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^ N p N A L ^ VOLUME 24 19 3 4 ¿ y NUMBER 154 * ^ a/iteo ^ Washington, Friday, August 7, 1959 1001-1011) in that (1) the time inter CONTENTS Title 5— ADMINISTRATIVE vening between the date when informa tion upon which this amendment is Agricultural Marketing Service Pa*e PERSONNEL based became available and the time Rules and regulations: when this amendment must become Dates, domestic, produced or Chapter I— Civil Service Commission effective in order to effectuate the de packed in a designated area of PART 6—-EXCEPTIONS FROM THE clared policy of the act is insufficient, California; approval of ex (2) more orderly marketing in the pub penses and rate of assess COMPETITIVE SERVICE lic interest, than would otherwise pre ment_____________________ 6327 Foreign Operations Administration vail, will be promoted by regulating the Potatoes, Irish, grown in Colo shipment of potatoes, in the manner set rado; limitation of shipments. 6327 Effective upon publication in the forth below, on and after the effective Agriculture Department Federal R egister, paragraph (g) of date of this amendment, (3) compliance § 6.149 is revoked. See Agricultural Marketing Serv with this amendment will not require ice; Commodity Credit Corpora (R.S. 1753, sec. 2, 22 Stat. 403, as amended; any preparation on the part of handlers tion. 5 Ü.S.C. 631, 633) which cannot be completed by the effec tive date, (4) this amendment relieves Air Force Department U nited States Civil S erv restrictions on the handling of potatoes Notices: ice Commission, in Area No. 3, and (5) information re Statement of changes in finan [seal] W m. C. Hull, garding the committee’s recommenda cial interests: Executive Assistant. tions has been made available to pro Cross, R. E__ :____________ 6357 [F.R. Doc. 59-6528; Filed, Aug. 6, 1959; ducers and handlers in the production Trueblood, Robert M_______ 6357 8:50 a.m.] area. Rules and regulations: Order, as amended. Paragraph (b) Procurement instructions; mis of § 958.330 (24 F.R. 5711) is hereby cellaneous amendments to Title 7— AGRICULTURE amended to read as follows: subchapter_______________ 6332 (b) Minimum maturity requirements— Alien Property Office Chapter IX— Agricultural Marketing (1) Round white varieties. “Moder Notices: Service (Marketing Agreements and ately skinned”. Statement of organization and Orders), Department of Agriculture (2) All other varieties. “S lig h tly delegations of final authority. 6354 skinned”. Rules and regulations: PART 958— IRISH POTATOES GROWN Claims procedure; miscellaneous (Secs. 1-19, 48 Stat. 31, as amended; 7 U.S.C. amendments______________ 6329 IN COLORADO 601-674) Army Department / Limitation of Shipments, Area No. 3 Dated: August 4, 1959. Rules and regulations: Findings, (a) Pursuant to Marketing F loyd F. H edlund, Assistance to relatives and others Agreement No. 97 and Order No. 58 (7 Acting Director, Fruit and Vege in connection with deceased CFR Part 958), regulating the handling table Division, Agricultural personnel; disposition of cer- ' of Irish potatoes grown in the State of Marketing Service. tain effects «...__________ 6331 Colorado, effective under the applicable [F.R. Doc. 59-6535; Filed, Aug. 6, 1959; Civil Aeronautics Board provisions of the Agricultural Market 8:51 a.m.] Notices: ing Agreement Act of 1937, as amended Hearings, etc.: (7 U.S.C. 601-674), and upon the basis Pacific Air Lines, Inc., and of the recommendation and information Barrett Terminals, Inc___ 6372 submitted by the area committee for PART 1003— DOMESTIC DATES PRO Shulman, Inc., enforcement Area No. 3, established pursuant to said proceeding ______________’ 6373 marketing agreement and order, and DUCED OR PACKED IN A DESIG upon other available information, it is NATED AREA OF CALIFORNIA Civil Service Commission hereby found that the amendment to the Rules and regulations: limitation of shipments, as hereinafter Approval of Expenses of Date Ad Foreign Operations Administra- provided, will tend to effectuate the de ministrative Committee for 1959—60 tion; exceptions from com clared policy of the act. Crop Year and Fixing Rate of petitive service____________ 6327 (b) It is hereby found that it is im Assessment for Such Crop Year Commerce Department practicable and contrary to the public See also Federal Maritime Board; interest to give, preliminary notice, en Notice was published in the July 21, Foreign Commerce Bureau. gage in public rulemaking procedure, 1959, issue of the F ederal R egister (24 Notices: and postpone the effective date of this F.R. 5809), that consideration was being Statement of changes in finan amendment until 30 days after publica given to the approval of expenses of the cial interests: tion in the Federal R egister (5 U.S.C. • (Continued on p. 6329) Holmes, Howard C_________ 6381 6327 6328 RULES AND REGULATIONS CONTENTS—Continued CONTENTS— Continued Defense Department Page Housing and Home Finance FEDERALÄREGISTER See also Air Force Department; Agency i»3* ¿y Army Department. See Federal Housing Administra Notices: tion. Commanding Officer, Field Indian Affairs Bureau Published daily, except Sundays, Mondays, Command, Defense Atomic and days following official Federal holidays, Support Agency; delegation Notices: by the Office of the Federal Register, National of authority to appoint gen Authority of superintendents; Archives and Records Service, General Serv eral courts-martial_______ 6357 functions relating to credit ices Administration, pursuant to the au Rules and regulations: m atters_____ ______ i---------- 6372 thority contained in the Federal Register Act, Medical care for dependents of Superintendents and other des approved July 26, 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as ignated employees; redelega amended; 44 U.S.C., ch. 8B), under regula members of the uniformed tions prescribed by the Administrative Com serv ices; miscellaneous tion of authority with respect mittee of the Federal Register, approved by amendments__ ____________ 6330 to certain functions (3 docu ments)______________ _ 6371,6372 the President. Distribution is made only by Federal Communications Com the Superintendent of Documents, Govern Rules and regulations: ment Printing Office, Washington 25, D.C. mission Crow Indian Reservation, Mon The Federal R egister will be furnished by Notices : tana; leasing of lands for min mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 Hearings, etc. : ing______________________ 6342 per month or $15.00 per year, payable in Hirschberg, Sanford L., et al_ 6373 advance. The charge for individual copies Jefférson Radio Co. and Bes Inferior Department (minimum 15 cents) varies in proportion to semer Broadcasting Co., See Fish and Wildlife Service; In the size of the issue. Remit check or money dian Affairs Bureau; Reclama order, made payable to the Superintendent Inc. (WENN)............. ._ 6374 of Documents, directly to the Government Northside Broadcasting Co_ 6374 tion Bureau. Printing Office, Washington 25, D.C. Video Independent Theatres, Interstate Commerce Commis The regulatory material appearing herein Inc. (KVIT)____________j 6376 sion is keyed to the Code op F ederal R egulations, WORZ, Inc., and Mid-Florida which is published, under 50 titles, pursuant Television Corp__________ 6377 Notices: to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as Proposed rule making: Motor carrier transfer proceed amended August 5, 1953. The Code op F ed Television broadcast stations; ings_______________ ______ 6381 eral Regulations is sold by the Superin tendent of Documents. Prices of books and table of assignment; Fresno, Justice Department pocket supplements vary. Bakersfield, Salinas, and See Alien Property Office. There are no restrictions on the re Santa Barbara, Calif.; Gold publication of material appearing in the field and Tonopah, Nev_____ 6353 Public Health Service F ederal R egister, or the Code of F ederal Rules and regulations: Notices: R egulations. Radio broadcast services; mis Licensed biological products— 6358 cellaneous amendments___ _ 6345 Reclamation Bureau Stations on land and shipboard Rules and regulations: in the maritime services; ra Columbia Basin Project, Wash diotelephony for navigational ington; procedures for deter CFR SUPPLEMENTS communication___________ 6346 mining eligibility to receive (As of January 1, 1959) Federal Housing Administration w ater________ ____________ 6343 Rules and regulations: Tariff Commission The following Supplements are now Home rehabilitation insurance; Notices: available: supervision of mortgagor; Lead and zinc; notice of study__ 6381 revocation________________ 6330 Titles 1-3 ($1.00) Federal Maritime Board Veterans Administration Notices: Rules and regulations: General Index ($0.75) Agreements filed for approval: Department of Veterans Bene Farrell Shipping Co., Inc., and fits, chief attorneys; domestic All other Supplements and re T. A. Provence and Co____ relations questions, restora 6380 tion to rolls, and conflict of vised books have been issued Mississippi Shipping Co., Inc., et al_________ ;_________ 6380 laws-------------------------------- 6342 and are now available. Federal Power Commission CODIFICATION GUIDE Order from Superintendent of Documents, Notices: Hearings, etc.: A numerical list of the parts of the Code Government Printing Office, Washington Mississippi River Fuel Corp_ 6378 of Federal Regulations affected by documents 25, D.C. New York State Natural Gas published in this issue. Proposed rules, as Corp________!__________ 6378 opposed to final actions, are identified as such.