Borough of Midhurst. F Mil- C R, , ™- °Unty of Renfrew
[ 422 ] CROWN-OFFICE, August T, 1847. Town of Greenock. William Hugh Elliott, commonly called Viscount Melgund. the county of Middlesex 1?°"' °f HJ"Je-park P. e in EMBERS returned to serve in the PARLIAMENT Town of Paisley. The Honourable George n ^ ' summoned to be holden at Westminster, on Tuesday Archibald Hastie, Esq. Square, in the said coVy^dfc of ^^ Mthe 2Ist day of September 1847. County of Wigton. Borough of Andover County Palatine of Lancaster. John Dalrymple, the younger, of Fordel and Cleland, Esq. Henry Beaumont Coles, of MiddMn ., of Southampton, Esq Mlddleton-I'ouse, in the coun, Northern Division. County of Ayr. William Cubitt, o f Bedford-hilhlll l StSt «, ' John Wilson Patten, of Bank-hall, in the said county Alexander Oswald, Esq. of Surrey, Esq. > watham, in palatine, Esq. James Heywood, of Acresfield, in the said county pala- County of Perth. B rOU hof rru TI L ° S Christchurch. tine, Esq. Henry Home Drummond, of Blair Drummond, Esq. The Honourable Edward Alfred John Harris Southern Division. Town of Perth. William Browne, of Liverpool, Esq. 0- w,,- „ . The Honourable Charles Pelham Villiers, of the city of The Right Honourable Fox Maule, Her Majesty's Secre- Sir William George Hylton Jolliffe, Bart. tary at War. Westminster. County of Stirling. County of Radnor. Borough of Lancaster. William Forbes, of Callendar, Esq. Sir John Walsh , Bart, of Warfield ParkK min thn, Samuel Gregson, of Upper Harley Street, in the county Berks. > e county Of of Middlesex, Esq. County of Glamorgan. Borough of Eadnor. Thomas Greene, of Whittington-hall, in the county pala- Christopher Rice Mansel Talbot, Esq.
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