The Inventory of the Boston City Hospital School of Nursing
The Inventory of the Boston City Hospital School of Nursing Collection #N98 Howard Gotlieb Archival Research Center ,/ Boston City Hospital Training School for Nurses Deposit 1976 N98 I. STUDENT RECORDS (with Date of Entry; Date of Completion/Withdrawal) Boxl Date of Date of diploma Entrance completion w/d. Folderl Aanrud, Maria Josephine 1881 1883 25 April 1862 - Lillehammer, Norway Abate, Mrs Catherine Ann Patricia (McEwan) 1952 1955 1 Aug. 1934 - 9 June 1960 Boston Abbott, Mary Ellen Brown 1901 21 Dec. 1867 Worcester, Vermont Folder 2 Abercrombie, Mary Langlands 1897 1898 5 Nov. 1870 St. Helens, Lancashire, England Ackerman, Ruth Mildred 1898 1900 14 Aug. 1974 Ricton, Ontario, CANADA Adam, Elizabeth Isabel 1910 1913 9 Nov. 1880 Malden, Mass Folder 3 Adams, Elizabeth Josephine 1915 1919 30 Jan. 1892 Jaffrey, New Hampshire Adams,Mrs. Anne See Dickson Adams, Ruthett 1885 1887 17 June 1884 W. Brookfield, Massachusetts Adams, Lucy Diana 1907 1910 10 Sept. 1886 Redfield, NY Folder 4 Adamson, Mildred Melissa 1911 1914 20 Aug. 1888 Woburn,MA Adamson, Agnes MacFarland 1913 1914 7 March 1884 Leith, Scotland Ahn, Mary Winifred 1901 1903 8 April 1876 Birmingham, England Folder 5 Ainsworth, Libbie Sophia 1884 1886 24 Jan. 1863 Waitsfield, VT Aldred, Edith Henrietta 1901 1903 9Nov. 1873 Lawrence, Massachusetts Alexander, Lila Maria 1886 1889 28 Jan. 1863 Hamond, Kings Co., New Brunswick, Canada Allan, Edith Marion 1904 1906 10 July 1881 Dennysville, Maine :Folder 6 Allan, Vera Agnes 1912 1915 20 May 1891 Hillsdale, Ontario, Canada Allen, Elizabeth Robinson 1886 1889 28 May 1878 Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada Allen, Ella Maria 1892 1894 14 March 1867 Windsor, Nova Scotia, Canada Allen, Ellen Minot 1897 1889 4 June 1870 London, England Almond, Sarah 1913 1915 29 Jan 1886 Bolton, England Folder 7 Andrews, Eleanor Josephine 1921 1924 24 Oct.
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