Congressional Record United States Th of America PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of the 105 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION
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E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 105 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 143 WASHINGTON, MONDAY, JULY 21, 1997 No. 103 House of Representatives The House met at 12 noon and was Mr. LIVINGSTON led the Pledge of a number of the Third Marine Division called to order by the Speaker pro tem- Allegiance as follows: landed and the First Marine Provi- pore [Mrs. EMERSON]. I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the sional Brigade landed on the beaches of f United States of America, and to the Repub- Asan and Agat, and the 77th Infantry, lic for which it stands, one nation under God, also playing a supportive role, landed DESIGNATION OF THE SPEAKER indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. on the beach of Agat, and therefore fol- PRO TEMPORE f lowed the battle for Guam in which The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- REPORT ON H.R. 2203, ENERGY AND over approximately 15,000 Japanese fore the House the following commu- WATER DEVELOPMENT APPRO- were killed, some 1,500 Americans were nication from the Speaker: PRIATIONS ACT, 1998 killed, and the island was finally de- WASHINGTON, DC, clared secure on August 10, 1944. July 21, 1997. Mr. LIVINGSTON, from the Commit- As we take time in this special order I hereby designate the Honorable JO ANN tee on Appropriations, submitted a and on this particular day, which is EMERSON to act as Speaker pro tempore on privileged report (Rept. No. 105±190) on very special for the people of Guam and this day. the bill (H.R. 2203) making appropria- by far the largest holiday in our annual NEWT GINGRICH, tions for energy and water develop- calendar, I want to draw attention to a Speaker of the House of Representatives. ment for the fiscal year ending Sep- couple of issues. One, of course, is to f tember 30, 1998, and for other purposes, pay the highest tribute and the highest which was referred to the Union Cal- PRAYER honor to the men in American uni- endar and ordered to be printed. forms, the heroic marines and the he- The Chaplain, Rev. James David The SPEAKER pro tempore. All roic sailors and soldiers who worked Ford, D.D., offered the following pray- points of order are reserved on the bill. hard and who suffered tremendous dep- er: f rivations and who risked their lives Let us pray using words from Psalm and many of whom paid the supreme MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT 90: sacrifice to liberate the people of Guam Lord, thou hast been our dwelling place A message in writing from the Presi- from Japanese occupation. in all generations. Before the mountains dent of the United States was commu- I also want to draw attention to the were brought forth, or ever thou hadst nicated to the House by Mr. Edwin experience of the Chamorro people, the formed the earth and the world, from ev- Thomas, one of his secretaries. Guamanians of Guam, who endured erlasting to everlasting thou art God. f roughly 32 months of Japanese occupa- For a thousand years in thy sight are tion, and during this time period them- but as yesterday when it is past, or as a SPECIAL ORDERS selves suffered many deprivations as watch in the night. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under they tried to keep their families to- So teach us to number our days that we the Speaker's announced policy of Jan- gether, and, in the final total, we will may get a heart of wisdom. Amen. uary 7, 1997, and under a previous order never know how many actually died in f of the House, the following Members the process as a result of hostile action will be recognized for 5 minutes each. or who were executed by the Japanese THE JOURNAL f or, in many instances, suffered and The SPEAKER pro tempore. The died simply as a result of starvation, Chair has examined the Journal of the 53D ANNIVERSARY OF THE malnutrition, and disease. But we must last day's proceedings and announces LIBERATION OF GUAM also take time to honor these people. to the House her approval thereof. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a In Guam right now it is already July Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- previous order of the House, the gen- 22, so the celebration is long over, and nal stands approved. tleman from Guam [Mr. UNDERWOOD] is I am sure that the celebration gave the f recognized for 5 minutes. appropriate honor. It always has a long Mr. UNDERWOOD. Madam Speaker, parade attached to it, and, of course, PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE today is July 21, 1997, and it represents the marines are always given the high- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Will the the 53d anniversary of the liberation of est level of applause as they march by. gentleman from Louisiana [Mr. LIVING- Guam, the landing of American ma- The reason why we should draw at- STON] come forward and lead the House rines and soldiers which occurred on tention to this is not simply that it in the Pledge of Allegiance. this day some 53 years ago. On that day was a momentous occasion during b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H5489 H5490 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE July 21, 1997 World War II, but there are a couple of compliance with U.S. and international Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- unique things about this. Guam is the standards in the area of emigration. ting the Agency's final ruleÐApproval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementa- only U.S. territory to be occupied by a WILLIAM J. CLINTON. tion Plans; Virginia: Approval of Group III THE WHITE HOUSE, July 18, 1997. foreign enemy during World War II. It SIP and Coke Oven Rules for Particulate was the only U.S. territory with U.S. f Matter [VA040±5017 & VA009±5017; FRL±5846± nationals on it to be occupied since the SPECIAL ORDERS GRANTED 5] received July 17, 1997, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. War of 1812. So what Guam has as a 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Commerce. unique contribution to the American By unanimous consent, permission to 4234. A letter from the Director, Office of experience during the Pacific theater address the House, following the legis- Regulatory Management and Information, Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- was that they were the only Americans lative program and any special orders heretofore entered, was granted to: ting the Agency's final ruleÐApproval and to be occupied and the people of Guam Promulgation of Air Quality Implementa- (The following Member (at his own had the only American territory that tion Plans; Richmond, VirginiaÐNOX Ex- endured all these deprivations. request) to revise and extend his re- emption Petition [SIPTRAX No. VA062±5019; Madam Speaker, yet despite all of marks and include extraneous mate- FRL±5861±2] received July 17, 1997, pursuant the unique circumstances of this, there rial:) to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on still remains the issue of meritorious Mr. UNDERWOOD, for 5 minutes, today. Commerce. f 4235. A letter from the Director, Office of claims that have been submitted by the Congressional Affairs, Nuclear Regulatory people of Guam and have been ignored EXTENSION OF REMARKS Commission, transmitting the Commission's by Congress. Just to give a little back- final ruleÐAnnual Financial Surety Update By unanimous consent, permission to ground, most U.S. citizens and U.S. na- Requirements for Uranium Recovery Licens- revise and extend remarks was granted tionals were taken care of by two ees [NRC Generic Letter 97±03] received July to: pieces of legislation, one in 1948 and 17, 1997, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to (The following Member (at the re- the Committee on Commerce. one in 1962. Neither of those mentioned quest of Mr. UNDERWOOD) and to in- 4236. A letter from the Assistant Secretary the people of Guam. Every other U.S. clude extraneous matter:) for Legislative Affairs, Department of State, citizen, every other U.S. national, re- transmitting certification of a proposed li- Mr. BONIOR. ceived their war restitution as a result cense for the export of defense articles or de- (The following Member (at the re- of those pieces of legislation. fense services sold commercially to Sweden quest of Mr. LIVINGSTON) and to include Madam Speaker, that is why I have (Transmittal No. DTC±11±97), pursuant to 22 extraneous matter:) U.S.C. 2776(c); to the Committee on Inter- introduced H.R. 2200, which will make Mr. SOLOMON. national Relations. the people of Guam whole, which will 4237. A letter from the Assistant Secretary f bring honor to this experience, and for Legislative Affairs, Department of State, which will fully restitute the people of ADJOURNMENT transmitting certification of a proposed li- Guam from their horrible experience. I cense for the export of defense articles or de- Mr. UNDERWOOD. Madam Speaker, I fense services sold commercially to Brazil understand that Senator INOUYE in the move that the House do now adjourn. (Transmittal No. DTC±10±97), pursuant to 22 other body will be introducing a com- The motion was agreed to; accord- U.S.C. 2776(c); to the Committee on Inter- panion measure in the Senate some- ingly (at 12 o'clock and 10 minutes national Relations.