Management of Amphibians, Reptiles, and Small Mammals in North America

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Management of Amphibians, Reptiles, and Small Mammals in North America Abstract.-Small mammals were captured in live Small Mammals in traps in 6 mature-forested streamside management Streamside Management zones of 3 widths, narrow (c 25 m), medium (30-40 m), and wide (50-90 m), which traversed young, Zones in Pine Plantations1 brushy pine plantations. More small mammals were captured in the narrow zones (165) than in the me- dium (82), or wide zones (65). James G. Dickson2and J. Howard Williamson3 Many second-growth pine-hardwood hance habitat diversity and "edge," Study Areas and Methods stands in southern forests are being offer suitable habitat for wildlife spe- cut and replaced by pine plantations, cies associated with mature stands, Study areas consisted of 6 pine plan- especially on industrial land. From serve as travel corridors for animals, tations on the western edge of the 1971 to 1986, the amount of and may permit genetic interchange southern coastal plains in eastern Midsouth timberland in pine planta- between otherwise isolated popula- Texas. Mature pine and hardwood tions increased from 6 to 8% (Birdsey tions of animals. Retention of SMZ trees on the areas had previously and McWilliams 1986). White-tailed for reduction of non-point pollution been harvested. The plantations had deer adapt well to young brushy and for wildlife has been widely rec- been planted to loblolly pine (Pinus clearcuts with ample forage and soft ommended. taeda) seedlings 5 to 6 years before mast. Also, many species of birds are These mature hardwood strips can this study was begun and were vege- abundant in this diverse brushy habi- be good squirrel habitat. In Missis- tated by diverse flora, dominated by tat (Dickson and Segelquist 1979). sippi (Warren and Hurst 1980) and in hardwood and other woody brush. But the effectsof clearcutting and eastern Texas (McElfresh et al. 19801, Oaks (Quercus spp.) and sweetgum planting on all vertebrate species are gray (Sciurus carolinensis) and fox (S. (Liquidam bar s tyraciflua) sprouts, not well assessed or defined. niger) squirrel numbers were higher American beautyberry (Callicarpa Various environmental conces- in riparian areas than in adjacent up- arnericana), blackberry and dewberry sions are being implemented along land stands. In another facet of the (Rubus spp.), and sumac (Rhus spp.) with stand conversion. One practice present investigation, gray and fox were abundant. used to protect water quality and squirrels were abundant in SMZ Each of the 6 study areas was trav- enhance wildlife habitat is to retain wider than 50 m but virtually absent ersed by a SMZ of mature vegeta- mature forest stands along intermit- from zones less than 40 m wide tion. Dominant trees (> 13 cm dbh) in tent and permanent streams when (Dickson and Huntley 1986). A wide decreasing order of abundance and adjacent stands are cut and planted variety of reptiles and amphibians stem density (No./ha) were as fol- to pines (Dickson and Huntley 1986, were abundant in zones greater than lows: sweetgum, 63; white oak (Q. Seehorn 1986). These areas of mature 30 m wide, where a closed canopy alba), 36; southern red oak (Q.fal- pine or pine-hardwoods are called offered shaded understory, but were cata), 28; red maple (Acer rubrum), 19; riparian zones, filter strips, stingers, scarce in SMZ less than 25 m wide, black gum (Nyssa sylvatica), 14; streamers, or streamside manage- which were dominated by low, shortleaf pine (P. echinata), 14; and ment zones (SMZ). These areas en- brushy vegetation (Rudolph and eastern hophornbeam (Ostya virgini- Dickson In Press). The relationships am), 14. Dominant understory vege- 'Paper presented at symposium, Man- agement of Amphibians, Reptiles, and of SMZ and other wildlife species are tation (5-13 cm dbh) and stem den- Small Mammals in North America. (Flag- largely unknown. sity (No./ha) included sweetgum, staff. AZ, July 19-2 1, 1988.1 The objective of this study was to 140; eastern hophornbeam, 71; black 2JarnesG. Dickson, Supervisory Research determine the relationship of SMZ gum, 40; flowering dogwood (Cornus Wildlife Biologist, Wildlife Habitat Labora- width to small mammal communi- porida), 40; loblolly pine, 21; and red tory, Southern Forest Experiment Station, USDA Forest Service, Nacogdoches, Texas. ties. We assessed the effects of nar- maple, 19. 3J.Howard Williamson, Forestry Techni- row (~25m), medium (30-40 m), and Assigned treatments were 3 SMZ cian. Wildlife Habitat Laboratory, Southern wide (>50 m) SMZ widths on small widths: narrow (<25 m), medium Forest Experiment Station, USDA Forest Serv- mammal captures in 6 SMZ in east- (30-40 m), and wide (>50 m). Two ice, Nacogdoches, Texas. ern Texas. replications of each treatment were sampled at 2 locations. In each of the The absence of tree canopy in the deciduous and boreal forests in West 6 study areas two 200-m transects narrow zones permitted dense, Virginia (Kirkland 1977). After were established along each of the 6 brushy vegetation growth, abundant clearcutting, small mammal abun- streamside zones. Distance from seeds, and dense logging slash cover, dance and diversity increased and points along the transects to the SMZ but medium and wide zones were remained relatively high until stands edge was variable because each zone characterized by shaded sparse returned to forest. In Arizona, rodent orientation changed somewhat with understories under closed canopies. populations were higher in thinned stream meanders. Thirteen Sherman Other studies have shown higher ponderosa pine (P. ponderosa) stands live traps were placed 12.5 m apart densities of small mammals in young with slash than in unthinned stands on each of the 12 transects. Trapping brushy stands than in mature stands. (Goodwin and Hungerford 1979). was conducted 4 consecutive nights In an earlier study in eastern Texas, The most abundant species, the in each of 2 consecutive weeks (8 64 small mammals were captured in fulvous harvest mouse (Reithrodonto- nights) during February and March a 6-year-old clearcut, but only 24 in a mys fulvescens) and the white footed in 1986 and again in 1987 (52 traps/ pine-hardwood stand more than 35 mouse/cotton mouse complex, were treatment X 8 nights X 2 years = 832 years old. Small mammal species di- much more abundant in the narrow trap nights). Traps were baited with versity was also higher in the young zone. For the fulvous harvest mouse, oatmeal each morning and checked stand (Fleet and Dickson 1984). In there were 73 captures in the narrow, the following morning. pine plantations in Georgia, small 4 in the medium, and 3 in the wide Captures per treatment were ap- mammal abundance was higher in 1- zones. proximately normally distributed ac- to 5-year-old pine plantations than in Apparently, the dense brushy cording to the Kolmogorov-Srnirnov older stands with closed canopies vegetation with ample down logging Goodness of Fit Test. Each of the 3 (Atkeson and Johnson 1979). Seed- slash provided ideal habitat for this treatments was tested for differences eaters were abundant in the 1-year- species. There was abundant vegeta- between years with the T-Test. There old plantation, but herbivores were tive forage, seeds, and dense log and were no significant differences be- abundant in older young brushy brush cover. Schmidly (1983) de- tween years (P > .lo); therefore, cap- stands. scribed the best habitats for fulvous ture data were combined for both In Pennsylvania, relative abun- harvest mice in the pineywcmds as years. Treatment effects (captures/ dance of small mammals was greater grassland, pine-grass ecotone, and treatment) were tested for differ- in recent clearcuts of both northern grass-brush. In an earlier study in ences by ANOVA and the Duncan's hardwood and oak forests than in eastern Texas (Fleet and Dickson Multiple Range Test at the 0.05 level adjacent mature stands (Kirkland 1984), fulvous harvest mice were of confidence. 1978). A similar pattern was noted in captured regularly in a young pine White-footed mice (Peromyscus leu- copus) and cotton mice (P. gossypinus) were grouped together because of difficulty in positive field identifica- tion. Davis (1974) determined that white-footed mouse adults were smaller (15 to 25 g, as opposed to > 30 g for the cotton mouse) and had brighter colors. Also, adult hind-foot length was shorter (21 mm, as op- posed to 23 mm for cotton mice). However, numerous sub-adults were captured during the trapping period, making identification extremely diffi- cult. Results and Discussion Significantly more small mammals were captured in the narrow SMZ (165) than were captured in the me- dium (82) or wide (65) SMZ (table 1). plantation, but were not captured in were captured in the medium (2) and Technical Report SO-65.85 p. the adjacent mature pine-hardwood wide zones (4). 0ther investigations Southern Forest Experiment Sta- stand. In a study of small mammal have found them inhabiting a variety tion, New Orleans, La. populations in 5 pine stands in Lou- of mature stands (Fleet and Dickson Dickson, James G. and C. A. isiana, fulvous harvest mice were 1984, Ha tchell1964, Schmidly 1983). Segelquist. 1979. Breeding bird captured most frequently in a pine In conclusion, more small mam- populations in pine and pine- seed-tree harvest cut having dense mals, especially fulvous harvest hardwood stands in East Texas. hardwood brush (Hatchell 1964). mice, were captured in narrow SMZ Journal of Wildlife Management Differences among treatments than in medium and wide SMZ. Ap- 43:549-555. were less pronounced for the Pero- parently, this is related to the abun- Dueser, Raymond D. and H. H. myscus complex, with captures of 76 dance of low, dense vegetation, with Shugart, Jr. 1978. Microhabitats in in the narrow, 67 in the medium, and ample forage, fruits, and seeds; and a forest-floor small mammal 50 in the wide SMZ.
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