THE WESTFIELD LEADER the Leading and Most Widely Circulated Weekly Newspaper in Union County
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, N. J. THE WESTFIELD LEADER The Leading and Most Widely Circulated Weekly Newspaper In Union County Btoond Olu* Po«lMt> Published 28 Pages—16 Cents EIGHTY-SEVENTH YEAR — NO. 36 at WMtfltliJ, NT J. WESTFIBLD. NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, APRIL 14, 1977 Ever/ Thursday Four Options Offered to Reduce April Will Bring "Bonus" Council Paves Way Imbalance in Jr. High Schools To Taxpayers Westfleld homeowners During an interim report comparable programs. The public presented existed in this community may expect a "bonus" by For Condominium session to provide in- George Plenty, vice the end of this month, many questions and com- by itself, there would be no A 7-2 vote by the Town we will have more multi- Thomas Pluta. Brady density will he permitted; formation to the public and chairman of the 60-member ments. Several include: enrollment problem and if according to Councilman in the pasi, garden apart- to get public Input, the Council Tuesday night to family units in Westfield," argued that inadequate advisory committee, noted "We may not have found the Edison existed in this Itonild Frigerio, chairman information on the project ment construction was Citizens Advisory Com- at the beginning of the liberalize zoning code Mayor Alexander S. solution tonight but we have community by itself, there of the council finance Williams said in support of was available and limited to two and a half mittee to Study Junior High program that the been given food for thought committee. regulations for the garden would be no enrollment apartment zone on Prospect the zoning amendment; questioned timing of the stories and 20 units per acre. School Education in enrollment at Edison and concerning alternatives and problem." Checks for rebates on Also objecting to passage Westfield presented four Roosevelt is declining from St. will pavethe way for the "the question is how many change since a new zoning advantages and disad- school taxes will be mailed ordinance is expected in of the amendment was optional alternatives and 786 at Edison now to an vantages of each alter- Campbell thanked the construction of a 45-unit and what kind." He said the to local property taxpayers luxury condominium be- construction by Westfield about eight weeks. Pluta Joseph F. Dooley, vice heard suggestions from the anticipated enrollment of native." "How about using a audience for their par- assessed In 1976 for school chairman of the Planning audience of about 150 61S in 1981 and 1067 at 'floating' teacher between ticipation and the com- tween the existing apart- residents Robert Newman also questioned the timing, purposes since reimbursed and Robert Weldon would be spot zoning, inconsistency in Board, who said he was'not citizens. Roosevelt now to an an- Roosevelt and Edison to mittee for its work. "This ment building at the corner against the project, which ticipated 825 in 1981 when by .the State. Amounts will of Cowperthwaite PI. and "a good thing ... not zoning standards and im- Under the leadership of offer comparable interim report to "the be $24.50 for each $10,000 of he felt would be an asset, but the enrollment decline is programs?" Another community summarizes the garden apartments detrimental to the town." mediate and future impact Douglas Campbell, general ••seised valuation. of the liberalized code. that a "major zone change chairman of the ad hoc expected to level off. resident suggested "taking briefly the findings of the north of the A&P parking Williams was joined in should be included in an committee, members a little bit from the optional- committee and presents lot. support by all but Coun- Under the amendment, a overall plan . .. "Why is He stated that the basic cilmen John Brady and three-story, 22 unit per acre discussed the advantages educational programs are open enrollment plan and four options that are being To Upgrade "There's no question that council in such a hurry?" he and disadvantages of four the same at both schools but combining it with making considered by the com- asked. that the choice of elective* Edison a 'magnet' school." mittee in its development of a report to the Board of Newman's and Weldon'i unequal enrollments at is restricted at Edison. Several persons cited the Parking Lot construction plans have the town's two junior high Campbell said that the "imaginativeness" and Education," he stated. been altered several times schools. The optioni "Your comments will be The Westfield Chamber of four options were being "creativity" of the plan to Commerce has received during the past year in a discussed were: presented for public input reorganize all students into appreciated. Your written compromise effort with the redistricting (no specific suggestions should be assurance from the Town and for further suggestions a 6-7 and 8-9 school Council that the parking council. When original plant plan was put forth), and from the public. He organization; however, mailed to Douglas Camp- for a proposed five-story optional-open enrollment for bell, Board of Education, 302 area on Prospect St. behind estimated costs of the plans others were quick to point to stores on Broad St. will be project were announced last northside students to enroll range from $10,000 to $80,000 possible traffic problems Elm Street, Westfield, N.J." May, the developers In Edison Junior High completely upgraded this and noted that some plans and to question whether the The 22-member steering year. Several chamber reported a long waiting list School, reorganizing so that offer longer-term solution solution was more drastic committee is expected to of prospective tenants. all sixth and seventh grade members had expressed than others. than the problem. meet again to discuss the concern over the extreme Pluta's opposition In part students would attend Dr. Laurence F. Greene, problem and possible Roosevelt Junior High Another resident asked: state of disrepair of the referred to efforts of superintendent of schools, "Have you checked with the solutions and to prepare a Prospect St. lot as well as residents on the opposite School and all eighth and who suggested formation of report for submission at the ninth grade students would consumers?" Asked for the equally unattractive side of Prospect St. to altar the advisory committee last further clarifiction, he said end of the month." appearance of the South their property to a garden attend Edison Junior High May, said that he was im- School, and waiting out that he was referring to Copies of the interim Ave. lot adjacent to the train apartment zone also, and pressed with the openness sixth grade students. report have been placed in station. The Chamber had town's previous rejection of student declines in both and participatory nature of schools while maintaining Campbell answered one each school and the public contacted both the a Cardinal Dr. project on the audience at the meeting. resident that "if Roosevelt library tor citizen* to.see. Department, of Public height requirements and of Works ami the Town Council an Bast Broad St. UeompUln about that* Ma, professional building on Special Events Included In library Observance density factors. • Various, residents g^ to questioned the results of the Ave. lot, the Council in- Running for the New Jersey State Legislature are Assembly candidate Charles Hird- Week. serve the refrwhjnents and day and Friday at 10 a.m. 'behind the scenes" in the wick of Wnffleld, Senate aspiraal Frank X. McDermoU or WestffeM and Alien*. precedent being set by tat answer questions "about the and Wednesday at 2 p.m. downstairs workrooms. The dicated , that . the amendment and claimed The Westfield Memorial deteriorated Winf which Hymutm C.Ueto Bauano. who weft* reelection to that attice. Library will caMbrate by library. ^^tV;',^. • • Th— whn talc* the tour will main section of the adult discrimination because Mwwbaf• «tt*Mbrry'* at^tt' t>« -library /staff department ha* Juat l»en waa removed would not be council has failed tortpty to kivtsgiOMt 'Tnva|Ufers«y replaced until it Is deter- l&tiWuml»» «<U tato matobtrs and team of their repainted a soft, shade of a request to rezone the adMlt patrons and "I'm a visitors on guMsd tours of different jobs, both at the mined wk*t influence, if Two Residents on GOP Slate "Oriental Silk," and any, PATH might have on opposite side of Prospect St. Library User" balloons to downstairs workroom* this lot. In the interim, the A GOP team of legislative "The ticket Is strong and people of the 20fh District." Paul Furstner of 1M Nelson all Juvenile patrons who recently were remodeled council plan* to repair and candidates "of varying well-balanced," said Union A former president of the Pi. called the zone Chan* • a check out five books or and redecorated to afford paint the sign at the South backgrounds well-equipped County Republican chair- Slate Senate, and acting ' 'dangerous precedent,™ and more. more space and a more Ave. lot as well as replacing to represent all Ihe citizens woman Barbara daman of Governor, McDermott has David Newai'l of 800 Forest There will be free refresh- attractive work area. the bumper boards of the 20th Assembly Weslfield in commenting on called for a tax convention Ave. claimed the action was ments at the library, every Winners of the essay requiring attention. District" was announced Ihe choices of the GOP to determine Ihe best means "not for the general welfare afternoon, library tours, and contest on "Why I Like today by the Union County candidate recommendation of financing slate needs and but for the builders." prizes for the best essay in Libraries," conducted Republican Committee. committee. to re-examine the question Councilman Jack the school children's essay among public and parochial Mayor Proclaims The ticket includes: Pointing out that' of the slate income (ax.