
President Fatulatetele Tolo

Board Nicki Zande (Interim Chairperson) Fiona Cassidy Gayle Hare Karen Harvey Anthony Karauria Belinda Wotton Danielle Hannah Frances Duffin Daphne Matinez (Board Youth Intern)

Staff General Manager Sue Geale Games Coordinator Kylie Tuffery Development Officer Maria Hegarty (Resigned) Netball Development Coordinator John Neho Finance Administrator Jo Beckwith (Resigned)/ Renee Savaiinea Emerging Talent Officer Sandra Edge

Life Membership Committee Dale Wortman, Chris Archer, Pat Maddocks, Fatulatetele Tolo

Life Members Mrs D. Wortman (MNZM), Mrs C. Archer, Miss P. Maddocks, Miss M. Munro, Mrs M. Perry, Mrs H. Verry, Mrs D. Wilson-Young, Ms M. Haggie, Ms W. Taumaunu, Ms F. Tolo, Ms M. Taru, Mrs B. Brider, Mrs B. Reweti, Ms. S. Edge

Service Award Holders Mrs P. Cleland, Mrs J. Prankerd, Mrs K. Doyle, Mrs M. Dixon, Mrs J. Patchett, Mrs G. Hare, Mrs D. Morris, Mr B. Hare, Mrs F. Maurirere, Mrs M. Bradshaw, Mrs A. Hay, Mrs S. Raemaki, Ms V. Mitchell, Mrs K. Greaves, Ms C. Meredith, Ms K. Herbert, Ms K. Lloyd, Mrs P. O’Reilly, Mrs D. Mills, Ms D. Patchett, Ms J. Minchin, Mrs R. Aiono, Mrs L. Cournane, Ms S. Sullivan, Mrs S. Geale, Ms E. Dorricott, Mr R. Hogan, Ms C. Kirkpatrick, Ms P. Semu, Ms F. Solia, Ms. T Wood, Mrs L Collier, Ms K. Firmin



Netball has had a fantastic year, what an exciting World Cup final! The games were also nail biters to watch and while we didn’t win the cup, 2020 promises to be another thrilling year for the Silver Ferns. At Netball Centre, we are committed to showcasing our talented players, umpires, coaches, officials and volunteers, which will be exciting for 2020 with the changes to the age groups and the re-introduction of the Open grade.

Taking on the role as Interim Chair was only possible due to our very strong and committed Board who have made sure we govern our Centre in a professional and supportive fashion. Our President, Fatulatetele Tolo, and Board members Karen Harvey, Fiona Cassidy, Anthony Karauria, Danielle Hannah, Frances Duffin, Belinda Wotton and Gayle Hare have made sound decisions so that our Centre is financially sustainable and successful. We have also had Daphne Martinez on the Board as our Board Youth Intern.

I would like to express our thanks to Karen Fifield, who stepped down from the Chair role in March due to work commitments. Karen had been the Chair for 3 ½ years and her leadership and guidance as our Chair solidified our Board.

During the year NWC has achieved much and continues to be financially sustainable; however for the first time since NWC was established in 2013, Expenditure was more than Income, resulting in a loss of $26k. This was due to a decrease in Grant Funding compared to the previous four financial years. The future for funding will continue to remain tight and competitive. We believe that our brand is strong and we will achieve most of the funding we apply for, however we are also looking at different funding streams. NNZ are providing support by equipping us with the right resources to seek partnerships and are also helping Centres with the partnership contracts they are putting in place.

The Annual Report reflects the work done by our capable management team and all of you throughout the year. I hope you enjoy reading it. On behalf of the Board, I want to say a huge thank you to Sue and her team for all the work they do on everyone’s behalf - they always have your interests at heart.

Netball Wellington has many to thank and I wish to recognize the continual work of our Life Members, Service Awards holders and those who volunteer their service and support for Netball Wellington Centre and the great game of netball.

I would like to congratulate Gayle Hare and Martha Taru on their Netball Service Award this year. It was a great honour for Netball Wellington to support these nominations in recognition of the work, dedication and commitment that they both give to the game of netball.

It has been such a privilege to be the Interim Chair this year, to work closely with Sue. I look forward to us taking the opportunities open to us to shine in the coming year. Everyone can feel very proud of all that has been achieved by our Centre this year across all of our competitions and activities. Here’s to 2020!

Nicki Zande Interim Chairperson, Netball Wellington Centre



It has been a real privilege to once again lead the Centre and the team here at Netball Wellington through another year of successes both on and off the court. Like all successes you have challenges along the way, and it is the challenges that we as a team have embraced the biggest learnings from and grown what we do and how we do it.

We continued to look at what our wide and diverse community needs were so that we could offer as many touch points as we could through our programmes and competitions. Our community needs come from the work that our Satellites - Motu Kairangi, Northern Suburbs and Wellington West - administer in the year 1 to 8 age group, and what we offer at ASB Sports Centre and also our Hataitai Venue.

The structures and plans that we implemented in 2018 for our programmes were built on over 2019. The alignment to Netball NZ recommendations for each age group to support individuals in accordance to their age and ability has guided us well in ensuring that our communities are connecting well and continue to enjoy the game of netball. Hearing comments that our futureFERN players are coming through with increased skills at a younger age, and parents have a better understanding of the game and embracing the fun factor, is music to our ears.

The follow on from this alignment to our Emerging Talent space has continued to grow. We have sound knowledge on our players, coaches and officials and how best we can work with these individuals so that they are achieving the goals personally and as a Centre. The support from and Sport Wellington in our Emerging Talent space, where 12 players are supported by High Performance Sport NZ and Sandra Edge to prepare them for the next step up the in their pathway. This foundational work helps to support the Netball NZ and Netball Central Zone pathway with a core group of NWC players being named in the Te Wānanga o Raukawa and Netball Central National League teams, and Silver Fern squads and teams. Our officials are also being named for National and International fixtures.

We say this every year, but it is by no means a repetitive message without meaning. We have a solid base of volunteers within Netball Wellington Centre. We thank them sincerely for the time they put in and their dedication to the game of netball. We operate as efficiently and effectively due to the contribution of these outstanding individuals. You are all integral members of our whānau and your involvement in the game of netball is appreciated immensely.

I would also like to sincerely thank - John, Jo, Kylie, Maria, Renee, Sandra and Ray who have continued on with passion and commitment to the game of netball and the Centre. To our team of casual staff members – Jasmine Diack, Matisse Tiatia, Charlotte Cordwell, Hannah Geale, Maggie Quinn and Hope Arahanga - thank you for your steadfast support to the Centre.

A huge thank you to our past Chair Karen Fifield and interim Chair Nicki Zande, President Fatulatetele Tolo, and Board members Karen Harvey, Fiona Cassidy, Gayle Hare, Belinda Wotton, Danielle Hannan. Frances Duffin, Anthony Karauria and Board intern Daphne Martinez. Your strategic guidance, expertise and support has provided us with a solid framework to work to and helped drive the successes we have achieved.

Sue Geale General Manager – Netball Wellington Centre



It was with great sadness that we said farewell to 2 of our long serving members. Both ladies will be sorely missed by many of our netball community members.

Mary Smith - 27 March 2019. Gail Toomer - 9 September Mary was well connected to 2019. Gail was well known and SMOG and our NWC respected by our SCOG netball Representative teams. club members.


Hataitai Park Hataitai continues to be the home of our winter competition minor collegiate grades (4 to 8) and the inter-satellite intermediate competition, coach and umpire development workshops, centre and club meetings, representative team trainings, spring and summer Twilight Competitions, junior fun fests, plus showcasing the history of Netball Wellington Centre.

We have a great facility with a variety of spaces available for hire including a large upstairs area, an upstairs boardroom, small meeting room and a downstairs room on offer. Hataitai hosts events such as prize-giving’s, private functions, seminars & workshops, indoor trainings, planning meetings, general meetings, Christmas functions, club welcomes, to name just a few. We would like to see our facility used more so please get in touch with our staff if you have any queries.

ASB Sports Centre The Centre remains one of the highest users of the ASB Sport Centre fully utilising 12 courts as part of our Saturday winter competition for our Premier, Premier Reserve, Senior and Collegiate 1-3 grades. Also for three nights a week for our twilight competitions, Intermediate and College League and development programmes, emerging talent groups, umpiring development, school holiday programmes, and school coaches programmes for year 1-8. We continually look for opportunities that we can offer during the day to the community to include all age groups, gender and abilities. This year was no exception.

Satellites – years 1 to 8 Our netball communities in our three satellites have a reach from Tawa, City Central, Eastern Suburbs and Wellington West. They provide netball for all futureFERN age groups year 1 to 8. They do a sterling job with the services and opportunities they offer to learn and play the game of netball, to umpire, coach, manage, and administration skills from key roles on the committee.

Our satellites are are run by volunteers which we are truly thankful for inf: Motu Kairangi - Evans Bay Intermediate School Northern Suburbs - Newlands Intermediate and Newlands College Wellington West - Samuel Marsden Collegiate



The funding from Gaming and Charitable Trusts provides invaluable support to the Centre financially for securing staff 12 months of the year, providing a wide range of competitions to meet the diverse needs of our communities, development programmes and academies to cater for all ages and abilities, providing a pathway for players as well as officials and management by running representative programmes for Year 9, Under 15 (x2 teams), 17 (x2 teams) and 19 (x2 teams) age groups plus emerging talent programmes.

During 2019, gaming and racing board trust funding was granted by New Zealand Community Trust (NZCT), Infinity Foundation Limited, Four Winds Foundation Limited, Pelorus Trust, The Lion Foundation, New Zealand Racing Board, One Foundation and Wellington Community Trust. We thank these funders for their ongoing support to the Centre and our members. Without this support the game of netball would be beyond the reach financially for many of our community.

We are incredibly privileged that a majority of our partners renewed their support in 2019, contributing to the Centre’s operational success. We would like to thank them all for their support, and the trust they put in us to align to their brand. We look forward to continuing to grow and foster our relationship in 2020.

PAK’nSAVE Kilbirnie continued their support towards our representative team food costs and our Good Sorts vouchers for our Winter competition. Thanks to Dean and Brian Galt and the team at PAK’nSAVE Kilbirnie for their ongoing support.

Jamie & Will Williams and the team from Wellington Hospitality Group continued their generous support with player of the day initiatives across our ASB winter competition and our three Satellites – Motu Kairangi, Northern Suburbs Netball and Wellington West Netball.

Mama Brown is our naming rights sponsors for our Centre Twilight leagues. They contributed towards food and drink vouchers for our winner and runner- up teams, match balls, plus spot prizes on final nights. We extend much thanks to Shah Aslam, Johnny Durham and the team located at Mama Brown on the corner of Tory & Wakefield Streets.

Capital Business Technology provides support that enables the Centre administration to have a more professional and efficient appearance with our photocopier/printer. Thanks to Stephen and the team at Capital Business Technology.


Wellington City Council and Sport Wellington have contributed financially and with guidance/support towards our emerging talent development programme. Sport Wellington also supported us with leadership development and development of our young student coaches.

Wellington Sports Med has once again been our ‘go to’ service provider at the ASB Sports Centre for injury care, strapping and for injuries sustained by netballers at all levels and follow up treatment. The players greatly appreciate the support that they received over the 2019 season.

Jason Pine from Newstalk ZB provided us with the opportunity to showcase our premier competition over the 2019 Winter Competition along with any special events we hosted. We really appreciated the air time and exposure that this gave our teams and players and look forward to continuing this relationship in 2020.

Mike Neilson and the team from Newtown Pita Pit provided some great healthy food options at Hataitai during the season and other events such as the Year 7 PDP FunFest. Player of the Day vouchers for college grades at Hataitai plus drink bottles and for the grade winners were really well received.


2019 was a great year for netball, especially for us here in Wellington with The Pulse, Beko team, U19’s and our Silver Ferns all winning. This meant our Centre got to see so many of these brilliant players play in our competition.

The 2019 season also saw an increase of 14 teams to our winter competition. This is a great result with 9 new college teams and 5 new club teams, with 248 teams in total. Ories Netball Club doubled in size going from 3 teams to 6 teams. I believe the biggest reason for the growth is being able to provide a competition that caters for all levels. It is great that our winter season can provide a competition that not only caters for our top-level athletes but all netball players.

This year also saw the length of the season change from 17 weeks to 16 weeks. This was a decision made at our club review night. The change meant the final series reduced to two weeks and this proved a positive change.

Our season review provided some positive feedback and a chance to discuss areas that needed some change. It was nice to get the chance to welcome representatives from our clubs, colleges, Board, umpires and NWC staff at the review evening. There was a lot of positivity shared surrounding the competition. One area we will look to make some changes, with support of our clubs, will be to create a player’s umpire group to help support and educate player umpires, players and coaches. It was great to have an open discussion to address areas that require further consideration.


Overall it has been another positive season for us and our three Satellites - Motu Kairangi, Wellington West, and Northern Suburbs Netball. We look forward to providing a competition in 2020 that will serve the needs of our netball community as best we can.


Premier 1& 2 2019 Finals day, congratulations must go to P.I.C for securing first and second place in the premier 1 and premier 2 competitions. These playoffs were tightly contested with all 4 teams wanting the winner title. The Premier 1 playoff for 3rd and 4th was an exciting game which was well fought out with SMOG 1 beating Wgtn East 1 54-53. We also saw one of our college teams, SMC 1, coming 5th in Premier 1 by beating Vic Uni 1. All games on finals day had some fantastic netball on display which made for some entertaining viewing for the spectators.

Premier 3, Premier Reserve & Senior competition The Premier 3 to Senior 7 grades performed well over the season with players of all abilities able to enjoy playing the game of netball both competitively and socially. It is fantastic to see some of our ex players coming back into the game and seeing their families on the sideline supporting. Player umpire concerns were something that the Centre worked on over the 2019 season with more collaborative approach being offered for the 2020 season.

The season review evening confirms that in 2020 we will play a 16-week season again, starting from the 2nd of May to the 29th of August (Finals Day). We look forward to the season ahead.

Results and final placings for Winter Competition Premier Grades

Prem 1 Prem 2 Premier 3

P.I.C 1 P.I.C 3 Wgtn East 2 P.I.C 2 P.I.C 5 Wgtn East 3 SMOG 1 P.I.C 4 Kia Ora 1 Wgtn East 1 SMOG 3 Vic Uni 3 St. Marys 1 QMC 1 Wgtn Girls 1 Vic Uni 1 Marsden 1 SMOG 5 SMOG 2 NCOG 2 St. Marys 2 Vic Uni 2 WEGC 1 Wgtn East 4

Prem Res 1 Prem Res 2 Prem Res 3 Prem Res 4 Prem Res 5

Vic Uni 4 Wgtn Girls 2 Wgtn East 8 QMC 2 Newlands 2 SMOG 4 WEGC 2 NCOG 1 Wgtn Girls 3 WGTN United 1 Newlands 1 Tawa 1 Ories 1 Nga Mokopuna 1 WEGC 5 Kia Ora 3 Kia Ora 2 Vic Uni 6 Kia Ora 4 Newlands 5 Karori 1 Vic Uni 7 WEGC 3 SMOG8 Wgtn East 9 Vic Uni 5 Wgtn East 5 St. Caths 1 Karori 2 St. Marys 4


Wgtn East 6 St. Marys 3 St. Francis 1 SMOG 7 Wgtn East 10 SMOG 6 Wgtn East 7 Onslow 1 Kia Ora 5 Vic Uni 8

Senior 1 Senior 2 Senior 3 Senior 4

Vic Uni 11 SMOG 10 Ories 3 SMOG 12 Vic Uni 9 Nga Mokopuna 2 SCOG 1 Kia Ora 10 Wgtn East 11 SMOG 11 Wgtn East 12 Vic Uni 14 SN WAG's Wgtn Olympic Kia Ora 9 Misfits 1 Ories 2 St. Francis 3 St. Francis 4 Karori 3 SMOG 9 Kia Ora 7 Wgtn Wildcats Ories 4 Vic Uni 10 Vic Uni 12 St. Francis 2 NCOG 3 Kia Ora 6 Vic Uni 13 Vic Uni 15 Kia Ora 8

Senior 5 Senior 6

Ories 5 SCOG 3 Vic Uni 16 Kia Ora 13 Ab Fabs Kia Ora 11

SCOG 2 Vic Uni 18

Ories 6 SMOG 13 Kia Ora 12 Kia Ora 14 Vic Uni 17 Vic Uni 20

Vic Uni 19 Vic Uni 21

Regional Secondary School League (RSSL) This is the ninth year this competition has been run by the Centre and College Sport Wellington, where 25 teams in three divisions took part from across Wellington, Hutt Valley, Kapi Mana, Kapiti and Wairarapa. The competition began on Monday 24th June after the first round of the school’s winter competition with seeding’s based on 2018 Lower North Island Secondary School tournament results. The finals took place at the ASB Sports Centre on Monday 26th August where St Mary’s College won against Samuel Marsden Collegiate (28-26) to win the Division One title. Division Two was won by Aotea College against Chilton St James (40-24) and Division Three was won by Upper Hutt College who played St Matthews Collegiate (24-21)


The Netball Wellington Centre affiliated teams finished in the following positions:

Division 1 St Mary’s College 1st Samuel Marsden Collegiate 2nd Queen Margaret College 6th Wellington Girls’ College 7th Wellington East Girls College 8th

Division 2 Tawa College 6th (14th overall) Newland College 8th (16th overall) Division 3 Onslow College 6th (22nd Overall)

NWC Collegiate Competition The Collegiate Grades are made up of three distinct groups: Collegiate Grades 1-3 Open grade (No age limit), Top four grades Hosted at the ASB Sports Centre Collegiate Grade 4 & 5 Open grade (No age limit), more ‘social’ grade Hosted at the Hataitai Netball Courts Junior Collegiate Grades 1-2 Junior grade (Year 9 & 10 Only) Hosted at the Hataitai Netball Courts

The 2019 season saw a few changes to the competition structure of the Collegiate 1 grade. With the help from our College Sports Coordinators we changed the format to have seeded grades for the top 24 teams. This meant every one of these teams had an opportunity to play themselves into the Club Grades. At the end of round one the top 4 teams played off for a spot in Premier Reserve 4, this was won by QMC 2 who then went on to win the grade. The remaining 3 teams moved into Premier Reserve 5, Newlands College 2 won this club grade. This is a great achievement for our college teams, as they both start the 2020 season in the club grades Premier Reserve 3 and 4.

The new competition structure was such a success there is a proposal to run all the collegiate grades with the same format for round one. We believe with these changes to the full Collegiate Competition will only make it better.

Results and final placings for Collegiate Competition Collegiate Grades

Coll 1A Coll 1B Coll 1C Coll 1D

Marsden 3 Wgtn High 1 St. Marys 8 St Mary's 7 Wgtn Girls 4 Tawa 2 Wgtn Girls 7 Newlands 9 Tawa 3 St Mary's 6 Wgtn Girls 8 WEGC 7


Marsden 2 WEGC 4 WEGC 6 Newlands 3 Wgtn Girls 6 St. Marys 5 Onslow 2 Wgtn Girls 9 Wgtn Girls 5 QMC 3 St. Caths 2 Onslow 3

Coll 2A Coll 2B Coll 2C

Wgtn Girls 12 Tawa 4 QMC 4 Wgtn Girls 11 Wgtn Girls 13 Wgtn Girls 14 St. Marys 12 Marsden 4 Wgtn High 2 WEGC 9 Marsden 5 St. Marys 13 Wgtn Girls 10 St. Marys 10 St. Marys 11 WEGC 8 St. Marys 9 Wgtn Girls 15

Coll 3A Coll 3B Coll 3C

QMC 5 WEGC 15 Onslow 4 WEGC 13 Wgtn Girls 19 Wgtn Girls 21 Wgtn High 3 QMC 6 Wgtn Girls 20 Wgtn Girls 16 Wgtn Girls 17 St. Marys 15 WEGC 11 Wgtn Girls 18 WEGC 14 WEGC 10 WEGC 12 St. Marys 14

Coll 4A Coll 4B Coll 4C Coll 4D

St. Marys 16 Wgtn Girls 28 Wgtn Girls 29 QMC 9 Newlands 6 Marsden 7 WEGC 19 WEGC 20 Marsden 6 Wgtn Girls 24 Wgtn Girls 27 Wgtn Girls 30 QMC 7 WEGC 18 Onslow 5 Wgtn Girls 23 WEGC 16 Wgtn Girls 25 Wgtn Girls 31 Marsden 8 Wgtn Girls 22 Wgtn High 4 WEGC 17 Wgtn Girls 26

Coll 5A Coll 5B Coll 5C

Wgtn Girls 34 Wgtn Girls 37 Wgtn Girls 40 QMC 8 Wgtn Girls 36 Wgtn Girls 41 WEGC 22 Wgtn Girls 38 Onslow 6 Wgtn Girls 35 St. Marys 20 WEGC 21 St. Marys 19 QMC 10 St Marys 18 Marsden 9 Newlands 4 Wgtn Girls 33 Wgtn Girls 32 QMC 11


JColl 1A JColl 1B JColl 1C JColl 1D JColl 2A

WEGC 23 Newlands 10 Marsden 11 St. Caths 3 Wgtn Girls 46 Newlands 7 WEGC 25 QMC 12 Wgtn Girls 45 St. Caths 4 St. Marys 21 St. Marys 23 St. Marys 22 QMC 13 Onslow 9 WEGC 24 Wgtn Girls 39 Wgtn Girls 44 QMC 14 Newlands 12 Marsden 10 Wgtn Girls 42 Onslow 7 Wgtn High 5 WEGC 27 WEGC 26 Newlands 8 Wgtn Girls 43 Onslow 8 Wgtn High 6 Wgtn Girls 47


Congratulations to these award recipients honoured at our 2019 NWC Prize-giving Ceremony.

College Awards Grade Recipient Trophy Collegiate Cup Winner: St Mary’s 1 Premier College Championship Cup Collegiate 1A Winner: Marsden 3 Marie Hopkins Trophy Runner Up: Wgtn Girls 4 Collegiate 1B Winner: Wgtn High 1 NWC Cup Runner Up: Tawa 2 Collegiate 1C Winner: St Mary’s 8 NWC Cup Runner Up: Wgtn Girls 7 Collegiate 1D Winner: St Mary’s 7 NWC Cup Runner Up: Newlands 9 Collegiate 2A Winner: Wgtn Girls 12 Esme Moore Trophy Runner Wgtn Girls 11 Collegiate 2B Winner: Tawa 4 NWC Cup Runner Up: Wgtn Girls 13 Collegiate 2C Winner: QMC 4 NWC Cup Runner Up: Wgtn Girls 14 Collegiate 3A Winner: QMC 5 WNA Cup Runner Up: WEGC 13 Collegiate 3B Winner: WEGC 15 NWC Cup Runner Up: Wgtn Girls 19 Collegiate 3C Winner: Onslow 4 NWC Cup Runner Up: Wgtn Girls 21 Collegiate 4A Winner: St Mary’s 16 Hazel Paul Trophy (plate) Runner Up: Newlands 6 Collegiate 4B Winner: Wgtn Girls 28 NWC Cup Runner Up: Marsden 7 Collegiate 4C Winner: Wgtn Girls 29 NWC Cup Runner Up: WEGC 19


Collegiate 4D Winner: QMC 9 NWC Cup Runner Up: WEGC 20 Collegiate 5A Winner: Wgtn Girls 34 ‘Y’ Cup Runner Up: QMC 8 Collegiate 5B Winner: Wgtn Girls 37 NWC Cup Runner Up: Wgtn Girls 36 Collegiate 5C Winner: Wgtn Girls 40 NWC Cup Runner Up: Wgtn Girls 41 JColl 1A Winner: WEGC 23 Jamie Trophy Runner Up: Newlands 7 JColl 1B Winner: Newlands 10 NWC Cup Runner Up: WEGC 25 JColl 1C Winner: Marsden 11 NWC Cup Runner Up: QMC 12 JColl 1D Winner: St Cath’s 3 NWC Cup Runner Up: Wgtn Girls 45 JColl 2A Winner: Wgtn Girls 46 Doyle Cup Runner Up: St Cath’s 4 Intermediate Winner: EBIS Revolution Intermediate Cup Runner Up: Raroa Eagles Special Mention QMC 4 Marsden 11 Won all games – unbeaten: St Mary’s 8 Wgtn Girls 34 WEGC 15 Wgtn Girls 37 Collegiate Highest Goal Average QMC 4 Shirley Smith Trophy Collegiate Best Defensive Play Wgtn Girls 37 Lady Appleton Trophy

Highest Finishing College Team St Mary’s 1 Acorn Cup

Senior Awards Grade Recipient Trophy Winner: Vic Uni 11 Senior 1 WEOG Cup Runner Up: Vic Uni 9 Winner: SMOG 10 Senior 2 NWC Cup Runner Up: Nga Mokopuna 2 Winner: Ories 3 Senior 3 NWC Cup Runner Up: SCOG 1 Winner: SMOG 12 Senior 4 NWC Cup Runner Up: Kia Ora 10 Winner: Ories 5 Senior 5 SMOG Cup Runner Up: Vic Uni 16 Winner: SCOG 3 Senior 6 NWC Cup Runner Up: Kia Ora 13 Senior - Highest Goal Average Ories 3 Betty Armstrong Cup Senior - Best Defensive Play Ories 3 Barbara Marchant Trophy Senior Team Award Wgtn East 11 Senior Team Award Trophy


Premier Awards Grade Recipient Trophy Premier 1 Winner: P.I.C 1 NZ Community Trust Trophy Runner Up: P.I.C 2 Premier 2 Winner: P.I.C 3 O’Neill Cup Runner Up: P.I.C 5 Premier 3 Winner: Wgtn East 2 Dorothy Smith Trophy Runner Up: Wgtn East 3 Premier Reserve 1 Winner: VIC Uni 4 Smith Cup Runner Up: SMOG 4 Premier Reserve 2 Winner: WGC 2 Johnsonville/Marion Smith Runner Up: WEGC 2 Trophy Premier Reserve 3 Winner: Wgtn East 8 Premier Cup Runner Up: NCOG 1 Premier Reserve 4 Winner: QMC 2 Annie Calder Trophy/Trustbank Runner Up: WGC 3 Cup Premier Reserve 5 Winner: Newlands 2 Runner Up: Wgtn United 1 Premier - Highest Goal Average P.I.C 1 Lady Fowler Cup Premier - Best Defensive Play P.I.C 1 Umpires Jubilee Trophy

Special Awards Award Recipient Trophy Club Uniform Winner: Nga Mokopuna Nominations: Paul Cameron Trophy Wgtn East Netball Club SCOG Volunteer of the Year Winner: Sonia Kupuri Nominations: Haggie Cup Robbie Herbison Darrell Doig Fair Play Award Winner: Katie Alexander NWC Cup Club Administrator Winner: Lizzie Cody Geale Family Cup Coach of the Year – Winner: Sue Pulham Developing players Nominations: Helen Gladding NWC Trophy Coach of the Year Winner: Anna Andrews-Tasola Dale Wortman Trophy Nominations: Irene Katsougiannis – Wgtn Olympic Cushla Litchwark – Wgtn East 2 Delphina Gray – WGC 2 Efi Fa’atau – Samuel Marsden 1 Most Improved Team QMC 2 and Wgtn East 8 Sykes Cup Club Achievement Ories Marjorie Jenden Trophy Club Championship – Small Club SCOG Betts Cup Club Championship – Large Club P.I.C Lady Iris Kitts Trophy

Umpire Awards Award Recipient Trophy Contribution to Umpiring Kris Kincaid Freda Maurirere Trophy Junior Umpire of the Year Briar Pawson Barbara Fabish Trophy Most Improved Umpire John Neho Kirsten Lloyd Trophy Umpire of the Year Ann Hay Denise Young Trophy

Representative Awards


Award Recipient U19 - Most Valuable Player Renee Savai’inaea U19 - Most Improved Player Rachel Albiston U17 Black - Most Valuable Players Torren Isaako U17 Black - Most Improved Players Waimarie Weston U17 Gold - Most Valuable Player Lucy Ross U17 Gold - Most Improved Players Lucy Singer U15 Black - Most Valuable Player Rachel Price U15 Black - Most Improved Player Kyrah Whitman U15 Gold - Most Valuable Player Erana Ngarimu U15 Gold - Most Improved Players Artikah Allan Year 9 - Most Valuable Players Zara Feaunati Year 9 - Most Improved Player Kate McHardy

Congratulations to the following award recipients honored as part of the 2019 Wellington Regional Netball Prize-giving Awards:

Umpire of the Year Gareth Fowler – HV Regional Cup Emerging Player of the Year Paris Lokotui- NWC Dale Wortman Cup Player of the Year – NWC The Presidents Cup

Key: HV = Netball Hutt Valley Centre NWC = Netball Wellington Centre


Social Twilight leagues remain a core part of our competitions on offer. Spaces for our indoor twilight are snapped up in a matter of minutes causing a lot of disappointment for those that miss out. This season saw a slight decrease to our twilight numbers; this is due to court space. In our autumn and winter competition we are limited by the court space available so often have 8- 10 teams on our waiting list. We are pleased to be able to provide our umpires with more court time and support from our Centre umpires at these Twilight Competitions. We are grateful to have Mama Brown as our sponsor for our Twilight Competitions again this year. This sponsorship continues to be a benefit to both the Centre and Mama Brown and we hope this relationship will continue in 2020.

Twilight Leagues offered in 2018/2019 Grade Venue # of teams Spring 2018 (October – December) - Monday Mixed Hataitai 8 Spring 2018 (October – December) - Monday Womens Hataitai 10 Spring 2018 (October – December) - Wednesday Mixed ASB 10 Spring 2018 (October – December) - Wednesday Womens ASB 14 Spring 2018 (October – December) - Thursday Mixed ASB 10 Spring 2018 (October – December) - Thursday Womens ASB 18 Summer 2019 (February – April) – Monday Mixed Hataitai 8 Summer 2019 (February – April) – Monday Womens Hataitai 12 Summer 2019 (February – April) - Wednesday Mixed ASB 8


Summer 2019 (February – April) - Wednesday Womens ASB 16 Summer 2019 (February – April) - Thursday Mixed ASB 6 Summer 2019 (February – April) - Thursday Womens ASB 18 Autumn 2019 (May – June) – Wednesday Mixed ASB 6 Autumn 2019 (May – June) – Wednesday Womens ASB 12 Autumn 2019 (May – June) – Thursday Mixed ASB 6 Autumn 2019 (May – June) – Thursday Womens ASB 18 Winter 2019 (July - September) - Wednesday Mixed ASB 8 Winter 2019 (July - September) - Wednesday Womens ASB 10 Winter 2019 (July - September) - Thursday Mixed ASB 8 Winter 2019 (July - September) - Thursday Womens ASB 14 Total number of teams in 2017/2018 – 228 (20 Leagues) Total number of teams in 2018/2019 – 220 (20 Leagues)


Our Intermediate Competition proves to be popular and highly competitive. These competitions run over a 6 week period and showcase some great young talent coming through. The competition provides not only a bit of fun for our young players but is also a great opportunity for our junior umpires to further develop their skills.

# of teams # of teams Junior Grades offered Grade 2017-2018 2018-2019 Term 4 (October – December) Wednesday Year 7 & 8 Cancelled 5 Term 4 (October – December) Thursday Year 7& 8 Cancelled 5 Term 1 (February – April) Thursday Year 7&8 4 Cancelled Total number of teams in 2017/2018 - 4 (1 League) Total number of teams in 2018/2019 - 10 ( 2 Leagues)



The College Competition continued as an off-season competition offered on both Wednesday and Thursday afternoons. The competition was open to Year 9 to Year 13. As a result, the competition has really enticed a lot more players into our competition for the pure reason of playing netball for fun with their mates. This has been a real joy to watch and was the exact reason for offering such an opportunity. It was great to see a number of these teams self coached and self managed – a promising way to grow our volunteers of the future. Our College Competition also provides a supported environment for our college umpires to gain more experience and knowledge. We have a number of keen umpires already on the pathway, which is brilliant for the future.

# of teams # of teams College Grades offered Grade 2017-2018 2018-2019 Term 4 (October – December) Wednesday Year 9-13 5 6 Term 4 (October – December) Thursday Year 9-13 10 6 Term 1 (February – April) Thursday Year 9-13 6 8 Total number of teams in 2017/2018 – 21 (3 Leagues) Total number of teams in 2018/2019 -20 (3 Leagues)


Walking Netball continues to run on a Friday night giving a core group a fun sporting activity to be part of to finish their working week, a great way to keep fitness up over the off season or recovery fitness after an injury.

This modified version of the game also makes for a social yet sweat-inducing fun work-out. Rule modifications include no jumping or running so one foot must always maintain contact with the ground at all times, allowing an extra step before coming to a complete stop, allowing four seconds to hold the ball, and the centre pass is always awarded to the non-scoring team.

We really look forward to increasing our numbers over 2020 with the hope of running a competition of 3-4 teams. So if you are keen to find out more please contact the office.



The 2018/2019 year has provided another successful season for the Wellington Umpires and Bench Officials. A number of umpires achieved qualifications and were awarded with appointments to international and national tournaments, and NZ squads and Talent ID programmes for both and Netball Central Zone. Congratulations to Marlissa Howard who gained her NZ B Award at 2018 NZ Secondary Schools Netball Champs, and to Ann Hay on her international appointments.

We attribute these successes to the personal commitment and accountability of the individuals, and also the work of the panel members, coaches, mentors and assessors who provide support and development opportunities. These individuals need to be accredited which takes personal time and investment, and it is appreciated by those they are developing and the Centre.

This year we celebrated great success in the umpire theory achievements. Caleb Binns & Sue Geale tutored Zone theory and Sarah Littler, Anthony Karauria & Yvonne Small tutored NZ Theory. We had 100% pass rate with four Zone candidates and two New Zealand candidates enjoying the taste of how hard work pays off. The Centre is extremely lucky to have tutors of such high calibre and the results show the importance of the six-weeks of classes.

We continued to offer an umpire holiday programme at ASB Sport Centre in January which attracted the interest of over 20 students. Umpiring 101 workshops were offered over 2019 to help player-umpires to be a little more confident with whistle in hand for the start of the season. Both workshops were extremely popular with 99 people attending. Player umpiring is a key focus in 2020 and we look forward to working collaboratively with our clubs and school on this.

Our umpires took up the opportunity to umpire trials, attend representative tournaments, attend club/school/representative trainings and coaching clinics, and took up one or more games on a Saturday to ensure that we covered all of our premier games using qualified umpires. We are still well below the required numbers to meet the objective of being in the position to cover all Premier Reserve games but the foundations are being laid with a good cohort of umpires coming through at the introductory and centre level.

A big thank you to all our officials for their time, commitment and dedication.

2019 Netball Wellington Centre Umpire Awards

Contribution to Umpiring – This year’s award was presented to Kris Kincaid. Kris has done a magnificent job as panel lead. He has rallied his umpire coaches and increased our umpire database at the Introductory and Centre umpire level. Kris and his panel ensured recently qualified umpires got support and were given encouragement throughout the season. The panels were at ASB Sports Centre from 8:10 till 11:00 am most Saturday mornings.


Most Improved Umpire – A few umpires put their hands up however one umpire had the upper edge due to the journey he has taken to achieve his NZ Theory umpire Award. Congratulations to John Neho on this very well-deserved recognition. Over the season John became one of our more consistent umpires on our Premier 2- 3 competition. It has been a couple of years of building confidence and maintaining consistency for John.

Junior Umpire of the Year –This year’s award was presented to Briar Pawson. Briar has this year built on her confidence and consistency. Briar has also grown in technical ability and applying this knowledge practically. Briar had a solid U15 tournament where she was appointed to the B Grade Final. She attended a number of regional representative tournaments at the U15 & U17 & Super Club level. A great year for Briar with successes on and off the court.

Umpire of the Year – Ann Hay manages to fit so much in and around the game of netball. This year Ann has contributed in the following NCZ umpire development office, NWC Panel Convenor, NZ Theory Tutor, NWC Squad Coach, NZ Umpire Tester, NWC member of development team and facilitator of development workshops. Ann continuously gives her time to the umpires in the Wellington region. Ann umpired at, ANZ Premiership 2019, NWC competitions and training games for Pulse and Beko.

Ann works tirelessly towards her own umpiring and the appointments she is awarded are true recognition of her capability. Ann is an elite umpire that enjoys what she does and this shows through every time she takes the court. We look forward to seeing Ann continue with her successes. Congratulations Ann - a just reward for all you give to the game of netball and others.

Umpire development opportunities offered by Netball Wellington Centre:

Date Event Facilitator #s Oct College Netball League - umpire mentoring (6 wks) John Neho 15 Jan Umpire Holiday Programme Year 8 & above Sue Geale & John Neho 20 Feb Intermediate & College Netball League - umpire mentoring (8 wks) John Neho 12 Mar Newlands College 6 Week Theory sessions Sue Geale & John Neho 32 Umpire Coaching & Feedback Session Kelly Herbert & Sarah 15 Littler Apr Adult Kiwi Whistler Motu Kairangi Satellite Year 5-8 (one-off Sue Geale 42 theory/practical) May Kiwi Whistler Wellington West Satellite (6 wks theory/pract) Maria Nunns 24 Kiwi Whistler Northern Suburbs Satellite (6 wks theory/pract) Lachlan McLaren & Caleb 12 Binns Kiwi Whistler Motu Kairangi Satellite (6 wks theory/prac) Sue Geale 12 Umpiring 101 Workshop Anthony Karauria & 99 Yvonne Small Development Session 1: Game Techniques and Protocols Ann Hay 15 June Development Session 2 : Contact, Contest & Advantage Gareth Fowler & 15 Josh Bowring 17 umpire development opportunities offered in 2017-2018 – total participants 404 12 umpire development opportunities offered in 2018-2019 - total participants 313


Congratulations to the following umpires who gained practical qualifications and theory passes this year: NZ B Award NZ Theory Zone Theory Centre Award Introductory Award Lachlan McLaren John Neho Isabella Gates Rhiannon Bond Emma Brown Briar Pawson Hannah Geale Courtney Doig Molly Chote NZ C Award Cheyenne Clarkin Sarah Hay Keila Guiney Keila Guiney Daisy Smith (endorsement) Jessie Mckee Skyla Hosking Skyla Hosking (endorsement) Zone Award Isabella Ioapo Selina Moananu Chantal Mckee Isabella Radka Michelle Taylor Jessie Mckee Michelle McCredie Michelle Taylor

We wish to acknowledge the fantastic achievements of the following umpires appointed for tournaments during 2018/2019: Umpire Tournament selection Ken Allen Marjorie Jenden Tournament 2019 Betty Steffensen Tournament 2019 Dale Wortman U17 & U19 Fixtures 2019 Lower North Island Secondary Schools Netball Tournament 2019 Netball New Zealand Under 17 Age Group Championship 2019 Super Zone 2019 Frances Bacon Betty Steffensen Tournament 2019 Greg Barbet NZ Mixed & Men’s Netball Association Men’s National Tournament 2019 Caleb Binns Netball Central Zone Umpire Extension Group 2019 NZ Mixed & Men’s Netball Association Mixed National Tournament 2019 Dale Wortman U17 & U19 Fixtures 2019 South Island Secondary Schools Netball Tournament 2019 Netball New Zealand Under 19 Age Group Championship 2019 NZ Mixed & Men’s Netball Association Men’s National Tournament 2019 Super Zone 2019 Josh Bowring National Umpire Squad 2019 ANZ Premiership Pre-Season Tournament in Otaki 2019 ANZ Premiership 2019 Vitality Netball World Cup 2019 NZ Mixed & Men’s Netball Association Men’s National Tournament 2019 Cheyenne Clarkin Marjorie Jenden Tournament 2019 Betty Steffensen Tournament 2019 Netball New Zealand Under 17 Age Group Championship 2019 Upper North Island Secondary School Netball Tournament 2019 NZ Mixed & Men’s Netball Association Men’s National Tournament 2019 Super Zone 2019 Genevieve Dale Wortman U17 & U19 Fixtures 2019 Coleman Netball New Zealand Under 17 Age Group Championship 2019 Super Zone 2019 Inger Deighton Ma rjorie Jenden Tournament 2019 Lower North Island Secondary Schools Netball Tournament 2019 Keila Guiney Lower North Island Secondary Schools Netball Tournament 2019


Ann Hay National Umpire Squad 2019 ANZ Premiership Pre-Season Tournament in Otaki 2019 ANZ Premiership 2019 Marjorie Jenden Tournament 2019 (Panel Member) Lower North Island Secondary Schools Netball Tournament 2019 Sarah Hay U15 Enviro Waste North Island Champs 2019 Lower North Island Secondary Schools Netball Tournament 2019 Marlissa Howard NZ Secondary School Netball Champs 2018 Umpire NZ Secondary School Netball Champs 2018 Final NNZSS National Development Camp 2019 NNZ Umpire Watch list 2019 Beko National League 2019 Dale Wortman U17 & U19 Fixtures 2019 Netball New Zealand Under 19 Age Group Championship 2019 Umpire Netball New Zealand Under 19 Age Group Championship 2019 Final Super Zone 2019 Megan Jamieson Netball Central Zone Umpire Extension Group 2019 Betty Steffensen Tournament 2019 Dale Wortman U17 & U19 Fixtures 2019 Netball New Zealand Under 17 Age Group Championship 2019(withdraw injury) Anthony Karauria Lower North Island Secondary Schools Netball Tournament 2019 (panel member) U15 Enviro Waste North Island Champs 2019 (panel member) NZ Mixed & Men’s Netball Association Men’s National Tournament 2019 Kris Kincaid Wellington Combined Centres Yr 9 & U15 Fixtures 2019 Lower North Island Secondary Schools Netball Tournament 2019 Jess Lea National Umpire Squad 2019 Beko National League 2019 Dale Wortman U17 & U19 Fixtures 2019 NZ Secondary Schools Team vs England U19 Team July 2019 Kirsten Lloyd ANZ Performance Reviewer NNZ Umpire Selector Netball New Zealand Under 19 Age Group Championship 2019 (panel member) John Neho Lower North Island Secondary Schools Netball Tournament 2019 Super Zone 2019 Lachlan Mclaren Netball Central Zone Umpire Extension Group 2019 Betty Steffensen Tournament 2019 Dale Wortman U17 & U19 Fixtures 2019 Netball New Zealand Under 19 Age Group Championship 2019 NZ Mixed & Men’s Netball Association Men’s National Tournament 2019 Lower North Island Secondary Schools Netball Tournament 2019 Jessie Mckee Lower North Island Secondary Schools Netball Tournament 2019 Briar Pawson Marjorie Jenden Tournament 2019 Wellington Combined Centres Yr 9 & U15 Fixtures 2019 U15 Enviro Waste North Island Champs 2019 Lower North Island Secondary Schools Netball Tournament 2019 Super Zone 2019 Melissa Price Netball Central Zone Umpire Extension Group 2019 Marjorie Jenden Tournament 2019 Wellington Combined Centres Yr9 & U15 Fixtures 2019 Lower North Island Secondary Schools Netball Tournament 2019


Theisan Rodgers- Lower North Island Secondary Schools Netball Tournament 2019 Lobban Tapeni Simmons Aotearoa Maori Netball Oranga Healthy Lifestyles National Tournament 2019 Betty Steffensen Tournament 2019 Dale Wortman U17 & U19 Fixtures 2019 U15 Enviro Waste North Island Champs 2019 Lower North Island Secondary Schools Netball Tournament 2019 Super Zone 2019 Yvonne Small Lower North Island Secondary Schools Netball Tournament 2019 Daisy Smith Netball Central Zone Umpire Extension Group 2019 Dale Wortman U17 & U19 Fixtures 2019 Netball New Zealand Under 17 Age Group Championship 2019 NZ Mixed & Men’s Netball Association Men’s National Tournament 2019 Super Zone 2019 Paul Smith National Umpire Squad 2019 Beko National League 2019 ANZ Premiership 2019 Kristin Svendsen Netball Central Zone Umpire Extension Group 2019 Lower North Island Secondary Schools Netball Tournament 2019 Super Zone 2019 Rangi Wano Marjorie Jenden Tournament 2019 Betty Steffensen Tournament 2019 Lower North Island Secondary Schools Netball Tournament 2019 Regan Thompson College Sport Wellington Student Official of the Year 2018

Lagi Tuimabave Netball Central Zone Umpire Extension Group 2019 NZ Mixed & Men’s Netball Association Men’s National Tournament 2019 Super Zone 2019 Amelia Wheeler Netball Central Zone Umpire Extension Group 2019 NZ Mixed & Men’s Netball Association Men’s National Tournament 2019 Lower North Island Secondary Schools Netball Tournament 2019 Super Zone 2019

Congratulations to the following umpires who have achieved honours at a regional level:

U15 Enviro Waste North Island Championship 2019 Tapeni Simmons A Grade Final Briar Pawson B Grade Final Sarah Hay B Grade (11 & 12 Place)

Lower North Island Secondary Schools Netball Sarah Hay – Umpire Merit Award – Bronze Medal

Congratulations to the following umpires who have achieved honours on a national level: 2019 National Umpire Squad Ann Hay Jess Lea Paul Smith


We wish to acknowledge the dedicated achievements of the following bench officials appointed on events throughout 2019

Official Event selection Bernice Robertson ANZ Premiership 2019 Greg Barbet ANZ Premiership 2019 NZ Mixed & Men’s Netball Association Men’s National Tournament 2019


Netball Wellington Centre continues to work to ensure netball is accessible and inclusive. The goalposts are ever-changing so our passionate team at NWC welcomes feedback as we work on responding to demands for 2020 and beyond. For example a boys, and mixed competition is being looked at as an exciting addition in the near future. We pride ourselves on being open to trying different initiatives to accommodate the needs of our community. We aim to grow our netball community by providing more quality development opportunities that appeal to the interests of our all-age patrons.

NWC is committed to better supporting Wellington’s 3 wonderful hard working Junior Netball Satellites as they embrace and deliver Netball New Zealand’s futureFERNS programme which now expands from Year 1-8. Here the love of our game is ignited, and confidence is built through the design of the futureFERNS programme itself, the dedicated and motivating satellite administrators and coaches, and support from schools and families.

From this foundation players are encouraged to take up player development opportunities provided by NWC. Pre-season, in-season, off- season development programmes and holiday skill sessions for Yr 7-8 and Yr 9-11 are offered throughout the year to build skill and confidence in our young developing players. These opportunities also ensure that those who miss out on representative teams have an avenue in which to grow their game. NWC is fortunate to have passionate staff that lead these sessions and take great interest, and a long term interest in the development of those who attend. And the players are always very excited and love coaching sessions by special guests including Central Manawa Beko players, Pulse players and Silver Ferns.

Those players selected for representative are extended through excellent coaching and tournament experience. NWC benefits significantly by working collaboratively alongside Wellington City Council, Sport Wellington, and College Sport Wellington, and we appreciate their expertise and support of what we do to grow our game.


Fitness Initiatives Following on from the success of our pre-season group fitness sessions offered in the past, this year we welcomed the return of Ngarama Milner-Olsen who led Fitness sessions throughout February and March. The sessions attracted players, umpires and parent’s alike covering a variety of ages and stages. Ngarama worked hard to include everyone and challenged attendees to give it their all at their own pace. Similar initiatives will happen in 2020 to assist with preparing our netball community to start their netball season off on the best foot possible with the aim of remaining injury-free. Many thanks to Ngarama Milner-Olsen from Mobile Fitness Solutions for all her energy, expertise and enthusiasm shared with us all.

Participation figures for the period from October 2018 to September 2019:

Development Opportunities 2017-2018 2018-2019 Term 4 (October to December) Off-Season Development Programme Year 7 & 8 20 20 Off-Season Development Programme Year 9 to 11 cancelled 8 Term 1 (January to March) Pre-Season Development Programme Year 7 & 8 23 35 Pre-Season Development Programme Year 9 -11 23 26 February/March Fitness 51 57 Term 2 (April to June) Academies are not offered over term 2 due to representative programmes and start of the winter season limiting time available for players to attend. Term 3 (July to September) Junior Netball Academy Year 5 & 6 13 not offered Junior Netball Academy Year 7 & 8 16 11 Senior Netball Academy Year 9-11 29 12 Total number of participants in Development Opportunities 2017-2018 – 175 Total number of participants in Development Opportunities 2018-2019 – 169

Holiday Netball Skills Clinic


Holiday Period Held 2017-2018 2018-2019 October Week 1 13 Year 6-8 10 Year 6-8 0 Year 9-13 10 Total 13 total January Mid January 14 Year 7&8 Position-Specific Clinic 10 Year 9-13 26 Shooters Year 7-10 24 total 32 Mid Courters Year 7-10 23 Defence Year 7-10 81 total January 2nd to last week 32 Shooters Prep for Trial Skill Clinic 26 Mid Courters 51 Year 9-11 17 Defence 51 total 75 total April Week 1 25 Year 7-10 (combined) Netball Skill Clinic 25 total 26 Year 5-8 26 total April Week 1 15 Shooters Position-Specific Clinic 24 Mid Courters 18 Shooters Year 7-11 17 Defence 21 Mid Courters Year 7-11 56 total 18 Defence Year 7-11 57 total July Week 1 23 Year 5&6, 16 Year 7&8 Netball Skill Clinic 39 total 27 Year 5-6 13 Year 7-8 40 total Total participants attending Holiday Clinics 2017/2018 – 232 Total participants attending Holiday Clinics 2018/2019 – 265

School, Tertiary and External Development Opportunities Netball Wellington Centre continues to partner with the team at ASB Sport Centre/Wellington City Council to deliver engaging quality coaching experiences for groups hosted at the ASB Sports Centre. NWC staff spends many hours’ netball and korfball coaching for schools and tertiary groups visiting the ASB Sports Centre. Other groups enjoying NWCs support include ASB Sports Centre’s ‘Senior Day’ walking netball, open walking netball, and netball for CCDHB and Sport Wellington groups. Overall, the Centre’s coaching hours and reach continues to expand. Term 4 is our busiest period with regards to school visits with a number of schools taking this opportunity to celebrate their end of year. We had a good mix of Korfball and Netball. Korfball holds a certain appeal to boys given it encourages long-range shots and could provide a perfect cross-over or lead-in to the college boys and mixed netball 6v6 game which is a new initiative we will be rolling out in 2020. We also worked with 2 American Universities with a tour of ASB and a game of netball. These groups are studying Physical Education, and this included researching facilities. Wellington was one of their last stops before heading back to America. We were the one stop off that provided them the opportunity to partake in a sporting activity, and one that they don’t get to play in America. We wish to thank the ASB Sports Centre staff for working closely with us to provide valuable netball and korfball opportunities to the wider community.


Participation figures for the period from October 2018 to September 2019:

Group Age Hours Attendees Term 4 2018 (October to December) ASBSC Oct Sporting Skills Hol Prog – netball (ASBSC) Year 7-13 1 30 ASBSC Oct Sporting Skills Hol Prog – korfball (ASBSC) Year 7-13 1 30 Wellington Home Education Network – netball (ASBSC) Year 0-13 2 20 Berhampore School – netball (ASBSC) Year 4-6 4.5 138 Waterloo School – korfball (ASBSC) Year 6 1.5 46 St Marks Primary School – korfball (ASBSC) Year 8 1 31 St Teresa’s Karori – korfball (ASBSC) Year 4-8 1.5 135 Hutt Intermediate School – korfball (ASBSC) Year 7 4 96 Newlands Intermediate School – korfball (ASBSC) Year 7&8 2.5 86 Cashmere Avenue School –korfball (ASBSC) Year 5 & 6 3.5 120 Crofton Downs School – korfball (ASBSC) Year 1-8 2.5 125 Bellevue School – korfball (ASBSC) Year 5 & 6 4 100 Karori Normal School – korfball (ASBSC) Year 4 4 100 Karori Normal School – korfball (ASBSC) Year 7 & 8 4 196 Holly Cross School- korfball (ASBC) Year 7-8 3 100 Term 1 2019 (January to April) ASBSC Jan Sporting Skills Hol Prog – netball (ASBSC) Year 1-8 3 75 ASBSC Jan Sporting Skills Hol Prog – korfball (ASBSC) Year 1-8 2 50 The Education Abroad Network visit from USA - netball & Tertiary 2.5 39 korfball (ASBSC) Wellington Home Education Network - netball (ASBSC) Year 0-13 1.5 30 Otari School - korfball (ASBSC) Year 1-6 4 150 West Park School – netball (ASBSC) Year 5 & 6 3 132 West Park School – netball (ASBSC) Year 1 & 2 3 132 Newtown School – korfball (ASBSC) Year 5 & 6 3 100 Khandallah School – netball (ASBSC) Year 5-6 3.5 150 Khandallah School- netball (ASBSC) Year 4 3 80 West Park School – korfball (ASBSC) Year3 & 4 3 132 Term 2 2019 (May to June) Newlands College – korfball (ASBSC) Year 13 1 20 Wellington Home Education Network - netball (ASBSC) Year 0-13 2 55 West Park School – korfball (ASBSC) Year 3 & 4 3.5 126 West Park School – korfball (ASBSC) Year 5 & 6 3.5 150 Ridgway School – korfball (ASBSC) Year 4-8 1.5 40 Newtown School – netball (ASBSC) Year 3 & 4 3 100 Thorndon School – korfball (ASBSC) Year 5 & 6 1.5 75 Term 3 2019 (July to September) ASBSC July Sporting Skills Hol Prog – korfball (ASBSC) Year 1-8 2 60 Berhampore School – netball (ASBSC) Year 0-2 3 84 Ridgway School – Netball (ASBSC) Year 4-8 45 Min 20 Sacred Heart Cathedral School – netball (ASBSC) Year 4-6 2.5 75 Island Bay School – korfball (ASBSC) Year 6-8 3.5 96 Island Bay School – netball (ASBSC) Year 3-6 1.5 50


Kahurangi School – korfball (ASBSC) Year 4-8 3.5 120 Queen Margaret College – netball (ASBSC) Year 7 & 8 3 100 West Park School – korfball (ASBSC) Year 5 & 6 3.5 120 Island Bay School – korfball (ASBSC) Year 2 & 3 3 112 Island Bay School – korfball (ASBSC) Year 7 & 8 3 82 Cashmere Avenue – Korfball (ASBSC) Year 1 & 2 3.5 125 Total coaching hours 2017-2018 – 113 Total attendees 2017-2018 – 2653 Total coaching hours 2018-2019 –120 Total attendees 2018-2019 –4033


Netball Wellington Centre has three affiliated Satellites. Wellington West Netball, Northern Suburbs Netball and Motu Kairangi Netball are stand alone entities and the Centre supports them with opportunities such as Kiwi Whistler and adult umpiring programmes, coaching programmes, Intermediate Inter-Satellite Year 7&8 competition, futureFERNS for Year 1-6, Year 7&8 Player Development Programme and FunFest tournament, player development opportunities from Year 1-8, and operational support.

It was a pleasure to once again host the annual Intermediate Inter-Satellite Competition over the 2019 season. We enjoy seeing the future Netball Wellington players, coaches, umpires and management in action and once again we were not disappointed with what we witnessed in regard to skill level and abilities of these players. The grand final was between Evans Bay Intermediate School Revolution and Raroa Intermediate Eagles with EBIS securing the win on the day with a consistent display of netball.

2019 Inter-Satellite Final Placings 1 EBIS Revolution 2 Raroa Eagles 3 St Anne’s Sistahs 4 SWIS Lightening 5 Newlands Intermediate Kauri 6 Tawa Diamonds 7 Marsden K 1 8 KNS Kauri

Well done to the satellite committee Chairs, executives and committee members, all players, coaches, managers, umpires & their whānau who made the season another highly enjoyable one. We are very excited about the strong foundation of players that will join us as college players in 2020.


Netball New Zealand’s Mother Earth futureFERNS programme has been successfully rolled out in each Satellite with all three taking full control of organisation in-house. This includes Year 1&2 (four-a-side), Year 3&4 (five-a-side), Year 5&6 (six-a-side) and Year 7&8 (seven-a-side) along with information and taster sessions. Each Satellite runs coach workshops organised by Netball Wellington Centre in support of these initiatives. Workshops aim to best prepare coaches and parents involved to deliver the modified game and relevant training plans with a focus remaining on fun.

NNZ Year 7&8 Player Development Programme (PDP) is an extension to the futureFERNS programme which helps us to widen the pool of players being exposed to development opportunities in this age group and inspire a lifelong love of netball. The PDP allows for upwards of 180 players across all three satellites to develop and extend their technical, tactical and athlete development skills, fostering a larger talent pool and continuing to engage players without the need to identify players at young age.

A FunFest was hosted at the end of the 5 week programme by NWC at the Hataitai Courts on Sunday 1st September which was attended by 12 teams. Teams were encouraged to come in fancy dress and invent creative team names highlighting the fun factor and eliminating a satellite vs satellite feel. The day included a mass NetballSmart warm-up facilitated by Netball Central Zone’s NetballSmart Development Officer Karla van der Merwe and ambassadors Maddy Gordon and Tiana Metuarau. Kiwi Whistlers from each Satellite got the chance to put their skills into practice, and Youth and Junior Led Irene van Dyk was on hand to support coaches and players. The FunFest was filmed by Netball NZ for their promotions in 2020, which was a huge treat for all involved.

Thank you for the many volunteer hours and dedication exhibited by our hardworking Satellite leads and coaches. A big thank you also to the enthusiastic parents, teachers and netball stars enjoying themselves and helping to spread the futureFERNS and Player Development Programme love of the game.

We are extremely happy with the progress made within each Satellite and look forward to providing our continued support throughout 2020.



The age group representative season is always a very busy but exciting time in Netball Wellington Centre’s calendar. Additional excitement has been injected into the representative space as NNZ announced that in 2020 there will be an U18 National Tournament in July and an Open Tournament in September. To align with this, Netball Taranaki is in the process of changing the North Island U15 Championship to Under 16 and a Yr 9 or U14 grade with a boys and mixed grade also being considered.

NWCs Year 9s, U15 Black and U15 Gold teams were selected in early May and prepared to compete at the North Island U15 Championship held in New Plymouth and hosted by Netball Taranaki. So too were the U17 Black and Gold teams which went on to compete at the National U17 Tournament hosted by Netball Waitakere. All five teams participated in the Marjorie Jenden Tournament hosted by Netball Wairarapa at their fabulous, recently completed Colombo St complex, the Betty Steffensen tournament hosted every year by Netball Manawatu in , and the Wellington Combined Centre’s Yr 9 and U15 fixtures hosted by Netball Kapiti.

The NWC Yr 9s enjoyed great success early in the 2019 season winning all eleven games over the first two tournaments. However the challenges came thick and fast in A Grade at the North Island U15 Tournament. Despite losing all eight games over the three days and being relegated to B Grade, five of those losses were by five goals or less. This team can be very proud of their efforts and hold their heads high, as only one of two Yr 9 teams in A grade. They showed great determination and resilience, fronting up game after game, displaying some wonderful skills and gaining valuable experience in the process.

U15 Gold followed a very similar pattern winning their sections in the Marjorie Jenden and Betty Steffensen tournaments. After six consecutive losses at the North Island U15 Championship each player dug deep to post wins in their final two games on the last day to finish on a high and retaining their place in B Grade for 2020. Players in our U15 Black team showed significant growth throughout the season with futures looking very bright indeed. U15 Black won sixteen, lost six and drew one over the season and placed 10th in A Grade at the North Island U15 Championship.

The challenge was on for U17 Black to make top four in the 2019 National U17 Tournament. The team played hard and skilful netball on defence and attack for a five game winning streak before losing to Manawatu Green in their sixth game. Their only other loss at the tournament was their final game against , with Auckland finishing in 5th place and Wellington in 6th place. Players should take great heart from a very strong campaign. U17 Gold was an energetic and lively team always in the hunt. Over the season this team won thirteen games and lost ten including four losses by one goal. It was the result of every player giving their all on court that saw the team finish a very credible 19th placing out of 40 teams at Nationals.

Such was the depth of players and coaches in the U19 age group, two teams - Black and Gold, were selected to compete in the Betty Steffensen Tournament and Dale Wortman Tournament held in the ASB Sports Centre and hosted by Netball Wellington Centre. U19 Gold played 9 games, winning 4 (v Hutt Valley U19 and Taranaki U19 both twice), losing 4 (Manawatu U19 x 2, Wellington Black, and ) and played out one draw against Christchurch U17 Red. Only U19 Black travelled to for the National U19 Tournament which they won in style, beating five teams on their way to an impressive thirteen goal win against Auckland in the


final. U19 Black played fifteen tournament games throughout the season winning all fifteen with a very impressive winning game average of 49 – 20.

At the heart of the 2019 NWC representative campaigns were our incredibly capable management teams. We are so very appreciative of the time, energy, care, and expertise each of our coaches and managers, listed below, provide our young Centre netballer’s.

U19: Anna Andrews-Tasola (Lead Coach), Belinda Wotton (Assistant Coach), Kelly Herbert (Manager) U19 Gold: Tash Tawhara (Lead Coach), Dion Te Whetu (Assistant Coach), Darrell Doig (Manager) U17 Black: Emma Weenink (Lead Coach), Maria Bertram (Assistant Coach), Karen Harvey (Manager) U17 Gold: Rona Singer (Lead Coach), Riz Firestone (Assistant Coach), Sonia Kupuri (Manager) U15 Black: Pelesa Semu (Lead Coach), Nicki Zande (Assistant Coach), Charmaine Ah Ken (Manager) U15 Gold: Samantha Hannah (Lead Coach), Bubs Reweti (Assistant Coach), Melissa Burfield (Manager) Year 9: Safron Auelua (Lead Coach), John Neho (Assistant Coach), Keila Guiney (Manager)

Some feedback from our players and parents celebrating how amazing our management were: “The amount of time, passion and commitment she has put into our team is amazing and out of the pure enjoyment of netball” “Not only is she super organised but she brings a real warmth and love to the teams that she manages which is key in uniting and building a strong team” “She has such a passion for the game, and her enthusiasm and passion rubs off on everyone she comes into contact with” “Awesome Coach. I felt really privileged” “Super concise with instructions and made it clear, what was expected, and yet at the same time allowed for us as individuals to contribute our own ideas and experience as to what we decided to do on and off court”




Lead Coach: Anna Andrews- Tasola

Assistant Coach: Belinda Wotton

Manager: Kelly Herbert

Co- Captain: Tiana Metuarau & Renee Savai’inaea Team Members: Ailish Akavi, Rachel Albiston, Madeline Gordon, Grace Masseurs, Bianca Nagaiya,Charity Polu, Lauren Smith, Charlotte Strowger- Turnock, Salote-Alison Taufa, Jordan Vailini


Lead Coach: Tash Tawhara

Assistant Coach: Dion Te Whetu

Manager: Darrell Doig

Team Members: Toni Tutemahurangi, Storm Gilmer, Lynette Sosefo, Sarah Cunningham, Saro Thomson, Jaime Belsham, Bella Howarth, Boston Falaniko, Charlotte Strowger-Turnock, Grace Masseurs, Georgia Stroud, Theisan Rodgers-Lobban, Sharnay Leef


Under 19 Representative Team Results

U19 BLACK Opposition Score Win/Loss U19 GOLD Opposition Score Win/Loss Game 1 Manawatu U19 47-16 Win Game 1 Taranaki 33-24 Win Game 2 Manawatu White 48-23 Win Game 2 Manawatu U19 18-24 Loss Game 3 Taranaki 51-19 Win Game 3 Hutt Valley 27-21 Win Game 4 Wellington Gold 48-14 Win Game 4 Wellington Black 14-48 Loss Game 5 Hutt Valley 69-8 Win Game 5 Manawatu White 25-30 Loss

Final placing 1st / 6 teams 5 wins Final placing 4th /6 teams 2 wins, 3 losses

U19 & U17 Dale Wortman Invitational Fixtures U19 BLACK Opposition Score Win/Loss U19 GOLD Opposition Score Win/Loss Game 1 Christchurch U19 39-28 Win Game 1 Taranaki U19 27-26 Win Game 2 Manawatu Green U17 41-15 Win Game 2 Christchurch Red U17 26-26 Draw Game 3 Dunedin U19 40-26 Win Game 3 Hutt Valley U19 37-9 Win Game 4 Manawatu U19 56-22 Win Game 4 Christchurch U19 23-26 Loss

Final placing N/A 4 wins Final placing N/A 2 win,1 draw,1 loss

Netball New Zealand Under 19 Age Group Championships Opposition Score Win/Loss Game 1 Pukekohe 57-15 Win Game 2 Invercargill 53-17 Win Game 3 Christchurch 43-30 Win Quarter Final North Harbour 56-17 Win Semi Final Hamilton City 45-15 Win Final Auckland 44-31 Win

Final placing 1st / 17 teams 6 Wins



Under 17 Black

Lead Coach: Emma Weenink

Assistant Coach: Maria Bertram

Managers: Karen Harvey

Captain: Maddie Feaunati Team Members: Danae Abolins-Thompson, Taylor Bryers, Zalika Clarke, Tesara-Rose Faleafaga, Torren Isaako, Mollie Nicol, Eileen Polu, Temalesi-Isabel Rayasi, Araraina Takuira-Mita Waimarie Weston,

U17 Wellington Gold

Lead Coach: Rona Singer

Assistant Coach: Riz Firestone

Manager: Sonia Kupuri

Co-Captains: Arnia Toheriri & Clare Tutuila Team Members: Ashley Barr, Rhiannon Bond, Amelia Feaunati, Joy-Maria Edwards, Jessica Jackson, Roimata Kapene , Olivia Preston, Georgia Rich, Lucy Ross, Lucy Singer


Under 17 Representative Team Results

Marjorie Jenden Tournament U17 BLACK Opposition Score Win/Loss U17 GOLD Opposition Score Win/Loss Game 1 Hawkes Bay Black 21-23 Loss Game 1 Taranaki D 36-16 Win Game 2 Manawatu A 16-29 Loss Game 2 Hutt Valley Green 34-11 Win Game 3 Taranaki 24-21 Win Game 3 Manawatu D 25-26 Loss Game 4 Whanganui 24-10 Win Game 4 Hawkes Bay White 24-22 Win Game 5 Marlborough 23-8 Win Game 5 Kapi Mana 20-21 loss Game 6 Hutt Valley Gold 23-17 Win

Final placing 3rd / 7 teams 4 wins, 2 losses Final placing 3rd / 6 teams 3 wins, 2 losses

Steffensen Tournament U17 BLACK Opposition Score Win/Loss U17 GOLD Opposition Score Win/Loss Game 1 Manawatu Green 21-25 Loss Game 1 Manawatu White 27-32 Loss Game 2 Kapi Mana 35-21 Win Game 2 Whanganui 23-22 Win Game 3 Hawke’s Bay 21-28 Loss Game 3 Hawkes Bay D 20-26 Loss Game 4 Hutt Valley 39-16 Win Game 4 Hutt Valley 35-16 Win Game 5 Taranaki 34-17 Win Game 5 Taranaki D 26-22 Win

Final placing 3rd / 6 teams in Div 1 3 wins, 2 losses Final placing 4th /6 teams in Div 2 3 wins, 3 losses

U19 & U17 Dale Wortman Invitational Fixtures U17 BLACK Opposition Score Win/Loss U17 GOLD Opposition Score Win/Loss Game 1 Christchurch Red U17 32-27 Win Game 1 Nelson U17 33-27 Win Game 2 Manawatu Green U17 23-28 Loss Game 2 Manawatu White U17 26-30 Loss Game 3 Dunedin U17 29-21 Win Game 3 Christchurch Black U17 30-31 Loss Game 4 Dunedin U19 21-33 loss Game 4 Taranaki A U17 27-28 Win

Final placing N/A 2 wins, 2 losses Final placing N/A 2 wins, 2 losses

Netball New Zealand Under 17 Age Group Championships U17 BLACK Opposition Score Win/Loss U17 GOLD Opposition Score Win/Loss Game 1 North Canterbury 40-19 Win Game 1 Waitakere1 21-49 Loss Game 2 Kapi Mana 49-15 Win Game 2 Dunedin 24-37 Loss Game 3 Invercargill 35-12 Win Game 3 Invitational 32-30 Win Game 4 Christchurch A Red 33-29 Win Game 4 South Canterbury 36-25 Win Game 5 Taranaki A 35-27 Win Game 5 Gisborne 32-24 Win Quarter Final Manawatu Green 19-28 Loss Quarter Final Nelson 32-18 Win Semi Final Hamilton City 33-24 Win Semi Final Northland Cluster 34-35 Loss Final Auckland 1 25-42 Loss Final Whanganui 39-30 Win

Final placing 6th out of 40 teams 6 wins, 2 losses Final placing 19th out of 40 teams 4 wins, 4 losses

Congratulations to the following players who were voted by opposition coaches as Black and Gold’s ‘Player’s of the Tournament’… U17 Black: Torren Isaako (P.I.C Netball Club) U17 Gold: Lucy Ross (St Mary’s College)



U15 Wellington Black

Lead Coach: Pelesa Semu

Assistant Coach: Nicki Zande

Manager: Charmaine Ah Ken

Captain: Eve Waititi Team Members: Madeleine Coyle, Kiara-Leigh Davidson-Korewha, Tawhirikura Doyle, Lamai Mataiti , Madisyn Mauriohooho-Tokona, Holly Morgan, Pippa Nicol, Rachel Price, Mercy-Lea Tekii-Lilo, Anna Tirikatene, Eva Whitfield, Kyrah Whitman

U15 Wellington Gold

Lead Coach: Samantha Hannah

Assistant Coach Bubs Reweti

Manager: Melissa Burfield

Co- Captains: Tawhirikura Doyle & Erana Ngarimu Team Members: Artikah Allan, Louise Cameron, Zoe Hannah, Laura Hausmann, Sharon Kennedy, Nadia Langhorn, Caitlin Leatham, Athena Ma’alo, Olivia Quinn, Natalia Savali


Under 15 Representative Tournament Results

Marjorie Jenden Tournament U15 BLACK Opposition Score Win/ U15 GOLD Opposition Score Win/ Loss Loss Game 1 Hutt Valley Gold 17-31 Loss Game 1 Taranaki D 25-7 Win Game 2 Taranaki 30-24 Win Game 2 Manawatu D 25-21 Win Game 3 Manawatu A 24-15 Win Game 3 Hawke’s Bay White 30-14 Win Game 4 Hawkes’ Bay Black 21-20 Win Game 4 Hutt Valley Green 41-4 Win Game 5 Kapi Mana 35-11 Win Game 5 Wairarapa 39-10 Win Game 6 Kapiti 40-10 Win

Final placing 2nd /7 teams in Div 1 5 wins, 1 Loss Final placing 1st / 6 teams in Div 2 5 wins

Steffensen Tournament U15 BLACK Opposition Score Win/ U15 GOL Opposition Score Win/ Division 1 Loss Division 2 Loss Game 1 Kapi Mana 46-11 Win Game 1 Wairarapa D 29-15 Win Game 2 Manawatu Green 36-16 Win Game 2 Hawke’s Bay D 38-19 Win Game 3 Taranaki A 39-19 Win Game 3 Taranaki D 24-13 Win Game 4 Hutt Valley Gold 24-30 Loss Game 4 Whanganui D 46-18 Win Game 5 Hutt Valley Green 33-15 Win

Final placing 2nd / 5 teams in Div 1 3 wins, 1 Loss Final placing 1st / 6 teams in Div 3 5 wins

Wellington Centre Combined Yr 9 & U15 Fixtures U15 BLACK Opposition Score Win/ U15 GOLD Opposition Score Win/ Loss Loss Game 1 Manawatu Green U15 30-20 Win Game 1 Hutt Valley Gold U15 21-31 Loss Game 2 Whanganui U15 31-15 Win Game 2 Kapi Mana Year 9 28-21 Win Game 3 Hutt Valley Green U15 39-12 Win Game 3 Hutt Valley Gold Year 9 36-10 Win Game 4 Wellington Year 9 39-18 Win Game 4 Wairarapa U15 30-25 Win Game 5 Manawatu White U15 18-22 Loss

Final placing 1st / 8 teams 5 wins Final placing 1st / 4 teams in Div 2 3 wins, 2 losses

North Island Under 15 Netball Championship U15 BLACK Opposition Score Win/ U15 GOLD Opposition Score Win/ A Grade Loss B Grade Loss Game 1 Hutt Valley Gold 27-27 Draw Game 1 Papakura 15-32 Loss Game 2 Howick/Pakuranga 28-26 Win Game 2 TWHCNC 14-18 Loss Game 3 Waitakere 1 27-36 Loss Game 3 Te Awamutu 16-24 Loss Game 4 Taranaki U15 A 31-23 Win Game 4 Manawatu White 15-19 Loss Game 5 Howick/Pakuranga 25-33 Loss Game 5l TWHCNC 15-20 Loss Game 6 EBOP U15 39-26 Win Game 6 Pukekohe U15 13-17 Loss Semi Final Hawke’s Bay Black 28-22 WIn Semi Final Howick/Pakuranga 25-17 Win Final Howick/Pakuranga 23-28 Loss Final Pukekohe U15 20-16 Win

th th Final placing 10 / 16 teams in 4 wins, 3 losses & Final placing 13 / 16 teams in 2 wins, 6 losses A Grade B Grade th 1 draw th 10 / 48 teams total 29 / 48 teams total



Year 9

Lead Coach: Safron Auelua

Assistant Coach: John Neho

Manager: Keila Guiney

Co-Captains: Pierina Cusin-Tavite & Tia Pavihi, Team Members: Zara Feaunati, Sarah Guiney, Eden Leota, Kate McHardy, Briana Parkes, Antello Paulo, Rosearna Stairmand, Charlotte White, Kayla Windwaai, Emily Wong

Year 9 Representative Tournament Results Marjorie Jenden Tournament Steffensen Tournament Year 9 Opposition Score Win/Loss Year 9 Opposition Score Win/Loss Game 1 Hutt Valley Green 36-7 Win Game 1 Taranaki A 23-15 Win Game 2 Kapi Mana 25-8 Win Game 2 Coastlands Kapiti 37-14 Win Game 3 Wairarapa 42-14 Win Game 3 Wairarapa 39-14 Win Game 4 Taranaki 24-4 Win Game 4 Hutt Valley Gold 28-26 Win Game 5 Taranaki D 28-8 Win Game 5 Kapi Mana 38-36 Win Game 6 Hutt Valley Gold 18-7 Win

Final placing 1st /7 teams 6 wins Final placing 1st / 10 teams 5 wins

Wellington Centre Combined Yr 9 & U15 Fixtures North Island Under 15 Netball Champs Year 9 Opposition Score Win/Loss Year 9 Opposition Score Win/Loss Game 1 Hutt Valley Green U15 21-22 Loss Game 1 Auckland U15 1 11-37 Loss Game 2 Manawatu Green U15 17-19 Loss Game 2 Manawatu Green U15 20-21 Loss Game 3 Whanganui U15 22-13 Win Game 3 Auckland Year 9 18-29 Loss Game 4 Wellington Black U15 18-39 Loss Game 4 Hawke’s Bay Black U15 18-23 Loss Game 5 Auckland Year 9 15-25 Loss Game 6 Whanganui U15 20-23 Loss Semi Final EBOP U15 19-31 Loss Final Taranaki U15 19-22 Loss

Final 16th / 16 teams in 8 losses Final placings 1 wins, 3 Losses placing A Grade Relegated to B 16th/ 48 teams total Grade for 2020



Netball Wellington Centre aligns with the Netball Central Zone’s (NCZ) performance vision which is for Zone Centres “to dominate national age group competitions”. We are proud of the wider group of players in the NWC Talent Development Programme, most of who are selected for age UPDATE FOR 2016 group representative teams. We believe in the players building relational and performance character to realise their full potential in netball and in life through the NWC talent development programmes.

Wellington City Council Sports Talent Development Programme The Wellington City Council Sports Talent Development Programme is funded by Wellington City Council with the long term view of increasing the number of sportspeople from Wellington City achieving national and international sporting success. Netball is one of eight sports in the programme. Managed by Mark Watson and his Sport Wellington Performance Hub team including Cam Durno and Meaghan Wilby, twelve players have enjoyed participating in six workshops throughout the year, linking in with the other sporting codes, and learning off inspiring role models, and experts in their fields. Our players have benefitted significantly as a result of attending one early morning court conditioning session a week, and one concentrated gym session in the High Performance Sport New Zealand gym per week over the year. HPSNZ intern Jaimee Taylor took over from HPSNZ Strength and Conditioner David Sturrock earlier in the year and she has been a passionate and engaged lead in this space, as was David prior to leaving. Her hard work and expertise is paying off as players are improving their fitness levels and movement competencies, and therefore enjoying very good on court performances.

2019 NWC Wellington City Council Talent Development Squad Danae Abolins-Thompson (Onslow College) Rachel Albiston (Samuel Marsden Collegiate) Taylor Bryers (Wellington Girls’ College) Tesara-Rose Faleafaga (St Mary’s College) Amelia Feaunati (St Mary’s College) Maddie Feaunati (St Mary’s College) Torren Isaako (P.I.C Club) Sharnay Leef (St Mary’s College) Grace Masseurs (Samuel Marsden Collegiate) Mollie Nicol (Queen Margaret College) Lucy Ross (St Mary’s College) Lauren Smith (Newlands College)


NWC Emerging Talent Squad The following group of players have attended Thursday morning strength and conditioning sessions for at least one term (Term 4 2018 – Term 3 2019) during the year to support their game development, and to reduce the risk of injury. This group worked on their aerobic base, strength, core, and balance, with a number selected for our representative teams. Sincere thanks to Sue Geale, Kylie Tuffery, Maria Bertram, Riz Firestone, and Nicki Zande for their contribution and support of this squad. Alice Wotton (Wellington Girls’ College) Amelia Feaunati (St Mary’s College) WCC Squad 2019 Araraina Takuira – Mita (Samuel Marsden Collegiate) Arnia Toheriri (P.I.C Netball Club) Ashley Barr (Newlands College) Bronté Tuffery (Wellington East Girls’ College) Charise Perez (St Mary’s College) Clare Tutuila (St Mary’s College) Charlotte Strowger-Turnock (Samuel Marsden Collegiate) Eileen Polu (P.I.C Club) Georgina Moore (Queen Margaret College) Jessica Jackson (St Mary’s College) Justice Firestone (Wellington Girls’ College) Lucy Ross (St Mary’s College) WCC Squad 2019 Maria Deligiannis (Wellington East Girls’ College) Molly Nicol (Queen Margaret College) WCC Squad 2019 Ollie Preston (Wellington Girls’ College) Rhiannon Bond (Wellington Girls’ College) Sophia Higgs (St Catherine’s College) Saro Thomson (Samuel Marsden Collegiate) Tomairangi Weston (P.I.C Netball Club) Torren Isaako (P.I.C Netball Club) WCC Squad 2019 Zalika (Lili) Clarke (Wellington Girls’ College)

NWC Development Squad Like the NWC Emerging Talent squad these players have attended Thursday morning conditioning sessions during the year (Term 4 2018 – Term3 2019) to support their game development, and to reduce the risk of injury. This squad continues to work on their aerobic base, strength, core, and balance. Special thanks to Sue Geale for leading this squad and John Neho, Kylie Tuffery, Maria Bertram, Nicki Zande, Riz Firestone, and Sue Pulham for their valued contribution and support of this group: Anna Tirikatene (Wellington Girls’ College) Erana Ngarimu (St Mary’s College) Eva Whitfield (Samuel Marsden Collegiate) Eve Waititi (Wellington Girls’ College) Georgia Rhodes (Onslow College) Hannah Geale (Wellington East Girls’ College) Holly Morgan (St Mary’s College) Joy Maria Edwards (St Mary’s College) Justice Firestone (Wellington Girls’ College) Kiara-Leigh Davidson-Korewha (St Mary’s College) Kyrah Whitman (St Mary’s College)


Lamai Mataiti (St Mary’s College) Lily Marshall (Wellington Girls’ College) Lucy Singer (Queen Margaret College) Maddy Coyle (Wellington Girls’ High School) Pippa Nicol (Queen Margaret College) Rachel Price (St Catherine’s College) Sharon Kennedy (Queen Margaret College Tawhirikura Doyle (Wellington East Girls’ College) Taylor Bryers (Wellington Girls’ College) to WCC TD Squad

Players selected for the Netball New Zealand Pathway to Podium Programme 2019 The players on this programme were named with an eye on defending the Netball World Youth Cup crown in 2021. “The Netball New Zealand Pathway to Podium programme is designed to complement and extend players development within their zone, through additional support delivered at the six HPSNZ National Training Centres, cross sport workshops, and two netball specific training camps.” Irene van Dyk and Sandra Edge are specialist coaches for this programme. Paris Lokotui (Queen Margaret College) Ainsleyana Puleiata (P.I.C Netball Club) Salote-Alison Taufa (P.I.C Netball Club) Saviour Tui (St Mary’s College)

NWC Players selected to attend NCZ Talent Identification Day in Otaki October 2018 Rachel Albiston (Samuel Marsden Collegiate) Tesara-Rose Faleafaga (St Mary’s College) Maddie Feaunati (St Mary’s College) Torren Isaako (P.I.C Netball Club) Sharnay Leef (Wellington East Girls’ College) Paris Lokotui (Queen Margaret College) Grace Masseurs (Samuel Marsden Collegiate) Beyoncé Rehutai (Wellington East Girls’ College) Lucy Ross (St Mary’s College) Lauren Smith (Newlands College) Saviour Tui (St Mary’s College)

Players selected to attend the NNZ National Talent Development Camp in January 2019 Rachel Albiston (Samuel Marsden Collegiate) Danae Abolins-Thompson (Onslow College) Maddie Feaunati (St Mary’s College) Sharnay Leef (Wellington East Girls’ College Paris Lokotui (Queen Margaret College) Saviour Tui (St Mary’s College) Tesara-Rose Faleafaga (St Mary’s College)

Congratulations to: Sandra Edge (Coach - SMOG Netball Club)

Irene van Dyk (Coach - SMOG Netball Club) Marlissa Howard (Umpire – SMOG Netball Club) For being selected to coach and umpire at this camp.

2019 NZSS Players Paris Lokotui (Queen Margaret College) Saviour Tui (St Mary’s College


Silver Ferns Squad 2019 Whitney Souness (Wellington East Netball Aliyah Dunn (P.I.C Netball Club) Club) (P.I.C Netball Club) Maia Wilson (P.I.C Netball Club) (SMOG Netball Club) Katrina Grant (P.I.C Netball Club) Silver Ferns Development Squad 2019 Sulu Fitzpatrick (P.I.C Netball Club) Tiana Metuarau (P.I.C Netball Club) (Wellington East Netball Club) Maddy Gordon (P.I.C Netball Club)

2019 Central Pulse Team Finished 1st place in 2019 Aliyah Dunn (P.I.C Netball Club) Ameliaranne Ekenasio (P.I.C Netball Club) Claire Kersten (Wellington East Netball Club) Karin Burger (SMOG Netball Club) Sulu Fitzpatrick (P.I.C Netball Club) Katrina Grant (P.I.C Netball Club) – Captain Maddy Gordon (P.I.C Netball Club) Tiana Metuarau (P.I.C Netball Club) Elle Temu (P.I.C Netball Club) Whitney Souness (Wellington East Netball Club) Sandra Edge (Assistant Coach SMOG Netball Club) Waimarama Taumaunu (Specialist Coach P.I.C Netball Club) Irene van Dyk (Specialist Coach SMOG Netball Club)

Training Partners: Ainsleyana Puleiata (St Mary’s College) - withdrawn due to injury Saviour Tui (St Mary’s College) Tori Watt (P.I.C Netball Club)

2019 BEKO Central Manawa Squad (Winners) Finished 1st place in 2019 Emma-May Fifita-Murray (SMOG Netball Club) Monalisa Groom (Wellington East Netball Club) Paris Lokotui (Queen Margaret College) Grace Mclean (Wellington East Netball Club) Bianca Nagaiya (SMOG Netball Club) Ainsleyana Puleiata (St Mary’s College) withdrew due to injury Renee Savai’inaea (P.I.C Netball Club) (Captain) Danielle Tafili (P.I.C Netball Club) Api Taufa (P.I.C Netball Club) Salote-Alison Taufa (P.I.C Netball Club) Savior Tui (St Mary’s College) Tori Watt (P.I.C Netball Club) Pelesa Semu (Head Coach P.I.C Netball Club) Anna Andrews-Tasola (Assistant Coach P.I.C Netball Club) Kelly Herbert (Manager SMOG Netball Club)

High Performance Sport New Zealand (HPSNZ) Carded Athletes Aliyah Dunn (P.I.C Netball Club) Ameliaranne Ekenasio (P.I.C Netball Club) Claire Kersten (Wellington East Netball Club) Karin Burger (SMOG Netball Club) Katrina Rore(P.I.C Netball Club) Maddy Gordon (P.I.C Netball Club) Sulu Fitzpatrick (P.I.C Netball Club) Tiana Metuarau (P.I.C Netball Club) Whitney Souness (Wellington East Netball Club)



Congratulations to the following players, teams, management and administrators who have been recognised for various regional and national honours:

2018 NZ Secondary Schools Netball Championships 14th – Wellington East Girls’ College (Coach James Larsen) Tournament Selection Tiana Metuarau (Wellington East Girls’ College) Charity Polu (Sacred Heart College/P.I.C Netball Club) Jordan Vailini (Sacred Heart College/P.I.C Netball Club)

2018 Fast5 Ferns (Winners Gold Medal) Karin Burger (SMOG Netball Club) Aliyah Dunn (P.I.C Netball Club) Ameliaranne Ekenasio (P.I.C Netball Club) Sulu Fitzpatrick (P.I.C Netball Club) Claire Kersten (Wellington East Netball Club) Whitney Souness (Wellington East Netball Club)

2018 New Zealand Coach Award Performance Coach of the Year - Pelesa Semu

2018 New World Volunteer Award Nominees Ann Hay - Official Frances Solia - Coach

2018 Porirua Youth Awards Tiuana-Marie Aiono (Queen Margaret College)

2018 College Sport Wellington Sportsperson of the Year Nominees (SPOTYs) Nominees: Beyonce Rehutai(Wellington East Girls College) Charity Polu (Sacred Heart/P.I.C Netball Club) Maddie Feaunati (St Mary’s College) Paris Lokotui (Queen Margaret College) Regan Thompson (Wellington East Girls College) Renee Savai’inaea (St Mary’s College) Saviour Tui (St Mary’s College) Sophia Higgs (St Catherine’s College) Tamara Baker (Wellington East College) Tiana Metuarau (Wellington East Girls’ College) 2018 Netball Award Winner – Tiana Metuarau (Wellington East Girls’ College) 2018 Handball Player of the Year Female- Tamara Baker (Wellington East Girls’ College) 2018 Wellington Community Trust Student Official of the Year Female Winner - Regan Thompson (Wellington East Girls’ College) 2018 The One Foundation All Rounder of the Year Winner - Paris Lokotui (Queens Margret College)

2019 Netball New Zealand Service Award Gayle Hare Martha Taru


2019 New Zealand Masters Games 45+ Social Competitive Netball Silver Medal – Wellington East Diehards

30+ Social Competitive Netball Gold Medal – Wellington East Dyehards

2019 Ikaroa ki te Tonga Māori Netball Teams

U15 Squad U17 Team Kiara-Leigh Davidson-Korewha (St Mary’s Taylor Bryers (Wellington Girls’ College) College) Joy-Maria Edwards (St Mary’s College) Keira Fryer (Wellington Girls College) Torren Isaako (P.I.C Netball Club) Korey Kavakura (St Mary’s College) Roimata Kapene (St Mary’s College) Madisyn Mauriohooho-Tokona (P.I.C Netball Alice Wotton (Wellington Girls’ College) Club) Bubs Reweti (Coach P.I.C Netball Club) Erana Ngarimu (St Marys’ College) Anna Tirikatene (Wellington Girls ‘College) Eve Waititi (Wellington Girls College) Kyrah Whitman (St Mary’s College) Ngarama Milner-Olsen (Coach P.I.C Netball Club)

U19 Team Premier Team Boston Falaniko (Wellington East Netball Club) Te Amo Amaru Tibble (P.I.C Netball Club) Storm Gilmer (P.I.C Netball Club) Colleen Faleafaga (P.I.C Netball Club) Mairangi Karaitiana (Victoria University Netball Jade Fox (Victoria University Netball Club) Club) Jermaine Howard-Vallance (P.I.C Netball Club) Sharnay Leef ( St Mary’s College) Tiana Rutene (Victoria University Netball Club) Lucy Ross (St Mary’s College) Beyonce Rehutai (Wellington East Girls College) Charlotte Strowger-Turnock (Samuel Marsden Colligate) Taz Tawhara (Coach P.I.C Netball Club)

2019 Aotearoa Māori Netball International Secondary School Team Sharnay Leef (St Mary’s College) Torren Isaako (P.I.C Netball Club)

2019 Aotearoa Māori Netball Oranga Healthy Lifestyles Tournament Ikaroa ki te Tonga Premier - Runner Up Ikaroa ki te Tonga U19 (coach Tash Tawhara) - Winner Ikaroa ki te Tonga U17 (coach Bubs Reweti) – Runner Up Ikaroa ki te Tonga U15 (coach Ngarama Milner-Olsen) – 3rd


2019 Netball Central Zone Super Club Tournament 1st P.I.C 1 8th P.I.C 2 4th Wellington East 10th SMOG 7th St Mary’s College

2019 NZ Indoor Netball Team 21 & Under Women – Lauren Smith (Victoria University) Open Mixed – Sammy Lewis (SMOG Netball Club)

2019 College Sport Wellington Senior Netball Tournament 1st St Mary’s College 7th Newlands College 2nd Queen Margaret College 11th Wellington Girls College 3rd Samuel Marsden Collegiate 13th Tawa College 4th Wellington East Girls College 23rd Onslow College

2019 College Sport Wellington Junior Netball Tournament 1st Queen Margaret College 10th Newlands College 2nd St Mary’s College 12th Wellington East Girls College 4th Tawa College 17th Onslow College 5th Samuel Marsden Collegiate 18th Wellington High School 8th Wellington Girls College

2019 Wellington Hospitality Group - Sportsperson of the Year Awards Finalists Sportswoman of the Year- Ameliaranne Ekenasio (P.I.C Netball Club) Personality of the Year – Karin Burger (SMOG Netball Club) Official of the Year – Gareth Fowler (Hutt Valley) Winner BDO Official of the Year – Gareth Fowler (Hutt Valley)

2019 College Sport Wellington Premier Netball Tournament 1st St Mary’s College (Coach Tash Tawhara & Dion Te Whetu) 2nd Samuel Marsden Collegiate (Coach Efaraima Fa’atau & Monalisa Groom) 3rd Sacred Heart College (Coach Bubs Reweti 6th Queen Margaret College (Coach Nadine Stembridge & Rona Singer) 7th Wellington Girls’ College (Coach Belinda Wotton) 8th Wellington East Girls’ College (Coach Leigh Graham & Julia Roberts) 14th Tawa College (Coach Jim Wiki) 16th Newlands College (Coach Eileen Dorricott & Deb Mills) 19th Onslow College (Coach Delwyn Walker)

2019 Lower North Island Secondary Schools Tournament A Grade 4th St Mary’s College 14th Newlands College 5th Samuel Marsden Collegiate 16th Wellington Girls College 13th Wellington East Girls College 29th Tawa College

B Grade 21st Onslow College 26th Wellington High School 25th St Catherine’s College/Bishop Viard

2019 NZ Secondary School Tournament qualifiers St Mary’s College Samuel Marsden Collegiate School



Netball NZ’s five tier coaching framework remains in place as the official coach performance pathway. Foundation level development opportunities aimed at junior coaches remain well attended. We are grateful to Junior Netball Satellite representatives support their local Year 1-8 coaches by arranging workshops held locally. The futureFERN workshops support beginner level coaches, many of whom may have been gently coaxed into taking up a coaching role. The CCA 1 & 2 modules flow on from these nicely however coaches can start from CCA 1 without the need to do the futureFERN workshops. The Player Centre Coaching module is a great intro for coaches in any sporting codes. The aim of the modules is to enable coaches to feel more confident in their capabilities and ensure they start coaching essential basics for players to build upon through a player centred learning philosophy.

The more advanced coaches will continue on their pathway through the Performance Coach Award (PCA) or Community Coach Qualification (CCQ) programme. The CCQ is a new initiative for Netball Central Zone as a pilot programme for players who have gained their experience of high performance sport through participation. This will allow them to cross credit their learnings over to CCA 1 & 2, so they can move onto their PCQ accreditation.

Coach developers (module facilitators) continue to be a focal point for us as we look to engage coaches who have been through their CCA modules, CCQ or PCA. We are interested to hear from those that have stepped aside from coaching as we believe their wealth of knowledge from their theory and practical experiences will make them an incredible facilitator of the CCA 1 & 2 modules. We have a large number of modules on offer that are hosted at all five Wellington Regional Centres in support of those wanting to build on their coaching kete.

We wish to thank our established coach developers who give their time to deliver within our Wellington region. Many thanks to Tash Rowlands, Karen Bevan, Maria Hegarty, Kylie Tuffery, Irene van Dyk and Lee Spence for the value add your give while delivering engaging module/workshop content. These Coach Developers facilitated the Netball New Zealand coaching modules hosted by Netball Wellington Centre between October 2018 to September 2019 listed below:

Community 1 Modules held: Player Centred Coaching x 2 19 coaches Building Effective Relationships x 1 4 coaches Attacking Fundamentals x 2 28 coaches Defence x 1 20 coaches Planning (Season and Session) x 1 14 coaches Skills Analysis x 1 11 coaches Shooting x 2 25 coaches Selecting x 1 8 coaches 129 coaches


Community 2 Modules held: Developing Physical Capacity x 1 13 coaches Through Court (Attack and Defence) cancelled Game Analysis x 2 15 coaches Centre Pass x 1 6 coaches Mental Skills cancelled Circle Work x 2 20 coaches Planning Annual and Tournament x 1 9 coaches 63 coaches Total Number attending CCA1&CCA2 192 coaches

FutureFERN Foundation Coaching: Junior Coordinator 4 coaches Star Helper 89 coaches Year 3&4 97 coaches Year 5&6 51 coaches Year 7&8 26 coaches Player Development Programme 12 coaches 279 coaches

The five Wellington Regional Centres continue to make a combined effort to offer courses scheduled for the right time of year as meets the needs of coaches. Informal workshops remain a valuable practical opportunity to learn, ask questions on the spot and benefit from first-hand observation in an engaging environment. NCZ are committed to deliver two Fill Your Kete offerings per year (per region) and we aim to continue to explore additional offerings to appeal to the variety of kinaesthetic, aural, and visual learning needs of our coach community in 2020.

Informal coach development opportunities attended by Netball Wellington Centre coaches within the Wellington region from October 2018 to September 2019 include:

Date Opportunity Attendees 14 October 2018 NCZ Talent Identification Cluster Session (TRA) 5 coaches 27 & 28 October 2018 NCZ Advanced Camp (Otaki) 4 coaches 24 Nov 2018 Netball Central Zone’s Annual Coaching Conference: 15 coaches ‘Plan, Prepare, Perform’ with Gary Hermansson, Lana McCarthy, Dennis Slade, Lee Spence, and Yvonne Willering, with support from Netball New Zealand’s Tania Karauria 31 March 2019 NCZ Dennis Slade: ‘Teaching Game Sense: with 22 coaches computer games’ 8 April 2019 NCZ Yvette McCausland-Durie (Central Pulse Coach): 26 coaches ‘Ways to run game-like variations’ 2 & 10 May 2019 NCZ Pulse Training observations x 2 (17, 28) 45 coaches May 2019 NetballSmart Workshops (x2) Wellington East Girls’ 18 coaches College May 2019 NNZ Deb Fuller (Silver Fern’s Assistant Coach), Sharon 10 coaches Kearney (Former Silver Ferns physiotherapist) and Charissa Barham (NZ Secondary School Coach): NNZ’s Roadshow - ‘Coaching for Success’ 27 & 29 August 2019 NWC Pelesa Semu (Central Manawa Beko coach): In 21 coaches circle defensive structures x 2 21 September 2019 NWC TD Cluster Session 6 coaches Informal Opportunities provided to: 172 coaches


Congratulations to the following coaches affiliated to the Netball Wellington Centre for their dedicated efforts throughout the past year in order to achieve the following accreditation:

Community Coach Award Level 1 (CCA 1) Brent Burson (Kelburn Normal School) Jane Moananu (Queen Margaret College) Kelsey Firmin (Victoria University) Stacey Bascand (Wellington East) Wendy Thompson (Karori Normal School)

Community Coach Award Level 2 (CCA 2) Cynthia Lendrum (Kelburn Normal School) Delwynn Walker (Onslow College) Jane Moananu (Queen Margret College) Kylie Tuffery (NWC Representatives) Lynette Poulton (Brooklyn Primary School) Sue Geale (Wellington East Girls’ College) Veronica Adams (Victoria University)

Performance Coach Qualification (PCQ) Anna Andrews-Tasola (P.I.C) Sandra Edge (SMOG)

Community Coach Qualification (CCQ) Daya Wiffen (P.I.C) Emma Weenink (Victoria University) Frances Solia (P.I.C) Irene van Dyk (SMOG)

Regional and National Appointments We wish to extend congratulations to the coaches below: Anna Andrews-Tasola - Beko National League Assistant Coach 2018/2019 & Cook Island National Head Coach 2019 Bubs Reweti - Ikaroa ki te Tonga Māori Netball U17r Head Coach 2018/2019 - New Zealand Silver Ferns Assistant Coach 2019 Emma Weenink- Victoria University Tertiary Netball Team Head Coach 2019 Frances Solia – Samoa Head Coach 2019 Gail Parata - Scottish Thistles National Head Coach 2019 Joy Bates – Cook Island National Manager 2019 Ngarama Milner-Olsen - Ikaroa ki te Tonga Māori Netball U15 Head Coach 2018/2019 Noelene Taurua- New Zealand Silver Ferns Head Coach 2019 Pelesa Semu- Beko National League Head Coach 2018/2019 Sandra Edge - Central Pulse Assistant Coach 2018/2019 Tash Tawhara - Ikaroa ki te Tonga Māori Netball U19 Head Coach 2018/2019

Congratulations also to the following managers who achieved honours on a regional or national level: Jo Holmes - Central Pulse Team Manager 2018/2019 Moana Fox - Ikaroa ki te Tonga Māori Netball Premier Team Manager 2018/2019