies (PA) showed rivals in the upcoming competitions, be- 59 young men aged 17 to 23 years were that athletes with a graduation of “mod- come easily excitable, are not confident examined. The first group consisted of erate” level (PA) were 39% more, “low” in their own abilities, it’s enough to simply 37 athletes of freestyle wrestlers, highly and “high” - 54% and 70% less (Fig. 1), knock them off of a positive attitude [3]. qualified (candidates for master of sports compared with students. Increasing feel- It is also known that athletes whose (cms)), the Republican College of Olym- ings of excitement, anxiety, fear of com- anxiety is expressed in aggressive ac- pic Reserve. The second - 22 youth stu- dents from the North-Eastern Federal Indicators of the psycho-emotional state and level of hormones in athletes in the pre- University named after M.K. Ammosov competition period and students engaged in physical education 2 times a week. engaged in physical education at least M (25% Q1-75% Q3) twice a week. All subjects examined had blood taken Surveyed groups and size from the ulnar vein in the morning (8-10 Research indicators h) in a state of relative rest, on an empty 1 group athletes. 2 group students. n=37 n=22 stomach, from athletes 10-14 days be- fore the competition. An enzyme-linked Neuro-psychic Adaptation (NPA) points 13.5(6.0; 21.5) 19.0 (11.0; 25.0) immuno sorbent assay of hormones (cor- Situational Anxiety (SA) points 34.5(28.5; 37.0) 39.5 (31.0; 43.0) tisol, testosterone) was performed in se- Personal Anxiety (PA) points 40.5 (35.0; 43.0) 39.5 (32.0; 48.0) rum using AlkorBio kits (Russia), accord- ing to the manufacturer's instructions. Aggression Index (AI) points 15.0 (13.0;19.5) 12.5 (8.0; 19.0) The results of enzyme immunoassay of Hostility Index (HI) points 5.5 (4.0; 8.0) 6.0 (4.0; 8.0) hormones were taken into account on a Depression (D) points 4.5 (1.5; 9.0) 8.5 (5.0; 12.0) photometer (Picon, Russian Federation). Psychological examination methods 538.48 Cortisol (C)(150-660 nmol/L (485.76;559.72) 591.06 were carried out using the Bass-Dark *р=0.01 (527.04; 624.73) questionnaire to study aggression, the 30.64 Beck depression questionnaire, the Spiel- Testosterone (T) (12.1-38.3 nmol/L) 26.75 (21.19; 33.60) (27.12; 36.83) berg-Khanin anxiety test and the neuro- Testosterone / Cortisol Index (T / K). 0.057 (0.046; 0.066) 0.052 (0.37; 0.058) psychological adaptation questionnaire conventional (NA). The study was approved by the Note: * <0.05 compared with the second group. decision of the Local Ethics Committee at the FSBSI YSC CMP and performed with the informed consent of the subjects in petition is a normal reaction of the body. tions usually do not achieve high ath- accordance with the ethical standards of A successful performance requires some letic performance. This also applies to the Helsinki Declaration (2000). optimal level - this is the so-called “useful individuals who are not able to control Statistical processing of the obtained anxiety”. On the other hand, a very high themselves and control their emotional data was carried out using the SPSS anxiety or indifference "but I do not care" and physical state during stress [2, 17]. Statistics 26 software package. The sig- adversely affect the activities of the ath- The indicator (IA) in the first group was nificance of differences was determined lete and can lead to poor results in com- increased (by 17%), compared with the by the Student t-test for independent petitions. second group, which does not contradict groups, the Mann-Whitney criterion. The Anxiety performs critical value of the level of statistical sig- the function of ad- nificance of differences (p) was taken to aptation, warns of be 5%. external or internal Results and discussion. The aver- danger, tells the age age of athletes was 18 (18; 19), stu- body that mea- dents-19 (18; 22) years. According to the sures must be tak- results of the study, it was found that the en to prevent the indicators of the psycho-emotional state danger or mitigate did not have significant differences in the its consequences. examined groups and varied within the These measures normal range (Table 1). may or may not be Moreover, in the first group, lower indi- conscious. Studies ces were found for the three studied pa- show that moderate rameters, compared with the second (the anxiety, as a per- Fig. 1. The level of situational and personal anxiety of athletes in average level (NPA) was lower by 29%, sonal quality, can in- the pre-competition period and among students engaged in physical (SA) - 13% and (D) - 47%,) respectively, crease the ability to education 2 times a week, (%). 2’ 2020 39

the literature (Table 1). According to E.P. relation in the group of athletes with (SA) fatigue and depression, which do not Ilyin (2009), the aggressiveness and con- (r = 0.346; p = 0.023), (PA) (r = 0.420; allow you to deal with stress. To assess flict in athletes is slightly higher than in in- p = 0.021) and with (AI) (r = 0.523; p = the training status and sports potential, dividuals who are not involved in sports. 0.002), and in the group of students with to clarify the course of reactions, anabol- Moreover, the athletes involved in contact (NPA) (r = 0.495 p = 0.019) and with the ic / catabolic processes, we determined martial arts, the aggressiveness is much level (D) (r = 0.560; p = 0.007). the index (T/K). Despite the absence of higher than that of athletes and skiers The level of depression in the first significant differences in the groups, the [7]. In both groups, studies of young men group was 13% (moderate –6, high –7), group of athletes has a tendency to in- with high (IA) were not detected. There in the second –14% (moderate –9, high crease this indicator compared to a group were 31% more athletes with normal (IA). –5) (Fig. 3). However, in the first group of students, this is ideal, since it shows The majority of those examined had a of young men with no depression, it was the predominance of anabolic processes, low level (IA) (Fig. 2). 28% more, and with low depression 66% that the load on the body is adequate and If we talk about aggression and anx- less (Fig. 3). This is probably due to the the athletes are in good shape. Correla- iety, then athletes with a predominance fact that normalized physical activity con- tion analysis showed a weak positive cor- of aggression over anxiety are better pre- tributes to the production of chemical ele- relation between the level of testosterone pared for competition [14]. In the process ments - endorphins, which act on certain c (PA) in the first group (r = 0.330; p= of personality socialization, aggression neurotransmitter systems in the brain as 0.044), and in the second group the level frees people from fear, helps to defend antidepressants and help improve at- of cortisol c (HI) (r = 0.553; p = 0.008). In their interests, protects against external titude to life. However, sports can be a both groups, testosterone levels correlat- threats, and helps to adapt. Often the source of suffering and many profession- ed with the T/K index, in the first group concept of "aggressiveness" is replaced al athletes suffer from depression, which the correlation coefficient was (r = 0.700; by the concept of "sports anger." Sport can be caused by stressful physical and p = 0.000), in the second (r = 0.646; p = allows you to express aggressive feel- psycho-emotional stress. Going in for 0.001). Athletes often ignore the factor of ings without causing much harm to oth- sports educate character, self-discipline, psychological stress, however, this may er people, forming constructive forms of hard work, responsibility and other moral be the reason for such a wide variability athletes' aggressive behavior. According and volitional qualities, but few achieve of the training effect on the level of hor- to the results of the study Petrygin S.B. high sports results at the international mones. [15], aggression plays a leading role only level [13]. Conclusion. Thus, indicators of the at the initial stage of a sports career, and Based on our results, it is clear that psycho-emotional state of fighters in the in all subsequent it is a factor in inhibiting the levels of testosterone and cortisol in pre-competition period should be consid- the growth and effectiveness of sports the blood serum in both examined groups ered as a characteristic of the psycho- indicators. Aggression that occurs in the were within the physiological norm (Ta- physiological adaptation of the body and initial stages of the practice of martial ble 1). The testosterone content did not psychological readiness for competition. arts is associated with such values as have statistically significant differences in In order to fully realize the potential ca- a sports result, victory in competitions, both groups. The cortisol level in the first pabilities of athletes in competitions and intransigence to shortcomings, the de- group was statistically significantly lower achieve their highest sports result, great sire to assert oneself at the expense of than in the second (p = 0.01) (Table 1). attention must be paid to the psycholog- others. The experience of martial arts Cortisol determines the development of ical support system. Conduct individual influences a decrease in the level of ag- special performance, and therefore an psycho-diagnostics of personality char- gression, since there are changes in the increase in its concentration during dif- acteristics, its mental states, to identify individual's value system, causing a shift ferent training cycles is accompanied by athletes experiencing psycho-emotional in the value orientation from the practical an improvement in the sportsman’s ath- disorders and teach them the skills of result to the process itself. letic performance. In normal amounts, mental self-regulation. The hostility index was normal for the cortisol is necessary for metabolism, but majority of young men (Fig. 2), but in its chronically elevated level caused by References the first group of young men with a low training stress leads to a worsening of and high index of hostility was less by the response to stress, which almost al- 1. Апариева Т.Г. 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To achieve the proper level of accessibility and quality of medical care to the population, the provision of the municipalities of the republic with the necessary resources (material, technical, financial, human, information, etc.) is of no small importance. In this work, we analyzed the resource provision in the Central Economic Zone (CEZ) according to the indicators included in the official statistical reporting: the availability of medical personnel (doctors, paramedics), round-the-clock hospital beds (all per 10,000 population) and the capacity of outpatient clinics institutions (OCI, in shift visits). An analysis is made of the relationship of a number of indicators characterizing public health with the resource provision of districts / uluses, by correlation coefficients calculated for the period 2007-2016. Keywords: health care resources, resource support, medical staffing, medical staff and nursing staff, hospital beds, outpatient facilities, correla- tion coefficients, the relationship of resource support with the incidence of the population, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia).

Introduction. Earlier (Yakutsk Medi- included in the Central Economic Zone medical personnel in the Namsky, Ust-Al- cal Journal No. 1 for 2018 and No. 1 for were analyzed. Geographically, all mu- dan and Churapchinsky uluses. A favor- 2019), we covered issues related to the nicipalities are included in the central and able situation is noted only in the Gorniy medical and demographic situation and district group of uluses, and according to Ulus. But good indicators until 2005 in the incidence of the population in the the medical and economic zoning, the the city of Yakutsk should be considered Central Economic Zone of the Republic cities of Yakutsk and Kobyaysky district critically in view of the ambiguous statis- of Sakha (Yakutia). In our opinion, the were assigned to the industrial group, tical approach to staffing in the context of picture in the CEZ does not seem com- and all the rest to the rural group. republican and city medical institutions. plete without data on resource provision The materials used are official statis- However, this also applies to subsequent of health care and their connection with tics of the republic - the Territorial Author- calculations starting in 2007. indicators characterizing the health of the ity of the Federal State Statistics Service In 2016, the provision of nurses was population. for the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) and higher than the national average (111.7 Material and methods. The statistical the Ministry of Health (YRMIAC). To ana- per 10,000 population), in the Tatta ulus data of Yakutsk and 9 districts / uluses lyze these indicators, the percentile (cen- (127.9 per 10,000 population, and this is tile) method was used, which is widely above average). In the Gorny (97.0) and used and used by us in developing the Namsky (96.1) uluses, the indicators were Institute of Medicine, M.K. Ammosov criteria for regionalization of the North of below the national average, and were in North-Eastern Federal University: TIMOFEEV the Russian Federation and in preparing the range below the average. During the Leonid Fedorovich – Doctor of Medical a number of articles. According to this period under review, quite good security Sciences, Professor, Chair of Public Health and Health Care, General Hygiene and Bio- method, areas with indicators up to the is observed at Amginsky, Kobyaysky and ethics, Institute of Medicine, M.K. Ammosov 10th percentile belonged to areas with Tattinsky uluses. The worst situation is North-Eastern Federal University, 677016 a low level of resource provision, from noted in the Khangalassky ulus and, tak- Yakutsk, ul. Oyunskogo, 27. Tel. +7-914-225- 10 to the 25th percentile - below the av- ing into account the above, in the city of 88-45. E-mail: [email protected]. PETROVA erage, from 75 to the 90th - above the Yakutsk - since 2007. Palmira Georgievna – MD, Professor, Head average and above the 90th percentile Consider the data on the security of of the Department of Normal and Pathological - with a high level. Obviously, with indi- municipalities of the CEZ around the Physiology of the Medical Institute of NEFU. cators ranging from the 25th to the 75th clock hospital beds (table. 2). The nation- 677016, Yakutsk, ul. Oyunskogo, 27, cab. percentile, the districts belonged to the al average for 2016 was 92.0 per 10,000 312 Russia. Tel.: + 7-914-272-74-71. E-mail: group with average values of resource people, and only the Kobiai ulus is ap- [email protected]. BORISOVA Natalia Vlad- imirovna – MD, Professor, Department of provision. proaching this level. At the same time, in Normal and Pathological Physiology, Medical Results and discussion. I. Resource the Namsky (53.2), Churapchinsky (57.9) Institute, NEFU. 677016, Yakutsk, ul. Oyunsk- security. According to the results of 2016, uluses and the city of Yakutsk (28.7), in- ogo, 27, Tel.: + 7-924-166-96-83. E-mail: Bori- the average republican indicator of the dicators on a national scale are low, and [email protected]. TURKEBAEVA Lena Kimov- availability of medical personnel is 48.4 in the Tattinsky (68.1) and Khangalassky na – doctor of Medicine, Associate Professor, per 10,000 population (Table 1). Of the (67.5) uluses - below average. During the Department of Pharmacology and Pharmacy. 9 districts and the city of Yakutsk con- period under review, insufficient security Address: 677016 Yakutsk, ul. Oyunskogo, 27. sidered that are part of the Central Eco- was noted in the same mentioned ulus- Tel: +7-964-415 70 17. E-mail: lk.turkebae- [email protected]. TIMOFEEV Artem Leonidovich nomic Zone, the worst situation is for es, with the exception of Tattinsky, where – postgraduate student, Chair of Public Health Namsky (31.1 - below the national av- a relatively low level was first registered and Health Care, General Hygiene and Bio- erage), Amginsky (31.7) and Kobyaysky just in 2016. ethics. 677016 Yakutsk, ul. Oyunskogo, 27. (31.9) uluses. Throughout the entire pe- As for the provision of outpatient fa- E-mail: [email protected]. riod since 1990, there was a shortage of cilities in visits per shift (settlement / 42 ЯКУТСКИЙ МЕДИЦИНСКИЙ ЖУРНАЛ

Table 1 II. The characteristic of the relation- ship of resource provision with some Provision of medical personnel in the city of Yakutsk and areas indicators of public health. This section of the Central Economic Zone in 1990-2016 (per 10,000 us.) provides an analysis of the possible re- lationship of a number of indicators char- Uluses 1990 1995 2000* 2005 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 acterizing public health with the resource Provision of doctors supply of districts / uluses, according to Amginsky 33 26 29 31 35.8 32.6 32.7 32.3 33.6 31.2 31.7 correlation coefficients calculated for the period 2007-2016. The following popula- Gorniy 34 29 28 37 40.2 41.8 39.7 40.6 39.0 41.2 40.1 tion health indicators were analyzed: Kobiai 30 29 25 28 38.2 33.0 32.2 31.8 33.4 31.4 31.9 1) medical and demographic - birth M-Kangalassky 34 25 27 25 31.0 30.7 35.9 37.8 37.0 37.5 37.6 rate, mortality, natural population growth Namsky 33 31 31 30 28.4 27.1 29.1 30.7 31.8 32.3 31.1 (NPG), infant mortality (InM); Tattinsky 32 26 31 39 38.8 34.3 37.2 38.7 36.6 37.3 36.1 2) incidence - general and primary (of the entire population, as well as adult and U-Aldan 30 24 25 26 31.5 28.0 30.7 30.9 32.8 34.8 34.8 child); Hangalass 29 32 32 27 31.8 30.6 32.4 32.1 31.5 33.1 34.4 3) primary disability (adult and child). Churapchinsky 34 29 24 31 30.1 29.9 29.1 28.2 31.0 34.3 34.3 In this case, only those indicators were City of Yakutsk 83 101 91 97 35.1 33.6 30.7 31.6 32.3 32.0 32.2 evaluated whose dynamics was distinct either upward or downward. Correlation In the RS (Y) 42 44 46 50 52.6 48.3 47.7 47.9 48.5 48.1 48.4 coefficients with an average (0.30-0.69) Provision of nursing staff and strong (0.70 and higher) degree of Amginsky 125 146 124 149 138.8 128.8 131.3 124.0 127.1 131.3 121.4 connection were taken into account. Gorniy 135 121 107 120 117.8 109.1 105.3 103.5 100.9 96.0 97.0 Amginsky ulus. The period 2007-2016 characterized by a decrease in the pro- Kobiai 113 109 125 142 138.9 135.7 131.8 139.7 114.1 115.2 121.9 vision of medical personnel and round- M-Kangalassky 121 114 99 99 98.2 96.3 97.8 100.8 101.9 105.5 104.0 the-clock hospital beds, and this was Namsky 138 121 108 105 104.9 101.9 101.6 100.1 95.9 95.9 96.1 combined with an increase in the overall Tattinsky 151 145 146 135 141.0 128.3 135.9 132.0 127.5 128.5 127.9 incidence rate of the entire population (r = -0.46-0.57), and the general and prima- U-Aldan 127 134 116 109 118.5 118.0 119.6 123.1 120.9 121.5 107.7 ry incidence of the child population (r = Hangalass 91 100 100 102 99.3 99.7 103.2 99.4 102.9 100.0 101.3 -0.56-0, 75). Churapchinsky 136 136 128 126 121.5 121.2 116.5 115.7 113.9 109.6 107.2 Gorniy ulus. The provision of nurses City of Yakutsk 152 201 189 180 51.7 50.4 45.8 49.4 49.6 49.9 49.3 decreased from 117.6 per 10,000 pop- ulation in 2007 to 97.0 in 2016, and the In the RS (Y) 118 130 133 136 121.5 117.3 116.0 115.1 113.3 112.7 111.7 provision of round-the-clock hospital beds from 114.1 to 73.6, respectively. During the same years, the primary inci- dence of the child population increases from 1686.4 ‰ to 2247.6 ‰ (r = -0.42 cm.), This indicator on average in RS respectively). It should be noted that and r = -0.63, respectively). In addition, (Y) reached 267.0 in 2016 (Table 3). In years with insufficient OCI power were an inverse average correlation is traced Namsky and Churapchinsky Uluses, observed in these uluses for almost the between the deterioration in the availabil- OCI security indicators turned out to be entire period under consideration. In oth- ity of nurses and OCI with the dynamics the worst (166.6 and 166.8 towns / cm, er uluses, average values prevailed. of the general mortality rate.

Table 2

Provision of round-the-clock hospital beds in the city of Yakutsk and areas of the Central Economic Zone in 1990, 1995, 2000, 2005, 2010-2016. (per 10,000 population)

Uluses 1990 1995 2000 2005* 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Amginsky 173.0 161.8 134.7 146 101.7 91.5 93.3 94.0 94.1 85.8 83.7 Gorniy 164.0 137.6 130.4 130 102.6 98.0 99.3 97.5 91.6 82.5 73.6 Kobiai 142.0 126.4 142.0 179 121.3 107.1 111.9 112.6 112.6 98.0 86.8 M-Kangalassky 160.0 123.1 109.1 117 92.0 91.2 97.8 98.5 98.3 83.3 76.8 Namsky 151.0 159.0 140.6 117 72.6 71.4 71.2 70.7 69.5 59.5 53.2 Tattinsky 207.0 169.5 163.6 167 110.0 98.7 101.8 102.5 101.9 84.5 69.8 U-Aldan 184.0 156.4 142.9 123 109.4 103.5 95.0 95.6 95.6 80.5 68.1 Hangalass 146.0 153.1 132.9 126 95.2 94.1 94.6 94.8 94.9 80.8 67.5 Churapchinsky 175.0 158.2 136.6 134 86.4 84.4 83.5 83.6 83.3 70.5 57.9 City of Yakutsk 205.0 179.4 184.4 186 31.9 31.0 28.8 30.2 29.5 29.0 28.7 In the RS (Y) 156.0 150.4 142.0 153 109.8 107.5 106.8 106.9 106.4 98.1 92.0 2’ 2020 43

improvement in OCI security indicators is Table 3 correlated with an increase in birth rates Provision of outpatient facilities in the city of Yakutsk and areas of the Central and NPG. Economic Zone in 1990, 2000, 2005, 2010-2016. Churapchinsky ulus. The decrease (power in visits per shift) in the resource provision of nurses, round-the-clock hospital beds and OCI Uluses 1990* 2000* 2005* 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 correlates with the primary incidence of Amginsky 188 278 277 289.5 268.9 272.8 275.0 276.3 276.4 276.1 the child population (r = -0.38-0.53). In Gorniy 267 286 285 291.8 280.2 281.3 282.2 279.7 276.3 274.4 addition, a decrease in OCI coverage is Kobiai 179 237 253 264.1 253.1 262.4 266.9 268.6 270.0 273.4 combined with an increase in the primary incidence of the entire population. M-Kangalassky 193 193 203 297.1 294.2 303.8 305.8 306.6 305.8 304.0 The city of Yakutsk. For the period Namsky 183 193 182 177.0 175.3 174.0 173.0 171.0 168.5 166.6 2007-2016 There is a dynamic decline in Tattinsky 278 326 303 320.2 287.3 298.6 302.8 302.9 302.5 302.5 the provision of nurses and around-the- U-Aldan 276 289 297 310.6 293.5 304.4 308.2 309.2 309.5 309.5 clock hospital beds, and this is combined Hangalass 208 248 250 253.4 252.6 260.5 264.0 265.7 266.1 266.1 with an increase in childhood disability. Conclusion. Thus, it becomes obvi- Churapchinsky 137 178 171 170.4 170.0 167.9 167.6 167.4 166.8 166.8 ous that in a number of CEZ uluses, the City of Yakutsk 322 287 281 124.6 121.7 111.1 115.1 112.9 112.4 131.6 situation with the provision of medical In the RS (Y) 214 272 274 258.6 255.8 258.2 259.7 260.2 260.6 267.0 personnel, round-the-clock hospital beds and general medical facilities is general- ly unfavorable, with the exception of the Kobiai ulus. Reduced availability of tive dynamics in the provision of nurses, provision of secondary medical person- medical personnel and round-the-clock round-the-clock hospital beds and OCI. nel in 3 uluses (Amginsky, Kobyaysky hospital beds for the period 2007-2016 Tattinsky ulus. A decrease in the supply and Tattinsky). was accompanied by an increase in all of nurses is correlated with an increase in In almost all uluses, there is a clear considered types of general and primary the general and primary morbidity of both connection between a decrease in the lev- morbidity, with the exception of the pri- the whole and the children’s population, el of resource provision with an increase mary morbidity of the adult population. and children have a strong relationship (r in the general morbidity of the population. Strong feedback was observed between = -0.79 and -0.82). It is noteworthy that a In some uluses there are correlation links the availability of doctors and the over- significant decrease in the availability of with medical and demographic indica- all incidence of the child population (r = round-the-clock hospital beds for the pe- tors. Another example: an increase in the -0.75). And here we can see the inverse riod under review (from 127.3 per 10,000 supply of doctors from 29.4 per 10,000 average correlation between the deterio- population to 69.8) is also combined with population in 2007 to 34.8 in 2016 in the ration in the availability of round-the-clock an increase in the general and primary Ust-Aldan ulus is combined with a slight hospital beds and OCI with the dynamics morbidity of both the entire and the child improvement in disability indicators, both of the general mortality rate (r = -0.69). population. for adults and children. Megino-Kangalassky ulus. The dete- Ust-Aldan ulus. An increase in the We conclude that the planned "opti- rioration in the availability of round-the- availability of doctors from 29.4 per mization of health care" in the form of a clock hospital beds is correlated with 10000 population in 20 07 to 34.8 in 2016 reduction in the number of medical per- the growth of all types of general and is combined with a slight improvement in sonnel, hospital beds and OCI without primary morbidity under consideration the disability indicators of both the adult taking into account the dynamics of in- (inverse mean relationship). But for other and children's population. In turn, a de- dicators characterizing the health of the types of resource provision in this ulus, crease in the availability of round-the- population, can lead to a deterioration in the dynamics are more than favorable. clock hospital beds correlates with an public health. And here you can clearly see the positive increase in the overall incidence of both The work was prepared based on the dynamics of medical and demographic the whole and the adult population. results of the project “Assessment, main indicators - fertility, mortality and NPG. Hangalass ulus. The decrease in the trends in the natural and socio-econom- Moreover, we see a direct strong con- availability of round-the-clock hospital ic status, human potential of the Central nection between the provision of doctors beds is striking (101.4 per 10,000 popu- Economic Zone of the Republic of Sakha and OCI with fertility and NPG population lation in 2007, 67.5 in 2016). At the same (Yakutia)” A comprehensive research (r ≥ 0.7). time, there is an increase in all types of program in the Republic of Sakha (Ya- Namsky ulus. It was not possible to general and primary morbidity consid- kutia) aimed at developing its productive identify any patterns in the correlation ered by us, and in children, the relation- forces and social sphere in 2016-2020 coefficients, although there was a nega- ship is strong (r = -0.73-0.76). And the years. 44 ЯКУТСКИЙ МЕДИЦИНСКИЙ ЖУРНАЛ



Increasing population density and mobility contribute to the high incidence of the acute re- spiratory viral infections and the emergence of dangerous epidemic situations associated with them. The XXI century began with an epidemic (November 1, 2002 - July 31, 2003) caused by the coronavirus of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV) (Coronaviridae, Betacoro- navirus); this was later followed by a pandemic was registered in 2009 (June 11, 2009–August 10, 2010) of the so-called Swine Influenza (H1N1) pdm09 (Orthomyxoviridae, influenzavirus A); in 2012, the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus (MERS – COV) (Coronaviridae, Betacoronavirus) showed its epidemic potential. December 2019 was the month of the beginning of epidemic of the modern COVID-19 (Coronavirus Disease 2019), etiologically related to SARS- CoV-2 (temporarily named 2019-nCoV – 2019 novel coronavirus). March 11, 2020 World health organization has announced the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. The modern paradigm Valeria V. GRIBOVA – Doctor of Technical of mass differential diagnosis of acute respiratory diseases is based on the indication of the Sciences, Deputy Director for Research and pathogen using polymerase chain reaction (PCR), but this, firstly, does not exclude the estab- a Head of the Laboratory of Intelligent Sys- lishment of a preliminary differential diagnosis based on clinical data, and secondly, differential tems at the Institute of Automation and Control clinical diagnosis comes to the fore during major epidemic outbreaks (especially in developing Processes of the Far Eastern Branch of the countries), the scale of which exceeds the practical possibilities of laboratory diagnostics. This Russian Academy of Sciences (Vladivostok); is the reason why diagnostic decision-making support systems are one of the most promising Professor at the School of Natural Sciences areas of digitalization in the medical practice. This paper presents the results of the development of the Far Eastern Federal University (Vlad- of a medical diagnostic service that is based on a model of medical knowledge and an intelligent ivostok); e mail: [email protected]; tel.: decision-maker. The model of medical knowledge, in turn, includes models of definitions, medical +79084498959; ORCID: 0000-0001-9393- diagnosis, medical history, and justification of the decisions made. An intelligent decision-maker 351X. Elena A. SHALFEEVA – Ph.D., Se- generates a structured report using common medical definitions about diseases that have either nior Researcher at the Laboratory of Intelli- been confirmed or rejected by the system, and a detailed justification of the decisions made. The gent Systems at the Institute of Automation developed cloud service allows users to accumulate data on the clinical manifestations of acute and Control Processes of the Far Eastern respiratory viral infections and to use artificial intelligence methods to generate solutions that can Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences significantly facilitate and speed up the establishment of the preliminary diagnosis. (Vladivostok); e mail: [email protected]; tel.: Keywords: acute respiratory viral infections, highly contagious coronaviruses, differential +74232674170; ORCID: 0000-0001-5536- clinical diagnostics, cloud services, artificial intelligence. 2875. Dmitry B. OKUN – Ph.D., Researcher at the Laboratory of Intelligent Systems at the Institute of Automation and Control Process- es of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Introduction. Both increasing pop- Himalayan civets (Paguma larvata) and Academy of Sciences (Vladivostok); e mail: ulation density and intensification of the later in the human population [10,13,18]. [email protected]; tel.: +74232310424; ORCID: passenger mobility that brings together In 2009, a pandemic (June 11, 2009–Au- 0000-0002-6300-846X. Bogdan O. SHCHE- distant territories of Earth contribute to a gust 10, 2010) of the so-called Swine GLOV – Student at the School of Biomedicine high prevalence of acute respiratory viral Influenza A (H1N1) pdm09 began, which of the far Eastern Federal University (Vlad- infections and the emergence of danger- due to an application of modern vaccine ivostok); e mail: [email protected]; tel.: ous epidemic situations associated with technologies and the presence of etiotro- +79147189825; ORCID: 0000-0002-2262- these infections [8, 9, 10]. pic chemotherapeutic drugs became the 1831. Mikhail Yu. SHCHELKANOV – Doctor of Biology, Head of the International Scientific The XXI century began with an ep- least devastating of all the influenza pan- and Educational Center of Biological Safe- idemic (November 1, 2002 – July 31, demics known since the beginning of the ty, Far East Federal University (Vladivostok); 2003) caused by a coronavirus of Severe ХХ century [6, 9, 12]. In 2012, the Middle Head of Laboratory of Virology, Federal Scien- Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS- East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus tific Center of East Asia Terrestrial Biodiversity, CoV) (Coronaviridae, Betacoronavirus), (MERS-CoV) (Coronaviridae, Betacoro- Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy which had lethality of 9,6 % (774 / 8096). navirus) has showed its epidemic poten- of Sciences (Vladivostok); Senior Researcher The epidemic process began in the tial. Its natural foci associated with bats at the Laboratory of Marine Mammals, Na- South-Eastern provinces of China after (Chiroptera) are located on the Arabian tional Scientific Center of Marine Biology, Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of the penetration of SARS-CoV from the Peninsula, and its intermediate hosts are Sciences, (Vladivostok); e mail: adorob@mail. bats, which function as its natural res- one-humped camels (Camelus drome- ru; tel.: +79032689098; ORCID: 0000-0001- ervoir (Chiroptera: Microchiroptera) first darius). “Smoldering infection” of MERS- 8610-7623. in the population of intermediate hosts - CoV according to the World Health Orga- 2’ 2020 45

nization (WHO) at the beginning of 2020 followed by prescribing of recommenda- is implemented on the IACPaaS platform had the lethality of 34,4 % (866 / 2519), tions of the possible options for clarifica- in the certified Data Center of the Far including imported cases of infection in tion of the diagnosis. Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy 27 countries around the globe. The larg- Materials and Methods. The medical of Sciences. IACPaaS simultaneous- est epidemic outbreak resulting from the diagnostics service is based on a soft- ly supports three cloud service models: import of MERS-CoV occurred in the Re- ware shell that includes models of medi- Platform as a Service (PaaS), Software public of Korea (May 11 - July 10, 2015) cal knowledge and data and an intelligent as a Service (SaaS), and Desktop as a where lethality has reached the level of solver (decision-maker). This models of Service (DaaS). 18,5 % (35 / 189) [11, 14]. medical information include a terminolo- The medical diagnostic model has the The first patient with a new disease, gy model, a model of medical diagnosis, following features: description of the sets named COVID-19 (Coronavirus Dis- a model of medical history, and a mod- of symptoms of the diseases, including ease 2019), was officially registered el of explanation of hypoteses on deci- categories of users and reference ranges in Wuhan, the administrative center of sion [1, 2, 3, 5] (Fig. 1). for laboratory and instrumental studies; the Eastern Chinese province of Hubei The terminology model is designed to formation of alternative sets of symptoms on December 8, 2019. In early January describe all concepts used by doctors, with different approaches to identify man- 2020, it was established that the etiolog- called findings or observations or signs, ifestations or diagnostic criteria of the ical agent of COVID-19 is a new Type which are necessary for making diag- disease that may differ across various 2 Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome nosis. Such definitions include descrip- medical institutions; description of the Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2)1 (Coronavi- tions of possible symptoms (complaints), diagnosis taking into account etiology, ridae, Betacoronavirus), which together methods of the physical examination of pathogenesis, types of the course for the with the previously described SARS-CoV the patients, definitive and structural de- differential diagnosis of the diseases and and the Chinese rufous horseshoe bat scriptions of laboratory and instrumental selection of appropriate treatment meth- coronavirus (RsBtCoV – Rhinolophus studies. The model of medical diagnos- ods; the ability to specify the measures of sinicus coronavirus) form subgenus tics describes the structure and cause- fuzziness of attributes such as modality, Sarbecovirus. The natural reservoir of and-effect relationships necessary to with the values “needed”, “typical”, “pos- SARS-CoV-2 is bats [16]. Intermediate describe the clinical evidence of the dis- sible”, and a scale the probabilities of hosts have not yet been reliably estab- eases in dynamics of the pathological matching characteristics to a hypothesis lished but they appear to be pangolins process, as well as taking into account about the diagnosis, which can be used if (Pholidota) [17]. Currently, SARS-CoV-2, the impact of treatment measures, and the experts have an agreement on what which has entered the human popula- other possible events. The medical his- manifestations are appropriate to use tion, is spreading from person to person tory model describes the structure used when making decisions; consideration of by airborne ways. in medical institutions to describe infor- values and characteristics of the signs, March 11, 2020 World health organi- mation about a patient and includes a the effects of the events to account for zation has announced the beginning of description of general data (sex and age external influences on the patient’s body the COVID-19 pandemic: for this date of the patients, their complaints at admis- at different stages of the disease; consid- in all parts of the world, including im- sion, history of current disease, results of eration of different variations of dynamics ported cases and related epidemic out- physical examination, etc.). The decision of symptom values. breaks in 113 countries, the lethality explanation model describes the struc- Formation of a knowledge base for for COVID-19 has reached a figure of ture where the intelligent solver gener- the diagnosis of diseases is carried out 3,6 % (4292 / 118319) [18]. ates a structured report using vocabulary by clinicians. For this purpose, the plat- The modern paradigm of mass differ- of medical concepts. It not only contains form has a medical knowledge base ential diagnosis of acute respiratory dis- information about the diseases either editor with an intuitive interface (Fig. 2) eases is based on the indication of the confirmed or rejected by the system, but developed on its basis. More specifical- pathogen using a polymerase chain reac- also a detailed explanation of hypoteses ly, the symptoms of viral infections were tion [4, 7, 8, 9]. However, first, this does on decision made specifying: what find- selected according to [8, 9, 10]. Data for not preclude making a preliminary differ- ings of the disease are / are not included the new COVID-19 disease are taken ential diagnosis based on clinical data. in the clinical evidence of hypotheses from [4, 15]. About 26 disease markers Second, differential clinical diagnosis about diseases, comes to prominence during major epi- and if additional demic outbreaks (especially in develop- observations are ing countries), which exceed the practi- needed for con- cal capabilities of laboratory diagnostics. firmation/rejec- This is the reason why diagnostic deci- tion, the system sion-making support systems are one of tells the doctor the most promising areas of digitalization what observa- in the medical practice. tions should be The purpose of this work is to devel- obtained addi- op a cloud service with an application of tionally [1,2]. artificial intelligence methods to search Results and for hypotheses about a possible differ- Discussion. ential diagnosis of patients with acute re- The cloud ser- spiratory disease with justification of the vice, consisting decisions made by the system, which is of such a soft- Fig. 1. Cloud service architecture for differential clinical diagnostics of ware shell and 1The original temporary name of this virus was acute respiratory viral diseases with an application of artificial intelli- 2019-nCoV (novel coronavirus). knowledge base, gence methods. 46 ЯКУТСКИЙ МЕДИЦИНСКИЙ ЖУРНАЛ

were used to describe the manifestations The research was carried out with фактор риска развития тяжёлых форм за- of acute respiratory viral infections. The partial financial support from the Russian болевания. Терапевтический архив. 2011; 83(9): 48-53. [Kolobukhina LV, Merkulova LN, periods of manifestations of these stages Foundation for Basic Research (Projects Schelkanov MYu, [et al.]. Pandemic influenza in and clarification of the features of each 18-29-03131 and 19-29-01077), and The Russia: specific features of clinical course and the symptom are identified, which allows in Program of the Priority Research Projects absence of early etiotropic therapy as a risk factor particular to differentiate SARS, MERS, for the Comprehensive Development of of severe forms of the disease. Ter. Arkh. – 2011; and COVID-19 from other infections of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian 83(9): 48-53. (In Russ.).] 7. Львов Д.К., Альховский С.В., Щелка- the respiratory tract of viral etiology. 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Благовещенск: Амурская медицинская (In Russ.).] академия. 2017: 60-63. [Gribova VV, Okun DB, 8. Пульмонология. Национальное руковод- markers should be detected by Х-rays: Krasnov DA. Knowledge base ontology for dis- ство / Под ред. А.Г. Чучалина. М.: ГЭОТАР- shadows in the lungs, unilateral and bi- ease treatment. System analysis in medicine Медиа, 2016. [Pulmonology. National guidance lateral dense infiltrates, areas of necrotic (SAM 2017). Materials of the XI international sci- / Ed. A.G. Chuchalin. Moscow: GEOTAR-Media, changes, growth of connective tissue, fi- entific conference. Blagoveshchensk: Amur Med- 2016. (In Russ.).] ical Academy. 2017: 60-63. (In Russ.).] 9. brous scars, etc. Руководство по вирусологии. Вирусы 2. Грибова В.В. Петряева М.В., Окунь Д.Б., и вирусные инфекции человека и животных Using data that characterize several Шалфеева Е.А. Онтология медицинской диа- / Под ред. Д.К. Львова. М.: МИА, 2013. [Hand- stages of disease development, the diag- гностики для интеллектуальных систем под- book of Virology. Viruses and viral infections nostic service checks the facts from the держки принятия решений. Онтология про- of humans and animals / Ed. D.K. Lvov. Mos- patient’s medical history, comparing them ектирования. 2018; 8(1): 58-73. [Gribova VV, cow: Med. Inf. Agency, 2013. (In Russ.).] Petryaeva MV, Okun DB, Shalfeeva EA. Medical 10. Чучалин А.Г. Тяжёлый острый ре- with all variations of the clinical manifes- Diagnosis Ontology For Intelligent Decision Sup- спираторный синдром. Терапевтический ар- tations. The results of the verification port Systems. Ontology of Disigning. 2018; 8(1): хив. 2004; 76(3): 5-11. [Chuchalin AG. Severe process may indicate confirmation of the 58-73. (In Russ.).] DOI: 10.18287/2223-9537- acute respiratory syndrome. Ter. Arch. 2004; hypothesis about the disease or indicate 2018-8-1-58-73. 76(3): 5-11. (In Russ.)] 3. Грибова В.В., Клещев А.С., Москален- all the diseases that this patient might 11. Щелканов М.Ю., Ананьев В.Ю., Куз- ко Ф.М., Тимченко В.А., Шалфеева Е.А., Фе- нецов В.В., Шуматов В.Б. Ближневосточный theoretically have. дорищев Л.А. Методы и средства разработки респираторный синдром: когда вспыхнет Conclusion. The cloud service that жизнеспособных облачных сервисов. Вестник тлеющий очаг ? Тихоокеанский медицинский was developed allows users to accumu- Дальневосточного отделения Российской журнал. 2015; 2: 94-98. [Shchelkanov MYu. late data on the clinical manifestations академии наук. 2016; 4: 133-141. [Gribova VV, Ananiev VYu, Kuznetsov VV, Shumatov VB. Mid- Kleschev AS, Moskalenko PhM, Timchenko VA, of acute respiratory viral infections (in- dle East respiratory syndrome: when will smoul- Shalfeeva EA, Fedorischev LA. Methods and dering focus outbreak ? Pacific Medical Journal. cluding those associated with particularly tools of viable intelligent services development. 2015; 2: 94-98. (In Russ.).] dangerous coronaviruses MERS-CoV, Vestnik of Far Eastern Branch of Russian Acad- 12. Щелканов М.Ю., Колобухина Л.В., SARS-CoV, and SARS-CoV‑2) and to emy of Sciences. 2016; 4: 133-141. (In Russ.).] Львов Д.К. Грипп: история, клиника, патогенез. 4. use artificial intelligence methods to gen- Министерство здравоохранения Россий- Лечащий врач. 2011; 10: 33-38. [Shchelkan- ской Федерации. Профилактика, диагностика ov MYu, Kolobukhina LV, Lvov DK. Influenza: his- erate solutions that can significantly fa- и лечение новой коронавирусной инфекции tory, clinics, pathogenesis. The Practitioner. 2011; cilitate and speed up the establishment (2019-nCoV). Временные методические ре- 10: 33-38. (In Russ.).] URL: https://www.lvrach. of preliminary diagnosis. In this case, the комендации (версия от 03.02.2020). М., 2020. ru/2011/10/15435275/ service can be used globally since both [Ministry of Public Health of the Russian Federa- 13. Щелканов М.Ю., Колобухина Л.В., tion. Prevention, diagnosis and treatment of novel the information collection unit and the de- Львов Д.К. Коронавирусы человека (Nidovirales, coronavirus infection (2019-nCoV). Temporary Coronaviridae): возросший уровень эпидемиче- cision-making rules can be adjusted with guidelines (version from 03.02.2020). Moscow, ской опасности. Лечащий врач. 2013; 10: 49- consideration of specific national stan- 2020. (In Russ.).] 54. [Shchelkanov MYu, Kolobukhina LV, Lvov DK. dards. 5. Грибова В.В., Клещев А.С., Москален- Human coronaviruses (Nidovirales, Coronavi- ко Ф.М., Тимченко В.А., Федорищев Л.А., Шал- ridae): increased level of epidemic threat. The феева Е.А. Облачная платформа Practitioner. 2013; 10: 49-54. (In Russ.).]. URL: IACPaaS для разработки оболо- чек интеллектуальных сервисов: 14. 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Pro- лова Л.Н., Щелканов М.Ю., [и др.] gram for the diagnosis and treatment of pneumo- Пандемический грипп в России: nia associated with a new coronavirus infection. отличительные особенности кли- 4-th edition. Bejing, 2020. (In Chinese) Fig. 2. Fragment of a symptom description in the medical нического течения и отсутствие 16. Lu R, Zhao X, Li J, Niu P, Yang B, Wu H, knowledge database editor. ранней этиотропной терапии как Wang W, [et al.] Genomic characterisation and 2’ 2020 47

epidemiology of 2019 novel coronavirus: im- nomics Revealed Sendai Virus and Coronavirus rus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Situation Re- plications for virus origins and receptor bind- Infection of Malayan Pangolins (Manis javani- port-40 (29 February 2020). URL: https://www. ing. The Lancet. 2020; 395(10224): 565-574. ca). Viruses. 2019; 11(11): E979. DOI: 10.3390/ DOI: 10.1016/S0140-6736(20)30251-8. v11110979. tion-reports/20200229-sitrep-40-covid-19.pdf?s- 17. Liu P, Chen W, Chen JP. Viral Metage- 18. World Health Organization. Coronavi- fvrsn=849d0665_2 (accessed 06.03.2020).

Ya.A. Akhremenko, A.E. Goncharov, V.V. Kolodzhieva, DOI 10.25789/YMJ.2020.70.14 E.Yu. Belonogova, D.V. Kolesnik, A.S. Mokhov, V.I. Ilarova, УДК 616-022.7+616-093/-098 L.A. Tarasova MICROBIOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF STREPTOCOCCUS PNEUMONIAE

AKHREMENKO Yana Aleksandrovna STRAINS ISOLATED IN YAKUTSK – Candidate of Medical Sciences, Docent, Associate Professor of the Department of Histology and Microbiology of Medical In- Pneumococcus and pneumococcal infections are still among actively discussed problems, stitute, the North-Easten Federal University while there is a lack of information about the population structure in the North-East of Russia. : the identification of microbiological and molecular genetic characteristics ofS. named after M.K. Ammosov. GONCHAROV Objective pneumoniae strains found during nasopharyngeal carriage in Yakutsk. Artemiy Evgenyevitch – doctor of medical sciences, professor at the Department of Ep- Materials and methods: we studied S. pneumoniae isolates, obtained from the discharges of idemiology, Parasitology and Disinfectology nasopharynx in 69 patients from the age of 6 months to 85 years living in Yakutsk and undergoing of North-Western State Medical University a survey for acute and chronic diseases of the ENT organs (rhinitis, sinusitis, otitis), repeated named after I.I. Mechnikov, Russian Federa- acute respiratory viral infections and nasopharyngitis. Identification of the isolated cultures was tion, 191015, Saint-Petersburg, Kirochnaya performed using the time-of-flight mass spectrometry method on a Vitek MS analyzer. For un- St, 41, 8 (812) 303-50-00; head of Laborato- certain results, we used test systems to detect S. pneumoniae DNA on PCR-RV. Identification of ry for Functional Genomic and Proteomic of sensitivity to antimicrobial agents was determined by the disk diffusion method with an interpre- Microorganisms of Department of Molecular tation according to the EUCAST recommendations and the Clinical recommendations for deter- Microbiology of Institute of Experimental Med- mining the sensitivity of microorganisms to antimicrobial agents (version 2018-03). The microbi- icine, Russian Federation, 197376, Saint-Pe- ological analyzer Vitek II Compact was used to specify the phenotype of sensitivity / resistance. tersburg, Academica Pavlova St, 12, 8 (812) Confirmation of species identification was carried out by amplification of the autolysin gene 234-68-68, e-mail: [email protected]; (lytA). Identification of serological types of the isolated S. pneumoniae strains was carried out using multiplex PCR. We were determining presence of genetic determinants of resistance to KOLODZHIEVA Viktoriya Vasilievna – can- didate of medical Sciences , associate Profes- macrolide antibiotics erm, mef and msr as well as genes associated with the pathogenicity island sor of the Department of epidemiology, Par- PPI1 (per, npIT, FtsW). asitology and Disinfectology of North-West- Results: more than 80% of S. pneumoniae strains circulating among the population of Ya- ern State Medical University named after I.I. kutsk are represented by serotypes 6A and 19F. In 50% of pneumococci 6A and 100% of sero- Mechnikov, Russian Federation, 191015, type 19F pneumococci were detected all 3 genes associated with the pathogenicity island PPI1. Saint-Petersburg, Kirochnaya St, 41, 8 (812) Macrolide resistance was observed in all isolates of serotype 6A, while 80% of serotype 6A and 100% of serotype 19F showed the ermB resistance gene (MLSB phenotype) and 20% of sero- 303-50-00; e-mail: [email protected]; BELO- type 6A pneumococci had the mef gene (M phenotype). NOGOVA Ekaterina Yurievna – PhD student at the Department of Molecular Microbiology Conclusions: obtained data indicate the prevalence of virulent antibiotic resistant strains of of Institute of Experimental Medicine, Russian S. pneumoniae among the population of Yakutsk and dictate the need for further epidemiological Federation, 197376, Saint-Petersburg, Ac- and microbiological studies of this problem. ademica Pavlova St, 12, 8 (812) 234-68-68, Keywords: pneumococcus, nasopharyngeal carriage, virulence, resistance. e-mail: [email protected]; KOLESNIK Dmitriy Sergeevitch – PhD student at the De- partment of Epidemiology, Parasitology and Introduction. Despite the insertion of the final stages of cell wall synthesis [13]. Disinfectology of North-Western State Medical mass vaccination, pneumococcus (Strep- The resistance to macrolides is me- University named after I.I. Mechnikov, Rus- tococcus pneumoniae) is one of the main diated by two main mechanisms, which sian Federation, 191015, Saint-Petersburg, causative agents of acute bacterial infec- include changes in the binding target and Kirochnaya St, 41, 8 (812) 303-50-00, e-mail: tions in children, especially under the age antibiotic efflux from a bacterial cell. The [email protected]; MOCHOV Aleksey of 5 years [2-4]. first mechanism is due to the modification Sergeevitch – PhD student at the Department The high incidence of pneumococcal of the macrolide binding site with 23S-rR- of Epidemiology, Parasitology and Disinfectol- ogy of North-Western State Medical University infections is combined with a steady in- NA as a result of its methylation, which named after I.I. Mechnikov, Russian Federa- crease of the pneumococcus resistance disrupts the interaction of the antibiotic tion, 191015, Saint-Petersburg, Kirochnaya to the antibacterial drugs that are most with the target. The methylation is carried St, 41, 8 (812) 303-50-00, e-mail: docalex- widely used in clinical practice. β-lactams out by the methylase enzyme, which is [email protected]; ILAROVA Vera Innokenti- and macrolides are the drugs of choice encoded by the erm gene (erythromycin evna – head of the Educational and scientif- in the treatment of pneumococcal infec- ribosome methylation) and causes a high ic microbiological laboratory of the Clinic the tions, therefore, the increase in S. pneu- level of resistance to macrolides. About North-Eastern Federal University named after moniae resistance to these antibiotics be- 20 varieties of erm are described, how- M. K. Ammosov; TARASOVA Lidia Andreev- comes a significant clinical problem [4]. ever, the variant plays the great- na - Candidate of Medical Sciences, Docent, ermB Associate Professor of the Department of His- The resistance of S. pneumoniae to est role in the formation of resistance in tology and Microbiology of Medical Institute, penicillin and other β-lactam antibiotics is pneumococcus. Most pneumococci with the North-Easten Federal University named due to a change in penicillin binding pro- ermB demonstrate cross-resistance to after M.K. Ammosov. teins (PBPs), enzymes that participate in all macrolides, as well as to lincosamides 48 ЯКУТСКИЙ МЕДИЦИНСКИЙ ЖУРНАЛ

and B streptogramin, as their targets are tions and nasopharyngitis. Of these, 58 coccal nasopharyngeal carriage in Ya- partially overlapped. This phenotype is children (84%), 11 adults (16%), 25 inpa- kutsk was 14.1% in 2010 and in 2017 called MLSB [1, 7]. tients (36.2%), 44 outpatients (63.8%). was only 2.7% in the total structure of The second mechanism of resistance The material was obtained from the nasopharyngeal bacterial carriage. From to macrolides is concerned with their ac- nasopharynx using tampons that were the 69 obtained samples more than half tive excretion (efflux) from the bacterial placed in the transport Ames medium of the confirmed S. pneumoniae iso- cell with the help of a special pump built with coal. Chocolate agar cultures were lates were represented by serotype 6A into the cell wall. The efflux pump is en- incubated in airtight containers with gas (53.8%), a third of the strains (30.8%) coded by several variants of the mef gene generators to create microaerophilic were assigned to serotype 19F, the rest (macrolide efflux). Mef-positive pneumo- conditions (bioMerieux) for 24 hours. 15.4% are presented by serotypes 7F cocci have an M-phenotype, which is Identification of the isolated cultures was and 23F. characterized by resistance to fourteen- performed using the time-of-flight mass In determining of the sensitivity to an- and fifteen-membered macrolides, but spectrometry method on a Vitek MS ana- timicrobial agents by the disk diffusion maintaining sensitivity to sixteen-mem- lyzer. For uncertain results, we used test method, we paid attention to the pres- bered macrolides, lincosamides and B systems to detect S. pneumoniae DNA ence of sensitivity / resistance to β-lac- streptogramine [1, 3, 10]. on PCR-RV. Identification of sensitivity tam antibiotics on a disk with 1 μg of Another urgent problem because of to antimicrobial agents was determined oxacillin (OX) and sensitivity / resistance the vaccination that is carried out in the by the disk diffusion method with an in- to macrolides on a disk with 15 μg of Russian Federation with conjugated terpretation according to the EUCAST erythromycin (E). Thus, 42% of isolated pneumococcal vaccines is the possibility recommendations and the Clinical rec- pneumococci were resistant to β-lactams of genetic changes in the pathogen pop- ommendations for determining the sensi- and 34.8% were resistant to macrolides, ulation under the influence of the applied tivity of microorganisms to antimicrobial while 26.1% of the strains were resistant vaccines. In this regard the importance agents (version 2018-03). The microbi- to both groups of drugs (Table 3). belongs to the data that characterize the ological analyzer Vitek II Compact was Genetic study showed that the resis- presence in the genomes of S. pneumo- used to specify the phenotype of sensitiv- tance to macrolides was noted in all iso- niae of mobile genetic elements associat- ity / resistance. lates of serotype 6A, 80% of representa-

Table 1 Primers used in the study to identify the virulence genes

Reference genome Gene Primer sequence (5'->3') (GenBank Acc. №) Localization in the reference genome Source ATGGCTTCCCCGTGCTTTTA 1001727 1001746 ftsW AGATACGAGCGCCAGAATGG 1001901 1001882 CGCGCAACTCCAAAAGAACA 989035 989054 pezT AE005672.3 actual study CCCACCTGCAACATCTCCTT 989255 989236 GGAGACCTTTCGGGAACTGG 985812 985831 nplT TGGTCCTCCAGTCAAGGCTA 986562 986543 ed with invasive potential, which include the pathogenicity island PPI1 [5]. Table 2 It should be noted that despite the Primers used to detect the genetic determinants of antibiotic resistance of the macrolide availability of summarizing data from large multicenter studies [2], regional Product size data is extremely important for under- Праймеры Sequence 5’ → 3’ Gene (nucleotide couples) Source link standing the trends in molecular epide- ermB-f ATTGGAACAGGTAAAGGGC miology and resistance of pneumococ- Erm B 442 [8] ermB-r GAACATCTGTGGTATGGCG ci both in a specific territory and in the MEF 57-f AGTATCATTAATCACTAGTGC MEF(A) 346 [7] country as a whole, and there is a lack of information about the situation in the North-East of the Russia. Confirmation of species identification tives of this type had an ermB resistance Research objective: the identification was carried out by amplification of the gene and 50% of these pneumococci of microbiological and molecular genetic autolysin gene (lytA) [12]. Identification revealed all 3 genes associated to the characteristics of S. pneumoniae strains of serological types of the isolated S. pathogenicity island PPI1. The same found during nasopharyngeal carriage in pneumoniae strains was carried out us- genes, as well as all determinants of Yakutsk. ing multiplex PCR [9]. The following prim- macrolide resistance were detected in Materials and methods. We studied ers were used to identify virulence genes S. pneumoniae of serotype 19F. 6 gen- S. pneumoniae isolates, obtained from and genetic determinants of resistance to otypes of pneumococci isolated during the discharges of nasopharynx in 69 macrolide antibiotics in the polymerase nasopharyngeal bacterial carriage in Ya- patients from the age of 6 months to 85 chain reaction (Table 1, 2). kutsk were characterized (Table 4). years living in Yakutsk and undergoing a Results and discussion: According Thus, more than 80% of the S. pneu- survey for acute and chronic diseases of to the data of the Educational and Sci- moniae strains studied by us are repre- the ENT organs (rhinitis, sinusitis, otitis), entific Microbiological Laboratory of the sented by serotypes 6A and 19F. In 50% repeated acute respiratory viral infec- NEFU Clinic, the frequency of pneumo- of pneumococci 6A and 100% of sero- 2’ 2020 49

Table 3 Table 4

Identified phenotypes of S. pneumoniae Variety of S. pneumoniae genotypes isolated in Yakutsk sensitivity / resistance to β-lactam and macrolides Macrolide resistance genes Genes associated to the pathogenicity island PPI1 Serotype Erythromycin Phenotype Abs (%) Abs (%) MSR MEF ermB pezT nplT FtsW OХ-R 11 (15.9) E-S Ox – R - - + + + + 6A R OХ – R 29 (42) + + - + + + 6A R E - R 18 (26.1) - - + - + + 6A R - - + - - + 6A R OХ-S 6 (8.7) E – R E-R 24 (34.8) - - + - + + 6А R OХ – S + + + + + + 19F I E - S 34 (49.3) С.М., Королева И.С., Таточенко В.К. Пневмо- 6. Cornick J.E., Bentley S.D. Streptococcus type 19F pneumococci were detected all кокковая инфекция и современные возможно- pneumoniae: the evolution of antimicrobial resis- 3 genes associated with the pathogenici- сти ее профилактики — эпидемиологический tance to beta-lactams, fluoroquinolones and mac- ty island PPI1. Macrolide resistance was обзор ситуации в мире и в России. Вопросы rolides. Microb. Infect. 2012; 14: 573–583. DOI: observed in all isolates of serotype 6A, современной педиатрии. 2010; 9 (1): 62–69. 10.1016 / j.micinf.2012.01.012. Библиогр.: с.69. [Sidorenko SV, Lobzin YuV, Harit 7. Sutcliffe J, Grebe T, Tait-Kamradt A, Wond- while 80% of serotype 6A and 100% of SM, Koroleva IS, Tatochenko VK. Pneumococcal rack L. Detection of erythromycin-resistant deter- serotype 19F showed the ermB resis- infection and modern possibilities of its preven- minants by PCR. Antimicrob Agents Chemother tance gene (MLSB phenotype) and 20% tion — an epidemiological review of the situation 1996;40:2562-6. of serotype 6A pneumococci had the mef in the world and in Russia. Voprosy sovremennoi 8. Amezaga MR., Carter PE., Cash P, McK- gene (M phenotype). pediatrii. 2010; 9 (1): 62-69. (In Russ)] enzie H. Molecular epidemiology of erythromycin 3. Райнерт Р.Р., Тайши Б. Новые данные resistance in Streptococcus pneumoniae iso- Conclusion. The obtained data indi- по эффективности 13-валентной пневмокок- lates from blood and noninvasive sites. J. Clin. cate the prevalence of virulent antibiotic ковой конъюгированной вакцины в отноше- Microbiol. 2002. 40:3313-3318. DOI: 10.1128/ resistant strains of S. pneumoniae among нии инвазивных пневмококковых инфекций, JCM.40.9.3313–3318.2002 the children of Yakutsk and dictate the пневмоний, острого среднего отита и назофа- 9. Pimenta FC., Gertz REJr, Roundtree A. Yu рингеального носительства. Педиатрическая J, Nahm MH, McDonald RR, Carvalho Mda G., need for further epidemiological and mi- фармакология 2012; 3: 8-11. Библиогр.: с.11. Beall BW. Rarely occurring 19A-like cps locus crobiological studies in this domain. Sub- [Rainert RR, Tajshi B. New data on the effective- from a serotype 19F pneumococcal isolate indi- sequent monitoring studies should be ness of 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vac- cates continued need of serology-based quality obviously aimed at assessing the impact cine against invasive pneumococcal infections, control for PCR-based serotype determinations. of mass vaccination of the population pneumonia, acute otitis media and nasopharyn- J. Clin Microbiol. 2009 Jul;47(7):2353-4. DOI: geal carrier. Pediatricheskaia farmakologiia 2012; 10.1128/JCM.00704-09. on the genetic structure of the pneumo- 9 (3): 8-11. (In Russ)] 10. Reinert R.R. The antimicrobial resistance coccal population, including assessing 4. Маянский Н.А., Алябьева Н.М., Лазарева profile of Streptococcus pneumoniae. Clin. Mi- the appearance of new strains with high А.В., Катосова Л.К. Серотиповое разнообра- crobiol. Infect. 2009; 15 (Suppl. 3): 7–11. DOI: pathogenic and epidemic potential. зие и резистентность пневмококков. Вестник 10.1111/j.1469-0691.2009.02724.x. РАМН. 2014. 7–8: 38–45. Библиогр.: с.45. [May- 11. Retsema J., Fu W. Macrolides: struc- ansky NA, Alyabyeva NM, Lazareva AV, Katosova tures and microbial targets. Int. J. of Antimicrob. References LK. Serotype diversity and resistance of pneumo- Agents. 2001; 3–10. cocci. Vestnik Rossiiskoi Akademii Meditsinskikh 12. Wang X. et al. Clinical validation of multi- 1. Козлов Р.С. Пневмококки: прошлое, на- Nauk. 2014; 7–8: 38–45. (In Russ)] plex real-time PCR assays for detection of bacte- стоящее и будущее. Смоленск: Смоленская го- 5. Harvey RM, Stroeher UH, Ogunniyi AD, rial meningitis pathogens. J. Clin. Microbiol. 50, сударственная медицинская академия. 2005. Smith-Vaughan H C, Leach AJ, Paton JC. A vari- 702–708 (2012) 128 с. [Kozlov RS. Pneumococci: past, present and able region within the genome of Streptococcus 13. Zapun C., Contreras-Martel T.V. Penicil- future. Smolensk: Smolenskaia gosudarstvennaia pneumoniae contributes to strain-strain variation lin-binding proteins and beta-lactam resistance. meditsinskaia akademiia. 2005. 128 p. (In Russ)] in virulence. PLoS One, 2011. 6(5). DOI: 10.1371/ FEMS Microbiol. Rev. 2008; 32: 361–385. DOI: 2. Сидоренко С.В., Лобзин Ю.В., Харит journal.pone.0019650 10.1111/j.1574-6976.2007.00095.x. 50 ЯКУТСКИЙ МЕДИЦИНСКИЙ ЖУРНАЛ

A.A. Nikitina, A.I. Pavlova, T.T. Gulyaev, V.F. Cherniavsky, O.I. Nikiforov, I.A. Romanova, O.N. Sofronova MODERN EPIZOOTIC AND EPIDEMIOLOGICAL DOI 10.25789/YMJ.2020.70.15 CHARACTERISTICS OF LEPTOSPIROSIS УДК 619-36.22:616.9 (571.56) IN THE REPUBLIC SAKHA (YAKUTIA)

The article presents the results of the study of the forms of contamination of agricultural and wild animals, small mammals, as well as the in- fection of cohorts of the population with different types of leptospires. A wide variety of animal species, both domestic and wild, act as reservoirs of zoonotic diseases. The etiological structure of leptospiroses and quantitative and serological indicators of immunological response in animals and humans have been studied. Modern epizootic and epidemiological evaluation of the intensity potential ("softening" of tension) and forecasting of the indicated problem (in the format of reduction, but not elimination of the nosological form) are given. Occupation is a significant risk factor for humans. Direct contact with infected animals accounts for most infections in fur farmers, livestock technicians and hunters. Keywords: etiological composition of leptospiroses, infection and immunostructure of agricultural and other animals, risks of human morbidity, monitoring.

Introduction. Leptospirosis in the Far However, studies indicating the presence tive indicators of epizootic and epidemic North was first described by I.E. Trop and of natural foci of leptospirosis in the high processes in leptospirosis in Yakutia on S.E. Getzold, who conducted a survey latitude zone were few and fragmentary. the basis of annual departmental reports, of population and animals in the Tyumen In 1984 the first case [15] of human information on antiepizootic measures in region in 1954-1960 [5, 19]. They also leptospirosis in Yakutia was registered in form 1-Vet A and infectious animal dis- observed an outbreak in Khanty-Mansi- the Tatta region. During the next decade, eases in form 1-vet of the Department ysk (1959-1960), when the number of the zoonosis was registered in 11 regions of of Veterinary Medicine of the Republic diseased reached 132 people [5, 19]. the republic, having a flare-up, group Sakha (Yakutia) for 2003-2018, informa- A further basis for the study of lepto- and sporadic character [9, 18], amount- tion on statistical observations and lab- spiroses was the disease of calves in one ing to 0.2 to 2.0 cases per 100,000 pop- oratory activity of the FBUZ “Center for of the farms of the Nenets Autonomous ulation. Hygiene and Epidemiology” in form No. District, when laboratory examination of In the epizootic and epidemiological 2 for 1995-2018 and State reports for the 1093 domestic reindeers in 1.8% of them plan, the most dangerous [8, 11, 12, 13, period 1995-2019, stock data, literary revealed antibodies to the leptospira of 22] were animals infected with leptospi- publications and their assessment. the serogroup L. grippotyphosa. In some rosis. Leptospirosis carriage both in the Statistical data processing was per- herds, animal infection was 6% [7]. Sub- latent course of the infection process and formed using descriptive statistics and sequently, a wide spread of leptospiroses in an infected animal against the back- comparative analysis methods in the “Of- in the Far North was detected from the ground of its natural foci [14, 20] retained fice Microsoft Excel” program. Kola Peninsula to Chukotka [12, 13]. its limpopotential [6]. A special line was Results and discussion. Diagnosis The possibility of rodent leptospiro- devoted to occupational risks [17]. of the etiological structure of leptospirosis sis in the northern taiga of the Republic The results of monitoring of epizooto- was carried out on the basis of the Yakut Sakha (Yakutia) was reported by E.V. logical and epidemiological observations Republican Veterinary Testing Labora- Karaseva and E.I. Korenberg [5], who in different zones of Yakutia were pre- tory, according to GOST 25386-91. The found in blood serum specific agglutinins sented in a series of published works [2, annual volume of laboratory tests was: to the leptospiroses of the serogroup 4, 9, 10, 15, 16, 18, 20, 21]. Zoning of cattle - up to 2100 animals, horses - up to L. grippotyphosa in titer 1:800-1:1000. the territory [22] and the practice of de- 1600, up to 300 samples from pigs, small partmental (veterinary and sanitary) su- cattle and other domestic animals. pervision [11, 12, 23] were supplemented A comparative analysis of laboratory NIKITINA Anastasia Afanasyevna – Head of by elements of the geoinformational ap- studies showed that cattle was the host Section of Veterinary Department of the Re- public of Sakha (Yakutia), graduate student of proach (mapping). Scientific and method- of leptospira serogroups L. grippotypho- the Arctic state Agrotechnolog. University, ya- ological developments were introduced sa in 34.6% in 2004 and 43.6% of cases [email protected]; PAVLOVA Alexandra Inno- into veterinary and medical practice [1, 2, in 2018, L. icterohaemorrhagiae - 35.1 kentievna –Doctor of Vet. Sciences, prof. Arc- 3, 8, 22]. and 30.7%, L. tarassovi - 2.6 and 10.2%, tic state Agrotechnolog. University; Center for The objective of this paper is to pro- L. canicola - 2.1 and 10.2% and L. pomo- Hygiene and Epidemiology in the Republic of vide modern epizootic, epidemiological na - 4.8 and 5.1%, respectively. Sakha (Yakutia): CHERNYAVSKY Viktor Fe- and prognostic assessment of leptospi- Horses were the hosts for the lepto- dorovich – Ph.D., epidemiologist, epidotd@ roses in Yakutia, including information spira serogroup L. icterohaemorrhagiae, Nikiforov Oleg Innokentievich and prevention proposals on the basis of in 22.5% of cases in 2004 and 35.2% in - zoologist, GULYAEV Timur Tuskulovich - epidemiologist, ROMANOVA Irina Aleksan- monitoring data. 2018, L. grippotyphosa - 38 and 29.5%, drovna – doctor -bacteriologist, SOFRONO- Materials and research methods. L.tarassovi - 4.2 and 18.2 %, L. canico- VA Oktyabrina Nikolaevna – head. lab. The study included retro- and prospec- la - 1.4 and 15.9%, respectively, L. heb- 2’ 2020 51

domadis in 2.8% in 2004, L. pomona in ber ranged from 4 to 16. The largest pro- On the basis of data on dysfunction- 1.1% of cases in 2018. portion of dysfunctional points for this pe- al sites and the incidence of animals, we Leptospirosis among small cattle was riod were horses - 66.4%, cattle - 31.4%, determined the territories of the spread of represented by an unstable nosounit, pigs - 1.6%, bison – 0.8%. The share of leptospirosis with 4 groups: manifested singly and periodically. In research over 15 years on agricultural - to the 1st group, where the num- 2018, small cattle in 36.3% of cases species of animals was: cattle - 47.6%, ber of dysfunctional points ranges from turned out to be the host of the leptospira horses - 35.9, deer - 0.8, pigs - 6.9, small 0 to 5, 20 districts are assigned, mainly serogroup L. sejroe, in 27.2% of cases - cattle - 8.0, fur animals - 0.8%. in the Arctic zone (Anabarsky, Abyysky, L. grippotyphosa, in 18.2% - L. tarassovi, From year to year there was an in- Allaikhovsky, Bulunsky, Verkhoyansky, in 9.1% - L. canicola and L. Icterohae- crease in targeted, applied, laboratory re- Verkhnekolymsky, Gorny, Zhigansky, morrhagiae, and in dogs leptospirosis is search, which had a planned state char- Lensky, Mirnynsky, Momsky, Neryun- represented in all cases by one type - L. acter. If in 2003 a total of 1509 animals grinsky, Nizhnekolymsky, Oleneksky, Oy- canicola. were examined by the microagglutination myakonsky, Srednekolymsky, Tattinsky, When analyzing studies in anthropur- reaction (of which 81.6% were studies of Ust-Maysky, Ust-Yansky, Eveno-Bytan- gic foci, it was found that the predominant cattle, 4.6% of horses, 12.4% of pigs), taysky). The proportion of dysfunctional hosts for the leptospira serogroup L. grip- then in 2018 6185 were conducted (of points in this zone is 15.6% of their total potyphosa were: cattle, horses and small which 42% were studies of cattle, 38.1 - number; cattle (43.6, 29.5 and 27.2%, respective- horses, 8.7 - pigs, 0.4 - deer, 7.9 – small - 6 districts (Suntarsky, Nyurbinsky, ly); for L. icterohaemorrhagiae - cattle in cattle, 0.03 - fur animals and 3.46 - other Kobyaysky, Ust-Aldansky, Aldansky) are 30.7% of cases, horses - 35.2% and cat- animal species). assigned to the 2nd group, where from tle - 9.1%, for L. tarassovi - horses and The percentage of studies on lepto- 6 to 10 dysfunctional points were regis- cattle in 18.2% of cases, cattle - 10.2%, spirosis from the total population in 2018 tered during the analyzed period. The for L. canicola - cattle in 10.2% of cas- was: cattle - 1.5%, horses - 1.4%, pigs - proportion of dysfunctional points in this es, horses - 15.9%, dogs - 100%, for L. 2.87%, deer - 0.4%, fur animals - 0.03%, zone is 20.5% of the total; pomona - cattle - 5.1%, horses - 1.1%. which in comparison with 2003 shows - 7 districts were included in the 3rd It was found that the attachment of cer- an increase by 3 times in cattle (0.4% in group (Olekminsky, Verkhnevilyuysky, tain leptospira to animal species was not 2003), in horses by 28 times (0.05%), in Namsky, Tomponsky. Amginsky, Churap- absolute. pigs by 7 times (0.4%). chinsky, Yakutsky), where the registered Using cattle as an example, we stud- The analysis found that with a month- points range from 11 to 20 dysfunctional ied the facts of possible mixing — mixt in- ly cumulative distribution of animals se- points. The proportion of dysfunctional fections of circulating leptospira species ropositive for leptospirosis, the largest points in this zone is 42% of their total (Fig. 1). number of animals was detected from number; In a comparative, selective, applied April to June and from November to De- - The fourth group consisted of two characteristic of the etiological struc- cember. It should be noted that the blood districts (Vilyuisky and Megino-Kanga- ture of leptospira, it was revealed that sampling was carried out as planned: in lassky), where more than 21 dysfunction- if in 2006 the proportion of mixed sero- cattle and small cattle before pasture and al points were established. groups was 68.2% of the studied ones at stabling, and in horses during mass It should be noted that horse lepto- (L. pomona - 1.1%, L. tarassovi - 2.9%, preventive measures (from March to May spirosis prevails in all groups. So, in the L. grippotyphosa - 0, L. hebdomadis - 0, and from October to November). 1st group the number of dysfunctional L. sejroe - 1.1%, L. canicola - 2.9% and points for horses is 65.7%, in the 2nd L. icterohaemorrhagiae - 20.0%), then in - 71.7, in the 3rd - 55.3, in the 4th - 2018 this figure was 4.6% of the studied 53.1%. The proportion of dysfunction- (L. pomona - 6.8%, L. tarassovi - 6.3%, al points in the cattle in the 3rd group L. grippotyphosa - 22.8, L. hebdomadis is 38.3%, in the 4th - 34.7%, in the 1st - 0.8%, L. sejroe - 10.5%, L. canicola - - 20%, in the 2nd - 19.6%. The larg- 3.8%, L. icterohaemorrhagiae - 40.9%). est number of dysfunctional points in The number of foci of leptospirosis of the small cattle was noted in the 1st animals during the analyzed period was Fig. 1. The structure and dynamics of circu- group - 14.3%, in the 3rd - 2.1, in the constantly changing (Fig. 2). lating leptospira species 4th - 2%. The largest number of dys- The presented data indicate a fluctu- functional points for pigs was noted ating parameter of the monitored epizo- in the 3rd and 4th otological factor, with a decrease in its groups - 14.3%, in quantitative characteristics. The explana- the 3rd - 2.1, in the tory premise has a multifactorial (natural, 4th - 2%. economic, anthropogenic, climatic, ad- Thus, preliminary ministrative-economic, business-industri- evaluations of epi- al, etc.) character. zootological zoning The highest indicator for identifying indicate that foci dysfunctional points on leptospirosis was of concentration of established in 2009 - 38, which is 15.4% a large number of of their total number for 2003-2018 (247 horses and cattle points), and the lowest indicator was es- are territories of risk tablished in 2004 - 1.6% (4 points). Their for the occurrence largest number falls on the period 2008- Fig. 2. The proportion of established dysfunctional points by and spread of lepto- 2011 - 128 points, subsequently the num- years,% spirosis. 52 ЯКУТСКИЙ МЕДИЦИНСКИЙ ЖУРНАЛ

The epizootic manifestations of lep- Jewish Autonomous and Amur Regions relative decrease (from 0.34 to 3.54). tospirosis in the Central zone of Yakutia [13, 14]. This may be due to an increase of 3 times are of particular note. They currently ac- Assessing the past monthly dynam- in the annual vaccination coverage of counted for 80% of the total number in ics of the incidence rate in the republic, farm animals against leptospirosis over the republic; in the Arctic and North-East- it should be noted that, despite the rel- 10 years and reached 384.407 goals in ern zones - by 7.5%, in the Western and atively uniform intra-annual distribution 2018. Southern zones - by 2.5%. of cases, the largest number of patients Thus, due to the systematic, planned, From a zoological and epidemiolog- with leptospirosis was recorded in April- correct organizational and health-im- ical position (for the period 2009-2018), May. The reason for this was the out- proving work of veterinary specialists, 5911 specimens of mouse rodents were break of leptospirosis among the workers the number of dysfunctional points de- studied for natural foci, the contamina- and maintenance staff of the fur farm and creased by 19 times, determining the rel- tion of which in some years was deter- the Mastakh branch of the Mukuchinsky atively positive epizootiological and epi- mined by ELISA: 2.03 - 2.7% of cases, state farm of the Kobyai ulus, where the demiological situation in livestock farms and by PCR: among red voles - 0.38%, main etiological factor was the leptospira and among the population. root voles - 1.9% and in narrow-cranked of the serogroup L. pomona, and arctic Conclusion. Thus, thanks to the voles - 5%. foxes of cage breeding were the source systematic, planned, properly set orga- Contamination of people occurred in of infection. nizational and health-improving work of natural and anthropurgic foci with lep- Subsequently, during the examination veterinary specialists, the number of dys- tospira serogroups L. icterohaemorrha- of 287 persons admitted to the infectious functional points decreased by 19 times, giae, L. grippotyphosa and L. pomona. and therapeutic departments of hospitals determining the relatively positive epizo- Serological examination of the population in Yakutsk, , Verkhnevilyuys- otiological and epidemiological situation showed a wider spread of infection than ky, Kobyaysky, Aldansky, Ust-Aldansky, in livestock farms and among the popu- previously thought. Leptospira serogroup Namsky, Khangalassky, Verkhoyansky, lation. L. pomona (25.0%) prevailed in the rural Ust-Maysky, Lensky, Megino-Kangalass- The materials presented indicate the population, and L. canicola (27.9%) in the ky, Mirny and Oymyakonsky uluses with need for further monitoring of the estab- urban population. the diseases which are suspicious of lep- lished facts and the identified clinical and A retrospective analysis of the morbid- tospira, 96 individuals were revealed with laboratory, epizootological and epidemio- ity (Fig. 3) on the territory of the Repub- serologically positive results in which ti- logical imbalances in the identified prob- lic Sakha (Yakutia) demonstrates certain ters of specific antibodies to leptospira of lem. temporal-episodic and epidemiological nine serological groups reached 1: 100- The choice of adequate and informa- features of leptospirosis and their deter- 1: 3200. Taking into account the complex tive methods of laboratory-clinical re- mining factors. of clinical manifestations of the disease, search and expert assessments should The methods of graphic retroanalysis the results of an epidemiological exam- be based on modern ideas about the adopted in epidemiology have estab- ination of foci and laboratory tests, the di- epizootiological, epidemiological, clini- lished that the incidence of leptospirosis agnosis of leptospirosis was established cal-laboratory and monitoring algorithm, was mainly sporadic in nature, with an in 31 patients. In subsequent years, the which will make it possible to maximal- intensive rate per 100 thousand people designated group was not fixed. ly objectify agricultural losses (damage) ranging from 0.2-2.0. Outbreaks and In various age and occupational and the degree of percentage disability group cases were relatively rare, and groups, the morbidity was not the same. among the population with various forms there was a pronounced territorial un- To a large extent, it depended on the of the disease. evenness. The most intensive epidemic influence of the leading pathways and process took place in rural areas, where transmission factors, reflecting the forms References the incidence of residents of and and degree of contact of the population towns (3.7 per 100 thousand people) with sources of pathogens. Men at the 1. Троп И.Е., Сергеев А.Ф., Тугутов Л.Д. was several times higher than the inci- age of 20-49 years were most at risk: fur [и др.]. Активное выявление, диагностика и dence of the urban population (0.4 per farmers, livestock technicians and hunt- профилактика лептоспироза в Якутии. Ме- 100 thousand people). Infection of peo- ers. The etiological structure of patients дицинская наука – практика (методические разработки, рекомендуемые для широкого ple occurred in natural and anthropurgic represented by leptospira of 5 serologi- внедрения в медицинскую практику. Ново- foci in which the main sources of lepto- cal groups was dominated by L. pomona сибирск. 1990: 204-206.[Trop IE, Sergeev AF, spira serological groups of L. icterohae- (41.9%), L. grippothyphosa (25.8%) and Tugutov LD [et al.]. Active detection, diagnostics morrhagiae, L. pomona, L. grippotypho- L. icterohaemorrhagiae (19.3%). and prophylaxis of leptospirosis in Yakutia. Med- sa were cage breeding foxes, gray rats, Analysis of the epizootic situation ical science, practice (methodological develop- ments recommended for wide implementation in root voles (Microtus oeconomus) and red shows that the average incidence rate, medical practice). Novosibirsk, 1990: 204-206. voles. increasing from 2003 to 2008 (from 0.73 (In Russ.).] The current features of assessing the to 7.71), since 2009 has tendency to a 2. Троп И.Е., Чернявский В.Ф., Сергеев А.Ф. degree of tension of the epidemic situa- [и др.]. Активное выявление, диагностика и tion include the facts of its “mitigation”, профилактика лептоспироза в Якутии. Якутская республиканская СЭС и Ха- when at the ascertaining of leptospira баровский НИИ эпидемиологии и ми- circulation among small mammals, there кробиологии. Якутск; Хабаровск, 1990: is no morbidity in the population, and no 9. [Trop IE, Chernyavsky VF, Sergeev AF positive results were found in pool stud- [et al.]. Active detection, diagnostics and ies of materials from people (89 people). prophylaxis of leptospirosis in Yakutia. Yakut Republican SES and Khabarovsk A similar situation was noted (2019) in Research Institute of Epidemiology and other subjects of the Far Eastern Federal Microbiology. Yakutsk; Khabarovsk, District: Kamchatka, Primorsky Territory, Fig. 3. Leptospirosis morbidity in the RS (Ya) 1990: 9. (Rotoprint) (In Russ.).] 2’ 2020 53

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T.M. Klimova, A.G. Egorova, A.G. Fedulova, A.A. Kuzmina, I.Sh. Malogulova, M.S. Novikova, N.I. Gorshenin BEHAVIOURAL DETERMINANTS DOI 10.25789/YMJ.2020.70.16 OF DIPHYLLOBOTHRIASIS УДК 616-002.951.21; 613.281 IN SAKHA REPUBLIC’S POPULATION

Diphyllobothriasis is an endemic disease for the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), the prevalence of which remains at a high level (136.8 per 100,000 of the population in 2018). The study aims to analyse the behavioural factors contributing to the spread of diphyllobothriasis in Yakutia. The survey was carried out using social networks. The study involved 1021 people (815 women and 206 men) from Yakutsk and 32 municipal districts of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). The study showed among the population of the republic are preserved the traditions of eating raw fish and homemade salting fish. The part of the fish gets bypassing sanitary control. Technologies of homemade salting and cooking of fish are violated. The population is not well informed about the danger of infection with fish parasites and preventive measures. We need the widespread introduction of wastewater disinfection technologies, improving the quality of treatment, monitoring fish products, conduct a qualitative helminthological examination of the population, verification of the effectiveness of deworming and inform the population about the methods for preventing parasitic infection. Keywords: helminthiases, biohelminths, diphyllobothriasis, Yakutia, behavioural risk factors.

Diphyllobothriasis is a group of in- kii (D. luxi), D. ditremum [5]. D. latum is the Sakha Republic in 2018 (https://min- testinal biohelminthoses, the causative currently considered the main causative and “On the State agents of which are tape helminths of the agent of human diphyllobothriasis. For of Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare class Cestoidea, Diphyllobothrium (D.) the Sakha Republic, Diphyllobothriasis of the Population in 2018” in the north- family. In the life cycle of helminth, co- is an endemic disease (1318 cases of eastern regions of the Russian Federa- pepods act as the first intermediate host, the disease or 136.8 per 100,000 of the tion ( and fish as the second [8–10]. The final population in 2018), as evidenced by a To assess the habits of the population host is man, as well as some animals and comparison of incidence rates in the contributing to the infection of diphyllobo- birds that eat fish. About 14 out of more subjects of the North-East of the Rus- thriasis, a survey of available respond- than 50 types of diphyllobotriids can sian Federation. Thus, according to the ents was conducted using social net- be dangerous for humans [10]. Human territorial bodies of the Federal Service works. The study involved 1021 people infection occurs when eating fish with for the Oversight of Consumer Protection (815 women and 206 men) from Yakutsk helminth larvae. Helminthiasis is found and Welfare (Rospotrebnadzor), in 2018, and 32 municipal districts of the Sakha in many regions of the world, including 160 cases of diphyllobothriasis were re- Republic. The questionnaire included 16 North and South America, Europe, and corded in the Irkutsk Region, 102 in the questions devoted to various aspects of Asia [10]. Parasites have epidemiologi- Republic of Buryatia, 22 in the Sakhalin eating, cooking, and harvesting fish, as cal significance in Russia, Japan, and Region, 15 in the Jewish Autonomous well as public awareness of measures to South America [1-3, 5-7]. According to Region and 12 in the Amur Region, 5 prevent infection with fish parasites. experts, the number of people infected in the Primorsky Territory, 2 in the Chu- Results. Analysis of the dynamics of with tapeworms can reach 20 million in kotka Autonomous Region, and 1 in the morbidity of the population of the Sakha the world [10]. Kamchatka Region. In 2018, diphyllobo- Republic by diphyllobothriasis over 15 In Siberia and the Far East of Russia, thriasis (25%) takes 2nd place in helmin- years (2004-2018) showed a 2-fold de- according to Yastrebova V.K., the most thiases general incidence in Yakutia, af- crease in rates from 264.9 to 136.8 per common types of diphyllobotriids are ter enterobiosis (70%) [2]. 100,000 population [2]. The true number D. latum, D. dendriticum, D. klebanovs- The main factors determining the of carriers of the parasite is probably spread of helminthiases, including significantly higher than official statis- diphyllobothriasis, are the levels of so- tics. This is due to the lack of mandatory Medical Institute, the M.K. Ammosov NEFU: cio-economic development of territories helminthological examinations, a pro- KLIMOVA Tatiana Mikhailovna – Candidate and sanitary and hygienic training of the nounced clinical picture of infection, the of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor; Se- population. Thus, the spread of invasion over-the-counter selling of praziquantel nior Scientist at Yakutsk Scientific Centre for Complex Medical Problems, biomedykt@mail. is facilitated by the tradition of using raw (which is the drug of choice for diphyllo- ru. ORCID: 0000-0003-2746-0608. FEDULO- or semi-raw fish, as well as an increase bothriasis) and frequent self-medication VA Aleksandra Georgievna – Associate Pro- in the market of poor-quality fish prod- among the population. Thus, the sta- fessor, Kuzmina Ariana Afanasyevna – Can- ucts due to the absence or low quality tistics reflect only cases of detection of didate of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Head of of wastewater treatment (at the sewage diphyllobothriasis when visiting medical Department, ORCID: 0000-0001-5220-0766, treatment facilities of the republic). institutions and when examining mater- MALOGULOVA Irina Shamilyevna – Candi- Research Objective – studying the nity groups. date of Biological Sciences, Associate Profes- behavioural factors contributing to the A survey to study consumer behav- sor, ORCID: 0000-0003-0687-7949, NOVIKO- spread of diphyllobothriasis in the Sakha iour was conducted from May 25th, 2019 VA Margarita Semenovna – senior student, th GORSHENIN Nikolay Igorevich – senior Republic. to June 9 , 2019. The main participants student; EGOROVA Aitalina Grigoryevna – Materials and Research Methods. in the study were people of working age Candidate of Medical Sciences, Head of Labo- For the analysis, we used the data of (Table). Of the respondents, 89% were ratory at Yakutsk Scientific Centre for Complex the reports “On the State of the Environ- born in Yakutia, 11% came from other Medical Problems. ment and Environmental Protection of regions of the Russian Federation. Of 2’ 2020 55

these, 758 people (74.2%) lived in the Characteristics of Respondents wastewater treatment. According to To- city of Yakutsk, the rest were repre- noeva N.C. et al. [4], treatment methods sentatives of 32 municipal districts of Group n % at the sewage facilities in Yakutsk (bio- Yakutia. Age, years 41 4.0 logical treatment) also do not ensure ep- Eating Habits. The survey showed that 18-24 347 34.0 idemiological safety of the water. When 83% (852) of respondents consume raw 25-35 213 20.9 analysing samples of water and sedi- frozen fish (in the form of a sliced planer 36-45 115 11.3 ment from the n-filter after mechanical and other dishes), while 67% (691) con- 46-55 180 17.6 cleaning, we found ascaris and diphyllo- sume home-salted fish. Over 55 125 12.2 botriid eggs in 100% and 80% of cases, When asked, “Where do you get fro- respectively. After repeated mechanical Years spent in the Sakha zen or salted fish?”, respondents in- Republic and biological treatment of water with dicated various sources (including a Under 5 37 3.6 activated sludge, the number of positive combination of different sources). Thus, 5-9 22 2.2 samples was 33% and 17%, after expo- 337 respondents purchase fish at local sure to ultraviolet radiation – 18% and 10-14 6 0.6 markets, 283 – at stores, 95 – at super- 9%, respectively. 15-20 26 2.5 markets, while 15 get it themselves (fish- The prevalence of diphyllobothria- Born in the Sakha Republic 904 88.5 ing). Also, in 618 cases, respondents sis among the population of Yakutia is mentioned that they were sent (treated) Other 26 2.5 caused by the characteristics of the tra- by friends or relatives. Thus, it should be ditional nutrition of the population, insuf- assumed that a significant part of the fish ents underwent microscopic examina- ficient awareness of the risks of infection, consumed by the population does not tion for helminth eggs (faeces analysis) and socio-economic factors. A low stand- pass sanitary control. Another question was carried out during the last year. ard of living contributes to the search for was, “When purchasing fish, do you ask Thus, the survey results showed that other food sources, including independ- for documents certifying the quality of the among the population of the republic pre- ent fishing, the acquisition of fish from fish (veterinary certificate, the conclusion serves its traditions of eating raw, home- sellers without permits, and the use of of a veterinary and sanitary examina- salted fish. As a result, too often the fish home-made fish products. The tradition tion)?”. 88.1% (900) of respondents an- ends up on the table bypassing sanitary of eating raw fish, the ambiguous, non- swered negatively. Only 12% (121) said control. When using at-home salting and specific symptoms during infection, low they were interested in this. cooking, our population violates fish pro- diagnostic efficiency, lack of control after Typical Fish Storing and Cooking. cessing technologies. The population is deworming all lead to helminth preva- 62% (639 people) of respondents said not well informed about the danger of in- lence. In addition, the widespread popu- they salted fish in their families at home. fection with fish parasites and about the larity of Southeast Asian cuisine using Of these, in 75% (478) cases, the fish related preventive measures. raw fish may become an additional risk is lightly salted, in 25% (161) the fish is Discussion. Lack of treatment and factor for diphyllobothriasis, which can highly salted. At the same time, 115 re- disinfection of wastewater and frequent change the spectrum of diphyllobotriids spondents indicated that they salted the flooding of local settlements lead to the circulating in Yakutia. fish for several minutes or hours, 331 – ingress of helminth eggs into water bod- Conclusion. In the Sakha Republic, during the period from 1 to 2 days, 190 – ies. According to the Ministry of Ecology, diphyllobothriasis is an endemic hel- from 2 to 4 days, and 3 – 5 or more days. Nature Management and Forestry of the minthiosis, the spread and preservation These results indicate that local fish salt- Sakha Republic, in 2018, the republic of which is facilitated by socioeconomic ing violates processing technologies that had 28 treatment facilities (of which 20 and behavioural factors. These include a ensure product safety. were biological, 7 were mechanical, and low standard of living, low sanitary and When cutting fish, 35% (356) of re- 1 was physico-chemical). Some districts hygienic culture, violation of sanitary and spondents have seen parasite larvae at do not have wastewater treatment fa- hygienic standards, food traditions of the least once. Of these, 28 noted that they cilities, and in many areas, the technical peoples of the North, and insufficient discarded the infected part of the fish condition of the facilities and outdated public awareness. and continued to cook the remaining technologies do not provide regulatory At the moment, to change the situ- parts. Only 15.6% of buyers return the fish with contaminants to the seller (the presence of inclusions, larvae, etc.). The remaining percentage throw away the in- fected fish. Public Awareness of Hygienic Preven- tive Measures. When asked, “Can frozen fish be a source of helminth infection?”, 60% (607) of respondents answered in affirmatively, while 24% (174) denied this possibility; 17% (240) did not have a definite opinion (figure). Also, about 40% of respondents do not know that objects used in cutting contaminated fish can be dangerous. It is likely that 80% of respondents taste the fish in the cooking process (frying, boiling, or baking). Last year, 69.8% of respond- Awareness of the Sakha Republic’s Population on Diphyllobothriasis Preventive Measures 56 ЯКУТСКИЙ МЕДИЦИНСКИЙ ЖУРНАЛ

ation with the prevalence of diphyllo- Lena River within the city of Yakutsk. Rossijskij bothriasis in the Sakha Republic, we References parazitologicheskij zhurnal. 2018; 12 (2): 38–45. (In Russ.).] require the organisation of local water 1. Зеля О.П., Завойкин В.Д., Плющева Г.Л. 5. Ястребов В. К. Эпидемиология дифил- treatment devices in rural areas, the Современная ситуация по дифиллоботриозу: лоботриозов в Сибири и на Дальнем Восто- widespread introduction of modern tech- эпидемиология и эпиднадзор. Медицинская ке. Эпидемиология и вакцинопрофилактика. nologies for wastewater disinfection паразитология и паразитарные болезни. 2013; 72(5): 25–30]. [Jastrebov V. K. Epidemiol- (use of purification, ultraviolet radiation, 2017; 1: 52-59. [Zelja O.P., Zavojkin V.D., Pljush- ogy of Diphyllobothriasis in Siberia and the Far East. Jepidemiologija i vakcinoprofilaktika. 2013; and track-etched membranes), and the heva G.L. The Current Situation of Diphylloboth- riasis: Epidemiology and Epidemiological Surveil- 72(5): 25–30. (In Russ.).] strengthening of fish product quality con- lance. Medicinskaja parazitologija i parazitarnye 6. Lucas C., Fung L., Gagliardi S.M.B. [et al.] trol measures. We also require qualita- bolezni. 2017; 1: 52–59. (In Russ.).] Diphyllobothriasis, Brazil. Emerg Infect Dis. 2005; tive helminthological examination of the 2. Поляков В.Е., Иванова И.А., Полякова 11(10): 1598–1600. doi: 10.3201/eid1110.050377 7. Ikuno H.,. Akao S., Yamasaki H. Epidemi- population, monitoring the effectiveness Н.П. Дифиллоботриоз. Педиатрия. 2007; 86 (5): 104–8 [Poljakov V.E., Ivanova I.A., Poljakova ology of Diphyllobothrium nihonkaiense Diphyl- of deworming and informing the popu- N.P. Pediatrija. 2007; 86(5): 104–108. (In Russ.).] lobothriasis, Japan, 2001–2016. Emerg Infect lation about methods of preventing in- 3. Савченков М.Ф., Чумаченко И.Г., Турчи- Dis. 2018; 24(8): 1428–1434. DOI: 10.3201/ fection with fish parasites. Conducting нова Д.А. Дифиллоботриоз в Байкальском ре- eid2408.171454 molecular genetic studies to confirm the гионе (эпидемиологическое наблюдение). Си- 8. Muller R. Worms and Human Disease 2nd Edition. CABI Publishing; 2002; 300. fact that there are no errors in identifying бирский медицинский журнал. 2008; 3: 88–90. [Savchenkov M.F., Chumachenko I.G., Turchi- 9. Kuchta R., Brabec J., Kubáčková P. [et al.] D. latum as the sole or main causative nova D.A. Diphyllobothriasis in Baikalsky region Tapeworm Diphyllobothrium dendriticum (Ces- agent of human diphyllobothriosis in Ya- (epidemiologic observation). Sibirskij medicinskij toda)-Neglected or Emerging Human Parasite? kutia holds scientific and practical impor- zhurnal (Irkutsk). 2008; 3. 88–90. (In Russ.).] PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2013; 7(12): e2535. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0002535 tance. If other species of tapeworms of 4. Тоноева Н.Ч., Удальцов Е.А., Ефремова Е.А. Санитарно-паразитологическое состоя- 10. Scholz T., Garcia H.H., Kuchta R. [et al.] the Diphyllobothrium family are found in ние реки Лена в границах города Якутска. Рос- Update on the human broad tapeworm (genus the Yakutian population, we may require сийский паразитологический журнал. 2018; diphyllobothrium), including clinical relevance. additional changes to the preventative 12 (2): 38–45. [Tonoeva N.Ch., Udal'cov E.A., Clin Microbiol Rev. 2009; 22(1): 146–160. programs. Efremova E.A. Sanitary-Parasitoligical Status of DOI: 10.1128/CMR.00033-08 2’ 2020 57


M.H Syahidi, N.V. Savvina, L.F. Timofeev, O.G. Bessonova MORTALITY AND LOST YEARS OF LIFE (YLL) DUE TO BREAST, CERVICAL, DOI 10.25789/YMJ.2020.70.17 AND OVARIAN CANCER IN THE REPUBLIC УДК 616-006.611-69 SAKHA (YAKUTIA) IN 2006-2016

Introduction: Breast, cervical, and ovary cancer are the most common caused-of death cancer in women population in the world, so does in Russia. This study aims to depict breast, cervical, and ovary cancer mortality and years of life lost (YLL) trends in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) in the period 2006-2016. Methods: Data were obtained through the database of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) federal state statistics service (Rosstat) which included with ICD-10 code for cause of death. Results: There were 11.1% deaths caused by breast cancer, 6.9% by cervical cancer, and 4.6% caused by ovary cancer from all death caused by cancer in women population in the research period. YLL from those cancers respectively were 9032, 7796, and 4545 life years. Average years of life lost (AYLL) of those cancers were 13.4; 20.1; and 16.2 life years. Conclusion: Mortality, YLL, and AYLL due to breast and ovary cancer decreased when those variables increased in cervical cancer. Based on YLL, cervical cancer is now leading to a greater number of deaths among younger generations of women in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). Breast cancer remains the dominant cause of cancer death. Keywords: breast cancer, cervical cancer, ovary cancer, cancer in women, YLL, AYLL, mortality from malignant neoplasms, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia).

Introduction. Breast cancer becomes Breast cancer and ovary cancer are in in Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) in period the second death-leading cancer in the the list of leading-to death cancer with 2006-2016. world with 2.088.849 new cases and 20 and 6.8 death per 100000 women re- Data was taken from Russian feder- 626.679 deaths in 2018 when cervical spectively in America 2016 [8]. al state statistics service (Rosstat). The cancer and ovary cancer also in the top In Iran, years of life lost from breast data was provided with ICD-10 diagnosis list of death-leading cancer. Breast, cervi- and ovary cancer are 94.216 and 26.430 to categorize group of calculated disease. cal, and ovary cancer are the most com- life-years respectively. Premature mor- We then filtered the mortality caused by mon female malignancy cancer types tality costs from those cancers are breast cancer (C50), ), and cervical can- causing death even though they are pre- 149.933.799 and 38.398.286 US dollars cer (C53), and ovary cancer (C56). ventable [6, 10]. [13]. The following formula was used to cal- Different from breast cancer which in- In Norway, Average years life lost of culate individual YLL [10]: cidence and mortality rate are higher in cervical cancer is the highest among oth- YLL individual = End point − Age at high-income countries, cervical cancer er cancer most frequent cancer in women death has higher prevalence in poor countries (25 life years) when AYLL of ovary cancer Where: YLL = Years of Life Lost when prevalence of ovary cancer has al- is slightly higher than AYLL of breast can- End point = Life expectancy of the most the same regardless of the income cer (around 16 life years) [6]. population of the countries [5]. Breast, cervical, and ovary cancer are Age of death = Age of death of indi- In 2012, 528 000 new cases with also problems in Russia and Republic vidual 266.000 death of cervical cancer in wom- of Sakha (Yakutia) [1, 2, 3]. Breast can- Life expectancy of the population data en were diagnosed worldwide. 85% of cer average annual age-standardized was taken from federal state statistic ser- the cases were in low-income countries. incidence (ASIRs) was 41,8 per 100000 vice record of Republic of Sakha (Yaku- women in 2004-2008 and the value in- tia). creased to 45,6 per 100000 women in The average YLL (AYLL) was calculat- SYAHIDI Muhammad Habibi — Master 2009-2013. Lower than breast cancer in ed by using formula: student of public health and health care, the general hygiene and bioethics. 677016 Yakutsk, Oyunsky St., 27. E-mail: syahidi. [email protected]. SAVVINA Nadezhda Valeryevna – Doctor Med. Sci., professor, both of those periods, ASIRs of cervical In the pe- Medical institute SVFU of M.K. Ammosov, the Results and Discussion. department of public health and health care, cancer was 12,3 and increased to 13,8 riod 2006-2016, there were 763 (11,1%) the general hygiene and bioethics. E-mail: per 100000 women [4]. deaths caused by breast cancer, 387 [email protected]. TIMOFEEV Leonid This study aims to depict breast, cer- (6,9%) deaths from cervical cancer, Fedorovich – Doctor Med. Sci., Medical vical, and ovary cancer mortality and and 280 (4,6%) deaths from ovary can- institute SVFU of M.K. Ammosov, professor years of life lost (YLL) trends in the Re- cer from all death caused by cancer in of chair of public health and health care, public of Sakha (Yakutia) in the period women population. From those numbers the general hygiene and bioethics. 677016 2006-2016. of deaths, Years of Life Lost (YLL) from Yakutsk, Oyunsky St., 27. E-mail: tlfnauka@ Materials and Methods. This study is breast cancer were 9032 (13,5%) life BESSONOVA Oksana Germanovna – Postgraduate of public health and health about Years of Life Lost (YLL) of breast, years, 7796 (11,6%) life years from cer- care, the general hygiene and bioethics. ovary, and cervical cancer in women vical cancer, and 4545 (6,8%) life years 677016 Yakutsk, Oyunsky St., 27. E-mail: aged equal or more than 18 years old from ovary cancer. Average Years of Life 58 ЯКУТСКИЙ МЕДИЦИНСКИЙ ЖУРНАЛ

Lost (AYLL) of breast cancer was 13,4 life cer. Based on YLL, years, cervical cancer was 20,1 life years, cervical cancer is now and ovary cancer was 16,2 life years. leading to a great- The death rate of breast cancer de- er number of deaths creased from 14,1 to 9,3 per 100000 among younger gen- women in the period 2006-2016. The erations of women occurrence also happens in death rate in Republic of Sakha due to ovary cancer from 5,3 to 4,6 per (Yakutia). Breast can- 100000 women. In contrast, death rate cer remains as the of cervical cancer increases almost twice major death leading from 4,9 to 8,5 per 100000 women. Fig. 1. The proportion of mortality from cancer of the breast, cervix cancer in Republic The percentage number of death and ovary from all cases of death from cancer in women in 2006- of Sakha, despite its caused by cervical cancer reaches its 2016, in% decreasing percent- peak in the age group 30-34 years old. age mortality num- Death caused by breast cancer is most bers. Even though common in the age group 35-35 and 45- the number of death 49. 13,3% of death caused by ovary can- due to cervical cancer cer in age 25-29 and 18,8% in age 40-44 is much lower than years old (Fig. 1). breast cancer, its YLL Compared to percentage number of is higher in the end death in 2006, breast and ovary cancer of research period. mortality percentage decreases from Compared to death 12,5% to 8,3% and 4,3% to 4,1% in 2016. rate in Russia, USA, In contrast, number of death of cervical and Ukraine, death cancer increases from 7,9% in 2006 to Fig. 2. Comparison of the average life years lost from cancer of the rate of breast cancer 12,3% in 2016. The trends are also the breast, cervix and ovary among oncological diseases in 2006-2016. in republic of Sakha is same with their YLL in those periods (Ta- lower. ble). cer in Republic of Sakha is lower com- AYLL of breast cancer is hovering in References number 12,0-14,5 through 2006 until pared to their AYLL in Russia [4]. 2016. In the same periods, AYLL of cer- Some of the breast and cervical can- 1. Егорова А.Г., Климова Т.М., Романова А.Н. vical and ovary cancer increases from cers factor risks are modifiable. alcohol Региональные особенности заболеваемости 18,2 to 20,1 life years and 16,8 to 18,6 use, excess body weight, and physical и смертности от злокачественных новообра- зований в Республике Саха (Якутия). Якут- life years (Fig. 2). inactivity are included factor in causing breast cancer when smoking and unsafe ский медицинский журнал. 2019; 2 (66): 86-88. From the results, we can see that the [Egorova AG, Klimova TM, Romanova AN. Re- YLL of cervical cancer has exceeded the sex contribute in occurrence of cervical gional features of morbidity and mortality from YLL of breast cancer despite it has lower cancer [9]. Healthy life-style behavior of- malignant neoplasms in the Republic of Sakha number of death. It has no different pat- fers potential for reduction of their oc- (Yakutia). Yakut Medical Journal. 2019; 2 (66):86- currence. In addition, primary preven- 88 (In Russ.).] tern in all of Russian area [4]. The anal- 2. Афанасьева Л.Н., Гольдерова А.С., Бур- ysis of YLL underlined the fact that cer- tion activity such as screening reduces нашева Л.С., Николаева Т.И., Мыреева С.А., vical cancer is now leading to a greater chance of mortality case. Винокуров М.М., Макарова Н.Н., Иванов П.М. number of deaths among younger gener- Conclusion. Trend of mortality, YLL, Злокачественные новообразования как важ- нейшая социально-экономическая проблема ations of Russian women. Breast cancer and AYLL due to breast and ovary can- cer decreased in period 2006-2016 when на Севере. Якутский медицинский журнал. remains as the major death leading can- 2019; (68):6-10. [Afanasyeva LN, Golderova cer in Republic of Sakha, despite its de- those variables increased in cervical can- AS, Burnasheva LS, Nikolayeva TI, Myreyeva creasing percentage mortality numbers. Compared to death rate of breast and Comparative characteristics of mortality caused by specific cancer (breast cancer, ovary cancer of United of states in 2016, cervical cancer and ovarian cancer), with YLL (YLL of each cancer / total YLL from Republic of Sakha has lower death rate death of all types of cancer) when cervical cancer is not included as leading death cancer in United States [8]. Death YLL, % Death rate of breast cancer in Ukraine is Years Breast cancer Cervical Ovary cancer Breast cancer Cervical Ovary cancer higher than in Republic of Sakha, when cancer cancer the death rate of cervical cancer is the 2006 12.5 4.3 4.7 16.5 7.9 7.9 same in both places [12]. 2007 11.1 5.5 4.5 16.6 10.0 6.6 Breast, cervical, and ovary cancer 2008 11.1 7.2 5.5 13.1 14.7 8.7 were contributors to female cancer mor- 2009 12.0 5.6 4.5 15.1 11.4 6.8 tality in republic of sakha (Yakutia). Even though YLL and AYLL due to breast and 2010 7.3 4.6 4.6 8.8 7.2 7.5 cervical cancer decreased, those two 2011 12.0 5.8 4.3 14.4 9.6 5.7 variables still increase due to ovary can- 2012 13.2 6.3 4.5 14.9 11.7 6.6 cer. 2013 10.9 8.3 3.6 12.0 16.1 6.3 AYLL value indicates the number of 2014 11.5 7.1 5.5 13.8 12.1 6.7 average shorting life in a person with the 2015 12.1 7.7 5.0 14.1 13.5 6.1 disease. AYLL of breast and cervical can- 2016 8.3 7.6 4.1 9.3 12.3 6.2 2’ 2020 59

SA, Vinokurov MM, Makarova NN, Ivanov PM. 5. Broutet N., Eckert L.O., Bloem P. Compre- Bray F [et al.] Global cancer statistics 2018: Malignant neoplasms as the most important so- hensive cervical cancer control. A guide to essen- GLOBOCAN estimates of incidence and mor- cio-economic problem in the North. Yakut Medical tial practice. Second edition. 2016: 137-142. tality worldwide for 36 cancers in 185 countries. Journal. 2019; 4 (68): 6-10 (In Russ.).] Brustugun O.T., Møller B., Helland Å. Years CA. Cancer J. Clin. 2018; 6 (68): 394-424. DOI: 3. Каприн А.Д., Старинский В.В., Пертова. of life lost as a measure of cancer burden on a 10.3322/caac.21492. Злокачественные новообразования в России national level. Br. J. Cancer. 2014; 5 (111):1014- WHO. WHO | Metrics: Disability-Adjusted Life в 2017 году (заболеваемость и смертность). 1020. DOI: 10.1038/bjc.2014.364. URL: https:// Year (DALY). 2014. Available at: https://www. 2018: 131-133. [Kaprin AD, Starinskiy VV, Perto- va. Malignant neoplasms in Russia in 2017 (mor- Danaei G [et al.] Causes of cancer in the rics_daly/en/ (Accessed: 5 January 2020). bidity and mortality). 2018: 131-133. (In Russ.).] world: Comparative risk assessment of nine be- World Health Organization. WHO Global Can- Available at: havioural and environmental risk factors. Lan- cer Country Profiles: Ukraine // 2014. Available tistics/malignant_tumors/2017.pdf (Accessed: 4 cet. 2005; 9499 (366):17841793. DOI: 10.1016/ at: January 2020). S0140-6736(05)67725-2. ukr_en.pdf?ua=1. (Accessed: 5 January 2020). 4. Barchuk A [et al.] Breast and cervical CDC. USCS Data Visualizations – CDC [Elec- Khorasani S [et al.] Years of potential life cancer incidence and mortality trends in Russia tronic resource]. URL: lost and productivity costs due to premature 1980–2013. Cancer Epidemiol. 2018; 55: 73-80. USCS/DataViz.html (Accessed: 04.01.2020). cancer-related mortality in Iran. Asian Pacific J. DOI: 10.1016/j.canep.2018.05.008. URL: https:// Federal State Statistics Service. Available at: Cancer Prev. 2015; 5 (16): З. 1845-1850. DOI: 10.7314/APJCP.2015.16.5.1845.

L.P. Yakovleva, O.D. Kondratieva, M.N. Kondratieva MAIN TRENDS IN THE INCIDENCE OF TUBERCULOSIS IN THE SAKHA DOI 10.25789/YMJ.2020.70.18 REPUBLIC (YAKUTIA) УДК 616-002.5 OVER THE PERIOD FROM 2013 TO 2018

The main trends in the tuberculosis (TB) incidence in the Sakha Republic (Yakutia), over the period from 2013 to 2018 were revealed. The following rates were analyzed (based on reports from facilities subordinate to Ministry of Health of the Sakha Republic (Yakutia), and reports from all agencies irrespective of subordination): TB incidence rates among general population; TB incidence among adults; TB incidence among children and adolescents; TB incidence among urban and rural population; incidence of pulmonary TB; incidence of TB cases positive for M.tuberculosis (MTB); incidence of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR) in Sakha Republic (Yakutia) in the dynamics. Favorable epidemiologic situation for TB was observed. The obtained findings call for more improvements in conducting anti-TB activities among rural population, and com- prehensive measures to decrease the incidence of MDR TB. Keywords: tuberculosis, epidemiologic situation, incidence, incidence decrease rate.

Incidence rate of tuberculosis (TB) in facilities [4]. In view of this, monitoring of Phthisiatry Research-Practice Center. general population is an important indi- main trends in incidence rates over time Statistical data processing was per- cator used in analysis of epidemiologic is one of priority tasks, in terms of pre- formed using Excel 2010, and software situation of TB. Data on TB incidence dicting the epidemiologic situation for TB packages Statistica-8 and Biostat. Time serve an unbiased method for evaluating and estimating quality of anti-TB care for series analysis was performed, to cal- population health and changes in it, and population. culate mean annual rates of increase/ also, one of measures used to assess Aim: detect main trends in the TB in- decrease. For trend construction, and the work of TB services and healthcare cidence in the Sakha Republic (Yakutia), detection of tendencies in TB incidence, over the period from 2013 to 2018. we calculated 5-year rates of increase Methods: Based on reports from fa- and mean increase rates, performed time YAKOVLEVA Ludmila Petrovna – Cand.Sci. cilities subordinate to Ministry of Health series fitting using quadratic approxima- (Medicine), Head of Republican Tuberculosis of the Sakha Republic (Yakutia), and tion function, and calculated R-squared Treatment and Prevention Clinic, State-Fund- reports from all agencies irrespective of (R2) coefficient. ed Institution of the Sakha Republic (Yakutia), subordination, the following rates were Results: Incidence of TВ in the Sakha Phthisiatry Research-Practice Center, 677015, analyzed: TB incidence rates among Republic (Yakutia) (statistical form no. Sakha Republic (Yakutia), Yakutsk, ul. Petra Alekseeva 93, email: [email protected] Phone general population; TB incidence among 8, including reports from all agencies ir- (office) +7(411) 44-80-33; KONDRATIEVA adults; TB incidence among children and respective of subordination) was 29% O.D. – Head of Tuberculosis monitoring office, adolescents; TB incidence among urban lower in 2018, compared to 2013 (54.2 State-Funded Institution of the Sakha Re- and rural population; incidence of pulmo- per 100000 pop.). It was also 18.1% public (Yakutia), Phthisiatry Research-Prac- nary TB; incidence of TB cases positive higher than the average rate in Russia tice Center, 677015, Sakha Republic (Yaku- for M.tuberculosis (MTB); incidence of (44.4), and 26.8% lower than the rate in tia), Yakutsk, ul. Petra Alekseeva 93, email: multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR) in Far-East Federal District (74.1). Over the [email protected] Phone (office) +7(411) 44-80- Sakha Republic (Yakutia) over the period 5-year study period, the largest decrease 37; – medical statistician, KONDRATIEVA M. from 2013 to 2018. rate was observed in 2016 (-15.2%), the Tuberculosis monitoring office, State-Fund- ed Institution of the Sakha Republic (Yaku- Data were extracted from nation- lowest – in 2015 (-1.1%); mean decrease tia), Phthisiatry Research-Practice Center, al statistical reports and registries of rate was -7.1%. As is seen in Fig.1, there 677015, Sakha Republic (Yakutia), Yakutsk, persons with TB, collected and main- is a negative linear trend with R2 value ul. Petra Alekseeva 93, email: [email protected] tained within the scope of TB epide- of 0.94, which suggests the existence of Phone (office) +7(411) 44-80-37 miologic surveillance system of the marked stable tendency to decrease in 60 ЯКУТСКИЙ МЕДИЦИНСКИЙ ЖУРНАЛ

TB incidence in general population. served, suggesting Based on reports from facilities sub- markedly stable ten- ordinate to the Ministry of Health of the dency to decrease in Sakha Republic (Yakutia) (form no. 33), urban TB incidence. TB incidence has declined by 29.4% Incidence of TB over the study period (from 69.6 to 49.1 in rural residents per 100000 pop.); it was 21.6% higher had decreased from than the rate in Russia (38.5), but 24% 2013 to 2018 by lower than in the Far-East Federal Dis- 16.5% (from 60.6 trict (64.6). Incidence decrease rate had to 50.6, per 100000 been varying from -2.2% (2017) to -9.6% rural pop.), with the (2016); mean decrease rate was -6.4%. upsurges in 2014 (in- Overall, during the study period, there crease rate 13.0%) Fig. 1. Trends in incidence of tuberculosis among general population, was a negative linear trend with high R2 and in 2017 (minor Sakha Republic (Yakutia), 2013-2018 (statistical form no. 8 including value (0.98), i.e. a noticeable stable trend increase rate 0.2%). all agencies, and form no. 33, per 100000 population). to decrease was observed. Mean decrease rate TB incidence among adult population was -2.7%, which, of Yakutia had decreased from 84.9 to along with overall 60.9 (per 100000), i.e. by 28.3%. Mean trends observed for incidence decrease rate was -6.4%; the the study period, lowest and highest decrease rates were such as polynomial observed in 2017 (-2.4%) and 2016 trend with R2=0.63, (-9.5%), respectively. Over the study pe- speaks for moderate riod, there was an observable negative unstable tendency to linear trend with R2=0.96, signifying an decrease in rural TB apparent stable tendency to decreasing incidence. incidence of TB in adults. Pulmonary TB, Incidence of TB in children is one of invariably prevail- key indicators of epidemiologic situation ing in the incidence for TB [1]. In 2018, child incidence of TB structure, has a de- Fig. 2. Trends in tuberculosis incidence in adult, child and adolescent population, Sakha Republic (Yakutia), 2012-2017 (form no. 33, per in Yakutia was 33.6% lower, compared to fining impact on the 100000 pop.). 2013 (15.0 per 100000 pediatric popula- epidemiology of TB tion); it was 14.8% lower than in Far-East infection [3]. In Ya- Federal District (17.6), but 44.7% higher kutia, over the last 5 than the same in Russia (8.3). Upsurg- years, 94.3 to 98.3% es were observed in 2014 and 2016 (in- of all TB incidence crease rates of 4.4 and 1.0%, respective- was due to pulmo- ly). Nevertheless, an observed negative nary TB. polynomial trend with R2=0.96 along with Incidence of pul- the mean decrease rate of -7.5% speak monary TB in Ya- for the presence of pronounced stable kutia, for the years tendency to decrease in child TB inci- 2013-2018, showed dence (Fig. 2). a negative linear Incidence of TB in adolescents de- trend with R2 of 0.98, clined by 20.7% (from 51.1 to 40.5, per suggesting strong Fig. 3. Trends in incidence of tuberculosis among urban and rural 100000 adolescent population); mean de- stable tendency to population, Sakha Republic (Yakutia), 2013-2018 (form no. 33, per crease rate was -0.6%. This rate showed decrease. Over the 100000 pop.). no tendency to decrease (R2=0.03), and last 5 years, it de- the increase/decrease rate varied sub- creased by 27.3%; stantially, from 51.1% (2017) to 29.1% mean decrease rate (2018). was -6.1%. The low- Over the period from 2013 to 2018, in- est decrease rate cidence of TB in urban residents exceed- was observed in ed the incidence among rural population 2017 (-2.8%), the of Yakutia, although decrease rate was highest – in 2018 higher in urban population (Fig. 3). Urban (-8.9%). incidence of TB was 41.2% lower in 2018 Incidence of compared 2013 (52.2 per 100000 urban MTB-positive pulmo- pop.). Rates of decrease were varying nary TB in Yakutia, from -2.4% (2017) to -19.3% (2014); over the study period, increase rate of 8.1% was observed decreased by 12.3% in 2015 (from 71.6 to 77.4, per 100000 (from 34.1 to 29.9), urban pop.); mean decrease rate was with an increase by Fig. 4. Trends in incidence of pulmonary tuberculosis, MTB-positive -9.5%. Over the 5-year period, negative 0.9% in 2014. Rates tuberculosis, and multidrug-resistant tuberculosis, Sakha Republic polynomial trend with R2=0.86 was ob- of decrease ranged (Yakutia), 2013-2018 (Form no. 33, per 100000 pop.). 2’ 2020 61

from -0.3% (2017) to -8.7% (2015); mean 2. Over the period from 2013 to книге: Актуальные проблемы и перспективы decrease rate was -2.5%. A 5-year neg- 2018, mean decrease rates of urban TB развития противотуберкулезной службы в РФ: Материалы 1-го Конгресса Ассоциации «На- ative polynomial trend with R2=0.88 incidence (-9.5%) had been outpacing циональная ассоциация фтизиатров» (Санкт- suggests moderate stable tendency to those in rural population (-2.7%). Urban Петербург, 18-20 октября, 2012 г.). Санкт- decrease. incidence of TB had a pronounced sta- Петербург, 2012. С. 97-98. [Vinokurova M.K., Incidence of primary MDR in new pa- ble tendency to decrease, whereas the Alekseeva G.I., Burnasheva A.U., Kondakov S.N. tients is an important measure of quali- trend to decrease in rural TB incidence Trends in multidrug-resistant pulmonary tuber- culosis in Sakha Republic (Yakutia). In: Priority ty of TB diagnosis and treatment [2, 5]. was moderate and unstable. This calls for problems and prospects for development of TB Unlike the two above indicators, inci- more improvements in conducting anti-TB services in Russian Federation: Proceedings of dence of MDR TB in Yakutia, over the activities among rural population, paying the 1st Congress of the ‘National Phthisiologists 5-year period, had no trend to decrease due respect to social and local context, Association’ Association (Saint-Petersburg, Oc- tober 18-20, 2012). Saint-Petersburg, 2012. pp. (Fig. 4). Compared to 2013, there was socio-medical differences, disparities in 97-98. (In Russ.).] an increase by 1.1% (from 8.8 to 8.9, materials and resources, differences in 3. Кондратенко Т.А., Дорофеева И.К., Чер- per 100000 pop.), while decreases were staffing with healthcare workers between ниговец Л.Ф., Максимова Е.А., Тютюнькова observed only in 2015 and in 2018 (by administrative districts in Yakutia. Н.Г. Особенности развития эпидемического 29.5% and 11.0%, respectively). Mean 3. Incidence of MDR TB had no процесса туберкулеза органов дыхания в горо- де Ростове-на-Дону за период с 1993 по 2007 increase rate in the incidence of MDR tendency to decrease. In 2018 vs. 2013, год. В книге: Актуальные проблемы инфек- TB over the study period was 2.6%. This it increased by 1.1%; mean increase rate ционной патологии: Материалы Российской could be explained by better diagnosis, was 2.6%. This could be linked to more научно-практической конференции (Томск, larger coverage of new patients with extensive coverage of new patients with ноябрь, 2009 г.). Томск, 2009. С. 79-81. [Kon- dratenko T.A., Dorofeeva I.K., Chernigovets L.F., pulmonary TB with rapid tests for drug rapid drug sensitivity tests, and to growing Maksimova E.A., Tyutyun’kova N.G. Features of sensitivity, and timely notification of cas- number of timely notified cases of MDR epidemiology of pulmonary tuberculosis in Ros- es of MDR TB. As an example, in 2013, TB, over the study period. Nonetheless, tov-on-Don over the period from 1993-2007. In: drug-sensitivity tests before therapy were this finding requires in-depth analysis, Priority problems of infectious pathology: Pro- performed in 89.6% of patients, while in and comprehensive managerial actions ceedings of Russian scientific-practical confer- ence (Tomsk, November, 2009). Tomsk, 2009. 2017, the coverage was already 98.6%, to decrease the incidence of MDR TB. pp. 79-81. (In Russ.).] and 97.2% in 2018. 4. Цыбикова Н.М., Сон. Е.Д. Динамика по- казателей заболеваемости и смертности от Conclusions: References 1. In Sakha Republic (Yakutia), туберкулеза в России в 2005 году. Проблемы туберкулеза. 2007;7:8-11. [Tsybikova N.M., Son over the period from 2013 to 2018, we 1. Аксенова В.А. Инфицированность и за- E.D. Trends in incidence and mortality of tuber- estimated the epidemiologic situation for болеваемость туберкулезом детей как пока- culosis in Russia in 2005. Problemy tuberkuleza. TB as favorable; this is supported by the затель общей эпидемиологической ситуации 2007;7:8-11. (In Russ.).] по туберкулезу в России. Проблемы туберку- 5. Яковлева Л.П., Бурнашева А.У., Кон- apparent stable decrease trends in inci- леза. 2002;3:6-9. [Aksenova V.A. Tuberculosis dence rates in general population, inci- дратьева М.Н. Ситуация туберкулеза с мно- infection and incidence as indicators of gener- жественной лекарственной устойчивостью dence rates in child population (mean de- al epidemiologic situation for tuberculosis in возбудителя в Республике Саха (Якутия). crease rates -7.1 to 7.5%), and stable de- Russia. Problemy tuberkuleza. 2002;3:6-9. (In Туберкулез и болезни легких. 2015;7:168- crease trends in incidence of pulmonary Russ.).] 169. [Yakovleva L.P., Burnasheva A.U., Kon- 2. Винокурова М.К., Алексеева Г.И., Бурна- TB, incidence of MTB-positive pulmonary dratieva M.N. Situation with multidrug-resistant шева А.У., Кондаков С.Н. Тенденции развития tuberculosis in the Sakha Republic (Yakutia). TB (mean decrease rates -6.1 and -2.5%, множественной лекарственной устойчивости Tuberkulez i Bolezni Legkikh. 2015; 7:168-169. respectively). у больных туберкулезом легких в РС(Я). В (In Russ.).] 62 ЯКУТСКИЙ МЕДИЦИНСКИЙ ЖУРНАЛ

S.A.Galkin, A.G. Peshkovskaya, O.V. Roshchina, N.I. Kisel, S.A. Ivanova, N.A. Bokhan RELATIONSHIP OF COGNITIVE DISORDERS DOI 10.25789/YMJ.2020.70.19 WITH CLINICAL FEATURES УДК: 616.89-008 OF ALCOHOL DEPENDENCE

The aim of the study is to identify the relationship between indicators of cognitive functioning and clinical features of the formation and course of alcohol dependence. Materials and methods: the study was conducted in a group of patients with alcohol dependence (n=94) after detoxification and a control group of mentally and somatically healthy individuals (n=30). As clinical data were age of first alcohol samples, age of onset of alcohol abuse, disease duration, numbers of hospitalizations, the scale of the Hamilton anxiety scale General clinical impressions scale assessment of alcohol withdrawal. Cognitive functioning was assessed using Go/No-go, Corsi, and Stroop computer tests. Results: it was found that alcohol dependence causes a heterogeneous change in the level of cognitive functioning: violation of inhibitory con- trol, decrease in the volume of spatial working memory, attention and cognitive flexibility. Statistically significant correlations were found between clinical data and the degree of cognitive impairment. Conclusion: the earlier age of the first sample of alcohol significantly affects the reduction of brake control, which increases the risk of forming alcohol dependence at a young age. The age of alcohol dependence and the associated number of hospitalizations leads to impaired cognitive functioning in the form of reduced spatial working memory and cognitive flexibility. The severity of alcohol dependence primarily determines the degree of cognitive flexibility decline. Keywords: alcohol dependence, cognitive functioning, clinic, memory, inhibitory control.

Introduction. Cognitive disorders cognitive disorders [8, 10]. A number cation of the diagnosis is made on the ba- observed in patients with alcohol de- of researchers associate the inability to sis of the Department of addictive States pendence who do not show any other abstain from alcohol consumption with a Institute of mental health Tomsk Nation- neurological complications are increas- decrease in the ability to cognitive con- al Research Medical Center (NRMC) of ingly becoming the subject of attention of trol (in particular, inhibition of automatic the Russian Academy of Sciences. The drug specialists because of their impact reaction), a systematic error of attention study was conducted in accordance with on treatment [8]. According to various (attention bias), a violation of the pro- the principles of the Helsinki Declara- studies, patients, suffering from alco- cesses of processing and storing new tion of the world medical Association. All hol dependence, from 50 to 80% have information, which in combination with patients gave written informed consent some psychological characteristics of the to participate in the study and data pro- individual corresponds to the ideas about cessing, which was approved by the local Mental Health Research Institute, Tomsk Na- the mechanisms of addictive behavior [4, ethics Committee at the research Insti- tional Research Medical Center (NRMC) of the 5, 13]. Early studies have shown that all tute of Mental health (Protocol No. 114). Russian Academy of Sciences, 4, Aleutskaya patients with alcohol dependence have Inclusion criteria: verified diagnosis of Str., Tomsk, 634014, Russian Federation; Si- deviations in the results of neuropsycho- alcohol dependence according to ICD-10 berian State Medical University (SSMU), 2, logical tests from the accepted standards (F10. 2), informed consent to participate Moscow Trakt, Tomsk, 634050, Russian Fed- [2]. Qualitative analysis of cognitive dis- in the study, age 25-50 years. Exclusion eration: GALKIN Stanislav A. – PhD Student, orders indicates the predominance of criteria: the presence of severe organic Mental Health Research Institute, Tomsk Na- control function disorders and visual-spa- brain disorders, traumatic brain injuries of tional Research Medical Center (NRMC) of the Russian Academy of Sciences, ORCID tial disorders in the neuropsychological any severity, mental retardation, refusal iD 0000-0002-7709-3917; PESHKOVSKAYA status [2, 7]. to participate in the study. Anastasia G. – Researcher, Mental Health However, despite the active develop- Data on the age of the first sample of Research Institute, Tomsk NRMC. ORCID iD ment of research on cognitive function- alcohol, the age of the beginning of al- 0000-0002-3951-395X; ROSHCHINA Olga ing in mental and behavioral disorders cohol abuse, the duration of the disease V. – Researcher, Mental Health Research In- abroad, domestic research remains and the number of hospitalizations were stitute, Tomsk NRMC. ORCID iD 0000-0002- scarce. Also, the question of the influ- taken from patient histories. Additionally, 2246-7045; KISEL Nataliya I. – PhD, Mental ence of clinical and dynamic features of the Hamilton Anxiety Racing Scale was Health Research Institute, Tomsk NRMC. alcohol dependence on higher mental used as psychometric tools. HARS), the ORCID iD 0000-0002-5607-7491; IVANOVA Svetlana A. – DM, Professor, Head of the functions is still open. scale of General clinical impression (the Laboratory of Molecular Genetics and Bio- The objective of the study is to iden- Clinical Global Impression - severity, chemistry, Deputy Director for Science, Men- tify the relationship between indicators of CGI-s) and the alcohol withdrawal as- tal Health Research Institute, Tomsk NRMC, cognitive functioning and clinical features sessment scale (Clinical Institute With- Tomsk, Russian Federation. ORCID iD 0000- of the formation and course of alcohol de- drawal Assessment - Alcohol revised, 0001-7078-323X; BOKHAN Nikolay A. – DM, pendence. CIWA-Ar). Professor, Аcademician of the Russian Acade- Materials and methods. The study Cognitive functioning was assessed my of Sciences academician, RAS, Director of was conducted in a group of patients using Go/No-go, Corsi, and Stroop the Mental Health Research Institute, head of with alcohol dependence (age 44 [38; 50] computer tests. The study of the level the Department of psychiatry, psychotherapy, narcology with the course med. the psycholo- years; n=94) after detoxification and a of attention and cognitive control was gy of the Siberian State Medical University of control group of mentally and somatically conducted using the Go/No-go test [6]. Russia, Tomsk, Russian Federation. ORCID healthy individuals (age 39 [35; 46] years; You need to press the button when pre- iD 0000-0002-1052-855X. n=30). Group formation and clinical verifi- senting the Go stimulus and hold (sup- 2’ 2020 63

press) this reaction when presenting the The results showed that alcohol de- Table 1 no-go stimulus. The time of presentation pendence results in a heterogeneous of the Go stimulus is 500 MS, the inter- Clinical features of patients with alcohol change in the level of cognitive function- val between stimuli is 800 MS. The level dependence ing: a violation of inhibitory control, a de- of spatially working memory was evalu- crease in the volume of spatial working ated using the Corsi Block-Tapping test Parameter Me [Q1; Q3] memory, attention, and cognitive flexibil- [9]. On the computer screen, 9 cubes age of the first sample of ity. According to neuroimaging studies, appear, which in turn light up in yellow. alcohol 16 [15; 18] cognitive dysfunction in patients with The task of the study participant is to re- age of onset of alcohol abuse 24 [20; 28] alcohol dependence occurs due to atro- member and reproduce this sequence. phy of the hippocampus and prefrontal The test begins with a sequence of two disease duration 12 [5; 21] cortex [12]. In addition, cognitive impair- cubes, and if the answer is correct, the number of hospitalizations 1 [1; 3] ment is accompanied by electrophysio- length of the sequence increases. The HARS 18 [11; 24] logical changes in patients with alcohol test is terminated in the case of two con- dependence [1, 3, 14]. All this points to secutive erroneous reproductions of the CGI-s 4 [4; 5] the multifactorial effect of chronic alcohol sequence. A modified Stroop effect color CIWA-Ar 12 [7; 18] consumption, which significantly worsens test was used to assess cognitive flexibil- the quality of life of a person. ity [11]. The study participant chose the As for the clinical features of the for- number of clinical parameters of alcohol color that the words were written with, re- mation and course of alcohol depen- dependence (Table 3). gardless of the meaning of these words. dence, statistically significant correlations Discussion. In our work, we conduct- The number of words is 20. The time were found with the level of cognitive ed a study of cognitive functioning in pa- spent by each participant to complete the functioning. An inverse correlation was tients with alcohol dependence, and also test was estimated. found between the age of the first alcohol identified statistically significant correla- Statistical data processing was per- sample and errors in the "No-go" signal (r tions between cognitive deficits and clin- formed using the Statistica 10 program. = -0.4206, p = 0.006). Thus, early initia- ical features of the formation and course The data is presented in the form of tion of alcohol use has a significant effect of alcohol dependence. Median [Q1; Q3]. Verification of compli- ance with the normal distribution law was Table 2 performed using the Shapiro - Wilk test. The data obtained did not follow the nor- Results of cognitive testing of the study groups mal distribution law. The nonparametric Mann-Whitney U-test was used to eval- Tests Control Patients р uate differences in cognitive functioning Errors Go 1 [0; 5] 7 [3; 13] 0.00014 Go/No-go between two independent samples (con- Errors No-go 0 [0; 1] 1 [1; 2] 0.00057 trol versus patients). The analysis of cor- Corsi max. sequence 5 [5; 7] 4 [4; 6] 0.00135 relations of clinical and cognitive param- eters in patients with alcohol dependence t. Stroop time (s) 62 [56; 76] 97 [84; 121] 0.00023 was carried out using the Spearman rank Note. Me [Q1; Q3]. p is the level of statistical significance when comparing groups using the correlation coefficient. The differences Mann-Whitney U-test. were considered statistically significant at a significance level of p<0.05. Results. The clinical characteristics Table 3 of patients with alcohol dependence are presented in Table 1. Spearman correlation coefficients of clinical parameters and cognitive functioning in patients with alcohol dependence According to the anxiety scale (HARS), patients had symptoms of anxiety, a moderate disorder was diagnosed on the Tests Go/No-go CGI-s scale, and the average severity of Parameter Corsi (max. alcohol abstinence on the CIWA-Ar scale. errors errors sequence) Stroop (time) When comparing the results of cog- Go No-go nitive testing between the control group Age of the first sample of alcohol 0.2948 -0.4206* -0.2022 0.1205 and patients with alcohol dependence, p = 0.058 p = 0.006 p = 0.205 p = 0.061 statistically significant differences were 0.1413 -0.1827 0.1630 0.0226 Age of onset of alcohol abuse p = 0.079 p = 0.253 p = 0.241 p = 0.89 obtained (Table 2). Patients with alcohol dependence 0.2285* -0.1825 -0.2216* 0.0955 Disease duration p = 0.04 p = 0.103 p = 0.049 p = 0.409 made a statistically significantly higher number of errors in the Go/No-go task 0.1672 -0.0311 -0.2508* 0.2602* Number of hospitalizations p = 0.154 p = 0.793 p = 0.034 p = 0.029 (for both signals), had less of the most correct reproduced sequence in the Cor- -0.0697 -0.0255 -0.0022 0.0358 HARS p = 0.529 p = 0.818 p = 0.984 p = 0.751 si test, and patients needed more time to complete the Scab test compared to the 0.1321 -0.0036 0.0491 0.2209* CGI-s p = 0.229 p = 0.974 p = 0.657 p = 0.046 healthy control group. The analysis of the obtained data 0.3572 -0.1177 -0.1311 0.6131* CIWA-Ar p = 0.057 p = 0.543 p = 0.498 p = 0.0004 revealed statistically significant correla- tions between cognitive functioning and a Note. p - level of statistical significance of Spearman's rank correlation coefficient. 64 ЯКУТСКИЙ МЕДИЦИНСКИЙ ЖУРНАЛ

on inhibitory control (reducing it), which leads to impaired cognitive functioning 5. Трусова А.В., Климанова С.Г. Когнитивный leads to the inability to abstain from alco- in the form of reduced spatial working контроль при алкогольной зависимости: обзор современных исследований. Клиническая hol consumption at a young age. A direct memory and cognitive flexibility. Third, и медицинская психология: исследования, correlation with the number of errors on the severity of alcohol dependence pri- обучение, практика. 2015; (3):10. [Trusova AV, the activation signal "Go" (r = 0.2285, p marily determines the degree of reduced Klimanova SG. Cognitive control in alcohol de- = 0.04) and an inverse correlation with cognitive flexibility. pendence: a review of current research. Klinich- The study was carried out with the fi- eskaja i medicinskaja psihologija: issledovanija, the level of spatial working memory (r = obuchenie, praktika. 2015; (3):10. (In Russ.).] -0.2216, p = 0.049) was found between nancial support of the Tomsk region Ad- 6. Ahmadi A, Pearlson G, Meda S. Influence the duration of the disease (the experi- ministration and RFBR 19-413-703007. of alcohol use on neuronal response to Go/No- ence of alcohol dependence). This de- Go task in college drinkers. Neuropsychophar- macology. 2013; (11):2197-2208. DOI: 10.1038/ tection is quite logical and is consistent References npp.2013.119 with previously obtained data [4, 14]. In 7. Bates ME, Buckman JF, Nguyen TT. A role addition, patients with a high number of 1. Галкин С.А., Савочкина Д.Н., Невиди- for cognitive rehabilitation in increasing the effec- hospitalizations for alcohol dependence мова Т.И. Нейрофизиологические корреляты tiveness of treatment for alcohol use disorders. алкогольной зависимости. Наркология. 2019; Neuropsychol Rev. 2013; (1):27-47. DOI:10.1007/ treatment were characterized by a lower (4):44-48. [Galkin SA, Savochkina DN, Nevidi- s11065-013-9228-3 amount of working memory (r = -0.2508, mova TI. Neurophysiological correlates of alcohol 8. Bernardin F, Maheut-Bosser A, Paille p = 0.034) and difficulty overcoming the dependence. Narkologija. 2019; (4):44-48. (In F. Cognitive Impairments in Alcohol-Depen- Stroop effect (level of cognitive flexi- Russ.).] dent Subjects. Front. Psychiatry. 2014; (5):78. 2. Захаров В.В. Злоупотребление алкого- DOI:10.3389/fpsyt.2014.00078 bility), as a result of which they spent лем: неврологические осложнения и совре- 9. Brunetti R, Gatto C, Delogu F. eCorsi: im- much more time performing the test (r = менные подходы к терапии. Эффективная plementation and testing of the corsi block-tap- 0.2602, p = 0.029). Similarly, according фармакотерапия. 2014; (8):36-43. [Zaharov ping task for digital tablets. Front. Psychol. 2014; to the cgi-s and CIWA-Ar clinical scales, VV. Alcohol abuse: neurological complications (5):939. and modern approaches to therapy. Jeffektivnaja 10. Devere R. The Cognitive Consequenc- patients with a more severe course of al- farmakoterapija. 2014; (8):36-43. (In Russ.).] es of Alcohol Use. Practical Neurology. 2016; cohol dependence have significant viola- 3. Максимова И.В. Когнитивные и электро- (10):57-61. tions of cognitive flexibility in the Stroop энцефалографические изменения у пациен- 11. Scarpina F, Tagini S. The Stroop color and test (r = 0.2209, p = 0.046 on the cgi-s тов с алкогольной зависимостью, перенесших word test. Front. Psychol. 2017; (8):557. судорожный припадок. Сибирский вестник scale and r = 0.6131, p = 0.0004 on the 12. Staples MC, Mandyam CD. Thinking after психиатрии и наркологии. 2018; (2):89-92. Drinking: Impaired Hippocampal-Dependent Cog- CIWA-Ar scale, respectively). [Maksimova IV. Cognitive and electroencephalo- nition in Human Alcoholics and Animal Models of Conclusion. Thus, we can draw a num- graphic changes in patients with alcohol depen- Alcohol Dependence. Front. Psychiatry. 2016; ber of conclusions. First, the earlier age dence who had a seizure. Sibirskij vestnik psihiat- (9). DOI: 10.3389/fpsyt.2016.00162 rii i narkologii. 2018; (2):89-92. (In Russ.).] of the first sample of alcohol significant- 13. Stavro K, Pelletier J, Potvin S. Widespread 4. Пешковская А.Г., Галкин С.А. Когнитивный and sustained cognitive deficits in alcoholism: a ly affects the reduction of brake control, контроль при алкогольной зависимости и его meta-analysis. Addict. Biol. 2013; (2):203-213. which increases the risk of forming alco- нейрокорреляты. Вопросы наркологии. 2018; DOI: 10.1111/j.1369-1600.2011.00418.x. hol dependence at a young age. Second, (12):65-80. [Peshkovskaja AG, Galkin SA Cogni- 14. Wilcox CE. Cognitive control in alcohol tive control in alcohol dependence and its neuro- the age of alcohol dependence and the use disorder: deficits and clinical relevance. Rev. correlates. Voprosy narkologii. 2018; (12):65-80. Neurosci. 2014; (1):1-24. DOI:10.1515/revneu- associated number of hospitalizations (In Russ.).] ro-2013-0054 2’ 2020 65



A case-control study was conducted in Kolymskoye and of Nizhnekolymsky district of Yakutia to determine the association of IL-6 gene polymorphism with arterial hypertension (AH) and risk factors. The relationship with AH and its risk factors for IL-6 gene polymorphism was obtained, namely, the influence of the G allele of the polymorphic locus C-174G and the C allele of the polymorphic locus C-572G on metabolic factors of atherogenesis. Hypertensive patients- carriers of the G allele of the C-174G polymorphic locus of the IL-6 gene, both in the homozygous and heterozygous versions, showed the highest average systolic blood pressure, a high incidence of abdominal obesity, lipid and carbohydrate metabolism disorders. The study of the polymorphic locus C-572G of the IL-6 gene in patients with hypertension showed the highest incidence of abdominal obesity, lipid and carbohydrate metabolism disorders in carriers of the C allele. Keywords: gene IL-6, locus C-174G, C-572G, arterial hypertension, risk factors, indigenous people, Yakutia.

The mortality rate from diseases of of -572GG and the G allele with the risk tionnaire to assess the objective state; the circulatory system in Russia in 2018 of developing ischemic stroke [15]. informed consent of the respondent to was 46.3%, of which 52.6% were from The study to determine the relation- conduct research; anthropometric exam- IHD [1]. One of the main risk factors for ship of variants of the IL-6 C-174G and ination with hip and waist measurement; the development of cardiovascular com- IL-6 C-572G genes with hypertension blood sampling for biochemical stud- plications is arterial hypertension (AH). and its risk factors remains relevant, ies from the cubital vein in the morning AH in 2015 caused more than 10 million since it has not been previously conduct- on an empty stomach with a 12-hour deaths and 200 million cases of disability ed in indigenous peoples of the North. abstinence from food. Blood sampling [6]. The leading role in the development Objective: to analyze the association from the cubital vein for molecular ge- of AH is played by not only modifiable, of IL-6 gene polymorphism with arterial netic studies was carried out in a tube but also non-modifiable and genetic fea- hypertension and its risk factors in indig- with EDTA. Genomic DNA was isolated tures of the body [2]. The immune sys- enous peoples of the Nizhnekolymsky from peripheral blood leukocytes by the tem also plays an important role. Thus, district of Yakutia. method of phenol-chloroform extraction. the IL-6 gene encodes an anti-inflamma- Materials and research methods. Polymorphism of the promoter region of tory cytokine, and therefore an increase The collection of material for the study the IL-6 gene was studied at positions in its concentration in the blood leads to was carried out under expeditionary C-174G and C-572G. Allelic variants of an increased susceptibility to the devel- conditions in the Arctic territory of Yaku- the IL-6 gene were tested using a poly- opment of atherosclerosis. The role of tia in places of compact residence of in- merase chain reaction with real-time re- the immune mediator IL-6 in the devel- digenous peoples in the Kolymskoe and sults (real-time PCR). Genotyping of the opment of hypertension has been proven Andryushkino villages, Nizhnekolymsky polymorphic AGT gene was performed [8,11,13]. The literature describes that district. A total of 212 people aged 20 to with the usage of kits (Lytech R&D LLC, CG genotypes of G-174C polymorphism 70 years were examined. Random sam- Moscow), on the «Real-time CFX96» in the IL-6 gene promoter increase gene pling was formed according to the lists of amplifier (BioRad, USA) in accordance transcription and are significantly asso- workers in the administration. The with the manufacturer’s instructions. For ciated with an increased content of TC, response was 76%. It should be noted quality control, 10% of randomly select- LDL and SBP [10,12], which determines that Kolymskoye village was dominated ed samples were subjected to repeated the relationship of IL-6 gene polymor- mainly by the Chukchi, and the Andry- genotyping. phism with metabolic factors of athero- ushkino village by the Yukagirs. Evens Laboratory methods of the research genesis. The results of studies with re- were found equally often in both settle- included blood lipids test total cholesterol gard to the association of IL-6 C-572G ments. The design of the study is pre- (TC), triglycerides (TG), HDL Cholester- gene polymorphism and the risk of de- sented in the form of “case-control”, for ol, LDL Cholesterol, glucose test. veloping IHD, namely the effect of the C which 150 representatives of indigenous When judging the incidence of disor- allele in the Chinese, are also described peoples of the North were included in the ders of the blood lipid profile in a popula- [3]. Other studies confirm the association study, which were divided into 2 groups: tion, we used the Russian recommenda- with AH (case) (n = 73) and without AH tions of the V revision of Society of car- (control) (n = 77). The average age of diology of Russian Federation (VNOK), 677000, The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia),Ya- respondents with AH was 53,52 ± 1,12, 2012, into account the European recom- kutsk, Sergelyakhskoe shosse, 4, Yakut sci- without AH 39,62 ± 1,26 years. mendations, 2011. Hypercholesterolemia ence centre of complex medical problems: Inclusion criteria: representatives of (HCS) is the level of total cholesterol (TC) SOFRONOVA Sargylana Ivanovna – PHD, researcher, ORCID: 0000-0003-0010-9850, indigenous people (Evens, Chukchi, Yu- ≥ 5,0 mmol/l, the high LDL Cholesterol [email protected], 89841094825; ROMA- kaghirs). level >3,0 mmol/l, the low HDL Cholester- NOVA Anna Nikolaevna – MD, director, OR- Exclusion criteria: representatives of ol level <1,0 mmol/l on men; <1,2 mmol/l CID: 0000-0002-4817-5315, [email protected], non-indigenous nationalities, Yakuts. on women, the hypertriglyceridemia 8(4112)32-19-81; KIRILLINA Marya Petrov- The research program included the (HTG) is the TG level is ≥1,7 mmol/l; a na – PHD, researcher, [email protected]. following sections: a survey on the ques- hyperglycemia (HG) on an empty stom- 66 ЯКУТСКИЙ МЕДИЦИНСКИЙ ЖУРНАЛ

ach (a glucose in a blood plasma on an ple of the studied groups, for IL-6 C-174G significant differences were noted. In the empty stomach ≥ 6,1 mmol/l) or glucose (χ2=15.12, p=0.000 for the case and “case”, depending on the relationship to intolerance (a glucose in a blood plasma χ2=3.36, p=0.066 for control), for IL-6 C these genotypes, it was 66.7%, 83.3% in 2 hours after glucose loading within -572G (χ2=9.18, p=0.002 and χ2=7.76, and 78.1%, respectively (p> 0.05), in the ≥7,8 and ≤11,1 mmol/l). p=0.005, respectively). In all groups, a “control” - 22.3%, 33.3% and 30.0% (p> Blood pressure (BP) was measured high frequency of homozygous GG gen- 0.05). We obtained a contradictory result twice with an OMRON M2 Basic auto- otype and G allele was noted; there were in comparison with published data, which matic tonometer (Japan) in a sitting po- statistically significant differences in both describes the relationship of the C allele sition with calculation of average blood the group of patients with AH and the fre- at the -174 locus of the IL-6 gene with pressure with a margin of permissible quency of GG genotype of IL-6 C-572G visceral obesity in patients with hyperten- measurement error of ± 3 mm Hg. (ESH in the control. sion [4], possibly associated with a small 2002) according to the instructions for the We used 2 genetic models (dominant sample of subjects. correct measurement of blood pressure, and recessive) to test the relationship In the general population of carri- outlined in the European clinical guide- between IL-6 C-174G and IL-6 C-572G ers of the genotype CC of the C-572G lines for the diagnosis and treatment of with AH. We did not obtain significant dif- locus, the AO frequency was 50%, CG hypertension 2017. Hypertension is pres- ferences in the frequencies of genotypes - 52.8%, GG - 54.1%, the differences ent at the 140/90 mmHg (2017 ACC/AHA between hypertonics and normotonics, in were insignificant. Hypertensive patients Guideline). all cases the dominant model for the mi- had a high rate of AO, 95.6%, 86.7% and The abdominal obesity (AO) is ex- nor G allele and the high frequency of the 72.5%, respectively (p> 0.05). Thus, the posed to the value of the waist measure- G allele prevailed (Table 1). highest frequency of AO was identified ment (WM) ≥ 80 cm on women, ≥94 cm Depending on the genotype of the in individuals with AH - carriers of the on (VNOK, 2009) . polymorphic locus C-174G of the IL-6 C allele. In normotonic patients, the oc- The study was conducted according gene, we analyzed the average level of currence of AO was 22.4%, 28.6% and to Ethics Committee protocol YSC KMP systolic blood pressure (SBP) in hyper- 34.0%, respectively, the differences are on the respondent's informed consent to tensive patients. Some effect of the G unreliable. the processing of personal data and the allele of IL-6 C-174G on the increase in The assessment of the effect of ge- study. the level of SBP was found. In individuals netic polymorphism on the biochemical Statistical data processing was per- with hypertension, the average level of blood parameters characteristic of hyper- formed using standard methods of math- SBP in carriers of CC, CG, and GG gen- tension is of particular interest. We ana- ematical statistics using the SPSS soft- otypes was 146.67±8.81, 166.67±10.22, lyzed the association of polymorphism of ware package (version 19.0). To define and 160.47±2.28 mmHg, respectively, polymorphic C-174G and C-572G loci of the characteristics, the arithmetic mean no significant differences were found (p> IL-6 gene with biochemical blood param- (M) and the characteristic’s standard 0.05). Our data do not coincide with the eters in individuals with and without AH. error of the mean (m) were calculated. studies of certain foreign scientists; in Compared the average concentration of Intergroup differences were evaluated particular, the tendency for a more pro- lipids and blood glucose in individuals using analysis of variance or non-para- nounced increase in SBP in carriers of with hypertension and without hyper- metric criteria. When comparing the fre- the C allele has been described [10,12]. tension, depending on their belonging quencies of genotypes, the standard χ2 In normotonics, there were no special dif- to a particular genotype (Table 2). In all criterion with the Yates correction was ferences in the mean values of SBP. As respondents in the "case", the values of used. The relative risk (OR – odds ratio) for the polymorphic locus C-572G of the lipid metabolism, except for high density of disease development at a certain gen- IL-6 gene, in hypertensive patients with lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL cholesterol), otype was calculated using the standard CC, CG and GG genotypes, the mean were higher compared to the “control”. formula OR=a/bxd/c, where a and b is the SBP was 155.71±3.68, 160.67±4.41 Statistically significant differences were number of patients with and without the and 160.98±2.84 mmHg, respectively, obtained in the average concentrations of mutant genotype, respectively, and d, c is no significant differences were noted. In low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL the number of people in the control group a number of studies, the relationship of cholesterol), TG and blood glucose in ho- with and without the mutant genotype. the polymorphic locus C-572G of the IL-6 mozygous carriers of minor GG genotype OR is indicated with a 95% confidence gene with the level of SBP was also not IL-6 C-174G. In other cases, the indica- interval. Differences were considered obtained [14]. tors had no significant differences. When statistically significant at p <0.05. AO plays an important role in the de- studying the relationship of IL-6 C-572G Results and discussion. This study velopment of hypertension as a compo- gene polymorphism with the same blood is exploratory in nature due to the anal- nent of the metabolic syndrome. In in- parameters, we obtained significant dif- ysis of a small sample of the surveyed dividuals with AH, AO was significantly ferences in hypertensive patients in the population. An attempt was made to an- more often observed than in individuals average LDL cholesterol values in car- alyze the association of IL-6 gene poly- without AH (78.1% and 29.9%, respec- riers of a heterozygous genotype and morphism with AH and its risk factors. tively, p = 0.001). We analyzed the dis- blood glucose in individuals with a mutant The effect of heterogeneity in compari- tribution frequencies of the genotypes homozygous genotype. For other indica- sons is possible, which could affect the of the polymorphic loci C-174G and tors, there were no significant differenc- results. C-572G of the IL-6 gene, depending on es. Thus, we obtained the influence of the The frequency of occurrence of geno- the presence of AO in the general pop- G allele on a significant increase in the types and alleles of IL-6 C-174G and IL-6 ulation and separately in the “case” and concentration of atherogenic fractions of C-572G among the examined groups “control”. The frequency of AO in the gen- cholesterol and blood glucose in hyper- was compared. All genotype frequencies eral population of carriers of the CC gen- tensive patients. do not correspond to the Hardy-Weinberg otype of the polymorphic locus C-174G We determined the frequency of lip- equilibrium, possibly due to a small sam- was 50%, CG - 58.3%, GG - 53%, no id and carbohydrate disorders for indi- 2’ 2020 67

Table 1 Frequency distribution of the IL-6 C-174G and IL-6 C-572G genotypes with and without hypertension according to the dominant and recessive models

Genotype frequencies Allele frequencies Genotype χ2 p OR 95% CI Allele case control case control IL-6 C-174G CG+GG 0.959 0.987 Dominant 1.14 >0.05 0.31 0.03-3.02 C 0.082 0.052 model CC 0.041 0.013 CC+CG 0.123 0.091 Recessive 0.41 >0.05 1.41 0.49-3.99 G 0.918 0.948 model 0.877 0.909 IL-6 C-572G CG+GG 0.904 0.883 Dominant 0.17 >0.05 1.25 0.44-3.55 C 0.199 0.253 model CC 0.096 0.117 CC+CG 0.301 0.390 Recessive 1.29 >0.05 0.68 0.34-1.33 G 0.801 0.747 model 0.699 0.610 viduals with and without hypertension, ploratory study, certain results were ob- tension showed the highest incidence of depending on the carriage of a particu- tained, the distribution of allelic variants AO, lipid and carbohydrate metabolism lar IL-6 C-174G genotype. In hyperton- of cytokine genes in patients with hyper- disorders in carriers of the C allele. ic patients, all values exceeded those tension and relatively healthy individuals Thus, a relationship was obtained with of normotonic, except for carbohydrate was revealed. The dominance of a ho- AH and its risk factors for IL-6 gene poly- metabolism. We compared the frequen- mozygous mutant genotype was found in morphisms, namely, the influence of the cies in relation to a particular genotype the polymorphic loci C-174G and C-572G G allele of the polymorphic locus C-174G separately in individuals in the “case” of the IL-6 gene in two groups. and the C allele of the polymorphic locus and “control”. In hypertensive patients, Hypertonics - carriers of the G allele of C-572G on metabolic factors of athero- there were no differences in the ratio of the C-174G polymorphic locus of the IL-6 genesis. a specific genotype to lipid and carbohy- gene, both in the homozygous and het- All this serves as the basis for further drate disorders (p> 0.05). In carriers of erozygous versions, showed the highest more in-depth research of the indigenous the CC genotype, the frequency of HCS average systolic blood pressure, a high population living compactly in the remote was 33.3%, CG - 46.9% and GG - 55.6% incidence of abdominal obesity, lipid and hard-to-reach communities in Russia's (p> 0.05); HCS-LDL 33.3%, 50.0% and carbohydrate metabolism disorders. The Arctic region, with a larger scope of re- 59.4%, respectively, p> 0.05. Thus, car- study of the polymorphic C-572G locus search for targeted selection of therapeu- riers of the mutant GG genotype showed of the IL-6 gene in individuals with hyper- tic and preventive measures. the highest frequency of lipid metabo- Table 2 lism disorders, including the atherogenic fraction. In the literature, there are also The average levels of the lipid and carbohydrate spectrum in people with hypertension confirmations from certain authors about and those without hypertension. depending on the genotypes C-174G and C-572G the influence of the mutant homozygous of the IL-6 gene (M ± m) genotype IL-6 C-174G on atherogenesis [10]. We have not obtained any special Genotype frequency TC LDL HDL TG Glucose influence of one or another allele on the Cholesterol Cholesterol frequency of lipid and carbohydrate dis- IL-6 C-174G orders in normotonics. Case 5.49±1.12 2.82±0.52 1.48±0.22 1.33±0.30 5.36±0.18 As for the comparison of the frequen- CC p 0.817 0.628 0.393 0.441 0.432 cies of occurrence of HCS, HCS-LDL, Control 4.88±0.31 2.23±0.09 1.98±0.21 0.75±0.19 5.60±0.35 HTG, Hypo-α-cholesterolemia (Hypo- Case 5.59±0.35 3.64±0.21 1.70±0.15 0.93±0.11 4.50±0.15 α-CS), HG by IL-6 C-572G genotypes, CG p 0.395 0.234 0.507 0.583 0.393 significant differences were not obtained Control 5.09±0.42 3.11±0.35 1.50±0.24 0.84±0.10 4.36±0.30 in either the "case" or "control". In hyper- Case 4.93±0.13 3.16±0.11 1.29±0.04 1.10±0.05 4.96±0.26 tensive patients, all indicators were also GG p 0.106 0.039 0.182 0.025 0.007 higher compared to the “control”, but we Control 4.66±0.10 2.87±0.08 1.37±0.04 0.91±0.05 4.21±0.09 found the highest occurrence of HCL in IL-6 C-572G carriers of the C allele (CC - 57.1%, CG Case 5.02±0.15 3.16±0.33 1.16±0.11 1.07±0.10 5.02±0.60 - 49.0% and GG - 40.0%, (p>0.05 ); HCS- CC p 0.729 0.513 0.074 0.080 0.143 LDL - 71.4%, 66.7% and 52.9% (p>0.05); Control 4.66±0.25 2.91±0.20 1.41±0.07 0.78±0.10 4.11±0.22 Hypo-α-CS - 42.9%, 40.0% and 21.6% (p>0.05); HG - 14.3%, 8.0% and 6.7%, Case 4.87±0.29 3.14±0.21 1.26±0.12 1.08±0.11 5.39±0.82 respectively, p> 0.05. For other parame- CG p 0.326 0.049 0.215 0.236 0.153 ters in the “case” no difference was not- Control 4.56±0.16 2.70±0.12 1.45±0.08 0.88±0.10 4.33±0.16 ed. In normotonics, the occurrence of all Case 4.82±0.38 3.14±0.12 1.38±0.04 1.09±0.06 4.73±0.21 indicators is almost the same. GG p 0.376 0.512 0.761 0.153 0.047 Conclusion. In the course of our ex- Control 4.83±0.13 3.03±0.11 1.35±0.05 0.95±0.06 4.23±0.11 68 ЯКУТСКИЙ МЕДИЦИНСКИЙ ЖУРНАЛ

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S.A. Evseeva, T.E. Burtseva, A.G. Egorova, A.M. Makarova, M.S. Savvina, M.P. Slobodchikova CAUSES AND MORTALITY INDICATORS OF CHILD POPULATION DOI 10.25789/YMJ.2020.70.21 IN THE ARCTIC REGIONS УДК 616-053.2(571.56) OF THE REPUBLIC SAKHA (YAKUTIA)

The issue of medical aid improvement in the remote areas is a lot discussed at circumpolar Union meetings. It is clear that healthcare of the Arctic regions populations depends on the welfare of the country. However, we should notice that there are certain improvements in this field in the Republic Sakha (Yakutia). That is why it is actual to evaluate the mortality rate of the child population in the Arctic regions when huge government financed programs concerning maternity and childhood welfare are being held in the Republic Sakha (Yakutia). The article represents the official data of mortality rate in the child population of the five Arctic regions of the Republic Sakha (Yakutia) for the period of 2006-2018. For further de- tailed analysis of the child mortality a special database of the state institution “Yakut Republican medical information and analytical center of the Ministry of healthcare of the Republic Sakha (Yakutia)” was used. The database included all cases of mortality from 0 to 18 years of age for the period of 2006-2015, indicating the age, gender, nationality and causes of the death. The analysis of the mortality rate in the Arctic regions of the Republic Sakha (Yakutia) has revealed significant decrease of infant mortality from 29.8% to 4.2%, decrease of child mortality rate from 6.3% to 2.3%. On a whole, a decrease to the minimum level of the mortality rate in the child population of the Republic Sakha (Yakutia) can be constituted. Key words: children, mortality, Arctic, external causes, injury, poisoning.

Introduction. The examination of of the Arctic [2, 3, 5]. The Ministry of ty rate has decreased to its historical the health status and factors of its for- the healthcare in the Republic Sakha minimum. For the following periods, mation in the Arctic regions has greatly (Yakutia) has realized several federal there are several regions were no cas- increased in the recent years. It is asso- and Republican programs to improve es of infant mortality were registered ciated with the realization of huge gov- logistic and material support, medical (Allaikhovskiy (2012,2016, 2018), ernmental projects concerning the de- personnel staffing in different medical Anabarskiy (2016,2018), Bulunskiy velopment of industrial, transport and institutions of the Arctic and Northern (2014,2015,2017), Nizhne-Kolyms- energy sectors in Russia. The main and regions, undoubtedly it had an effect on kiy (2014, 2017,2018), Ust-Yanskiy high priority of scientific investigations the indicators of the health state of the (2015)). Infant mortality rate is one of in Yakutia is associated with the Arctic population in the Artic regions and the the demographic factors that denote coast inhabiting people health. All cir- Far North [1, 2, 4]. The child mortality the level of healthcare development in cumpolar community studies phenom- issues are being discussed a lot at the the region. Such federal and Republi- enal viability of the Arctic population meetings of the circumpolar territories can programs like “Public health and [4]. It undoubtedly concerns the health community [6, 7]. healthcare modernization” resulted in of the coming generation, i.e. children Objectives: The objectives are to decrease of infant mortality in the Re- analyze the child mortality in the Arctic public and the Arctic regions of the Re- regions of the Republic Sakha (Yaku- public Sakha (Yakutia) (see table 1). EVSEEVA Sardana Anatolievna – Ph.D., se- tia). As we can see in the table 2 the nior staff scientist of the laboratory of pediatric Materials and methods: We have mortality rate from 0-18 in the Arctic health level monitoring, Yakut science centre of complex medical problems, sarda79@mail. analyzed the official medical data of regions tends to decrease, although ru; BURTSEVA Tatiana Egorovna – MD, child population in 5 Arctic coast re- the index is quite unstable for the pe- professor of the department of pediatrics gions of the Republic Sakha (Yakutia) riod of 2006-2018. The index of mor- and pediatric surgery, Medical institute of the for the period of 2006-2018. For further tality for the mentioned period tends North-Eastern federal university, a head of the detailed analysis of the child mortality a to decrease up to 2.9% in 2016, and laboratory of Medical science center of com- special database of the state institution increase up to 8.1% in 2010. plex medical problems, +7-914-294-32-44, “Yakut Republican medical information A detailed analysis of the child mor- [email protected]; EGOROVA Aitalina and analytical center of the Ministry tality rate in the Arctic regions of the – Ph.D., senior staff scientist of Grigorievna of healthcare of the Republic Sakha Republic Sakha (Yakutia) is based on the laboratory of pediatric health level moni- toring, Yakut science centre of complex med- (Yakutia)” was used. The database in- the data of the Yakut Republican med- ical problems, [email protected]; MAKAROVA cluded all the cases of mortality from ical information and analytical center. Avgustina Makarovna – laboratory assistant, 0 to 18 years of age for the period of This database is composed of all the Medical science center of complex medical 2006-2015, indicating the age, gender, cases of mortality from 2006 to 2015. problems; SAVVINA Maya Semyonovna – nationality and causes of the death. The child mortality rate dynamics is Ph.D., senior staff scientist of the laboratory Results: According to the data from represented in the table 3. It is obvi- of pediatric health level monitoring, Yakut “Yakut Republican medical information ously seen that in standardization of in- science centre of complex medical problems, and analytical center of the Ministry of dices the mortality rate, concerning the [email protected]; SLOBODCHIKOVA healthcare of the Republic Sakha (Ya- number of child population, in the Artic Maya Pavlovna – a senior lecturer of the de- partment of foreign languages with the cours- kutia)”, the mean indicator of the infant regions is higher than the same in the es of Russian and Latin, Saint-Petersburg mortality has shown clear decrease Republic, except 2015. state pediatric medical university, limelight@ from 17.0% in 2011 to 4.2% in 2018 As we can see in the table 4, the (Table 1). In 2018 the infant mortali- part of mortality rate in boys, aged from 70 ЯКУТСКИЙ МЕДИЦИНСКИЙ ЖУРНАЛ

Table 1

Dynamics of infant mortality in the Arctic regions of the Republic Sakha (Yakutia), (per 1000 of child population, %)

Regions 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Allaikhovskiy 40.8 … … … … 18.5 … 20.0 15.4 18.9 … 25.0 … Anabarskiy 36.6 13.0 54.7 … 18.2 14.7 15.6 12.7 12.7 13.3 … 13.0 … Bulunskiy 16.8 15.0 … 16.4 16.0 20.0 14.0 7.0 … … 16.0 … 10.5 Nizhnekolymskiy 54.9 11.0 26.0 36.2 41.5 12.8 13.3 12.2 … 12.7 14.7 … … Ust-Yanskiy … … … 28.9 20.8 19.2 31.5 16.1 6.8 … 17.9 18.0 10.8 Total for the Arctic regions 29.8 7.8 16.1 16.3 19.3 17.0 14.9 16.3 7.3 8.9 9.7 11.2 4.2 Republic Sakha (Yakutia) 10.6 10.4 9.1 8.9 7.2 6.3 9.6 9.6 8.0 7.6 7.2 5.1 5.0 Russian Federation 10.2 9.4 8.5 8.1 7.5 7.4 8.6 8.2 7.4 6.5 6.0 5.6 5.1

Table 2 Mortality cases in children and adolescents in the Arctic regions of the Republic Sakha (Yakutia)

Абс. число Regions 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Allaikhovskiy 5 2 0 1 1 2 1 1 4 0 0 1 0 Anabarskiy 7 3 4 2 4 2 4 1 1 1 0 1 1 Bulunskiy 3 8 4 3 5 6 4 3 2 0 2 1 2 Nizhnekolymskiy 8 2 3 6 4 0 0 1 3 0 2 0 0 Ust-Yanskiy 3 3 2 4 5 4 6 8 4 2 2 3 1 Total for the Arctic regions 26 18 13 16 19 14 15 14 14 3 6 6 4 Arctic regions, % 6.3 4.7 3.6 5.7 8.1 6.8 6.8 6.3 6.4 1.5 2.9 3.7 2.3 Republic Sakha (Yakutia) 412 387 361 280 232 206 220 220 217 194 207 160 173

Table 3 Child mortality rate coefficient dynamics in the Arctic regions of the Republic Sakha (Yakutia)

Mortality rate per 1000 of child population, ‰ Район 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Allaikhovskiy 5.444 2.232 0.000 1.123 1.111 2.250 1.140 1.159 4.709 0.000 Anabarskiy 4.754 2.123 3.034 1.567 3.120 1.591 3.252 0.816 0.824 0.833 Bulunskiy 1.124 3.097 1.600 1.225 2.051 2.414 1.621 1.267 0.866 0.000 Nizhnekolymskiy 5.722 1.455 2.199 4.478 3.059 0.000 0.000 0.766 2.275 0.000 Ust-Yanskiy 1.316 1.408 0.931 1.879 2.339 1.885 2.850 3.839 1.928 0.958 Total for the Arctic regions 2.976 2.143 1.584 1.979 2.356 1.737 1.879 1.785 1.803 0.388 Republic Sakha (Yakutia) 1.535 1.472 1.399 1.101 0.918 0.814 0.867 0.863 0.845 0.747

0 to 18 is 65% in 2006, and 33% in 46% in 2006, 59% in 2007, 30% in is noticed in the period from 2006 to 2015. The mortality rate in girls com- 2008, 31% in 2009, 21% in 2010, 28% 2018. The level of the infant mortality posed 35% in 2006, and 67% in 2015. in 2011, 33% in 2012, 71% in 2013, rate in the Arctic regions is consider- It is obvious that the rate is significantly 35% in 2014, 66% in 2015. The next ably higher than the rate in the other higher in boys from 2006 to 2014, the factors of mortality are injuries, poi- regions of the Republic Sakha (Yaku- death was caused by external factors soning, and other perinatal conditions. tia) and the average numbers in Russia like traumas, to which the boys seem On a whole, we can constitute that the (5.0% in the Republic Sakha (Yakutia) more predisposed than the girls. In external factor causing mortality in chil- and 5.1% in the Russian Federation in 2015 there were 3 cases in the whole dren prevails. An achieved decrease 2018). The results reveal the necessi- structure of the mortality rate, 2 were of the infant mortality is smoothed by ty of developing a new 3-level system caused by external factors and 1 was a increase of mortality in adolescents, of medical assistance for pregnant and case of a sudden death. caused by injuries. parturient women and the system of As we can see in the table 5, the Conclusion: The analysis of the their routing from the Arctic regions of main cause of mortality in child popula- child mortality in the Republic Sakha the Republic Sakha (Yakutia). tion aged from 0 to 18 is associated with (Yakutia) revealed the following ten- On a whole the level of child mortal- external factors. The part of mortality dencies. A marked decrease of the in- ity in the Arctic regions of the Republic caused by external factors composed fant mortality rate from 29.8% to 4.2% Sakha (Yakutia) was 6.3% in 2006, and 2’ 2020 71

Table 4 Gender based mortality cases dynamics in child population of the Arctic regions of the Republic Sakha (Yakutia)

Абс. число Regions 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 M 5 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 2 0 Allaikhovskiy F 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 2 0 M 6 1 2 1 3 2 3 1 1 0 Anabarskiy F 1 2 2 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 M 1 7 4 1 3 3 1 3 1 0 Bulunskiy F 2 1 0 2 2 3 3 0 1 0 M 5 0 3 1 1 0 0 0 2 0 Nizhnekolymskiy F 3 2 0 5 3 0 0 1 1 0 M 0 3 2 2 1 2 4 5 3 1 Ust-Yanskiy F 3 0 0 2 4 2 2 3 1 1 M 17 12 11 6 9 8 9 9 9 1 Total for the Arctic regions % 65 66 84 37 47 57 60 64 64 33 of the Republic Sakha (Yakutia) F 9 6 2 10 10 6 6 5 5 2 % 35 34 16 63 53 43 40 36 36 67

Table 5

The dynamics of child mortality causes in the Arctic regions of the Republic Sakha (Yakutia), (absolute numbers)

Pathology structure 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total deaths 26 18 13 16 19 14 15 14 14 3 External causes of morbidity and mortality 12 9 4 5 4 4 5 10 5 2 Different perinatal conditions 10 8 8 2 2 Injuries, poisoning and some other outcomes of external factors 4 3 4 2 3 2 Diseases of the nervous system 4 2 2 1 Some infectious diseases and parasite disorders 1 Malformations 1 Diseases of blood, hemopoietic organs, and other disorders involving immune mechanism 1 Circulatory system disorders 1 1 1 2 2 Disorders of the respiratory system 1 1 2 2 2 Diseases of the digestive organs 2 Diseases of the muskuloskeletal system and connective tissue 1 Inherited defects (birth defects), deformities and chromosome disorders 3 1 Signs and symptoms of the defects, revealed during the clinical and laboratory tests, not included in the classification 2 2 2 1 1 Sudden death syndrome 2 2 1 1

2.3% in 2018. A considerable decrease Extreme conditions of inhabiting in dition monitoring in the Republic Sakha up to the minimum of numbers of child the Arctic regions demand differenti- (Yakutia)” (state registration number: mortality rate aged from 0 to 18 is no- ated approach in the development of 0120-128-07-98); the project of the ticed in the Arctic regions of the Repub- regional mechanisms of the state pol- Ministry of science and higher educa- lic Sakha (Yakutia). icy in the field of healthcare and health tion of the Russian Federation (2019- From 2006 to 2015 the child mortal- service in the Far North of the Russian 1472); and with a financial support ity rate aged from 0 to 18 decreased Federation. A possible development of from RFBR according to the research from 2.976% to 0.388% in the Arctic medical subprogram should also be project #18-05-60035_Arctica. regions of the Republic Sakha (Ya- taken into account, as it can result in kutia). Before 2014 the mortality rate targeted modeling of the healthcare for References in the Arctic regions was higher than the Arctic regions and decrease of child the average numbers in the other re- mortality rate. It should be noted that 1. Санников А.Л., Варакина Ж.Л., Сидоров gions of the Republic Sakha (Yakutia) such Arctic model of healthcare should А.В. Характеристика травматизма и инвалид- (0.845% in 2014 in the Republic Sakha include not only practical support from ности от внешних причин в Архангельской области и основные направления санаторно- (Yakutia)). The mortality rate caused by practicing physicians but also scientific курортной реабилитации последствий травм. the external factors tends to decrease background. Современные проблемы науки и образова- in the Arctic regions of the Republic Funding: It is a part of research of ния. 2015; 4. [Sannikov A.L., Varakina Zh.L., Sakha (Yakutia). Singular cases of the Medical science centre of complex Sidorov A.V. Characteristics of injuries and child mortality were registered in 2015. medical problems “Children health con- disability from external causes in the Arkhan- 72 ЯКУТСКИЙ МЕДИЦИНСКИЙ ЖУРНАЛ

gelsk region and the main directions of sanatori- [Tyrilgin M. A. Problems of health protection of L. Interdisciplinary analysis of socially determined um-resort rehabilitation of the consequences of the population of the Far North (on the example risks of children's health. Sovremenniye problem injuries. Sovremenniye problemy nauki i obrazo- of the region of Yakutia). Nauka. 2008; 303. (In nauki i obrazovania. 2016; 2. (In Russ.).] http:// vania. 2015; 4. (In Russ.).] http://science-educa- Russ.).] (date accessed: 4. Чичахов Д.А., Вербицкая Л.И. Детская (date accessed: 02.03.2020). 02.03.2020). смертность в Республике Саха (Якутия). Даль- 6. Collins S. A., Surmala P., Geraldine O., 2. Соколовская Т.А. Здоровье детей: основ- невосточный медицинский журнал. 2010; 4: Greenberg Ch., Williason L. Causes and risk ные тенденции и возможные пути его сохра- 42-43. [Chichagov D. A., Verbitskaya L. I. Child factors for infant mortality in Nunavut, Canada нения. Современные проблемы науки и обра- mortality in the Republic Sakha (Yakutia) Repub- 1999–2011. Pediatrics. 2012; 12:190. http://www. зования. 2017; 4. [Sokolovskaya T. A. Children's lic. Dalnevostochniy medicinskiy zhournal. 2010; health: main trends and possible ways to pre- 4: 42-43. (In Russ.).] 7. Skold P., Axelsson P., Karlsson L., Smith serve it. Sovremenniye problem nauki i obrazo- ticle.aspx?id=232970 L. Infant mortality of Sami and settlers in North- vania. 2017; 4. (In Russ.).] http://science-educa- 5. Шигаев Н.Н., Кром И.Л., Еругина М.В., ern Sweden: the era of colonization 1750–1900. (date accessed: Дорогойкин Д.Л. Междисциплинарный анализ Global Health Action. 2011; 4: 8441. DOI: 02.03.2020). социально детерминированных рисков здо- 10.3402/gha. v4i0.8441 https://www.research- 3. Тырылгин М. А. Проблемы охраны ровья детского населения. Современные про- здоровья населения Крайнего Севера (на блемы науки и образования. 2016; 2. [Shigaev ty_of_Sami_and_settlers_in_Northern_Sweden_ примере региона Якутия). Наука. 2008; 303. N. N., Krom I. L., Erugina M. V., Dorogoikin D. the_era_of_colonization_1750-1900

M.I. Mikhaylichenko, K.G. Shapovalov, V.A. Mudrov, O.S. Gruzdeva THE ROLE OF MATRIX METALLOPROTEINASES DOI 10.25789/YMJ.2020.70.22 AND THEIR INHIBITORS IN PATIENTS УДК: 616-092.19 WITH LOCAL COLD INJURY

The urgency of the local cold injury (LCI) on the territory of the Russian Federation is conditioned by its geographical position, significant specific weight in the structure of the general traumatism, difficulties of etiopathogenetic therapy, disappointing treatment results, which leads to frequent loss of ability to work and permanent disability. The aim of the study was to identify the dynamics of the level of collagenases of the second subfamily (MMR-2, MMR-9) and their inhibitors (TIMP-1 and TIMP-2) in the blood of those, who sustained local cold injury. The study included 60 patients with frostbite of the distal segments of the lower extremities. The level of MMR–2, MMR–9, TIMP -1 and TIMP - 2 was studied on the 5th and 30th days after the frostbite using a multiplex blood test with a set of biomedical reagents. In patients with frostbite, the level of MMR–2 and MMR–9 in the blood serum increases relative to the control group in the early stages of cryo- damage, as well as an increase in the index of the markers studied directly proportional to the volume of the affected tissues. A similar dynamics was observed in the study of parameters of matrix metalloproteinase inhibitors. Based on the obtained data and analysis of the linear regression equation, a predictive model was formed that allows us to suspect the level of tissue damage in the early stages of local cold injury with high ac- curacy. Keywords: local cold injury, endothelial dysfunction, matrix metalloproteinases, inhibitors of matrix metalloproteinases.

The urgency of the local cold injury eration is conditioned by its geographical ities and rehabilitation of patients [4, 8]. (LCI) on the territory of the Russian Fed- position, significant specific weight in There is no doubt that endothelial dys- the structure of the general traumatism, function plays a fundamental role in the difficulties of etiopathogenetic therapy, pathogenesis of frostbite [7-10]. Endothe- Chita State Medical Academy 39a, Gorky disappointing treatment results [4,7,8]. liocytes damaged by cold and secondary street, Chita, 672000, Russian Federation; The frequent loss of ability to work and alterations, as well as cells attracted to MIKHAILICHENKO Maxim I. – Assistant of high percentage of disability indicate the the focus of inflammation, increase a department of faculty surgery with the course need for further studies of pathogenetic large number of biologically active sub- of urology. Chita state medical academy, Chita, Russian Federation. Е-mail – angelo999@ mechanisms of cryodamage. The study stances, including matrix metalloprotein- ORCID № 0000-0001-8660-2982. and identification of new markers of local ases (MMR) and their inhibitors (TIMP). Phone number: +79145222922. cold injury contributes to an earlier diag- Recent studies have shown that colla- SHAPOVALOV Konstantin G. – Head of the nosis of the volume of tissue lesions, the genases, as well as their inhibitors, play Department of anesthesiology, intensive care. creation of qualitatively new approaches a significant role in the pathogenesis of DM, professor. Chita state medical academy, to the complex treatment of frostbite of connective tissue damage and its fibrosis Chita, Russian Federation. Е-mail – shkg26@ ORCID № 0000-0002-3485-5176. the extremities, as well as successful and in various pathologies [2]. Collagenases MUDROV Viktor A. – Associate professor fastest rehabilitation of patients [1, 8]. are Zn2+ and Ca2+ dependent induced of obstetrics and gynecology. Chita state In recent years, scientific works clear- endogenous peptidases involved in tis- medical academy, Chita, Russian Federation. ly show the deepening of research by sue rearrangement, by the destruction Е-mail – [email protected], ORCID № domestic and foreign authors on the of its organic components, as well as the 0000-0002-5961-5400. GRUSDEVA Olga S. features of the pathogenesis of cryo- exchange of proteins of the interstitial ma- – Assistant of the Department of pathological anatomy. Chita state medical academy, Chita, damage, early diagnosis of the volume trix [2, 3]. MMR secretion is influenced by Russian Federation. Е-mail – lolgas18@gmail. of affected tissues, methods of surgical cytokines released by endotheliocytes, fi- com. ORCID № 0000-0002-1738-0850. treatment of deep frostbite of the extrem- broblasts, macrophages, platelets [3, 10]. 2’ 2020 73

Relatively recently, it has been estab- 9) and their inhibitors (TIMP-1 and TIMP- people, the normality of the distribution lished that MMR can be activated by low 2) in the blood of those, who sustained of features was assessed using the Sha- pH, hyperthermia and hypothermia, as local cold injury. piro-Wilk criterion. The statistical signifi- well as by processes of lipid peroxidation Research materials and methods. cance of the differences in indicators was [14]. MMR of the second subfamily play The study included 60 patients (40 men assessed by comparing the critical and an important role. These include type and 20 women), 20 of them with frost- calculated values of the Kraskel-Wallis IV endopeptidases-MMR-2 and MMR-9. bite of the toes (group 1), in the second criterion with the subsequent determi- This group of matrix metalloproteinases group of victims, the lesion spread to nation of the significance level p. For a remodels native collagen, changing its the pretarsal-molar joint (n=22), group more precise description of the identi- conformation, which makes it difficult for 3 – patients with frostbite of the more fied trends used the Mann-Whitney test, cells to migrate to tissues for the imple- proximal parts of the lower limb (n=18). which allows to evaluate the performance mentation of inflammatory processes. Depending on the volume of the affected differences between comparing groups in Tissue inhibitors of MMR are proteins tissues, the study was performed on the pairs with application of a Bonferroni cor- that regulate the balance of connective 5th day after the injury. The average age rection when assessing the value of R. tissue collagen, forming high-affinity of patients was 35±7 years. The level of To assess the relationship between indi- complexes with collagenases, thereby MMR–2, MMR–9, TIMP -1 and TIMP - 2 cators we used the Spearman correlation leveling the pathological processes pro- was measured on the 5th and 30th days coefficient (ρ). Based on the obtained voked by matrix metalloproteinases. The after frostbite in the same patients using values of ρ we revealed the closeness main sites of TIMP expression are the a multiplex analysis of serum with a set of the connection on a scale of Chedoke bone tissue and ovaries [8, 9, 16]. of biomedical reagents. All patients were and its direction (direct or reverse). Sub- Collagenase inhibitors (TIMR-1 and treated at the regional burn center on the sequently, we calculated a segregated TIMR-2) are little-known and unexplored basis of GUZ "City clinical hospital No. coefficient of determination, which shows biomarkers of alterations. Although in 1" in Chita with local cold injury of III-IV the proportion of the explained depen- medical practice, these biomarkers are degree in the period from 2018 to 2019. dence. The predictive model is built by used quite successfully in stratifying The control group consisted of rela- linear regression. the risks of undesirable cardiovascular tively healthy people aged 30±10 years The results and discussion. We note events, arterial hypertension, diabetes (n=28). an increase in the level of MMR–2 and mellitus, chronic renal failure and compli- All patients and volunteers gave their MMR–9 in serum in patients with frostbite cated obstetrics [4, 9, 10]. Evaluating the written voluntary informed consent, in relative to the control group in the early effectiveness of pathogenetically based accordance with the requirements of the stages of frostbite. The level of MMR-2 therapy is extremely relevant and prom- Helsinki Declaration of the world medical decreased to the values of the control ising for patients with local cold trauma. Association (ed. 2013) group, and the indicators of MMR-9 re- It should be noted that the optimal tar- The exception group included patients mained significantly higher than normal get values in the blood of MMR and TMR, with severe somatic pathology: inflam- later in the period after the injury. This fact which should be equalized in the course matory processes of various localiza- pathogenetically justifies a large number of research, are not yet regulated. At the tion, obliterating diseases of the arteries, of complications in patients with frostbite. same time, the scientific justification for nerve damage of the extremities, diabe- In the late reactive period, the serum determining the target values of mark- tes, hypertension, alimentary exhaustion level of MMR–2 in patients with cryodam- ers of collagen balance, which plays an and obesity, and individual dependence age is 3.4 times higher relative to con- important role in proliferative processes of various Genesis. trol (p=0.011), on day 30-the values of closely related to the course of the wound Statistical processing of the research MMR-2 do not differ in control indicators process, can help control the quality of results was carried out using the IBM (p=0.103) (Table 1). The level of MMR-9 therapy and allow predicting the course SPSS Statistics Version 25.0 software in patients with local cold injury on day 5 of the wound process in cryodamage. package. The data obtained were sys- is 14.5 times higher than the control indi- Purpose of research: to determine tematized in the form of a median and a cators (p=0.002), on day 30 – 12.5 times the dynamics of the level of collagenases confidence interval. Considering the size higher relative to the group of healthy vol- of the second subfamily (MMR-2, MMR- of the control group of no more than 50 unteers (p<0.001) (Table 1).

Table 1 The content of matrix metalloproteinases and their inhibitors in the blood serum of victims with local cold trauma in different periods of cryodamage

Study group ММР–2 ММР–9 TIMP–1 TIMP–2 Control group 734.4 (75% ДИ 733.51 – 247.2 (75% ДИ 232.19 – (n = 28) 2.3 (75% ДИ 2.16 – 2.45) 32.00 (75% ДИ 28.55 – 35.37) 770.20) 257.81) 1259.2 (75% ДИ 1230.83 – First group (5 day) 7.97 (75% ДИ 7.59 – 8.20) 448.86 (75% ДИ 418.33 – 466.28) 555.2 (75% ДИ 528.46 – (n = 30) 1342.35) 578.94) p < 0.001 p < 0.001 p < 0.001 p < 0.001 1481.6 (75% ДИ 1462.76 – Second group (30 4.53 (75% ДИ 4.27 – 4.92) 354.14 (75% ДИ 343.65 – 375.35) 478.4 (75% ДИ 472.65 – day) 1646.89) 555.55) p < 0.001 p < 0.001 p < 0.001 p < 0.001 (n = 30) p1<0.001 p1< 0.001 p1 < 0.001 p1=0.024 p – reliability of the difference in indicators relative to control; p1-reliability of the difference in indicators relative to patients with frostbite in the late reactive period. 74 ЯКУТСКИЙ МЕДИЦИНСКИЙ ЖУРНАЛ

In patients with cryodamage of distal than the control indicators (p<0.001), in bilize the emerging catastrophe in the stop, the level of MMP–2 was 2.1 times patients with more severe frostbite – 2.2 center of alterations. We found a sharp higher relative to the control (p<0.001), in times higher relative to the control group increase in TIMP-1 and TIMP-2 in all pe- patients with frostbite more proximal seg- (p<0.001) (Table 2). In patients with riods of cryodamage. Attention is drawn ments of the foot – the value of MMP–2 group 3 frostbite, the level of TIMP-2 is to the fact that there is no correlation of to 2.6 times higher than the benchmarks 2.3 times higher than the control value TIMP in patients with the most extensive (p<0.001). The level of MMR-2 in victims (p<0.001) (Table 2). lesions and the mildest injury limited to with the most severe frostbite is 3.5 times The data obtained during the study in- the toes. It is also necessary to indicate higher than the control values (p<0.001) dicate an increase in the content of matrix that the level of TIMP does not decrease (Table 2). The level of MMR–9 in victims metalloproteinases and their inhibitors in for 30 days from the moment of cryo- with frostbite of the toes is 4.9 times high- the blood serum of those, who sustained damage. This phenomenon is probably er than the control indicators (p<0.001), cold trauma. At the same time, signifi- associated with the death of bone tissue, and in patients with more severe frostbite cant dynamics of the studied markers since inhibitors of matrix metalloprotein- – 10 times higher relative to the control does not occur in the long-term period of ases are deposited mainly in osteocytes group (p<0.001) (Table 2). In patients cryodamage. Probably, during frostbite, a [2, 6, 11, 18]. with group 3 frostbite, the level of MMR- significant failure in the remodeling of the Thus, there is a high degree of paral- 9 increased by 14.5 times relative to the cytoskeleton, tissue repair, angiogenesis lelism between the value of matrix metal- control values (p<0.001) (Table 2). occurs, and there are prerequisites for an loproteinases and their inhibitors in blood In the late reactive period in patients atypical, prolonged course of reparative serum and the level of damage to the with cryodamage, the TIMP–1 level is processes. distal segments of the lower extremities 1.7 times higher relative to the control Previously conducted research in pa- (Table 3). (p<0.001), on day 30 – the TIMP–1 value tients with deforming arthrosis, in com- According to modern scientific data, increased 2 times relative to the control plicated obstetrics, in patients with CHD, with fibrotic tissue disorganization, the (p<0.001) (Table 1). The TIMP-2 Level aimed at detecting matrix metalloprotein- MMR index decreases, and the level of in patients on day 5 from the moment of ases and their inhibitors, also revealed their inhibitors on the contrary increas- cryodamage is 2.3 times higher than the a persistent increase in the level of the es. When collagen is degraded, on the control indicators (p<0.001), on day 30 studied predictors in the serum of pa- contrary, the content of collagenases – 2.2 times higher relative to the control tients [2, 5, 10, 11]. Scientists have con- increases, and inhibitors decrease [2, group (p<0.001) (Table 1). cluded that metalloproteinases are one of 12]. In patients with frostbite, we see an In patients with cryodamage of distal the pathogenetic causes of chronization increase in all the studied biomarkers of stop, the level of TIMP–1 in the blood of any pathology [5, 6]. It is possible that the matrix metalloproteinase system and 2 times higher relative to the control collagenases are the predictor of the ad- their inhibitors, even in the case of a rela- (p<0.001), in patients with frostbite verse course of local cold injury. This is tively mild cold injury. more proximal segments of the foot – also proved by the large number of ad- Relatively recently, V. A. Tumansky value TIMP–1 is 1.8 times higher than verse consequences of injury. According and T. A. Khristenko [6] have shown that the benchmarks (p<0.001). The level to a number of authors, complications are MMP and TIMP levels are significant- of TIMP-1 in the patients with the most present in the majority of patients with lo- ly increased in patients with pancreatic severe frostbite is 1.6 times higher than cal cold trauma [3, 4, 9]. cancer. Given that the complex of MMP the control values (p<0.001) (Table 2). The increased content of matrix metal- and TIMP is formed by the "key-lock" The level of TIMP-2 in patients with local loproteinase inhibitors probably indicates type [5, 6], the authors suggested that cold injury of the toes is 2.1 times higher an attempt on the part of the body to sta- the increase in the level of such biologi-

Table 2

The content of matrix metalloproteinases and their inhibitors in the blood serum of victims with local cold trauma depending on the volume of affected tissues

ММР–2 ММР–9 TIMP–1 TIMP–2 Study group (ng/ml) (ng/ml) (ng/ml) (ng/ml) Control group 32.00 (75% ДИ 28.55 – 734.4 (75% ДИ 733.51 – 247.2 (75% ДИ 232.19 – (n = 28) 2.3 (75% ДИ 2.16 – 2.45) 35.37) 770.20) 257.81) 126.50 (75% ДИ 126.99 – 1488.0 (75% ДИ 1420.76 – 513.6 (75% ДИ 486.84 – First group 4.65 (75% ДИ 4.43 – 4.77) 147.95) 1540.74) 529.16) (n = 20) p < 0.001 p < 0.001 p < 0.001 p < 0.001 6.78 (75% ДИ 6.75 – 7.14) 314.50 (75% ДИ 315.29 – 1292.8 (75% ДИ 1252.00 – 536.8 (75% ДИ 495.50 – Second group p < 0.001 326.41) 1352.05) 576.50) (n = 22) p < 0.001 p < 0.001 p < 0.001 p1 < 0.001 p1 < 0.001 p1=0.159 p1=0.778 448.86 (75% ДИ 418.33 – 1259.2 (75% ДИ 1230.83 – 555.2 (75% ДИ 528.46 – 7.97 (75% ДИ 7.59 – 8.20) 466.28) 1342.35) 578.94) Third group p < 0.001 p < 0.001 p < 0.001 p < 0.001 (n = 18) p1 < 0.001 p1 < 0.001 p1 < 0.001 p1=0.013 p2 < 0.001 p2 < 0.001 p2=0.007 p2=0.021 p – reliability of the difference in indicators relative to control; p1-reliability of the difference in indicators relative to 1 group of patients; p2-reliability of the difference in indicators relative to 2 groups of patients. 2’ 2020 75

cal "locks" is a reflection of the antitumor Table 3 reaction and cells with an attempt to limit the focus of alterations. It is possible that The actual degree of parallelism between the value of matrix metalloproteinases a similar biological phenomenon of cell and their inhibitors and the level of damage to the lower extremities microenvironment formation is realized in patients with frostbite, aimed at delin- Parameter Spearman correlation Statistical significance Relationship strength eating the focus of damaged tissues by coefficient on a scale of Chedoke rough remodeling of the extracellular ma- ММР–2 0.797 < 0.001 High straight trix and changing the conformation of the ММР–9 0.907 < 0.001 High straight cell membrane. TIMP–1 - 0.186 0.002 Weak reverse MMR 2 in combination with other col- TIMP–2 0.381 < 0.001 Moderate straight lagenases is known to inhibit angiogen- esis. This phenomenon is associated with their ability to form antiangiogenic Table 4 peptides by converting plasminogen into Significance of indicators in the structure of the predictive model angiostatin, which inhibits proliferation and exacerbates endothelial cell apop- Standardized tosis [6, 13]. This is another confirmation Non-standardized coefficients coefficients of the probable biological feasibility of Model Significance increased MMR expression in patients B Standard error Беtа т in the model with frostbite. Inhibition of microcircula- structure tion was confirmed by our earlier stud- Constant - 0.466 0.181 - 2.575 0.011 ies in patients with local cold trauma [3, ММР–2 0.165 0.017 0.378 9.578 0.0001 8, 9]. Collagenases have been found to ММР–9 0.003 0.0001 0.511 12.970 0.0001 have an inhibitory effect on inflammation TIMP–1 - 6.809 0.0001 - 0.019 - 0.643 0.520 by processing a significant amount of TIMP–2 0.001 0.0001 0.136 4.170 0.0001 chemokines, including pro-inflammatory interleukins. Probably, the inhibitory ef- fect of MMR-2 is associated with wors- Table 5 ening endothelial dysfunction and the formation of a large number of adverse Summary for the resulting predictive model sequential reactions, forming a kind of protective reaction of the body to increas- Мodel R R2 adjusted R2 The standard ing perifocal inflammation [3]. error of estimate K = 0.165 × MMP-2 + 0.003 × It was found that the level of IL-1, IL- MMP-9 + 0.01 × TIMP-2 – 2.5 0.873 0.763 0.760 0.451 8, IL–12 and TNFa in the blood was in- creased during all periods of cryodamage [9, 10]. However, in the later periods of moved from the structure of the original system can cause structural and func- frostbite, the level of Pro-inflammatory model. As a result, a pattern was deter- tional changes in the extracellular matrix interleukins decreases, but still remains mined by repeated linear regression, and cellular structures, contributing to above normal values. However, the level which is expressed by the formula: K = their pathological remodeling and fibrosis of MMR-9 remains high in patients and 0.165 × MMP-2 + 0.003 × MMP-9 + 0.01 [3, 7, 9, 10]. in remote periods of local cold injury. × TIMP-2 – 2.5, the name of the units of Conclusions: Synthesis of these metalloproteinases measurement of indicators is ng/ml. At 1. It was found that the level of ma- occurs mainly in macrophages, as well values Of K from 1.0 to 4.4, frostbite of trix metalloproteinases increases in the as platelets, which realize their functions the toes is diagnosed, at K from 4.4 to blood of patients with local cold injury. in the interstitial [6, 14]. One of the fea- 5.4, the lesion boundary extended to the The increase in the collagenase index tures of MMR–9 is the chemotaxis of fi- pre-tarsal-metatarsal joint, more than 5.4 in the blood serum of patients is directly broblasts into the interstitial space for the - to the level of the lower third of the lower proportional to the severity of the injury. implementation of repair processes [12, leg (Table 5). 2. It is revealed that the performance 16, 17]. On the other hand, MMR-9 con- Taking into account the value of the of inhibitors collagenase increased sig- tributes to collagen desmoplasia [11, 15]. adjusted coefficient of determination nificantly in all periods of cryodamage. In- Remodeling of collagen in the lesion site (0.760), we can consider the relationship creasing levels of inhibitors collagenase provokes discoordination of proliferation between the coefficient of K and the level is not directly dependent on the severity and, as a result, a prolonged and unfa- of damage to the distal segments of the of cold injury. vorable course of the wound process. lower extremities in local cold trauma to 3. The pattern formed on the basis of Based on the analysis of the linear be quite strong. the studied markers can serve as a pre- regression equation, which included the Consequently, the analysis of the ob- dictive criterion for early determination of initial indicators (values of matrix metal- tained data allows to establish that in- the severity of cryodamage. loproteinases and their inhibitors), the creased expression of collagenase and significance of indicators in the structure their inhibitors reflects the severity and References of the predictive model was determined course of the cold injury due to endotheli- (Table 4). al dysfunction and formation of fibrosis in 1. Васина Л.В., Власов Т.Д., Петрищев Н.Н. Considering the insufficient signif- the lesions and the perifocal. It is possi- Функциональная гетерогенность эндотелия icance, the TIMP-1 indicator was re- ble that an imbalance of the collagenase (обзор). Артериальная гипертензия. 2017; 76 ЯКУТСКИЙ МЕДИЦИНСКИЙ ЖУРНАЛ

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I.N. Molodovskaya, E.V. Tipisova, V.A. Popkova, A.E. Elfimova, D.S. Potutkin PHOTOPERIODIC VARIATION OF THYROID DOI 10.25789/YMJ.2020.70.23 HORMONES AND AUTOANTIBODIES УДК [612.44-055.1:577.175.44] (470.1/.2)(045) IN MALES OF THE EUROPEAN NORTH

Aim: to study the circannual dynamics of the concentrations of TSH, thyroglobulin, total and free fractions of iodothyronines, and thyroid autoan- tibodies in 20 healthy men (average age 33.8 ± 1.1 years), who are permanently resident in Arkhangelsk (64°32'N), and examine the relationship between these measurements and the climatic factors, such as daylight hours, ambient temperature, pressure, and humidity. Materials and methods. An analytical, prospective, uncontrolled study was conducted with voluntary informed consent. Blood samplings for the assay of the above hormones were collected quarterly during one calendar year. The serum concentration of hormones and antibodies was determined using enzyme-linked immunoassay. Results. Significant intra-annual rhythms of total iodothyronine concentration were found with lower values in the autumn-winter period. The annual variation in serum thyroid peroxidase antibodies showed a slight, but statistically significant increase in antibody levels in the autumn-winter period compared to the spring one. The levels of thyroglobulin, a marker of thyroid activity, were statistically significantly higher in the spring com- pared to the autumn period. There were no significant seasonal rhythms in TSH, free iodothyronines and thyroglobulin antibodies. Conclusion. A study of the circannual rhythms in the level of thyroid hormones in the adult male population of the European North showed year- round variation in total iodothyronines. Only the differences in thyroxine level can be explained by the climatic factors such as air pressure and daylight hours. At the same time, the seasonal variation of total iodothyronine, thyroglobulin and thyroid peroxidase antibody was characterized by small amplitude of the year-round rhythm. Keywords: thyroglobulin antibodies, thyroid peroxidase antibodies, thyroid stimulating hormone, thyroglobulin, thyroxine, triiodothyronine, pho- toperiodicity.

Introduction. Seasonal changes in an increase in T3 was observed [8], how- Thyroid antibodies can be detected TSH and iodothyronine levels are known ever, a decrease in iodothyronine levels not only in patients with autoimmune both in euthyroid individuals living in ex- was also observed [6, 16]. Previous re- diseases, but also in people without se- treme Arctic and subarctic environmen- search of seasonal and photoperiodic vere thyroid dysfunction [2]. Intra-annual tal and in individuals with a long stay changes in thyroid hormones in adult dynamics of autoantibody levels can be in the Antarctic [8, 9, 16]. Most studies residents of the European North showed mediated by seasonal changes in thyroid showed an increase in TSH in the winter an increase in the T4 content during the function associated with daylight hours or through prolonged exposure to cold minimum daylight hours, while the T3 and temperature. At the same time, sea- temperatures [8, 16], in several studies content was significantly higher during sonal variation of thyroid autoantibodies the maximum daylight hours [5]. Yakut in the available literature is represented men and women both displayed signifi- by singular works. So, in the study by MOLODOVSKAYA Irina Nikolaevna – can- cant declines of free fractions of iodothy- Lutfalieva G.T. it was shown an increased didate of biological sciences, scientific re- ronines, and significant increase in TSH level of thyroglobulin antibodies (Anti-Tg) searcher, N. Laverov Federal Center for Inte- from summer to winter, which indicates a in the winter [3]. grated Arctic Research, 163000, Archangelsk, strict relationship between the hormones Most of the studies lacked reliability Lomonosova av. 249, [email protected], involved in the axis of the hypothala- as they were conducted before the de- +79115550701; mus-pituitary-thyroid gland [13]. The velopment of new and efficient assays 3097-9427; TIPISOVA Elena Vasilievna – doctor of biological sciences, chief research- results of a study of the circumannual methods of statistical analysis [5], or it er, N. Laverov Federal Center for Integrat- variations of thyroid hormones levels in was a retrospective study [7], based on ed Arctic Research, 163000, Archangelsk, the adult population of Western Siberia extensive databases which were got from Lomonosova av. 249, [email protected], revealed the maximum TSH in Febru- different people in different year seasons. +79095555095, ary-March in men and in January-Feb- So it remains poorly known the question 2097-3806; POPKOVA Victoria Anatoliev- ruary in women, with minimal TSH in of seasonal and photoperiodic dynamics na – candidate of biological sciences, senior September-October and August-Sep- of hormones in the same representatives researcher, N. Laverov Federal Center for tember in men and women, respective- of the population. Integrated Arctic Research, 163000, Archan- gelsk, Lomonosova av. 249, victoria-popco- ly. Moreover, the maximum T3 levels The aim of the study was to study the [email protected], +79216754501, http://orcid. accrue to April-May in both men and circannual dynamics of the concentra- org/0000-0002-0818-7274; ELFIMOVA Alex- women, and T4 − September-October tions of TSH, thyroglobulin, total and free andra Eduardovna – candidate of biological [1]. On the other hand, only a few stud- fractions of iodothyronines, and thyroid sciences, senior researcher, N. Laverov Fed- ies revealed seasonal variations in the autoantibodies in healthy men and exam- eral Center for Integrated Arctic Research, levels of free fractions of iodothyronines ine the relationship between these mea- 163000, Archangelsk, Lomonosova av. 249, [13]. Since thyroglobulin values were af- surements and the climatic factors, such [email protected], +79217209022, http:// fected by small changes in the thyroid as daylight hours, ambient temperature,; POTUTKIN gland volume, some authors consider pressure, and humidity. Dmitry Sergeevich – junior researcher, N. Laverov Federal Center for Integrated Arctic thyroglobulin as a sensitive indicator of Material and methods. 20 euthyroid Research, 163000, Archangelsk, Lomonosova thyroid activity [10]. At the same time, men (mean age 33.8 ± 1.1 years) resid- av. 249, [email protected], +79021981974, the seasonal variability of thyroglobulin ing in Arkhangelsk (64°32'N) took part has been poorly studied [8]. in a prospective, analytical, uncontrolled 78 ЯКУТСКИЙ МЕДИЦИНСКИЙ ЖУРНАЛ

study on the basis of Voluntary Informed es between the four periods of the year. nificantly correlated with climatic factors, Consent. The study was conducted in At the moment many authors identify the that is, with daylight hours expressed in accordance with the ethical principles value of 2.5 μMU / L as the upper control minutes (r = 0.31; p = 0.005), and with at- stated in Declaration of Helsinki of 1964 limit of TSH level due to the fact that its mospheric pressure (r = -0.32; p = 0.004). (revised in Seoul in 2008). Criteria for in- higher values may be associated with im- Discussion. The study of Variability clusion in the study were: age from 25 to paired thyroid function in the future. So in in Hormone Concentrations in men of the 44 years, passing regular (at least once a the present study the prevalence of its in- European North suggests that periods of year) preventive or medical examination, creased values were defined [12]. Thus, increasing daylight hours and maximum absence of cardiovascular complaints, the proportion of individuals with TSH lev- daylight hours (spring and summer) are systemic diseases and endocrine pathol- els of more than 2.5 μMU/L was statisti- characterized by increased levels of hor- ogy. Blood for the study was obtained on cally significantly higher in the winter than mones that activate metabolic processes an empty stomach in the morning. The in the autumn and corresponds to 60% (T3 and T4). The absence of seasonal survey of the same men was carried out versus 25% (p = 0.01). In addition, it was dynamics of the free iodothyronines may quarterly in the period from March to De- found that the annual maximum of serum indicate the preservation of a sufficient cember. With the help of fully automated TSH level (winter) corresponds to the an- serum level of biologically active thyroid ELISA analyzer Elisys Uno (Germany) the nual minimum of T4, which indicates that hormone fractions throughout the year, serum levels of thyroid-stimulating hor- the annual spread of T4 partially deter- which are necessary for adaptation to mone - TSH, total triiodothyronine - T3, mines the level of TSH. changing environmental conditions, while total thyroxine - T4, free triiodothyronine The study of the annual variation of the functional activity of the thyroid gland - fT3, free thyroxine - fT4, thyroglobulin, thyroid autoantibody levels revealed decreases during the minimum duration thyroid peroxidase antibody – Anti-TPO, statistically significantly lower Anti-TPO of daylight hours, as indicated by signifi- thyroglobulin antibodies – Anti-Tg (using levels in spring compared to the au- cantly lower levels of T4 in the winter. A test kits from Alkor-Bio, Russia) were de- tumn-winter period with a maximum in higher TSH level in winter compared to termined by enzyme immunoassay. Sta- December, while there was no seasonal other periods corresponds to a similar tistical analysis was performed using the dynamics of Anti-Tg levels. In the study prospective study of healthy men in Fin- statistical software STATISTICA 10. The group of men, there were no individuals land [16]. Elevated TSH levels in winter normality of distribution of continuous with positive antibodies whose concen- may be associated with a decrease in io- variables was tested by Shapiro-Wilk’s trations exceed the physiological limits, dothyronine levels in the pituitary gland or W test. In accordance with the obtained and the median values of autoantibody with a decrease in the release of soma- results, a nonparametric repeated mea- levels were so low that they did not ex- tostatin or dopamine from the hypothala- sures analysis of variance for dependent ceed one unit of measurement, and their mus. The data presented in this study on factorial measures (Friedman test) was spread within one season of the year was a decrease in total iodothyronines levels used, followed by pairwise comparison also insignificant, which may indicate a in the winter period as well as data from using the Wilcoxon test to assess the low autosensitization in the examined studies of subjects wintering on Antarctic significance of differences between the group of healthy men and their ability to bases, which showed a decrease in se- two related samples. Spearman’s rank maintain body balance and health in the rum T3 and T4 and an increase in TSH correlation coefficient was calculated to North. levels, confirm this conclusion [14]. measure the strength and direction of An analysis of the correlation rela- The seasonal dynamics of thyroid hor- the relationship between two variables. tionships, carried out on the entire data- mones can be caused not by a change A probability value of p<0.05 was consid- base without separation by photoperiods, in the clearance of hormones by thyroid ered statistically significant. showed that only the serum T4 level sig- cells, but by a change in the intrinsic Results. In the present study, the an- nual dynamics of the total iodothyronines Quantitative data of blood parameters in men of the city of Arkhangelsk depending on (T3 and T4) was noted, at the same the photoperiod of the year (the results are presented as a median and 10/90 percentiles) time, there were no significant seasonal rhythms of the free iodothyronines, which Variable March June September December р-value was also shown in the studies by D. San- TSH ti et al. [15] (Table). Minimum T3 levels 2.43 2.17 1.81 2.64 0,23-3,4 (1.12; 3.81) (1.22; 4.24) (0.95; 4.69) (1.14; 4.16) p>0.05 were observed in autumn and winter, and μIU/l maximum - in the spring and summer, Т3 р1-3=0.004 1.04 1.09 0.92 0.94 р =0.004 while the examined group of men was 1,0-2,8 2-3 (0.86; 1.37) (0.82; 1.38) (0.73; 1.21) (0.75; 2.26) р =0.003 characterized by moving of T3 values nmol/l 2-4 р =0.002 to the lower limit of normal in spring and Т4 113.45 1-4 53-158 111.91 (101.41; 111.07 99.03 р =0.0002 summer, and in autumn and winter the (95.96; 134.31) (87.22; 128.79)(90.59; 117.13) 2-4 nmol/l 126.49) р3-4=0.014 median of T3 was below the lower limit св. Т3 of normal. The proportion of individuals 2,5-7,5 5.09 5.21 5.35 5.23 p>0.05 with decreased serum T3 was statistical- pmol/l (4.16; 5.59) (4.69; 6.68) (4.39; 5.85) (4.30; 6.07) ly significantly lower in the fall and winter св. Т4 12.55 13.05 12.90 12.90 than in the summer, which was 65% ver- 10,0-23,2 pmol/l (11.20; 14.90) (11.70; 14.90) (10.30; 15.20) (11.70; 15.10) p>0.05 sus 35% (p = 0.03). The level of T4 was Thyroglobulin 28.5 22.75 20.64 21.16 р =0.036 statistically significantly reduced in winter 2-50 ng/ml (10.58; 54.2) (8.55; 52.2) (7.91; 49.45) (9.69; 62.2) 1-3 compared to other periods of the year. Anti-Tg 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 p>0.05 Serum TSH levels were highest in win- <65 U/ml (0.0; 0.58) (0.0; 0.29) (0.0; 0.87) (0.0; 0.58) ter and lowest in autumn, however, there Anti-TPO 0.08 0.24 0.49 0.65 р1-3=0.0005 were no statistically significant differenc- <30 Ед/мл (0.0; 2.59) (0.0; 5.99) (0.08; 8.25) (0.0; 6.39) р1-4=0.008 2’ 2020 79

thyroidal synthetic activity, independent of the female population of the European ova E.M. Biological rhythms and health. Service marker of which can be thyroglobulin se- North remains open. PLUS. 2010;3:20-6.(In Russ.).] 5. Раменская Е.Б. Влияние сезонности и cretion [8]. So, in our study, the minimum Conclusion. The main results of this фотопериодизма на гормональный профиль values of thyroglobulin in the autumn-win- study are that the serum concentrations жителей Севера. Адаптация и резистент- ter period correspond to minimum values of T3 and T4 in healthy young men af- ность организма на Севере (физиолого-био- of T3 and T4, and the maximum levels of fected by seasonal fluctuations, with химические механизмы). Сыктывкар; 1990. thyroglobulin in the spring period corre- higher levels in the spring and summer [Ramenskaya E.B. The influence of seasonality and photoperiodism on the hormonal profile of the spond to those for TSH. 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N.A. Danilov, T.E. Burtseva, Y.A. Munkhalova, M.P. Slobodchikova


The article represents review of metabolic syndrome in children and adolescents. Obesity pandemic, which is common all over the world, outlines significant social issues, resulting in cardio-vascular disorders, the leading cause of mortality and disability. The concern of increasing ten- dency of cardio-vascular disorders among children and adolescents for the last decades is growing [5]. According to the National Medical Research Center for Endocrinology (2017) from 13-15% of children suffer from obesity in Russia, among them 5-8% school children. This number of obese children is twice higher than in France, 1.5% higher than in England and is reaching the number of obese children in the USA (17%) [9]. Increase of obesity in children is doubling each 30 years resulting in a threat to national security [6]. Keywords: metabolic syndrome, obesity, children, adolescents.

Yakutia is referred to the regions with increasing, the number of sick children in children and adolescents (Table), now- extreme conditions for living, resulting in doubles every 30 years, and this sug- adays these criteria are used all over the high-energy consume taken in with food gests a threat to national security [5]. world [4]. and nutrients and their high expenditure The prevalence of metabolic syn- Obesity is not just esthetic problem, for normal activity of the organism. The drome (MetS) in overweight children and it is severe disease which affects phys- traditional diet rich in protein and lipid is adolescents is 30-50% worldwide [1]. ical, social and psychological well-being being substituted by the diet rich in car- The first description of metabolic syn- of children [8], and moreover, it results bohydrate and protein for the last de- drome is known to be introduced by a in such diseases as ischemic disease, cades [2, 7], moreover the motor activi- Swiss physician E. Kylin in 1923, named diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension, ty of teenagers tends to decrease. The as ‘a syndrome involving hypertension, malignant neoplasms. combined action of both factors leads to hyperglycaemia and hyperuricaemia’ Despite high prevalence of metabolic increase of obesity rate consequently re- [5]. The concept of metabolic syndrome syndrome there is still no unified classi- sulting in cardio-vascular disorders. was first suggested by Gerald Reaven in fication of it. The following classification, Of greatest concern is the danger- 1988 [11], the syndrome was defined as based on the classifications of M.I. Bal- ous tendency to increase CVD mortal- a complex of such metabolic and clinical abolkin et al, G.A. Melnichenko et al, V.A. ity among children and young people, disorders as abdominal obesity, arterial Peterkova et al, seems most relevant in noted in recent decades [4]. According hypertension, dyslipidemia, insulin-re- pediatric practice [1]: to the endocrinology research center of sistance, glucose intolerance or diabe- - Initial obesity: the Ministry of Health (2017), 13-15% of tes mellitus type 2 [12]. Clear diagnostic - Exogenous constitutional or alimen- children in Russia are obese, 5-8% are criteria of metabolic syndrome in adoles- tary constitutional; students. This number exceeds 2 times cents above 16 were constituted by the - monogenous forms (mutation of the number of children with obesity in International diabetes federation in 2007, leptin gene mutation, the leptin gene re- France, 1.5 times more than in England they were based on analogous adults’ cri- ceptor mutation, POMC deficiency, con- and approaches the number of children teria [1]: vertase 1 gene mutation, PPAR-y2 gene; with obesity in the United States (17%) - Tryglycerides level ≥1.7 mmol/L; - Secondary obesity: [9]. The rate at which the incidence is - High-density lipoprotein level <1.03 - genetic (resulting from Prader-Willi mmol/L; syndrome, Laurence–Moon–Biedl–Bar- - An increase in arterial pressure det syndrome, Cogan syndrome, Albright DANILOV Nikolai Andreyevich – a post-grad- ≥130/85 mm Hg; syndrom etc.) uate student of the department of pediatrics - An increase value of venous plas- - cerebral (tumours and traumas of and pediatric surgery, Medical institute of the ma glucose on an empty stomach ≥5.6 CNS, infectious diseases, mental disor- North-Eastern federal university, +7-981-793- mmol/L or diagnosed diabetes mellitus ders etc.) 1727, [email protected]; BURTSEVA type 2 and/or other disorders of carbohy- - endocrene (hypothyroidism, polycys- Tatiana Yegorovna – MD, professor of the drate metabolism. tic ovary syndrome, adrenal gland disor- department of pediatrics and pediatric sur- However, the representatives of dif- ders etc.) gery, Medical institute of the North-Eastern ferent medical organisations disagreed - iatrogenic (associated with medica- federal university, a head of the laboratory of the clinical and diagnostic significance of tion intake) the Yakutsk science center of complex medi- cal problems, +7-914-294-3244, bourtsevat@ each component included in the diagnos- By the character of fat accumulation:; MUNKHALOVA Yana Afanasiev- tic criteria. In 2009 the following interna- - Abdominal (android) type when the na – PhD, associate professor, a head of the tional research associations: Internation- fat is accumulated in the waistline or up- department of pediatrics and pediatric surgery, al diabetes federation (IDF), International per part of the waistline / the upper part Medical institute of the North-Eastern federal heart, lung and blood institute (NHLBI), of the trunk) university, +7-914-270-7107, tokmacheva@ American heart association (AHA), World - Gynoid obesity when the fat is accu-; SLOBODCHIKOVA Maya Pavlovna heart federation (WHF), International ath- mulated in thighs, hips, butt etc. – a senior lecturer of the department of foreign erosclerosis society (IAS), and Interna- - Middle pattern when fat is distributed languages with the courses of Russian and Latin languages, St. Petersburg state pediat- tional association for the study of obesity more or less evenly. ric medical university, [email protected] , +7- (IASO) together represented unified cri- The abdominal (visceral) type of obe- 911-908-7772 teria for diagnosis of metabolic syndrome sity leads to the development of metabol- 2’ 2020 81

ic syndrome. It is established that viscer- emias result in atherosclerotic changes cation in hyperglycemia greatly contrib- al fat tissue is characterized by endocrine of renal vessels causing renovascular utes to the development of atherosclero- and paracrine activity [1]. hypertension [16]. sis. Glycated VLDL and LDL circulate in Metabolic syndrome associated with It is necessary to underline that patho- blood for a longer period of time, as re- insulin resistance results in overstimu- logic process in metabolic syndrome af- ceptors do not recognize them and have lation thus leading to further exhaustion fects not only the heart but also the ves- longer period of half-life. Glycated HDL of pancreatic islets. This can result in sels of all kinds and levels, i.e. the cardio- are better metabolized, glycated collagen impaired glucose tolerance and diabe- vascular pathology. Thus, cardiovascular better bonds together with VLDL-choles- tes mellitus type 2 [1]. Persistent hyper- syndrome including arterial hypertension terol and LDL-cholesterol [1, 3]. glycemia or glucose toxicity may lead is represented by the vegetative dysfunc- The main hypothesis for non-alcoholic to beta-cell dysfunction and decreased tion (including heart beat rate variability), fatty liver disease (NAFLD) pathology is sensitivity of beta-cells. It triggers the endothelial dysfunction and systolic and ‘two-hit hypothesis’, represented in 2002 early stage of stimulated insulin secre- diastolic myocardial dysfunction. The [3]. According to the ‘two-hit hypothesis’ tion and impairs its impulse secretion. level of expression of cardiovascular dis- the liver damage is associated with two In developed insulin resistance the first orders in children and adolescents with components. Firstly, the so-called ‘first stage, when vesicles empty the collect- metabolic syndrome mentioned above hit’, is associated with obesity caused ed insulin, the insulin secretion is absent. varies individually and depends on the by fatty diet and insulin-resistance, that In the second stage the basal secretion degree of insulin resistance expression. might be responsible for depositing of is monotonous. Thus, despite excessive Dyslipidemia is considered as the de- tryglicerides in hepatocydes. The ‘sec- insulin secretion the glucose level is not crease in the level of high density of li- ond-hit’ results in oxidative stress. The normalized, causing a viscous circle: hy- poproteins (HDL) below minimum normal inflammatory cytokines, adipokines, mi- perglycemia – hyperinsulinemia – insulin numbers and hyperglyceridemia more tochondrial dysfunction and endoplasmic resistance – hyperglycemia – hyperin- than >1.7 mmol/L. Dyslipidemia is one of reticulum stress trigger the condition to sulinemia. It results in glucose tolerance the most important criterion in metabolic the non-alcoholic steatohepatitis. disorder thus causing diabetes mellitus syndrome diagnosing. The development For the last years it was modified into type 2. of dyslipidemia is directly associated with ‘multiple parallel-hit hypothesis’. Accord- Arterial hypertension in metabolic non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) ing to which NAFLD was determined as syndrome is directly associated with the and insulin resistance. Moreover, there epiphenomenon of several metabolic main pathogenic trigger, i.e. compensa- is positive correlation between dyslipid- mechanisms, including genetic and en- tory hyperinsulinemia, which develops on emia, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease vironmental factors, interactions between the preexisting insulin resistance back- and development of atherosclerosis [16]. liver, fatty tissue, pancreatic gland and ground [10]. The investigations have It is proved that insulin resistance intestine [13]. shown that children with metabolic syn- promotes further development of hyper- Accumulation of lipids in the form of drome have high mean night-time systol- triglyceridemia. Hyperglycemia and hy- tryglicerides and free fatty acids is re- ic BP and diastolic BP, time index of hy- perinsulinemia break the lipoprotein syn- sponsible for NAFLD development. Dys- pertension at night, more decreased level thesis: liver starts producing excessive lipidemia is considered as the main com- of night-time systolic BP and diastolic BP amount of tryglicerides from glucose. ponent for metabolic syndrome according [6]. Moreover, the mechanisms of arterial Moreover, the Bogalusa heart study re- to IDF (International diabetes federation) hypertension in metabolic syndrome as- vealed that insulin resistance is closely criteria, constituted in 2007. It was con- sociated with hyperleptinemia are being associated with increased sensitivity of sidered as the main triggering factor for discussed last time; persistent dyslipid- LDL receptors to cholesterol. Protein gly- NAFLD development.

Diagnostic criteria for metabolic syndrome (2009)

Age Obesity Triglycerides (TG) HDL BP Glucose (mmol / L) 6 to <10 MetS cannot be diagnosed, but the following investigations should be carried out if there is MetS in a years-old ≥90 percentile family history; diabetes mellitus type 2, dyslipidemia, cardiovascular disorders, arterial hypertension Metabolic syndrome ≥5.6 mmol/L (≥100 mg/ dl) or diagnosed diabetes Systolic BP≥130 mm Hg mellitus type 2; 10-16 ≥90 percentile ≥1.7 mmol/L <1.03 mmol/L or diastolic BP≥85 If the concentration is years-old (≥150 mg/dl) (≤40 mg/dl) mm Hg ≥5.6 mmol/L peroral glucose tolerance test is recommended Metabolic syndrome (Adults IDF criteria are used)

Central obesity: waist circumference ≥94 For males <1.03 mmol/L Systolic ≥5.6 mmol/L (≥100 mgdl) cm in Caucasian (≤40 mg/dl) BP≥130 mm Hg or diagnosed diabetes >16 males and ≥80 ≥1.7 mmol/L or diastolic BP≥85 mellitus type 2; years-old cm in Caucasian (≥150 mg/dl For females <1.29 mmol/L mm Hg or previously If the concentration is females (racial/ethnic (≤50mg/dl) or specific diagnosed arterial ≥5.6 mmol/L peroral prevalence for other therapy of such disorders hypertension treatment glucose tolerance test is groups) in anamnesis recommended 82 ЯКУТСКИЙ МЕДИЦИНСКИЙ ЖУРНАЛ

The diagnosis of metabolic syndrome components for metabolic syndrome The treatment of diabetes mellitus is composed of several stages: treatment is the change of diet or dietary type 2 caused by metabolic syndrome 1 stage – the initial attendance of the intervention. The main goal of dietary in- or glucose tolerance disorder should be doctor, including the collection of anam- tervention is a decrease of calorie, the treated according to the treatment proto- nesis of the current illness, family histo- second goal is to achieve macronutri- col for such conditions. ry (for genetic predisposition to obesity), ent balance decreasing the amount of Conclusion. Metabolic syndrome is diabetes mellitus type 2, the diseases carbohydrate intake, and achieving the complex and complicated issue for the of cardiovascular and hepatobiliary sys- balance of protein and fat intake to phys- healthcare. It is associated with many tems, social anamnesis checking the iological norm according to the ratio 1:1:4 components and factors resulting in com- dietary habits, social and economic wel- (in correlation of protein : fat : carbohy- plex and high cost of diagnosis for the fare of the family, physical activity; phys- drate). Moreover, it is important to follow disease requiring multidisciplinary ap- ical examination, including antropometry fractional nutrition to normalize metabolic proach to the treatment and prevention of (height, weight, BMI, waist circumfer- process. The whole family of the patient the condition. This thesis is confirmed by ence, thigh circumference), arterial BP should undoubtedly undergo dietary in- the information discussed in the article as [1]. tervention, it is recommended to achieve the prevalence of metabolic syndrome is 2 stage – laboratory and instrumental psychological comfort of the patient that directly associated with obesity especial- diagnosis – biochemical analysis of blood, he/she is not discriminated because of ly occurred in the last decades. Further detection of glucose, alanine transam- his/her illness but improve dietary habits research works are necessary, especially inase and aspartate transaminase lev- of all the family. If the child is subjected cooperated researches with medical spe- els in blood, lipidogram; hormone tests by overeating mental illness then it is cialists of the various fields to reveal the - thyroid hormones, hypothalamo-pitu- necessary to have psychological therapy early symptoms or predictors of the con- itary-adrenal and gonadal axis (Adreno- together with the specialist. dition prevent such severe conditions like corticotropic (ACTH) and somatotropic The medical treatment of obese chil- primary hypertension or diabetes mellitus hormones, luteinizing hormone (LH), fol- dren is restricted as there is high nega- in adults, which can result in disability in licle-stimulating hormone (FSH), cortisol, tive impact of anorectic drugs which is not its long-term perspective. aldosterone, renin, testosterone etc.; in- recommended in most of the countries. Ethno-geographic data for metabol- strumental investigations like ECG, holter The only recommended drug for pediatric ic syndrome in each region are not less monitoring ECG, 24-hour monitor test, use in the territory of the Russian Feder- important, they can reveal genetic fea- ultrasound investigation of the organs of ation is orlistat, which is limited to the age tures for inhabiting population, tradition- abdominal cavity, echocardiography; if of the patient and is recommended only al dietary habits and its quality, climate, necessary – endoscopic investigations of for children above 12. It can be used only physical activity and character of labour. the organs of gastrointestinal tract, CT- in such a case when one year of previous All these factors should be taken into ac- scan/MRI for the brain and abdominal treatment including the change of a life- count in the further research of complex cavity imaging; consultation of the related style was with no effect. symptoms. specialists [1]. The effectiveness of surgical treat- The treatment of metabolic syndrome ment is disputable. On the one hand, sur- References should have an integrated approach and gical operation can considerably reduce consist of several procedures correcting the weight at once, but on the other hand, 1. Бокова Т.А. Метаболический синдром у complex of medical treatment and psy- there are strict requirements for surgical детей: учебное пособие. Форте-принт, 2013; chotherapy. intervention [15], high price [11], absence 23. [Bokova T.A. Metabolic syndrome in children: tutorial. Forte-print, 2013; 23. 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L.E. Tabikhanova, L.P. Osipova, S.S. Kovalev, U.N. Kavai-ool, A.N. Sariglar, T.V. Churkina, M.R. Khantemirova FEATURES OF THE GENE POOL OF THE TUVINIAN ETHNOS BASED DOI 10.25789/YMJ.2020.70.25 ON THE STUDY OF BLOOD GROUP УДК 612.118.221.2(517.1) ANTIGENS IN COMPARATIVE PERSPECTIVE

The indigenous population of the Tuva Republic is characterized by a complex multi-component ethnogenesis, which involved ancient Euro- poid, northern Samoyedic and Keto-speaking tribes, as well as Turkic and Mongolian-speaking natives of Central Asia. The aim of the study was description of the Tuvinians gene pool in comparison with the modern Siberian populations. Materials and methods. The alleles and haplotypes frequencies of blood groups AB0, MN, Rhesus and Kell in the Kyzyl indigenous population sample (N=502) were determined using the traditional direct hemagglutination method. Results. The high frequency (0.033) of the A2 allele of the AB0 system characterizing the population of Europoid origin was shown. The ratio of the alleles M (0.621) and N (0.379) of the MN system corresponded to the populations of Yakuts, Kazakhs and Mongols. Rhesus Tuvinians showed both Mongoloid features - high frequency cDE (0.318) and rhesus-negative haplotype cde and Cde, wich characteristic Europoid populations (total frequency 0.074) on frequencies haplotype systems. The marker of "Europoid" allele K of system Kell was revealed with frequency 0,019. The Tuvinians was clustered with Turkic populations of South Altaians and Yakuts on the map of genetic distances, while the Samoyedic group of Nga- nasans, Forest and Tundra Nenets formed a separate cluster. The clusters of northern Khanty, Komi-Zyryans and Russians Siberia, including the Old Believers, are also located in a separate cluster. It is shown that alleles and haplotypes of systems MN, Rhesus and Kell, A2 and B on system AB0 maked the greatest contribution to differentiation of populations. Conclusion. The present study shown that the Tuvinians of Kyzyl are genetically close to the Yakuts and South Altaians, and the combination of Europoid and Mongoloid genetic markers reflects their complex ethnic history. Keywords: Tuvinians, population frequency of genetic markers of blood groups, AB0, MN, Rhesus, Kell.

Introduction. Tuvinians are the indig- position among other groups of Siberia, sample of Tuvinians in the town of Kyzyl enous population of the Republic of Tuva, Central Asia and Kazakhstan. The re- and compare them with some Siberian belonging to the Central Asian anthro- searches of historians, archeologists, populations belonging to other linguistic pological type of Mongoloid race. They anthropologists have shown that the groups. speak the language of the Uigur group ancient Europoids, northern Samoyedic Material and research methods. The of Turkic languages [2]. Anthropological and Keto-speaking tribes, and also Tur- material was collected during expedition and serological research indicates het- kic and Mongolian-speaking natives from works in September 2019 on the ba- erogeneity of Tuvinians and their unique Central Asia took part in the formation sis of the Republican Center of Medical of the Tuvinian gene pool [1, 2]. Genetic Prevention of the Kyzyl (Team Leader studies of mitochondrial DNA and Y-chro- - M.S. Tabikhanova L.E.) The research The Federal Research Center Institute of Cy- mosomes confirmed these assumptions was conducted within the framework of tology and Genetics, The Siberian Branch of [22, 24, 27]. A number of anthropometric agreements between Tuva Research the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian signs and frequency of genetic markers Center, Novosibirsk State University and Federation, 630090, Novosibirsk, Prospekt shows that Tuvinians have more similar- the Federal Research Center Institute Lavrentyeva, 10 and Novosibirsk State Uni- ity with the South Siberian groups which of Cytology and Genetics of The Sibe- versity, Russian Federation, 630090, Novosi- have been formed with participation of rian Branch of the Russian Academy of birsk, Pirogova st.2: TABIKHANOVA Ludmila Edmundovna - Junior Researcher, ORCID the Europoid component - Altaians and Sciences (ICG SB RAS). This study was ID 0000-0002-5547-8189, Scopus Author Khakassians, and also with Samoyeds, approved by the Bioethical Committee ID 24437440800, [email protected] , than with Central Asian peoples - Mon- of the ICG SB RAS. It was carried out in 8-913-753-9785; OSIPOVA Ludmila Pavlov- gols, Buryats, Kalmyks and Yakuts [2, 22, accordance with the requirements of the na - candidate of biological sciences, leading 27]. documents "Ethical principles of scientific researcher, ORCID ID 0000-0001-7602-1156, Molecular and biological methods of medical research with human participa- Scopus AuthorID 57203881313, ludos77@ research have been developing rapidly tion" and "Rules of clinical practice in the; KOVALEV Sergey Sergeevich in recent decades. However, serological Russian Federation". - Junior Researcher, kovalev1994@bionet. studies connected to determination of Blood was taken with disposable nee-; CHURKINA Tatyana Valerievna - Junior Researcher, [email protected]; blood group frequencies have not lost dles from the elbow vein from individ- KHANTEMIROVA Mira Rashitovna - Junior their relevance for studying human popu- uals who expressed their willingness to Researcher, [email protected], Tuva lations [7, 8, 12, 16]. This is due to the low participate in the research and voluntary Research Center, 667000, Internationalnaya cost, good reproducibility, independent of signed an informed consent. Preliminari- St., 117 A, Kyzyl, Republic of Tyva, Russia: subjective evaluation criteria, availability ly, each of the subjects filled in a specially KAVAI-OOL Urana Nikolaevna - Doctor of of studies in the field and the possibility designed questionnaire that indicated the Biological Sciences, leading researcher, 8 of comparison with populations previous- nationality of their ancestors up to 2-3 (39422) 6-62-23, [email protected], Republi- ly studied on a given panel of blood group generations. In the course of the study, can Center of Medical Prevention, 6670058, Druzhby St., 44, Kyzyl, Republic of Tyva, Rus- systems [6, 11, 13, 18, 21, 23, 27]. a sample of ethnic Tuvinians (N=502) sia: SARYGLAR Aidyn Nikolaevich - chief The aim of the research is to study the was formed from natives, mainly from medical doctor, (39422) 5-80-14, rcmp-09@ allele and haplotype frequencies of blood the western and central regions of Tuva, groups AB0, MN, Rhesus and Kell in a who did not indicate ancestors of other 2’ 2020 85

nationalities in their lineage. 18% of the N of the MN system, up to 0.206-0.233 (0.491) [3]. The low frequency allele N sample consists of adolescents aged in the northern Altaians [4]. Yakuts also is typical for Kazakhs (0.357) [9], Mon- 16-18 years, persons aged 19-39 years demonstrate a low frequency of this allele gols (0.413) [5] and Tuvinians of the Tojin - 37%, 40-59 years -33%, 12% are 60-70 (0.234-0.255) [13], which is associated group in the north-east of Tuva (0.363- years old. The female part of the sample with their southern origin. Russian pop- 0.417) [3, 10]. is 73 per cent, while the male part is 27 ulations are characterized by an average Tuvinians in Kyzyl demonstrate the per cent. frequency N in the range of 0.449-0.469 highest possible frequency of haplotype "Hematologist" Ltd. (EritroTestM-Coly- [21]. A low allele frequency N (0.379) was CDe of Rhesus system (0,569). At the cloons anti -A, -A1, -B, -M, -N, -C, -Cw, -c, observed in Tuvanians of Kyzyl city; it is majority of the South Siberian (South -D, -E, -e and anti-Kell) determined blood statistically significantly lower than that in and North Altaians) [4, 18], Central Asian group affiliation in the field laboratory by the Shinaan population of eastern Tuva populations (Mongols and Yakuts) [5, 13], direct hemagglutination method using and also Tundra Nenets [27], this indica- sets of diagnostic reagents for typing hu- Table 1 tor is raised (0,522-0,549) in comparison man blood groups. Frequencies of alleles with Russians [21] and inhabitants of the and haplotypes of systems AB0, Rhesus Quantities of blood group phenotypes North of Siberia - Komi, Khanty, Ngana- in the studied sample of Tuvinians and Kell were calculated by a method of of Kyzyl (N=502). sans (0,253-0,432) [6, 20]. The Rhesus the maximum plausibility with use of the cDE haplotype is considered a marker computer program developed by the em- Blood for northern Mongoloids. Its maximal val- ployee of ICG SB RAS Kirichenko A.V. Al- quantity Frequency ue is found at Nganasans of the Taimyr group Phenotype (n) (%) lele frequencies M and N were defined on system Peninsula (0,622) [20], and minimal - at the basis of observed frequencies of phe- 0(I) 229 45.6 Russians of Siberia (0,162) [21]. The in- notypes of system MN. For construction A1(II) 102 20.3 termediate value of frequency haplotype of maps of genetic distances between A2(II) 20 4.0 cDE at Tuvinians (0,318) makes them AB0 populations, and also for revealing the B(III) 119 23.7 similar to Mongols, a population of Yakuts contribution of alleles and haplotypes in A1B(IV) 24 4.8 of Nurbinsky ulus and South Altaians [5, differentiation processes was used A.V. A2B(IV) 8 1.6 13, 18]. Two individuals with rhesus-neg- Kirichenko's program, that developed on MM 201 40.0 ative phenotype were found, which was the basis of Harpending and Jenkins's MN NN 80 15.9 not registered in the previous works on method [25]. Tuvinians [3, 10]. Total frequency hap- MN 221 44.1 Results and discussion. The quan- lotype cde and Cde, causing "Europoid" CCDee 179 35.6 tities and frequencies (%) of blood group rhesus-negative phenotype at Tuvinians CcDEe 174 34.7 phenotypes in the Tuvinian sample are is equal 0,074. Such value of frequency shown in Table 1, and the allele and hap- CcDee 53 10.6 rhesus-negative haplotype characterizes lotype frequencies of blood groups are ccDEE 54 10.7 also Forest (0,069) and Tundra (0,096) shown in Table 2. Rhesus ccDEe 38 7.6 Nenets and North Altaians Kumans The frequency distribution of alleles of ccDee 2 0.4 (0,094) [4, 15, 27]. No marker allele Cw the AB0 system in the Tuvinian samples ccdee 1 0.2 for Europoid populations was found in the is characterized by a high occurrence of CCDEe 1 0.2 studied sample of Tuvinians. It is fixed allele 0 (0.670), which is typical for indig- Ccdee 1 0.2 with considerable frequency 0,038 pres- enous Siberian populations [4, 6, 10, 13, K 19 3.8 ence "ancient" haplotype cDe. Kell 15, 18, 20, 27]. The frequency of allele kk 483 96.2 Among Tuvinians we found carriers of B in the studied samples corresponds allele K (0.019) of the Kell system, which to the frequency interval described in is absent in many Siberian populations the literature for Tuvinian populations Table 2 (Nganasans, Yakuts, Forest Nenets and (0.103-0.210) [2, 3, 10]. According to the South Altaians) [13, 15, 18, 20], and is Frequencies of alleles and haplotypes literature, zones with the opposite ratio blood groups in the studied sample registered with statistically significantly of AB0 system genes frequencies are of Tuvinians. lower frequency in North Khanty (0.001) distinguished in the Tuva territory [2]. and Tundra Nenets (0.003) [6, 27]. The group of Tuvinians of Kyzyl, which, Blood group Allele, Among the North Altaians this marker according to the survey data, consists of system haplotype Frequency Europoid allele was found with a frequen- 90% of natives of the western and cen- O 0.670 cy of 0.012-0.040, while in the Russians tral regions, demonstrates increase in the A1 0.134 (0.031-0.074) and Komi (0.076) this in- AB0 frequency A, characteristic for this geo- A2 0.033 dex is statistically significantly higher [4, graphical localization, compared with B. B 0.163 6, 21]. In the southern and eastern regions the M 0.621 Figure 1 presents a map of genetic opposite trend is observed, indicating in- MN distances between 16 populations of in- N 0.379 crease in the Mongoloid component [2, digenous peoples of Northern Eurasia, CDe 0.569 3]. The frequency of the marker "Euro- built on 15 alleles and haplotypes (0, cDE 0.318 poid" allele A2 (0.033) is significant, and A1, A2, B, K, K, M, N, CDe, cDE, cDe, cDe 0.038 w falls into the range corresponding to the Rhesus cde, CDE, C De) 4 genetic blood sys- Russian samples 0.024-0.070 [21]. cde 0.060 tems (AB0, MN, Rhesus and Kell) by The maximum frequency of the allele Cde 0.014 the Harpending and Jenkins method. It N of the MN system from Siberian popula- CDE 0.001 shows the mutual location of the popu- K 0.019 tions was found in the Nganasan (0.713) Kell lations of Russians, Komi, Khanty, Sam- [20], followed by a decrease in the allele k 0.981 oyedic (Nganasans, Forest and Tundra 86 ЯКУТСКИЙ МЕДИЦИНСКИЙ ЖУРНАЛ

Nenets) and Turkic-speaking groups Conclusion. (South Altaians, Yakuts, and Tuvinians), Thus, the present which differ in linguistic identity, in the study shows that space of two main components deriving among the studied 74% of the total variability. We can see 16 Siberian popula- that Tuvinians are clustered with other tions Tuvinian Kyzyl Turkic-speaking populations of South Al- are genetically clos- taians and Yakuts. Genetic closeness of est to the Yakuts Yakuts to Tuvinians and Altai was shown and South Altaians earlier at the analysis of mtDNA lines [17, in terms of allele 19, 26], and also by the results of full ge- and haplotype fre- nomic analysis [19]. Separately located quencies of blood is the Samoyedic group of Nganasans, groups ABO, MN, Forest and Tundra Nenets, as well as Resus and Kell. It clusters of North Khanty, Komi-Zyryans was found out that and Russians of Siberia, including the Tuvinians are char- Old Believers. 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To study the prevalence of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), erosive and ulcerative diseases of gastroduodenal zone and their asso- ciation in schoolchildren from different regions of Siberia with hereditary predisposition to stomach pathology, schoolchildren from the Republic of Tyva, Buryatia and Evenkia were examined. The prevalence of GERD among schoolchildren in Tyva was higher than in Buryatia and Evenkia. The destructive process of stomach mucosa and duodemum was also higher in Tyva. In children with erosive ulcerative lesions of the gastroduodenal zone, comorbidity of the esophagus was also more frequently determined. The significant influence of family predisposition to stomach pathology on the prevalence of GERD, erosive- ulcer diseases of gastroduodenal zone, as well as their association in Siberian schoolchildren was established. At the same time, territorial features influence the severity of these processes. Keywords: children, gastritis with erosions, ulcer disease, GERD, hereditary predisposition.

Chronic diseases of the upper gastro- impact on the functional systems of the Materials and methods. The intestinal tract are mostly classified as organism, leading to the formation of pa- cross-sectional method was used to multifactorial [4, 5, 9]. Among risk factors, thology, or, more often, a complex of ad- collect data on gastroenterological com- family predisposition plays a major role in verse factors [12, 17]. At the same time, plaints in children and anamnestic data their formation [11, 13]. Its realization is different regions of the world have their on the presence of digestive pathology carried out under the influence of unfavor- own set of environmental factors with in children's relatives using standardized able factors of external environment that various negative impacts on the human questionnaires in various regions of Sibe- reflects the level of organism's resistance body, which, to a large extent, determine ria: in the Republic of Tyva (1535 school- to their influence. Nutrition, stresses, bad the level of regional risk of disease de- children), Buryatia (790) and Evenkia habits, etc. are considered among envi- velopment [6]. Thus, ecologically unfa- (1369). A total of 3,694 school children ronmental factors with negative impact vorable environment for human habita- aged from 7 to 17 years were examined. on the organism. At the same time by the tion and increased risk of gastrointestinal The research in the regions was carried level of negative influence they can have diseases development is considered to out by the expedition method in localities different significance for the organism, up be the Far North. Moreover, in Siberia, that are identical in their socio-economic to failure of its adaptation reserves and the structure of diseases of the stomach level. disease development [2, 8]. This may be and esophagus has regional, ethnic, and All children over 15 years of age and one factor with a pronounced negative age-related features [1, 14, 16]. Speak- parents of young children involved in the ing about these features, it is necessary study gave a written form of informed to note especially presence in the region consent to participate in the experiment, Mrs. POLIVANOVA Tamara Vladimirovna of territories with extremely high inci- according to the Helsinki Declaration of – Full Professor (Medicine), Chief Scientific dence of adult population of stomach and the World Medical Association, which Worker of Clinical Division of the Pathology esophagus cancer. In particular, these regulates the conduct of scientific re- of Digestion System in Adults and Children are the territories of the Tyva Republic search. The form of informed consent of Scientific Research Institute for Medical and Buryatia [1, 3]. In this connection, and the research Protocol were reviewed Problems of the North of Federal Research the data on the role of specific factors in and approved by the ethics Committee of Centre «Krasnoyarsk Scientific Centre» of the development of children's stomach Federal Research Centre «Krasnoyarsk Siberian Division of Russian Academy of Sciences; Partizana Zheleznyaka Str., 3G, and esophagus diseases, i.e., in the age Scientific Centre» Siberian Division of Krasnoyarsk, 660022, Russian Federation; period of pathology occurrence in the Russian Academy of Sciences, Kras- tel.: +7 950 990 57 09; E-mail: tamara- majority of adults, are of interest [1, 3]. noyarsk. [email protected]; Mr. VSHIVKOV In particular, the data on the role of fami- Groups of school children were ran- Vitaliy Alekseevich – PhD (Medicine), Senior ly predisposition in their occurrence, this domly selected from the number of chil- Scientific Worker of Clinical Division of the can be used in preventive measures of dren with gastroenterological complaints Pathology of Digestion System in Adults and formation and progression of pathology. in each region and underwent esophago- Children of Scientific Research Institute for The objective of the research is to gastroduodenoscopy (FGS). An instru- Medical Problems of the North of Federal Research Centre «Krasnoyarsk Scientific study the prevalence of gastroesophage- mental study of the upper gastrointesti- Centre» of Siberian Division of Russian al reflux disease, erosive and ulcerative nal tract in Tyva was conducted for 283 Academy of Sciences; Partizana Zheleznyaka diseases of the gastroduodenal zone and children, in Buryatia - 110 and in Evenkia Str., 3G, Krasnoyarsk, 660022, Russian their association with hereditary predis- - 205. The gender-age composition of the Federation; tel.: +7 923 280 06 98; E-mail: position to stomach pathology in school- surveyed schoolchildren in the regions [email protected]. children from different regions of Siberia. was identical. 2’ 2020 89

Criteria for including children in a study the same time, Siberia is a huge territory, tract. The alpine climate, which distin- using FGS: 1. Age from 7 to 17 years; 2. which includes various climatogeograph- guishes Tuva from other territories, can Absence of acute inflammatory diseases ic zones, significantly differing in the geo- have a negative effect on the function of in children; 3. Absence of chronic diseas- chemical composition of soil and water. the gastrointestinal tract. Maybe this is es of other body systems in the acute Extreme environmental factors can en- a factor in the specifics of nutrition. It is stage; 4. Absence of functional insuffi- hance the negative role of a family pre- important that the indigenous people are ciency of organs and body systems; 5. disposition to the disease in the formation the titular nations in Buryatia and Tuva. Presence of internal complaints. of the pathological process; in particular, Moreover, the uniqueness of the indig- The GERD in children was diagnosed which is the basis for the onset of clinical enous population of Siberia lies in their in accordance with the children's consen- manifestations of GERD. Territorial fea- genetic diversity. In this connection, it is sus on pathology [10]. During screen- tures of the prevalence of diseases are impossible to exclude a certain influence, ing, the presence of weekly heartburn formed. This is clearly demonstrated by again, of genetic factors characterizing was taken as a criterion for diagnosing the results of our study. Thus, the asso- the belonging of a population to a specific GERD. Heartburn was understood as a ciation of GERD with a family predispo- ethnic group. All this needs further study. burning sensation in the retrosternal re- sition to the pathology of the digestive The relationship of family predisposi- gion. Based on the results of an instru- organs in schoolchildren was determined tion and GERD in children, the severity of mental study of the upper gastrointestinal independently of the region and the par- which has certain differences under the tract, two clinical variants of GERD were ticular climatic conditions of residence influence of environmental factors, forms identified: 1. non-erosive (NERD), based (Table 1). This highlights the special, regional features of not only the preva- on the presence of weekly heartburn in dominant role of family predisposition in lence, but also the severity of damage to the child in the absence of erosive and the formation of the disease. the esophagus. To a certain extent, this ulcerative changes in the esophageal At the same time, differences in the fact is confirmed by the results of instru- mucosa and 2. erosive form, diagnosed severity of this association in children mental studies of the upper sections of in the presence of erosive esophagitis. of different regions draw attention to the gastrointestinal tract (Table 2). GERD Statistical analysis of the results was themselves, which reflects the negative with erosive esophagitis was mainly di- performed using the Statistica 6.1 soft- impact of environmental factors. GERD agnosed in schoolchildren with a family ware package (StatSoft, USA). The prevalence rates among schoolchildren history of gastric pathology (in 3 (1.2%) analysis of the statistical significance of with a family history of gastric pathology cases versus 1 (0.3%) in schoolchildren differences in qualitative characteristics in Tuva were significantly higher (11.8%) without a family history). Significant dif- was carried out using the Yates-corrected than among schoolchildren in Buryatia ferences were not obtained, due to the x2criterion and the Fischer two-way exact (6.7%; p = 0.0001) and Evenkia (8.4%; fact that pathology is not widespread in criterion. The statistical significance of p = 0.0001). The result, in our opinion, childhood and adolescence compared differences in features was estimated at indicates the presence on the territory of with adults. p<0.05 [7]. Tyva of environmental factors with a more In the course of the study, it was not- Results and discussions. Based on pronounced negative effect on the body. ed that there was no obvious increase in the clinical manifestations of heartburn, Such factors in Tuva can be pronounced erosive and ulcerative diseases in school- GERD was diagnosed among the ex- iodine deficiency [15], which is accompa- children with a family predisposition to amined contingent of schoolchildren in nied by hypothyroidism and characteris- stomach pathology, there was only a ten- 6.4%. Significant territorial differences in tic motor disorders of the gastrointestinal dency in children of Buryatia and Even- the prevalence of pathology in children were noted. In Tuva, 9.5% of schoolchil- Table 1 dren had GERD manifestations. These are significantly higher in comparison Screening for GERD in children with gastrointestinal complaints in Tyva, Buryatia, with the prevalence of the disease among and Evenkia schoolchildren in Buryatia (4.1%; p = 0.0001) and Evenkia (4.2%; p = 0.0001). GERD The prevalence of GERD in Evenkia and Region Burdened family history of gastric pathology n Buryatia was identical (p = 0.8988). n % 1. Yes 626 74 11,8 The prevalence of GERD in children Tyva with a burdened family history of gastric 2. No 909 72 7,9 pathology was assessed. It was found 3. Yes 254 17 6,7 Buryatia that in schoolchildren with a burdened 4. No 536 15 2,8 family history, the frequency of GERD 5. Yes 379 32 8,4 Evenkia increased (in 9.8% compared with 4.6% 6. No 990 25 2,5 of the prevalence of the disease among All 7. Yes 1259 123 9,8 children without a burdened family histo- regions 8. No 2435 112 4,6 ry; p = 0.0001). We consider this result 1-2 as a consequence of the increased ef- p =0,0105 p1-3=0,0235 fect of the acid factor, which is inherent p1-5=0,0911 in patients with diseases of the stomach 3-4 p-level (significance of feature differences) p =0,0095 and GERD. A connection with a family p5-6=0,0001 2-4 predisposition for gastric pathology indi- p =0,0001 p2-6=0,0001 cates genetic mechanisms for the imple- 7-8 mentation of the negative impact of this p =0,0001 factor in the occurrence of the disease. At Note: GERD - gastroesophageal reflux disease. 90 ЯКУТСКИЙ МЕДИЦИНСКИЙ ЖУРНАЛ

kia (Table 3). A similar trend was not ob- and diseases with erosive and ulcerative uals without a destructive process in the served in Tuva, which is regarded as the changes in the mucosa of the gastrodu- stomach and duodenum; p = 0.0006). result of a pronounced negative influence odenal zone, it was noted that the asso- This insignificant trend was observed in of external factors, and the significance ciation of these pathological processes the populations of schoolchildren exam- of the influence of such a factor as fam- increases sharply in schoolchildren with ined in all three territories. A closer asso- ily predisposition goes by the wayside. a burdened family history of gastric pa- ciative relationship between the diseases An argument in favor of this may be an thology (Table 4). was observed in Buryatia and Evenkia. extremely pronounced problem with can- Thus, the highest rates of GERD were In schoolchildren of these regions, even cer incidence in adult residents of Tyva determined in schoolchildren with a fam- in the absence of erosive and ulcerative [1], which is evidence of the existence ily predisposition in the presence of ero- lesions, in the presence of a family pre- of factors in the region with an extreme- sive and ulcerative changes in the gastric disposition to gastric pathology, clinical ly negative effect on health parameters. mucosa and duodenum. The prevalence manifestations of GERD were more often Another argument may be the highest of GERD in schoolchildren with ero- present. This, in our opinion, indicates rates of erosive-ulcerative pathology of sive-ulcerative lesions of the gastroduo- the importance of genetic mechanisms the gastroduodenal zone in Tyva and in denal zone increased in individuals with a in the implementation of pathological children without a family predisposition to family history of gastric pathology (30.3% processes. Excellent territorial data were stomach pathology (17.4%). Moreover, versus 18.9% in individuals without a de- established in Tyva, where the influence its growth was formed by an increase in structive process in the stomach and duo- of family predisposition to gastric pathol- almost all nosological units in the struc- denum; p = 0.1299) and in schoolchildren ogy on the association between diseas- ture of erosive-ulcerative pathology. without a family predisposition to gastric es (GERD and erosive ulcers) was not Analyzing the relationship of GERD pathology (25.8% versus 7.4% in individ- determined. In fact, this strengthens the arguments in favor of the position of the Table 2 dominant influence of the regional envi- ronmental conditions of this territory in Frequency and forms of GERD in endoscopically examined schoolchildren in Tyva, the formation of the considered diseases. Buryatia, and Evenkia with intestinal complaints Conclusion Thus, a family predisposition to gas- Non-erosive tric pathology is a significant factor influ- Burdened family history of gastric Erosive GERD GERD Region pathology n encing the risk of developing GERD and n % n % erosive and ulcerative diseases of the 1. Yes 162 3 1,9 36 22,2 gastroduodenal zone and their associ- Tyva 2. No 121 0 0 23 19,0 ation in schoolchildren. This affects the 3. Yes 53 0 0 8 15,1 prevalence of pathological processes. In Buryatia addition to the family predisposition, the 4. No 57 0 0 1 1,8 external environment has a pronounced 5. Yes 40 0 0 5 12,5 Evenkia effect on the prevalence of these patho- 6. No 165 1 0,6 6 3,6 logical processes in schoolchildren, All 7. Yes 255 3 1,2 49 19,2 which forms some regional features of regions 8. No 343 1 0,3 30 8,7 the prevalence of these diseases, as well as their relationship. Moreover, under p3-4=0,0108 p5-6=0,0256 certain conditions, a family predisposition p-level (significance of feature differences) p7-8=0,0002 acts as a factor with a dominant influence p2-4=0,0017 on the formation of pathological process- 2-6 p =0,0001 es, while in others, the role of unfavor-

Table 3

Frequency and structure of erosive-ulcerative pathology in children of Tyva, Buryatia, Evenkia with intestinal complaints

Erosive-ulcerative Erosive Erosive Burdened family history pathology gastritis duodenitis Gastric ulcer Duodenal ulcer Region of gastric pathology n абс. % абс. % абс. % абс. % абс. % 1. Yes 162 23 14.2 12 7.4 9 5.6 2 1.2 5 3.1 Tyva 2. No 121 21 17.4 13 10.7 8 6.6 2 1.7 3 2.5 3. Yes 53 6 11.3 4 7.5 1 1.9 0 2 3.8 Buryatia 4. No 57 2 3.5 2 3.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 5. Yes 40 4 10.0 3 7.5 2 5.0 0 0 0 0 Evenkia 6. No 165 8 4.8 5 3.0 4 2.4 0 0 2 1.2 All 7. Yes 255 33 12.9 19 7.5 12 4.7 2 0.8 7 2.7 regions 8. No 343 31 9.0 20 5.8 12 3.5 2 0.6 5 1.5 2-4 2-4 p-level (significance of feature differences) p =0.0102 2-6 p =0.0469 p2-6=0.0005 p =0.0079 p2-6=0.0809 Note: GERD - gastroesophageal reflux disease. 2’ 2020 91

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Yu.R. Akhmeldinova, L.S. Evert, T.V. Potupchik BRAIN NEUROTROPHIC BDNF LEVEL DOI 10.25789/YMJ.2020.70.27 AT TEENAGERS WITH SYNCOPAL УДК 616.8-009.832-053.6 CONDITIONS

The aim of the study was to assess the level of cerebral neurotrophic factor BDNF in the blood plasma of adolescents with syncopal conditions. Materials and methods: 225 people (boys and girls) aged 12-17 years were examined, of which 63 adolescents with a history of neurogenic syncope (main group) and 162 without syncope (control group). The plasma BDNF content (in pg / ml) was determined on a Multiscan FC appara- tus (Finland) using the Quantikine® ELISA ELISA using the R&D systems® reagent kit (USA). The obtained data were processed in the program "Statistica 12". Results: lower levels of BDNF in the blood plasma of adolescents with neurogenic syncopal conditions were detected. A large number of indi- viduals with slightly and significantly reduced BDNF levels among adolescents with syncope episodes were found. Discussion: taking into account the significant role of BDNF in modulating neuroplastic processes, the decrease in its level detected by us can probably be regarded as a metabolic marker of the risk of the occurrence and presence of neurodegenerative processes in the brain tissue of adolescents with recurrent syncope. This assumption can be confirmed by further studies. Conclusions: syncope in adolescents is associated with lower levels of cerebral neurotrophic factor BDNF. Among adolescents with syncope, there are more individuals with slightly- and significantly reduced BDNF levels compared to the group without syncope. Keywords: adolescents, syncope, cerebral neurotrophic factor BDNF.

Introduction. Syncope (fainting) is According to the results of large popula- ed episodes of cerebral hypovolemia in an episode of sudden short-term loss of tion studies, the frequency of syncope children with syncopal conditions and consciousness associated with a sharp in children is 126 per 100,000 children neuron hypoxia arising from it may lead weakening of postural muscle tone and and adolescents [16,18,19]. According to to the development of degenerative pro- characterized by a spontaneous resto- epidemiological data, 15-20% of adoles- cesses in the substance of the brain. ration of cerebral functions. The main cents experience at least a single episode A special role in the modulation of neu- signs of a syncope are sudden develop- of syncope before reaching the age of 18 roplastic processes is played by neuro- ment, short duration and reversibility. The years [3]. The frequency of occurrence trophic germ factors (NTF). To date, the problem of neurogenic syncope states of episodes of syncopal conditions in most studied is the brain neurotrophic related to psychosomatic disorders is schoolchildren of the city of Krasnoyarsk factor - brain-derived-neurotrophic-factor currently an urgent medical problem [2]. according to a questionnaire survey is (BDNF). It refers to physiologically active An equally important task is the timely di- 7.6%, with a predominance in girls, com- polypeptides that regulate the growth agnosis and effective correction of these pared with boys, and in older students, and differentiation of neurons during phy- disorders, taking into account the pecu- compared with children of primary school logenesis, contribute to the formation of liarities of metabolic processes in the age [5]. The most frequent and significant new synaptic connections in the postna- brain tissue and affecting the functioning types of syncope in children and adoles- tal period. BDNF plays a crucial role in of the central nervous system [6,7,10,13]. cents include: vasovagal syncope (up to the pathogenesis of neurodegenerative 90% of all cases of syncope); orthostatic diseases, in the restoration of functions syncope (8-10%); respiratory affective in traumatic and vascular lesions of the seizures (only in children from 6 months nervous system. BDNF is a protein with AKHMEL'DINOVA Yuliya Rinatovna - 6th year student of the pediatric faculty of to 2 years old); toxic / medicinal synco- a molecular weight of 27 kDa and is ex- KrasGMU; Russia, 660022, Krasnoyarsk, ul. pe (poisoning, side effects of drugs, are pressed in fibroblasts, astrocytes, neu- Partizan Zheleznyak, 1, e-mail: axmeldinova@ rare); cardiogenic syncope (about 5% of rons, platelets, as well as in lemmocytes; EVERT LIDIYA Semenovna - Doctor all cases of syncope). [17]. During the development of the ner- of Medical Sciences, Chief Researcher at the There are many reasons that can pro- vous system, BDNF is involved in the dif- Clinical Department of Somatic and Mental voke attacks of loss of consciousness. ferentiation of neurons, in synaptogene- Health of Children, Research Institute of the In most cases, syncopal conditions are sis, and plays a role in long-term potenti- Ministry of Railways, FIC KSC SB RAS; Rus- primarily neurogenic in nature and are ation and synaptic plasticity. It is believed sia, 660022, Krasnoyarsk, ul. Partizan Zhele- mediated by conditioned or uncondition- that it can play a role in the formation of znyak, d. 3G; Professor of the Department of General Professional Disciplines FSBEI of HE ally reflex mechanisms of regulation of memory. "KSU named after N.F. Katanova"; Russia, the cardiovascular system, causing the Since embryonic development of 655000, Abakan, ul. Khakasskaya, 68; https:// body to respond to external influences. platelets and neurons comes from the; e-mail: lidi- However, they can occur during decom- same precursor in the scallop, the con- [email protected]; POTUPCHIK Tat'yana pensation of severe somatic diseases centration of BDNF in the blood may re- Vital'evna - candidate of medical sciences, and cerebral pathological processes that flect the level of synthesis of BDNF in the associate professor of the Department of threaten the life of the child (brain tumor, central nervous system. To date, 2 types Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Consulting cerebral aneurysm, etc.). of BDNF receptors are known: the first with a course at FSBEI HE “KrasGMU named The immediate cause of syncope is are low-affinity NGF receptors with a mo- after prof. V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky" Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation; Russia, a sharp and sudden decrease in blood lecular weight of 75 kDaltons (LNGFR), 660022, Krasnoyarsk, st. Partizan Zhele- supply to the brain below the level nec- the second are high-affinity receptors for znyak, d.1; essary to maintain adequate brain tissue tropomyosine kinase-B with a molecular 4447; e-mail: [email protected] metabolism. The consequence of repeat- weight of 145 kDaltons (TrkB) [15]. These 2’ 2020 93

receptors determine the specificity of the Statistical processing of the obtained a statistically significantly lower content action of BDNF. The functional activity of data was carried out by non-parametric of cerebral neurotrophic factor BDNF in neurotrophic factors (including BDNF) is statistics methods in the program "Statis- plasma compared to the level of a similar quite high. During the development of tika 12" [8]. The results of the analysis indicator in adolescents without syncope the nervous system, they participate in of quantitative traits are presented as in history. the differentiation, maturation of neurons the median (Me) and interquartile range Numerous studies in recent years and the formation of synapses. In the (Q25 – Q75). Binary features are pre- have shown that BDNF plays a signif- adult body, they play a neuroprotective sented as% share and boundaries of the icant role in the pathophysiology of a role, protect brain neurons from hypoxia confidence interval estimated by the Wil- large number of diseases and patholog- and ischemia [14]. BDNF and the sero- son method. The achieved level of signif- ical conditions. A decrease in the content tonergic system, interacting with each icance of differences (p) for quantitative of this neurotrophic factor has been es- other in the central nervous system and indicators was determined by the Mann tablished in a number of diseases and modulating brain processes together, are – Whitney U-test, for binary characters, syndromes, with impaired memory and involved in the pathogenesis of anxiety, by the Pearson χ2 criterion. Differences cognitive functions. Thus, a decrease in depression and impaired cognitive pro- between groups were considered statis- the level of BDNF was detected in adult cesses in humans. tically significant at a achieved level of p patients with chronic tension headache Antidepressant therapy increases the ≤ 0.05. [11] and those with memory impairment production of BDNF, which leads to the Results and discussion. To assess and cognitive dysfunction [1]. restoration of processes of neurogenesis the level of BDNF in the blood plasma It has been established that there are and neuronal plasticity. In recent years, of the examined adolescents at the first fewer individuals with normal plasma the possibility of using a serum BDNF stage, we developed internal standards concentrations of BDNF and a greater concentration indicator and / or BDNF for this indicator: the percentile values of proportion of individuals with a low con- gene polymorphisms to predict or eval- the cerebral neurotrophic factor in ado- tent of this indicator in adolescents with uate the effectiveness of a response to lescents in the control group were deter- connective tissue dysplasia syndrome, therapy has been widely studied. The mined. The 5 ‰ values in adolescents in dorsopathy, autonomic dysfunction syn- identification of the significant role of the control group were 256 pg / ml, 10 drome, arterial hypertension, recurrent NTF and, in particular, BDNF in stimu- ‰ - 321 pg / ml, 15 39 - 394 pg / ml, 25 cephalgia and asthenic syndrome. Ado- lating neuroplasticity is promising in the 52 - 527 pg / ml, 50 ‰ - 823 pg / ml, 75 lescents with a violation of psychoemo- treatment of vascular, traumatic and neu- ‰ - 1122 pg / ml, 85 ‰ - 1420 pg / ml, tional status are characterized by a lower rodegenerative diseases of the nervous 90 ‰ - 1660 pg / ml and 95 ‰ - 1990 pg content of BDNF in plasma, a tendency to system. / ml. Criteria for assessing BDNF levels a decrease in the concentration of BDNF The aim of our study was to assess are presented in tables 1 and 2. was revealed as the severity of distress, the level of cerebral neurotrophic factor As a result of the study, it was found depression, anxiety, somatization and as- BDNF in adolescents with neurogenic that among the examined with syncopal thenia increased [12]. syncopal conditions. conditions there was a greater number A relationship was found between the Materials and research methods. of adolescents with a slightly reduced level of serum concentration of cerebral The object of the study was adolescents level of BDNF (14.3%, CI = 7.9-24.3%) neurotrophic factor in children with hy- 12-17 years old (boys and girls) in the compared with the control group (6.6%, poxic-ischemic brain lesions in which amount of 225 people, the subject of the CI = 3.9-10.9%, χ2 = 3.93, p = 0.0475). the serum concentration of BDNF was study was the neurotrophic factor BDNF. The proportion of adolescents with a sig- 1.3-1.6 times lower [4]. T.V. Samsonova The main group consisted of 63 adoles- nificantly reduced level of the analyzed (2013) found a decrease in the adaptive cents with neurogenic syncope, and 162 factor was also significantly larger in the capabilities of the apparatus of autoreg- adolescents without a history of syncope group with a history of syncope (10.0%, ulation of cerebral circulation and auto- were included in the control group. Infor- CI = 4.9-19.2%) than in the group with- nomic regulation in adolescent children mation about the presence of syncope out syncope (1.5%, CI = 0.5-4.4%, χ2 who underwent perinatal hypoxic brain was obtained by questioning. = 10.36, p = 0.0013). Relative to other lesions of moderate severity, associated The level of neurotrophic factor BDNF gradations of blood plasma BDNF lev- with a decrease in the production of neu- in the blood plasma was determined on a el, there were no statistically significant ropeptide P substance 10-14 years old Multiscan FC apparatus (Finland, 2009) differences in the compared groups, but and brain neurotrophic factor BDNF - at using the Quantikine® ELISA ELISA us- there was a clear tendency for a greater the age of 15-17 [9]. ing the R&D systems® reagent kit (USA). number of individuals with BDNF levels Our data confirm the identified T.V. The BDNF content in the analyzed plas- below the normative values among ado- Samsonova (2013) direction of changes ma samples was expressed in PG / ml. lescents with syncopal conditions. At the in the level of BDNF in adolescents with The survey was carried out after ob- same time, the results of our comparative a history of PPCNS and the subsequent taining written informed consent to par- analysis revealed a tendency toward a development of autonomic dysfunction. ticipate in the study of parents of ado- higher incidence of adolescents with nor- In our study, syncopal conditions in the lescents under 15 years old or the ado- mal and elevated levels of BDNF in the examined adolescents had a neurogenic lescents themselves over the age of 15 group without a history of syncope. etiology due to the presence of autonom- years. The study was approved by the A comparative analysis of the quanti- ic dysfunction syndrome predominantly Ethics Committee of the Federal State tative values of the level of BDNF in the of the vagotonic type, and in patients with Budgetary Institution of Science and blood plasma of adolescents with synco- hypertension, the sympathicotonic type. Technology of the Federal Research pe and without syncope in the history is In the history of most of the examined Center of the Kola Scientific Center of the illustrated in table 3. there were indications of a perinatal le- SB RAS (Minutes No. 1 dated March 16, As can be seen from the table above, sion of the central nervous system. 2020). adolescents with syncopal conditions had To date, the important role of BDNF 94 ЯКУТСКИЙ МЕДИЦИНСКИЙ ЖУРНАЛ

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The article presents a study on pharmacological activity of phenolic compound complex isolated from the polycomponent extract "Hexaphyte", which has choleretic activity. The aim of the study was to determine the role of the phenolic compound complex in the mechanism of action of hexaphyte. The results of successive series of experiments to determine the role of phenolic compounds in the mechanism of action of "Hexaphyte" extract, including in the manifestation of choleretic activity, concluded that the phenolic compound complex isolated from hexaphyte had a positive effect on the manifestation of choleretic, antioxidant and membrane-stabilizing activity of extract "Hexaphyte". Keywords: polycomponent plant extract, phenolic compound complex, choleretic action.

Introduction. Digestive diseases oc- choleretic activity due to the presence of The phenolic compound complex of cupy a leading place in the general struc- biologically active substances, mainly of hexaphyte was obtained by eluting with ture of human diseases, and they have phenolic nature [8]. an alcohol-water mixture in increasing a recurrent course, a functional nature of In this regard, the aim of our study was concentration on a polyamide sorbent the disorders, and the organic nature of clarifying the role of the phenolic com- produced by the WOEL company. the pathology [14, 9]. pound complex isolated from hexaphyte This work was carried out in accor- The use of plant-derived choleretics for interpretation its action mechanism, in dance with the Federal Law “On Medic- is indicated for chronic diseases of the particular, its choleretic activity. inal Products” and the “Guidelines for liver, gall bladder, and biliary tract [11]. Materials and methods. The object Conducting Preclinical Studies of Medi- The range of herbal medicines with chol- of the research is the phenolic compound cines”. The experiments were performed eretic activity is small and is represented complex isolated from extract "Hexa- on 120 outbred male rats with an initial by plant composition (species), as well phyte". weight of 180-200 g. The animals were as purified extracts in the form of tablets The dry extract under the code name obtained from the Federal State Budget- (flamin, caleflon and hofitol), a solution "Hexaphyte" was obtained from the fol- ary Scientific Institution Biomedical Tech- for oral administration (hofitol), tablets of lowing species of medicine plant raw nology Research Center of the Federal allochol, etc. [4]. materials: flowers of dwarf everlast (He- Medical and Biological Agency of Russia; In this regard, the expansion of the lichrysum arenarium L.) – 300g, flowers they lived in the vivarium having free ac- range of drugs with choleretic activity of tansy (Tanacetum vulgare L.) – 100g, cess to food and water. Pharmacolog- is promising. Given this circumstance, rose hips (Rosa sp.) – 100g, leaves of ical studies were carried out according the creation of new and effective drugs common nettle (Urtica dioica L.) – 100g, to the Order of the Ministry of Health of based on a rational herbal composition is leaves of peppermint (Mentha piperita L.) the Russian Federation No. 199n dated appropriate [5, 12, 13]. – 50g, roots of liquorice (Glycyrrhiza gla- 04/01/2016 “On the approval of the rules Based on information-analytical anal- bra L.) – 50g. of good laboratory practice”, according ysis of the literature and preliminary phy- The hexaphyte was obtained during si- to the norms of good laboratory prac- tochemical study of raw plant materials, multaneously component extraction with tice (GLP). The research was approved the authors developed the dry extract un- hot water (75-85о С). It contains polysac- by the Institute’s Bioethical Commission der the code name "Hexaphyte" that has charides, flavonoids, carotenoids, organ- (protocol No. 7 of October 1, 2018). ic acids, vitamins, macro- and micronu- We studied the effect of phenolic com- trients, essential oils and other natural pound complex isolated from hexaphyte FERUBKO Ekaterina Vladimirovna – PhD compounds. Extract "Hexaphyte" was on the liver choleretic function in intact (candidate of medical sciences), head of the standardized according to a complex of rats with a single dose of 100 mg/kg or department of experimental and clinical phar- flavonoids in terms of luteolin standard 500 mg/kg. macology; Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "All-Russian Scientific Research and isosalipurposide standard, while the Bile of rats anesthetized with sodi- Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants" Ad- content of flavonoids is regulated at least um thiopental, 45 mg/kg, was obtained dress: Greene St., 7. Moscow, 117216, Rus- 4% in the first case and at least 15% in according to the standard procedure [7] sian Federation, e-mail [email protected]. the second case [8]. using a polyethylene cannula inserted 96 ЯКУТСКИЙ МЕДИЦИНСКИЙ ЖУРНАЛ

into the common bile duct. The degree mg/kg. The rats of the control group were сholate-forming and сholate-releasing of choleretic activity of the phenolic com- injected in equivolume amounts of puri- effects of the amount of phenolic com- pound complex isolated from hexaphyte fied water according to a similar regimen. pound complex studied were determined. was estimated by the secretion rate and The effect of the phenolic compound Subsequently, in accordance with the by the total amount of bile secreted, which complex isolated from hexaphyte on the objectives of the study, special experi- was collected every hour for 4 hours, as bile secretion in intact rats has been stud- ments were conducted to evaluate the well as by the content of bile acids in bile. ied (Table 1). antioxidant effect of the hexaphyte phe- The antioxidant activity of the com- plex of phenolic compounds isolated Table 1 from hexaphyte was determined by its intragastric course application in the in- The effect of the hexaphyte phenolic compound complex on bile secretion in intact rats dicated doses one time per day for 10 days. The medicine was applied to rats Bile secretion rate, mg/min per 100.0g suffering from tetrachloromethane (CCl4) Group of animals Dose, mg/kg 1 hour 2 hour 3 hour 4 hour 5 hour hepatitis, starting from 2 days after the first injection of the damaging agent. Liv- Control - 4.1±0.3 4.3±0.4 3.9±0.4 3.2±0.1 2.8±0.2 er damage was induced by intragastric Experimental 1 100 3.6±0.2 4.9±0.4 5.6±0.5* 4.7±0.4* 3.4±0.2 administration to rats of a 50% oil solu- tion of carbon tetrachloride in a volume Experimental 2 500 4.2±0.2 5.9±0.5* 6.4±0.5* 6.4±0.5* 5.2±0.3* of 0.4 ml/100g of an animal weight, one time per day for 4 days [2]. The control Note. In the Tables 1-3 * - p-values ˂0.05 represented significant differences. group rats received water purified in an appropriate volume according to a similar The results presented in the Table 1 nolic compound complex. In a model of scheme. The analysis were carried out show that the administration of above toxic hepatitis caused by the introduc- after 7, 14 and 21 days from the start of indicated phenolic compound complex tion of carbon tetrachloride to rats, the the experiment. To assess the free rad- to intact rats was accompanied by an ac- changes in free radical oxidation rate of ical lipid oxidation, the method of lipid celeration in bile secretion. This specific liver lipids under the influence of the plant chemiluminescent analysis was used. pharmacological effect of the phenolic phenolic complex has been studied. Spontaneous chemiluminescence of liver compound complex applied at a dose of Primary, the rats were arranged into lipids, as well as induced luminescence 500 mg/kg was more pronounced than at following groups: intact (24 rats); control of homogenate from this organ was re- a dose of 100 mg/kg. The choleretic reac- (24 rats), experimental 1 (24 rats); ex- corded on a special quantum-meter in- tion under these conditions was longtime; perimental 2 (24 rats) ones. Animals of stallation designed to measure weak light it took 4-5 hours. Thus, the choleretic ac- the first experimental group were admin- fluxes [3]. Lipids were extracted from liver tion of the phenolic compound complex istrated with hexaphyte phenolic com- tissue according to the method of Folch isolated from hexaphyte is established. pound complex into the stomach through J. et al. [10] with a chloroform-methanol The effect of the phenolic compound a tube in a dose of 100 mg/kg, one time mixture freshly prepared in a 2:1 ratio by complex isolated from hexaphyte on bile per day for 10 days, starting from 2 days volume. acid content in bile in intact rats was stud- after the first injection of the damaging The results of the studies were pro- ied (Table 2). agent. Animals of the second experimen- cessed statistically using Microsoft Of- fice Excel 2007, Statistica 6.0. Arithmetic Table 2 mean (M), arithmetic mean error (m) were calculated. The normality of the distribu- The effect of the hexaphyte phenolic compound complex on the bile acid content tion of variables was determined based in the bile of intact rats on distribution histograms, asymmetry values and excesses. The Student’s Dose, Bile acid content per 1 hour, mg/100.0g Total cholate parametric t-criterion was used to evalu- Group of animals mg/kg per 4 hours, ate the validity of the differences in sam- 2 hour 3 hour 4 hour 5 hour mg/100.0g ples close to the normal distribution. Dif- Control - 1.50±0.4 1.35±0.3 0.80±0.4 0.61±0.1 4.26±0.3 ferences between the compared values considered significant at the level of the Experimental 1 100 1.80±0.4 2.80±0.6* 2.19±0.5* 1.25±0.4* 8.04±0.5* probability of 95% and more (р ˂0.05) [1]. Experimental 2 500 2.46±0.4 2.56±0.5* 2.77±0.5* 2.08±0.2* 9.87±0.5* Results and discussion. In order to clarify the mechanism of hexaphyte ac- tion, special experiments were carried The administration of above indicated tal group were administrated with hexa- out with the introduction of a complex of phenolic compound complex to intact rats phyte phenolic compound complex in a phenolic compounds isolated from it to was accompanied by increase in bile ac- dose of 500 mg/kg according to a similar rats. ids biosynthesis, due to this, their content regimen. Primary, the rats were arranged into in the secreted bile increased by almost The animals of the control group were following groups: the control (8 rats), ex- 2 times compared with the data in the injected with purified water in equivolume perimental 1 (8 rats), and experimental 2 control. The established pharmacological amounts according to a similar regimen. (8 rats) ones. The complex of hexaphyte effect of the phenolic compound complex Intact animals were used as an additional phenolic compounds was administered at 500 mg/kg was also more pronounced control group. to intact rats of the experimental groups than when used at 100 mg/kg. As a re- The parameters of liver lipid chemi- once per os in doses of 100 mg/kg or 500 sult of the experiments carried out, the luminescence under the influence of 2’ 2020 97

a complex of extracted phenolic com- er. As a result, functional and structural 4. Государственный реестр лекарственных pounds in experimental (CCl4) hepatitis changes occur, which are manifested by средств – URL (дата обращения: 07.01.2020). [State Register of Med- in rats were changed in time; it was eval- an increase in biligenic process and bile icines (In Russ.) – URL https://grls.rosminzdrav. uated on days 7, 14 and 21 (Table 3). excretion, by decrease in severe meta- ru/ (accessed on 07.01.2020)] 5. Лубсандоржиева П.-Н.Б. Разработка и Table 3 стандартизация фитосредств для лечения и профилактики заболеваний органов пи- Changes in liver lipid chemiluminescence (imp./s) under the influence of the extracted щеварения. Улан-Удэ: Изд-во БНЦ СО РАН, phenolic compound complex in experimental (CCl4) hepatitis in rats 2016:280. [Lubsandorzhieva P-NB. Development and standardization of herbal medicines for the treatment and prevention of digestive diseases. 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Ферубко Е.В., Николаев С.М., Даргаева The results of the study showed that bolic disorders and prevention of gross Т.Д. Средство, обладающее желчегонной ак- the introduction of the hexaphyte pheno- disorders in the structure of the hepato- тивностью, и способ его получения. Патент lic compound complex can be recognizes biliary system organs. №2700681 Российской Федерации МПК A61K by pronounced glow inhibition of liver lip- The results of succes- 36/185, A61K 36/28, A61K 36/738 A61K 36/534, Conclusion. A61K 36/484, A61P 1/16. Опубл. 19.09.2019, ids. Against the background of the intro- sive series of experiments to determine Бюллетень № 26. [Ferubko EV, Nikolaev SM, duction of the total complex of phenols at the role of phenolic compounds in the Dargaeva TD. Agent with choleretic activity, and a dose of 100 mg/kg, the rate of radical mechanism of action of "Hexaphyte" method for its preparation. 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The study examined the characteristics of the spectrum of sensitization to food and inhalant allergens in children of Khakassia with atopic der- matitis in combination with respiratory manifestations of allergies based on allergological history, objective examination data, and skin testing re- sults (prick-test). It is defined, that risk factors for the development of dermatorespiratory syndrome in children with upper respiratory tract damage or multiple organ respiratory tract damage may include: long course of the atopic dermatitis, manifestation of atopic dermatitis in the 1st year of life, aggravated heredity, pruritus, seasonality of the disease, high concentration of total IgE in blood serum, the presence of sensitization to food and pollen allergens, multivalent sensitization to milk, egg, cereals. Our study showed that the children of Khakassia have features of the sensitization spectrum depending on the expansion of the “shock” organs of atopy from atopic dermatitis to dermatorespiratory syndrome. Keywords: dermatorespiratory syndrome, atopic dermatitis, allergens, sensitization.

Introduction. Atopic dermatitis (AD) certain allergens has regional characteris- account the size of the blistering reaction is a key factor in the start of the “atopic tics, which is associated with environmen- and the magnitude of hyperemia. For sta- march”, which is characterized by the tal and ethno-household characteristics tistical analysis, the Statistica 6.0 applica- staged development of sensitization and of the region where patients live [3]. The tion package was used with the non-para- the transformation of pathology from skin steady increase in morbidity, the severe metric Mann-Whitney test; calculation of manifestations to damage to the respi- clinical course of pathology with the de- generalizing coefficients: median (Me) ratory tract. The combined clinical mani- feat of several "shock" organs and sys- and mean error (m). Data on the concen- festations of allergic skin and respiratory tems necessitates the study of clinical and tration of total IgE in blood serum are pre- tract damage are referred to in the liter- immunological features of the systemic sented as medians, 25 and 75 quartiles ature as dermatorespiratory syndrome manifestations of allergies, with the aim of [Me, Q 25 - Q 75]. Comparison of qualita- (DRS) [1, 7]. DRS is characterized by the developing effective measures to prevent tive characteristics in groups was carried expansion of the spectrum of sensitization the progression of atopy. out by the method of variational analysis to causally significant allergens with the Purpose of the research was to study using the exact Fisher test. Differences development of polyvalent allergies, of- the characteristics of the spectrum of sen- were considered statistically significant at ten to food and inhalant allergens [2, 4]. sitization to food and inhalant allergens in p <0.05. Moreover, the spectrum of sensitization to children of Khakassia with atopic derma- Results and discussion. In all groups titis in combination with respiratory mani- of patients, children's (manifestations of festations of allergies. the disease from 2 to 12 years old) and Scientific Research Institute of Medical Prob- Materials and methods. A retrospec- teenage (over 12 years old) forms of atop- lems of the North – a separate division of the tive examination of children of Khakassia, ic dermatitis dominated. The highest inci- Federal Research Center «Krasnoyarsk Sci- patients with atopic dermatitis, who were dence of childhood atopic dermatitis was ence Center» of the Siberian Branch of the under the supervision of an allergist-im- noted in group 3 - in 85,7% (n=18), and Russian Academy of Sciences, Krasnoyarsk: munologist, was performed. We analyzed adolescent in the second group - in 36,4% Corresponding author: Anna A. BARILO 63 case histories of 34 children aged 1.5 (n=8). Infant form of atopic dermatitis - candidate of medical sciences, senior re- searcher at the Laboratory of Clinical Patho- to 18 years. The following nosological (from birth to 2 years) was observed only physiology of the Research Institute of Medi- groups were distinguished: group 1 — in children of the 1st group - in 10% (n=2) cal Problems of the North - a separate unit of atopic dermatitis (n=20, average age - 5,0 cases. Consequently, the presence of the Federal Research Center of the Siberian ± 1,6 years), group 2 — atopic dermatitis childhood and adolescent forms of AD is a Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences; in combination with allergic rhinitis (n=22, risk factor for the development of systemic Address: Russian Federation, 660022, Kras- average age - 6,5 ± 1,1 years), group 3 - manifestations of allergies with damage to noyarsk, 660022, Partizan Zheleznyak Str, atopic dermatitis in combination with bron- both the upper and lower respiratory tract, d.3g; tel .: 89135584020, e-mail: anntomsk@ chial asthma (n=21, average age - 5,0 which is consistent with the literature [8].; Svetlana V. SMIRNOVA - MD, ± 0,9 years), in its pure form - in 28,6% The manifestation of AD in most pa- professor, head of the scientific direction of the Research Institute of Medical Problems (n=6), or in combination with allergic rhini- tients occurred in the first year of life: in the of the North - a separate subdivision of the tis - a single respiratory tract disease (one 1st group of patients in 68,4% (n=13/19), Federal Research Center of the Kola Science way, one disease) - in 71,4% (n=15). in the 2nd group - in 90% (n=18/20), in Center SB RAS; Address: Russian Federa- All examined underwent determination the 3rd group - in 100% (n=20/20) cases, tion, 660022, Krasnoyarsk, 660022, Partizan of the concentration of total IgE in blood p1,3=0.006. Moreover, the debut of AD up Zheleznyak Str, d.3g; tel .: +7 (391) 228-06- serum by enzyme-linked immunosorbent to 6 months of age in group 1 was noted in 81, +7 (391) 228-06-83, e-mail: svetvita@ assay. 42% (n=9/19), group 2 - in 90% (n=18/20),; Irina V. BORISOVA - candidate of The study of the spectrum of sensiti- group 3 - in 85% (n=17/20) cases, p medical sciences, doctor allergist-immunolo- 1,2 zation to food and inhalant allergens was =0.004, p =0.01. gist; Address: Russian Federation, 660022, 1,3 Krasnoyarsk, 660022, 78-Volunteer Brigade carried out on the basis of an allergolog- Analysis of anamnestic data on the Str-21; tel. +79835745520, e-mail: krasdoc- ical history, objective examination data, duration of breastfeeding showed that in [email protected]. and skin test results (prick test) taking into the 2 group of patients breastfed up to 2’ 2020 99

1 month of age there were 28,5% (n=4) (n=14/20) and 77,3% (n=17/22) relative to noted that sensitization to cereals was children, which is more compared with the 47,6% (n=10/21), respectively, p2,3=0.04. more often determined in groups of pa- indicators of other groups: 5,6% (n=1) in There were no statistically significant tients with DRS in comparison with AD group 1 and 5,8% (n=1) in group 3. In ad- differences in sensitization to other food with isolated skin lesions, however, the dition, breastfeeding up to 1 year was less allergens of animal origin between the data were not statistically significant. frequently observed in group 2 patients examined groups. However, it was not- Buckwheat sensitization was determined compared with groups 1 and 3: 14,2% ed that in the group of patients with AD in all groups, but most often in patients (n=2) versus 27,8% (n=5) and 41,2% with multiple organ damage to the re- with DRS: in group 3 - in 38,1% (n=8) and (n=7). Children who were breast-fed from spiratory tract (group 3), sensitization to in group 2 - 31,8% (n=7) cases, while in 1 birth in groups 1, 2, and 3 comprised 5,6% chicken meat was more often defined in group in 25% (n=5). (n=1), 7.1% (n=1), and 5,8% (n=1), re- comparison with 1 and 2groups: 57.1% Bivalent sensitization to the main food spectively. (n=12/21) versus 30.3% (n=6/20) and allergens was statistically significantly The duration of the course of AD was 40.9% (n=9/22). more often observed in group 1 - 55.,0% statistically significantly longer in the An analysis of the spectrum of sensiti- (n=11/20), compared with groups 2 and groups of patients with dermatorespiratory zation to allergens of plant origin showed 3 - 40,9% (n=9/22) and 20.0% (n=4/20), manifestations (group 2 and 3) compared that in group 3, a sensitization to rice was respectively, p1,3 =0.02. Polyvalent sensiti- with the group of patients with AD with iso- statistically significantly more often com- zation to the main food allergens in group lated skin lesions (group 1): 6,5±1,0 years pared with group 1: 52,4% (n=11) ver- 1 was noted in 30.0% (n=6/20) cases, and 5,0±1,0 years relative to 3,5±0,8 sus 15% (n=3), respectively, p1,3=0.01. in group 2 - 45,5% (n=10/22), group 3 - years, p1,2=0.003, p1,3=0.1, p2,3=0.06. Bur- In group 3, the sensitization to beets 45,0% (n=9/20). dened heredity was most often observed and pears was statistically significant- According to the literature, the inci- in patients of groups 2 and 3, mainly ly more often compared with group 1: dence of sensitization to inhaled allergens along the maternal side, in comparison 55,6% (n=10/18) versus 15,4% (n=2/13), in patients with AD is up to 89% [7]. Ac- with group 1: 82,3% (n=14/17) and 80% p1,3=0.02 and 35,7% (n=5/14) relative to cording to the allergological history, sea-

(n=12/15) relative to 52,6% (n=10/19). 0% (n=0/11), p1,3=0.03, respectively. sonal exacerbations of the underlying Complaints of skin itching: in group 1 in There were no statistically significant disease (DRS or AD) were statistically sig- 63,1% (n=12/19), in the second group in differences in sensitization to other food- nificantly more often detected in groups 89,5% (n=17/19), in group 3 in 75% (n=15 borne allergens of plant origin between 2 and 3 compared with group 1: 45,5%

/ 20) cases, p1,2 =0.05. Therefore, the pro- the examined groups. However, it was (n=10) and 42,9% (n=9) versus 5% (n=1), longed course of the AD contributes to the progression of the disease with the de- Table 1 velopment of respiratory forms of atopy. There is evidence in the literature about Features of the spectrum of sensitization to food allergens in patients f the selected groups, n (%) the association of AD and the risk of de- veloping respiratory allergies. Moreover, Group in 60% of children with severe course of Allergen 1 2 3 p AD, bronchial asthma develops [8]. Animal origin The concentration of total IgE in se- Cow's milk 14 (70)/20 17 (77.3)/22 10 (47.6)/21 2.3=0.04 rum was: in the 1st group - 48,5 IU / ml Beef meat 8 (40)/20 9 (40.9)/22 8 (38.1)/21 – [27,5; 121,5], in the 2nd group - 53,0 IU/ Egg yolk 9 (47.4)/19 10 (47.6)/21 9 (45)/20 – ml [41,0; 59,0], in the 3rd group - 189,0 Chicken Egg Protein 9 (47.4)/19 6 (27.3)/22 6 (31.6)/19 – IU/ml [37,0; 371,0], p =0.01, p =0,2. It 1,3 2,3 Whole Chicken Egg 13 (65)/20 12 (54.5)/22 12 (57.1)/21 – should be emphasized that with the ex- Chicken's meat 6 (30)/20 9 (40.9)/22 12 (57.1)/21 – pansion of the shock territories of AD to 1.3=0.002 DRS, the concentration of IgE in the blood Fish 4(22.2)/18 7(33.3)/21 12(75.0)/16 2.3=0.01 serum increases, which is consistent with Plant origin the literature [8]. Cereals 11 (55)/20 17 (77.3)/22 13 (61.9)/21 – Data on the characteristics of food al- Wheat Flour Protein 9 (45)/20 9 (40.9)/22 9 (45)/20 – lergies in children with dermatorespiratory Rye flour protein 3 (17.6)/17 5 (23.8)/21 4 (20)/20 – syndrome are extremely few in the litera- Barley grits 5 (27.8)/18 11 (50)/22 8 (40)/20 – ture [1, 2]. When analyzing the spectrum Oat groats 3 (17.6)/17 10 (54.5)/22 8 (40)/20 – of sensitization to food allergens, it was Rice 3 (15)/19 6 (27.3)/22 11 (52.4)/20 1.3=0.01 noted that in group 3, the sensitization to Buckwheat 5 (25)/19 7 (31.8)/22 8 (38.1)/20 – fish (cod, hake) was statistically signifi- Citrus 5 (31.2)/16 8 (50.0)/16 8 (57.1)/14 cantly more often compared with groups Beet 2 (15.4)/13 9 (45)/20 10 (55.6)/18 1.3=0.02 1 and 2: 75,0% (n=12/16) versus 22,2% Carrot 6 (42.9)/14 8 (38)/21 11 (61.1)/18 – (n=4/18) and 33.3% (n=7/21), respec- Cucumber 4 (30.8)/13 10 (52.6)/19 9 (50.0)/18 – tively, p =0.002, p =0.01 (Table 1). It is 1,3 2,3 Tomato 5 (45.5)/11 10 (62.5)/16 6 (46.2)/13 – noted that the presence of food allergies Cabbage 4 (36.4)/11 6 (54.5)/11 8 (61.5)/13 – to fish in patients with AD over 14 years Apple 2 (18.2)/11 5 (26.3)/19 4 (22.2)/18 – of age increases the risk of developing Pear 0 (0)/11 3 (18.8)/16 5 (35.7)/14 1.3=0.03 bronchial asthma [5], which is consis- Grape 2 (20)/10 9 (56.2)/16 6 (46.2)/13 – tent with our data. Sensitization to cow's Banana 4 (33.3)/12 4 (22.2)/18 7 (46.7)/15 – milk is more often defined in groups 1 and 2 in comparison with group 3: 70.0% Note: p-values are indicated only for p˂0.05. 100 ЯКУТСКИЙ МЕДИЦИНСКИЙ ЖУРНАЛ

ratory tract infections may include: pro- Table 2 longed course of AD, manifestation of AD Features of the spectrum of sensitization to inhalant allergens in patients in the 1st year of life, aggravated heredity, of the selected groups, n (%) pruritus, seasonality of the disease, high concentration of total IgE in blood serum, Group presence sensitization to food and pollen Allergen 1 2 3 p allergens, multivalent sensitization to milk, Pollen egg, cereals. Meadow grass 10 (50)/20 17 (77.2)/22 16 (76.2)/21 – Thus, our study allows us to determine Trees 11 (55)/20 12 (54.5)/22 15 (71.4)/21 – the characteristics of sensitization with the Weed grass 10 (50)/20 15(68.2)/22 17 (80.1)/21 1.3=0.04 indication of causally significant allergens, Household to find out their influence on the formation Dermatophagoides of the sensitization spectrum depending pteronyssinus 3(25)/12 10(58.8)/17 7(43.8)/16 – on the expansion of the “shock” organs of Dermatophagoides farinae 2(18.2)/11 9(60)/15 6 (50.0)/12 1.2=0.03 atopy from atopic dermatitis to dermato- House dust 9(64.3)/14 12(66.7)/18 13(65.0)/20 – respiratory syndrome in children of Kha- kassia. respectively, p =0.002, p =0.004. 1,2 1,3 ucts of plant origin based on the binding References The analysis of the spectrum of sen- of specific IgE to homologous structures sitization to inhalant allergens in the se- of the allergen [8]. 1. Барило А.А., Борисова И.В., Смирнова lected groups showed that sensitization In the study of sensitization to house- С.В. Дерматореспираторный синдром как про- to pollen allergens was detected in 51,6% hold allergens, the highest frequency явление пищевой аллергии у детей. Россий- ский аллергологический журнал. 2019;16(1- in group 1 (n=31/60), in 66,7% in group 2 of sensitization to house dust was ob- 2):32-34. [Barilo AA, Borisova IV, Smirnova SV. (n=44/66), in group 3 - in 76,2% (n=48/63), served in group 2 in comparison with The dermato-respiratory syndrome as a manifes- p1,3=0.005 (table 2). group 1: 62,0% (n=31/50) versus 37,8% tation of food allergy in children. Rossijskij aller- gologicheskij zhurnal. 2019; 16 (1-2): 32-34. (In Sensitization to weed pollen was sta- (n=14/37), p1,2=0.02. Dermatophagoides tistically significantly more often defined Russ.).] farinae house dust mite sensitization 2. Барило А.А., Борисова И.В., Смирнова in group 3 compared with group 1: 80.1% was statistically significantly more of- С.В. Особенности спектра пищевой сенсиби- (n=17/21) versus 50% (n=10/20), respec- ten determined in the group of patients лизации при атопической бронхиальной астме у детей. Российский иммунологический жур- tively, p1,3=0.04, which may indicate the with DRS (group 2) compared with the role of these allergens in the development group of patients with AD (group 1): нал. 2019; 13 (22), 2: 147-149. [Barilo AA, Bor- isova IV, Smirnova SV. Features of the spectrum of allergic rhinitis and bronchial asthma in 60% (n=9/15) and 18,2% (n=2/11), re- of food sensitization with atopic bronchial asthma patients with DRS. There were no statis- spectively, p1,2=0.03. Dermatophagoides in children. Rossijskij immunologicheskij zhurnal. tically significant differences in sensitiza- pteronyssinus house dust mite sensiti- 2019; 13 (22), 2: 147-149. (In Russ.).] tion to other pollen allergens between the zation was also more common in group 3. Иванова О.Н., Гольдерова А.С. Полли- examined groups. However, sensitization ноз у детей Республики (Якутия). Якутский 2 compared with other groups, but did медицинский журнал. 2017;1 (57): 34-36. to pollen of meadow grasses was more of- not reach statistical significance. In the [Ivanova ON, Gol'derova AS. Pollinosis in chil- ten observed in the group of patients with group of patients with AD compared with dren of the Republic Sakha (Yakutia). Jakutskij atopic dermatitis in combination with aller- the groups of patients with DRS, sensi- medicinskij zhurnal. 2017; 1 (57): 34-36. (In gic rhinitis (group 2), which also suggests tization to house dust mites Dermato- Russ.).] 4. Barni S, Liccioli G, Sarti L et al. Immunoglob- that these allergens play a role in upper phagoides farinae and Dermatophagoi- ulin E (IgE)-Mediated Food Allergy in Children: Ep- respiratory tract damage in DRS. des pteronyssinus was relatively low, idemiology, Pathogenesis, Diagnosis, Prevention, Polyvalent sensitization to pollen of a while sensitization to house dust was and Management. Medicina (Kaunas). 2020; 56 mixture of meadow, weed grass and trees detected in 64,3% (n=9/14) of cases, (3): E111. DOI: 10.3390/medicina56030111. is defined in group 3. The high frequency 5. Čelakovská J, Josef B, Vaneckova J et al. which, according to the literature, can be Food Hypersensitivity Reactions to Seafish in of sensitization to plant pollen in DRS is associated with damage to the epidermal Atopic Dermatitis Patients Older than 14 Year of probably a risk factor for multiple organ barrier and percutaneous sensitization to Age - The Evaluation of Association with Other damage to the respiratory tract, as a bar- aeroallergens in patients with AD [1,7,8]. Allergic Diseases and Parameters. Indian J Der- rier to the penetration of pollen allergens. Conclusion. As a result of the studies, matol. 2020; 65 (2): 97-104. DOI: 10.4103/ijd. IJD_403_18. The lowest frequency of sensitization to it was found that dermatorespiratory syn- 6. Dey D, Mondal P, Laha A et al. Sensi- pollen allergens was observed in patients drome is more often noted in childhood tization to Common Aeroallergens in the Atopic with AD (group 1). However, taking into and adolescent AD. The childhood form Population of West Bengal, India: An Investiga- account the fact that the clinical manifes- of AD is a risk factor for the development tion by Skin Prick Test. Int Arch Allergy Immunol. tations of seasonal AD in this category of 2019;178 (1): 60-65. DOI: 10.1159/000492584. of DRS with multiple organ damage to the 7. Gray CL, Levin ME, Du Toit G. Respiratory patients are noted in only 5% (n=1/20) of respiratory tract (allergic rhinitis and bron- comorbidity in South African children with atopic cases, the frequency of sensitization to chial asthma), and adolescent form of dermatitis. S Afr Med J. 2017; 107 (10): 904-909. pollen allergens in group 1 is quite high atopic dermatitis with allergic rhinitis. DOI: 10.7196/SAMJ.2017.v107i10.12418. - 51,6% (n=31/60) Sensitization to pollen Risk factors for the development of 8. Hill DA, Spergel JM. The atopic march: Crit- ical evidence and clinical relevance. Ann Allergy allergens of patients with AD can be asso- DRS in children with upper respiratory Asthma Immunol. 2018; 120(2): 131-137. DOI: ciated with cross-sensitivity to food prod- tract infections or multiple organ respi- 10.1016/j.anai.2017.10.037. 2’ 2020 101


R.D. Filippova, T.Yu. Pavlova, S.I. Danilova, M.V. Maslova PREGNANCY AND CHILDBIRTH


The article describes a clinical case of pregnancy and childbirth resulting from assisted reproductive technologies using donor oocytes in a patient with Swyer syndrome. Рatient V., 35 years old, was admitted to the Perinatal Center of GAU RB No. 1-NCM in Yakutsk in February 2019 with a diagnosis: Pregnancy, 31-32 weeks. Cephalic presentation. IVF-induced pregnancy (donor egg). Feto-placental insufficiency, impaired uteroplacental blood flow of 1 A degree. Concomitant diseases: Swyer syndrome (impaired sexual differentiation), the patient’s karyotype as of June 30, 2015 was XY (male). Rhesus negative blood affiliation without isosensitization; gestational diabetes mellitus, diffuse goiter 0-1 degree. She was examined at the Novosibirsk Regional Clinical Diagnostic Center in Novosibirsk State Medical University (2015), and found to have karyotype 46 XY, passport gender does not match the karyological one, diagnosis: Swyer syndrome. Since 2016, the patient has been taking Fe- moston® 2/10, which has caused the menstrual cycle to begin. Menses 3 days, moderate, painless, cycle 28 days. This 2nd pregnancy in 2019 occurred after the 4th IVF attempt (egg donation, cryotransfer of 2 embryos). In a planned manner, according to a combination of relative indications: gonadal dysgenesis (removal of rudimentary gonads in 2001), pregnancy after IVF using donor oocytes, primipara 35 years of age, 38 weeks pregnant, was delivered by cesarean section under conditions of spinal anesthesia. A girl was born weighing 2850 g and 49 cm long, with an Apgar score of 8 out of 8 points. Postpartum lactation was sufficient. Sutures from the anterior abdominal wall were removed on the 8th day, and the mother and her newborn were discharged home on the 12th day in satisfactory condition. Thus, absolute infertility due to gonad dysgenesis can be successfully overcome with the help of donor oocytes as part of the assisted repro- ductive technology program. Keywords: Swyer syndrome, pregnancy, assisted reproductive technologies, in vitro fertilization.

Advances in reproductive technolo- of this syndrome have not been success- fibroblast cells whose nuclei do not con- gies have made it possible, with the help ful due to the fact that a completely simi- tain sex chromatin. In the stroma, sterile of donor programs, to overcome absolute lar clinical presentation can be observed seminiferous tubules are found, lined infertility caused by the absence or func- with different karyotypes, while the same with an immature type of Sertoli epithe- tional unsuitability of gametes. karyotype can be observed in different lium, and clusters of typical Leydig cells. Of particular scientific and practical in- clinical presentations [1]. Nevertheless, Hormonal examinations show a signifi- terest is the group of patients with gonad- for practical convenience, it is customary cantly increased level of gonadotropins al dysgenesis, for whom the mandatory to subdivide gonadal dysgenesis into two in the blood and a low level of estradiol. signs are a sharp anatomical and func- clinical forms: typical and “pure”, which In order to produce phenotypic-correcting tional underdevelopment of the gonads, are characterized by the following gen- effect in patients with gonad dysgenesis, the female type of differentiation of the eral symptoms: primary amenorrhea, prolonged hormone replacement thera- genital ducts and externalia. The gonads lack of female secondary sexual char- py is used. It is strongly recommended in this form of the disease are most often acteristics, infertility. However, the typ- to remove the rudiments in patients with represented by biologically inert connec- ical form of gonadal dysgenesis is also the presence of the Y chromosome in the tive tissue rudiments. The presence of characterized by the presence of somat- karyotype, since the prolonged intake of morphologically inert rudiments of go- ic abnormalities (body height below 145 estrogens significantly increases the fre- nads, regardless of the genotype of the cm, excess fat deposition on the anterior quency of tumor development from the embryo, determines the differentiation of abdominal wall, short neck with pterygoid remnants of testicular tissue. Before the the reproductive ducts according to the folds, skeleton abnormalities – sternum advent of in vitro fertilization, such pa- female (main) type [4]. impression, narrow pelvis, syndactyly, tients were doomed to be childless. Attempts at the genotypic classification etc., malformations of internal organs – The first report of a twin pregnancy narrow aortic isthmus, non-closed inter- in a patient with XY gonad dysgenesis ventricular septum, Botallo’s duct, etc.). as a result of embryo donation and its PHILIPPOVA Rosa Dmitrievna - MD, Head With the “pure form” of gonadal dys- successful delivery appeared in 1989 of Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, genesis (Swyer syndrome also belongs [6]. The first experience in implementing M.K. Ammosov North-Eastern Federal Uni- to this group), somatic abnormalities are the program “oocyte donation” in Russia versity,, Yakutsk, E-mail: rosa- absent, the disease is manifested by was gained at the Moscow center for the filipp@, mob. Tel: 8-914-105-52-83; PAVLOVA Tatyana Yuryevna - PhD, Director primary amenorrhea, infertility, genitalia treatment of infertility “EKO” [1]. Howev- of the Perinatal Center of Republican Hospital infantility and the absence of female sec- er, this program used so-called “extra” No.1, National Center of Medicine, Yakutsk, ondary sexual characteristics in patients. oocytes obtained in the IVF program for E-mail: [email protected], mob. tel: 8-924- Patients have a correct physique, nor- the treatment of infertility in other women 872-71-64; DANILOVA Sargylana Ivanov- mal height, underdeveloped mammary or the ova of the patient’s relatives. na - Deputy Director of the Perinatal Center glands, no signs of pubic hair. The ex- In 1983, Alan Trounson et al. from Aus- of Republican Hospital No.1, National Center ternal genitalia are developed according tralia reported a successful pregnancy in of Medicine, Yakutsk, E-mail: dsargylana66@ to the female type with hypoplasia. The a woman with bilateral ovarian removal,, mob. tel: 8-914-224—96-98; MASLO- vagina is capacious, the uterus is under- as well as in a patient with primary ovar- VA Maria Vladimirovna -Senior Lecturer, De- partment of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Med- sized. The tubes are thin, long, crimped. ian failure using donor embryos [5, 8]. ical Institute, M.K. Ammosov North-Eastern In the place of the ovaries, the rudiments In 1984, P. Luitjen et al. for the first time Federal University, Yakutsk, E-mail: marivla- of gonads are localized. Histologically, published information about pregnancy [email protected] mob. tel: 8-914-293-03-82. the gonads are a stroma consisting of resulting from IVF-OD in a woman with 102 ЯКУТСКИЙ МЕДИЦИНСКИЙ ЖУРНАЛ

primary ovarian failure [7]. There are ab- of 27-28 weeks of pregnancy. The con- on the 12th day in satisfactory condition. solute indications for the use of donor oo- clusion of the medical consultation as of Thus, absolute infertility due to gonad cytes: premature ovarian failure, natural January 16, 2019 – there is a high risk dysgenesis can be successfully over- menopause, amenorrhea due to bilateral of premature birth, it is recommended come with the help of donor oocytes as ovariectomy, radiation or chemotherapy, to continue monitoring, planned cardio- part of the assisted reproductive technol- gonad dysgenesis [6]. tocography, hospitalization according to ogy program [1.2]. The absence or ana- Clinical case: patient V., 35 years old, indications. Examined in the medical-ge- tomical and functional underdevelopment was admitted to the Perinatal Center of netic center: 26 weeks pregnant. Aggra- of gonads causes a high risk of miscar- GAU RB No. 1-NCM in Yakutsk in Feb- vated gynecological history (IVF-induced riage and, accordingly, the need for long- ruary 2019 with a diagnosis: Pregnan- pregnancy, donor egg). Increased hCG in term hormonal therapy during pregnancy cy, 31-32 weeks. Cephalic presentation. the blood. The patient’s karyotype is 46 in this group of patients. IVF-induced pregnancy (donor egg). XY (male gender), on hormone therapy. The authors declare no apparent or Feto-placental insufficiency, impaired The chromosomal pathology risk for the potential conflicts of interest related to uteroplacental blood flow of 1 A degree. fetus is increased to 5%. Cardiotocog- the publication of this article. Concomitant diseases: Swyer syndrome raphy of the fetus is within normal limits. (impaired sexual differentiation), the pa- Prevention of Rhesus immunization with References tient’s karyotype as of June 30, 2015 immunoglobulin Rhes (D) anti-Rhesus was XY (male). Rhesus negative blood carried out. Objectively: condition 1. Исакова Э.В., Аржанова О.Н., Шляхтен- affiliation without isosensitization; gesta- satisfactory, height – 157 cm, weight – ко Т.Н., Корсак В.С. Беременность и роды при tional diabetes mellitus, diffuse goiter 0-1 64.5 kg. Proper physique, satisfactory дисгенезии гонад (случай из практики). Про- блемы репродукции. 2000; 2: 29-31.[Isakova degree. nutrition, mammary glands Tanner stage EV, Arzhanova ON, Shlyakhtenko TN, Korsak Upon admission to the hospital, the 2, hair growth on the border type. The VS. Pregnancy and delivery at gonads dysgen- patient agreed to the processing of per- skin is clean, normal color. Peripheral esis (case from practice). Problemy reprodukcii. sonal data, as well as gave her informed lymph nodes not enlarged. Heart sounds 2000; 2:29-31. (In Russ.).] consent to the publication of the medical clear, rhythmic. Vesicular breathing, no 2. Мишарина Е.В., Боровик Н.В., Ярмолин- ская М.И. [и др.] Беременность у пациентки data presented in the article (in anony- wheezing. Blood pressure – 110/70 mm с синдромом Свайера и сахарным диабетом mous form). Hg, pulse – 76 beats/min. Respiratory 1-го типа, наступившая в результате примене- Anamnesis: due to primary amenor- rate – 16 breaths per minute. The abdo- ния ЭКО (описание клинического случая) Жур- rhea and tumor formation in the small men is soft, painless. The uterus is nor- нал акушерства и женских болезней. 2018; 5(67):85–90. doi: 10.17816/JOWD67585-90 pelvis in 2001, at the age of 17 years, an motonic, painless. Longitudinal lie. Head [Misharina EV, Borovik NV, Yarmolinskaya MI [et elective surgery was performed, the go- above the entrance to the small pelvis. al.]. Pregnancy in a patient with Swyer syndrome nads removed, the omentum resected. Regular fetal movement. The fetal heart- and type 1 diabetes mellitus, which occurred as a Histological conclusion: dysgerminoma. beats clear, rhythmic up to 140 beats/ result of IVF application (description of a clinical In 2015, she was examined at the Novo- min. Urination painless, sufficient. No case). Zhurnal akusherstva i zhenskih boleznej. 2018; 5 (67): 85–90. doi: 10.17816/JOWD67585- sibirsk Regional Clinical Diagnostic Cen- swelling. Discharge white, sparse. Taking 90. (In Russ.).] ter, Novosibirsk State Medical University, Duphalac®, stool regular. 3. Здановский В.М., Заева В.В., Аншина and found to have karyotype 46 XY, pass- When performing ultrasound and bio- М.Б. Беременности и роды у женщин без яич- port gender does not match the karyolog- chemical screening in the first trimester, ников и с нефункционирующими яичниками (первый опыт применения программы ovum ical one, diagnosis: Swyer syndrome. ultrasound screening in the second tri- donation в России) Проблемы репродукции. Since 2016, the patient has been taking mester, no irregularities in the devel- 1995; 1:83-86. [Zdanovskiy VM, Zaeva VV, An- Femoston® 2/10, which has caused the opment of the fetus were found. Dop- shina MB. Pregnancy and childbirth in women menstrual cycle to begin. Menses 3 days, plerometric indicators of uterine and fe- without ovaries and with non-functioning ovaries moderate, painless, cycle 28 days. tal-placental blood flow were within the (first experience of the ovum donation program application in Russia). Problemy reprodukcii. To address the possibility of pregnan- reference values up to 37/38 weeks of 1995; 1:83-86. (In Russ.).] cy planning using assisted reproductive pregnancy. The examination was per- 4. Савицкий Г.А. Хирургическое лечение technologies (ART), she turned to the formed 1-2 times a week after 32–34 врожденных аномалий полового развития в Mother and Child Center, Novosibirsk. weeks of pregnancy. At the gestational гинекологической практике. Москва: Меди- цина; 1975. [Savitsky GA. Surgical treatment of 1st pregnancy in 2017 – IVF by a do- age of 37/38 weeks, a II degree hemody- congenital anomalies of sexual development in nor egg, non-developing pregnancy at namic disorder was detected (increased gynecological practice. Moscow: Medicine; 1975. 5-6 weeks, vacuum aspiration was car- vascular resistance in the uteroplacental (In Russ.).] ried out, without complications. blood flow). 5. Trounson A, Leeton J, Besanko M [et al.]. 2nd pregnancy in 2019 – this preg- In a planned manner, according to a Pregnancy established in an infertile patient after transfer of a donated embryo fertilised in vitro. Br nancy occurred after the 4th IVF attempt combination of relative indications: go- Med J (Clin Res Ed). 1983; 286 (6368): 835-838. (egg donation, cryotransfer of 2 embry- nadal dysgenesis (removal of rudimenta- doi: 10.1136/bmj.286.6368.835. os). Last menstruation July 10, 2018, the ry gonads in 2001), pregnancy after IVF 6. Sauer MV, Lobo RA, Paulson RJ. Success- first half of pregnancy proceeded with using donor oocytes, primipara 35 years ful twin pregnancy after embryo donation to a pa- tient with XY gonadal dysgenesis. Am J Obstet moderate toxicosis (vomiting 3-4 times a of age, 38 weeks pregnant, was deliv- Gynecol. 1989; 2:380-381. day, weight loss 8 kg.). Symptomatic and ered by cesarean section under condi- 7. Lutjen P, Trounson A, Leeton J. [et al.] The hormonal treatment: Proginova® up to tions of spinal anesthesia. A girl was born establishment and maintenance of pregnancy us- 16 weeks, Utrogestan® 200 mg 3 times weighing 2850 g and 49 cm long, with an ing in vitro fertilization and embryo donation in a a day (to date). Combined screening of Apgar score of 8 out of 8 points. Post- patient with primary ovarian failure. Nature. 1984; 307(5947):174-175. doi: 10.1038/307174a0. the 1st trimester passed, an increase in partum lactation was sufficient. Sutures 8. Trounson A, Mohr L. Human pregnan- hCG. The second half of pregnancy went from the anterior abdominal wall were cy following cryopreservation, thawing and smoothly. Examined in the antenatal clin- removed on the 8th day, and the mother transfer of an eight-cell embryo. Nature. 1983; ic of the Perinatal Center with a period and her newborn were discharged home 305(5936):707-709. doi: 10.1038/305707a0. 2’ 2020 103

O.N. Ivanova, T.E. Burtseva, N.N. Protopopova, S.A. Kondratieva, M.P. Slobodchikova, D.M. Furman


Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome is a disease, characterized by combined insufficiency of both humoral and cellular immunity, it is inherited by X-chro- mosome recessive linkage and is expressed by the following triad of signs: recurring chronic microbial inflammations, hemorrhagic syndrome, and eczema [3]. The syndrome was first described by A. Wiskott in 1937, he described a case of three boys from the same family suffering from thrombocytopenia combined with severe eczema and secondary infections, while their four sisters did not show any of these symptoms. The prev- alence of Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome is 4 : 1 000 000. It mostly affects boys. Molecular defect results in absence of WASP protein (Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome protein), coded by WASP gene, it is localized in the short arm of X-chromosome [1, 4]. The objective of the article is to describe clinical and laboratory characteristics of Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome in a 2-month-infant. We represent a clinical case of the Russian infant having triad of signs characteristic to Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome. It is the first case in the department of oncohaematology of the Pediatric center, Republican hos- pital №1, National health center for medical examination. Keywords: immunodeficiency, inheritance, survey, immunology, genetics.

Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome is a dis- We describe a clinical case of Wis- auscultation showed vesicular breathing ease, characterized by combined insuf- kott-Aldrich syndrome in a 2-month Rus- with no rales. The heart sounds were ficiency of both humoral and cellular im- sian infant experiencing a triad of signs rhythmic and loud. On palpation the ab- munity, it is inherited by X-chromosome characteristic to such inherited disease domen was soft and painless. The stool recessive linkage and is expressed by as Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome. The boy was regular and solid. The liver was en- the following triad of signs: recurring had been hospitalized to the department larged (1 cm below the costal margin). chronic microbial inflammations, hem- of oncohaemotology from September to The spleen was not enlarged. No dysuria, orrhagic syndrome, and eczema [3]. November of 2019. the urine did not change. No meningeal The syndrome was first described by A. On the 30th of November 2019 a two- and focal signs were noticed. The stool Wiskott in 1937, he described a case of month male infant was hospitalized to the was with scarlet streak of blood. three boys from the same family suffer- department of oncohaemotology of the The blood test for clotting time detec- ing from thrombocytopenia combined Pediatric center, Republican hospital #1, tion and complete blood count were ad- with severe eczema and secondary in- National health center for medical exam- ministered. The blood test showed that fections, while their four sisters did not ination. He was referred from the regional the clotting time was within the normal show any of these symptoms. The prev- hospital with the complaints of periodical rate: the Duke method of clotting time: 1 alence of Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome is 4: scarlet streak of blood in stool, conjunc- minute; blood coagulation time according 1 000 000. It mostly affects boys. Molec- tival hemorrhage, decreased level of to Sukharev: 3,20 min. ular defect results in absence of WASP platelets in common blood count. The The complete blood count of the blood protein (Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome pro- entrance diagnosis was vertically trans- corpuscles revealed reticulocytosis and tein), coded by WASP gene, it is local- mitted infection of the viral or bacterial thrombocytopenia. The reticulocytes ized in the short arm of X-chromosome origin, vertically transmitted secondary were 35.0. Thrombocytes were 36.0% [1, 4]. thrombocytopenia, unconfirmed immuno- (normally it is 100-420). Thrombocrit The objective is to describe the clin- deficiency, and anal abscess. value was 0.04% (normally it is 0.15% ical and laboratory characteristics of The anamnesis showed that the child - 0.4%). The results showed expressed Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome in a 2-month was born from the first pregnancy, the anemia and activation of hemopoiesis. infant. pregnancy ran smoothly. The mother The biochemical analysis of the blood gave a natural childbirth at the 39th week test revealed high level of the total biliru- of pregnancy. At the moment of hospital- bin and direct bilirubin. IVANOVA Olga Nikolaevna – MD, professor ization the infant was breastfed. After the The PCR test for infection did not re- of the department of pediatrics and pediatric childbirth hemorrhagic discharge from veal mycoplasma, ureaplasma and cyto- surgery, Medical institute of the North-Eastern the anus and subconjuctival hemorrhage megalovirus infections. federal university, [email protected]; BURT- of the left eye were noticed. The com- The immunoglobulin results were IgM SEVA Tatiana Egorovna – MD, professor of the department of pediatrics and pediatric plete blood count showed decreased lev- – 0.01 gr/l; IgG – 6.9 gr/l, IgA – 0.00 gr/l; surgery, Medical institute of the North-Eastern el of platelets. IgE total – 0.00 gr/l. Total absence of M federal university, a head of the laboratory of On admission the infant was examined immunoglobulin, A and E immunoglobu- the Yakut science centre of complex medical by a haemotologist and a pediatrician. lins, and low level of G immunoglobulin problems, [email protected]; PROTO- The condition of the infant was assessed were reported. These results indicated a POPOVA Nadezhda Nikoaevna - a hematol- as grave and poor. The skin surface was possible initial immunodeficiency case. ogist of the highest medical category, depart- swarthy and moderately moist. The mu- Immunogram shows CD+46%; ment of oncohematology, Republican hospital cous membranes of the oral cavity were CD4+43%; CD8+3%; CD19+31%; CD- №1, National health center; SLOBODCHI- pink and moist. The pharynx was not hy- HLA-DR+2%; CD 25+8%; CIC (circulat- KOVA Maya Pavlovna – a senior lecturer of the department of foreign languages with the peremic. The tonsils were not enlarged, ing immune complexes) 14%. The immu- courses of Russian and Latin languages, St. no coating was noticed. Peripheral lymph nogram revealed low level of T-supres- Petersburg state pediatric medical university, nodes were not enlarged. The nasal sors, and B-cells. [email protected]. Furman Daria Mikhailovna breathing was not complicated. No cough Fecal occult blood test was positive. - 6th year student of MI NEFU. and breathlessness were present. The No HIV for 11.01.2019. 104 ЯКУТСКИЙ МЕДИЦИНСКИЙ ЖУРНАЛ

The child underwent several instru- The clinical diagnosis, based on the imaging of the abdominal cavity – once mental procedures. results of the investigations, examina- a year, X-Ray examination of the chest – The colour Doppler ultrasound imag- tion and family history taking, was: initial once a year. ing revealed oval window (0.26cm), en- immunodeficiency, Wiskott-Aldrich syn- 4. Consultations: immunologist every larged right atrium cavity (1.83cm), right drome, infantile atopic dermatitis in the 3 months during the first year of exam- ventricle (1.0cm), tricuspid valve regurgi- restricted form. ination, then every 6 months; surgeon tation, ectopic attachment of mitral valve Gastroenteric visual and instrumental – once a year, oculist – every 6 months; chords, and additional left ventricular tra- examinations revealed hemorrhagic in- dentist – once a year, and otolaryngolo- beculae. testinal erosion. The consultation of the gist – once a year. The colonoscopy revealed total hem- specialists could help specify the diagno- 5. Vaccinations are contraindicated. orrhagic colitis. Distally the dorsal part sis and it was decided to refer the bio- Conclusion. We have described a was not accessible because of the mu- logical material of the whole blood with clinical case of Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome cous membranes hemorrhage when they further molecular genetic test (WaSP) in a 2-month infant. Microbial inflamma- came into contact with the apparatus. to the National medical research center tion in the form of paraproctitis, hemor- The walls of large intestines were elas- of childhood hematology, oncology and rhagic syndrome in the form of erosive tic and air could stretch the walls. The immunology. The PCR-diagnosis of the hemorrhagic colitis and eczema, which lumen of sigmoid, ascending, transverse genetic locus was positive [1]. was later diagnosed as atopic dermatitis, and descending colons seemed normal, The final diagnosis was Wiskott-Al- was revealed clinically [3]. Thus we have the folds were of the normal height, there drich syndrome, initial immunodeficien- described a classic triad of Wiskott-Al- was greenish substance in the curves cy, immune thrombocytopenia, infantile drich syndrome. A detailed family history of the colon. The mucous membrane of atopic dermatitis, in the restricted form taking became a key moment in the di- the transverse and descending colons with mild severity. agnosis of the congenital disease. The was unevenly hyperemic with the signs Concomitant diseases were non-infec- anamnesis revealed high mortality rate of of hemorrhagic erosions. A great number tious gastroenteritis, unconfirmed colitis, the male infants at early childhood, which of erosions with size from 0.25 to 0.5 cm erosive hemorrhagic colitis, postsurgi- possibly could be connected with micro- was scattered, the vesicular pattern was cal condition after operated abscess in bial inflammation associated with initial clear. Mucous membrane of the sigmoid perianal area, normochromal anemia of immune deficiency. The diagnosis of the colon was hyperemic with hemorrhag- mixed genesis. congenital disease is undoubtedly due ic erosions, the vesicular pattern was During the period of hospitalization at to molecular-genetic investigations [1]. A unclear. The rectal lumen was normal, the department of oncohematology of the due time diagnosis, substitutive therapy the mucosa was unclear with scattered Pediatric center of the National health and competent clinical examination can hemorrhagic erosions (0.2cm). Perianal center the patient was administered: the predict and prolong the life for Wiskott-Al- examination revealed a scar of paraproc- ward nursing by the mother, special diet drich syndrome patients [2, 4, 5]. titis. #15, breastfeeding, pankreatin ¼ tablets Esophagogastroscopy revealed no 3 times a day, fenistil 2 drops 2 times a abnormalities. day lasting for 5 days, and elidel cream References According to the results of the investi- externally. 1. Кузьменко Н.Б., Варламова Т.В., Мерси- gation further consultation with gastroen- The patient was referred to the im- янова И.В. Молекулярно-генетическая диагно- terologist and allergist-immunologist was munological department of the National стика первичных иммунодефицитных состоя- recommended. medical research center of childhood ний. Вопросы гематологии онкологии и имму- The consultations of the specialists hematology, oncology and immunology нопатологии в педиатрии. 2016; 15(1):10-16. revealed a case of early childhood death for further examination, a substitutive [Kuzmenko N. B., Varlamova T.V., Mersiyanova I.V. Molecular genetic diagnostics of primary in the maternal anamnesis. The mother therapy was administered [2, 4, 5]. At the immunodeficiency states. Voprosy gematologii told that her own brother had died at early moment the patient is treated with immu- i immunologii d pediatrii. 2016; 15(1):10-16. (In age. For the following 20 years only girls novenin 0.1-0.4 gr/kg each month. Russ.)] were born in this family. The immunogram The following scheme of inpatient ex- 2. Buchbinder D., Nugent D.J., Fillipovich A.N. Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome: diagnosis, current determined absence of M immunoglobu- amination was recommended: management, and emerging treatments. Applied lin, A and E immunoglobulins, low level 1. Regular check-up at the following clinical genetics. 2014; 7:55-66. of G immunoglobulin, low level of T-sup- specialists: a pediatrician, an immunolo- 3. Chen N., Zhang Z.Y., Liu D.W. The clini- pressors, and B-cells. There was marked gist, and a hematologist. cal features of autoimmunity in 53 patients with decrease of platelet count in a peripheral 2. Laboratory investigations: complete Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome in China: a single-cen- ter study. European journal of pediatrics. 2015; blood and platelets count by Fonio meth- blood count (with obligatory leucocyte 174(10):1311-1318. od, thus revealing protein molecule de- count) once every 2-3 months. Biochemi- 4. Hacein-Bey A.S., Gaspar H.B., Blondeau J. struction. These molecules participate in cal blood test with hepatic enzymes activ- et al. Outcomes following gene therapy in patients the process of platelet formation. The re- ity detection, protein C-reactivity – every with severe Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome. JAMA. sults showed the decrease of the quantity 6 months, urine analysis every 6 months, 2015; 313(15): 1550-1563. 5. Worth A.J., Thrasher A.J. Current and of platelets and quality of the cells, which and in cases of intercurrent diseases. emerging treatment options for Wiskott-Aldrich is characteristic to the initial immunodefi- 3. Instrumental investigations: elec- syndrome. Expert review of clinical immunology. ciency, i.e. Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome. trocardiogram – once a year, ultrasonic 2015; 11(9): 1015-1032. 2’ 2020 105

К.Е. Popova, Т.Е. Popova DOI 10.25789/YMJ.2020.70.32 PSORIATIC ARTHRITIS: УДК 616.72-002.77.-08-02 CLINICAL OBSERVATION

Psoriatic arthritis is a chronic inflammatory disease of the joints, spine, and spondylitis arthritis that is commonly seen in patients with psoriasis. The prevalence of this severe pathology in patients with psoriasis, according to different authors, ranges from 13.5 to 47% (an average of 36%), and the prevalence of psoriasis in the population is 0.06 - 1.4%. Important factors in the development of psoriatic arthritis include a genetic pre- disposition, immune disorders associated with collagen disorganization, type II, as well as the presence of foci of bacterial, chlamydial and other types of infections. Clinically, psoriatic arthritis has similarities with rheumatoid arthritis, which requires careful differential diagnosis. In this regard, specialists will be interested in the clinical observation of a family case of psoriasis with the addition of a complication such as psoriatic arthritis. Keywords: psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis, dermatosis.

Introduction. Psoriatic disease is a decrease in physical function and qual- appeared. Patient is constantly taking systemic inflammatory disease that af- ity of life. Structural damage can occur Nise 2 tablets 2 times a day. fects the skin, joints and joints [9]. Pso- quickly, and permanent damage to the Development was according to age. riatic diseases of the skin, enthesion and joint can occur if patients do not receive Contacts with infectious patients denied. joints have a common pathophysiology timely and appropriate treatment [5]. Blood transfusion denied. Hereditary based on activation of the innate immune Difficulties in the diagnosis of PA are history: a mother aged 52 was diagnosed system, as well as on the generation of associated with similarities to rheumatoid with Psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis. pathogenic T cells that cause inflamma- arthritis, gout due to the absence of spe- The patient suffers from arterial hyper- tion. Immunopathology in psoriasis and cific clinical markers [7]. The diagnosis of tension for 6 years: an increase in blood psoriatic arthritis (PA, PsA) is controlled rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is mainly based pressure up to 150/90 mm Hg, she con- by a combination of genetic factors and on the clinical symptoms and serological stantly takes antihypertensive therapy external factors, such as mechanical positivity of rheumatoid factor (RF) and with the drug Prestanz once a day in the stress, which accelerate inflammation [2]. / or antibodies to anti-citrulline peptides morning. Inflammation in the context of psoriatic (anti-CCPs), while only clinical and imag- An allergic history is not burdened. disease is considered systemic, and not ing features help diagnose the disease Objectively: Height 175 cm, body least because both conditions are asso- [7]. weight 95 kg. BMI of 31.02 kg / m2, ciated with increased cardiovascular risk, We present a clinical observation of a which corresponds to obesity of 1 de- osteoporosis, and metabolic disorders family case of psoriasis complicated by gree. The presence of psoriatic plaques [9]. The prevalence of PA in patients with psoriatic arthritis. on the scalp, on the extensor surfaces of psoriasis, according to different authors, Purpose of the study is a demonstra- the right shoulder, elbow joints, as well ranges from 13.5 to 47% (an average of tion of a family case of psoriatic arthritis as both knee joints. There is a psoriatic 36%), and the prevalence of psoriasis in and differential diagnosis with rheuma- triad: stearin stain, terminal film and the the population is 0.06 - 1.4%. The caus- toid arthritis, gout. phenomenon of “blood dew” Polotebnov. es of joint damage have not yet been Materials and research methods. “Radish-like” deformation of the toes and elucidated. Important risk factors for PA The data of the clinical observation of a “sausage-like” deformity, edema and hy- include a genetic predisposition, immune patient with a diagnosis of Psoriatic arthri- peremia of the 2nd, 3rd and 4th fingers disorders associated with collagen disor- tis, polyarthritic variant, severe course, of the right hand and 2nd and 3rd fingers der, type II, as well as the presence of activity of the II stage, functional insuffi- of the left hand. All joints of the feet and foci of bacterial, chlamydial and other ciency of the II – III stage are presented. hands are enlarged. Pathological mobil- types of infections [1-4]. In 2006, diag- Background: Common vulgar psoriasis, ity in the distal interphalangeal joints of nostic criteria for CASPAR PA were pro- exudative, off-season, stationary stage. the fingers. posed, which are presented in Table [6]. From the anamnesis, it is known General blood test: Red blood cells - Psoriatic arthritis (PsA) is an immu- that the patient has been ill for about 11 4.5 * 1012 / l; hemoglobin - 145 g / l; no-mediated, clinically heterogeneous years, when for the first time pinkish-red- white blood cells - 6.5 * 109 / l (segment- disease characterized by arthritis, en- dish papules appeared on the scalp and ed - 68%, lymphocytes - 31%, monocytes thesitis, dactylitis, spondylitis and psoria- extensor surface of the elbow and knee - 1%); platelets - 353 * 109 / l; ESR - 42 sis of the skin and nails. Persistent joint joints, covered with loose silver-white mm / h. inflammation in patients with PA can lead scales clearly distinguished from healthy Urinalysis - without features. to structural damage, which can lead to a skin. Later, pain in all joints of the 3rd Rheumatic tests: CRP - 2 mg/L, RF - and 4th toes of both feet joined. Within OTR, Antistreptolysin-0 - 152 U ml, uric two years, the pain spread to the knee acid - 0.3 mmol/L, A-CCP - 20 U/L. POPOVA Kristina Evgenyevna – physician- joints. The patient was diagnosed with Bacterial inoculation of synovial fluid - therapist, St. Petersburg State Budgetary Rheumatoid arthritis. Psoriasis. The pa- without features. Health Institution "City Polyclinic No. 100 tient refused the proposed therapy. ECG: Sinus rhythm. Left ventricular of the Nevsky District of St. Petersburg"; In the last two years, severe exacerba- hypertrophy. EOS is rejected to the left. – MD, Deputy POPOVA Tatiana Egorovna tions with increased arthralgic syndrome Heart rate 68 in 1 minute. Director for Science, Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution “Yakut Science Centre of involving new joints and subfebrile tem- X-ray of the hands: The articular fis- Complex Medical Problems (YSC CMP)”, Prof. perature about two times a year. A “rad- sures of the proximal interphalangeal M.K. Ammosov MI NEFU, tata2504@yandex. ish-like” deformation of the toes and a joints of the 2nd, 3rd, 4th fingers are nar- ru, Yakutsk, Russia. “sausage-like” deformation of the fingers rowed. The heads of the 2nd, 3rd and 4th 106 ЯКУТСКИЙ МЕДИЦИНСКИЙ ЖУРНАЛ

Diagnostic criteria for psoriatic arthritis, CASPAR a significant contribution of the genetic predisposition to the development of the Psoriatic joint inflammation can be diagnosed in a patient with peripheral arthritis, spondylitis disease. The presented clinical observa- and sacroiliitis or enthesitis and ≥3 points from the following: tion indicates a significant contribution of the genetic predisposition to the develop- 1. Symptoms of psoriasis (psoriatic skin changes detected by a rheumatologist or dermatologist): ment of the disease. An important point - psoriasis in a personal or family history (in a relative of I or II degree) 1 point is that patients with psoriatic arthritis - psoriatic changes are present at the moment 2 point have an increased risk of cardiovascu- lar disorders [8]. A correctly diagnosed 2. Typical psoriatic changes in the nails (separation of the nail, depressions in the nail plate and hyperkeratosis), established during an objective examination 1 point diagnosis is the appointment of the only correct treatment and the prevention of 3. A negative result of determining the rheumatoid factor by any method complications that can lead to disability (with the exception of the latex test), it is best ELISA or nephelometric method 1 point of the patient. 4. Dactylitis, defined as swelling of the entire finger (the so-called sausage finger) at the moment or in the history recorded by a rheumatologist 1 point References 5. Radiological signs of periarticular bone proliferation in the form of fuzzy limited ossification at the edges of the joint (with the exception of osteophytes) on 1 point 1. Butov Yu.S., Potekaev N.N. Dermatoven- radiographs of the wrist or foot erology: a guide for doctors. 2017; 206-220. 2. Vasilieva L.V., Evstratova E.F., Nikitin A.V. A comparative analysis of the effectiveness of metacarpal bones are corroded, reduced complaints, medical history, clinical and basic methotrexate therapy in combination with in size, with the presence of marginal pat- paraclinical data, the diagnosis was es- chromolaser therapy and methotrexate mono- terns and cystic enlightenments. There tablished: Psoriatic arthritis, polyarthritic therapy in patients with psoriatic arthritis. 2016.- are no heads of the 1st metacarpal bone S.19-24. variant, severe course, activity of the II 3. Bakulev A. L., Fitileva T. V., Novoderezh- on the right and heads of the proximal stage, functional insufficiency of the II – kina E. A., Gillotyu I., Tian H., Hove T., Petri G. phalanx of five fingers (osteolysis). III stage. Background: Common vulgar Psoriasis: clinical and epidemiological features X-ray of the feet: Erosion in combina- psoriasis, exudative. Off-season option. and treatment issues. Bulletin of Dermatology tion with proliferation of bone tissue in Stationary stage. Concomitant: Hyper- and Venereology. 2018; 94 (3): 67-76. 4. Korotaeva TV, Korsakova YL, Loginova EH the interphalangeal joint of the big toe, tension 2, AH-2, risk -3. Obesity I Art. and others. Psoriatic arthritis. Clinical recom- the first tarsal-metatarsal joint and dis- The therapy was carried out with mendations for diagnosis and treatment. Modern location in the II-V metatarsophalangeal non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs rheumatology. 2018; 12 (2): 22–35. joints. In several fingers erosion of the (NSAIDs), cytostatic therapy with meth- 5. Van der Heijde D, Gladman DD, Kavana- tuberosity of the distal phalanges. ugh A, Mease PJ. Assessing structural damage otrexate with an initial dose of 10 mg progression in psoriatic arthritis and its role as X-ray of the knee joints in 2 projec- followed by an increase to 20 mg, hepa- an outcome in research. Arthritis Res Ther. 2020 tions: uneven narrowing of the joint gap, toprotectors, sodium thiosulfate to relieve Feb 3;22(1):18. doi: 10.1186/s13075-020-2103-8. marginal bone growths, subchondral os- exacerbation of psoriatic elements, sal- 6. Taylor W, Gladman D, Helliwell P, et al. teosclerosis are determined. icylic acid externally. During treatment, Classification criteria for psoriatic arthritis: devel- opment of new criteria from a large international Dermatologist consultation: Common psoriatic elements on the skin decreased, study. Arthritis Rheum. 2006; 54(8):2665–2673. vulgar psoriasis, exudative. Off-season infiltration around the rashes became 7. Margarida Souto-­Carneiro, Lilla Tóth, Rou- option. Stationary stage. less noticeable, Voronov's pseudo- ven Behnisch, Konstantin Urbach, Karel D Klika, Differential diagnosis with rheuma- atrophic rims formed, itching completely Rui A Carvalho, Hanns-Martin Lorenz. Differenc- toid arthritis, gout and other systemic es in the serum metabolome and lipidome identify disappeared, inflammation of the affect- potential biomarkers for seronegative rheumatoid lesions was carried out. According to ed joints became less, and arthralgic syn- arthritis versus psoriatic arthritis. Ann Rheum the CASPAR scale, the patient has 6 drome regressed. Dis. 2020; 0:1–8. Doi: 10.1136/annrheum- points: psoriasis in a personal family Conclusions. This case makes doc- dis-2019-216374. history (for mother) - 1 point, psoriatic tors wary of psoriatic arthritis, the diffi- 8. Ma J, Liang N, Chen J, Bai Y. The asso- ciation between biologic agents and the risk of changes are present at the moment - 2 culty of differential diagnosis with such cardiovascular events in patients with psoriasis points, a negative result for determining specific diseases as rheumatoid arthritis, and psoriatic arthritis: A protocol for a system- rheumatoid factor - 1 point, dactylitis - 1 gout. The active identification of patients atic review and meta-analysis. Medicine (Balti- point, radiological signs of periarticular with psoriatic arthritis requires, first of all, more). 2019 Nov;98(47):e18063. doi: 10.1097/ bone proliferation in the form of a fuzzi- MD.0000000000018063. the correct interpretation of anamnestic, 9. Ritchlin CT, Colbert RA, Gladman DD. Pso- ly limited ossification at the edges of the clinical, laboratory, radiological data. The riatic arthritis. N Engl J Med. 2017; 376(10):2095– joint - 1 point [9]. Thus, on the basis of presented clinical observation indicates 2096. doi: 10.1056/NEJMra1505557