22 November 1983 :Questions Without Notice

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22 November 1983 :Questions Without Notice 1062 COUNCIL 22 November 1983 :Questions without Notice Tuesday, 22 November 1983 Mr Long. I shall also point out to the Treas­ urer that the honourable member seeks an additional response with regard to the Grain The PRESIDENT (the Hon. F. S. Grim­ Elevators Board. wade) took the chair at 3.3 p.m. and read the prayer. However, that is the initiative ofMr Long and, if he chooses to alter the question to LOCAL GOVERNMENT (GENERAL that effect, it is appropriate for him to do AMENDMENT) BILL (No. 2) so. I will inform the Treasurer of the matter raised and advise him that Mr Long is also This Bill was received from the Assembly seeking further information regarding the and, on the motion of the Hon. E. H. Grain Elevators Board. WALKER (Minister for Planning and En­ vironment), was read a first time. "STATE OF THE RIVERS" BOOKLET EQUAL OPPORTUNITY BILL The Hon. W. R. BAXTER (North East­ ern Province)-Did the Minister for Plan­ This Bill was received from the Assembly ning and Environment, in assisting his and, on the motion of the Hon. E. H. Ministerial colleagues, the Minister for WALKER (Minister for Planning and En­ Minerals and Energy and the Minister for vironment), was read a first time. Conservation, Forests and Lands, to launch the booklet State ofthe Rivers last Tuesday, lend his support to the concept of stream QUESTIONS WITHOUT NOTICE management based on the total catchment, which is along the lines advocated for many years by Mr E. M. Jackson, commonly PUBLIC AUTHORITIES DIVIDEND known as ~'Watershed Jackson"? If so, will . PAYMENTS the Minister outline the extent of his sup­ The Hon. R. J. LONG (Gippsland Prov­ port for such a concept? Does he expect the ince)-I direct my question to the Minister task force to take those remarks into consid­ for Minerals and Energy, who represents the eration, and when does he expect the task Treasurer. I point out, firstly, that shortly force to complete its deliberations? this House will be called upon to debate the The Hon. E. H. WALKER (Minister for Public Authorities (Dividends) Bill and, Planning and.Environment)-As Mr Bax­ secondly, that on 6 October 1982 I placed ter indicates, the Minister for Minerals and on notice a question, No. 161, seeking an Energy, the Minister for Conservation, For­ answer as to the State's equity in four public ests and Lands and I took part in a launch­ authorities. Does the Minister agree that that ing last week of the document to which he information could be compelling to have referred relating to the state of the rivers in before honourable members during the de­ Victoria. bate on the public authorities Bill? Will the The honourable member asks a question Minister endeavour to obtain that infor­ in regard to management of rivers by catch­ mation? I suggest he bring it up to date by ment. From a personal point of view, I fa­ including the Grain Elevators Board so that vour that intent, but in terms of the ho'nourable members will have proper in­ Government's response, the matter is being formation before them in that debate. dealt with, and the task force to which Mr The Hon. D. R. WHITE (Minister for Baxter refers.will be reporting early in 1984. Minerals and Energy)-It would obviously Therefore, the response to the honourable be of some assistance to the debate to have member's question in detail will have to that information available so that honour­ wait until such time as the advice of the task able members may examine the State's eq­ force is received. uity interests in those respective corporations, given that even with the exist­ FIREWORKS ACCIDENT ing guidelines that is a fairly complex mat­ The Hon. M. J. ARNOLD (Templestowe ter. Province)-I ask this question of the Min­ I shall have no hesitation in taking that ister for Minerals and Energy, and I wish to matter up with the Treasurer on behalf of express my deepest sympathy to the widow Questions without Notice 22 November 1983 COUNCIL 1063 and family of Glen Adams, who died in Governments over the mining and export­ tragic circumstances at Kinglake last Satur­ ing of uranium, can the Minister indicate to day night. Can the Minister provide the the House whether amendments to the Nu­ House with details of the tragic accident clear Activities (Prohibition) Bill are under that occurred during a fireworks display at active consideration, with a view to bring­ Kinglake on Saturday night? ing the State policies more into line with the The Hon. D. R. WHITE (Minister for Federal policy? Minerals and Energy)-Government mem­ The Hon. D. R. WHITE (Minister for bers and I am sure all honourable members, Minerals and Energy)-As honourable share regret at that accident. On behalf of members will recall, during the spring ses­ the Government, I extend my sympathy to sional period of 1982, the Government in­ the family of the deceased man, Glen Ad­ troduced into this House a Bill to prohibit ams. nuclear activity in this State. During the Honourable members will recall that autumn sessional period, Parliament, with shortly after the Government took office the the co-operation of the Opposition, and the Cabinet resolved to ban the sale of fire­ considered support of Mr Crozier, passed works through shops and to restrict fire­ that Bill through the Legislative Council by works display to properly-run public 34 votes to 4 votes, and we thank Mr Cro­ displays conducted by suitably-trained per­ zier for his support in making Victoria a sons. nuclear-free State. The display, at a fund-raising function at The Hon. D. G. Crozier-Nuclear-free the Kinglake Primary School oval, was an nonsense! authorized display. A permit to conduct the The PRESIDENT (the Hon. F. S. Grim­ display had been Issued on 10 November to wade )-Order! Mr Crozier has already asked the dead man, Glen Adams. Mr Adams was his question without notice and the Minis­ the actual operator handling and igniting ter has responded. the fireworks, and was the holder of a per­ The Hon. D. R. WHITE-It is also clear mit to use explosives under the Explosives that Victoria is fortunate in not having any Act. commercial uranium mines or .potential The display was to be a small one, con­ uranium activity. sisting of a small number of 3 inch and 5 inch aerial shells and two rockets. Aerial BIOLOGICAL CONTROL OF shells are fired from mortars, which consist PATERSON'S CURSE of heavy cardboard tubes or steel tubes, de­ pending on the size of the shell. The Hon. D. M. EV ANS (North Eastern Province)-I refer the Minister of Agricul­ At this stage, it appears that press reports ture to the alarmin~ spread of Paterson's that Mr Adams was struck in the neck by a curse throughout VIctoria and the discus­ shell leaving a mortar are correct. However, sions that were held at the conference of firm information from our investigating of­ Ministers of agriculture in Port Moresby in ficers on just what happened is awaited. August this year concerning possible le$is­ A detailed report, and a statement to as­ lative changes to allow for the introductIOn sist the coroner, will be prepared as soon as of a biological control vector. Has the Min­ possible. In the meantime, as soon as the ister made progress with his colleagues from facts are clear, any implications for future other States towards the necessary amend­ firework displays of a comparable kind will ments to allow the vital biological control be analysed, and if any additional safety of this devastating weed to be introduced? measures appear necessary they will be put The Hon. D. E. KENT (Minister of Agri­ in hand. culture)-Progress is being made in discus­ MINING AND EXPORTING OF sions on the question of biological control URANIUM for Paterson's curse. As the honourable member is aware, many implications need The Hon. D. G. CROZIER (Western to be taken into account. I assure honoura­ Province)-I ask the Minister for Minerals ble members that everything possible will and Energy, in the light of the increasing be done to expedite the introduction of bi­ conflict between the Federal and Victorian ological control if the respective Govern- 1064 COUNCIL 22 November 1983 Questions without Notice ments are convinced that that is a safe and ing helipad. Although the present site is wise measure. unacceptable to the Federal Minister for Transport and Construction, it will con­ INTOXICATION AS A LEGAL tinue to be used until a new site is available. DEFENCE I cannot condone the actions of persons The Hon. J. E. KIRNER (Melbourne who last week demonstrated by chopping West Province)-Can the Attorney-Gen­ down trees in a park in Sorrento. However, eral inform the House whether he proposes I make no further comment on that matter. to act on the law relating to intoxication The Government, the Minister for Police and criminal responsibility? and Emergency Services, the Minister for The Hon. J. H. KENNAN (Attorney­ Conservation, Forests and Lands and I have General)-The Government will await the moved, during the past few days, to ensure report of the Law Reform Commissioner that a suitable site is made available nearby. on this issue. The commission yesterday Discussions have occurred with local gov­ published an up-market issues paper on the ernment, and I hope to be able to inform question of intoxication and criminal re­ Mr Reid before the end of this week that sponsibility.
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