
Dana Desonie, Ph.D.

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Printed: October 29, 2014 Chapter 1. The Solar System CHAPTER 1 The Solar System


1.2 Interior of the Sun

1.3 Outer Layers of the Sun

1.4 Surface Features of the Sun

1.5 of the Solar System

1.6 Inner versus Outer Planets









1.15 Exoplanets



1.18 Meteors

1.19 Dwarf Planets

1.20 References



How well do humans know the solar system? Humans have been exploring the solar system for centuries. Mostly we have used telescopes or simply our eyes. But the Sun, all of the planets, and many dwarf planets, asteroids and comets have been studied more closely. Spaceships have taken rovers, probes or other technologies to study these bodies. Sometimes a spacecraft just flies by to take a look. So while it’s very difficult to get humans very far from , our spacecraft have become our eyes. We know an incredible amount about the solar system compared with even a few decades ago. This is because of the tremendous spacecraft and the instruments they carry. In this concept, we will explore a small fraction of what scientists have learned about our solar system.

2 Chapter 1. The Solar System

1.1 Sun

• Describe the basic properties of the Sun.

How can we learn about something as hot as the Sun? Humans have sent spacecraft up to study our star. The SOHO spacecraft has been in operation since 1996. The craft orbits the Sun in step with Earth but closer to it. SOHO has sent back amazing images. Onboard instruments have also sent back mountains of data. The data is mostly about the Sun’s outer layers.

The Sun

Our Sun is a star, a sphere of plasma held together by gravity. It is an ordinary star that is extraordinarily important. The Sun provides light and heat to our . This star supports almost all life on Earth. The Sun is the center of the solar system, which includes all of the planets and other bodies that orbit it. It is by far the largest part of the solar system ( Figure 1.1). Added together, all of the planets make up just 0.2 percent of the solar system’s mass. The Sun makes up the remaining 99.8 percent of all the mass in the solar system!

3 1.1. Sun

FIGURE 1.1 The sizes of the planets relative to the Sun, if the Sun were the size of a bas- ketball.


• solar system: The Sun and all of the bodies that orbit it. • star: A massive sphere of plasma held together by gravity


• The Sun is an ordinary star. It supports nearly all life on Earth. • The Sun is at the center of the solar system. • The Sun makes up almost all of the mass of the solar system.

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• Introduction to the Sun and Solar System at (3:00)

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1. Why is it that you can’t see the star closest to Earth in the night sky? 2. Where is the Sun located? 3. Why is our Sun special? Is it a special type of star? 4. What is the structure of the solar system from the center to the farthest reaches? 5. Which type of solar system bodies come from the farthest part of the solar system?

4 Chapter 1. The Solar System

Explore More Answers

1. The Sun is the star closest to the Earth. It is only visible in the daytime because it’s light makes the . 2. The Sun is located at the center of the solar system. 3. The Sun is an ordinary star. Without it, however, Earth would be cold, dark, and uninhabitable, so it is special to life on our planet. 4. The Sun is at the center of the solar system. Surrounding it first are the inner planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars. They are followed by the belt and then the outer planets, also called the gas giants: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. Next are the dwarf planets, including , and finally, there is the . 5. comets


1. What are the major properties of the Sun? 2. Where is the Sun located? 3. Why is the Sun important to life on Earth?

Review Answers

1. The Sun is plasma held together by gravity; it emits light and heat. 2. The Sun is located at the center of the solar system. 3. The Sun is the source of all the planet’s light and nearly all of its heat. Without the Sun, there would be no life on Earth.

5 1.2. Interior of the Sun

1.2 Interior of the Sun

• Describe the internal layers of the Sun.

What does the Sun look like? Different instruments pick up different features of the Sun. None can show us the Sun’s interior. But studies from the SOHO spacecraft and other craft allow us to study the interior. We know a surprising amount about a body that is so hot and so far away.

Layers of the Sun

The Sun is made almost entirely of the elements hydrogen and helium. The Sun has no solid material. Most atoms in the Sun exist as plasma. Plasma is superheated gas with an electrical charge. Because the Sun is made of gases, it does not have a defined outer boundary. Like Earth, the Sun has an internal structure. The inner three layers make up what we would actually call “the Sun.”

Internal Structure

Because the Sun is not solid, it does not have a defined outer boundary. It does, however, have a definite internal structure with identifiable layers ( Figure 1.2). Since the layers are not solid, the boundaries are fuzzy and indistinct. From inward to outward, the layers are: the core, the radiative zone, and the convection zone.

6 Chapter 1. The Solar System

FIGURE 1.2 The layers of the Sun.

The Core

The core is the Sun’s innermost layer. The core is plasma. It has a temperature of around 15 million degrees Celsius (°C). Nuclear fusion reactions create the immense temperature. In these reactions, hydrogen atoms fuse to form helium. This releases vast amounts of energy. The energy moves toward the outer layers of the Sun. Energy from the Sun’s core powers most of the solar system.

Radiative Zone

The radiative zone is the next layer out. It has a temperature of about 4 million °C. Energy from the core travels through the radiative zone. The energy travels at an extremely slow rate. Light particles are called photons. In the radiative zone, photons can only travel a few millimeters before they hit another particle. The particles are absorbed and then released again. It may take 50 million years for a photon to travel all the way through the radiative zone.

The Convection Zone

The convection zone surrounds the radiative zone. In the convection zone, hot material from near the Sun’s center rises. This material cools at the surface and then plunges back downward. The material then receives more heat from the radiative zone. The first video describes the basics of our Sun, including how it is powered by nuclear reactions: (8:34).

7 1.2. Interior of the Sun

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The second video discusses what powers the Sun, and what is its influence on Earth and the rest of the solar system: (8:25).

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• convection zone: Layer of the Sun that surrounds the radiative zone where energy moves as flowing cells of gas. • core: Extremely hot center of the Sun where nuclear fusion takes place. • photon: Light particle. • plasma: High energy, high temperature form of matter; electrons are removed from atoms, leaving each atom with a positive electrical charge. • radiative zone: Layer of the Sun immediately surrounding the core; energy moves atom to atom.


• The Sun is made mostly of plasma. Plasma is superheated gas with a positive electrical charge. • Nuclear fusion takes place in the Sun’s extremely hot core. • The radiative zone is outside the core. • The convection zone is where convection takes place. It is located outward from the radiative zone.

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• The Sun at

1. How far is Earth from the Sun? 2. How much of the mass of the solar system is in the Sun? 3. What is the Sun’s surface temperature? 4. What is the Sun’s core temperature? 5. Explain what happens in the core of the Sun. 6. How long does it take for photons to escape the Sun?

8 Chapter 1. The Solar System

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1. 92.96 million miles (149.6 million km) 2. 99.8% 3. 10,000°F (5500°C) 4. 2,800,000°F (15.5 million °C) 5. Nuclear fusion: hydrogen fuses to become helium, which generates the energy that powers the Sun. 6. more than one million years


1. What are the properties of the core? 2. What is plasma? 3. What powers the Sun?

Review Answers

1. The core is plasma that is at 15 million degrees Celsius; nuclear fusion takes place there, producing a vast amount of energy, which moves to the outer layers. 2. Plasma is superheated gas with an electrical charge. 3. The Sun is powered by nuclear fusion, a process in which hydrogen fuses into helium and energy is released.

9 1.3. Outer Layers of the Sun

1.3 Outer Layers of the Sun

• Describe the internal and atmospheric layers of the Sun.

What can you see during a solar eclipse? A solar eclipse is kind of like a field trip to the Sun from Earth. You can see something (with special tinted glasses) that you don’t usually see. The Sun has a remarkable ring of light around it. This is the corona. If you have a chance to see a solar eclipse, you should do it.

The Outer Layers

The three outer layers of the Sun are its atmosphere. The layers are, from inside to outside, the photosphere, the chromosphere, and the corona.

The Photosphere

The photosphere is the visible surface of the Sun ( Figure 1.3). It’s the part that we see shining. Surprisingly, the photosphere is also one of the coolest layers of the Sun. It is only about 6,000°C.

The Chromosphere

The chromosphere ( Figure 1.4) lies above the photosphere. It is about 2,000 km thick. The thin chromosphere is heated by energy from the photosphere. Temperatures range from about 4,000°C to about 10,000°C. The chromo- sphere is not as hot as other parts of the Sun, and it glows red. Jets of gas sometimes fly up through the chromosphere. With speeds up to 72,000 km per hour, the jets can fly as high as 10,000 km.

10 Chapter 1. The Solar System

FIGURE 1.3 The Sun’s atmosphere contains the pho- tosphere, the chromosphere, and the corona. This image was taken by NASA’s Spacelab 2 instruments.

FIGURE 1.4 The chromosphere.

The Corona

The corona ( Figure 1.5) is the outermost part of the Sun’s atmosphere. It is the Sun’s halo, or “crown.” With a temperature of 1 to 3 million K, the corona is much hotter than the photosphere. The corona extends millions of kilometers into space. Sometime you should try to see a total solar eclipse. If you do, you will see the Sun’s corona shining out into space. The movie "Seeing a Star in a New Light" can be seen here:


• chromosphere: Thin layer of the Sun’s atmosphere that lies directly above the photosphere; this layer glows red. • corona: Outermost layer of the Sun; a plasma that extends into space. • photosphere: Visible surface of the Sun.

11 1.3. Outer Layers of the Sun

FIGURE 1.5 During a total solar eclipse, the Sun’s corona becomes visible, peeking out from behind the Moon.


• The photosphere is the part of the Sun that we see shining. • The chromosphere is an active layer that glows red. • The corona is the halo around the Sun.

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• The Sun’s Outer Layers at

1. List the outer layers of the Sun. 2. What is the Sun made of? 3. Why doesn’t the Sun have a surface, like Earth does? 4. What does the chromosphere look like in visible light? 5. What is unusual about the temperature structure of the chromosphere? 6. When can the corona best be seen? Why is it seen so well then?

Explore More Answers

1. photosphere, chromosphere, corona 2. plasma 3. The Sun is so hot that it is just made of plasma, which is like gas. The gas gets denser toward the core but there is never a place where it turns solid. 4. The gases of the chromosphere are transparent to most visible radiation. 5. The temperature is hotter with distance from the core. 6. The corona is best seen during a solar eclipse. The light from the photosphere is blocked by the Moon.


1. What layer of the Sun do you see during a total solar eclipse? 2. What are the distinctive characteristics of the photosphere? 3. What are the distinctive characteristics of the chromosphere? 4. What is the corona?

12 Chapter 1. The Solar System

Review Answers

1. the corona 2. The photosphere appears to be the visible surface of the Sun, although it is one of the coolest layers. 3. The chromosphere is relatively thin; it is heated by the photosphere and glows red. 4. The corona is the halo of the Sun; it is hotter than the photosphere and it extends into space.

13 1.4. Surface Features of the Sun

1.4 Surface Features of the Sun

• Describe the major features of the Sun’s surface.

Is the Sun always the same? For most of human history, people thought the Sun didn’t change much. But technology has offered us a window into the Sun’s life. SOHO and other technologies allow us to observe incredible sunspots, flares, and prominences. Some of these are featured in this concept.

Surface Features of the Sun

The Sun has many incredible surface features. Don’t try to look at them, though! Looking directly at the Sun can cause blindness. Find the appropriate filters for a pair of binoculars or a telescope and enjoy!


The most noticeable magnetic activity of the Sun is the appearance of sunspots. Sunspots are cooler, darker areas on the Sun’s surface ( Figure 1.6). Sunspots occur in an 11-year cycle. The number of sunspots begins at a minimum. The number gradually increases to the maximum. Then the number returns to a minimum again. Sunspots form because loops of the Sun’s magnetic field break through the surface. Sunspots usually occur in pairs. The loop breaks through the surface where it comes out of the Sun. It breaks through again where it goes back into the Sun. Sunspots disrupt the transfer of heat from the Sun’s lower layers.

14 Chapter 1. The Solar System

FIGURE 1.6 The darker regions in this image are sunspots.

Solar Flares

A loop of the Sun’s magnetic field may break. This creates solar flares. Solar flares are violent explosions that release huge amounts of energy ( Figure 1.7). The streams of high energy particles they emit make up the solar wind. Solar wind is dangerous to spacecraft and astronauts. Solar flares can even cause damage on Earth. They have knocked out entire power grids and can disturb radio, satellite, and cell phone communications.

FIGURE 1.7 The solar flare is the bright area in the lower right.

Solar Prominences

Another amazing feature on the Sun is solar prominences. Plasma flows along the loop that connects sunspots. This plasma forms a glowing arch. The arch is a solar prominence. Solar prominences can reach thousands of kilometers into the Sun’s atmosphere. Prominences can last for a day to several months. Prominences can be seen during a total solar eclipse.

Solar Dynamics Observatory

NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) was launched on February 11, 2010. SDO is studying the Sun’s magnetic field. This includes how the Sun affects Earth’s atmosphere and climate. SDO provides extremely high resolution images. The craft gathers data faster than anything that ever studied the Sun. To learn more about the SDO mission, visit: To find these videos for download, check out: 100421.html and

15 1.4. Surface Features of the Sun


• solar flare: Violent explosion on the Sun’s surface. • solar prominence: Plasma loop flowing between sunspots. • solar wind: High energy particles that fly out from the Sun. • sunspot: Cool, dark area on the Sun’s surface that have lower temperatures than surrounding areas.


• Sunspots occur in pairs. Each is one side of a loop of the Sun’s magnetic field on the Sun’s surface. Sunspots come and go on an 11-year cycle. • Sunspots are cooler and darker than the rest of the Sun’s surface. They are marked by intense magnetic activity. • Solar prominences are the plasma loops that connect two sunspots. • Solar flares and coronal mass ejections are eruptions of highly energetic particles from the Sun’s surface.

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Use the resources below to answer the questions that follow.

• The Sun’s Surface at

1. What are sunspots? 2. What is a solar flare? 3. How can solar flares affect Earth? 4. Why do scientists study sunspots? 5. What features do scientists study about sunspots? 6. How long is the normal sunspot cycle?

Explore More Answers

1. Sunspots are darker, cooler locations on the Sun where the magnetic field pokes through the surface and prevents the Sun’s heat from rising. 2. A solar flare occurs when the magnetic field breaks around a sunspot and shoots plasma into space. 3. Solar flares can knock out satellites, electricity, and communications networks and pose a danger to astronauts. 4. By studying sunspots, scientists hope to be able to predict solar flares; they also want to find out if and how sunspots affect climate. 5. Sunspots come in groups and increase and decrease in number across a cycle of 11 years. 6. 11 years


1. What are sunspots? What is a sunspot cycle? 2. How are solar prominences related to sunspots? 3. What is being learned from the Solar Dynamics Observatory?

Review Answers

1. Sunspots are cooler, darker areas on the Sun’s surface where the magnetic field loops. The cycle lasts 11 years and progresses from a small number, to a large number, to a small number of sunspots.

16 Chapter 1. The Solar System

2. The plasma flows along a golden arch connecting sunspots; prominences last days or weeks. 3. The Solar Dynamics Observatory is studying the Sun’s magnetic field and how it affects Earth’s atmosphere and climate; it is producing high-resolution images.

17 1.5. Planets of the Solar System

1.5 Planets of the Solar System

• Define astronomical unit. • Describe the solar system’s eight planets.

Can humans take a field trip through the solar system? A field trip through the solar system would take a long time. It took 12 years for the Voyager spacecraft to get from Earth to Neptune. If a human was on board, he or she would probably want to come back! Fortunately, unmanned spacecrafts can send back images of far distant places in the solar system.

Solar System Objects

Astronomers now recognize eight planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune), five dwarf planets (, Pluto, , , and ), more than 150 , and many, many asteroids and other small objects ( Figure 1.8). These objects move in regular and predictable paths around the Sun.

FIGURE 1.8 Relative sizes of the Sun, planets, and dwarf planets and their positions relative to each other are to scale. The relative distances are not to scale.

18 Chapter 1. The Solar System

Planet Sizes

The Sun is just an average star compared to other stars. But it is by far the largest object in the solar system. The Sun is more than 500 times the mass of everything else in the solar system combined! Listed below is data on the sizes of the Sun and planets relative to Earth ( Table 1.1).

TABLE 1.1: Sizes of Solar System Objects Relative to Earth

Object Mass (relative to Earth) Diameter (relative to Earth) Sun 333,000 109.2 Mercury 0.06 0.39 Venus 0.82 0.95 Earth 1.00 1.00 Mars 0.11 0.53 Jupiter 317.8 11.21 Saturn 95.2 9.41 Uranus 14.6 3.98 Neptune 17.2 3.81

Distances in the Solar System

Distances in the solar system are often measured in astronomical units (AU). One astronomical unit is defined as the distance from Earth to the Sun. 1 AU equals about 150 million km (93 million miles). Listed below is the distance from the Sun to each planet in AU ( Table 1.2). The table shows how long it takes each planet to spin once on its axis. It also shows how long it takes each planet to complete an orbit. Notice how slowly Venus rotates! A day on Venus is actually longer than a year on Venus!

TABLE 1.2: Distances to the Planets and Properties of Orbits Relative to Earth’s Orbit

Planet Average Distance from Length of Day (in Earth Length of Year (in Earth Sun (AU) days) years) Mercury 0.39 56.84 0.24 Venus 0.72 243.02 0.62 Earth 1.00 1.00 1.00 Mars 1.52 1.03 1.88 Jupiter 5.20 0.41 11.86 Saturn 9.54 0.43 29.46 Uranus 19.22 0.72 84.01 Neptune 30.06 0.67 164.8

The Size and Shape of Orbits

Figure 1.9 shows the relative sizes of the orbits of the planets, , and . In general, the farther away from the Sun, the greater the distance from one planet’s orbit to the next. The orbits of the planets are not circular but slightly elliptical ( Figure 1.9).


• astronomical unit (AU): Unit of measure; 1 AU is the distance from the Sun to Earth.

19 1.5. Planets of the Solar System

FIGURE 1.9 The relative sizes of the orbits of planets in the solar system. The inner solar sys- tem and asteroid belt is on the upper left. The upper right shows the outer planets and the Kuiper belt.


• The solar system has eight planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. There are also five known dwarf planets: Ceres, Pluto, Makemake, Haumea, and Eris. • Solar system distances are measured as multiples of the distance between Earth and Sun. This is one astro- nomical unit (AU). • All planets and dwarf planets orbit the Sun. All planets and dwarf planets rotate on their axes. • The planets make slightly elliptical orbits around the Sun.

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• Exploring the Solar System at (7:41)

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1. What did early astronomers believe about planet Earth? 2. How many planets did early astronomers know about? 3. What did Kepler discover? 4. How did our solar system form? 5. How many planets are in the solar system? 6. What is the Kuiper belt? 7. What is the Oort cloud? 8. What is found in the Oort cloud? 9. What is the outer boundary of the solar system? 10. Why are scientists interested in the other plants?

20 Chapter 1. The Solar System


1. What are the names of the planets and dwarf planets? 2. Where are the most massive planets? Where are the least massive planets? 3. What is an astronomical unit? Why is this unit used to measure distances in the solar system?

21 1.6. Inner versus Outer Planets

1.6 Inner versus Outer Planets

• Compare and contrast the inner and outer planets.

What’s better than a field trip? All of the inner planets are orbited by man-made satellites. Jupiter and Saturn have man-made satellites too. We can see what the planets look like from the photos they take. The satellites also carry instruments that collect a lot of important data. This is better than taking a field trip to such hostile places. You can learn a lot while sitting your own, very comfortable planet!

The Inner Planets

The four planets closest to the Sun—Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars—are the inner planets or terrestrial planets ( Figure 1.10). They are similar to Earth. All are solid, dense, and rocky. None of the inner planets has rings. Compared to the outer planets, the inner planets are small. They have shorter orbits around the Sun and they spin more slowly. Venus spins backward and spins the slowest of all the planets. All of the inner planets were geologically active at one time. They are all made of cooled igneous rock with inner iron cores. Earth has one big, round moon, while Mars has two very small, irregular moons. Mercury and Venus do not have moons.

The Outer Planets

Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune are the outer planets of our solar system. These are the four planets farthest from the Sun. The outer planets are much larger than the inner planets. Since they are mostly made of gases, they

22 Chapter 1. The Solar System

FIGURE 1.10 This composite shows the relative sizes of the four inner planets. From left to right, they are Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars.

are also called gas giants. Pictured below are the relative sizes of the outer planets and the Sun ( Figure 1.11)

FIGURE 1.11 This image shows the four outer planets and the Sun, with sizes to scale. From left to right, the outer planets are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.

The gas giants are mostly made of hydrogen and helium. These are the same elements that make up most of the Sun. Astronomers think that most of the nebula was hydrogen and helium. The inner planets lost these very light gases. Their gravity was too low to keep them, and they floated away into space. The Sun and the outer planets had enough gravity to keep the hydrogen and helium. All of the outer planets have numerous moons. They also have planetary rings made of dust and other small particles. Only the can be easily seen from Earth.


• inner planets or terrestrial planets: Four solid, dense, rocky planets that are inside the asteroid belt: Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars. • outer planets or gas giants: Four large outer planets composed of the gases, hydrogen and helium, and are beyond the asteroid belt in our solar system: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. • planetary rings: Rings of dust and rock encircling a planet in a thin plane.


• The four inner planets have slower orbits, slower spin, no rings, and they are made of rock and metal.

23 1.6. Inner versus Outer Planets

• The four outer planets have faster orbits and spins, a composition of gases and liquids, numerous moons, and rings. • The outer planets are made of hydrogen and helium, so they are called gas giants.

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Use the resources below to answer the questions that follow.

• The Planets at

1. Which planets make up the inner solar system? 2. Which planets make up the outer solar system? 3. What separates the inner and outer solar system?

• The Groups of Planets at

4. Describe the composition of each group of planets. 5. Describe the size of each each group of planets.


1. Describe the characteristics of the four inner planets. 2. Describe the characteristics of the four outer planets. 3. Why are the inner and outer planets so different from each other?

24 Chapter 1. The Solar System

1.7 Mercury

• Describe the characteristics of Mercury.

What does this planet look like? Mercury looks a lot like Earth’s Moon. Why do you think it does? Both have been struck by a lot of asteroids. Both have no atmosphere, so there is no weathering and erosion. If they had an atmosphere, many of the craters would have been eroded away. Both have no plate tectonics to transform the landscape. This would also remove a lot of craters.


Mercury is the smallest planet. It has no moon. It is also the planet closest to the Sun. Pictured below is the surface of Mercury covered with craters ( Figure 1.12), like Earth’s Moon. Many of the impact craters are billions of years old. This means that Mercury hasn’t changed much geologically for billions of years. It has no plate tectonics. With only a trace of an atmosphere, it has no weather to wear down the ancient craters.

Exploring Mercury

Because Mercury is so close to the Sun, it is difficult to observe from Earth, even with a telescope. The Mariner 10 spacecraft did a flyby of Mercury in 1974–1975. In 2004, the MESSENGER mission left Earth. On its way to Mercury, it did one flyby of Earth, two of Venus, and three of Mercury. In March 2011, MESSENGER became the first spacecraft to enter an orbit around Mercury. To date, MESSENGER has taken over 100,000 images and has revealed many interesting features of the planet’s interior.

25 1.7. Mercury

FIGURE 1.12 The surface of Mercury is covered with craters, like Earth’s Moon.

Short Year, Long Days

Mercury is named for the Roman messenger god. Mercury was a messenger because he could run extremely fast. The Greeks gave the planet this name because Mercury moves very quickly in its orbit around the Sun. Mercury orbits the Sun in just 88 Earth days. Mercury has a very short year, but it also has very long days. Mercury rotates slowly on its axis, turning exactly three times for every two times it orbits the Sun. Therefore, each day on Mercury is 58 Earth days long.

Extreme Temperatures

Mercury is very close to the Sun, so it can get very hot. Mercury also has virtually no atmosphere. As the planet rotates very slowly, the temperature varies tremendously. In direct sunlight, the surface can be as hot as 427°C (801°F). On the dark side, the surface can be as cold as –183°C (–297°F)! The coldest temperatures may be on the insides of craters. Most of Mercury is extremely dry. Scientists think that there may be a small amount of water, in the form of ice, at the planet’s poles. The poles never receive direct sunlight.

A Liquid Metal Core

Pictured below is a diagram of Mercury’s interior ( Figure 1.13). Mercury is one of the densest planets. Scientists think that the interior contains a large core made mostly of melted iron. The inner core may be solid. Mercury’s core takes up about 85% of the planet’s radius.


• Mercury: The smallest planet and the closest to the Sun.


• Mercury appears to be moving rapidly because it’s so close to the Sun. • Mercury has short years, just 88 Earth days. Mercury has long days, about 57 Earth days.

26 Chapter 1. The Solar System

FIGURE 1.13 Mercury is one of the most dense planets, with a very large core.

• Mercury is extremely hot and has a liquid metal core.

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• The Planet Mercury at (6:22)

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1. What probe was sent to Mercury? 2. How does Mercury compare in size to the other planets? 3. What is the composition of Mercury? 4. What is the possible explanation for why Mercury has such a large core? 5. Describe the temperature variations on Mercury. 6. How long does a day last on Mercury, measured in Earth days? 7. What is the evidence of volcanic activity on Mercury? What was the origin of that activity? 8. Why do scientists think there may be ice on Mercury? 9. Why can’t the be used to view Mercury?

Explore More Answers

1. Messenger 2. Mercury is the smallest planet. 3. 70% metal, 30% silicate 4. A large may have impacted Mercury early on and stripped away much of the crust, leaving behind the thick iron core. 5. At the hottest it is 700 K (426°C; 800°F), and at the coldest it is 100 K (-173°C; -279°F). It is hottest where the Sun strikes and coldest where the Sun isn’t striking. The very coldest temperatures are found in deep craters that never see the Sun.

27 1.7. Mercury

6. A day is 58 days and 15 hours, but a year is only 88 days. 7. There are craters surrounded by lava that oozed out. The activity was due to impacts. 8. The craters around the poles were never heated so they are hundreds of degrees below 0°F in temperature. If ice was there it would remain for millions of years. 9. It is too close to the Sun. Trying to view Mercury could damage the optics and electronics of the telescope.


1. Why is a year on Mercury only 88 days long? 2. Why is Mercury mostly really hot? 3. Why does Mercury have so many craters?

Review Answers

1. Mercury is closer to the Sun and therefore has a smaller orbit compared to the planets located farther out with longer years. 2. It is very close to the Sun and has no atmosphere for protection. 3. It has no plate tectonics and no atmosphere so there isn’t a way for the craters to wear down or disappear.

28 Chapter 1. The Solar System

1.8 Venus

• Describe the characteristics of Venus.

What’s beneath Venus’s clouds? This image was produced by the Magellan probe on a flyby. Radar waves sent by the spacecraft reveal mountains, valleys, vast lava plains, and canyons. The colors are not real. They enhance the features so we can better see them.


Named after the Roman goddess of love, Venus is the only planet named after a female. Venus is sometimes called Earth’s “sister planet.” Venus is our nearest neighbor and is most like Earth in size. But Venus is a lot different from Earth. Earth’s life would not find the planet very hospitable at all.

A Harsh Environment

Viewed through a telescope, Venus looks smooth and featureless. The planet is covered by a thick layer of clouds. You can see the clouds in pictures of Venus ( Figure 1.14).

29 1.8. Venus

FIGURE 1.14 Venus in real color. The planet is covered by a thick layer of clouds.

We make maps of the surface using radar because the thick clouds won’t allow us to take photographs of the surface of Venus. This is shown in the first image at the top.


Clouds on Earth are made of water vapor. Venus’s clouds are a lot less pleasant. They are made of , sulfur dioxide, and large amounts of corrosive sulfuric acid! Scientists think the color of sunlight on Venus is reddish-brown. The is so thick that the pressure on the surface of Venus is very high. In fact, it is 90 times greater than the pressure at Earth’s surface! The thick atmosphere causes a strong greenhouse effect. As a result, Venus is the hottest planet. Even though it is farther from the Sun, Venus is even much hotter than Mercury. Temperatures at the surface reach 465°C (860°F). That’s hot enough to melt lead!


The surface of Venus is shrouded by thick clouds. Radar images show a complex surface. There are volcanoes and craters like those found on other planets and moons. The surface is not nearly as complex as the surface of Earth.


There are a large number of craters on Venus. However, there are not nearly as many as on Mercury or the Moon. So the planet’s surface must be fairly young. This suggests that the planet experiences volcanism and has a hot interior.


Venus has more volcanoes than any other planet. There are between 100,000 and one million volcanoes on Venus! Most of the volcanoes are now inactive. Pictured below is an image made using radar data ( Figure 1.15). The volcano is Maat Mons. Lava beds are in the foreground.

30 Chapter 1. The Solar System

FIGURE 1.15 Radar image of the Maat Mons volcano on Venus with lava beds in the foreground.

Motion and Appearance

Venus is the only planet that rotates clockwise as viewed from its North Pole. All of the other planets rotate counterclockwise. Venus turns slowly, making only one turn every 243 days. This is longer than a year on Venus! It takes Venus only 225 days to orbit the Sun. Because the orbit of Venus is inside Earth’s orbit, Venus always appears close to the Sun. You can see Venus rising early in the morning, just before the Sun rises ( Figure 1.16). For this reason, Venus is sometimes called “the morning star.” When it sets in the evening, just after the Sun sets, it may be called “the evening star.” Since planets only reflect the Sun’s light, Venus should not be called a star at all! Venus is very bright because its clouds reflect sunlight very well. Venus is the brightest object in the sky besides the Sun and the Moon.

FIGURE 1.16 Venus (right) and the Moon (left) just be- fore sunrise.

Like Mercury, but unlike Earth, Venus does not have a moon.


• greenhouse effect: The trapping of heat in the atmosphere by greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide and methane. • Venus: The second planet from the Sun and Earth’s closest neighbor.

31 1.8. Venus


• Venus has a very thick, toxic atmosphere. • Venus has lot of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. The atmosphere has a very strong greenhouse effect and therefore traps a lot of heat. • Venus has fewer impact craters than Mercury or the Moon. Venus has a lot of volcanoes, including some very large ones.

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Use the resource below to answer the questions that follow.

• The Planet Venus at (7:00)

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1. How long is a day on Venus in Earth days? How many Earth days make a Venusian year? 2. How is Venus similar to Earth? 3. Does Venus have plate tectonics? Why or why not? 4. Describe Venus’ atmospheric composition. 5. What is the average temperature of Venus? Why is this the case? 6. What is the composition of the rain on Venus? 7. Why does Venus appear so bright to us? 8. Describe the conditions on Venus’ surface. 9. What is Sif Mons? Is this something that currently happens all over Venus? 10. How long would a probe last on Venus? 11. What country successfully landed probes on Venus? (Amazingly, this probe lasted about 2 hours.)

Explore More Answers

1. One day on Venus is equivalent to 243 Earth days; 225 Earth days make up a Venusian year. 2. Venus is similar to Earth in size and composition. 3. No, Venus has only one single tectonic plate. 4. The atmosphere is 96% carbon dioxide, 3% nitrogen, and 1% sulfur dioxide, argon, and helium. 5. The average temperature is the highest in the solar system at 460°C (860°F). This is because the thick, carbon dioxide-rich atmosphere has an extremely strong greenhouse effect. 6. The rain is composed of sulfuric acid. 7. Venus has a lot of clouds, which are very reflective. 8. The surface of Venus experiences 92 times the pressure of Earth’s surface. 9. Sif Mons is a large volcano. Venus is still volcanically active but only in a few hot spots. It has been mostly quiet for a few hundred million years. 10. 30 minutes 11. The Russians landed Venera 13.

32 Chapter 1. The Solar System


1. Why does Venus have such a large greenhouse effect? 2. There are fewer impact craters on Venus than on nearby Mercury. What does this tell scientists about the differences between these two planets? 3. Why is Venus called the morning or evening star?

Review Answers

1. It has a very thick atmosphere rich in carbon dioxide. 2. The presence of fewer craters on Venus suggests that the surface of Venus is younger and therefore has experienced volcanism more recently. Thus, Venus has a hotter interior. 3. Venus is close to the Sun. It is known as the "evening star" because it sets just after the Sun sets. It is known as the "morning star" because it rises just before the Sun rises.

33 1.9. Moon

1.9 Moon

• Describe the characteristics of Earth’s Moon.

Would you like to go on this field trip? The most amazing "field trips" in human history took place in the Apollo program. Between 1969 and 1972, six manned spaceships landed on the Moon. Human astronauts walked on the Moon. They brought back soil and rock samples. No human has visited Earth’s satellite since 1972. There is talk of someday returning, but there are no concrete plans.

Earth’s Moon

The Moon is Earth’s only . The Moon is about one-fourth the size of Earth, 3,476 kilometers in diameter. Gravity on the Moon is only one-sixth as strong as it is on Earth. If you weigh 120 pounds on Earth, you would only weigh 20 pounds on the Moon. You can jump six times as high on the Moon as you can on Earth. The Moon makes no light of its own. Like every other body in the solar system, it only reflects light from the Sun.

34 Chapter 1. The Solar System


The Moon rotates on its axis once for every orbit it makes around Earth. What does this mean? This means that the same side of the Moon always faces Earth. The side of the Moon that always faces Earth is called the near side. The side of the Moon that always faces away from Earth is called the far side. From Earth, people have only seen the Moon’s near side. The far side has only been seen by spacecraft and Apollo astronauts.


The Moon has no atmosphere. With no atmosphere, the Moon is not protected from extreme temperatures. The average surface temperature during the day is approximately 107°C (225°F). Daytime temperatures can reach as high as 123°C (253°F). At night, the average temperature drops to -153°C (-243°F). The lowest temperatures measured are as low as -233°C (-397°F).

Lunar Surface

We all know what the Moon looks like. It’s always looked the same during our lifetime. In fact, the Moon has looked the same to every person who has looked up at it for all time. Even the dinosaurs, trilobites, or cyanobacteria, should they have looked up at it, would have seen more-or-less the same thing. This is not true of Earth. Natural processes continually alter Earth’s surface. Without these processes, would Earth’s surface resemble the Moon’s? The Moon does have more craters than it did in the long distant past, of course. Even though we can’t see it from Earth, the Moon has changed recently too. Astronauts’ footprints are now on the Moon. They will remain unchanged for thousands of years, because there is no wind, rain, or living thing to disturb them. A falling could destroy them. Tiny bombard the Moon’s surface and smooth it over time too.


The landscape of the Moon—its surface features—is very different from Earth. The lunar landscape is covered by craters caused by impacts ( Figure 1.17). ( Lunar means relating to the Moon.) The craters are bowl-shaped basins on the Moon’s surface. Because the Moon has no water, wind, or weather, the craters remain unchanged. The Moon’s coldest temperatures are found deep in the craters. The coldest craters are at the south pole on the Moon’s far side. The Sun never shines on the bottoms of the deepest craters. These temperatures are amongst the coldest in our entire solar system.

FIGURE 1.17 Craters, like the one shown in this image, are found on the surface of the Moon.

35 1.9. Moon


When you look at the Moon from Earth, you notice dark and light areas. The maria are dark, solid, flat areas of lava (mostly basalt). Maria covers around 16% of the Moon’s surface, mostly on the near side. The maria formed about 3.0 to 4.0 billion years ago, when the Moon was continually bombarded by ( Figure 1.18). Large broke through the Moon’s newly formed surface. This eventually caused magma to flow out and fill the craters. Scientists estimate volcanic activity on the Moon ended about 1.2 billion years ago.

FIGURE 1.18 Maria (the dark areas) and terrae (the light areas) cover the Moon.


The lighter parts on the Moon are called terrae, or highlands ( Figure 1.18). They are higher than the maria and include several high mountain ranges. The rock that makes up the highlands is mostly composed of feldspar, which is lighter in color and crystallized more slowly than the maria. The rock looks light because it reflects more of the Sun’s light. The figure below shows the near and far sides of the Moon ( Figure 1.19). They are different!

FIGURE 1.19 The Mare Moscoviense is one of the few maria, or dark, flat areas, on the far side.

The rocks of the terrae formed while the lunar magma ocean cooled just after the Moon formed. The maria formed later.

36 Chapter 1. The Solar System


There are no lakes, rivers, or even small puddles anywhere to be found on the Moon’s surface. So there is no running water and no atmosphere. This means that there is no erosion. Natural processes continually alter Earth’s surface. Without these processes, our planet’s surface would be covered with meteorite craters just like the Moon. Many moons in our solar system have cratered surfaces. NASA scientists have discovered a large number of water molecules mixed in with lunar dirt. There is also surface water ice in some of the frigid places that are always in shadow. Even though there is a very small amount of water, there is no atmosphere. Temperatures are extreme. So it comes as no surprise that there has not been evidence of life on the Moon.

Lunar Interior

Like Earth, the Moon has a distinct crust, , and core. The crust is composed of igneous rock. This rock is rich in the elements oxygen, silicon, magnesium, and aluminum. On the near side, the Moon’s crust is about 30 kilometers thick. On the far side, the crust is about 100 kilometers thick. The mantle is made of rock like Earth’s upper mantle. The Moon has a small metallic core, perhaps 300 to 500 kilometers in diameter. The composition of the core is probably mostly iron with some sulfur and nickel. We learned this both from the rock samples gathered by astronauts and from spacecraft sent to the Moon.


Humans have walked on only two planetary bodies: Earth and the Moon. The footprints the men left behind are the first signs of life ever on the Moon. Scientists learned a great deal about the Moon from the Apollo missions. The samples that were brought back have been studied in laboratories. We know an incredible amount about the Moon because of these samples. Having these rocks radically changed our thinking about the Moon. The Moon is easily seen from Earth. Early astronomers used telescopes to study and map its surface. The Moon has also seen a great number of satellites, rovers, and orbiters. After all, it is relatively easy to get spacecraft to the satellite. Also, before humans could be safely sent to the Moon, many studies and experiments had to be completed.


• crater: Bowl-shaped depressions on the surface of the Moon caused by impacts from meteorites. • lunar: Related to the Moon. • maria: The dark parts of the Moon’s surface, made up of ancient basaltic eruptions. • terrae: The light parts of the Moon’s surface, composed of high crater rims.


• The Moon revolves around Earth as they orbit the Sun. The same side of Moon always faces Earth. • The lunar surface has dark basalt maria. The light highlands are called terrae. • The Moon has a crust, mantle, and core. • The Moon has no atmosphere and only a very tiny amount of water.

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Use the resource below to answer the questions that follow.

37 1.9. Moon

• Space School - The Moon at (5:30)

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1. What is the Moon? 2. How far is the Moon from Earth? Where will it be relative to its current location 100 years from now? 3. What did Galileo prove about the Moon? How did he do that? 4. Where did the Moon come from? 5. What is the Moon like relative to Earth? 6. Why do we always see the same side of the Moon? 7. Describe the Moon’s structure. 8. What are maria? 9. What are terrae? 10. What created the craters on the Moon? 11. If a small meteor went toward the Moon’s surface and one the same size went toward Earth’s surface, which would actually reach the surface and why? 12. If there is water on the Moon, how did it get there and where is it? 13. What is an eclipse? 14. What is a lunar eclipse? 15. What is a total solar eclipse? 16. Why is the Moon unique? 17. Who was the first person on the Moon?

Explore More Answers

1. The Moon is Earth’s only natural satellite. 2. The Moon is located 239,000 miles away from Earth; in 100 years, it will be 150 inches farther away. 3. He examined the lunar surface through his telescope to prove that the Moon is a sphere. 4. Earth was struck by a giant impactor; the material that flew up into space came together by gravity and formed the Moon. 5. The Moon has no life, no atmosphere, and no seasons. If it has water, it is as ice in the bottom of craters. 6. The Moon is locked to Earth; it takes the same amount of time to rotate once on its axis and to orbit Earth once so we always see the same side. 7. The structure is the same as Earth’s with a core, mantle and crust. 8. Maria are flatlands that are hardened pools of lava over craters. 9. Terrae are highlands that formed as the Moon’s crust was shattered by meteorite impacts. 10. The craters on the Moon were created by intense bombardment by meteorites. 11. The one heading toward Earth’s surface would burn up in the atmosphere; the one heading toward the Moon’s surface would hit it since there is no atmosphere for protection. 12. Comets may have brought in water; if it exists it is at the bottom of craters as ice. 13. An eclipse occurs when the Earth, Moon, and Sun are in alignment. 14. A lunar eclipse occurs when the Earth moves between the Sun and Moon. 15. A total lunar eclipse occurs when the Moon moves between the Sun and Earth and blocks out the Sun’s light entirely.

38 Chapter 1. The Solar System

16. It is the only non-Earth body that humans have visited. 17. Neil Armstrong was the first person to walk on the Moon, as part of the Apollo 11 mission.


1. Why do we only see one side of the Moon from Earth? 2. What are the Moon’s terrae like in structure and rock type? 3. How did the maria form? 4. In what form is water found on the Moon? In what form is it not found on the Moon?

Review Answers

1. The Moon rotates once on its axis for each one orbit it makes around Earth. 2. The rocks are light colored felsic rocks with larger grains that form mountain ranges. 3. The maria are basalt plains that formed 3 to 4 billion years ago when meteorites were bombarding the Moon; the meteors broke through the surface and caused lava to flow. 4. Water molecules are found in lunar dirt and there is some ice in extremely cold places. There is no atmosphere and there is no running water so no erosion.

39 1.10. Mars

1.10 Mars

• Describe the characteristics of Mars.

How do we get such incredible views of other planets? Mars is close, and it’s not obscured by its atmosphere like Venus is. The Hubble Space Telescope took this incredible photo of Mars. This is a true color photo: the red is soil, the white is the polar ice cap, the dark is basalt. Mars has many features like Earth’s, but Mars is missing one very important feature: an ocean.


Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun. The Red Planet is the first planet beyond Earth’s orbit. Mars’ atmosphere is thin compared to Earth’s. This means that there is much lower pressure at the surface. Mars also has a weak greenhouse effect, so temperatures are only slightly higher than they would be if the planet did not have an atmosphere. The Martian climate is most like Earth’s of any planet in the solar system.

40 Chapter 1. The Solar System


Mars is the easiest planet to observe. As a result, it has been studied more than any other planet besides Earth. People can stand on Earth and observe the planet through a telescope. We have also sent many space probes to Mars. A car-sized robotic rover, Curiosity, arrived on the Red Planet in August 2012. Curiosity joins Opportunity, which has been active since 2004. No humans have ever set foot on Mars. NASA and the European Space Agency have plans to send people to Mars. The goal is to do it sometime between 2030 and 2040. The expense and danger of these missions are phenomenal. Challenges of Getting to Mars: Curiosity’s Seven Minutes of Terror _o9Q9s (5:08)

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Surface Features

Mars has mountains, canyons, and other features similar to Earth. But it doesn’t have as much geological activity as Earth. There is no evidence of plate tectonics on Mars. There are also more craters on Mars than on Earth. But there are fewer craters than on the Moon. What does this suggest to you regarding Mars’ tectonic history? Pictured below is an image of the Martian surface ( Figure 1.20).

FIGURE 1.20 Mars is Earth’s second nearest neighbor planet.

A Red Planet

Viewed from Earth, Mars is red. This is due to large amounts of iron in the soil. The ancient Greeks and Romans named the planet Mars after the god of war because the planet’s red color reminded them of blood. Mars has only a very thin atmosphere made up mostly of carbon dioxide.


Mars is home to the largest volcano in the solar system: Olympus Mons ( Figure 1.21). Olympus Mons is a shield volcano. The volcano is similar to the volcanoes of the Hawaiian Islands. But Olympus Mons is a giant, about 27 km (16.8 miles; 88,580 ft) tall. That’s three times taller than Mount Everest! At its base, Olympus Mons is about the size of the entire state of Arizona, about 624 km (374 miles) across.

41 1.10. Mars

FIGURE 1.21 The largest volcano in the solar system, Olympus Mons.


Mars also has the largest canyon in the solar system, Valles Marineris ( Figure 1.22). This canyon is 4,000 km (2,500 miles) long. That’s as long as Europe is wide! One-fifth of the circumference of Mars is covered by the canyon. Valles Marineris is 7 km (4.3 miles) deep. How about Earth’s Grand Canyon? Earth’s most famous canyon is only 446 km (277 miles) long and about 2 km (1.2 miles) deep. Valles Marineris is thought to be a tectonic crack in the Martian crust.

FIGURE 1.22 The largest canyon in the solar system, Valles Marineris

Is There Water on Mars?

Water on Mars can’t be a liquid. This is because the pressure of the atmosphere is too low. The planet does have a lot of water; it is in the form of ice. The south pole of Mars has a very visible ice cap. Scientists also have evidence that there is also a lot of ice just under the Martian surface. The ice melts when volcanoes erupt. At these times liquid water flows across the surface. Curiosity, the rover, has found evidence of a flowing stream on Mars. Layers of smooth, water-polished pebbles have been photographed. This is exactly what you would see in a stream on Earth. There are many surface features that look like water-eroded canyons. Since there was liquid water on Mars, scientists think that life might have existed there in the past. One of Curiosity’s tasks is to sample the soil to search for carbon and other evidence of life.

Two Martian Moons

Mars has two very small, irregular moons, ( Figure 1.23) and . These moons were discovered in 1877. They are named after the two sons of Ares, who followed their father into war. The moons were probably asteroids that were captured by Martian gravity.


• Mars: The fourth planet from the Sun; once home to flowing liquid water.

42 Chapter 1. The Solar System

FIGURE 1.23 Phobos is Mars’ larger moon. It has a radius of 11.1 km (6.9 miles).


• Mars is the easiest planet to study because it doesn’t have thick clouds obscuring its surface. It is also close to Earth. • The surface of Mars has volcanoes and canyons. There is a polar ice cap and channels that were once filled with water. Curiosity has found evidence of a flowing stream. • Mars has two moons that are thought to be captured asteroids.

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Use the resource below to answer the questions that follow.

• The Planet Mars at (10:02)

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1. What is the diameter of Mars? How does it compare relative to Earth’s diameter? 2. If you weigh 100 pounds on Earth, what will you weigh on Mars? 3. What is primary component of Mars’ atmosphere? 4. Why is Mars red? 5. What does the absence of plate tectonics on Mars mean? 6. What type of volcano is Olympus Mons? Why is it so big? 7. What is Valles Marineris? How do you think the valley might have formed? 8. If snow can form in the Martian atmosphere, why isn’t snow seen on the surface of Mars? 9. Why aren’t the Dust Devils dangerous on Mars?

Explore More Answers

1. Mars’ diameter is about 6,800 kilometers (4,225 miles), which is roughly half of Earth’s diameter. 2. 37 pounds

43 1.10. Mars

3. 95% carbon dioxide 4. iron oxide soil 5. Volcanoes can stay in the same spot and build up so that they can be 100 times as large as volcanoes on Earth. 6. Olympus Mons is a giant shield volcano that has been building up for billions of years. 7. Valles Marineris is a giant valley that opened as a tectonic crack. It may also have been eroded by flowing water. 8. The atmosphere is dry and it evaporates before it reaches the surface. 9. The Dust Devils don’t pose a danger on Mars because there is a thin atmosphere and low pressure.


1. Why is Mars red? 2. What is the evidence that Mars once had flowing liquid water? Why is this important? 3. Describe the major surface features of Mars. 4. What is the likely origin of the two moons orbiting Mars?

Review Answers

1. The Martian surface is covered by iron oxide soil. 2. The evidence includes water-polished pebbles and erosion features in the canyons. If Mars had liquid water, there is a greater chance that the planet could have hosted life. 3. Olympus Mons is a giant shield volcano. Valle Marinaris is a giant valley that formed as a tectonic crack but may have also experienced some water erosion. 4. The moons are likely captured asteroids.

44 Chapter 1. The Solar System

1.11 Jupiter

• Describe the characteristics of Jupiter.

What are Jupiter’s most distinctive features? Jupiter has been well studied for being so far away. Many flybys, one orbiter, and a probe have all visited the planet. While the possibility exists for humans to reach Mars, a manned trip to Jupiter seems a long ways away. The round trip would take at least 10 years. Who would want to spend more than a decade on a spaceship? At least they could see the and other features in person!


Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system. Jupiter is named for the king of the gods in Roman mythology. The Romans named the largest planet for their most important god. They followed the tradition of the Greeks, who had similarly named the planet Zeus. The Romans built a temple to Jupiter on the hill. Jupiter is truly a giant! The planet has 318 times the mass of Earth, and over 1,300 times Earth’s volume. So Jupiter is much less dense than Earth. Because Jupiter is so large, it reflects a lot of sunlight. When it is visible, it is the

45 1.11. Jupiter

brightest object in the night sky besides the Moon and Venus. Jupiter is quite far from Earth. The planet is more than five times as far from Earth as the Sun. It takes Jupiter about 12 Earth years to orbit once around the Sun.

A Ball of Gas and Liquid

Since Jupiter is a , could a spacecraft land on its surface? The answer is no. There is no solid surface at all! Jupiter is made mostly of hydrogen, with some helium, and small amounts of other elements. The outer layers of the planet are gas. Deeper within the planet, the intense pressure condenses the gases into a liquid. Jupiter may have a small rocky core at its center.

A Stormy Atmosphere

Jupiter’s atmosphere is unlike any other in the solar system! The upper layer contains clouds of . The ammonia is different colored bands. These bands rotate around the planet. The ammonia also swirls around in tremendous storms. The Great Red Spot ( Figure 1.24) is Jupiter’s most noticeable feature. The spot is an enor- mous, oval-shaped storm. It is more than three times as wide as Earth! Clouds in the storm rotate counterclockwise. They make one complete turn every six days or so. The Great Red Spot has been on Jupiter for at least 300 years. It may have been observed as early as 1664. It is possible that this storm is a permanent feature on Jupiter. No one knows for sure.

FIGURE 1.24 The Great Red Spot has been on Jupiter since we’ve had telescopes powerful enough to see it.

Moons and Rings

Jupiter has lots of moons. As of 2012, we have discovered over 66 natural satellites of Jupiter. Four are big enough and bright enough to be seen from Earth using a pair of binoculars. These four moons were first discovered by Galileo in 1610. They are called the . The figure below shows the four Galilean moons and their sizes relative to each other ( Figure 1.25). These moons are named , , , and . The Galilean moons are larger than even the biggest dwarf planets, Pluto and Eris. Ganymede is the biggest moon in the solar system. It is even larger than the planet Mercury! Scientists think that Europa is a good place to look for extraterrestrial life. Europa is the smallest of the Galilean moons. The moon’s surface is a smooth layer of ice. Scientists think that the ice may sit on top of an ocean of liquid water. How could Europa have liquid water when it is so far from the Sun? Europa is heated by Jupiter. Jupiter’s tidal forces are so great that they stretch and squash its moon. This could produce enough heat for there to be liquid water. Numerous missions have been planned to explore Europa, including plans to drill through the ice and send a probe into the ocean. However, no such mission has yet been attempted. Photos from the Voyager missions showed that Jupiter has a . This ring system is very faint, so it is very difficult to observe from Earth.

46 Chapter 1. The Solar System

FIGURE 1.25 The Galilean moons are as large as small planets.


Jupiter has fascinated scientists at least since Galileo turned his first telescope on the planet. In 1979, two spacecrafts, Voyager 1 and , visited Jupiter and its moons. The Galileo orbiter orbited the planet for seven years and flew by all of the Galilean moons plus one other moon. The orbiter released a probe to study the planet’s atmosphere. Future missions to Jupiter are underway. Juno will arrive in late 2016.


• Galilean moons: Four largest discovered by Galileo: Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto. • Great Red Spot: Enormous, oval-shaped, long-lived storm on Jupiter. • Jupiter: The largest planet, a gas giant, and the first of the outer planets.


• Jupiter is mostly hydrogen with some helium, and may contain a small rocky core. • Jupiter has a thick atmosphere. The Great Red Spot is a storm that has been going for at least 300 years. • One of Jupiter’s moons, Europa, appears to have a liquid ocean beneath the surface. This ocean could be a place for life.

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Use the resource below to answer the questions that follow.

• The Planet Jupiter at (8:08)

47 1.11. Jupiter

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1. How long does Jupiter take to orbit the Sun? Why so long? 2. How does the mass of Jupiter compare to Earth’s? 3. How long is one day on Jupiter? 4. What makes the different bands on the planet? 5. Why is the Giant Red Spot red? 6. What is happening to the Giant Red Spot? 7. What two elements make up the majority of Jupiter? Why is this important? 8. What happened to the Shoemaker-Levy 9? 9. How many moons does Jupiter have? 10. Describe Jupiter’s ring system. How did it form? 11. What causes the auroras on Jupiter?

Explore More Answers

1. One orbit takes 12 Earth years because Jupiter is much farther away from the Sun. 2. 318 times 3. One day on Jupiter is 9 hours and 50 minutes. 4. High-speed winds are blowing in bands going in opposite directions. 5. The storm pulls darker compounds that look red and brown in the light up from deeper in the atmosphere. 6. The Giant Red Spot is getting smaller and may eventually disappear. 7. It is 90% hydrogen and 10% helium like the solar nebula it formed from. 8. The comet broke into 21 pieces that hit Jupiter. 9. 63 moons 10. The simple rings have a Inner Halo, a Main Ring, and a Gossamer Ring. The rings probably formed from dust from impacts with the inner moons. 11. Jupiter’s giant magnetosphere generates the aurora.


1. Why is the Great Red Spot thought to be a storm? How could scientists know that it’s been going on for at least 300 years? 2. What is Jupiter made of? Why couldn’t a spacecraft land on its surface? 3. Why does Europa have a liquid ocean? Why do scientists think that Europa could have life?

Review Answers

1. It rotates counterclockwise as gas would and it is three times as wide as Earth. It was observed in the first telescopes. 2. Jupiter consists of mostly hydrogen with some helium. It has no solid surface; it is gas all the way through, although it may have a tiny rocky core. 3. Europa has a liquid ocean beneath its icy surface because the tidal pull from Jupiter is so strong that it melt the ice. Where there is liquid water, there may be life.

48 Chapter 1. The Solar System

1.12 Saturn

• Describe the characteristics of Saturn.

If you could take a trip to Saturn, what would you see? This storm was captured by the Cassini spacecraft. It was the most intense storm seen on Saturn since Cassini began orbiting Saturn eight years ago. The storm went on for several weeks. Of course, a human orbiting Saturn might be most fascinated by the planet’s beautiful rings.


Saturn is the second largest planet in the solar system ( Figure 1.26). Saturn’s mass is about 95 times Earth’s mass. The gas giant is 755 times Earth’s volume. Despite its large size, Saturn is the least dense planet in our solar system. Saturn is actually less dense than water. This means that if there were a bathtub big enough, Saturn would float! In Roman mythology, Saturn was the father of Jupiter. Saturn orbits the Sun once about every 30 Earth years.

49 1.12. Saturn

FIGURE 1.26 Saturn is the least dense planet in our solar system.


Saturn’s composition is similar to Jupiter’s. The planet is made mostly of hydrogen and helium. These elements are gases in the outer layers and liquids in the deeper layers. Saturn may also have a small solid core. Saturn’s upper atmosphere has clouds in bands of different colors. These clouds rotate rapidly around the planet. But Saturn has fewer storms than Jupiter. Thunder and lightning have been seen in the storms on Saturn.


Saturn’s rings were first observed by Galileo in 1610. Remember that his telescope was not very good. He didn’t know they were rings and thought that they were two large moons. One moon was on either side of the planet. In 1659, the Dutch astronomer Christiaan Huygens realized that they were rings circling Saturn’s equator. The rings appear tilted. This is because Saturn is tilted about 27 degrees to its side. The Voyager 1 spacecraft visited Saturn in 1980. Voyager 2 followed in 1981. These probes sent back detailed pictures of Saturn, its rings, and some of its moons ( Figure 1.27). From the Voyager data, we learned what Saturn’s rings are made of. They are particles of water and ice with a little bit of dust. There are several gaps in the rings. These gaps were cleared out by moons within the rings. Gravity attracts dust and gas to the moon from the ring. This leaves a gap in the rings. Other gaps in the rings are caused by the competing forces of Saturn and its moons outside the rings.

FIGURE 1.27 The rings of Saturn.

Scientists think that there are two possibilities for how Saturn’s rings formed. One possibility is by the breakup of one of Saturn’s moons. The other possibility is from material that never made it into the planet when Saturn originally formed. An animation of dark spokes in Saturn’s rings is seen here:

50 Chapter 1. The Solar System

_PIA11144_300px_secs15.5to23_20080926.ogv . The spokes appear seasonally and their origin is as yet unknown.


As of 2012, 62 natural moons have been identified around Saturn. Only seven of Saturn’s moons are round. All but one is smaller than Earth’s moon. Some of the very small moons are found within the rings. All the particles in the rings are like little moons, because they orbit around Saturn. Someone must decide which ones are large enough to call moons. Saturn’s largest moon, , is about one and a half times the size of Earth’s moon. Titan is even larger than the planet Mercury. The picture below compares the size of Titan to Earth ( Figure 1.28). Scientists are very interested in Titan. The moon has an atmosphere that is thought to be like Earth’s first atmosphere with nitrogen and methane. This atmosphere was around before life developed on Earth. Like Jupiter’s moon, Europa, Titan may have a layer of liquid water under a layer of ice. Scientists now think that there are lakes on Titan’s surface. Don’t take a dip, though. These lakes contain liquid methane and ethane instead of water! Methane and ethane are compounds found in natural gas.

FIGURE 1.28 This composite image compares Saturn’s largest moon, Titan (right), to Earth (left).


• Saturn: The second largest planet, the sixth from the Sun. Known for it’s beautiful rings.


• Like Jupiter, Saturn is made of hydrogen and helium. • Saturn’s rings are composed of water and ice, with some dust and rock. • Saturn’s moon Titan is interesting to scientists because of its composition and liquid ocean.

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51 1.12. Saturn

1. What is the density of Saturn? Why is this unique? 2. What is interesting about Saturn’s temperature, and what does this mean? 3. What did Cassini discover about Saturn? 4. Explain the two ideas about how Saturn got its rings. 5. What are shepherds? 6. What is the Hexagon storm?

Explore More Answers

1. The density is 0.687 grams per cubic centimeter; it is less dense than water so it could float! 2. Saturn is very hot; it puts out more energy than it receives from the Sun. 3. Saturn has an aurora at its polar cap. 4. Saturn’s moons smashed together to make the debris that became the rings or the moons hit each other and became debris that orbits in the rings. 5. Shepherds are moons that belong to the rings and appear to keep them in order. 6. It is a hexagonal storm that is huge; clouds circle inside a hexagonal vortex at around 200 miles per hour.


1. Describe Saturn’s rings. How did they form? 2. Why could Saturn float in a giant bathtub? 3. What features exist on Titan that suggest that there could be life?

Review Answers

1. The rings are made of ice, rock, and dust; they have gaps that were cleared by a moon. 2. It’s density is much lower than water’s. 3. Titan’s atmosphere is like Earth’s first atmosphere; it has liquid ethane and methane below the surface ice.

52 Chapter 1. The Solar System

1.13 Uranus

• Describe the characteristics of Uranus.

What is this blue ball? Uranus is so far away that there has been relatively little exploration of the planet. The closest approach was a flyby by Voyager 2 in 1986. Great images have also been taken by the Hubble Space Telescope.


Uranus is named for the Greek god of the sky, the father of Saturn. Astronomers pronounce the name “YOOR- uh-nuhs.” Uranus was not known to ancient observers. The planet was first discovered with a telescope by the astronomer in 1781. Uranus is faint because it is very far away. Its distance from the Sun is 2.8 billion kilometers (1.8 billion miles). A photon from the Sun takes about 2 hours and 40 minutes to reach Uranus. Uranus orbits the Sun once about every 84 Earth years.

53 1.13. Uranus

An Icy Blue-Green Ball

Uranus is a lot like Jupiter and Saturn. The planet is composed in part of hydrogen and helium. There is a thick layer of gas on the outside. Farther on the inside is liquid. But Uranus has a higher percentage of icy materials than Jupiter and Saturn. These materials include water, ammonia, and methane. Uranus is also different because of its blue-green color. Clouds of methane filter out red light. This leaves a blue-green color. The atmosphere of Uranus has bands of clouds. These clouds are hard to see in normal light. The result is that the planet looks like a plain blue ball. Uranus is the least massive outer planet. Its mass is only about 14 times the mass of Earth. Like all of the outer planets, Uranus is much less dense than Earth. Gravity is actually weaker than on Earth’s surface. If you were at the top of the clouds on Uranus, you would weigh about 10 percent less than what you weigh on Earth.

The Sideways Planet

All of the planets rotate on their axes in the same direction that they move around the Sun. Except for Uranus. Uranus is tilted on its side. Its axis is almost parallel to its orbit. So Uranus rolls along like a bowling ball as it revolves around the Sun. How did Uranus get this way? Scientists think that the planet was struck and knocked over by another planet-sized object. This collision probably took place billions of years ago.

Rings and Moons of Uranus

Uranus has a faint system of rings ( Figure 1.29). The rings circle the planet’s equator. However, Uranus is tilted on its side. So the rings are almost perpendicular to the planet’s orbit.

FIGURE 1.29 This image from the Hubble Space Telescope uses infrared light filters to show the faint .

We have discovered 27 moons around Uranus. All but a few are named for characters from the plays of . The five largest moons of Uranus, , , , , and , are pictured below ( Figure 1.30).

FIGURE 1.30 The five biggest moons of Uranus: Miranda, Ariel, Umbriel, Titania, and Oberon.

54 Chapter 1. The Solar System


• Uranus: The seventh planet from the Sun; a blue gas giant that is rotates sideways.


• Uranus is composed of hydrogen and helium. Methane clouds filter red light and give the planet a blue-green color. • The rotational axis of Uranus is tilted almost parallel to its orbit. • Uranus has rings that are nearly perpendicular to the planet’s orbit.

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• The Planet Uranus at (7:34)

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1. When and by whom was Uranus discovered? 2. How long does it take Uranus to orbit the Sun? 3. How does Uranus differ from the other large planets? 4. Why does Uranus appear blue-green? 5. How does Uranus’ composition differ from the composition of Jupiter and Saturn? 6. Describe the axis of Uranus. 7. How were Uranus’ rings discovered? 8. How many rings does Uranus have?

Explore More Answers

1. Uranus was discovered in 1781 by astronomer William Herschel. 2. 34.3 Earth years 3. Uranus is the coldest, emitting less heat than it receives from the Sun. 4. The atmosphere absorbs the red wavelengths, leaving a blue-green color that is reflected back for us to see. 5. Uranus is made of ices of water, ammonia, and methane unlike Saturn and Jupiter, which consist mostly of hydrogen with some helium. 6. The axis is tilted at 98 degrees to the Sun’s orbital plane. 7. In 1977, Uranus was about to pass in front of a star. A team of astronomers observed that the star disappeared from view several times, blinking on and off, before and after Uranus eclipsed the star. They concluded that this was due to the star passing behind rings belonging to the planet. 8. 13 rings

55 1.13. Uranus


1. Why is Uranus an icy blue color? 2. How did Uranus come to be tilted on its side? 3. How are the rings of Uranus oriented?

Review Answers

1. Methane absorbs the red wavelengths of light; the bands of clouds are hard to see in normal light so they appear a solid blue. 2. Scientists believe that a large body like a planet struck Uranus and knocked it on its side billions of years ago. 3. The rings are perpendicular to the planet’s orbit.

56 Chapter 1. The Solar System

1.14 Neptune

• Describe the characteristics of Neptune.

Does this photo give you an idea of how Neptune got its name? Because of its blue color, Neptune was named for the Roman god of the sea. The blue is not a planetary ocean though!


Neptune ( Figure 1.31) is the eighth planet from the Sun. Neptune is so far away you need a telescope to see it from Earth. Neptune is the most distant planet in our solar system. It is nearly 4.5 billion kilometers (2.8 billion miles) from the Sun. One orbit around the Sun takes Neptune 165 Earth years.


Scientists guessed Neptune’s existence before it was discovered. Uranus did not always appear exactly where it should. They said this was because a planet beyond Uranus was pulling on it. This gravitational pull was affecting its orbit. Neptune was discovered in 1846. It was just where scientists predicted it would be!

57 1.14. Neptune

FIGURE 1.31 Neptune has a at the center left and a small dark spot at the bottom center.

Uranus and Neptune are often considered “sister planets.” They are very similar to each other. Neptune has slightly more mass than Uranus, but it is slightly smaller in size.

Extremes of Cold and Wind

Like Uranus, Neptune is blue. The blue color is caused by gases in its atmosphere, including methane. Neptune is not a smooth looking ball like Uranus. The planet has a few darker and lighter spots. When Voyager 2 visited Neptune in 1986, there was a large dark-blue spot south of the equator. This spot was called the Great Dark Spot. When the Hubble Space Telescope photographed Neptune in 1994, the Great Dark Spot had disappeared. Another dark spot had appeared north of the equator. Astronomers believe that both of these spots represent gaps in the methane clouds on Neptune. Neptune’s appearance changes due to its turbulent atmosphere. Winds are stronger than on any other planet in the solar system. Wind speeds can reach 1,100 km/h (700 mph). This is close to the speed of sound! The rapid winds surprised astronomers. This is because Neptune receives little energy from the Sun to power weather systems. It is not surprising that Neptune is one of the coldest places in the solar system. Temperatures at the top of the clouds are about –218°C (–360°F).

Neptune’s Rings and Moons

Like the other outer planets, Neptune has rings of ice and dust. These rings are much thinner and fainter than Saturn’s. Neptune’s rings may be unstable. They may change or disappear in a relatively short time. Neptune has 13 known moons. Only ( Figure 1.32) has enough mass to be round. Triton orbits in the direction opposite Neptune’s orbit. Scientists think Triton did not form around Neptune. The satellite was captured by Neptune’s gravity as it passed by.

FIGURE 1.32 Neptune’s moon, Triton.

58 Chapter 1. The Solar System


• Neptune: The eighth and final planet; a blue gas giant.


• Neptune is so far from Earth that it can’t be seen without a telescope. • Neptune has a turbulent atmosphere. The turbulence changes the planet’s appearance. The blue color is due to frozen methane. • Neptune has 13 moons, including Triton. Triton orbits in the opposite direction from Neptune.

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• The Planet Neptune at (8:50)

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1. Explain how Neptune was discovered. 2. How many moons does Neptune have? 3. Why is Triton unique? 4. How cold is Neptune at the surface of its clouds? 5. Explain why Neptune is blue in color. 6. How long does each season last on Neptune? 7. What is the Great Dark Spot? 8. What causes the wind storms on Neptune? 9. What happened to the Great Dark Spot? 10. How many rings does Neptune have?

Explore More Answers

1. Neptune was calculated to exist because of its effect on the orbit of Uranus. It was first seen through a telescope in 1846. 2. 13 moons 3. Triton is the only moon in the solar system with retrograde motion. 4. 55 K or -218°C 5. Methane in the atmosphere absorbs the red light so the reflected sunlight only shows blue and green. 6. It takes 165 years for Neptune to orbit the Sun so each season is more than 40 years long. 7. a large storm 8. The difference in temperature between the extremely hot core and the extremely cold clouds. 9. It disappeared! 10. Neptune has five faint rings.

59 1.14. Neptune


1. How was Neptune discovered? 2. Why is the wind so fast? Why are the tops of the clouds so cold? 3. What is the origin of Neptune’s moon Triton?

Review Answers

1. Uranus moved differently than expected, so scientists thought it might be under the influence of another planet’s gravity. They predicted where that planet would be and that’s where Neptune was! 2. The winds are caused by the difference in temperature between the super hot interior and the super cold clouds. The clouds are so cold because Neptune is very, very far from the Sun. 3. Triton was captured by Neptune’s gravity.

60 Chapter 1. The Solar System

1.15 Exoplanets

• Define exoplanet. • Explain how scientists locate exoplanets.

Are you surprised by exoplanets? Scientists have always thought there had to be planets outside our solar system. They just couldn’t see them. Now that there are ways to find exoplanets, it turns out that there are many of them. In this artist’s depiction, the star Gliese 436 is a dwarf star and is reddish because it is cool. The planet has recently been discovered. It is the size of Neptune and orbits its star every 2.6 days.

Extrasolar Planets

Since the early 1990s, astronomers have discovered other solar systems. A solar system has one or more planets orbiting one or more stars. We call these planets “extrasolar planets,” or exoplanets. They are called exoplanets because they orbit a star other than the Sun. As of April 2014, more than 4,600 exoplanets have been found, with 1706 confirmed. The rate of discovery is increasing rapidly! You can check out how many we have found at http://p Exoplanets are very far away, and they are relatively tiny. So we have been able to take pictures of only a few exoplanets. Most are discovered because of some tell-tale signs. One sign is a very slight motion of a star that must be caused by the pull of a planet. An animation showing how this looks is seen here from above: 59/Orbit3.gif . This is in line with the plane of the system: Another sign is the partial dimming of a star’s light as the planet passes in front of it.

61 1.15. Exoplanets

FIGURE 1.33 This in the Orion neb- ula will condense to form planets.


If life exists elsewhere in the , it is almost certainly on an exoplanet. Which exoplanets could have life? Probably those that are most like Earth. Kepler-22b is the Earth-zone of a Sun-like star. This means that the planet is the right distance from its star for life. The planet could have liquid water, which is necessary for life on Earth. Scientists do not know if there is life on Kepler-22b and won’t for a long time. It’s fun to think about though! An artist’s depiction of Kepler-22b is pictured below ( Figure 1.34).

FIGURE 1.34 Keppler-22b. Could there be life here?

Extrasolar Planet from the ESA discusses extrasolar planets and particularly a very similar to our solar system: (3:29).

62 Chapter 1. The Solar System

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An introduction to extrasolar planets from NASA is available at: vQ (3:14).

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According to NASA, a statistical analysis shows that the galaxy contains 100 million planets. That’s a lot of exoplanets!

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• exoplanet: Short for extrasolar planet; a planet that exists in a solar system different from our own.


• Now that scientists know how to identify extrasolar planets, the numbers of confirmed examples are increasing rapidly. • If there is life elsewhere in the Universe, it is most likely on an Earth-like exoplanet. • The gravitational pull of a planet may be detected in the slight motion of a star.

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• The Planet Hunters at (10:37)

63 1.15. Exoplanets

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1. What are exoplanets? 2. When was the first exoplanet discovered? 3. When this video was made, there were 250 known exoplanets. Now, more than a thousand have been discovered. What does that tell you about exoplanet research? 4. Why is finding exoplanets difficult? 5. What is used to find exoplanets? 6. Which type of planets are the easiest to find? 7. What is a transit? What does it look like when an exoplanet transits its star far from us? 8. What can scientists learn from a transit? 9. What type of planets do scientists most want to find? 10. Explain the habitable zone. 11. Kepler has completed its mission and it has gathered years worth of data for analysis. What was Kepler’s mission? 12. How long would it take to visit the nearest exoplanet?

Explore More Answers

1. Exoplanets are planets that are not in our solar system; they orbit a star that is not our own Sun. 2. 1995 3. The technology for conducting exoplanet research has been improving rapidly. It has been a hot topic in the community. 4. Exoplanets are very small and they can get lost in the glare of their star. 5. Gravity is the key. The planet tugs on its star, causing it to wobble a bit. If a star is wobbling, we can conclude that something is orbiting it. 6. Larger planets cause larger gravitational shifts in their stars, so they are easier to identify. 7. A transit occurs when a planet moves in front of its star. There is a change in the visible light so that it dims a bit. 8. This can be used to calculate the planet’s size, orbit, and density. 9. They want to find Earth-like planets that may harbor life. 10. In the habitable zone, water is stable in a liquid state. 11. Kepler’s mission was to look for Earth-like planets. It could look at 10,000 transits at a time. 12. Visiting the nearest exoplanet would take thousands of years.


1. What is an exoplanet? 2. Where are exoplanets located? 3. Why are exoplanets interesting to scientists? What are they looking for?

Review Answers

1. An exoplanet is a planet that exists outside our solar system.

64 Chapter 1. The Solar System

2. They are found around distant stars. 3. Exoplanets are the most likely hosts of life beyond Earth. Scientists are interested in looking for signs of life.

65 1.16. Asteroids

1.16 Asteroids

• Describe asteroids and the asteroid belt. • Explain what effects asteroids may have on Earth and other planets.

Is this rock an asteroid? This rock is somewhat round. It is called asteroid Vesta, but it may actually be a protoplanet: too round to be an asteroid, not round enough to be a . This image was taken of Vesta as a spacecraft orbited it for a year. Scientists are interested in asteroids for many reasons. They are remnants from the early solar system. Asteroids sometimes cause mass extinctions.


After the Sun and planets formed, there was some material left over. These small chunks didn’t get close enough to a large body to be pulled in by its gravity. They now inhabit the solar system as asteroids and comets. Asteroids ( Figure 1.35) are very small, irregularly shaped, rocky bodies. Asteroids orbit the Sun, but they are more like giant rocks than planets. Since they are small, they have features that are different from planets. Asteroids do

66 Chapter 1. The Solar System not have enough gravity to become round. They are too small to have an atmosphere. With no internal heat, they are not geologically active. An asteroid can only change due to a collision. A collision may cause the asteroid to break up. It may create craters on the asteroid’s surface. An asteroid may strike a planet if it comes near enough to be pulled in by its gravity.

FIGURE 1.35 Asteroid Ida with its tiny moon Dactyl. The asteroid’s mean radius is 15.7 km.

The Asteroid Belt

Hundreds of thousands of asteroids have been found in our solar system. They are still being discovered at a rate of about 5,000 new asteroids per month! The majority are located in between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. This region is called the asteroid belt ( Figure 1.36). There are many thousands of asteroids in the asteroid belt. Still, their total mass adds up to only about four percent of Earth’s Moon. Asteroids formed at the same time as the rest of the solar system. Although there are many in the asteroid belt, they were never able to form into a planet. Jupiter’s gravity kept them apart.

FIGURE 1.36 The asteroid belt is between Mars and Jupiter.

67 1.16. Asteroids

Near-Earth Asteroids

Near-Earth asteroids have orbits that cross Earth’s orbit. This means that they can collide with Earth. There are over 4,500 known near-Earth asteroids. Small asteroids do sometimes collide with Earth. An asteroid about 5–10 m in diameter hits about once per year. Five hundred to a thousand of the known near-Earth asteroids are much bigger. They are over 1 kilometer in diameter. When large asteroids hit Earth in the past, many organisms died. At times, many species became extinct in a mass extinction. Astronomers keep looking for near-Earth asteroids. They hope to predict a possible collision early so they can to try to stop it.

Asteroid Missions

Scientists are very interested in asteroids. Most are composed of material that has not changed since early in the solar system. Scientists can learn a lot from them about how the solar system formed. Asteroids may be important for space travel. They could be mined for rare minerals or for construction projects in space. Scientists have sent spacecrafts to study asteroids. In 1997, the NEAR Shoemaker probe orbited the asteroid 433 Eros. The craft finally landed on its surface in 2001. The Japanese Hayabusa probe returned to Earth with samples of a small near-Earth asteroid in 2010. The U.S. Dawn mission spent a year in orbit around Vesta ending in August 2012.

KQED: Asteroid Hunters

Thousands of objects, including comets and asteroids, are zooming around our solar system; some could be on a collision course with Earth. QUEST explores how these Near Earth Objects are being tracked and what scientists are saying should be done to prevent a deadly impact. Learn more at: -hunters/.

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• asteroid: Rocky objects larger than a few hundred meters that orbit the Sun. • asteroid belt: Region between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter where many asteroids are found. • near-Earth asteroid: Asteroids that orbit relatively close to Earth.


• Asteroids are small rocky bodies that orbit the Sun. • Most asteroids reside in the asteroid belt, between Mars and Jupiter. • Near-Earth asteroids are the ones most likely to strike Earth.

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68 Chapter 1. The Solar System

• Asteroids at (1:32)

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1. What percentage of near-Earth asteroids have been identified? What size? 2. Why is this identification important? 3. How many asteroids larger than 100 m are there, according to the new model? 4. How many asteroids larger than 100 m still need to be found? 5. Why is the infrared telescope better than a visible telescope at identifying near-Earth asteroids?

Explore More Answers

1. 93% of near-Earth asteroids that are larger than 1 km have been identified. 2. There were fewer asteroids larger than 100 m than scientists had previously thought. 3. 20,500 4. 15,000 5. A visible telescope will have trouble distinguishing between objects that are small but very reflective and objects that are large but dark. An infrared telescope can tell the difference so that scientists can more accurately identify asteroids’ true numbers, sizes, and reflectivities.


1. What is the reason there is a belt of asteroids between Mars and Jupiter? 2. Why do scientists look for asteroids that might strike our planet? 3. What do scientists learn from missions to asteroids?

Review Answers

1. Jupiter’s gravity kept the debris in that part of space from being able to come together to form another planet. 2. Ask the dinosaurs! Asteroid impacts have caused extinctions in Earth’s history. It’s possible that if we spotted a threat early enough, we could stop it. 3. Asteroids reveal a lot about how the solar system formed since they have not changed in all that time.

69 1.17. Comets

1.17 Comets

• Describe the characteristics of comets. • Explain where comets come from.

Is this comet going to hit? Astronauts on board the International witness incredible things. This photo of Comet Lovejoy was taken in December 2011. Although it looks like its going to strike Earth, it was not even visible from our planet by the naked eye. The comet is now traveling far out into space.


Comets are small, icy objects that have very elliptical orbits around the Sun. Their orbits carry them from the outer solar system to the inner solar system, close to the Sun. Early in Earth’s history, comets may have brought water and other substances to Earth during collisions. Comet tails form as the comet flies close to the Sun and the outer layers of ice melt and form a glowing coma. Particles streaming from the Sun push this gas and dust into a long tail. The tail always points away from the Sun. The coma is bright because it reflects light from the Sun ( Figure 1.37). Comets appear for only a short time when they are near the Sun. They seem to disappear as they move back to the outer solar system.

70 Chapter 1. The Solar System

FIGURE 1.37 Comet Hale-Bopp, also called the Great Comet of 1997. The comet has two visible tails: a bright, curved dust tail and a fainter, straight tail of ions (charged atoms) pointing directly away from the Sun.

The time between one appearance of a comet and the next is called the comet’s period. Halley’s comet, with a period of 75 years, will next be seen in 2061. The first mention of the comet in historical records may go back as much as two millennia.

Where Comets Come From

Short-period comets have periods of about 200 years or less. These comets come from a region beyond the orbit of Neptune called the Kuiper belt (pronounced “KI-per”). The Kuiper belt also contains asteroids and at least two dwarf planets. Comets with periods as long as thousands or even millions of years come from a very distant region of the solar system. This region is called the Oort cloud. It is about 50,000-100,000 AU from the Sun (50,000–100,000 times the distance from the Sun to Earth).


• comet: Small, icy, dusty object with a bright tail in orbit around the Sun. • Kuiper belt: Region beyond the orbit of Neptune that contains millions of frozen objects.


• Comets are icy objects that have very elliptical orbits around the Sun. • Comet tails form as ice vaporizes and glows in the Sun’s light. • Short-period comets come from the Kuiper belt beyond Neptune, and long-period comets come from the Oort cloud far out away from the Sun.

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• What Is a Comet? at (4:28)

71 1.17. Comets

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1. What are comets called that describes them well? 2. During what time did comes form? 3. Where are most comets found? Where is that? 4. What is the composition of comets? 5. What happens to comets as they approach the Sun? 6. When was Halley’s comet last seen? 7. How are comets named? 8. Which direction does a comet point relative to the Sun and why? 9. Can we expect a comet some day to impact Earth?

Explore More Answers

1. dirty snowballs 2. They are left over from the time of the formation of stars and planets. 3. Most comets are found in the Oort cloud, which is out beyond the orbit of Pluto at the edge of the Sun’s gravitational pull. 4. Comets are made of chunks of gas, rock and ice. 5. The Sun begins to warm the comet and the gases start to evaporate. As they become warmer they evaporate more and a tail of gas and dust grows behind them. 6. 1986 7. The person who discovered it. 8. It always points away from the Sun because of the solar wind. 9. It may have been a comet that caused the dinosaur extinction and that could happen again.


1. Why do comets only have tails when they are near the Sun? 2. Where is the Kuiper belt, and what is found in it? 3. Why do most comets appear in regular, predictable time periods? 4. Where do long-period comets come from?

Review Answers

1. The Sun warms the outer layers of the comet and melts the ice. The solar wind pushes the dust and gas from the comet into a long glowing tail. 2. The Kuiper belt is where short period comets come from. Asteroids and two dwarf plants are found there. This is also called the asteroid belt and is found between Mars and Jupiter. 3. They have orbits, just like planets. 4. The Oort cloud.

72 Chapter 1. The Solar System

1.18 Meteors

• Define and describe meteors, meteoroids, and meteorites. • Explain what makes a meteor shower.

Is this a comet? When a meteor shoots through the atmosphere, it burns and glows. When we look up and see one, we call it a shooting star. In this image, the meteor looks like a comet. No need to go anywhere to see this. Just try to catch one of these meteor showers: the Perseids in mid-August or the Geminids in mid-December. Look for information on the dates and whether the Moon will not be lighting up the sky.


If you look at the sky on a dark night, you may see a meteor ( Figure 1.38). A meteor forms a streak of light across the sky. People call them shooting stars because that’s what they look like. But meteors are not stars at all. The light you see comes from a small piece of matter burning up as it flies through Earth’s atmosphere.


Before these small pieces of matter enter Earth’s atmosphere, they are called meteoroids. Meteoroids are as large as boulders or as small as tiny sand grains. Larger objects are called asteroids; smaller objects are interplanetary dust. Meteoroids sometimes cluster together in long trails. They are the debris left behind by comets. When Earth passes through a comet trail, there is a meteor shower. During a meteor shower, there are many more meteors than normal for a night or two.

73 1.18. Meteors

FIGURE 1.38 Meteors burning up as they fall through Earth’s atmosphere.


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A meteoroid is dragged toward Earth by gravity and enters the atmosphere. Friction with the atmosphere heats the object quickly, so it starts to vaporize. As it flies through the atmosphere, it leaves a trail of glowing gases. The object is now a meteor. Most meteors vaporize in the atmosphere. They never reach Earth’s surface. Large meteoroids may not burn up entirely in the atmosphere. A small core may remain and hit Earth’s surface. This is called a meteorite. Meteorites provide clues about our solar system. Many were formed in the early solar system ( Figure 1.39). Some are from asteroids that have split apart. A few are rocks from nearby bodies like Mars. For this to happen, an asteroid smashed into Mars and sent up debris. A bit of the debris entered Earth’s atmosphere as a meteor.

FIGURE 1.39 The Mars Rover, Opportunity, found a metal meteorite on the Red Planet.


• meteor: Material from that burns up as it enters Earth’s atmosphere. • meteor shower: Time of frequent meteors. • meteorite: Meteors that strike Earth. • meteoroid: Small rock in interplanetary space that has not yet entered Earth’s atmosphere.

74 Chapter 1. The Solar System


• A meteor that strikes Earth’s surface is a meteorite. • Many meteorites are remnants of the earliest material that formed in the solar system. • Shooting stars are meteors that burn up in Earth’s atmosphere.

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Use the resources below to answer the questions that follow.

• What Is a Meteor? at (3:27)

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1. What are meteoroids? 2. What are meteors? 3. What happens to most meteors in the atmosphere? 4. What is a fireball? 5. What are meteorites? 6. Explain the difference between sporadic meteors and meteor showers. 7. What causes meteor showers? 8. When does the Perseid meteor shower occur and why?

Explore More Answers

1. Meteoroids are the billions of pieces of tiny rocks that fly around the solar system from tiny dust to huge mountain-sized rocks. 2. Meteors collide with Earth’s upper atmosphere. 3. Most meteors burn up in the atmosphere. 4. A very bright meteor, sometimes even bright enough to be seen in the daytime, is a fireball. 5. Meteorites are meteors that make it to the ground. 6. Sporadic meteors are individual rocks that enter the atmosphere. They come from random directions. Meteor showers are an event when Earth travels through a concentrated patch of debris. They come from the same direction and there may be hundreds or thousands of them. 7. Meteor showers are caused by debris left from a comet’s tail that Earth passes through. 8. The Perseids occur in August when Earth travels through the debris from the comet Swift-Tuttle.


1. Compare and contrast meteoroid, meteor, and meteorite. 2. What are meteorites important to scientists? 3. Why are meteors known as shooting stars?

75 1.18. Meteors

Review Answers

1. A meteoroid is a small rock floating around the solar system. A meteoroid becomes a meteor if it enters the Earth’s atmosphere, usually to burn up. A meteorite is any meteor that makes it all the way to Earth’s surface. 2. Meteorites bring pieces of the solar system to Earth. Some represent the early solar system, some represent the interior of planets, and some may come from the Moon or Mars. 3. As they burn up in the atmosphere, meteors produce a streak of light that resembles a "star" shooting through the sky.

76 Chapter 1. The Solar System

1.19 Dwarf Planets

• Describe the characteristics of dwarf planets. • Compare and contrast planets and dwarf planets.

What is, and what is not, a planet? Pluto just didn’t fit the criteria for a planet, so it was placed in a new category with others of its kind, dwarf planets. So what is a planet, and what is Pluto?

What is a Planet?

In 2006, the International Astronomical Union decided that there were too many questions surrounding what could be called a planet, and so refined the definition of a planet. According to the new definition, a planet must:

• Orbit a star. • Be big enough that its own gravity causes it to be shaped as a sphere. • Be small enough that it isn’t a star itself. • Have cleared the area of its orbit of smaller objects.

77 1.19. Dwarf Planets

Dwarf Planets

The dwarf planets of our solar system are exciting proof of how much we are learning about our solar system. With the discovery of many new objects in our solar system, astronomers refined the definition of a dwarf planet in 2006. According to the IAU, a dwarf planet must:

• Orbit a star. • Have enough mass to be nearly spherical. • Not have cleared the area around its orbit of smaller objects. • Not be a moon.

So dwarf planets are like planets except for one thing. They have not cleared their orbits of smaller objects. They do not have enough gravity to do this. There are five recognized dwarf planets in the solar system: Ceres, Pluto, Makemake, Haumea, and Eris.


The reclassification of Pluto to the new category dwarf planet stirred up a great deal of controversy. How the classification of Pluto has evolved is an interesting story in science. From the time it was discovered in 1930 until the early 2000s, Pluto was considered the ninth planet. When astronomers first located Pluto, the telescopes were not as good. Pluto and its moon, , were seen as one much larger object ( Figure 1.40). With better telescopes, astronomers realized that Pluto was much smaller than they had thought.

FIGURE 1.40 Pluto and its moon, Charon, are actually two objects.

Better technology also allowed astronomers to discover many smaller objects like Pluto that orbit the Sun. One of them, Eris, discovered in 2005, is even larger than Pluto. Pluto was different in other ways. The outer planets are all gas giants. Pluto is small, icy, and rocky. Pluto has a diameter of about 2,400 km. It has only about one-fifth the mass of Earth’s Moon. Pluto’s orbit is tilted relative to the other planets. It’s orbit is shaped like a long, narrow ellipse. Pluto’s orbit sometimes even passes inside Neptune’s orbit. Pluto’s orbit is in the Kuiper belt. With more than 200 million Kuiper belt objects, Pluto has failed the test of clearing other bodies out of its orbit. From what you’ve read above, do you think Pluto should be called a planet? Why are people hesitant to take away Pluto’s planetary status? Is Pluto a dwarf planet? A video showing why Pluto isn’t a planet any more:

78 Chapter 1. The Solar System

Pluto has three moons of its own. The largest, Charon, is big compared to Pluto. The Pluto-Charon system is sometimes called a double dwarf planet ( Figure 1.40). Two smaller moons, and , were discovered in 2005. Pluto and the other dwarf planets, besides Ceres, are found orbiting out beyond Neptune.


Ceres ( Figure 1.41) is a rocky body that orbits the Sun. It could be an asteroid or a planet. Before 2006, Ceres was thought to be the largest asteroid. Is it an asteroid? Ceres is in the asteroid belt. But it is by far the largest object in the belt. Ceres has such high gravity that it is spherical. Is Ceres a planet? Ceres only has about 1.3% of the mass of the Earth’s Moon. Its orbit is full of other smaller bodies. Its gravity was not high enough to clear its orbit. Ceres fails the fourth criterion for being a planet. Ceres is now considered a dwarf planet, the closest to the Sun.

FIGURE 1.41 Ceres is a large spherical object in the asteroid belt.


Haumea was named a dwarf planet in 2008. It is an unusual dwarf planet. The body is shaped like an oval! Haumea’s longest axis is about the same as Pluto’s diameter. Its shortest axis is about half as long. The body’s orbit is tilted 28 degrees. Haumea is so far from the Sun that it takes 283 years to make one orbit ( Figure 1.42).

FIGURE 1.42 An artist’s drawing of what Haumea and its moons might look like. The moons are drawn closer to Haumea than their actual orbits.

Haumea is the third-brightest Kuiper belt object. Haumea has two moons. Haumea’s odd oval shape is probably caused by its extremely rapid rotation. It rotates in just less than 4 hours! Like other Kuiper belt objects, Haumea is covered by ice. Its density is similar to Earth’s Moon, at 2.6 –3.3 g/cm3. This means that most of Haumea is rocky. Haumea is part of a collisional family. This is a group of astronomical objects that formed from an impact. This family has Haumea, its two moons, and five more objects. All of these objects are thought to have formed from a collision very early in the formation of the solar system.

79 1.19. Dwarf Planets


Makemake is the third-largest and second-brightest dwarf planet we have discovered so far ( Figure 1.43). Make- make is only 75 percent the size of Pluto. Its diameter is between 1300 and 1900 kilometers. The name comes from the mythology of the Eastern Islanders. Makemake was the god that created humanity. At a distance between 38.5 to 53 AU, this dwarf planet orbits the Sun in 310 years. Makemake is made of methane, ethane, and nitrogen ices.

FIGURE 1.43 Makemake is a dwarf planet.


FIGURE 1.44 Eris is the largest known dwarf planet, but it’s so far from the Sun that it wasn’t discovered until 2005.

Eris is the largest known dwarf planet in the solar system. It is 27 percent larger than Pluto ( Figure 1.44). Like Pluto and Makemake, Eris is in the Kuiper belt. But Eris is about three times farther from the Sun than Pluto. Because of its distance, Eris was not discovered until 2005. Early on, it was thought that Eris might be the tenth planet. Its discovery helped astronomers realize that they needed a new definition of “planet.” Eris has a small moon that orbits Eris once about every 16 days. Astronomers know there may be other dwarf planets far out in the solar system. Look for Quaoar, Varuna, and Orcus to possibly be added to the list of dwarf planets in the future. We still have a lot to discover and explore!


• dwarf planet: Planet-like object that has not cleared its orbit of other objects.


• There are currently five dwarf planets in our solar system: Pluto, Eris, Haumea, Makemake, and Ceres. • Most dwarf planets are similar to planets, except that they haven’t cleared their space of debris. • Pluto was thought to be larger than it is because its large moon made the dwarf planet look bigger than it is.

80 Chapter 1. The Solar System

Explore More

Use the resource below to answer the questions that follow.

• The Dwarf Planet Pluto at (5:46)

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1. Who discovered Pluto? When? 2. When was Pluto demoted to a dwarf planet? 3. What is Pluto’s diameter compared to Earth’s? 4. Why don’t scientists know much about Pluto? 5. What is odd about Pluto’s orbit? 6. What are the names of some of Pluto’s moons? 7. Why is the Pluto-Charon system different from the Earth-Moon system? (In other words, why is Earth a planet and Moon a satellite, but Pluto-Charon are more like a double planet or double dwarf planet?) 8. What spacecraft is on its way to Pluto? When will it get there?

Explore More Answers

1. Clyde Tombaugh discovered Pluto in 1930. 2. Pluto lost planetary status in 2006. 3. Pluto’s diameter is about one-fifth of Earth’s. 4. It is difficult to study Pluto as it is very, very far away as well as very small. 5. Pluto’s orbit is highly elliptical, which sometimes brings it closer than Neptune, while other times it is farther. 6. Pluto’s moons include Charon, Nix, and Hydra. 7. Both sets of bodies orbit a common point, but in the Earth-Moon system that point is within Earth, but in the Pluto-Charon system that point is located in between the two. 8. NASA’s New Horizons was launched in 2005 and will arrive at Pluto in 2015.


1. Why isn’t Pluto still a planet? Why do some people still insist that it is? 2. Why did people think that Pluto was a planet in the decades after its discovery? 3. What are the characteristics of the other dwarf planets that have been recognized?

Review Answers

1. Pluto lost planetary status because it hasn’t cleared its region of space of debris. It is also very small, has a highly elliptical orbit, and is very different from the other outer planets. People are used to it being a planet so they still say it is. 2. In earlier telescopes, Pluto and Charon were not distinguishable from each other, so Pluto appeared much larger than it is. It turns out to be a double dwarf planet.

81 1.19. Dwarf Planets

3. Dwarf planets are like planets (they orbit a star, have enough mass to be nearly spherical, and are not moons), but unlike planets they have not managed to clear their regions of space of debris.


At the center of the solar system is our star, the Sun. The Sun gets its power from the fusion of hydrogen and helium. The Sun has no solid parts, but it has layers. Much of what the Sun is made of is plasma. The Sun’s surface features, like sunspots, can affect Earth. Eight planets orbit the Sun. The four nearest the Sun are small, dense, and rocky. The four farthest from the Sun are large and gaseous. Mercury is the smallest planet. It is closest to the Sun so it is extremely hot. Venus has a thick, atmosphere with a lot of carbon dioxide. The carbon dioxide gives the planet a large greenhouse effect so it is very hot. Earth, the third rock from the Sun, is the only one of the inner planets with a large moon. The Moon is the only body in the Universe, besides Earth, where humans have walked. The red planet, Mars, is the most Earth-like. The planet has volcanoes, channels where water once flowed and an enormous canyon. The four gas planets are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. They are made of hydrogen, helium, and some methane and other gases. All have rings and moons. The solar system also includes at least five dwarf planets. After decades as a planet, Pluto was recently made a dwarf planet. There are also asteroids, and comets. An object that strikes Earth is a meteorite. Increasing numbers of planets are now being found in other solar systems.

82 Chapter 1. The Solar System

1.20 References

1. Courtesy of NASA. . Public Domain 2. Courtesy of Steele Hill/SOHO (ESA NASA). The layers of the Sun. Public Domain 3. Courtesy of NASA. Layers of the Sun. Public Domain 4. Courtesy of Hinode JAXA/NASA. The chromosphere of the Sun. Public Domain 5. Courtesy of NASA. The Sun’s corona during a total solar eclipse. Public Domain 6. Courtesy of SOHO (ESA NASA). Sunspots on the Sun. Public Domain 7. Courtesy of NASA/SDO. Picture of a solar flare. CC BY 2.0 8. User:Farry/Wikimedia Commons with images courtesy of NASA. The relative sizes of the Sun and planets in the Solar System. Public Domain 9. User:Holek/Wikimedia Commons, NASA/JPL-Caltech/R. Hurt. The relative sizes of the orbits of planets in the solar system. Public Domain 10. User:Brian0918/Wikipedia, using images courtesy of NASA. The relative sizes of Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars. Public Domain 11. User:Urhixidur/Wikipedia, using images from NSSDC. The relative sizes of the Sun, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. Public Domain 12. Courtesy NASA/JPL. The surface of Mercury is covered with craters, like Earth’s Moon. Public Domain 13. User:Lmb/Es.Wikipedia. Mercury is one of the most dense planets, with a very large core. Public Domain 14. Courtesy JPL/Galileo Spacecraft, NASA. A real color image of Venus, which is covered by a thick layer of clouds. Public Domain 15. Courtesy NASA/JPL. Radar image of the Maat Mons volcano on Venus with lava beds in the foreground. Public Domain 16. Bernt Rostad. Venus and the moon in the night sky. CC BY 2.0 17. Courtesy of NASA. Craters on the surface of the moon. Public Domain 18. Courtesy of NASA. Maria and terrae cover the Moon. Public Domain 19. Courtesy of US Geological Survey/Arizona State University. The near and far side of the Moon. Public Domain 20. Courtesy of NASA/JPL/MSSS. Surface features of Mars. Public Domain 21. Courtesy of NASA, retouched by User:Seddon/Wikimedia Commons. Picture of Olympus Mons. Public Domain 22. Courtesy of NASA/JPL. The largest canyon in the solar system, Valles Marineris. Public Domain 23. Courtesy of NASA/JPL-Caltech/University of Arizona. Phobos, one of Mars’ moons. Public Domain 24. Courtesy NASA. The Great Red Spot on Jupiter. Public Domain 25. Courtesy NASA/JPL-Caltech. Picture of the Galilean moons, Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto. Public Domain 26. Courtesy NASA/JPL/Space Science Institute. Picture of Saturn. Public Domain 27. Courtesy NASA/JPL. Image of Saturn’s rings. Public Domain 28. User:Urhixidur/Wikimedia Commons, using images courtesy of NASA/JPL-Caltech. Image of Titan, one of Saturn’s moon, next to Earth. Public Domain 29. Courtesy NASA/JPL/STScI. The sideways rings of Uranus. Public Domain 30. User:Vzb83/Wikimedia Commons, using images courtesy of NASA/NASA’s Voyager 2. The five biggest moons of Uranus: Miranda, Ariel, Umbriel, Titania, and Oberon. Public Domain 31. Courtesy NASA/Voyager 2 Team. The great dark spot of Neptune. Public Domain 32. Courtesy NASA/JPL/USGS. Picture of Triton, Neptune’s largest moon. Public Domain 33. Courtesy of NASA/ESA/L. Ricci (ESO). This protoplanetary disk in the Orion nebula will condense to form planets. CC BY 3.0

83 1.20. References

34. Courtesy of NASA/Ames/JPL-Caltech 2012. The exoplanet Kepler-22b. Public Domain 35. Courtesy of NASA/JPL, modified by Chzz. Picture of the asteroid Ida. Public Domain 36. User:Mizusumashi/Wikimedia Commons and User:Autiwa/Wikimedia Commons. Location of the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. Public Domain 37. Flickr:sungod17. Comet Hale-Bopp, also called the Great Comet of 1997. CC BY 2.0 38. Jared Tennant. Meteors burning up as they fall through Earth’s atmosphere. CC BY 2.0 39. Courtesy of NASA/JPL/Cornell. The Mars Rover, Opportunity, found a metal meteorite on the Red Planet. Public Domain 40. Courtesy of H Weaver (JHU/APL), A Stern (SwRI), and the HST Pluto Companion Search Team. Pluto and its moon, Charon, are actually two objects. Public Domain 41. Courtesy of Dumas C et. al, NASA/JPL. Ceres is a large spherical object in the asteroid belt. Public Domain 42. Courtesy of Ann Feild (Space Telescope Science Institute), NASA. Drawing of the dwarf planet Haumea and its moons. Public Domain 43. Courtesy of Ann Feild (Space Telescope Science Institute), NASA. Drawing of the dwarf planet Makemake. Public Domain 44. Courtesy of NASA/JPL-Caltech. Drawing of the largest known dwarf planet Eris. Public Domain