
Patients taking frequent doses of aspirin or Does surgery have a role in treatment? nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs for symp- Patients who fail to have adequate control of reflux toms such as headache or pain should discuss symptoms with medication, who are intolerant of or with the physician alternative treatments for allergic to reflux medication, or who cannot afford these symptoms. Antacid tablets or liquids (such chronic medical therapy may be candidates for an anti- as Gaviscon®, Maalox®, Mylanta®, Rolaids®, or reflux surgery, known asfundoplication . This involves Tums®) may provide immediate and brief relief repositioning of the upper part of the stomach around for reflux symptoms that occur infrequently. the lower esophageal sphincter (valve muscle) to cre- Gastroesophageal Chewing gum stimulates the production of sa- ate a barrier that prevents excessive reflux of stomach liva, which can help neutralize refluxed acid. contents into the esophagus. This surgery is usually done by a laparoscopic (keyhole surgery) technique. Reflux Disease What happens if these treatments fail? Patients with GERD who have bariatric () Two different classes of medication are available surgery due to complications from morbid in over-the-counter or prescription strength to often find their GERD symptoms are also improved. reduce acid secretion by the stomach, so that (GERD) less acid is available for reflux into the esopha- What are some experimental treatments? gus. The H2 receptor antagonists (H2RAs) While previously available endoscopic approaches include agents such as cimetidine (Tagamet), to creating a reflux barrier have not shown lasting or famotidine (Pepcid®), nizatidine consistent benefit, modifications of these earlier tech- (Axid®), and ranitidine (Zantac®). niques are undergoing evaluation at multiple medical The proton pump inhibitors centers. Medications that work to reduce reflex relax- (PPIs) include such agents as ations of the lower esophageal sphincter and block An educational brochure for patients dexlansoprazole (Dexilant™), gastroesophageal reflux events are also undergoing esomeprazole (Nexium®), lansoprazole (Prevac- clinical trials. For more information, visit the ANMS web id®), omeprazole (Prilosec® or Zegerid®, panto- site at www•motilitysociety•org. prazole (Protonix®), and rabeprazole (Aciphex®). For a list of doctors in your area who specialize in Most patients will respond similarly to any given gastrointestinal motility problems, go to our web site: medication in the same class. The PPIs have a www • motilitysociety • org more potent and durable effect in blocking acid production than the H2RAs. However, they are typically more expensive and, with prolonged use, can cause rebound secretion of acid and relapse of symptoms if discontinued. Patients Founded in 1980, the American Neurogastroenterology and Motility Society (ANMS) is a national organization dedicated to the study, training, and practice of who need to take these medications on a regular gastrointestinal motility and neurogastroenterology. ANMS represents a broad basis to control reflux symptoms should discuss group of academic and practicing physicians, scientists, trainees, technicians, their condition with their physician. and nurses. ANMS seeks to foster excellence in patient care and research, and to promote a better understanding and cure of disorders that affect gastrointestinal Patients whose symptoms fail to respond motility and function. despite having their treatment escalated to twice American Neurogastroenterology and Motility Society daily PPI therapy require additional evaluation to ph 734-699-1130 • fax 734-699-1136 • e-mail [email protected] This patient information brochure was prepared for the American Neurogastroenterology find the reason for this failure, including the pos- and Motility Society (ANMS). The opinions expressed are primarily those of the authors sibility that the symptoms being treated are not, and not ANMS. ANMS does not guarantee or endorse any product or statement in this brochure. This brochure is intended to provide general information only. This brochure is in fact, due to GERD. not intended to replace the knowledge or diagnosis or advice of your care provider. Written by Benson Massey, MD on behalf of ANMS. Copyright © 2011 American Neurogastroenterology and Motility Society American Neurogastroenterology and Motility Society What is gastroesophageal reflux disease? of the upper stomach into the chest) are predisposed Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a condi- to develop complications from GERD. Certain medi- tion that develops when the reflux (backward flow) cal conditions, such as and connective tissue of stomach content into or above the esophagus disorders, may predispose patients to develop GERD. (food pipe) causes troublesome symptoms or com- The use of aspirin and nonsteroidal antiinflammatory plications. Some degree of reflux occurs normally drugs is associated with having more heartburn, and in healthy persons. Only when the degree of reflux may predispose patients to certain GERD complications. adversely affects an individual’s well-being or Medications and medical treatments that result in a health is it considered a health problem. dry mouth can reduce the ability to make saliva, which normally aids in neutralizing refluxed stomach acid. What are the symptoms of GERD? Poor habits may increase the amount of reflux The classic symptoms of GERD are heartburn (a at night. Poor sleep and acute or chronic stress can burning sensation behind the breastbone that increase the severity of symptoms of reflux without often moves upward) and regurgitation (the effort- necessarily causing more reflux. Endoscopic photograph of severe esophagitis in a patient with GERD. less movement of material, often sour or bitter, up Some foods (onions, chocolate, carbohydrates, cof- ment of a probe with a clip to the wall of the into the throat). These symptoms usually occur a fee, carbonated and alcoholic beverages) and dietary esophagus. This testing takes 24–48 hours to 1/2 hour to 2 hours after a meal. habits (large meals, lying down right after eating) complete. Esophageal manometry is a test to Less typical symptoms caused by GERD include: provoke reflux symptoms in many individuals, but it is assess the muscle function of the esophagus. It • chest pain or sensation of pressure unknown if the persistent indulgence in these foods can be used to locate the position of the lower esophageal sphincter valve muscle, and help • excessive belching, salivation, or hiccups and habits leads to the development of chronic GERD (aside from their possible role in weight gain). position pH monitoring probes. The manometry • upper abdominal pain catheter is also passed through the nose and into • nausea or vomiting What are the complications of GERD? the esophagus. A barium esophagram is an X- • coughing, choking, or wheezing GERD can impair the quality of sleep, work perfor- ray test that may be used to help detect the pres- mance, and overall quality of life. Severe GERD can • hoarseness, excessive throat clearing, or voice ence of strictures due to GERD, but it is unreliable cause damage to the tissue lining the esophagus. This as a single diagnostic test for GERD. change can lead to ongoing blood loss; strictures (narrowing These other symptoms can result from a variety of the food passageway), which causes dysphagia; and What are the first ways to treat GERD? of other potentially serious medical conditions, rarely, the development of esophageal . Regurgi- Lifestyle and dietary changes are the first steps so one should not simply assume they are due to tation of material from the stomach can damage tooth to take in treating GERD. Patients with GERD who GERD without confirmation by a physician. enamel and the voice box or cause pneumonia. are should work with Alarm symptoms, such as vomiting blood, their physician on a program of dysphagia (difficulty with swallowing food), and What tests are used to diagnose GERD? and to promote poor appetite or unintentional weight loss, raise Your doctor may order an upper endoscopy (flexible weight loss, or at least prevent the possibility that a complication from GERD or tube camera) to determine if GERD has damaged the additional weight gain. Patients another condition is present. Alarm symptoms lining of your esophagus, or to look for other condi- should avoid overeating or lying always require medical evaluation. tions that have symptoms similar to GERD. However, down for the next few hours after eating. Efforts at least half of patients with GERD will have normal should be made to reduce the consumption of What causes GERD? findings on upper endoscopy, especially if they are foods and beverages that are consistently found Multiple factors may move an individual from already taking medication to treat GERD. An ambula- to provoke reflux symptoms. Patients with night- having normal levels of asymptomatic reflux to tory esophageal pH monitoring test can assess for time reflux symptoms should sleep with their symptomatic GERD. The most common is exces- abnormal amounts of acid refluxing into the esopha- head elevated, using a foam wedge or raising sive weight gain, with the development of obesity. gus and whether symptoms occur at the time of this the head of the bed securely on blocks. Patients GERD becomes more common as people age. reflux. This testing requires placement of a small wire should avoid habits that prevent them from get- Patients who have a hiatal hernia (displacement probe through the nose into the esophagus or attach- ting a full night’s sleep.